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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"It’s a pleasure"

Princess Viridiana Rose Juran



Sexual Preference

Pure Blood/Aristocrat/Turned


Significant Other
-Her brothers have yet to decide who wants her more-

- Via visions and poems and dreams – some rather violent – she has the ability to see faraway places in the present times, past and future events coming on the current path. She may submerge herself in trances to call visions forth at will, though these are more violent and painful for her –

-Strangely enough the Pure Blood vampire, Vi is able to channel death. This gives her the ability to see, hear and speak to spirits, as well as find where they are attached to. She can tell if and when someone is going to die by touching them – only if the time of death is close. She may also control the dead and force them to obey her command –

-Able to hear the surface thoughts of anyone within a mile radius of her, though read past thoughts and diving into memories requires her to concentrate more on that single person than the group. The closer they person is the easiest it is for her. She may as well send her own thoughts and memories and images to others. This ability gives her a heightened sense of when someone is trying to touch her mind and allows her to construct mental walls-

Quiet, mild mannered, sweet and loving; Viridiana exhibits many of the characteristics required of a good Queen and a sweet Princess. She is coveted and yet remains humble and kind but still capable of being coy and fun loving.

A mere 97 years old, the youngest of the royal families children she is the daughter of the King and Queen and the next in line to be Queen of the Vampires. She was raised like this, and has only recently begun going out into public with her parents. Several males from aristocratic families have expressed a desire for her hand though they know that that honour will most likely fall to her eldest brother.

-She has a photographic memory-
-Enjoys reading and writing-
-Cats are her favourite animal, she has three as well as a horse-

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

“What hurts you, blesses you. Darkness is your candle.”

Name: Prince Matthieu Xavier Juran
Age: 110
Sex: Male
Sexual Preference: Heterosexual

Pure Blood/Aristocrat/Turned

Younger sister - Viridiana

Significant Other:

Enhanced vision - Thanks to his pure blood standing, Matthieu has been gifted three distinct powers of special eyesight. They are night vision, which allows him to see in darkness, even the dark, infrared, which allows him to perceive heat signatures and x-ray, which allows him to see through solid objects such as walls or doors.

Shapeshifting - He is able to shapeshift into two different forms, that of a bat and other humans. He isn't entirely sure why he isn't able to change into animals other than a bat, but it is a useful form at that, small, numerous and able to fly. He often will use it to make a quick escape.

His shapeshifting into a human is more complicated, first off it has to be an actual person that he has seen with his own eyes, one he has encountered, it does not matter if they are dead or alive, just that he has seen them clearly with his two eyes. The gift has a limit as he is unable to add mass, he couldn't shift into a larger man whether fat or extremely muscular, just one with similar or lesser body shape to his.

Matthieu is a flirtatious, curious vampire, he is normally very friendly and kind, but only to other vampires. He tends to look down upon humans, seeing them as weaklings that just happen to inhabit the world that happen to be a food source but he'll admit that they are entertaining and sometimes useful outside of feeding. He puts his family and himself above all others, but has a watchful eye for his vampire kin.

The eldest of the King and Queen, he possesses two siblings, a sister and brother, both younger. As such he is next in line to become King, something he does not like to think about much now, valuing his freedom and current lack of pressure to rule. Though he knows the day will come one day and he'll try to be ready for it when it does. He also has yet to take a wife, and has been pressured to marry his sister but he is unsure of it.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mithias Varomere



Sexual Preference



Significant Other
None yet.


Pyrokinesis - A rare ability, but not very strong.

Warded Mind - A telepathic power that prevents mind-reading and manipulation by other vampires.

Mithias knows what honor is. He knows what loyalty is, what honesty is, but he remains morally ambiguous. He is an old, turned vampire, wizened by time, free from control, a rebel if you will. He doesn't side with vampires nor mortals. He's not interested in ruling, and is more of a detective, feeding his own curiosity. I plan to reveal more later.

