Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Avery Heart
"Yoohoo..Avery, please wake up." Avery laid on a bed of large leaves and other plant life. His head was hurting bad and couldn't tell what was going on. Headaches and strange dreams seem to didn't mix well."Avery! please don't be dead" the voice manged to get through to Avery this time. The white haired boy sat up fast, holding his head in pain."Urg.. i had a strange dream that a bird creature was calling my name."He muttered to his self. He blink when saw the bird creature and scooted back, pitching his skin."Wake up Avery, wake up man.." he stopped when his arm was red from the pitching."Owww.."

"Hey, im not a talking bird creature Avery, my name is Hawkmon and this is no dream..so please, stop hurting your self ok? your going to make me worry." Hawkmon inched closer to him, but Avery only backed up."W-What are you? where am? How do you know my name?"

"I am a digimon silly and your in the digital world right now. I've been waiting on you for a long time Avery, thats how i know. Anyway,you and i are partners. Together with others, we are going to save the digital world like the humans before you. Isn't that cool?" Hawkmon smiled.

Avery was speechless..he needed time to get this all in before replying

Dylan Walker
As Dylan walked in the forest, his digimon phascomon followed behind him." Damn it! can you stop following mean you little koala looking freak? how many times do i have to say this, im not you partner, not your friend, not anything." he growled and stomped at him. phascomon hugged his leg and looked at him with big eyes.

"But master, i need your help to get stronger and you need my help as well. P-Please..don't you want more power? don't you want get revenge on those who bully you? i can help you..t-trust me." phascomon said

Dylan was shocked."How did you know that?! urg, anyway.." he stroked his head. Power? he didn't care for it,but if it would help bring his wrath upon the world,then so be it. A smirk came across his face."Humm..well, that does interesting. Ok..from this point on phasco whatever, i'll be your partner."

Phascomon nodded and nudged him."Umhum!."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cheshire Cat
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Cheshire Cat Corporal / Bot Killer Squad

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Eric could be seen sitting against a tree, still trying to comprehend the situation laid out in front of him. He began to zone out as he stared off into the distance. Apparently the small bat-like creature that called itself DemiDevimon did not like this at all as it landed on Eric's head and payed no mind to the sharp claws slightly poking its new master's head.

"Hey knucklehead!" The small creature shouted at him. "You falling asleep or something? You haven't said a single thing since I told you about all this."

"That's the problem," Eric finally spoke to the creature. "I don't really get any of this. I'm just supposed to believe some demon creature that woke me up in the middle of nowhere and told me I'm in the 'digital world'?"

"Fine, don't believe me then." DemiDevimon flapped it's wings and flew in front of the young teen. "Whether you choose to or not. my offer still stands. I can help you! I'm a master of trickery and mischief that not even you and your envious rampage can compare to." It held out one of it's clawed feet which it uses like hands. "Come on... master."

A evil grin began forming across Eric's face. He instantly held his hand out and shook the digimon's claw. "What are you talking about? I'm just a poor, weak little teenager..." He used an obviously fake voice that sounded pitiful in the most sarcastic way. The little creature only muttered a phrase in a response, "more like a wolf in sheep's clothing," which it followed up with a mischievous snicker.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 1 day ago

Jake Strider

Jake had no idea where he was or how he got there after all, forests were not exactly common in Chicago. Looking around some more he noticed a giant burning candle with a golden candlestick. As he got closer it sounded like the candle was snoring. "Okay this has to be a dream, I just hope I remember it when I wake up."

He decided to wake the candle up by shaking it and at first only succeeded in getting hot wax on his hands. Guess I'm not dreaming after all." Jake was a bit surprised at how calm he was but he felt he had more important matter to think about at the moment.

Eventually the candle opened its eyes and seemed startled when it noticed Jake. "Ehm you must be Jake, right? Welcome to Digiworld, I'm Candlemon your partner." As Candlemon introduced itself Jake noticed it seemed to be blushing.

Dave Harley

The last thing Dave remembered before finding himself in this bizarre forest was preparing to steal a rather expensive new set of sunglasses. He had no idea how much time had passed since then, but since he wasn't hungry it couldn't have been too long. While exploring he constantly heard a loud buzzing noise that seemed to be pretty close, however since nothing else happened he stopped paying attention to it a while ago.

