Vivian Ormerod

Location: Newnan
Interacting With: Ash & Maria --> Sid
Interacting With: Ash & Maria --> Sid
The doc merely rolled her eyes as she heard Alicia's comment; typical. The woman could never just be quiet and listen, she always had to spout something off. If it wasn't for Caesar she would have gutted her months ago. Granted being in some type of relation with Caesar didn't mean that the woman was off of her hit list, it just meant she had to play it a little smarter than usual; for the doc this wasn't an issue. She knew the woman would do something to get injured or need to be tossed out of the place. She had pushed her luck more than enough as of late. One more misstep and she could make her move. She only needed to be patient and bide her time; that she could do.
Gathering a list of things they were running low on in the Infirmary. There was the usual; gauze and the like. Then there were the more specific meds; all the things they were running low or dangerously low on. With all the wall breaches as of late people had gotten injured and their supplies were getting burned through at a higher rate than normal. These things needed to get replaced and fast.
Doc only bothered to make one list and headed for Ash and Maria. She wasn't about to deal with Alicia right then and with how she was planning out the womans death constantly in her mind; facing Caesar right then might give away what she was up to. She figured he knew that she didn't like his daughter but she kept the fact she actually wanted to gut her close to the vest. This was something that did not make good pillow talk.
"Here's the list, don't know if you will be able to locate all of it but most of it you should be able to find. If not at the usual spots, see if you can find a vet clinic. I can use the same meds for animals as I can us, just need to change the dosage," she said to Ash as she handed the list to Maria. Turning she started to walk off.
"Watch your backs, I won't be around to patch you up if you go down," she quipped before heading back towards the Medical Gardens to check on the plants and such. Glancing around she found Sid quick enough; figures he wouldn't be volunteering to head out on this one. The kid did go on runs but not these type and right then he was far more valuable in the gardens than out on a run. At least if they came back empty handed from these runs the variety of medical plants they had growing now would make a difference.
"So, how goes our little experimental drug store?" she asked Sid as she stepped over to him.
Leann McCormick

Location: Newnan
Interacting With: Ash & Maria
Interacting With: Ash & Maria
Leanna watched as everyone paired up and headed out to get prepped for the runs. She did not like having to send so many out at once but it was better than taking longer to get what they needed by only sending them out one at a time. Most of her heavy shooters were leaving, so that pretty much left her. It was going to be a long next twenty-four to forty-eight hours; especially if anything went down while the rest of the group was away. Granted everyone in town was taught how to handle themselves on one level or another thanks to Caesar but many of these people hadn't been outside of the walls in sometime, they weren't used to the onslaught that could happen anymore. People get walls they get complacent. Leann did what she could to keep everyone active but you could only press people so far before they snapped and they had no Shrink in the city. Viv was the only medical person and she was anything but in the right state of mind to be playing counselor.
Wrapping up at the meeting she headed through town, checking supplies and assignments for those left behind while the rest were going to be away. She and some others were going to be on the outer walls while most of town would be working on repairs to the outer wall. They needed to get this done as quickly as possible. It would take at least another week with their current numbers working around the clock. That wasn't good. They couldn't work around the clock, people needed rest or they dropped the guard and stupid shit happened. Last thing they needed was to lose even more people.
Leann walked out of supply and headed over to Ash; seeing Vivian walk off back towards the medical garden. She had just come up to Ash and Maria when she heard the tell tale roar of Busters Engine rev up. Her head whipping around to see who in the hell had just started that thing up. She barely was able to make out who was in the front seat as they drove passed; Alicia and James. Turning she perked a brow.
"When in the hell did they get authorization to take Buster out?" she asked, looking directly at Ash as she spoke.

Luck be a lady tonight, luck be a lady tonight, luck if you've been a lady to begin with, luck be a lady tonight....
~puts down the mic~ Excuse me, it just seemed fitting with the way things have been going as of late to try to give Lady Luck a little bit of a reason not to drop an Acme Anvil on your head out of the blue. It seems she has listened. Whether it was the serenade or something else, Luck is being a Lady tonight. For how long that lasts, no one knows. Luck is a fickle lady but for now, even with this small hoard nipping at your heals, she is being a Lady.
Jaimes little knot tying adventure seems to have worked, perhaps not as flawlessly as one would like but hey any good luck is welcome luck in a time like this. The first couple of Walkers that broke through are the first to come right up to the road block; or carpet block in this case. (Carpet Block? That sounds like a really nasty type of constipation.) Anywho, they get caught up for a bit giving each member in the group a little more time to get up the stairs and to a better vantage point.
Like with all intestinal blockages though, they all eventually give way and there is where Lady Luck decides to stop being a Lady. She slips the carpet blockage a dose of X-Lax and that bookcase comes crashing down. It pins a couple of the Walkers down underneath it but nothing major and once again the way is ready to go. It takes the hoard a bit to work its way over the obstacle but they do, two by two and work their way up the stairs. Like some twisted version of Noahs Arc. Two by Two, they're coming for you. Can you hold them off? Only time will tell.

I really cannot tell if Luck is being a Lady right now anymore or if she is just trying to screw with you; either way, things are about to get interesting. You book it down the stream and try to make it to the highway. Walkers, doing what they do, try to follow but the little creek is posing more of a problem for them than they had probably had anticipated. Granted I don't think they really anticipated anything, they just saw lunch to go and figured that they would try for a free meal. Thing is, nothing is free in this world and they have paid the cost. They're stuck.
Whoo-hoo, it seems you are home free. NOT! Noise brought Walkers to begin with, more noise had brought more. They are coming in from both sides now on the other side of the stream. This can't be good but what can you do, dealing with Walkers always causes noise even if you don't use a gun. Plus, they all seem to have this instinct to follow each other; with lemmings this is great, with Walkers, not so much.
You have a couple of options right now. You can turn back and deal with the ones in the creek and try to break through that way. You can pick a side and try to break through that way but right now you don't know if there are even more off in the woods you haven't spotted yet. All you know is the six you had left to deal with has multiplied in number four fold. Your last option is the Highway. You can see it through the trees and on that highway you can barely make out what looks to be an RV. Does it run? Do you? Time to pick a path Ladys.

You are starting to feel like a single beetle, or pair of beetles trying to outrun a fire ant colony. They are behind you, half around you and your only really exit was towards the woods and then to make your way back around to that lovely little lovers nest from before. Not a bad idea. I mean there is only two of you and a lot of them. Not much else you could do. Fighting might have taken some of them out but when it is two against one for each of the stars on the flag; things can get dicey. Running is a good choice.
Problem with old cemeteries that are along the edge of woods that haven't been tended to in a long time is over growth. Grass grows up, it covers things; things you might not see. Jonas is lucky enough to make it through the overgrowth without incident but suddenly Victoria, your foot gets snagged on something. It's a root that has upturned from the last rain and now your ankle may just be broke. Running force, sudden stop because of root and forward momentum is never fun.
Be careful trying to get it out of the root and watch your six, things could get even more dicey. You need to think fast and move quicker but that is going to be difficult with so many coming for you and chances are you just screamed your head off from pain - high chances. Get a move on before things get worse because as we all know - it can always get worse.