Mithias drinks human blood. He's been around a long time and has gotten over it. In fact, he's gotten over a lot of things regarding immortality. He's served as an adviser to royal families in the past but then mysteriously vanished.

What is known of his origins is that he was a Templar knight in what is now known as Germany. He of course knows his sire, but hasn't seen him in ages. (Since nobody is playing him, I'm letting him be an unknown npc, but I do have a persona in mind). Mithias was turned at the start of the great inquisition when the Templars were denounced and violently disbanded. Mithias might divulge the circumstances of his turning but it isn't common knowledge. (yes I have a story, but it is going to affect how other characters view him. It will be best to let them find out IC.)

Mithias enjoys observing royals and slayers, befriending both, and manipulating as he sees fit.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"I wish you well in life. Please, if you can, live as I could not."

Name: Aria Giselle

Apparent || 20-ish

True || 130

Sex: Female

Sexual Preference: Asexual


Pure Blood/Aristocrat/Turned


Significant Other:

Blood Purification - An ability inherent in her own blood; it strengthens the blood of whatever species drinks from her own. No matter what species partakes in drinking her blood, it will undoubtedly become stronger, faster, more mentally adept, etc. The more blood is taken, the more pronounced the effect is. If whatever drinks from her blood has an ability to speak of, said ability will also become stronger or easier to use.


Quiet and unassuming. Aria does her best to be as unnoticed as possible. Aria is scared of the world and were it not for her strong desire to live, she would have sooner ended her life. She has a low opinion of herself and constantly doubts her own actions, both attributes are simply symptoms of an even worse mental trauma: Survivors guilt. Aria does not trust people easily, and once she does, she is still not completely open with them. Her survivors guilt also makes it so that she is way to forgiving of other people.

She is a deep and profound thinker, almost philosopher like even. She is able to look at matters from different perspectives and formulate responses based on her own insights. In terms of lateral thinking, she is a definite genius. Unfortunately, her genius is hampered by her fear and own self-loathing.

Despite her fear of the world, she also genuinely loves people - or, to be more specific, she loves life in general; this creates a fragile mental state, due to the fact that she both fears the world but is also gentle to its denizens, the ones she is afraid of in the first place.


Aria was born in a relatively normal family in what was formerly the Ottoman Empire. Despite her relatively normal background, Aria herself was anything but - she was smart, mature for her age, and above all, painfully, painfully beautiful. Since the moment she turned three, it became apparent that she would be among the once in a lifetime beauties. As for Aria herself, she never really cared much about her own looks. She much preferred to be in the company of her family and friends. Personal relations were much more important to her in comparison to the admiration of people she didn't even know. Her comparatively humble attitude mixed with her otherworldly looks made her even more admired, and her fame rapidly grew.

Unfortunately, it was the same beauty that she was widely famed for that would lead to the single greatest tragedy of her life, as well as her turning into a vampire.

When she was around twenty years old, tell of her fame reached the ears of the creatures that hid in the dark. One such vampire went to confirm the rumors, expecting a pleasant target to satisfy his urges at best, and a free meal at worst. What he found was neither. What he found, instead, was an object to instill a deep, black passion in him. It a terrifying insanity caused by simply observing her. He loved her, but he also wanted to possess her. He hated her, for making a being such as him feel these painful emotions, but at the same time could not find any fault in her.

Nights came and went, and the more he watched her, the more his desire and insanity grew. Mortal men had similar feelings as him when it came to Aria, but theirs was not so pronounced because of the sole fact that they were not vampire. They new that Aria's beauty would fade eventually, and as all things did, that once in a lifetime beauty would fade - this logic did not apply to the vampire. He knew he could preserve her, keep her insanely and intensely beautiful for eternity. He knew that he could keep her forever.

The days following the Ottoman Empire's involvement the front-lines of World War One, Aria's village was attacked, and evacuation was a low-priority. The vampire saw this as his chance and in the chaos that was the aftermath of the battle, forced her to drink his blood and killed her. It was not a slow death, nor was it a painless transformation. Unfortunately for the vampire, he was not about to keep his prize. He lost the body of Aria during a bombing raid.

