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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The professor looked down upon them all staring distgustedly at their faces. Seeing a boy stare at him he raised a long arched eyebrow and silently cast a spell of Never-Blinking upon himself. Now not needing to blink he continued with his staring. Finally he rose from his seat his long robes shifting as his straight back rose higher. "So..." he started "it seems I have you idiotic looking bunch as my class for the moment. How unfortunate, how unfortunate. Well welcome to the myth school. I dont expect much from any of you but here we learn to use the wildest stories and the power of imagination to aid us. Any questions?" Hr asked as he picked up a long stick from behind his desk and every now and again cracking it agsinst his palm.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AlicePleasanceLiddell


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

~Ruby and Adam~

They both followed the cloak thing, that led them to different buildings. Ruby explored the corridors, and of course payed a visit to the library and the gardens, giving time to observe the surroundings.
Adam, on the other hand, stood at the same spot, leaning to a wall behind him, smoking and smoking. Nothing really unusuall for him. He liked the eerie atmosphere though, and that was surely something.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The grounds of the school of water Ruby had obviously been in on the tour the day before. However inside the actual school it was even more beautiful. More like a towering temple than a school it was filled with pillars of white marble and pools and lakes were littered around the area with gushing waterfslls crashing down in the seemingly bigger on the inside than outside building. The library in the school (im guessing you mean here and not the grand library as you dont have 'clearance to go in there alone yet) was filled with water tight books containing sprlls, theories and histories of water behind shelves lined with waterfalls on either side. A couple of girls in a group were sitting around one of the pools smiling. They saw Ruby and gave her a wave.

The building Adam was in however was different. There were rooms ranging from stuffed animals, to hunting tools to stables and more! The atmosphere was at times ranging from almost spooky to full of life and joyfullness. As Adam smoked about 20 other people arrived exploring the grounds and avoiding the smoke. Patrolling the grounds were 2 tigers (the ptofessor snd the first termer) one smaller than the other.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AlicePleasanceLiddell


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

~Ruby and Adam~

Ruby looked towards the girls. It was nice, seeing other people around, who shared the same interest as her. She nodded and bowed lightly, and kept on going. She moved to a small pool, kneeled down and started playing with the water as it curled lightly arounf her fingertips, quietly singing a song, that echoed happily.

Adam payed a glance to the tigers, and started pacing to the opposite direction. Soon the way led him to the stables. There, he found a variety of animals, magical and non-magical. One of the boxes was empty though. He rose his eyebrows in curiosity and looked around the box for a while, never to find the missing animal. It was probably occupied by another student or something. Next to the empty box was an animal that appeared to be a griffin. The bare existence of this creature was breathetaking. He stood there for a while, not knowing if he was allowed to be there or not, deciding for once in his life not to light another cigarette, for the sake of the animals living there. As the griffin looked at him, he noddedd, in respect.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A beautiful lady stood on a platform above the area where the young students were hanging around. She saw about 30 girls and roughly 20 boys. Spottting a young girl by a pools singing a lovely song and was touched. Silently she materialized behind her and knelt down beside her staring into the waters reflection. "Beautiful isnt it?" She asked "I just love the way its so calm and yet it has the power to shape the lands into how they look today..." she said as she just stared listening to the song.

The magnificent griffin glowed as golden as the bed it was lying on. It nodded back slowly recognising the boy as a creature of good will. Spreading its wings to their fullest length which was quite long indeed it stood up and cawed/roaref in greeting. Almost as if it were saying 'We shall be seeing each other again i presume" after this a boy no older than Adam himself walked up behind him wearing ripped jeans and a ripped hoody. Sounding scottish he told him " Yeh arent meanta be here yet i dont think. Better scat before the prof finds ya" as he said this any closer study wouldve revealed faint striped markings on his skin and orange eyes with slightly sharpet teeth thsn usual as he guided Adam the way out of the stables.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AlicePleasanceLiddell


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

~Ruby and Adam~

Ruby got slightly startled by the lady, and pulled her hand out of the water in reaction. She then smiled and straightened up her posture.
"Lovely it is." She said while nodding. "I didn't notice you, pardon me. My name is Ruby." She said and reached her hand towards the beautiful woman, after she rubbed it on her cape in order to dry it from the water. "It is my first day here, I wasn't sure where was I supposed to be."

Adam smiled at the creature, admiring the excellence of it. Soon he noticed the scotish boy. We wouldn't start a fight or anything right now, and probably he was right when he said he wasn't "meanta be here". And so he followed the boy to exit the stables, paying a last glance at the griffin. He lit a cigarette as he made his way out, and searched for the others, who soon he found.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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This guy was a pro. He'd moved his head and still hadn't blinked. He'd stood up and everything. Bobby couldn't compete with that kind of self control.

The man had asked for question, and truth be told he had a million of them. He wondered about the stories they were going to be learning. He wondered what materials they were supposed to have. He wondered, stil, where he could find that phone. But there was one thing he wondered above all else.

