Name: Lucas Ryder Age: 16 Magic: Crash Magic. Crash Magic is what Gildarts Clive uses. It's less rare then god slayer magic and dragon slayer magic. Magic Level: B History: When he was 10 years old Lucas's dad snapped. He had killed Lucas's mother and when Lucas confronted him, he was scared. He tried to run, but his father cut him. From his right shoulder down to his bottom left hip, 2
inches deep and a constant reminder to never run from a fight. His father has been on the run and was a powerful mage. Lucas swears to kill him one day.
Personality: Lucas is a cheerful person. He is always happy to others and puts his friends first and is constantly striving for 'S' rank. That's on the outside. inside he doesn't show to anyone, but hes constantly sad and has a
massive guilt for not saving his mother.
Team Members: None
Three Strengths: (Not just combat) 1. Will do anything for people he cares about 2. Is smart when coming up with tactics 3. Great at boxing Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. Uncontrollable powers at times 2. Never runs from a fight 3. He's slim so not that much endurance. Greatest Love: How rare magic actually is Motivation: To become 'S' Rank. Appearance:
Additional Details:
Crash: Bakuhatsu Tsuki! (Explosion Thrust) ~ When Lucas punches, the end of the punch a huge explosion happens.
Crash: Guriddo toku! (Grid Shield) ~ A grid like shield of light appears, negating all magic and ends with an explosion.
Crash: Bakuhatsu Roketto! (Explosive Rocket) ~ His feet shoot out a shotgun like blast, using to fly, jump or kick.
Absorption Magic: While possessing a large potential for magic she does not have a consistent way to release it without exposure to other magics. Small amounts of magic energy used around her gets absorbed until she is able to use a variation of it. For instance, being around fire magic will eventually allow her to produce and manipulate fire at a fairly basic level. It is not as strong as the original nor can she reproduce the same spells. Extended exposure increases the strength but that still takes quite some time. The only exception to that rule is use of a Lacrima. However the increase is temporary and usually burns through her magic reserves. It is a quick way to gain access to other magics for the future though. Typically elemental magics are easiest to learn such as fire, water, and earth. Others are more scarce and thus she may never be able to use.
As she unlocks other magics she is able to switch between them, only able to use on at a time. Switching is similar to requiping, her clothes, hair, and eyes changing color to reflect the magic she is meaning to use. This leads us to the more negative aspects of such an ability. Her magic controls her just as much as she controls it. Each magic is accompanied with a different personality. So fire will exhibit a more hot headed demeanor than the more docile water. More chaotic type magics could lead her down a darker path.
Magic Level: B
A chain weapon with small blades on the end that her father taught her to use. Mainly a defensive weapon as it lacks real mass or punch.
Given the overall decreased number of mages Ariel's magical prowess went without being realized until her late teens. There was always something a little off though. The few times a mage would pass through her home of Oak Town she would start acting up even as a little girl. It was always attributed to her young age and later on to being a tenager. Being a free spirit she would often visit the Crystal Lake through the years. Never able to keep the child put her father taught her the use of a weapon for self defense. Thankfully she's never had to use it.
As she grew into a young woman more mages began to come through. While beginning to be exposed to more magics the first one that showed up first was water. Perhaps it was the legend of the mage upstream but the many years by and swimming in the nearby lake finally drew in enough traces of magic to allow her to use water magic. Unable to change back to her usual appearance she hurried back home. She stayed shut in for the better part of a year until she changed again, a nearby guild having a couple fire users. Nearly burning down her home that first time only switching back to water did she manage to save most of her belongings. Clearly not having this under control she left town so she wouldn't harm anyone else.
Along her travels she visited a few guilds but whenever she began to feel unusual she would leave. Eventually she realized the mood swings she would have coincided with the changes of magic. Coming to the conclusion that she couldn't truly figure this out on her own she began to ask around for a good guild to actually join. Phoenix Wing came up a few times and it sounded like a good place to start. It it wasn't for her then she would move on.
Ariel's personality varies based on the magic she is currently exhibiting. Normally she is quite wary of people, having been taught not to trust outright. See appearance for more on each personality.
Team Members:
Team Powder Keg
Three Strengths:
1. Versatile given time. 2. Loyal once you can get past her distrust. 3. Can change to a better mood almost on a whim.
Three Weaknesses:
1. Takes time to become more capable. 2. Visibly broadcasts the magic she intends to use. 3. Easily corruptible.
Greatest Love:
Find a safe place where her magic won't lead her down a bad path.
Color: goldenrod
Color: bold
Color: slateblue Main personality trait: Melancholy
Color: orange Main personality trait: Aggressive
Color: khaki Main personality trait: Cheerful
Color: black Main personality trait: Apathetic
Color: pink Main personality trait: Loving
Color: lightblue Main personality trait: Cold
Color: tan Main personality trait: Reserved
Color: yellow Main personality trait: Excitable
Color: crimson Main personality trait: Subservient
Color: lightgray Main personality trait: Defensive
Color: saddlebrown Main personality trait: Stubborn
Color: green Main personality trait: Motherly
Color: skyblue Main personality trait: Playful
Color: bold Main personality trait: Commanding
Color: steelblue Main personality trait: Fearful
Color: gray Main personality trait: Brooding
Color: deeppink Main personality trait: Passionate
Color: bold Main personality trait: Creative
Color: orangered Acquired by absorbing the magic from the ashes of a fallen Phoenix. Transforming through reincarnation Ariel has a full pair of wings that allow her to fly. Main personality trait: Forgetful
Color: black Acquired by stealing the power of a god sealed inside a magic artifact. Most of her body turns jet black and her power is fully displayed. Main personality trait: Arrogant
Additional Details:
Also I will try to make her name color coincide with the current magic she is using. So long as I can find one readable.
Nero was born under difficult circumstances. He was the son of two powerful magicians, Anastasia Terra and Jonah LeMure, born before his parents had advanced to a stage in their life that they'd be able to care for him properly. Carrying their newborn baby, the couple was on the run from the dark guild Phlegethon, which they beaten but not utterly destroyed a year earlier, allowing it to recuperate and strike back when the wizards were at their most vulnerable. For all of his parents' power, they were unable to stand and fight with an infant in the firing line, and were therefore forced to flee. They wandered almost half of Fiore, sometimes using magic-mobiles or train but too often on foot, before the vengeance-obsessed dark mages of Phlegethon finally caught up and surrounded them. They offered Anastasia and Jonah a choice: willingly sacrifice themselves and save their baby, or die along with him. There wasn't, of course, much of a choice, but after Anastasia and Jonah tearfully allowed themselves to be taken, the Phlegethon avengers predictably broke their promise and took Nero as well. Outraged, his parents began to fight back, and during the ensuing battle Jonah was killed, Anastasia's mind enslaved by forbidden Human Subordination magic, and Nero smacked in the head.
Phlegethon had a plan for him, however. To complete its conquest over the LeMure family, the guild master decided to recruit Nero in the worst way possible. Knowing that dark wizards fueled their power with hatred and pain, the guild master sent Nero to Strychnine Academy, a veritable boarding school of horrors, where he was tormented until the age of twelve. Despite very impressive magical power, his combat magic never became anything more than totally unsatisfactory, so he was kept in the system. It was during this time that Nero developed his way of dealing with everything by smiling and laughing, which often put others off. On his thirteenth birthday, he accidentally discovered an old message lacrima in the principle's office during an attempt to murder said principle, which relayed the directive given to the principle by Phlegethon's guild master. Overcome with rage, Nero unleashed his first Law of Atavism, transforming every student and staff member in the school into a creature. While some became animals, most turned into monstrous beasts, which went on a rampage killing one another and eventually destroying the building. Nero walked out of the ruins of Strychnine laughing like a madman, cursing any beast that got in his way with crippling sickness, and escaped into the wild.
He never managed to get more information about Phlegethon, so secretive were their activities. Nero decided to take his new lease on life as a blessing, and travel around the continent making people happy to spite all those who brought people misery. To be certain, his methods were highly suspect, and he often caused as much harm as good, but Nero managed to build himself a certain reputation among the villages and small towns as “the Genie”, a fickle, loopy wizard capable of granting wishes. He has no desire to join a guild, but has worked alongside or against them on occasion. Rather than trying to deny what his time at Strychnine has made him, Nero has embraced his status as a dark wizard, albeit an abnormal one, given his generally good nature and desire to help people.
Personality: Even to the most oblivious dimwits, it's pretty plain that Nero's not all there. He has trouble expressing emotions, trying instead to seem upbeat and lighthearted. Nero reacts to violence and other such extremes with none of the usual horror or even distaste that normal people experience; he is eternally smiling and laughing. While not one to boast, he is practically afraid of nothing, and even exhibits joy when confronted with pain. He is capable of astonishing cruelty on a whim, but prefers to see others as happy as he. Of course, his smiles are very rarely true, and purposed to hide his own insecurity, torment, and anger. He veils a very passionate personality, one that deeply cares for those who treat him well, making Nero a very dangerous but very good friend. While never diagnosed by a doctor, he most likely has ADHD. He's better with animals than he is with people, which happens to fit well with one of his spells.
Three Strengths: 1. Undying loyalty – Nero will go to extremes to please people, and even greater extremes for those who treat him well, showing exceptional comradeship in harsh situations. 2. Support magic - Nero's magic ability truly shines in his ability to work with -or more often, through- others. He can give his allies a variety of helpful effects, and harangue the enemy simultaneously. 3. Wish fulfillment – chances are, if there's something about yourself that you want changed, Nero can do it for you.
Three Weaknesses: 1. Lack of understanding of propriety – Nero has trouble expressing normal human emotions, and struggles with the concept of morality. His manners are also quite poor. 2. Atrocious combat skills – on his own, Nero is nigh useless in combat. He's scrawny, and his combat magic is pitiful enough to earn him a C rank. 3. Deathwish – while he doesn't really have a technical deathwish, Nero's lack of fear when it comes to damage to his body can be and has been problematic for his continued health.
Greatest Love: Making people happy by granting their 'wishes'
Motivation: To find a way to become normal, or to experience something so special that he no longer feels the need to, all while making the world a 'brighter place'.
Supplementary Spell List Law of Retrogression – transforms the target into a younger version of themselves. The exact age depends upon the person. Often this curse will 'lock' onto an age during which the target had a significant experience. This transformation may awaken earlier memories or restore forgotten abilities. Typically, the target is weakened both magically and physically, though this isn't always the case. This curse can last up to two days if Nero wills it, but cannot be permanent. Clothing is altered to fit the new body.
Law of Escalation – affects the target's physique depending on what Nero envisions. This includes both gaining/losing bodily fat, gaining/losing muscular tissue, increasing/decreasing height, or lengthening hair. With cooperation from the target, this curse can be made permanent. Clothing is unaffected by this curse.
