Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Thread is up.


Earth has been uninhabitable for a long time, so Switzerland doesn't even exist anymore. There may be some remnants of the old religions still surviving to modern day, but nobody identifies as being part of them anymore. Also, the correct spelling of the alien invaders is Cruxi. Also, there's gotta be a better reason than that for the military to accept a sight-challenged pilot without having cybernetics.

Then Framewerk's picture doesn't work, and you'll either have to drop the knife or the flamethrowers. Otherwise it's fine as a sniper-type.

Edit: Huh, while I did expect the gender ratios to be skewed towards males, I didn't expect it to be this bad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Cassowarysaur
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Cassowarysaur The Evangelizer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Thread is up.


Earth has been uninhabitable for a long time, so Switzerland doesn't even exist anymore. There may be some remnants of the old religions still surviving to modern day, but nobody identifies as being part of them anymore. Also, the correct spelling of the alien invaders is Cruxi. Also, there's gotta be a better reason than that for the military to accept a sight-challenged pilot without having cybernetics.

Then Framewerk's picture doesn't work, and you'll either have to drop the knife or the flamethrowers. Otherwise it's fine as a sniper-type

You're right, totally forget about Earth being uninhabitable. Changing it now.

Should be all fixed now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Should be all fixed now.

I'm afraid not; you only addressed the Earth issue, and not the others I've listed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cassowarysaur
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Cassowarysaur The Evangelizer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Cassowarysaur>
I'm afraid not; you only addressed the Earth issue, and not the others I've listed.

I've changed the spelling to Cruxi; the Orthodox Jews now refer to themselves as "Torahts", he wears contacts instead of glasses, and the Framework picture works completely fine for me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Well that's strange. Save the picture, upload it to Imgur and then copy-paste the image here. That should work.

It's now working. Accepted. Note that the powerful limb armor at the front is equal to medium-class in defensive capability.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Hopefully I didn't over-do it. I'm always paranoid that in the zealous pursuit of an exciting Idea I got, I go too far >3> but that's what these interest check phase are 'for'. Catching that early and fixing it.

Hopefully not though. It's designed to be slow super-heavy tank support, it only has one thing dedicated to 'offense' and the rest is primarily for defense or supporting allies, even if can kindof be used to bash a dude's face in or melt it if they get too close.

Pilot Sheet
  • Name: Diggajam Musti
  • Appearance: [I'd been hoping to get a picture for this... but you can only search the internet for this variety for so long before getting tired of finding everything you 'don't' want appearing... People need to upgrade their search features! So the image is just his preffered out-fit, minus the silly hat]

    Digga is a monster of a man, easily fitting the profile of a hulking Russian and showing off those 'lucky genetics' by being taller than most other people and built like a tank, and he's probably not even done growing yet. He manages to look pretty imposing with that size, coupled with almost comically red hair and 'shiny' gold colored irises.
  • Age: 16
  • Personality: Despite his size and ability to look ready to crush a man's skull whenever he's not smiling, he is actually the very definition of a Gentle Giant. He 'likes' to smile, and he 'likes' to help others and be friendly, but he also likes to keep them very safe, and when provoked also fits the profile of 'Don't fuck with the Quiet ones'. Once he got over his past, he seemed to settle into the behavior of a Fiercely protective older brother... tooo, just about anyone who wasn't an enemy really.
  • Motive to live: Life changes, he's always defended his home-turf... now, it's just changed so that the turf, and it's inhabitants, that he's protecting is much larger.
  • Background:
  • Notable Deaths: Probably more than he lets on, but the gang he thought of as Family died... Perhaps more importantly, he imagines that his old life died with them.
  • Other things:


Framewerk Sheet
  • Framewerk Code Name: Big Fix
  • Appearance:
  • Signature Weapon System:
  • Secondary Weapon System:
  • Armor Type:
  • Special Ability: Uuunnnknooowwwnnn

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 1 day ago

I hate to say this, but the sheet is honestly a complete mess. While I'm not a grammar nazi by any measure (in fact, English isn't even my native language), this crossed the limit of what I can deem as acceptable writing. It is full of typos, bad grammar, improper use of capitalization and even has parts that are unintelligible such as these:

[*]Secondary Weapon System:
It has a secondary set of smaller more agile arms well protected behind the larger primaries, as well as a Couple of stored devices these arms are able to manipulate, as well as several the purpose of maintenance on the primary arms that are expected to take quite a pounding.
Once he got over his past, he seemed to settle into the behavior of a Fiercely protective older brother... tooo, just about anyone who wasn't an enemy really.[/quote]

It needs to be spellchecked alongside your OOC posts, which are also a sore to read. Then there's the character itself. I won't accept a 16-year-old built like a buff adult with the excuse of genetics; that reeks of a Marty Stu, and I hate those. Russia hasn't existed for thousands of years, and no Russian actually has red hair and gold eyes. Seriously, who has that combination of colors and doesn't look like a joke? And why does he 'like' with air-quotes? Is that implying he doesn't actually 'like' things or is that a repeating error?