The months afterwards were the most harrowing and horrifying times of Aria's un-life. The feeling of lusting for blood, to rip out hearts and drink from them rage through her head constantly, and it was only thanks to the overabundance of recently dead bodies that prevented Aria from taking a life for herself.

Currently, Aria is trying to hide herself away, which is slowly becoming more and more difficult with the adventbof he twentieth century

Only takes from recently deceased bodies (only if it's been dead for a single day, however)

"Vampires are strange, wonderful, powerful existence. Treat that existence with respect, but never worship it. Never worship anything that dies, or someday you'll find yourself lost."

|| Mario Maverip ||



Sexual Preference:
Heterosexual (Moot point, however, as he is too old to be thinking about such things)



Significant Other:


Cool, taciturn, and unerringly polite. Mario never blows his steam or shows rudeness intentionally no matter who he is addressing. He is a deep planner, thinking moves and steps ahead of time, and even then, he has the ability to think of new tactics on the fly. He is a lateral thinker, not locked down to any single train of thought, and has an extremely flexible mind. Above all that, however, is his inability to fear death.

For a human hunter, he is surprisingly merciful and has even spared vampires he has hunted. Mario considers 'teaching vampires a lesson' to be more important than 'exterminating' them. Mario is never antagonistic in the sense that he has never once considered anyone to be his enemy, or even hated anyone enough to be treated as such. Mario has a strange and powerful sense of curiosity. Once a question gets into his head, he stops at nothing to look for answers. In the same way, once he has encountered a problem, he will do anything to find a solution for it, out of academic curiosity if anything else.

The strange serenity that Mario exhibits is also unnerving for most people, vampire or not - it makes it feel as though he is altogether invincible, or at least, that everything is going according to some unseen plan of his.


Mario had a normal background for someone who was related to vampires. He came from a farming family from Kansas, and there was nothing outwardly unusual about him except for his quick wit and his mind that was structured like a foggy maze. Still, that wasn't incredibly rare or unusual when you looked at the grand scheme of things. What set him aside from normal people, was his sharp and dangerous desire to kill. His instincts were sharp and seemed tailor made for killing live creatures - he could determine the best and most efficient way for something to die. Mario discovered said instinct while trying to kill a chicken for dinner; the frustration of taking so long to kill that single creature lead him to think of quicker, more efficient ways to get the job done. Eventually, those thoughts spread out to more than just poultry - it eventually began to include horses, cows, dogs, sheep and finally, humans.

Still, despite his homicidal urges, he was ultimately a man of morals, and so never indulged in his urges . . . until a certain encounter changed that.

  • Has large arsenal stores scattered here and there with no distinct pattern, some of which are even disguised as merchandise for legitimate businesses.
  • His recorded number of direct (vampire) kills total at a terrifying 103 - rumors suggest that the actual number is much higher than that.
  • Despite his relative infamy in the world of vampires, his face isn't widely known, mostly due to the fact that the only people who survive his hunts are people that he wants to survive.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“Want to have a little fun Sweetheart?”

Sebastian Verlac – Sebastian Hynritch
Sexual Preference
Pure Blood/Aristocrat/Turned

Significant Other
Cecily Markov – Currently Courting

Manipulation of Plant Matter
-He may control plant matter to his will, with is actually more of an agreement between himself and nature. He may grow small plants without a problem, though lager things take more of his energy to produce. Growing a large tree in a short time may very well cause him to die-
-Unlike others he has the ability to speak to animals and plants with his mind, but not humans or other vampires. He can receive and send images, emotions and memories; though with animals it is very rarely words. With plants it’s often words and images, like reading a humans mind though much more quiet-



Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Celaira
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Celaira Lore Mistress

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Trinais
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Safety has its price. I'm willing to pay it."