Fanbeemon had been spying on its partner for a while now and it didn't seem like any Digimon were going to attack him. So it decided that it might as well go talk to the human since the two would eventually have to work together anyway.

"Dave!" Upon hearing someone yell his name Dave stopped and looked around but there wasn't anyone around. "Up here, Dave!" As he looked up Dave finally noticed the source of the buzzing sound, a big ass buglike creature. "What the hell?"

The bug started talking. "I'm Fanbeemon and I'm supposed to protect you from any dangers here in Digiworld." At that point Dave started to seriously consider that he might have been drugged or something.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Blake rubbed her head as she glared at the digimon before her. "Stop headbutting me! I said I understood what you were telling me! I just want no part in your stupid scheme or whatever." She growled out to Dorumon who was glaring right back at his new partner. "Well you don't get a choice so until you understand that I will keep doing it." Dorumon replied before taking a few steps back then running forward and jumping headbutting Blake before she could stop him. Blake began cursing the creature while rubbing her head which lead to yet another argument between the two bringing their total to ten arguments since she woke up over the same thing.

Amora sat on the ground leaning against the tree petting the digimon in her lap. "So you and I are partners and we are in this digital world... I like it. A new start... This land is ours for the taking in a sense." She said smiling at BlackSalamon who smiled up at her. "I like the way you think Amora. I think you and I are going to get along perfectly." BlackSalamon told her smiling back up at Amora.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Avery Heart
"Ok hawkman, what is it that we need to do? You said something about saving this world right? Also, you said others. Other humans? How can we find them?" Avery threw the questions at Hawkmon. He was totally lost and confused by everything.

"Well, something has disrupted the peace here. We don't know what it is, but we are going to find out soon."hawkmon said."also, your digimon can pinpoint other digivices in the radius. "

Avery pulled out his digivice, seeing a few red dots. "Lets go the one closest to us." He begin to walk off with hawkmon beside him

Dylan Walker

"First off, don't snuggle on me like that. I hate that your so damn adorable, it bothers me." Dylan snorted walked through forest with Phascomon by his side

"I'll take that as a comment~ but master, my true from is more intimidating, just wait and see! Your going to help me right? " Phascomon asked

Dylan rolled his eyes."whatever, I guess so."as Dylan walked ahead, he could see a girl with a black cat puppy digimon
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jurassic Weeb
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Jurassic Weeb Iris's Indomitable Thief

Banned Seen 10 mos ago

To say that Ryūko had started the day in a most odd manner would be an understatement. The last thing she remembered, she'd been in bed watching the late-night anime lineup. They'd broadcasted the pilot of a new series, too. But when she woke up, she was on the ground in a strange place, and was immediately greeted by a spherical creature of some kind. Ryūko had been so scared she'd jumped up into the nearest tree.

"Ryūko, you don't need to be scared!" said the creature. "I'm your partner, Koromon!"

"How do you know my name!? And where are my pajamas!?" The young woman wasn't coming down without any answers.

"How should I know?" asked Koromon. "I can't even wear clothes." He laughed. "But I'm your partner! I can't explain it, but it's like someone told me who you were, and that we're destined to help save the Digital World."

"This sounds like some kids' show..."

"Maybe!" said Koromon. "But you're in the main cast, whether you like it or not. There should be more humans nearby. I can smell them."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 1 day ago

Jake Strider

"So this.."Digivice" can track other humans?" Jake had to admit that was interesting, but it seemed like a bit of a wasted effort since there couldn't be too many other humans in Digiworld. "Not exactly it can track other Digivices and it can also make us Digimon stronger, and I think it has other functions as well."

Jake decided to write down what Candlemon had told him so far. Sure the "whole transported to a different world trope" was a bit of a cliché, but it was still a good one. He took out his notebook and started writing. Several children have been transported to another world inhabited by talking monsters. The children each partner up with one of those monsters who reveal the basics about their world. Also every child has a device that can make their partner stronger as well as track down other humans.