Law of Affliction – curses the target with sickness. This sickness can take the form of vomiting, dizziness, muscle pain, fever, spasms, diarrhea, incontinence, flatulence, blurriness, or any pair of said symptoms. The more severe the curse, the less time it takes to wear off.
Law of Raiment – transforms the target's clothes. This includes removing or adding armor, and can even be used to add in weapons provided a holder of some sort is included in the clothes, though such weapons are non-magical in nature. This works best in situations where Nero has seen the desired clothing/armor. This curse cannot completely remove clothing, but is capable of changing into something that will fall off. In effect, this curse can make Nero into a living Requip spell. Minor variations of this curse are used in some of the other Curse Laws.
Law of Atavism – transforms the target into an animal. Under normal situations it turns the target into the animal that best embodies their personality, but Nero can force certain forms if he tries hard enough. This curse cannot be permanent, and lasts a shorter amount of time than the Law of Retrogression. People with exceptionally dark personalities may become monsters instead of animals. It takes substantial focus to avoid behaving like the animal.
Law of Augmentation – upon use, this curse greatly increases the target's magic power, but in return it also makes the target's magic harder to control. If Nero focuses greatly, he can boost enemy magic to such a level that they instantly lose control over their power. Regardless of the curse's strength, all subjects of this curse undergo burnout after a short time, depleting their magic power.
Law of Embodiment – transforms the target into a material. Weak-willed targets are more likely to be transformed longer, while strong-willed targets can break free quicker or even start to move while this curse is in effect, using it to their advantage. The material in question can be any material that the target is currently touching, usually dirt or stone. Certain materials will have interesting effects, like cloth, which will turn the target into a doll of themselves, or paper, which will turn the target into a two-dimensional picture of themselves. This curse is one of the shortest-lasting, with a maximum of roughly one hour if Nero's really trying.
Law of Manifestation - solidifies an abstract quality of a person into a representative physical object, when Nero then pulls from the target's body with no adverse effects. While this object is outside of the target's body, the person in question is completely devoid of that quality. If Nero shoves the object back into the person, everything is back to normal. Qualities that Nero can steal include, but are not limited to, shadow, sense of humor, judgment, privacy, common sense, willpower, sense of balance, color vision, restraint, indulgence, sense of direction, enthusiasm, soul, firstborn child, ego, greed, sense of smell, voice, power of persuasion, future, trust, specific fear, ambition, presence literacy, attention span, energy, and love. Appearance:
Additional Details: Nero hates the cold, bugs, touching other people, loudmouths, and meat. In contrast, he really likes being warm, furry animals, being helpful, and excessive bloodshed. Nero cannot use the Curse Laws on himself. There is no real limit on how many curses Nero can have active at once, though if he himself is attacked, some of his curses can be broken. *Nero is a C-class wizard because on his own (which is how he is evaluated during magical aptitude tests) he is of very little threat. When it comes to boosting allies, debilitating foes, and generally inflicting his curses on anything that moves, he is very, very competent, perhaps on par with S-class.
Name: Zev Buchanan, The Broker Age: 28 Magic: Mercury Magic: This allows Zev to create and manipulate mercury. He is capable of manipulating the liquid metal for many uses and is able to harden it into its solid metal for a strong defense and can turn it into gas, a dangerous form due to the toxicity of the metal. Familiar Summoning Magic: This isn't magic that is suited for any form of combat, but for scouting and gaining information. This magic is the reason why he became such a big deal as an information broker. These familiars have the ability to remain undetected by mages by suppressing their magic unless the mages or magic objects are powerful and they can become apart of almost any solid surface and mimic it, even able to move on something like a wall. Any information that they see or hear is instantly relayed back to Zev.
Magic Level: B History: Zev Buchanan served as a knight for the Fiore military as a young man, specifically he served as a special units op that went around spying and collecting information on dangerous criminals and on governments of other nations. They were the best of the best, always finding information without being caught once. How all of the info they found varied; sometimes it was sold to another nation as a sign of support or maybe they would use it to figure out where the enemy was attacking or where the criminals were shipping illegal goods. In the ops group, Zev was highly regarded as the best agent that they ever had recruited and very well became the gold standard for the other agents.
No one knows why, but he left the special units op without a word though soon after they would encounter him as The Broker, not knowing his true identity. As The Broker, he offered his services to anyone who paid him a high amount of money no matter who they were. Even Dark Guilds and other criminals would come to him for his services and he would take them. The Council would also make deals with him to get anything that they couldn't get their grubby little hands on.
Recently he had moved to Magnolia with his daughter in hopes that he can now get out of the game and live an honest life.
Personality: A happy go lucky man with great business sense, loves to flirt, and cares about his daughter. Despite being somewhat immoral, he only makes those immoral decisions for the sake of the ones he loves. Will flesh out more later. Team Members: None at the moment. Three Strengths: 1. He is an extremely savvy businessman. 2. A sly smooth talker 3. Knows about just about every rumor, secret, etcetera before everyone else. Three Weaknesses: 1. Stingy with money 2. Weak to alcohol 3. Fear of Llamas Greatest Love: His daughter Motivation: Try something new Appearance: Without costume As The Broker
Additional Details: The cane that he has with his costume is surprisingly durable, able to take on great stress.
Ayame stands 5,2ft tall and weights 108lbs. She has pinkish orange hair that is mostly messy. Her hair reaches till her shoulder blades with long bangs that cover her forhead. She always wears a part of her hair in a bun on the left side of her head together with a red bandana. Her eyes are coloured dark pink and she has a pale skin. Her ussual attire is a black skirt with a red line across the bottom with another black part in between the red and the end of the skirt. A long sleeved black shirt with two white stripes on both the sleeves about hallfway. She also wear a white jacket over it with short sleeves and a big red ribbon attached to the middle of it to keep the jacket on her body. She also wears knee socks with brown boots and a transparent pink scarf.
Age 13
Magic Doll Magic
Magic Level B
Magic Abilities
Doll Magic Doll magic give controll over any object and Celestia Spirits. The object under controll can be moved freely to the users will, the size and shape doesn't matter in how the object is moved. But the weight does matter. If the object has a lot of weight it will be hard to use. Objects can only be made from solid material and not anything like water or steam. If a large object is being controlled it takes a lot of effort to move it around meaning, it can not be moved at all If it's to heavy for the user to controll. The user uses their body to controll the dolls, it's still possible to do it without their body but i works less well.
Ranking Novice, Adept, Expert, Master
Arm of the titan Adept The user creates a large arm out of any material that is attached to their own arm they wish it to be on. The titan arm can be up to 10 ft long and 3 ft wide. The user can still move their own arm around in the arm of the titan by a small hollow space where the arm is attached to the users body.
Body Armor Novice The user creates body armour around themself lying on the body from any material. The body armour is made out of objects that are being controlled without body movements and mostly by the brain. The user can still move their own body but sychonize the armour with their movements by their brain.
Shield Adept A shield will be made out of any object or more than one object that is shaped somewhat like a shield. The shield can be made out of any material but there can only be three whole shields or six half shields at the same time.
Puppeteer Novice The user takes control of any object they desire, except for humans. This includes animals and Celestia Spirits. The larger the object the faster the magic pool runs out.
Delivery Adept Creates a golem from some random materials lying around and is used as delivery golem. They are quite strong and can move at an average speed. There can only be 3 at the same time.
Soul of the titan Novice Creates a giant golem from around 15 ft tall that is all the way solid except for the torso where the user controlls the golem, that part is hollow. The golem can be made out of any basic materials. If its made out of more heavy materials it will shrink in size.
Ayame was born in the country side at the home, where her parents had lived in for 40 years now. The house was small and only had: one proper bedroom, a living room together with a kitchen and a small toilet. It didn't display the name big in any way but it was a house you could call home. Her family consisted only of a mother, father and a dog. The family worked all day long on the farm to earn their money for food only. Other kind of luxeries wouldn't be necessary, they only wanted a quiet and peacefull life. Ayame grew older along side her parents and learned to do chores and help on the farm. Due the lack of people around her she grew up to be quiet and always daydreaming about how the rest of the world would look like. Her parents told her stories about all kind of phenomena that happened around the world like waterfalls, mountains, cities and sea's. She was dazzled by the many things, out in the vast world she had yet to see. Hoping some day she can see those things herself. At the age of 7 her father didn't wake up anymore in the morning. He died at the age of 70.
After taking in the dead of her father she returned to living with her mother. All day life didn't become any sadder because of it. Almost if it was just a minor thing. She started working on the farm more and more doing the easy tasks. They both managed to keep doing the work and live the same life they always had. Her personality still didn't change however, she was always the quiet girl hiding behind her mother. Her style did change bit by bit over the years. From basic dresses to more and more boyish clothes. It was way to frilly for her those dresses she always wore. She even cutted her own hair once stating that it was to long for her taste. Sometimes even a local from nearby greeted her with: goodday little fellow. Well it was to be expected. Through the years she learned to use her own magic. None of her family had any magic so she was the first. Her mother didn't like it in any possible way and forbid to use it.
There was no helping it, she kept using it since she was curious. It was a great way to play games with herself. However when she found out dolls or toys werent the only things she could controll, it went from bad to worse. The things she used kept getting larger and larger over the years. It was getting scary how large she could make her own dolls. She made a giant rock hand out of stone from over 7ft tall and lost consciousness after dropping the entire thing on her house. It was a matter of seconds before she came back to senses again. A big pile of rocks was lying on the house. Her mother was still in the house. The dog wasn't found in the accident and her mother was still alive after 5 minutes but soon died after to much blood loss.
Ayame is a calm, quiet, and overly fantasizing girl. She is prone to glomping others and tends do it a lot when she gets to know someone better. Often she doesn't talk much and sit in her own little world but when she gets hit by the hype she doesn't hold back anymore and becomes a whole other person who talks a lot. She is also quite a big eater, no matter how much she eats she won't easily get fat, and really likes to be spoiled by others. However, when someone needs help, she doesn't hesitate to lend a hand to them.
Optimistic and positive, the word "lose" doesn't exist in her dictionary and she always tries her best. She is very cheerful and like to be around others. Although she seems like an airhead, she can be pretty serious and keen regarding other people's feelings.
When in battle, she's not good at making complex battle strategies, so she tends to rely more on her own magic and act on the spot with everything she got. For some reason she easily gets mixed up with being a boy mostly because she acts like one. She is not scared to get dirty and prefers to play with boys more then girls.
Team Members N/A
Three Strengths Team player Singing Creativity
Three Weaknesses Water Strength Sour food
Greatest Love Glomping cute girls and guys, getting spoiled by everyone.