Name: Ian "Sunshine" Gilder
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Sexual Preference: Bisexual


Family: Estranged (Donates to Juran)

Significant Other

- Dancer's Grace: While Ian isn't a true vampire, he has an understanding of his own body and its capabilities that would surprise a vampire. Ian moves on stage and off with a cat's surety of footing and a ballet dancer's skill.

Ian will be the life of the party but very rarely talks about himself if he can help it. His captivity at the hands of Charles has left him scarred and guarded. He behaves in a very closed manner to strangers but demonstrates unwavering loyalty to the Royal Line.

Ian Gilder does not share his past to strangers. The Royal Line knows a few facts about him due to careful digging, however. He arrived in New York at the age of 15, speaking with a Midwest accent and living with an aunt in Brooklyn. He attended High School and excelled in dance and the arts, failing the sciences, and was interviewed four times by a district social worker.

After graduating, Ian left his Aunt's and took up a few menial jobs in the service industry, working for minimum wage to save for college, his eyes set on Broadway. He found the task monumental and hopeless after six months. He did take up a job at a strip club in Greenwich Village which brought in plenty of money in tips, but also brought Ian to the attention of another vampire: Charles Delans.

Charles was a Turned vampire on the run from the Royal Line for petty theft of his sire's jewelry, and the need for a constant blood source was hindering his efforts to keep one step ahead of hunters and the aristocracy. Charles entranced Ian, brought him back to his hideaway- a two room complex on the West Side, and began to suck Ian dry over the course of three months.

Ian was a willing slave by the time a pack of slayers burst through the front door, even as they found him handcuffed to a wall and with a line of bite marks down his arm, emaciated and bruised like a meth junkie.

The hunters were unsure whether or not to unleash Ian- no one could tell if he was on the cusp of changing or if Charles hadn't tried to turn Ian. Ultimately they decided that it would be best to leave him for several days- if he was human when they returned, then Ian could be counted on as one of their own.

Fortunately for Ian, a pair of vampire enforcers weren't far behind the slayers, and they were willing to unlock Ian.

At court he was cleaned up, cared for, and questioned on the activities of Charles and his brood. At every stage and with every question, Ian cooperated to the best of his ability and memory. At the end, Ian was also offered the choice to continue on as a blood donor for the Royal Line. He would continue his work as a dancer if he so chose (he did) and could move to a nearby apartment under the family's patronage. In exchange, Ian would make himself available at all hours of the day for feeding and would take rudimentary self-defense courses.

Ian signed on the dotted line and hasn't looked back since.

Ian will not open up to interactions with strangers. Your character will need to have a history with him in order to get anywhere socially. Feel free to make up a story IC or PM me with thoughts about how the two might know each other.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“Vampires are so much like they were when I was a child. . . “

Cecily Markov



Sexual Preference
Asexual – Heteroromantic

Pure Blood/Aristocrat/Turned

Ward of Archantun

Klyal Markov – Descendant of her daughter
Melisandre Loncanta – Daughter with Leon – Pure Blood Vampire

Significant Other
Leon Locanta – First friend, then partner, then husband and lover


-Her blood has the ability to heal almost any wound if drank by the injured, as well as her tears and touch. A kiss can bring the recently dead – as in less than five minutes ago- back to life in a slightly less injured state than they had been before. The damage to the body cannot exceed that which a living person could heal from, so a squashed brain or missing heart won’t work. She cannot heal herself with his ability though-

-Considered by some to be a genetic anomaly by some, and the greatest display of power by others, Cecily is a Daywalker naturally. After being Turned she was discovered to have an immunity to the sunlight’s harmful rays-


Motherly, Kind and Understanding
Cecily has always been one to listen and understand another rather than make assumptions without cause, as well as assist those who need it without hesitation. She put others before herself more often than not and often endangers herself in doing so though if she saves someone in the process she generally does not care for the risks to her person.