Then the Framewerk. The repair drones, repair tendrils and railgun-style charging shot of the rifle have to be dropped, and the rifle's name changed to something else, since there already is a Battle Rifle in the RP. The Repair Kit and the Welder Gun are the same device with only a difference in flavor text, having both of them is unnecessary. Any repairing the Framewerk needs to do can be done with only the secondary pair of arms and a single device, anything else added on top of that is redundant.

The forced blast of the primary arms needs to have the drawback of being unable to activate the shields on them for couple of turns after using it.

And the most important thing: you need to stop using emoticons. This isn't a chatroom, and adding a 'XD' to every post like a texting teenager is aggravating to read.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 5 days ago

huh, seems distractions were causing some brain farts again...

I'll just proof read things next time, and honestly I'm really working to get the emoticon habit to break, but It 'never' shows up in more serious posts, especially never IC... That was supposed to say 'serving the purpose', though that's not really entirely 'non-sense' just an annoying slip.

I actually deliberately made him look like that 'because' it made him look like a jack-ass, the implication was it was some other idiot's idea to try and make him intimidating, and running into that on the street would still freak a dude out. The quotation of 'lucky genetics' was not meant to be serious, but an allusion to the later mention in his background of genetic tampering for the sake of being a better enforcer, he was already tough, they just did something to add a little more. It's not like he's gonna go around face-punching mechs, that'd be fucking stupid.

It's whatever though, I can just dump the genetic tinkering that all of those problems are tied to. Also, I didn't say he was 'from' Russia, I was referencing that as an archetype.

Okay, so then, nerf about 90% of the support potential by removing the only thing that can move around to the other side of something that he's repairing [he can't even 'see' the other side of something even if the normal arms could reach around that far], as well as the only thing that can actually hand out the ammo from his storage pack [you don't think those arms are flexible enough to grab his 'back' do you?], and remove the 'rail-gun' part of the railgun [rail-guns generally have to charge in order to shoot afterall, I wasn't talking one shot kill punch-through, we're talking several seconds of charge to be able to get a single standard shot to actually 'make it' to long-range distance, not to mention the compact gun with no integrated power-source can't even power it's rail-gun function without the tendrils that were setup to hook into it.]

I 'already' included a bit about the Over-charging for the force-blast causing them to be unable to charge more energy for a while, which inherently includes being unable to charge the energy portion of the shields.

I hate to say this, but the sheet is honestly a complete mess. While I'm not a grammar nazi by any measure (in fact, English isn't even my native language), this crossed the limit of what I can deem as acceptable writing. It is full of typos, bad grammar, improper use of capitalization and even has parts that are unintelligible such as this:


I can't help but feel that you took some parts of it more seriously than they were meant to be taken, but like I said, I'll go through and proof-read shit.

On a side note, I hate mary/marty/gary's too.

I also had no intention of him being like 'hulk dude' or any such shit, though it's funny the implication that a character having healthy muscular genetics would qualify them as being perfect [the requirement of being anything close to a 'mary sue'.] which is a remarkably over-used assumption I see on the internet, people pretending to be superior because they have some muscle on em.

I actually had a good idea in my head for the general proportions, but I honestly got fucking SICK of stumbling across porn, on Deviantart no less, while trying to find a good example, so I gave the fuck up. But I'll just scrap the text portion and use the picture that's already there then.
1x Like Like
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by hoopadoop


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I wanna play. let me know if i need to fix anything.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 1 day ago

I'm not going to argue with you about the changes you need to make to your sheet. You can always seek a more lenient RP if you disagree with how I run this. The like was misclick, by the way.

Sorry, but I don't accept people who haven't posted anything on the site. Come back when you have 45-50 posts under your belt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by hoopadoop


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Sorry, but I don't accept people who haven't posted anything on the site. Come back when you have 45-50 posts under your belt.

that sucks
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by hoopadoop


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Sorry, but I don't accept people who haven't posted anything on the site. Come back when you have 45-50 posts under your belt.

so you are saying I can play once I get more posts?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 1 day ago

I am saying that I'll take another look at your sheet once you get a bit more familiar with the site and roleplaying in general.

As for the look I did: The sheet has a lot of problems with grammar. Garrison can't have a military backstory. The Framewerks already have neural connections with their pilots if that wasn't made clear yet, so it's redundant. The field generator will either have to take up the secondary weapon slot or not be included at all. The techno-babble irks me due to the fact that it looks like you threw it around to make the sheet look more impressive than it is. Am I supposed to deduce that the primary weapons are the mecha's fists? If I was, then the primary weapon section failed in its purpose of explaining it clearly. Using fists instead of weapons does not equal low offensive power, so you'll either have to drop the high armor or the high speed.

