Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KindledBeast
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KindledBeast Lazarus

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Yuri began getting mad he turned toward the guy calling him a knight. A smile came across his face. He dropped promise the light reflecting off the ivory colored gun would be enough to catch the guys attention enough to distract him. Moments before the gun it the ground it disappeared. Yuri quickly used this to his advantage he charged the boy bring the butt of his other gun to the boys temple with enough force to knock him out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Altasaire
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Altasaire Unrequited Rage

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@Letter Bee@Progenitus@TheHangedMan

Hearing the start of Pablo's heroically elated tirade, Takumi barely managed to contain an expression of annoyed distaste.

"Oh no, you won't be doing this," - he thought, feeding Vox Vulgaris another pulse of energy.

Takumi's inner vision blanked out for a second, then exploding into a synaesthetic kaleidoscope of smell and color, once his brain shifted into "system-feeling" mode. Then he mentally reached out to the part of language that corresponded to the immediate area he was in, found Pablo's pattern in it, and sharply p̴̜̫͔̘̼̭ͧ͆̄͑͊̂̚ͅȗ̧̝̳͚̞̦̥̈ͅl͗̐ͦͭͣ͠ļ̾͂ͩ̒́ẽ̩͉̜͕̖̃ͪ͢ḓ̟̿ͅ, knocking the interlocking bits of the puzzle out of alignment. A small, nigh-imperceptible trickle of entropy surged invisibly outward, interfering with Pablo's function.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Keksalot


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

King, meanwhile, just stood nearby while attempting very hard to look as the most innocent soul in this room and attempting to inconspicuously move further away from Pablo and closer to Takumi and Gloria. In his personal opinion, shit was fucked, and pretty hard at that - but in the end of the dark and rocky road of possible disciplinary punishment there were, brightly shining against the shade of life's hardship, whopping twohunnert dollars which he could spend at his and his good friends' pleasure, and for that he was ready to suffer through many things and steel himself against anything that life threw at him in the form of this fatigue-clad man and Pablo's suicidal ramblings.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Progenitus
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Gloria was sitting beside Takumi for the whole fight, intently watching unfolding battle. Golden-white sunburst pattern flickered in and out of existence on her brow several times in the course of the sparring, but for the large part, she was content to let Takumi do his thing. Besides, it was not like King was going to lose - in her humble opinion, his power, when properly applied, could easily rank as one of the top-tier powers - and he excercised with it.
Battle went more or less as expected and she dug into her PDA in search of their next class when teacher happened. She prepared to put on her best charm and bullshit their way out of there when Pablo opened his mouth and started blabbing.
Gloria was acting more on reflex than on something else. Golden swirls traced her skin, manifesting in an elaborate tattoo pattern, and sunburst simbol blossomed into existence on her brow, surrounding her head with a faintly glowing golden-white halo.

Striding forward with sudden confidence and magnetism in her body language, Gloria interposed herself between other students and the teacher and addressed him while he was still some distance away.

Booming, resounding voice filled the stadium, drowning out any other attempt at conversation. Gloria did not shout, but her voice somehow gained that piercing quality usually associated with professional speakers or commanders of old; men and women who could cut through the clamour of a raging mob or a battlefield without even raising their voice much.
- 'ello, sir. Ve're doing exactly vhat it looks like: sparring off shedule, to gain some extra practice vit our Noble Arms. Ve are terribly sorry to use school's facilities tat vay, but you 'ave to understand: neiter of us is witin rank range tat vould allov extra training, and vitout it ve'll never get tere. Also, some of us don't vant to make mistakes before teir peers, so tey vanted to train off te books. - Gloria's voice was filled with supreme confidence in herself and her words - she talked about what has happened as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, not even deserving any thought about it. - Sir....may I ask you to not report us on tis? Ve honestly vant to improve ourselves. - she seriously looked in the eyes of approaching man.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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Pablo himself would halt, instictively sensing that something was wrong.

"I...King...Bets...I'm sorry," he began to babble, every attempt at finishing his words ending incoherently. After a few tries that ended up in incoherent babbling such as:

"Blame...Metal...Dispute..." Pablo froze up, waiting for someone else to deal with this social situation better than he did.

Then, when Gloria arrived, Pablo would sigh...he had embarrassed himself in front of a hot girl. Or rather, he would sigh if he were not babbling.

But, still, he'd gotten slightly more than he lost this day.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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The instructor frowned. These kids were acting strangely but still . . . the girl made a point. On the other hand, he had his own point to make. Namely one about safety.