Candlemon watched as its partner wrote all that down. "Ehm ...don't you think it would be smart to look for the others?" Having to admit that the talking candle was right, Jake checked his Digivice again and started walking in the direction of the nearest red dot.

Dave Harley

"Oh yeah, I'm sure I need protection from all the giant talking bugs out here." If any other monsters in this hallucination or dream or whatever it was were like this Fanbeemon, it at least wouldn't be a scary one. "Actually there are Digimon big enough to swallow both of us at once, whole.

That warning was enough to get Dave to take the whole thing a bit more seriously, just in case it was real. "And you're supposed to protect me how exactly?"

While making sure to stay under the treetops and a fair distance of the ground Fanbeemon answered his partner's question. "Well that is where your Digivice comes in, as long you have I can transform into more powerful forms."

Having no idea what the bug was talking about Dave checked his pockets and eventually found what it was talking about. "Weird to think that such a small thing could do that. I wonder if I could sell it and for how much?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Blake Rogers

Blake, after getting annoyed by Dorumon's constant headbutting climbed onto a branch of a tree to get out of the digimon's reach. Once satisfied with where she was she pulled a small sketchbook out of her back pocket and began to draw a random flower and skull drowning out Dorumon who was growling and yelling up at her. As she drew she let her legs dangle off of the branch which she ended up regretting in the moments ahead.

Dorumon paused in his growling and yelling at his annoying partner upon smelling another human. He glanced up at Blake and noticed that her legs were in reach if he jumped and formulated a plan to get Blake to the other human. When Blake had gotten really into sketching Dorumon took a few steps back before running forward and jumping. He then proceeded to latch onto Blake's shoe-clad foot and drag her off the branch causing her fall face first onto the ground. He then quickly grabbed the sketchbook from besides her in his teeth and took off running towards the smell.

Blake let out a slight scream as she was dragged off the branch and fell face first into the ground. She let out a groan and pushed herself up in time to see Dorumon take off with her sketchbook in his mouth. "You dirty creature..." Blake growled before hopping up and running after him. Dorumon came to a stop in front of a human boy and Candlemon and stood there waiting for Blake.

"You dumb dog!" Blake yelled as she entered the area they were and stopped glaring at Dorumon. "Give it back right now!" Blake demanded holding her hand out. Dorumon dropped it on the ground and used his nose to nudge/throw it to her feet. She knelt down and picked it up wiping the dirt off of it and placing it in her pocket before finally noticing the boy and his digimon. "The hell..." Blake said blankly staring at them before throwing a glare at Dorumon. "You didn't tell me there were other humans." She said to which Dorumon did his best shrug.

Amora Hayes

Amora was humming while she absentmindedly stroked BlackSalamon's fur, she stopped though when she peered ahead of her and noticed a boy with a Koala-like digimon aproaching. She set BlackSalamon on the ground and stood up brushing herself off before walking towards him to meet him halfway, a flirtatious smile settling on her face. "Well hello there, wasn't expecting to see someone else anytime. Especially not such a handsome boy with an adorable little digimon." Amora said flirtily as she cocked her head slightly to the side fluttering her eyelashes.

Meanwhile BlackSalamon walked up to Phascomon and walked around him once with a smile on her face. "Hello there~" She said as she sat down besides Amora staring at the Koala-like digimon that was partners with the boy in front of her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jurassic Weeb
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Jurassic Weeb Iris's Indomitable Thief

Banned Seen 10 mos ago

Ryūko climbed back down, still wary of Koromon. "So humans aren't native to this place?" she asked. Koromon hopped up into her arms. The creature was surprisingly warm.

"Nope. Just us Digimon," he said. "I know my big brother, Candlemon, is around here someplace. Apparently he's supposed to have a partner too." That meant another human!

"Well, Koromon, can you take me to him?" she asked.

"Well I can only go so fast without legs..." He gave the girl his best puppy-dog eyes. Fortunately for him, it worked.

"Fine," Ryūko sighed. "Which way?"

"Lemme see... north."

"And that would be...?" Koromon gave an exasperated sigh.

"To your right." Ryūko began walking in the indicated direction. Koromon began calling out to his brother. "Candlemon! I found my human!"