He raised his hand, so as to be polite. "Sir, what's your name?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The professors head snapped to face the annoying staring boy "QUIETEN DOWN BOY! NO NEED TO BE SO LOUD" as he cracked the stick on the table angrily. "If you are THAT ignorant i shall have to answer it seems. My name is Professor Smith but you will call me Professor or sir. Understood!?"

The lady smiled at the politeness. "Good to meet you Ruby, my name is Ike, Alice Ike" she laughed joyfully at the second statement whilst slowly and carefully shaking her hand "It doesnt matter! We here are like water. And water flows. Always remember that." She smiled.

Adam soon found himself infront of a half tiger half man who was changing more manlike by the second. Gathered in front of him were a group of around 60 ranging from many different body types. Many were heavily built with an eye but it also ranged from that to smaller people and athletic people. One thing was common throughout however, they all looked determined. Once the man had fully transformed and had through some jeans over the ripped shorts he had been wearing he started talking in a voice that sounded more like a growl than human (side effect for having the form of a tiger) "Id like to welcome you all to the Beast school I am Professor Ti, one of your two main teachers here. Now im not one for lengthy introductions so y'all better be on your way to the east caves next door where everyone in the school is going soon (so youll get ahead of the crowd) and go in, find a beast that feels right. Then you need to make it your own and bond with it before you will be able to make the creature follow you out. (Note all beasts in it are 'babies') You may go whenever you want to but dont go too late or youll be behind. In the meentime (if u dont go straight there) ask me questions, explore the area or make a pack (friends).! Goodbye for now Class!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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So this man was Professor Smith. He repeated it in his mind a few times. This was Smith. Smith. Smiiiiiiiiiiith. Smith. He rolled it over in his head and attached it to this guys face, filing the combination away in his memory. Then he nodded his head and put his hand back down.

That was one name already, and it was a pretty simple one. This class was off to a great start.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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Alina13 The Intellectual

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As she saw the blade come in all its shiny, dangerous glory up to her throat, she gasped in complete horror. Although she had expected to get caught and probably scolded for being somewhere she shouldn't be, she didn't expect to have a blade to her face.
" I was just exploring! I wasn't trying to break in! I promise! She didn't know what this girl was about to do to her but she couldn't help but admire her bravery. If Savannah had seen someone sneaking around a dark hallway, she would have just casually tapped them on the shoulder and asked them what they were doing. She always tried to avoid conflict whenever possible because of her very submissive, understanding personality. As she stared into this intimidating girl's eyes, she wondered if she would have class with her. How awkward would that be after this. . .
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Using her magic she figured that the girl was telling the truth so she backed off. She didn't however put her sword away just in case this was a being of great power and she wasn't powerful enough to see through a veil of some sort. "So... Are you lost?" she asked casually as she clicked her fingers unfreezing the avatar which (because it wasn't in view of her anymore) disintegrated into a shimmering floating energy which flew to the girl again.

"Any other questions?!" Smith demanded of the students. The students all looked around almost as if saying 'Nobody ask anything'. The professor smiled a warped and crooked smile. "Good..." he send in a voice that ranged on being almost evil. "One thing we must get straight!" he started "is I shall not accept any undisciplined or unruly behaviour! You will do exactly what I say and when I say it. Right. Now I believe the next task of your introduction day in the Headmasters timetable is to go and collect a beast from the beast cave. You are now officially part of the Myth School and represent it" 'god help us' he thought "If you present us badly you shall be punished. Now GO!" he shouted as he flung up his finger to the door which flew open with a bang. The students left whispering about him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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Alina13 The Intellectual

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Savannah tried to relax and slow her breathing and answered the girl's question.
"In a way yes. I always get myself lost in new areas to start memorizing my surroundings and learn my way around. I usually find it works pretty well. How about you? You know your way around this place?" She hoped whoever this girl was, she was buying Savannah's attempt at trying to diffuse the situation. Being casual is what Savannah was best at after all.
However casual she would be, she still couldn't stop stressing about the blade swinging from this girl's hands. She couldn't help but look down at it every once in a while with a very stressed out look on her face. She hoped she wasn't coming off as that "innocent little girl" kind of person because she HATED it when people thought of her that way. She wondered how much time she had before her class started and if this girl would be accompanying her. She wished she had some of her powers already so she could make this girl put away that very threatening hunk of metal. @Minimum
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Alina13 She felt more and more like she was wrong and this WAS just a normal student although the way she was so worried about being csught in a building you were allowed anywhere in and the way she kept looking at the blade as if she was waiting for when shed put it away made her still slightly wary.
"Eh I know my way around mostly Im still a bit lost when it chsnges slightly every couple of days or so but its normally roughly the same layout" she said as the mirror got within eye range of Savannah morphing into her form.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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Alina13 The Intellectual

