Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Terrorbubble


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Cole "Batsy" Orlain

Race: Half-Breed (Corrupted Soul/Chirot)

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Birthday: 21 Jadeyan, 282 DM

Birthplace: Underdark

Resides in: Greenfall

Occupation: Bow fletcher

Appearance: Cole is tall and pale with cracks in his skin inherited from his father, a Corrupted Soul. He has naturally white hair from which large bat-like ears protrude from his head, though they are shorter than a typical Chirot's. Along with the ears, his fully-functional, full-sized wings signify the Chirot genes in him. Typically, he wears rather neutral garments, causing him to appear neither poor nor wealthy.

Personality: Cole prefers to speak only when he is spoken to. When he does speak, he's very friendly and enthusiastic to put a smile on someone's face. However, when angered, he tends to burst out in furious yelling and violence.

  • Combat
    • Melee (Dagger) - 10
  • Personal Knowledge
  • Profession
    • Fletching - 30
    • Carving - 20
  • Social
    • Persuasion - 10
  • Support
    • Swimming - 20
  • Art
    • Writing - 10

Total Cost: 40GP | 7SP | 4CP
  • Craftsman's Outfit (2) - 2GP
  • Peasant's Outfit (5) - 5SP
  • Leather Armor (1) - 10GP
  • Dagger (2) - 4GP
  • Cooking Toolkit (1) - 10GP
  • Book, Blank (2) - 4GP
  • Ink, 1oz Vial (5) - 10GP
  • Inkpen (2) - 2SP
  • Candle (4) - 4CP

  • Common (30)

Starting: 100 GP | 0 SP | 0 CP
Jadeyan 301 DM Pay (+236 GP): 336 GP | 0 SP | 0 CP

Story List:
Jadeyan 301 DM - Blood and Gold - In Progress
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Yennefer
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Yennefer All for Slaanesh

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Yennefer
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Yennefer All for Slaanesh

Member Seen 3 yrs ago



Animata (Female figure/voice)


8th Vermillio 129 ML


Resides in:
A abandoned ruin outside of Scream Watch.



6’2 683 lbs Made of Mithril, making her body stronger and immune to rust with her blades being sharper, but also making her lighter than the typical Animata.

A being made with a mentality of being subservient she looks to Ardon for guidance, and hardly ever makes any major decisions on her own. She is a merciless being created for war, and battle finding herself silent much of the time in situations that do not require aggressive action. She finds that through her prowess in battle that she can help further the goals of those with a better grasp on how things should take place rather than simply killing anyone in their way.

Before the death of magic, Ketta was a designated warrior of a elite Animata team that was used to take down dangerous threats to the nation. It was during a riot that something happened and somehow Ketta was deactivated. Now she is being awoken to once more find a path in the world.

Melee Weapon (Sword arms…) 20 Racial+30=50
Acrobatics 41
Intimidation 12
Unarmed Combat 2
Running 1
Observation 5
Stealth 1
Philosophy 1
Wilderness Survival 1
Tactics 17

Common (30 Fluent)

Features Bonus (2):
Nightvision: Able to switch to a sight that can see in the dark when in darkness
Detachable Chain Blades: her arms swords are capable of detaching and being on a reel of chain so that she can have limited range attacks.



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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rekaigan
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Rekaigan Rolling Sushi

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Ardon

Race: Kellidium Animata

Gender: Animata (Male voiced)

Age: 495

Birthday: 7th Jadeyan, 195 ML

Birthplace: Kellin

Resides in: A abandoned ruin outside of Scream Watch.

Occupation: Survivalist

Although Ardon does not have any memories of before the DOM, he still retains his personality as a very authoritative being. He doesn’t like to get his ‘hands’ dirty, almost always relying on Ketta for physical confrontation. Due to his search through ruined books and documents in the fallen empire, he has come to the conclusion (through skewed government logic) that humans cannot survive properly without being ruled by someone intelligent. That intelligent someone being, him.

Before the death of magic, Ardon was one of the few Kellidium Animata who was designed assist in government work to create a stable society for it’s citizens. ‘He’ was often used as a spokesperson for the governing body, informing the citizens of changes in the societal workings. However, during the riot and the disappearance of magic, Ardon was deactivated, only to awaken in the ruins of what was once a powerful nation.