"Your human?!" Ryūko looked ready to punt the Digimon away at the comment.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 1 day ago

Jake Strider

Not long after Jake began looking for other humans, he came across a red haired girl around his age who apparently wasn't informed about the presence of other humans. "Well there are, though I don't know how many. I'm Jake BTW and this giant candle is Candlemon."

Candlemon felt like he really wouldn't like the strange female, but fortunately for him he heard his younger brother yelling about having found his human. Believing that the Dokumon could protect both humans if something that happened and that Koromon was close by he sneaked off to look for the rolling head.

After a few minutes he found both Koromon and his new partner who was another female. "I found my partner as well, lil bro. He is nearby talking to another human."

Dave Harley

As Dave was trying to appraise the Digivice he noticed two red dots. "Hey bug, any idea what these red dots mean?" Fanbeemon immediately realized that other humans had to be around and that having allies would decrease the risk if they had to fight. "It must be picking up the signal of other Digivices, want to go check it out?"

Since he didn't have any better ideas Dave headed in the direction the dots indicated. Eventually he came across a black haired boy with some koala creature and far more interesting, an attractive girl with long white hair and some weird black dog-like animal.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jurassic Weeb
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Jurassic Weeb Iris's Indomitable Thief

Banned Seen 10 mos ago

"More humans?" said Ryūko. She was a bit... weirded out by the giant talking candle, but it certainly wasn't the weirdest thing she'd seen all day. "My name's Ryūko. Apparently I'm Koromon's partner. You're his brother Candlemon, I suppose?" Of course he's Candlemon, you dolt! she thought. He's a giant freaking candle!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Both Dylan and Phascomon's face turned red. She had an digimon to. A black cat looking one."U-Umm, hey. I guess im not the only one here after all huh? I-i mean, of course I knew, what I meant to say was." Dylan was all tangled up with words. The girl was pretty cute to him and he didn't want to admit itn anyway, he inhaled a deep breath and sighed. " My name is Dylan by the way. What about you?"

Phascomon placed his hands over his face and kept blushing. " hiya~ my name is Phascomon." He glanced at black gatomon."you seem familiar. ."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GubGar
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GubGar Manager of the Jerk Store

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Diogenes' eyes fluttered open, and for a moment he thought all was normal. he saw sky, and thought he had fallen asleep outside, he had done it before. but then the trees, so many trees were around him. and at that moment of panic he heard a voice. "Oh good, you aren't dead human." the voice said in a mean, perhaps childish tone. Diogenes quickly whirled around to see where the voice was coming from, and he saw a large seashell, it was open and a blob-like creature was inside it. the creature grinned, and said. "You must be my minion human, i'm Syakomon!" Diogenes was so confused, and had so many questions, but instead of asking them he just screamed.

Screaming was a bad idea, as when he did Syakomon flung itself at him and clamped down on his arm. "Shuddup!" it said, its voice muffled. Diogenes began flailing around in a panic, where was he? what was this thing? were only a few of the questions in his head. "Why couldn't I have just stayed in bed?!" was the one he ended up asking.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 1 day ago

Jake Strider

Rather than respond to the human's question by saying anything Candlemon simply nodded, clearly a bit uncomfortable. Jake meanwhile decided to talk the girl. "I couldn't help but hear what you just said about other humans and according to Candlemon there should be a few of us here." It was at that point he noticed that his partner was missing, but he trusted that the candle-like creature wouldn't just abandon him and so he wasn't too worried.

Dave Harley
Dave wondered if he should bother the black haired boy and white haired girl or if he should let them have some privacy. Eventually he decided to just observe them for now and decide based on how things went. Fanbeemon though was more interested in the potential allies that their Digimon represented and took an uncharacteristically risk. He left his hiding spot and flew straight towards the humans and their partners.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jurassic Weeb
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Jurassic Weeb Iris's Indomitable Thief

Banned Seen 10 mos ago

"Candlemon, where's your owner?" Ryūko asked. Koromon cleared his throat, glaring. "Partner, I mean." Koromon nodded (Can a bouncing, talking head even nod?). "I'm really confused about all of this. I mean, I woke up here in this... Digital World of yours in these weird clothes. I mean, when I went to bed last night, I was in my pajamas."
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