Name: Haden ‘No-Name’ Jolendan Age: 20 Birthday: June 2nd x872 Magic: Aura and Velocity (Caster type) Magic Level: A History:
His father was a water mage of little note, and he had a regular mother. One older sibling and two younger sisters completed Haden’s family, and he had lived a fairly peaceable life as a farming family. It wasn’t particularly hard going, as Haden’s father was skilled enough to irrigate much of the farm within a few hours of work- magic kept them prosperous enough. Really, nothing was wrong. As they grew older, and magic slowly crept a bit more out into society, it became more popular in wide usage. Soon the small farm took little man-power to upkeep. At the peak of his years Haden’s father would have been an considered an ‘A’ class mage himself, despite only ever using the magic for personal amusement and work.
Haden left home shortly after discovering that he too had magic, but couldn’t do anything truly useful with it. Having been around fifteen at the time, Haden possessed large amounts of magical power, but it just wouldn’t take a shape- it was infuriating and humiliating. He left home originally to learn to control his magic better. He has since come to accept his limitations as they are, and even visits to his father’s house once or twice a year. Despite, or because of this acceptance though, he has come to love the travel. Many know him only as 'No Name', as at one point in his wanderings Haden decided to stop using his own name, just blowing questions on the topic off. Once a troubled teen with a rebellious streak and a loner, Haden grew into a man who loved nature and valued good company as much as solitude, if not more.
A bit quiet, but not from solitude (anymore) as much as contentedness with life. Haden is generally a happy guy who doesn’t mind hanging out to hang out. His loyalty is tightly bound to people based on what they would do for him in turn- it isn’t so much a petty exchange as him allowing others to decide how much he means to them, and letting that set the boundaries. Make no mistake though, he can party and fight as hard as the rest once the mood strikes.
Team Members: N/A (for now) Three Strengths:
1. Acrobatics; they were his prime incentive originally for learning velocity magic. 2. Travelling; Haden loves to travel and is a veteran in camping and long distance trekking. 3. Endurance; his body can take a beating in more ways than one, be it from getting slammed about by baddies, going for a good run, or even eating some spicy chow.
Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable)
1. Pyrophobia, developed in his teen years due to a particularly nasty brushfire. 2. Loyalty towards friends, and a particular weakness to cute girls. 3. Ranged magic users, as his is close quarters based combat.
Greatest Love:
Family, defined as those who would give their lives for him, and likewise. This is not restricted to guild members, and nor does it encompass them.
Haden isn’t an incredibly brave man, and he knows it- his current aspirations are directed towards being able to overcome himself to protect those he loves.
Appearance: Additional Details:
Aura Magic:
Not really a specialized form of magic, this is the result of Haden being unable to form his own style, or even find another to use. From the first signs of magic, he struggled to do much else other than emit a white glow, which seemed pretty useless at first. It was merely an outburst of raw magical power, with little other usage. Since then, he has had the experience to discover and form some uses from this.
Aura Burst(Low):
An outward burst of white magical aura, which many mages ‘c’ class and stronger are capable of, it even visibly leaks out of the more powerful mages when they are fighting. For Hayden, however, this can be used as a shield to repel other magics, though it takes as much magic to directly counter another spell as it does to cast it. It's appearance ranges from a lightening around Haden to a full on bonfire of aura, depending on the energy put into it.
Aura Blast(low):
A more concentrated blast of white aural energy that originates from the mage's hands, generally hitting hard on impact and packing a whole lot of knockback. Similar to aura burst, this spell is a raw expression of magical energy, which is why it produces a lot of force, despite lacking other effects. It also can 'equalize' with other magics to cancel eachother out, though that isn't all that special, as any clashing of magics produces similar effects. Haden's current effective range with the spell is fifteen feet, being closer to the origin increases damage, which is why he prefers to use it at point blank range.
Aura Bomb(mid):
The mage pulls a large amount of his magical energy into an Aura Burst, and then gathers it between his palms, condensing it between them until his hands finally touch. Upon touching, the visible magical aura goes still for a moment, before blasting outward in a radius equal to the energy spent in a large shockwave of magic. Done using aura magic, the force produced is enough to blow apart a building if performed inside, but other than that, the only other effect is a mass cancellation of any weaker spells being performed in the immediate area. Currently, this is immensely tiring to Haden, and if performed after other extensive uses of magic, may cause him to collapse.
Velocity Magic:
This is the only other magic Haden is (currently) capable of, likely due to it's relation to aura magics. He can only use it on himself however due to his limitations. He normally uses it as a speed modifier to increase his impact.
Quick Step(low):
Moving at extreme speeds, the user can travel in straight lines between two points almost instantaneously. This tends to leave behind a slight trail of aura, but it can be performed repeatedly, with a split second pause between uses to reorient. Unfortunately, such speed doesn't allow for turning, which limits the ability to use this safely for long distances- and it is less effective on opponents who can successfully predict your next location.
Flickering Rain(low):
Using ones aura to increase their own speed, a mage can move at extreme speeds over shorter distances. This skill is often used in combat for landing barrages of blows simultaneously.
Extreme Impact(mid):
The mage increases the speed of his blow to a devastating speed to multiply the force of it considerably.
Magic: Charm Magic- Charm magic is a holder support type of magic rather than using it offensively. Using different colored Magic Roses as their source of magic and using the scents and pheromones to create side effects for others. Although it can't force someone to fall in love, it uses the opponents deepest desires against them. Putting on Rose colored glasses one would say and put up a illusion of what attracts them most. Most of the time, it is used to direct the opponent to a person or thing and give that the illusion of their attractive desire. It depends on the person on how effective it is, but most who get directly influenced, even the strongest willed will feel hot, warm, and maybe slightly dizzy. But nothing dangerous.
*Red Rose~ This magic influences others to be 'charmed' and see what they find attractive and desire. Using the flowers scent to create the ideal pheromones depending on the person. Giving the illusion of attraction, falling in love, etc. although it may not be 100% successful for every person, it can be highly distracting.
*Blue Rose~ This Rose has a pleasant smell that makes others sleepy and fall asleep and feel peaceful and relaxed.
*Yellow Rose~ This Rose increases Ally speed.
*Green Rose~ This Rose creates a defensive barrier.
*Orange Rose~ This Rose in raises ally magical power.
*Purple Rose~ A costly Rose that uses quite a bit of magic to heal allies.
*Pink Rose~ This Rose has a temporary transformation ability to turn others into cute cuddly things. Their magical power remains the same, but now they are adorable!
Magic Level: C
History: Prince doesn't really talk much about himself and most of his history isn't well known besides a few selected people. Which are a powerful Wizard named Rian and a transformation wizard named Karn. He pretty much grew up alongside Karn under Master Rian's teachings and the two of them grew up almost as siblings. Of course with Prince being the one causing trouble and mischief.
After Master Rian disappeared as well as Karn, he set out on his own to explore the world, searching for something.
Personality: Prince is a mysterious sorts, who hardly talks about himself and much prefers talking about others. Always seeming to avoid giving any information on him with a smile and laugh.
Prince is outgoing and cheerful, always having a smile on and eagerly butting into people's business at random points in time. He can sometimes be a bit overbearing, but he mostly only tries to bring a laugh to others and cheer them up when they are down, in whatever means he can think of. One of which is being a hopeless flirt. Doesn't matter what gender someone is, or what.. Be it man, woman, beastman, whatever, he will occasionally flirt with them (especially when first meeting someone) and feign dramatic antics whenever they reject him. He acts childish, and not like he takes anything seriously and more or less looks for ways to have a good time. Even in battle. Despite his odd attitude, he is generally friendly and good hearted, always willing to help others with what they need. Though he worries more for others then himself, and tends to unintentionally forget things to care for himself. So sometimes he will pass out from lack of food or sleep. He tends to whine and complain when he wants something, or run off when he sees something he likes. Another childish factor. Although he seems to appear a idiot, he shows some unexpected wisdom. Often soloing missions but also preferring hanging out with others.
He's a bit of a goofball and highly enjoys teasing others. As well as make fun games out of things. Like shipping random people together. Often even acting a bit like a fangirl when this situation arises.
Team Members: None
Three Strengths:
1. He's very fast. Extremely fast. He's fleet footed and knows how to work four guns at once. 2. He's optimistic and cheerful, often helping others and encouraging them to keep going. 3. He has good keen animal senses.
Three Weaknesses:
1. Physically, he isn't the strongest guy. 2. He's never really takes anything seriously. 3. He isn't always honest.
Greatest Love Flirting/Shipping
Motivation To sail on the wings of loooooooooove.
Appearance: Short red messy hair with bright catlike teal eyes. He stands around 7'5 and has a lean toned build. Wears a red open coat that shows his bare torso, revealing a X shaped scar on his chest. Wearing a red raggedy scarf around the throat as well as a darker red hat with a gold feather, his right eye is covered in a black eyepatch, hiding the large slash scar going across it and the dimmed teal eye. Wearing dark navy pants with gold trimmings. Has a brown belt around his hips with two gun holster on each side. Has furry long pointed ears and a red cat tail. His Guildmark is a crimson red and is on his back in the middle of his shoulder blades.
Additional Details:
* He is a member of Dragon Fang. * His ears and tail are very sensitive. * He seems to be under a magical curse, but the details are unknown. * His real name is only known by Master Rian and Karn. * He's a bit of a compulsive thief and liar. * He likes singing and dancing, and generally being a party animal. * He is very nimble and well balanced. Great at climbing up trees, buildings, free running and acrobatics. Surprising most because he's so tall. * He's a cat that can play the fiddle. Or Violin. * He sometimes breaks out in song. * He adores cute things. * He has a sense of fashion. * He has quite a bit of knowledge with herbs, sickness, and poisons. * He's been with Dragon Fang for about 4-5 Years. * His species is known as Pantera. Not much is known about them. But he does eat magic and requires to consume some like any regular meal. This usually involves having to touch, hug, kiss, or bite someone or thing with magic in order to suck out the magical energy. * He knows how to sail a ship.
Name: Roseletta “Black Rose” Yashia Age: 23 Birthday: Nov 5th Magic: Shadow Magic Level: A History: Rose joined the Riders at the age of 17 and quickly rose to the rank of the Horseman of Death, making her the third strongest member. Feared by most of those beneath her, she maintained her position through this fear and displayed a brutality when needed. Despite this though, one of these lower ranking members fell in love with her and slowly charmed his way into her heart, secretly dating with her once she began opening up.
Sadly, this relationship didn't go completely unnoticed. Two members, who loathed Rose rather then feared her, learned of this relationship and decided to use it against Rose to humiliate her. Using poison, they managed to weaken Rose and cut off her ability to use magic while making her lover susceptible to their suggestions. With a couple of whispers and prods, they convinced her lover to take advantage of her weakness. The result of this and repeated poisoning was Rose being raped every night for an entire month.
When she was finally released, the leader of the Riders dismissed her and gave her position to another member before leaving her in the closest town with nothing more then a few scraps of cloth. It didn't take long for Rose to realize she was pregnant and for a while, she considered getting rid of the child before it came into the world. However, a kind, older later, seeing the young, soon to be mother out on the streets, trying to scrape by, took pity on her and took Rose into her home.