Transmutation (41) (11 [+30])
Leadership (15)
Intelligence (25)
Persuasion (15)
Intimidation (10)
Negotiation (9)
Tactics (5)

Active Abilities
Summoning (Portals) - Ardon is able to create Portals that are up to the same size as him which can last up to half a minute. These portals are limited to his current world. This ability uses up much of Ardon’s magical reserves when make full sized portals, leaving him at minimal function after use. (Minimal function being speech and basic movement.)

Distortion (Time Stop) - Ardon is able to stop time briefly by concentrating on an object or person within his 2 meter radius.

Passive Abilities
Language Translation - Allows Ardon to translate and understand languages. This includes Sign language. Currently this ability can only translate Common and parts of Fey

Common (30 - Fluent)



Story List:

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Emperors Blade
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The Emperors Blade

Member Seen 5 yrs ago





16 Crimsia, 176 DM

Small Coastal Town near Pyresia.

Resides in:



A focused individual who has resigned himself to his lot in life. Gaulirax, while being a slave has become content with this fact. Even though he has given in to this life of servitude and combat for the entertainment of crowds, he still has a small glimmer in the back of his mind that he will one day be free of his bonds to wander the world and build strong relationships with people he can grow to care about. Until he is free though, Gaulirax will continue to keep his loneliness at bay with constant training, and combat in the arena while being under the supervision of his Mistress.

Tears in the eyes of a young Half breed as he is stolen away from his home. The binds of slavers tying him up as he became a prize catch that would fetch money unlike any other slave. When he awoke after arriving in Pyresia, Gaulirax found himself being advertised as a exotic slave worth his weight in gold. He would find himself bought by a rather conservative dragoness, the way she treated him as if he was less than dirt and forced him to bathe her and tend to her needs until he was old enough to begin training as a fighter.

Gaulirax was constantly reminded as he served under his mistress that he was nothing but an abomination to the world. To top it all off he was used as a threat against others slaves. “You better not fail or I’ll let Gaulirax have his way with you.” Would often be said which only ingrained him in more the fact that he was considered even lower than the average slave. It was when he had grown into a powerful muscular creature, he was placed in the arena, his Mistress hoping to make some money and get rid of the disgusting creature at the same time, only to find out that he excelled in the arena. He was quick, powerful, and deadly. Now he fights in the arena against whatever foes he must, in order to recieve rewards, women, his mistress’ approval, and perhaps one day his freedom.

Intimidation: Racial 36
Weapon Warhammer 50
Sex 5
Body Building 36
Endurance 25
Unarmed Combat 5
Socialization 1
Teaching 1
Tactics 2

My Mistress Bets on me to Lose.
I can beat a Minotaur
Training Never Freaking Ends
Contact: Rathrid Dwarven Master at Arms.
Body Building is Harder than it looks
Cold Water Soothes Sore muscles.
You're not Done Yet.
I'm destined for the Arena
Desire: To Be Free

Special Abilities
Fire Breathing

Breastplate Steel (Provided By Owner)
Greaves Steel (Provided by Owner)
Vambraces Steel (Provided by Owner)
Cuisses Steel (Provided by Owner)
Gladiator Cloth Underlayer 2 (Provided by Owner)
Groin Covers Unlimited (Provided by owner)
Warhammer Two Handed Steel (Provided by Owner)

None He’s a Slave.
Story List:
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 5 days ago

Name: Natalie S. Brooks
Nickname: Nat
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Birthday: 26th Jadeyan, 286 DM
Birthplace: Ruby Banks
Resides in: [Ruby Banks] Brooks' Family Home - Her family's home, which she lives in.
Occupation: Apprentice Merchant (1gp)

Appearance: Natalie's complexion is fair white skin with freckles on her face only. She has beautiful hazel eyes, with blonde hair; her face structure is very similar to her mother and she got her father's nose. Her body structure is very similar to her mothers, since she is her mother's daughter after all. She has slightly larger bust size than her mother does, when she was fifteen years old. Natalie has a beautiful smile like her mother and father; her teeth are in perfect condition. Natalie wears peasant clothes, which is handcrafted by her mother to be slightly cheaper than buying it from a store; her clothes are orange in color. She wears a regular necklace around her neck, which is made up of copper and has a chain to keep on her neck.