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Wait, you mean the building changes? Does Professor Thoth do that?"
Savannah was sure this girl could tell how new and confused she was and she hated it. Coming from a place where she was always more intelligent than everyone else to a place where she knew nothing was very uncomfortable for her. Going from being the one with answers to everyone's questions to the one HAVING all the questions was not at all what she was used to. She didn't know what kind of a person this girl was but she seemed like she was intimidating and dangerously intelligent. These were the people Savannah usually hung around. Maybe they could be friends! As long as she doesn't belong to the Dark Magic Schools she thought with dread. She could never make friends with those people. They are on opposite sides after all. . .
She decided to try and get them moving somewhere instead of standing in the middle of a dark empty hallway with a sharp metal instrument. Yes. Moving would be more conducive to what she was trying to accomplish here.
"Would you mind showing me around? We could take a tour of the place and maybe get something to eat? I don't even know when I have class. Iv'e seen some people in class and others just wandering. Do we get schedules?"
Maybe asking so many questions wasn't such a good idea but how else was she supposed to find out what the hell she was supposed to do here? Her favorite English teacher always told her "He who asks a question id a fool for five minutes. He who doesn't is a fool forever." If no other statement could be true, it would be that one.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As he got up and started walking out of the room he thought about how strange this was. The man hadn't handed out a syllabus or anything. The class hadn't started yet, so maybe that was why. He'd probably give them something then.

He walked out into the bright sunshine of the day. If everything was going to go that quick he'd have a whole day to himself. Maybe that was the point, come to think of it. He had to get a beast now. Like an animal or something. He looked around, but unfortunately didn't see any animals in his vicinity. So that was a wash.

Wait, no, he was stupid. He couldn't collect an animal himself.

He'd need a net or something.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

She spoke in a more calm and gentle voice now. "Why yes the schools layout changes frequently however it is not Thoths doing. Knowledge is fluid and it keeps growing and changing as our understanding of the world changes. This building reflects that." She listens to the girls suggestion and nods "Great idea! Where do you want to go first? This building houses almost everytype of room that increases understanding," she enquired.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AlicePleasanceLiddell


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

~Ruby and Adam~

Ruby smiled politely, agreeing with the lady next to her. She gently stood up and sweped her dress with her hands.
"Thank you, for your time and words. They are both appreciated." She informed the lady, hoping she could see how frank she was. "I shall find the rest of the students, now. Au revoir, meeting you was a delight." Ruby added, and moved to the opposite directiong, leaving Alice Ike and the pool behind her.

Adam was surely not fascinated by the professor, although he appreciated the short talk. Long introductions were tiring as hell, especially when people thought they were adressing five year olds. He was pretty excited though, about finding a beast. The griffin encounter had surely lit up his spirit, giving some spark to his long lost lust for life. After some time, of walking and thinking, and of course smoking, he reached at the caves. The entrance was tremendously big, something that left him in awe. He took another sip of his cigarette, and later on he let it fall to the ground, stepping on it before he entered. The place was indeed interesting. Weird sounds could be noticed coming from here and there. Once in a while he could spot an animal or a few of them. He wondered where did they all come from.

[Gonna continue the post {or write another separate one as a continue :p } tomorrow, I am also considering of changing Adam's preffered beast, if there's any problem with that @Minimum please inform me!]
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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Alina13 The Intellectual

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"That's really cool! So basically the more we learn and understand our school, the more of the building opens up to us?" Savannah wallowed in her thoughts for a minute. Learning this information made her even more eager to get involved in her school ad make herself the best diviner she could be. She couldn't wait till her class started. Speaking of that, she still didn't know when she actually would start.
"is there anyone I could talk to in order to find out when my classes are? I still have no idea when I start."
She hoped she would start sooner than later. . .
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Today is your last introduction day. This time if i recall correctly is used for meeting your teacher and looking round the school. Next youre meant to go to the beast caves to get a familiar but Dilla... er I mean Thoth doesnt really care when you go. At the end of today you should get a lesson plan." She thought for a second then looked at the magic mirror who had become Savanahs shape.She pointed down the hallway at the triple locked door with padlocked chain blocking it. "I need to go to the Ceeing room to finish my assignment... wanna come?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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Alina13 The Intellectual

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Savannah wondered what that little slip up was. Who was Dilla? And why was Ingrid needing to go to a room that had 1000 locks on it? This was starting to get interesting but she wasn't sure if she wanted to be a part of it or not. Although, she had never been given the opportunity to do anything adventurous or fun before so she decided that she needed to come out of her shell a little.
"Sure! I'll come. What exactly is the "Ceeing Room" anyway? Does it have something to do with your school?" Savannah waited eagerly for Ingrid to answer her and looked around her with a newfound curiosity and hopefulness for her future at this school. Her mind was still whirling with the question of who Dilla was. Was it Ingrid's professor and she just made an honest mistake? Or was there something Ingrid was not telling her? I guess she would have to wait and find out for herself.
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