Originally intending to leave the moment she was well enough, the woman slowly nursed Rose back to health while also learning a bit about the woman she was taking care of. When this woman learned that Rose didn't plan on keeping the child she was bearing, the woman chastised Rose and warned her of the consequences of doing so: Not only would she likely ruin the child's life but her own as well.
Refusing to believe her, Rose decided to at least let the child into the world. Late at night in midspring, Rose gave birth to her daughter Elyse and fell in love with her from her daughter's first cries. Hearing them made Rose realize she was about to make the same mistakes her mother had made while raising her and, remembering she vowed to be a better woman then her, realized that she really did want to care for this little person deep down in her heart.
Rose has raised Elyse the best she can for the past four years, working on and off jobs, but she has realized that Elyse needs a level of stability. As such, she has headed to Pheonix Wing, to find a permanent job, people to look after Elyse while she is away, and find some level of stability. Personality: Personality: Rose is a woman of both light and darkness. In the past, she was a woman many feared, ruthless, cold-hearted, and completely devoid of all emotion. She can still be this way from time to time but only when her guild mates are in extreme danger or her daughter is in any sort of danger.
Generally though, Rose has put this side behind her to be the kind of mother every child should have. She is kind, soft spoken, and always with a smile, especially where her daughter is concerned. She is very protective of Elyse and constantly worries about her but she will sit back and let Elyse experience new things until her daughter is in any sort of danger that could harm her Team Members: none so far Three Strengths: (Not just combat) 1. Very dedicated to her fellow guildmembers and her daughter 2. Excellent bartender and cook for the guild 3. a consider ' mother' of the guild Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. her emotions strongly influences the abilitiy and strength of her magic 2. her daughter's safety 3. fear of not being the best mother she can be. Greatest Love: her daughter Motivation: To give her daughter the best life she can give her Appearance: Additional Details:
Name: Elyse Yashia Age: 4 Magic: none Magic Level: E History: (Paragraph or more) Personality: Sweet and innocent, Elyse is your typical child. She was energetic and curious to a fault, but very shy and unwilling to approach others without her mother around. Like all children, she loves attention and sweets but hates it when things don't go her way, though she has been taught to deal with this and do what she's told. Elyse also loves water and enjoys swimming and baths. She also has an immense fear of lightning and the dark.
Team Members: none Three Strengths: Non-combatant Three Weaknesses: none-combatant
Greatest Love: Water Motivation: Whatever interest her at the time. Appearance:
How do you kill an immortal creature? Back in the dark ages of the world, this was a question on the minds of both Mages and normal people a like. Even Magic has it limits on what it can slay. In order to kill a being, it must be mortal.
But the Vampires that plagued the world all those years ago were not...mortal. And so, the greatest minds in Magic took the lost art of 'Slayer' Magic, and changed it, formed it to fit their needs.
And so a new form of 'Slayer" Magic was created. With the power of Vampire Slayer Magic, humanity was able to push the Vampires to the brink of extinction. However...there was a risk with using the Magic...slowly, the user of the magic will become the very thing they sought to slay...a Vampire.
In order order to prevent another vampire pandemic from happening yet again, the power of the Vampire Slayer Magic was sealed in various Grimoires, which were hidden away across the entirety of Earthland.
The type of Vampire Slayer Magic Alexi uses is Dark Vampire Slayer Magic, giving her access to a variety of abilities to use at her disposal. It transforms her physiology of that to a Dark Vampire. Her canines extend into fangs, her nails elongate and sharpen, and her eyes turn blood red, and become slit like a cat's. As with all Slayers, Alexi is able to consume the element of Darkness.
Enhanced Strength, Speed, Durability, and Senses.
Dark Vampire's Screech: Like most Slayers, Alexi can use a roar-like attack by gathering and releasing a large concentration of Darkness from her mouth at her target.
Dark Vampire's Claw: Alexi shrouds her hands in Darkness, and slashes at her target.
Dark Vampire's Strike: Alexi shrouds her feet in Darkness, increasing the power of her kicks.
Dark Vampire's Fury: Alexi shrouds her hands in Darkness, and grabs onto her opponent with one hand, while striking with her free hand.
Dark Vampire's Spear: Alexi shrouds her hand in Darkness. Pressing her fingers together, she stabs at her target like a spear.
Dark Vampire's Pounce: Shrouding her legs in Darkness, and leaps into the air, kicking downwards at her opponent.
Dark Vampire's Bat Shroud: Alexi generates a shroud of darkness all around her body, and forms them into a swarm of bats, which fly towards her target, and attack from all sides.
Dark Vampire's Bite: Alexi shrouds both her hands in Darkness, as well as generating two shrouds around her target. Controlling them with her hands, Alexi brings her hands together, the shroud slamming into her target, like the fangs of a vampire coming down it's victim.
Magic Level: B
Alexi and her older Brother to born to a loving family in a large city east of Magnolia. Happy and care free, the family did everything together, until tragedy struck. Alexi parents were killed in a freak accident, leaving her and her brother alone.
Homeless, with nowhere to go, the two children traveled from place to place, trying their best to survive on their own, with only each other to rely on. On their travels, when Alexi was 10 years old, they found the ruins of an abandoned city. Deciding to take shelter in the ruined church, the two children found two ancient Grimoires. Each taking one, the curious children opened them up. Alexi, surrounded by Darkness, and her brother, surrounded by Light.
When the children awoke, they found that somehow the Grimoires had imbued them with the power of Vampire Slayer Magic, and ancient and Lost Magic. Excited by their new-found powers, the children were eager to test it out, and began to experiment. They would use their powers to act as street performers, earning money for themselves, and allowing them to continue to survive.
However, as time went on, and as the years passed, Alexi began to notice strange things. By 15, she had noticed a change in bother herself and her brother. Her brother had become reclused and secretive, began avoiding her, vanishing for days on end. While she...she began to experience an uncontrollable thirst. No matter what she drank, Alexi found that she could never be sated. It wasn't until one faithful night that she figured out why.
While looking for her brother one night, she came across a lone man in the streets. As she passed him, she became unable to control herself, and she attacked the man, sinking her fangs into his neck. She began to drink the man's blood, and she was sure she would have drained him dry if she had not pulled herself away from him. Horrified, Alexi fled back to where her and her brother had been staying.
She remembered the old Grimoire, the one which had given her her powers to begin with. She rushed to find it, having held onto it for five years. Emptied of their magic, the tomes contained nothing but words now. And the words formed a warning...Alexi was becoming a Vampire.
Horrified, Alexi awaited for her brother to return, to tell him what was happening to them. But he never returned...
Alexi began to travel by herself, searching for her brother while at the same time searching for a way to stop her transformation. But as the years went by, she found that her blood thirst was slowly growing, and that she was running out of time...
Alexi typically keeps to herself, scared of what she would do if she were to ever get close to anyone. Because of this, she can be socially awkward, not sure how to hold proper conversations with people. This can result in her speaking softly one moment, and then bursting out loudly in another. She is, however, brave and resilient, having grown up on the streets for much of her life. She never backs down from a challenge, and knows how to survive in seemingly impossible situations.
Alexi is also kind and caring. She is terrified of her slow transformation into a Vampire, and wishes more than anything else to free herself of her curse. She is scared of becoming a monster. She also holds a fierce love of her brother, as he raised and protected her when they were both children. She searches for him, none stop, as she does not want him to share her fate.
Team Members: None
Three Strengths:
1: Resilience
2. Extra-human strength
3. Compassion
Three Weaknesses:
1: Crippling fear of her powers and transformation
2. Inability to control her bloodlust
3. Inability to interact with society normally
Greatest Love: The memory of her Family, and the hope that one day she will find her brother.
Motivation: To find her brother, and to find a way to reverse her transformation.
Alexi has an hourglass-shaped figure, which she covers up with a black hoodie and blue jeans. She usually keeps the hood up over her short, crimson-red hair, which curls in towards her neck. She has Heterochromia, rendering her eyes two different colors when her magic is not active: Her right eye being emerald in color, while her left is Steel Gray. She wears black boots to complete her look; a look that keeps herself hidden from the rest of the world.
Additional Details: While she hates doing so, Alexi is able to consume blood as well as her own Element to boost her Magic Power and vitality. If she goes too long without consuming either, she becomes weak, and will eventually die.
Name: Draco Age: 17 Magic: Feather Magic Magic Level: A History: At a young age he was adopted in the Ryder family. When Andrew Ryder killed his wife, Draco thought of Andrew as a god and became a servant to him, worshipping the very ground he walked on. Andrew trained Draco in the art of Feather Magic, a rare useful magic and since then has been a hitman for hire and the second in command of the Goldenlaws. Personality: Draco likes to play jokes on his victims. He is sadistic and often has a cheeky laugh. Team Members: Goldenlaws Three Strengths: (Not just combat) 1. Great with poisons 2. Great at stealth 3. Light as a feather Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. Can't have his pride damaged 2. Has a fit when something goes wrong 3. Hates snakes Greatest Love: Screams of his victims Motivation: To please his father, no matter what Appearance:
Additional Details: Is the adoptive brother of Lucas Ryder. His a member of the Goldenlaws
Race: Spellborn Race Info: Spellborns are mostly human, aside from the fact their very essence is composed of magic energy. Without magic, they will eventually die altogether. This being said, they have far greater magic energy than most mages, human or otherwise. Most spellborns can only learn magics to do with whatever element they are aligned with, though stronger spellborns have learned how to control several. Their eyes glow with whatever element they are most attuned with, some of them their eyes simply take the color altogether. There aren't many spellborn in the world, but if you meet one you'd best not have any intentions to harm them lest you meet their wrath.
Magic: Spirit controls the element of 'spirit' a rare trait amongst spellborns or even normal mages. He can take away fragments of your life source, give some of his own, stop actions, etc. Most notably is his ability to cause horrible ailments on his foes, though doing so takes away a portion of his life force and thus is generally not used that often. Amongst the ailments he can infect you with poison, cause you to contract a deadly disease, or simply just cause amnesia. He can also siphon bits of magical energy from his foes, should they have it, as well as silence them for 30 second intervals.
Although, Silencing them comes at a price, and a very heavy one at that. During the time they are silenced, he to is unable to use the majority of his magics, especially the most potent ones.
To specifically name a few of his abilities would be as follows:
Mind Spike(A Class): This allows him to cause both physical and mental damage, whilst siphoning a portion of their magical energy for himself. Casting this causes a random wound to open on himself, the strength of the cast dictates the strength of the wound.
Soul Mend(B Class): This allows him to heal himself or others, at the expense of only being able to cast it ever so often and physical fatigue.