She had no physical weaknesses in her appearance; she was born a healthy baby. She has a birthmark on her right arm, which is similar to the sun or moon. She is five foot and five inches tall at her age and weighs about 121 pounds. Her hair is long and is usually in a ponytail with her mother's help and her front bangs are kinda covering her beautiful hazel eyes.

Personality: Natalie has a very kind and caring personality, which is usually how she is around her parents and people, which live in Ruby Banks. This is mostly how her mother and father raised her, since they wanted their daughter to be kind in this cruel world, even though that would make her naive to the world around her. Natalie loves gatherings since it shows off her caring side much more than normal. Natalie is shy around boys, mostly because they tease her for being too nice. She has grown slightly throughout the years and she feels like she knows a lot about things. She is lucky, when it comes to friends; she only has like two friends in all of Ruby Banks.

Natalie has her father's determination and her mother's passion within her, and she usually carries this with her all the time around her friends, family, and anyone else willingly to listen. Her imagination gets the better of her. She is very curious person, which usually asks many questions about many things, even though her imagination runs wild sometimes. Natalie loves music since it usually calms her down if she gets angry. She was given a nickname by her two only friends, and that is Nat and it has stuck ever since, her smile is always showing when she is called that.


90 Skill points, +20 Racial Bonus for one skill excluding magic

- 22 Music (Flute) - (+20 Racial Bonus and 2 skill points)
- 20 Business
- 15 Socializing
- 15 Weapon (Light Crossbow)
- 10 Drawing
- 10 Painting
- 10 Running
- 8 Acrobatics

Languages: Common (Fluent)


Natalie's person:
A Copper Necklace, Chain - 1gp
A Flute, with her name inscribed on it - 1gp
Peasant Clothes, which was dyed Orange - 1sp
Light Crossbow /w 10 Crossbow Bolts - 45gp in total

Cost | Item | Total
100gp 0sp 0cp | Starting Money | 100gp

Story List:
Date - URL - Characters involved
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mag Lev
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Mag Lev Chairman Sloth

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name: Narissa Vendalien

Race: Alufiend

Gender: Female

Age: 107, looks to be 26

Birthday: 35 Vermillio, 193 DM

Birthplace: Pyresia

Resides in: Travelling

Occupation: Mercenary (5 GP/day)

Appearance: The striking physical features which Narissa were blessed with are rarely ever seen. Despite having hair which is naturally soft and a golden brown color, Narissa has kept it shoulder length and disheveled. Her hair is accompanied by skin whose natural complexion is comparable to marble, though one would never tell it by how dirty and grime covered it is. Narissa has eyes of bright blue like that of the sea. Though beautiful in their own right, the sea blue eyes are supported by high, but full, cheekbones and a narrow jawline creating a striking support to them. Though one would think that the scar which runs under her right eye, just along the cheekbone, would make her less beautiful, it adds such a fitting contrast to her face that it only enhances her beauty.

Narissa posses a naturally lithe form which is attractive to most males and females. Standing at five feet and three inches in height, she is far from an imposing figure and her hundred and twenty-two pounds of weight does not help it. Yet, one cannont deny that her frame in-of-itself is strikingly beautiful in its own way. Her thin waist and wide hips, in relation to her waist of course, create a small but tight set of abs and run perfectly together down to her strong and well toned legs. Despite her form being naturally small, Narissa posses an ample bust which she often keeps bound with linen. Her small shoulders, measuring at barely over a foot and a half in length, though compact, are quite strong and toned and lead to equally toned arms ending in small, thin hands. Despite all these features being that of a beautiful woman, this is generally not what she looks like as she purposefully makes her frame less appealing with loose and often dirty clothing. Though, this does not mean that she is not capable of cleaning up for, when the need arises, Narissa can clean up her form and become quite beautiful. That is, if one does not mind a woman who has a small set of grey-ish black wings protruding from her back.