Modest, Quiet and Shy
This young woman and aging vampire has always had a hard time accepting compliments, always either ending up fumbling over her words like an idiot or blushed madly though that does not mean she doesn’t enjoy the attention – especially when it comes from someone she likes. On the other hand she does not view herself as very beautiful, having come from a humble background she has not yet come to the idea that she is appealing or anything more than that simply commoner girl. She rarely speaks first as well, with anyone apart from the Archantun and Loncata, as she often enjoys watching more than interacting with others.


Cecily was born in Venice, Italy, to a pair of commoners, though they were not those who lived in poverty. When she was young she often found herself walking up to strangers and talking to them without fear, for the small water bound city was often friendly and sweet during the day. She met her best friend this way, a young man of a better bloodline and they quickly began playing together every day. The two would meet when their parents gathered during the evening – Cecily’s mother was a midwife and her father an apothecary and the two often met with noble families in regards to medicine and childbirth – though in regards of them the adults had become more friends than business partners, much like their children. It continued for several years though when Cecily began to really grow into her womanhood she couldn’t play with the young man as she had before and instead her parents began looking for a suitable match for her.

She was a beautiful young woman, with hair that was soft and straight, a sweet brown with strands of blond and black and red mixed into it. Her big eyes attracted the attention of many boys her age and class, most of them businessmen’s sons or fisherman, as well as a few men from the Italian navy. Even one pirate had shown interest in her while he was at port and she was buying flowers for her mother’s birthday. When the girl was sixteen, in 1436, she was wed to a wealthy man who had recently become a young lord after his fathers’ death – tragic, yes but not entirely an accident – and became the lady of a large estate on an island just off the coast of Venice. She hadn’t seen her friend since before the betrothal was officially announced and she had had to tell him that she would be going away for a while. She sent him letters from that island to him, talking about how it was to live there and what the manse looked like. She never received a reply, not until the year of 1438 when she told him that she was pregnant with her lord husbands’ child. She was due late in that year and it was the one letter she had gotten back from him, a reply to all of her letters beforehand and the announcement that he would visit after the child was born. She gave birth early the following year and her friend – his name being Prince Leon Locanta – came to visit her finally and meet her new daughter.

That was the last time she saw him for several years, though the death of her husband – again tragic, but very much an accident at sea during a storm – brought him back to her with her parents. This was in 1441 when the girl was only twenty-and-one. They came to see she was alright, and though she had loved the man greatly it was easier to bare the loss with her parents and her dear friend with her. The three had spent half a year together when Leon came to her in the library late at night one day, drawn and tired for the first time since she had met him and she could tell he hadn’t slept much the last few days.

“Cecily. . . “

He whispered her name, his eyes focusing on her with such an intent look that she was held in place by the brilliant blue of his eyes finding her in the dark and seemed to glow as he moved toward her. The young woman put down her book and looked at him, concern in the furrow of her brow and she held out a hand to him, for him to take so she could guide him to the seat beside her. The last thing she had expected was to end up with her back on the window bench and the man leaning over her, fangs protruding from his gums as he looked down at her. He had her hands above her head with one hand in a vice grip and the other hand gentle caressed her face and played with her hair. She was no afraid, despite not being able to move away from him and when she looked up at him, instead she smiled at him, asking if he was alright. Her eyes were a soft, kind purple whereas his own were angry and guilty, harsh and sad all at the same time.

“I love you Cecily.”

He whispered the words, descending upon her and kissing her softly on the mouth, her stunned silence a comfort to his uneasy and instinctive self. The man kissed her again, following the line of her jaw with his nose until he kissed the soft skin of her neck, just above her shoulder and he bit her. His fangs pierced her flesh easily, parting the skin and muscle until they reached the warm vein beneath and hot blood poured into his mouth. He had let go of her hands and held her against him, not so hard as to hurt her, as if cradling her against him as he drank her blood though his fingers were wrapped up in her clothing already. She could see the full moon outside, peeking out between the clouds as she wrapped her arms around him and spoke softly to him in an effort to calm the shaking man as he finally took his fangs from her neck.

Had she known the entire time that he was a vampire?