Negate(B Class): This allows him to stop one of his opponents actions, say they are casting a deadly spell, he would be able to stop them at the last second. While they are able to restart the spell over again, this is mostly used to buy some time. It cannot be used very often, and requires him to generally be still or at a walking pace.
Silence(B Class): As described, this allows him to silence whomever he targets for 30 seconds while removing his ability to do the majority of his magic.
Ethereal Jaunt(A Class): This is basically his get gone while the gettin' is good card. In exchange for a vast amount of his energy, he turns into a ethereal form unable to be harmed or do harm for a few minutes, allowing him to pass through walls and escape into safety. This is generally only to be used as an escape method, as it offers him no benefits other than that.
Spiritual Gear(A Class): Casting this a set of glowing, white, holy armor appears on him along with a falchion blade with runic writing down it and a small buckler shield. The initial casting expends a moderate amount of energy, while it is active it continues to expend small amounts of energy until he 'returns' it.
Song of the Heavens(B Class): Once cast a melodious tune echoes around anyone he deems as an ally, healing them for a very minor amount in both the physical and mental sense. Casting this expends a moderate amount of energy.
Empower(A Class): Casting this buffs the targets strength greatly for a short while at the expense of a moderate-high amount of magical energy. He often casts this on himself along with his spiritual gear.
Light Arrows(C Class): One of his main offensive skills, he fires a volley of in-accurate arrows from a bow made of a spiritual essence, his own. Should one of these arrows hit, the opponent takes a decent amount of damage and are more susceptible to his other spells.
Soul Seer(B Class): Casting this allows him to peer into his opponents mind in an effort to see what they plan on doing within the next 10 minutes. Whilst casting this he is entirely vulnerable for a few minutes as he must stand still in order for him to focus.
History: Spirit was mostly a normal boy growing up, he had a loving family, a nice house. Until one day he discovered he wasn't exactly human, he was something far more. The day he discovered this was also the day his mother died, he had gotten furious at her for a mere instant, his magic spiked and his mother hit the floor. Her eyes had turned grey, almost soul-less looking, she stopped breathing. Spirit had absolutely no idea what he'd done, but he knew he did it. He panicked and fled his house, far away from his village. At the time he was 12, a few years of wondering he was 15 and he had found a tutor in order to train him, a spellborn such as himself. The old man explained what he was and how his power worked, he explained that his power was very dangerous to normal humans such as his mother, and that he had to be extremely careful around them. Over the years he trained himself to be nigh emotionless, following after his instructors guidance. At age twenty he left the old man, thanking him for everything he had taught him. He traveled the kingdom in search of a guild as his instructor had suggested he do. He happened upon a guild called Phoenix Wing, he had heard of it before in stories and such from visiting the towns with his instructor. He decided to join, or try to. He was slightly surprised that he was accepted, well, as surprised as a emotionless person like him could be.
So here he is now, 22 and a member of one of the strongest guilds in the kingdom.
Personality: What is emotion? Does actually open up and show emotion to those he gets close too, though rare.
Three Strengths: 1. A vast amount of magical energy. 2. Being emotionless allows him to make calls that others would have problems doing. 3. Loyal.
Three Weaknesses: 1. Is generally weak in terms of strength compared to normal people. 2. Being emotionless tends to drive people away. 3. Isn't very friendly, at all. Will likely ignore you if possible.
Greatest Love: His mother, now deceased.
Motivation: He wishes to be able to control his magic as best as possible so as nothing happens to anyone else like it did to his mother.
Appearance: 6'3, change that out for grey hair and grey glowing eyes.
Age: While in human form, appears to be in his early to mid twenties. Actual age unknown.
Race: Etherious Demon
Magic: Curse: Bone Control Curse.
Logarius is freely able to freely manipulate his bone structure for different combat situations. When he needs to focus on speed, he can decrease his bone density to an almost hollow-like state, allowing him to move quickly, but at the cost of making his bones brittle and easily broken.
When he wants to take a more defensive stance, Logarius can increase his bone density to the point where his bones become harder than steel. While this provides him with an incredibly defense, especially against blunt weapons, the increased density makes Logarius slow and susceptible to other attacks. And while this defense stops attacks at his bone, any flesh, veins, and other tissue that may cover the bone will be damaged normally.
Besides these effects, Logarius' curse also allows him to use his bones as weapons. Due to his Curse, he can extent his bones, and even create new ones in a matter of seconds. He can have sharp bones protrude from various parts of his body, and use them as blade-like weapons, making him incredibly adept that close quarts combat. The shapes and weapons he can create is nearly limitless, only limited by his imagination. The more intricate the design of the weapon is however, the more Curse power is used in the creation.
Being an Etherious Demon, Logarius has more strength and stamina than humans. He is also capable of entering the "Etherious Form," in where he enters a more demonic form, and his Curse powers are enhanced greatly. While this mode is incredibly powerful, Logarius can not retain it for an extended period of time. The longer he stays in Etherious Mode, the more exhausted he will be upon exiting, even falling unconscious for days if used for too long.
Magic Level: A
As all Etherious Demons, Logarious was born from a "Book of Zeref." Unlike many of the Etherious however, Logarious did not join the Dark Guild Tartaros, but instead wandered the world alone, wreaking havoc and mayhem wherever he went. He killed indiscriminately, actually taking joy in bathing in the blood of innocence. Sadistic and unforgiving, he constantly searched for someone who could give him a good fight.
Logarious' life changed when he finally got his wish. Fighting against a wandering Mage, the Etherious Demon fought hard, and after a fierce fight that was said to last for an entire week, Logarius had been defeated, and seemingly killed.
However, Logarius would awaken, weaken, barely able to move, but somehow...alive. It was a human girl who had found the Demon, near death, and brought him into her home, and cared for his wounds. As he lay there, unable to move, unable to leave, he had no choice but to listen to this girl's story. Abandoned at a young age, the girl had cared for herself, stealing from nearby towns to survive. Her life was hard, but she kept on smiling, kept on surviving. She had found him, had watched the fight between him and the Mage. Despite seeing his demonic powers, she did not fear him, but instead pitied him. She felt that all he needed was a friend.
At first, Logarious scoffed, swearing to the girl that he would kill her as soon as he could. She didn't believe this however, and continued to care for him. She fed him, gave him water, talked to him. She never left his side for long, even sleeping beside him at night so he would not get cold. The longer he lay there, the more he wondered 'why?' Why had she saved him, why was she taking such good care of him? Why was a human helping a demon.
Slowly, Logarious began to recover, his demonic heritage allowed his injuries to heal quicker than a human would be able too. But as he healed, he felt the urge to kill this girl shrink. Instead, when he was able to move, he felt compelled to stay with her...
And stay with her he did. Living with the girl, Logarius felt the hatred he had felt for humans he had always felt turn into curiosity. He grew to care for the girl, and came to regret the life he had lived before meeting her.
Logarius' life would change once more when the Mage, having heard of Logarius' survival, came to finish him off. This time however, Logarius did not wish to fight, but the Mage left him no choice.
The second battle was just as fierce as the first, however this time, the girl, not wanting Logarius to get hurt, threw herself into the middle of the fight...and was killed. Enraged, Logarius went berserk, and killed the Mage. Distraught at the loss, Logarius buried her, and sealed himself back into his book. It wasn't until hundreds of years later that Logarius once again emerged from his book. Memories fresh in his mind, Logarious decided that he would dedicate his life to redemption.
Once a sadistic monster, Logarius evolved into a serious, quite individual. He keeps mostly to himself, and likes to observe humans. He does however, hold a great love for battle, and finds himself reverting back to a more demonic personality when he battles. He does, however, keep everything he learned in the back of his mind, doing his best to keep innocent people out of the fray. He is always aware of his surroundings, and is actually a capable strategist. When he enters Etherious Mode however, he becomes much more savage, destroying things en mass, trading strategy for raw strength. Logarius is also completely aware of the atrocities he had committed in the past, and instead of making excuses for them, he will instead admit to them, knowing full well he was a monster. He is straightforward, and finds lying useless. He can be cynical at times, still not able to fully comprehend human emotions, but finds them fascinating.
Team Members: None
Three Strengths:
1. Incredible Stamina and Strength
2. Capable of feeding off of negative emotions of humans, increasing his Curse's power
3. Never lies
Three Weaknesses:
1. Not much of a team player
2. Tends to lose control during battle
3. Hard to trust, due to demonic heritage
Greatest Love: Battle
Motivation: Redemption
Human form:
In his human form, Logarius wears a white button up shirt, leaving his chest exposed. With a muscular build, Logarius stands at around 6 feet tall, and has a well built chest, with an oroboros tattooed on the left side of his chest. As with all Etherious Demons, while in human form, Logarius shows traits of his demonic nature, being his translucient blue eyes, and pointed ears. He wears a gold ring on each of his fingers, and black dress pants.
Etherious Form:
In his Etherious form, Logarious grows to be about 8 feet tall, his body being completely covered by thin bone-like armor. His hands elongate and extend, becoming thin but powerful, with incredibly long, sharp bone claws. He feet end in sharp, bone-like protrusions, while his exposed spine extends into a sharp tail-like appendage. His regular face is replaced by a helmet-like head, with vertical lines extending from the top of his head to the bottom, a single glowing orb able to be seen from behind his, representing his right eye.
"You're not seeing the bigger picture, try again, do you see it now?"
Full Name: Mnemosyne Thompson Aliases: The Creator, Prodigy, Momo Age: 21 Sexuality: Bisexual Dialogue and thought color:
"Anything is possible with a little imagination."
Mnemosyne is a rather mysterious individual to most. She is a rather quiet individual when not engaged in conversation with friends, with a tendency to isolate herself from others. She seems rather cold and appears to lack any kind of empathy or consideration of other people. However, the truth is that Mnemosyne doesn't trust other easy, and thus keeps the world at a distance until people have gained her trust or earned her respect. Because people's real intentions are important to her, she's often observing others, taking a back seat to take in the actions of those around her. She has a habit of analyzing people and their habits, abilities, or weaknesses. That isn't to say however, that she thinks herself superior to most people, as she believes the worst thing you could ever do, is underestimate those around you. It leads to problems in the future. Should the situation call for it however, Mnemosyne can be really outspoken. Particularly when she is passionate about something, or knows that her opinion should be heard should she be knowledgeable of the topic at hand. It's in these moments that she turns into the spitfire that she really is. Quite bullheaded, once she starts, you can not get her to back down. She is a force to be reckoned with, as she is quit knowledgeable and very intelligent, as such something that gets under her skin is the ignorance of others.