Personality: Narissa is an unusual being if you look at her from a psychological level. Possessing a general attitude which emanates defiance, she clashes with most anyone who possess a similarly dominant personality. She prefers to work alone, believing that most others are far to inexperienced to not be a detriment, an attitude which has often proven to be correct. Yet, Narissa avoids clashing with employers or those ho the employer hires to work with her as she knows that one does not cross the person paying you or a coworker for both have their on ways of getting back at you. As such, she often hides her true thoughts and has come to mask it all behind fake emotions or limit her interactions with them. Though, her defiance also shows in her complete abhorrence of her nature and, as such, hides her natural features.

But that is in her professional life and how she appears to others at first glance. Often times, Narissa is a very caring woman who knows full well, from experience of course, how fragile life is. She is often distant with new people, afraid that they could leave as quickly as they came. Yet, once one finally see Narissa open up, they will meet a woman who wishes to protect those dear to her. She is slow to anger and quick to forgive, knowing that, in the eyes of an immortal, hatred of another is nothing more than a rotting curse that one holds onto. Try as she might, Narissa can't help but get attached to those she likes, knowing full well that she would likely end up watching them die in the end.

Narissa greatly fears dying alone because of her curse, as she call it, of being an alufiend. She solely wishes to die with one she loves and who loves her. Neither monsters nor heights nor natural disasters instill fear in this young woman though she does intensely worry about those affected by them. Though a simple woman in most matters, Narissa will admit that she wishes to live a finer life, one which does not involve living in the wilderness.

"I am something I hate and wish for something I can't have. Quite a mess, am I not?"

History: The life of Narissa, a child born from the lust of man, was never an easy one. She was an orphan early on in her life, having been abandoned by a mother who saw a child as nothing but a weight which needed to be cut. Having never been adopted, Narissa aged out of her home at sixteen and learned of her powers as an alufiend the hard way.

Weapon (Melee, Whips)- 41 (11 + 30 Racial)
Weapon (Melee, Daggers)- 24
Acrobatics- 15
Climbing- 10
Wilderness Survival- 5
Hunting- 5
Observation- 5
Riding (Horse)- 5
Cooking- 5
Tracking- 5

Special Abilities: Able to drain life force from males through sex, this increases the age of the victim and decreases the age of the Alufiend, down to the age at which she became an adult.

Total: 90 + 30(Racial)


Quantity | Item | Acquired | Value
1 | Explorer's Outfit (Linen) | Starting | 10 GP
1 | Traveler's Cloak (Wool) | Starting | 10 GP
1 | Studded Leather (Torso) | Starting | 25 GP
1 | Cuisses (Leather) | Starting | 6 GP
1 | Greaves (Leather) | Starting | 6 GP
2 | Daggers (Cold Iron) | Starting | 16 GP
2 | Grappling Hook | Starting | 2 GP
2 | Rope, Hemp (10ft) | Starting | 1 GP
1 | Chain Whip (Steel) | Starting | 75 GP

Travel Kit Including
1 | Tent, Large, 6 Person | Starting | 15 GP
1 | Backpack | Starting | 2 GP
1 | Bedroll | Starting | 1 GP
1 | Blanket, Winter | Starting | 5 SP
1 | Fishing Kit | Starting | 15 GP
1 | Fishing Net (25 sq ft) | Starting | 4 GP
1 | Flint and Steel | Starting | 1 GP
1 | Lantern, Bullseye | Starting | 12 GP
1 | Pot, Iron | Starting | 1 GP
1 | Rope (100ft) | Starting | 10 GP
2 | Torch | Starting | 4 CP
2 | Waterskin | Starting | 2 GP
1 | Horse, Light, Warhorse | Starting | 150 GP
1 | Bit and Bridle | Starting | 2 GP
1 | Saddle, Riding | Starting | 10 GP
1 | Saddlebags, Large | Starting | 8 GP
*Any remainder after this point is used for 1 years expenses, starts in Saffra 301 DM

Cost | Item | Subtotal
48 GP | Starting Gold | 48 GP, 0 SP, 0 CP

Story List:
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Aelia Tyrannson

Race: Anuirean

Gender: female

Age: 17

Birthday: 47th Mauven, 284DM

Birthplace: Ebonfort capital

Resides in: Silent Rise

Occupation: Hunter (3Gp/day)


Staying true to the appearance of her ancestors Aelia has crimson hair, pale skin and light blue eyes. Her straight crimson hair brushes her elbows. The front is often pinned off her face with hairpins or pulled back in the beginnings of a braid, however, the rest is left unbound.