The man looked down at the weak girl, her breathing slowing with her heart rate but still she smiled at him, completely at peace with dying like this with no instinct to survive kicking in. Leon on the other hand was not alright with her dying like this, especially not by his hand and he tore open his own wrist, taking his blood into his mouth before kissing her and making her drink it. With her blood inside him he was able to heal her though she slept all the next day while her parents departed for the main land again. He stayed behind to watch her though this ended with her talking to him and asking her to become a vampire.

“If I choose this way. . . The painful way, would I still be able to have children?”

He only had to nod for her to make her choice and over the course of the next six months she carefully drank his blood and that of the human servants that he compelled to forget what they were doing to them. It was a long process, going as slowly and gently as the transformation allowed and eventually she collapsed as the final stretch of the transformation wreaked havoc on her body. Days blended into nights into weeks into a month before she finally opened her eyes, the fever broken and the pain gone. She was a vampire, but she woke and moved while Leon was asleep at her bedside and careful not to wake him she had gone in search of three times – her daughter, wine and blood – though while she walked she had to walked passed a window through which the sun blazed. She was not afraid, and needed to test her new limitations. She reached out a bare hand into the sun and, surprisingly, nothing happened. She was a Daywalker, the first in the last three thousand years and she would have to be sure to keep this a secret from anyone she was unsure of their loyalties or trust.

The two stayed at the castle for the next ten years, raising her daughter and in 1452, the girl was still human and fully aware of the existence of vampires, already been taught how to avoid their cold manipulation and married to a young man she liked very much. The two would stay at the manor as the vampires left Venice, on a long journey around the world.

But those tales are best left for another day . . .

-She has a wide range of knowledge including, human and vampire anatomy, herbs and cultures around the world-
-Prefers wine spiked with blood to straight blood if it’s not fresh from the source-
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by OwynnBleuOshen
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OwynnBleuOshen Pessimistic Eccentric

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OwynnBleuOshen
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OwynnBleuOshen Pessimistic Eccentric

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

OOC: HE will flesh out IC, promise. c:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NyanCaxx
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NyanCaxx We have such sights to show you

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Living in the Night is easy. Living in a Shadow is far more difficult."

Prince Lucius Alexandros Juran



Sexual Preference:

Pure Blood/Aristocrat/Turned

Older Brother - Matthieu
Younger sister - Viridiana

Significant Other:
None, however he is interested in Viridiana

Hunter's Eye - Lucius can see his prey's heartbeat, blood flow, breathing, and body heat and is able to track them, even through walls. Essentially giving him almost x-ray vision.

Wings: - While unable to transform into a bat, Lucius is able to grow a set of large bat-like wings in order to fly.

Lucius is a very serious man, almost to a fault. Having lived all his life in his brother's shadow, he has always tried extra hard to win his family's respect and attention, resulting in a rather stiff, no nonsense personality. He's also madly in love with his younger sister.

Coming into the world a mere two years before his sister, Lucius was always closer to her than his elder brother during their childhood. However as he began to get older he started to understand that the difference between him and his brother was more than just age. Matthieu was the family heir, while he was just the second son. Even his beloved sister would one day be Queen, and this point was the hardest for Lucius to accept. Lucius had long held a deep affection for his sister, one that had gradually grown into love, but every day people talk about her marrying Matthieu and, despite Lucius' loyalty to his family and his bloodline, he can't help the feelings of resentment that lurk beneath the surface, and the fear that he might one day have to watch, smiling, as the girl he loves marries someone else.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 3 days ago

"A melody comes from all of us, no matter how quiet or unnoticed."

Name: Larentia Casimir Naelistrum

Age/True Age: 20/200

Gender: Female

Species: Vampire

Status: Turned Vampire

Family: Caerina Naelistrum

Profession: Professional Violinist

Significant other: Crey

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Nicknames: LarLar, Ren

History: Born ten minutes before her twin sister Caerina, their parents James and Aselia Naelistrum, could tell thier oldest daughter adored music. Even a few months old Larentia could be heard humming a tune under her breath, her small fingers absently tapping out a rythem to whatever tune she'd be humming at the time.