What is sometimes a surprise to people, is that Mnemosyne is not the goody two shoes people think she is. She is quite rebellious, with a hatred for authority figures; the exception would be her mentors, which she has respect for due to her love of learning. Although she doesn't do it consciously, she has a history of always finding trouble, and always being there for trouble to find her. If there are rules to keep her away from something that may be dangerous, she'll find a reason to gravitate or just charge straight into said place, no fucks given. She does have a strong sense of morals however, and is rather pure of heart. Beneath the exterior of hers of the stone cold face which makes most people refer to her as mainly a serious individual, she is a very kind hearted a playful person. However, the only people that see that side of her, are close friends - which she doesn't seem to have much of. However, she is content with the few she has as she believes you only need one good friend.
Neither optimistic, nor pessimistic, Mnemosyne has more of a realistic outlook on life. She believes that people that are always optimistic are just kidding themselves, and living in a false reality, and pessimists are just a drag to be around. She will call everything exactly like it is and tell you her honest thoughts, regardless if it's appropriate for the situation at hand. Because of such, Mnemosyne is known to be a person that upsets a lot of people. She will never sugar coat her words, being blatantly honest to everyone she comes across at every given moment. While she doesn't intend to hurt anyone, it usually effects people's opinion of her. Mnemosyne's drive to succeed is nearly unrivaled by most people, as is her natural instinct to survive and adapt to what is going on around her. Because of the hardships she's been through in life, she's become very tough skinned and it's hard to get her down.
Mnemosyne can be rather bold when it comes to protecting the well being of others. She would be the first person to jump in the middle of a fight, or voice her opinion in order to protect another. Regardless of the individual or individuals she was up against. She would sooner throw herself in front of another to save them, than sit back and watch them die before her eyes. She will however, completely disregard anyone she thinks is not worthy of being helped due to their personality or past actions. If the person that often bullied others was about to lose their life if she didn't save them, she would end up turning away, never turning back. She is a no-bullshit kind of a person, and there is no fooling her by spewing lies and nonsense. She will not stand for this kind of thing, and ones energy is better spent elsewhere.
Weaknesses ▼ Rebellious ▼ Blunt ▼ Unable to work in most group situations ▼ Has trust issues ▼ Has trouble with authority ▼ Blind in one eye ▼ Has a bit of an eerie presence on the battlefield, allies tend to shy away from her ▼ Has a bit of a dark side, will relentlessly fight to the death when not necessary.
Likes ✔ Rainy days, the cold, snow, when it sprinkles, swimming ✔ Music, singing, violin, guitar, piano ✔ Reading, writing, poetry, writing lyrics ✔ Animals, nature, scenery, wildlife ✔ Interesting people, learning new things, the unknown ✔ Fencing, sword fighting, archery, fighting ✔ Fitness, training, learning about new weapons ✔ White, pastel colors, cool colors ✔ Encountering other strong mages, finding talent in young mages ✔ Stuffed animals, soft textures, body pillows ✔ Skulls, blood spilled by her, the face of agony is those she deems evil or not worthy of life ✔ Taking jobs, finishing jobs quickly ✔ Her siblings
Dislikes ✘ Authority figures, self proclaimed anything ✘ Dishonesty, ignorance, rudeness, closed mindedness, show-offs, try-hards, self absorbed people ✘ Being useless, having nothing to do ✘ Bullies, people who take advantage of others ✘ Cowardice ✘ Overly flirtatious people ✘ Pampered individuals, spoiled brats ✘ Social gatherings ✘ Dark guilds ✘ Those that abuse their authority ✘ Easy jobs
Fears ☠ Failure ☠ Dying ☠ Silence
"When you conform to society, you've already lost."
Guild Phoenix Wing
Arc of Embodiment: Mnemosyne has the very unique ability of being able to materialize what she imagines in her mind. This can range from various objects, to living creatures, and wherever else the mind may wander.
Dark Ecriture: The ability to use runes to create rules, magical properties, or even traps. Runes and scripture can be used on anything such as items, people, or even used in the air at the direction of the enemy as an attack.
Team TBE
Ranking A Rank
Greatest Love Her magic, creating new interesting things everyday. But even more than that, a challenge. But overall, her true greatest loves, are her siblings.
Biggest Inspiration Mnemosyne has yet to find something she finds particularly inspiring, at this moment her own expectations for herself are what keeps her going.
Biography Mnemosyne was born in a notorious dark mage family. Constantly surrounded by death and misery, with parents who would always go missing for long periods of time. Her parents had always tried to instill their beliefs onto their daughter, raising her to become a dark mage as well and a member of their guild. However, even at a young age, Mnemosyne was aware that what they were doing was wrong. However, as soon as her powers surfaced, she would start to have as much blood on her hands as her parents. When her parents realized that she was not falling in line as a good little mindless mage, they would threaten the lives of her siblings, forcing Mnemosyne to comply with their orders. At the age of eight, she had begun to become obsessed with fighting and bloodshed.
Although Mnemosyne showed much promise as a mage, her siblings lacked the same talents. Shying away from their parent's harsh training, they became very withdrawn, and eventually were abandoned by their parents. However, Mnemosyne was not going to leave her siblings, and she despised her parents, their guild and everything about the family that she was brought up in. Unfortunately, her parents had largely underestimated their daughter's intelligence. It was one fateful night that The Massacre of Kobare occurred. It was an event that went down in history, only to be buried and almost completely erased by the remaining members of the Kobare guild and the elder council. The tale that is told by those that weren't there, is that a young child killed her family, their guild members, and kidnapped her younger siblings. This girl and the two other children were never heard of again.
Years later, Mnemosyne had become a member of a mercenary guild that hunted and brought dark mages and dark guilds to justice. It was a guild she had to claw her way in, as at her young age, no one wanted to give her the time of day. But she was an asset in more ways then one. She would eventually become second in charge of the guild, and become their strategist as well as information extractor. When asked about her past or her siblings, she simply would not answer. The truth was simply, they were always close. Although they were the people she always spent her time with, risked her life for, and helped time and time again - she had never made a friend in the guild, and never really fit in like the others did with each other.
One day, the guild was shut down by the council, saying they had overstepped their bounds, broken too many laws, and were to disband or be arrested. The guild, for appearances only, dispersed, but with plans to reform in several years. In the mean while, each member was to train and become part of another guild as to not raise suspicion. And thus, Mnemosyne found Phoenix Wing. Mnemosyne was always different from the others in the guild, she was on jobs as often as possible, always taking the highest paying jobs, and then giving the money to the guild or other people in the community. If she wasn't doing jobs, she was training, and the rare times she wasn't doing either - she would still find ways to disappear.
In the guild, as usual she hadn't made any friends, didn't often talk to people, and was misunderstood by many. She spent a lot of time analyzing those around her when she was gathered with the guild. The guild had a lot of different types of personalities, which she always found intriguing. Mnemosyne grew rather fond of the guild, though somewhat detached from the rest, and would do anything to protect her guild members.
Miscellaneous Mnemosyne's guild tattoo is located on her tongue, and is the color black. She is blind in one eye and thus wears the eyepatch (or, supposedly). There are several rumors about what has happened to her siblings, at least in terms of the ones aware. One is that she killed both her siblings that night, whereas the other, is that she used her magic to trap them, and no one has seen them since.
Magic: Caster magic – Metal make. Shujin can construct objects made from metal using his hands and magic. Similar to ice make and memory make, he can learn to make certain object from a metal of his choosing. For example, crafting an iron hammer. He has to master certain types of metals before he can use them. He can just about manage all of the basic metals, but the stronger ones are very draining on his magic. (titanium, steel etc). Usually he will craft from iron as it is the easiest to regenerate magic to use. Shujin has learned to craft using alloys too. This allows him to create stronger compounds to make his attacks and defence stronger. An example of this ability is his battle mode. He uses metal make to form a gold-iron alloyed armour set and covers his hair in gold dust to change its colour. This is his battle mode, and is called golden purity. He will only use this when he gets serious.
His most frequent makes in battle are: hammer, long sword, shield, and scythe. However, he can make anything he chooses. However, if he doesn’t know how to, its form will be weak and easily destroyed. Apart from his magic, he mainly fights in combat using the weapons he crafts, so he is incredibly agile and skilled with metal weapons. The major flaws behind his magic are that the stronger the metal used, the more magic is drained. And the more things he crafts at once, the less stable they are, so the hotter they become. Therefore, eventually, if he continues to craft, the objects will be searing hot. However, he may choose where all of the heat resides. For example, he could craft a sword, but transfer its heat into his armour. Because of this, he usually should battle with a partner, to allow his magic to cool down. Fighting alone means he must be as conservative as possible.
Magic Level: A
History: Shujin was an orphan, like so many others. Luckily, he was raised by good people in a church. That came to an abrupt end after the arrival of another strange boy. Shujin got through everything, and left the remnants of his home behind, determined to put it behind him. He joined the royal army, where he was enlisted into the magical protection establishment. He was taught some magic, and he made it his own, by learning new spells, putting new twists on them. He finally crafted a style of fighting that suited him. One day, he was promoted, as a major royal wizard. That entailed hunting down big criminals, and bringing them in. If this was not possible, he would kill them without fault. The kingdom had turned him into a glorified bounty hunter, and he knew it. Despite all that, he enjoyed it. Killing was starting to become natural to him. He didn't mind it. Bringing down criminals like them was fine as far as he was aware.
Personality: Shujin in normal situations does not overreact to anything. He is not normally known as a trouble maker, and often will get on with work and get jobs done given to in by instruction. However, when anything serious happens, he changes into a completely different person. Confident, but calm, and deathly, therefore in his own mind more powerful.
Team Members: none
Three Strengths: 1. incredibly agile for dodging attacks 2. emotion isn't a factor in his decisions very often 3. he has absolutely nothing to lose, and will never back down
Three Weaknesses: 1. social skills 2. anger problems affect his magic 3. being a man of metal, he doesn't like the rain at all Greatest Love: killing criminals
Motivation: making the world a safer place, by taking on the dirty work so citizens don't have to.
Name: Serma “Luna” Cathris Age: 15 Magic: Solar Magic, Lunar Magic, Eclipse Magic. List of Abilities Solar Magic - Solar Magic is a type of fire magic that uses the sun to make it more powerful. Most of its abilities can only be used during the day. Its strength varies with the time of year, usually.
Solar Flare: A sudden burst of fire and heat that can cause 3rd degree burns on a direct hit.
Solaris Divum: The caster draws in the power of the sun storing it inside the body. If enough is stored, it can cause the caster to glow. Cannot store power of the Sun if the caster is storing the power of the Moon.
Solar Wind: A warm wind whips around, carrying small objects as well as draining opponents of their magic power slowly.
Shine: Emits a blinding light.
Summer’s Dream: Causes the sun to shine as if it was a midsummer day, cutting through any clouds, heating up the air, and powering up other solar attacks.
Beam: Focuses light from the sun into a single beam that can cut through most things without problem.
Stellar Calling: Allows Serma to use Solar Magic at night, drawing from the power of the stars in the sky, but the magic is much weaker.