Aelia possesses a height advantage over many, standing at 6'7". She has slim build, yet not slim enough to be classified as 'skinny'. Due to her career and her awareness to her fitness Aelia has some muscle on her and is quite well-built. She weighs 176lbs.

Alike to the Anuirean when they were a clan Aelia possesses a fiery attitude. She is very strong both mentally and physically and holds the ideal 'go hard or go home' seriously.

Aelia is brutally honest and barely seems to have a filter and will often say the first thing that pops into her head no matter how cruel or pessimistic it will seem. She doesn't like sugarcoating her words and very rarely does. Sarcasm is a free service she offers, whether you like it or not

Aelia is cunning and brilliant when it comes to tactics making her an ideal comrade on a warzone. She is fiercely loyal to those she trusts yet her trust is hard to gain, however, if you lose her trust it is almost impossible to gain.

Under her brutally honest and tough demeanour, however, Aelia possesses a big heart and cares deeply for those she cares for but can also hate deeply when it comes to her enemies.

History (will start extremely basic but as more is revealed in the roleplay it will be extended on):
- Grew up in Ebonfort capital with her parents, both of strong Anuirean decent.
- showed an enjoyment of hunting at a young age
- Only child
- moved to Silent Rise as soon as she reach 'adult age' (16), proving her independence
- Went into the hunting business Vermillo before her 17th year

Hunting +23
Intimidation +17
Wilderness Survival +12
Weapon (ranged) +11
Interrogation +10
Intelligence +9
Weapon (melee) +8
Tactics +30 (racial bonus)


Explorer's outfit 10Gp
Traveller's cloak 1Gp
Helmet- Skull cap 5Gp
Studded leather armour 25Gp
Iron Falchion 20Gp
Short bow 40Gp
3x (10) arrows- iron tipped 3x1sp- 3sp
5x caltrops 5x1Gp- 5Gp
Backpack- 2Gp

Possesses house +0Gp
Starting +100Gp
Extra gear -8Gp 3sp

Total possessed money 91Gp 7sp

Story List:
Date - URL - Characters involved
Saffra, Day 3, 301 DM- http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/92734-an-illegal-hunt-an-ebonfort-rp/ic#post-3441963- Gorrak and Talia (GM NPCs)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Visionaryness
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Visionaryness Crazy Cat Lady Guy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Kira Kodera

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 27

Birthday: 30th day of Crimsia, 273 DM

Birthplace: Azure Strand

Resides in: Azure Strand

Occupation: Mercenary


Dressing completely in black with occasional silver decorations (why didn't she join the Ebon knights?), Kira tends to favor the style of the sailor. Black leather boots, black pants, black shirt, black leather vest, black coat, and black tricorn hat. Her vest is cinched tightly to contain her rather large bust. She stands 5 feet and 7 inches tall, but her boots add a few inches. Her hair is dark brown, usually tied in a ponytail or a braid that reaches below her shapely rear. Her eyes are bright green. A scar runs along her right cheekbone, through her ear and disappears into her hair.

Personality: Kira is a fierce woman, used to having to shout and smack people around to get them to do anything for her. She has an atrocious accent, speaks quickly, and despises having to repeat herself. Despite this, she's actually fairly easy to get along with, when she can be understood. She loves drinking, gambling, and inciting general merriment, and will often start playing music just to watch other people enjoy themselves.

History: Kira is the daughter of a fisherman and his wife. She was born on her father's boat and spent much of her formative years learning how to fish and sail. Her father also played fiddle, and taught the young Kira how to play when she was old enough to hold the instrument. She loved sailing, but hated fishing, so when she was old enough, she left her home and hunted for work wherever she could find it in the city. She slowly built a reputation as a woman who did not take guff or gall from any man. When she was 24 she got her first ship's officer job as a midshipsman on a small freighter. Her talents were recognized and she was quickly promoted to bosun, where any man who crossed her learned the meaning of the word fear. Her aim with a crossbow is impressive for anybody.