As they grew Larentia's love for music only seemed to grow, instead of talking like most siblings, she and Caerina had a unique method of communication, they would merrily glance at one another and somehow read the answer or question visible there. Whenever home and Caerina was off in the library reading, Larentia could be found in a spare room, pouring over music books her mother or father would buy. When their father stated that they would start learning fine arts as well as fighting, Larentia was given a violin to practice on, Caerina always wanting to hear whatever song Larentia was currently attempting to learn or a tune she'd managed to write down.

Having to deal with suitors, was something
Larentia hated, even if their father allowed them to pick, it seemed the ones sending letters only cared for the physical instead of doing it out of love. Ignoring all requests, a 14 year old Larentia focused on her passion for music, as well as helping her twin deal with the large amount of letters she received, her newer violin always at the ready to help distract both of them from reality for a bit if needed.

It wasn't until she received word that Caerina had vanished that a now 20 year old Larentia threw herself single-mindlly into her passion of music. Her music, once lively, slowing and darkening, easily showing her sadness at suddenly having someone so important vanish from her side.

One winter night she finds herself walking beside a dear friend she'd met during one of her concerts, Crey, when all of a sudden the world goes black. Waking up to pain screaming throughout her body, Larentia opens her heavy eyes to find his lips against her, the taste of blood filing her mouth, his eyes glowing bright topaz. Making it to the hospital, Larentia give into the numbness and allows her eyes to close, she doesn't know her heart gives, for two minutes she's pronounced dead before her heart stutters into action once more.

When she wakes, a cup is held before her, Crey's eyes glowing once mmore, he explains after she's drained the cup and her stab wound checked over, that he's a Vampire, and now she was one as well, he asks if she's willing to travel with him to see new places. She agrees and after leaving home, a note telling her parents goodbye, Larenria begins her travels with Crey, the years passing by as they visit Central America and then Asia, her musical career taking off as Crey agrees to become her Manager.

They now reside in New York, a 150 years later, Crey and Larentia working on music and preparing her for her next concert.

Gifts: Hollow Cadence

When this ability is used the voice of the vampire is projected throughout a 20 square foot radius. What this ability can do varies from vampire to vampire. In the case of Larentia, it can be used to cause the senses of anyone within the radius of affect to distort, and on very rare occasions, even stop working completely. The distortion most often affects the sight and hearing of the person before it affects any other sense. What this distortion does is cause the person to hallucinate, as if taken over by an illusion. The illusion is often times so real that they can't be removed from it simply because they don't want to be. It should be noted that if enough pain is inflicted on the person, they will be forced out of the illusionary world. Another--easier--way to disspell the effects of the ability is to be dragged out of the radius that it affects.

Shadow Doppleganger

This ability is used as a form of escape tactic. When utilized, shadows encase the vampire's entire body, forming to it like a mold. The forming takes approximately 3 minutes to complete, but, when it is finished Larentia is able to step out of the shadows without distorting them. What is left in her place is an almost perfect physical copy of her body, the shadows having lost their dark coloration in favor of the colors that are naturally part of her body, including clothes and artificial colors like painted nails. Once the doppleganger is formed it moves based on mental commands received from Larentia. If she needs to have it block an attack, it will swiftly move in front of her to block it. However, the doppleganger can take up to a maximum of 5 hits before it is shattered. This ability is most often used as a distraction so that Larentia get away unharmed.

Personality: Reserved- Detached: Larentia was once someone who could be read like an 'open book', however now she'll rarely talk of her past or what she's feeling.

Moody - Termpermental: There are days where Larentia will happily babble about dreams or memories of her childhood, others where she'll barely speak a word.

Helpful - Kind: Unable to resist helping those who need it, Larentia sometimes finds herself confirming someone, even if it's just by buying them coffee.
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