Blade of Sol: The Caster summons a blade, of any shape, made of pure sunlight. This blade can cut through or burn almost anything.
Lunar Magic - Lunar magic is a type of utility magic that draws from the light of the moon to power itself. Most of its abilities can only be used at night, and its strength varies with the phase of the moon.
Lunar Light: Calls upon a ball of energy that gives off a dull white light.
Lunar Beam: Focuses a beam of light from the moon that can freeze most things rapidly. Can use the light created by the Lunar Light spell for a weaker effect.
Lunaris Divum: The Caster draws in the power of the moon, storing it within the body. If enough is stored, it can cause the body temperature of the caster to fall some. Cannot store power of the Moon if the caster is storing the power of the Sun.
Lunar Armor: The light of the moon becomes armor for the caster, protecting them from all but the sharpest of blades.
Luna: The Caster calls upon the moon to give the caster power. causing a temporary full moon in the area near the caster, and cutting through the clouds. This takes massive amounts of magical energy to sustain.
Lunar Seal: Coats something in solidified moonlight, sealing it and preventing it from being opened again unless the seal is brought into the light of the sun.
Gaze: The Caster can use this spell to look into a pool of water and see anything the moon can see. This spell only works if there is no sunlight being shown on the pool of water, and the energy cost is proportional with the distance trying to be seen.
Blade of Luna: The Caster summons a blade, of any shape, made of pure moonlight that can cut through or freeze almost anything.
Eclipse Magic - A combination of both Solar and Lunar magic. It works best with both the sun and moon are in sight, and is nigh-unstoppable during an actual eclipse. Otherwise it can be used almost any time of day. It is uniquely resistant to dispelling magics.
Ecliptic Glare: Allows the Caster to creates or absorb light.
Corona: Creates a field of searing heat and light around the caster.
Light of the Eclipse: Creates a field of darkness and ice around the caster.
Ecliptic Armor: Creates platemail armor from both the sun and the moon’s light, allowing it to either be freezing cold or burning hot at the will of the caster, and its strength has been compared to a dragon’s scales in the past.
Tumult: Creates harsh winds from both the power of the moon and the sun simultaneously, freezing and burning the caster’s opponents at the same time, as well as draining their physical and magical energy.
Eclipse Blades: Creates both the Blade of Luna and the Blade of Sol simultaneously, but gives them both the abilities of the other, and renders them nearly unbreakable and undispellable.
Blackout: Causes the sky to go completely black, can only be used at night and when the moon is less than half-full.
Horizon: A weaker version of Ecliptic Horizon, it causes the target to see and feel as if they were drawn into the Ecliptic Void, but not actually be sent there.
Ecliptic Horizon: Draws the target into the plane of the eclipse, trapping them forever in a void. This spell can only be used during an eclipse.
This is an incomplete list. There are many more spells than I can name or want to write. These are just the most powerful/commonly used. Magic Level: S History: Serma is one of the many “Generationals” in Iron Enigma. Born into the guild, she had the powerful previous generation of mages’ magics to learn from. It quickly became clear she was highly talented in magics involving the sun and moon, and she eventually combined her talent in the two to be able to use what she calls “eclipse” magic. As soon as she passed the minimum age to be officially part of the guild, she was put through the S-Class Exam and was promoted. She is now considered one of the most powerful wizards in the entire guild, and is currently also the youngest member. Personality: Quiet, and follows orders to the letter. Team Members: N/A Three Strengths: 1. Her Magic is highly versatile. 2. She can patch up most injuries with ease, so long as it’s not in the daylight. 3. Due to her size, it is easy to underestimate her. Three Weaknesses: 1. She is physically weak. 2. She follows any order given to her from people within her guild, even if they’re to her detriment. 3. She can fall into bouts of depression easily. Greatest Love: The Sun and Moon. Motivation: Seeing moon from far above the earth. Appearance: Serma is almost always dressing a robe that covers her entire body and uses her eclipse magic to keep her face in the dark under the hood. The robe itself changes color with the time of day, turning white during the day and a deep black during the night. She has two pendants, one of the sun and one of the moon, around her neck that hang outside of her robe. When she takes the hood down, she has pale skin and black hair. Her hands are perpetually covered by gloves that continue up her arm a bit, and her robe has an emblem on the back that changes between the moon and sun on the same cycle of its colors. She only comes up to about 5’2” and is very frail. Additional Details: Her guild mark is on the back of her neck.
A Holder-type magic involving the summoning and use of a Magic Bow and arrow. By default, each bow fires ethereal arrows formed from pure Ethernano, however specially made Magic Arrows can be used with special effects. The strength of this magic depends chiefly on the caster's raw magical power and the power of the bow being used.
Magic Bows: Chiron's Charge: Kihara's favored bow. A black bow that is capable of compressing Ethernano to such a degree that the arrows become solid, as black as the bow that fires them. Kihara uses this bow when firing her precious Magic Arrows.
Four Corners: A multi-effect bow that can fire elemental arrows with different effects depending on the colour of the bow itself. Red for explosive arrows, blue for freezing arrows, white for wind arrows, and yellow for shocking arrows.
Hunter's Arm: A two stage bow that, with the first shot, places a magic rune on her opponent. Any further arrows fired from this bow, no matter what direction they are fired in, will seek out the target marked with the rune.
Savage Rain: A bow capable of firing arrows in rapid succession. The cost of the high rate of fire means the arrows have less time to compress, making them less powerful.
Magic Arrows: Due to the rarity of these arrows and the expense required to obtain them, Kihara dislikes using these unless absolutely necessary.
High Wrath (x4): These arrows are filled with dangerously compressed magic power, resulting in huge explosions when they impact with a target.
Leaping Lance (x3): These arrows and imbued with a teleportation magic that, upon impact, will instantly move the caster from the point of fire to the point of impact.
Dragon's Breath (x1): One of Kihara's most valuable belongings. This arrow was reportedly carved out of a Dragon's bone and imbued with the power and rage of that Dragon. Supposedly the arrow contains the destructive force of a Dragon's breath, however the truth of this has yet to be determined as Kihara hasn't had the heart to actually fire the thing.
Magic Level: A Class
History: Nineteen years ago Kihara was born in a small village in the temperate south west of Fiore. Kihara's relationship with her family was a rocky one, as she found little in common with her artsy mother and similarly inclined brothers. Kihara's relationship with her father was far closer. Her father was a champion Archer and archery was a shared interest of them both. Kihara spent much of her time with her father, practicing her archery and when she was practicing she was listening, with bated breath as he told her the stories that his father had told him. Stories of the great mage Guilds of old and the Mages that worked in them.
Kihara always wanted to be like the Mages in those stories and when she discovered her own magic, with her father's blessing, she took up a old bow that had been her father's most prized possession, though he couldn't use it himself, the Magic Bow Chiron's Charge. Kihara left her family on that day and set out to find a Mages Guild to join and ended up finding her way to Phoenix Wing.
Personality: Kihara has a reputation of being quite a fun loving person and isn't shy either. She enjoys teasing the other members of her guild, particularly the younger males.
Team Members: None so far
Three Strengths: 1. Excellent eyesight 2. Clever mind 3. High Magic Power
Three Weaknesses: 1. Fear of water 2. Weakness to alcohol 3. Unskilled in teamwork
Greatest Love: The Guild
Motivation: To make Phoenix Wing as great, or greater, than Fairy Tail at it's prime.
Additional Details: Kihara's Guild Mark is black and on the inside of her left thigh.
History: Jack Goran's history is spotty at best, and he isn't known to like talking about it. What little he does share is incredibly sad. When he was 10, his father passed on the legacy of their family, Fire God Slaying magic. However, he was much stronger than any previous member of his family and the flames he unleashed quickly consumed everything in sight. Not even his father could stop the unintentional attack and his family was killed that day. He lived in fear of his abilities for years, living as a beggar while training in secret and far from anyone who could get hurt. Eventually, he learned to control them and he moved into his rightful place as a Wizard in a new world. However, that's all you'll ever get from Jack. He won't share more.
Personality: Jack is kind, caring and protective. With the loss of his own family, the guild he's spent the last ten years building is his new one and he refuses to lose it.
Team Members: His whole guild
Three Strengths:
1. Most powerful user of his magic in 100 years
2. Strong conviction and moral compass
3. Skilled martial artist and tactician
Three Weaknesses:
1. Wary of his own magic, won't always go all out.
2. Has trouble seeing a moral grey line sometimes, likes to think in terms of black and white.
3. Has an odd fear of cats.
Greatest Love: His guild
Motivation: To keep the world safe from the events of 100 years prior.
Additional Details:
S-Class Wizard CSs Name: Jake Ronan
Age: 24
Birthday: July 1, X868
Arsenal Magic is a far more specialized form of another magic who's name has been lost to time. Everything about his magic focuses on the use of Axes, from his armor to his choice of weapons. Hand axes, poleaxes, all kinds of axes. He has four axes he uses most often with special properties.
Gorma's Halberd: This halberd is imbued with the power of fire and increases his toughness, making it so he can shrug off normally dangerous blows. This effect is tripled while he's wearing Gorma's armor.
Alexander's Battle Ax: This ax is imbued with the power of ice and increases his speed, allowing him to dodge incredibly fast attacks with relative ease. Effect is doubled while wearing Alexander's armor.
Shatterer's Hand Axes: These are the only ax that Jack duel wields. Embued with the power of Earth and increases his strength, allowing him to even cleave through certain spells. Effect is doubled while wearing Shatterer's armor.
Doom Ax: This is Jack's most powerful ax, increasing all his natural abilities ten fold. This effect is doubled when wearing the Doom armor. Allows use of his Ultimate Spell Raganorok. Is incredibly taxing on Jack's body so there's a limited time frame of use.
Magic Level: S
History: Jake was born to a pair of woodcutters who lived in Shirotsume Town and worked in a forest just south of it. From the time he could walk, his parents taught him how to to use the woodcutting axes they used to make their living, from the proper way to swing it to how to keep others safe around it. When he turned six, he joined his parents in the woods on occasion, doing his best to contribute. As he got older, he went out more often and contributed more and more.By the time he was sixteen, he joined his parents on a daily basis and was known to take down entire trees on his own in just a few hours. He was happy and content, spending all the time he could ask for with his family and contributing to his families lifestyle. However, this happiness would not last.
On his eighteenth birthday, a Dark Guild rolled into Shirotsume Town and started demanding protection money, killing the people who outright refused to pay. His parents were among those who refused and he watched in horror as their lives were taken by a man wielding many different kinds of knives. However, as this man moved to kill him, he found his own magic. He threw his hands up in pointless self defense and felt something form in his hands, stopping the descending knife. When he looked up, he found he was holding a halberd, and that suddenly he felt empowered. Surging forward, he let his rage at the wrong doings of the men before him guide him. The man with the knives escaped, but he managed to wound or incapacitate most of the others for the Rune Knights to arrest. It was then that he met the guild master of the ever growing Dragon's Fang and he joined in an instant. In two years time, he'd mastered his magic and discovered it's true name and abilities and become one of the guild's S Rank wizards.