Ranged Weapon (Crossbow) +10
Weapon (Rapier) +41
Sailing +41
Leadership +9
Music (Fiddle) +5
Fishing +1
Drinking +2
Gambling +1

Languages: Common (fluent depending on your definition of the word)

Professional outfit (sailor) x4 | Starting | 4 GP
Leather greatcoat | Starting | 1 GP
Leather vest x2 | Starting | 20 GP
Rapier | Starting | 45 GP
Crossbow, medium, repeating | Starting | 250 GP
Crossbow magazine x5 (holds 5 bolts) | Starting | 5 GP
Crossbow bolts x100 | Starting | 100 GP
Fiddle, Green Fall Seal | Starting | 400 GP
Fishing kit | Starting | 15 GP
Manacles x3 | Starting | 45 GP
Trunk, medium | Starting | 10 GP
Rucksack | Starting | 1 SP


+200 GP | Starting Money | 200 GP 0 SP 0 CP
+1000 GP | Extra Money for not having a house | 1200 GP 0 SP 0 CP
-806 GP (rounded up) | Starting purchases | 394 (rounded down)

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Krinos Solstice
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Krinos Solstice The Hopless Romantic / BKS Lead Sniper

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Birth Name: Alexander Bane

Preferred Name: Aussir Denthanus

Race: Half-Dragon (White)/Half Human

Gender: Male

Age: 130

Birthday: Mauven 32nd 171 DM

Birthplace: Pyresia

Resides in: The wild AKA a tent

Occupation: Mercenary

Appearance: Alex, or Aussir as he prefers to call himself, stands a good 7'3" tall. His wings, when extended fully, are exactly 11' even. Aussir's scales are somewhat a unique color, something inherited from his father; they are pure white with a slightly bluish tint around the edges of each scale. As a reptile in nature, he has the typical characteristics of vertically slitted eyes beguiling nearly all reptiles. When angered, Aussir's eyes tend to glow slightly; once fully enraged, the glow becomes brighter and smoke can be seen escaping the sides of his mouth. His upper body is muscular, as one would expect from the training he endured, though his lower body is slightly less so. His wings are of a unique shape, another quality inherited from his father, though he is not able to use them for flight as a result. The design allows for gliding purposes, coupled with the fact he can use them as an intimidation tactic should the situation call for it.

Personality: Having been born in a place where there are other Dragonkin, Aussir has grown well socially, having made many acquaintances with his kin and the other races who dwell in the surrounding area. This has benefitted Aussir greatly, as he is confident, yet also humble. He is kind to those who have shown him respect, and he respects those who show him kindness in return. However, he is not oblivious to where he is in the social ladder, he is a half-breed after all. His mother, a human, had taught him about the emotions of forgiveness and understanding. Even as his father helped raise Aussir in his ways, she did her best to instill some humanity in him, and for the most part, she had succeeded. However, the loneliness a Dragonkin felt was the one thing she could never take away. When she finally passed away and his father abandoned him, his loneliness only intensified, having started to close himself off from his kin.

History: ~Will be revealed in RP~


Intimidation - 50 (30+20)
Melee Weapon (Greatsword) - 15
Melee Ranged (Javelin) - 15
Bodybuilding - 15
Wilderness Survival - 15
Interrogation - 10

Special Abilities

Fire Breath
Fire Immunity
"Flight" (Read as Gliding)


Common (fluent)
Draconic (fluent)


1 Heirloom Greatsword | Starting | 60 GP
5 Javelins | Starting | 5 GP
5 Peasant's Outfit | Starting | 5 SP
5 Cold Weather Outfit | Starting | 40 GP
10 Meat, Chunk | Starting | 3 GP
30 Firewood | Starting | 30 CP
1 Breastplate (Bronze) | Starting | 50 GP
1 Greaves (Bronze) | Starting | 15 GP
1 Vambracer (Bronze) | Starting | 13 GP (Rounded up)
1 Survival Kit | Starting | 53 GP, 4 SP, 4 CP
1 Horse, Heavy | Starting | 200 GP
1 Bit & Bridle | Starting | 2 GP
2 Saddlebags, Large | Starting | 16 GP
20 Horse Feed | Starting | 1 GP


Cost | Item | Subtotal

200 GP | Starting Money | 100 GP
1000 GP | No House | 1100 GP
-358 GP, 7 SP, 74 CP | Starting Purchases | 841 GP, 2 SP, 26 CP

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by VoiD
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VoiD Perpetually mediocre

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by iisbor


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

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