If this is the level of writing I'm going to expect from you, then I recommend you seek another RP.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Penultimate_Pi


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I feel like Ariamis's announcement might've been a little brief, so in case anyone skimmed over it, he's got the OOC up here. If you've already got your sheet accepted, go ahead and put it in the character section.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 5 days ago

I'm not going to argue with you about the changes you need to make to your sheet. You can always seek a more lenient RP if you disagree with how I run this. The like was misclick, by the way.

Sorry, but I don't accept people who haven't posted anything on the site. Come back when you have 45-50 posts under your belt.

nobody ever likes to have a little discussion about things anymore... I can't help but feel you didn't even try to consider something less than 'remove this and this and this'. But whatevs, it's your prerogative as GM if you wanna take the one frame that decided to essentially to do the mecha version of a Cleric, while sacrificing the raw offensive power like other ones have [nevermind mister dual miniguns, dual rail-guns, missile launchers, and Charged particle cannon gundam over there, no offense to you penultimate] and just throw away any form of 'experimental' repair ability, as well as literally cripple the primary function of the only offensive weapon it has, essentially turning it into a pile of slow ass armor with a legitimately useless gun against hyper advanced aliens, and repair ability equating to 'slappin a chunk on it and weld it in, it probly don't need no finesse'... not to mention that the dudes designing these framewerks canonically IC would have to be real idiots to design a repair focused machine that would have to expose it's back to the enemy in order to properly assist allies.

Of course, after seeing that other bit earlier, the one where you told someone they couldn't have drones because you intended to have some in your setup, I do not feel inspired to have confidence that there was a reason better than 'because someone wants to be the only one with drones' behind it.

There is quite a difference between lenient, strict, uncompromising, and petty, I won't be specific about which one I smell here, but I will say the crude aggression was completely unnecessary and I dare not wonder what rustled your jimmies so hard about it... what is this? the Orks where repairs are for pussies?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by hoopadoop


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I am saying that I'll take another look at your sheet once you get a bit more familiar with the site and roleplaying in general.

As for the look I did: The sheet has a lot of problems with grammar. Garrison can't have a military backstory. The Framewerks already have neural connections with their pilots if that wasn't made clear yet, so it's redundant. The field generator will either have to take up the secondary weapon slot or not be included at all. The techno-babble irks me due to the fact that it looks like you threw it around to make the sheet look more impressive than it is. Am I supposed to deduce that the primary weapons are the mecha's fists? If I was, then the primary weapon section failed in its purpose of explaining it clearly. Using fists instead of weapons does not equal low offensive power, so you'll either have to drop the high armor or the high speed.

If this is the level of writing I'm going to expect from you, then I recommend you seek another RP.

The techno babble was for fun I have removed it as well as the military background and the barrier.I have also made the primary weapon description more clear. Am I allowed high speed in a straight line or when falling or during take off using my secondary weapon system to decrease my mass? If not I'd like to change it to something else and just stomp around punching Cruxi.

Here is the revised sheet when you get the chance

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 1 day ago

The fact that you're making insults and twisting my words instead of trying to come up with solutions to these problems doesn't help your case here. Still, I'm tired of having this argument in the thread, so I'll give you more options: you can have a four-armed mecha with the single repair device and the nonchargeable rifle, a two-armed mecha with a chargeable rifle, all the repair gadgets intact and without the big arms, or a four-armed mecha with all the repair gadgets and without the rifle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Shoryu cool pic of your mech, where did you find it?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 5 days ago

@Shoryu cool pic of your mech, where did you find it?

Deviantart of course. It was about the only 4 armed thing I found that didn't look like it was made of scrap metal.

The fact that you're making insults and twisting my words instead of trying to come up with solutions to these problems doesn't help your case here. Still, I'm tired of having this argument in the thread, so I'll give you more options: you can have a four-armed mecha with the single repair device and the nonchargeable rifle, a two-armed mecha with a chargeable rifle, all the repair gadgets intact and without the big arms, or a four-armed mecha with all the repair gadgets and without the rifle.

That's very big of you, and I was actually reigning in the urge to be crass and insulting, I tend to reserve my actual 'insults' for psychologically damaged hate-mongers and riling them up to make them show the internet what fools they are. Just to clarify, I'm referring to people I keep stumbling across in youtube comments calling for second holocausts and celebrating suicide.

And for what it's worth, I'm sorry if I got kindof abrasive about it, 'drop the gun' will work just fine and I'll get to work... I probably needed to refine the CS further anyway, but that's what I get for building it at like 5am.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Youtube comments are cesspools just like Reddit and 4chan. Better to simply ignore them than to feed to the fire.
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