Personality: Silent and reserved, he really only gets loud around his friends and guildmates. In battle, he doesn't speak, he lets his skills do the talking.
Team Members: Ammy Silver
Three Strengths: (Not just combat)
1. Physically strong and a good work ethic
2. Knows his way around familiar areas, especially forests
3. Is handy for making quick camps
Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable)
1. Lacks proper education from so much time in the woods. Can read at a basic level.
2. Claustrophobic
3. Distrusting of anyone who won't at least put their shoulder to the metaphorical wheel
Greatest Love: He'll never tell, but Ammy
Motivation: To keep the events of his youth from repeating themselves and protect others.
Additional Details:
Name: Ammy Silver
Age: 27
Birthday: May 30, X865
Reaper magic is unique for two aspects. It is one of the few magics that requires a weapon and it is also the only magic of it's kind. To use it, it requires a scythe. And it's effects are interesting. First, every cut the scythe inflicts begins to numb your body, with the severity increasing with the depth of the cut until you can't move or feel your body, like you're dead. On top of that, all it's spells focus on maximizing pain and suffering, with only one spell truely causing death. The final goal of all her spells but Reaping of Souls is to make an opponent too weak and tired to continue fighting.
Scythe appearance: X2
Magic Level: S (acutally X, but this is a secret)
History: No one knows much about Ammy Silver, and when questioned, she's quite adept at turning the conversation on the questioner and their past. She turned up on the guild's front door one day, with nothing but her seperated scythes and the clothes on her back. She asked to speak with Master Jack and emerged a member of the guild a couple hours later. She quickly proved her magic was above the A-Class ranking she'd been given and was made the second of Dragon's Fang's S-Class wizards. The one question she'll answer about her past is her magic. She'll always reply with, "It's all I've ever known to be true."
Personality: Ammy is quiet and reserved, even around her guildmates. She is similarly quiet and reserved in combat.
Team Members: Jake Ronan
Three Strengths: (Not just combat) 1. Because of her constant silent surveillance of a person or group, she's good at reading others. 2. Clever tactician 3. Quick Learner
Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. Slow to trust or open up to others 2. Can read too much into something and be wrong. Often does and is. 3. Doesn't make friends easily
Greatest Love: The little things in life
Motivation: To open the world's eyes to it's own evils
Second magic: Caller Magic- Caller magic is a lot like Celestial spirit magic in that the wielder can call upon spirits for help. Only one spirit can be called on at a time however unless special circumstances occur.
Magic Level: A
History: Gideon growing up lived a sheltered life. Kept inside most of the time due to his parents irrational fear about magic and everything else Gideon. When he was thirteen he picked up one of his father’s sword a display piece called Cailburn. It was supposedly a legendary blade of a guy named Arthur. Gideon thought that was a fat joke. Some king wouldn’t use a flashy blade. Suddenly the sword disappeared into thin air and then a different sword appeared in his hands…re-quip magic. He had read about it in his studies and from that moment he knew what he wanted to do. Sword fighting was the only thing he was allowed to do as a kid and it wasn’t even with his parents but his butler. His butler taught him everything he knew even his studies. At the age of sixteen Gideon revealed what he could do with his father’s sword to his parents and his butler. His parents were afraid of their own son but his butler smiled and took the kid’s hand as his parents left the room disgusted. “Son my name is Alan Pendragon. I am the previous owner of that sword. It was passed down in my family for generations and you sir have just re-quipped the true sword of King Arthur, Excalibur.” The Gideon felt so excited and the following morning was disowned and his parents kicked him out of their house. Alan made the decision to quit working for them and adopt the kid. They both worked at a local shop and continued his training until he turned twenty and left on his own journey. During the two years up until present day he has spent most of his time collecting rare weapons for his re-quip magic. Finally he thought he was strong enough to join a guild. On his journey now to find a guild he came across thugs in a forest near a town called Magnolia he came across some thugs messing with a cart driver. Re-quipping Excalibur he went at them but easily got knocked back. One of the thugs was about to start beating up on him when suddenly time seemed to slow and out of nowhere a ghostly image became whole in front of his eyes. “You wouldn’t dare strike another blow against that man or this boy or I shall strike you down.” Scoffing at this the thug raised his fist and the next second was on the ground. The others saw how easy it was for the new person in the fight to get knocked away and ran. Standing up Gideon greeted the man. “Well hello there. My name is King Arthur and you Gideon brought my soul out of that sword to fight for you. Any time you need help in a fight call on me.” That was all he said and then faded away into nothingness. Personality: Due to being sheltered as a kid Gideon is still kinda naïve and hasn’t experienced a lot in life as he should have. He is a bit hot tempered but not so far that he loses his cool every time something goes wrong. He rushes in to save people whenever he can and loves to help if he can.
Team Members: Not sure yet
Three Strengths: 1. Can sing fairly well. 2. Great chess player. 3. Good at making friends.
Three Weaknesses: 1. Rushes into fights head on without thinking. 2. Bit of a hero complex 3. Afraid of snakes
Greatest Love: His swords and honor that comes with them.
Motivation: To find new weapons to re-quip and now to figure out his new magic he has discovered.
Additional Details: Gideon took the name pendragon when he got adopted
Echo: His headphones is what he takes over, which grants him a light black armored suit with white gloves and boots. His headphones also become slightly larger encompassing a little bit more of the sides of his head, they also grow outwards a bit more seeming to be a bit more bulky. While the armored suit takes slightly more damage it's no heavy armor and will only slightly lessen the pain. For defensive capabilities, his head phone blocks out painful sounds, one that might mess with his brain or cause him to go unconscious, and mentioned already lessens the pain he might take. He also able to create shock waves around him, so he is able to hold some people off, it however is not the strongest so it might just catch them off guard Offensive abilities he is able to let loose his own loud sounds which done close enough to someone might cause them to fall unconscious or cause them to go deaf. If he grabs someone he can release shock waves into their body, which would damage them from the inside.
Ravager: His first ever takeover, but since he did it as a child he cant fully remember what it was that he touched. All he is able to note that, it was a miracle he lived from it. He gains nearly a full metal suit that is silver. It covers his body, legs and arms fully while his head it encompasses around his skull yet has spike protruding outwards on the back and top of his skull, it leaves his face showing though. It is clear that his strength rises greatly while in this suit, yet where his power may rise his speed falls short and he thus becomes much slower in this take over. If you wanted a good estimate on how strong his power was in this suit, then him simply taking a step is enough to crack the ground slightly.
Engine: Probably self explainable, its main use is to increase his speed and nothing else. He gains a light armored jet black suit with most of the Armour focusing on his chest feet and arms. On his back is two exhaust parts, which sends out black smoke when he uses his takeover's abilities. Smaller exhaust pipes are on the back of his feet, and the only way for him to activate his speed is for him to clench his hands and rev them like one would a motorcycle. Vice versa he would slow down by not revving them and would brake by opening his hands.
Magic: God Takeover
Loki: The first god he performed takeover on within the two weeks before the magic games. Also the hardest one for him to adjust too, as he has to sometimes fight for superiority over his own body. Zephyr found out that within this takeover his strength and speed rise dramatically while being hit still hurt just as much. He also has possession over shadow magic and can now add magical attacks to his arsenal, and while he never used it because he finds it dirty, he can use shapeshifter abilities. So while Zephyr doesn’t use it, Loki when he sometimes gains control most certainly does. He pretty much retains the gods form, with the only upside being he keeps his own hairstyle and face. so while he doesn’t have that half face going on his left eye does become yellow
Magic Level: A
History: Growing up in a town no one knew much about or even could know about really, was a way to laid back child. The child's name was Zephyr, and the only good part about him was that he knew how to crack a good joke. The town itself only had one main thing about it and that being a huge factory that contained all sorts of machinery that worked hard to produce what Zephyr called the speed racers. Well one day his school had a field trip to the factory and while allowed inside, they were given clear instructions to stay awayyyy from every machine there. Well every child listened besides Zephyr of course and while the class walked one way, he walked the other. Now within the factory was this giant crushing machine that dismantled errors they made. Zephyr had the bright idea to go inside it and then he found something above starting to descend. He would have walked out but a door blocked him in. So in fear he pounded on the side wall which was also a part of the crusher. As he pounded on it the area around him began to glow with a bright yellow color and he found himself covered in some really heavy armor.
It continued to descend so like a natural instinct he raised up his arm to see if he could stop it and to his surprise he did stop it, but really he only slowed it down, yet it was enough of a moment to realize something was wrong in the machine and they stopped it and got Zephyr out of there. He was then screamed at and was then questioned where he got the armor. He told them it just appeared on him, and the adults there knew that this kid had magic in the form of takeover. It was a rare chance someone in the town go magic powers so he was treated a little differently... for about a day. They realized he was still this lazy kid, just a lazy one with magic. One day when at school though someone started a fight with him because he didn't laugh at one of their jokes, and it was this moment that awakened his fighter spirit and while not in his takeover, he did win but came out with some bruises. However cause he knew magic he was the one that got yelled at, after that day parents began to hide their children from him and so him and his parents moved to Magnolia Town. Funnily enough he was dragged into another fight, yet unlike his first this time the kid that started the fight hit him with a ball of ice. He was fighting someone that also knew magic, so Zephyr grinned and went into his Ravager suit and was therefore watching all the ice shatter against his armor. The armor was very heavy though so really he just stood there and watched the ice continue to shatter against his armor. The fight was a stalemate but he did make friends from it.
Growing up he gained two more take over from machines which he grew to like more and more with each takeover he did. He gained his echo one on his fifteenth birthday when he got his headphones and grinned as he took them in his hands knowing full well that he would get a take over from this if it was the last thing he did. He then gained the Engine one when he was twenty, although he tried multiple years. He apparently had to have some understanding of the machinery itself in order to take it over. Hence why he only has three despite touching multiple machines in his life. Which made him wonder how he got his first one, and came to the conclusion that he knew that its purpose was to crush objects and that he was going to be a part of the thing that got crushed unless he did something.
Personality: Quite light hearted and will be more of a joker than someone serious, seemingly shrugging off insults or even adding to them. he does however take battles seriously and goes into a different kind of state when in one.
Team Members: None at the moment
Three Strengths: (Not just combat) 1. Has different variety 2. Ironically is great with machines. 3. Doesn't let what others say mess him up.
Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. His love for combat can put him in bad situations 2. Doesn't know when to stop joking and be serious. 3. Cannot be stealthy one bit.
Greatest Love: Combat and Machines
Motivation: To be the best fighter in the world, and prove that Machina takeover is better than Satan takeover