"It's fine to want to improve yourselves," he relented, "but we have rules in place for a reason. Unsanctioned duels can easily end with fatalities, even among adults. There's practice, then their's being reckless."

Sighing, the mans scratched his chin. "Okay, listen, I won't report you, but I'm going to need to take a look at your I.D's, and I don't want this happening again, understood?"

@Letter Bee-@Progenitus-@Altasaire
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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A nod from Pablo, who showed his ID quickly.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Keksalot


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

King, upon understanding that shit resolved itself, too, immediately produced his ID for the fatigue-clad man, a bright smile flourishing on his face as he quickly glanced at Takumi and Gloria in order to assess their mood and feelings about the situation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Altasaire
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Altasaire Unrequited Rage

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Takumi smoothly shows the instructor his ID, smiling slightly to Gloria.

— Would you perhaps advise us to whom we can go to wrangle out a bit more practice time more, ah, legally?

He was smiling genially and projecting a slight, almost imperceptible feeling of trustworthiness.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Progenitus
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Gloria nodded, producing her ID with a flourish and offering it to the instructor. Light patterns tracing her skin slowly began to dim.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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The others stared in shock as Yuri brought the boy down to the ground. Everyone here was a delinquent of one degree or another. They cut class, got into fights, and disrespected teachers and authority practically as a pastime. However, there were limits, limits defined by things they couldn't get out from easily, especially since, for all that this was a school, it was still a school for Arms Masters.

There was a pregnant silence as everyone watched the boy hit the ground, and then that silence gave birth to chaos.

The small mob of kids rushed towards Yuri, all but ready to murder him. The girl that was to be his opponent jumped back and fell on her rear, startled by the turn of events. As for the teacher, she was shouting in futility, trying to grab their attention and restore order. Eventually, even students from inside the classroom got involved, and for five minutes, all hell broke loose.

Then it happened. The students all froze up, and then dropped to their knees, wheezing heavily. Footsteps were heard, and the teacher backed away.

A man in dark jogging pants and green shirt with the tag "ARMY" across the right sleeve approached, holding a dagger in hand by the blade. He had a stern, severe face and his demeanor was that of a true veteran.

"What the hell is going on here?" he barked. "I heard the commotion all the way from the faculty room, and I wondered what it was, so now, you," he said, glaring directly at Yuri, "have the pleasure of explaining to me. Now!"

The man quickly took a look at all their ID's, before jotting their names down on a pocket notebook. Satisfied, the man turned to them.

"Anyway, you'd best get back to class right now. There are some announcements to be made, and I don't think we'll have classes for the afternoon." With that, he left, leaving the four of them alone in the arena again.

@KindledBeast-@Letter Bee-@Progenitus-@Altasaire-@Keksalot
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KindledBeast
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KindledBeast Lazarus

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Yuri didn't even flinch as the mob of angry students rushed to bash his head in one student was mere inches from his face as the student fell to the ground, a grin formed across his face as they hit the ground then as he noticed the solider her saluted the man getting into perfect posture. "It would be my pleasure sir, I was simply defusing the situation by taking out what I deemed to be the main aggressor. I took a non lethal approach to taking down said aggressor. That's all that happened sir!" Yuri spoke with a proper tone he was use to talking tonsoloders since his whole family had been in the military.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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Pablo began to walk back to the class, still grinning. That said, though, he had his thoughts on other matters now, or rather, another kid. And by that, his thoughts had now shifted to romancing Reinhard.

Yes, yes, Reinhard wasn't that pretty, and may even be too thin to fit Pablo's exact tastes. But, still, the boy was intelligent and he seemed to be decent. So, Pablo returned back to the class first, or at least, he thought he was first, so focused upon Reinhard that he barely noticed the commotion with Yuri. Going back to his chair, Pablo sat down for a few moments, then took out a seed, a rose seed.

Focusing on said seed, and conjuring up his Noble Arm (he made sure that it was hidden underneath his classroom chair's attached mini-table), he then grew a rose vine, without thorns, in the direction of Reinhard's chair, which, when it reached the other boy's position, crept up and poked him in the hand, before growing a single large red rose. Said red rose was positioned just underneath the seat of Reinhard's chair, so people won't be able to see it much.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by M127
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As the thornless rose poked him, Reinhard was abruptly brought back into reality from whatever he had been thinking about before.
Looking towards it, he noticed it wasn't held by a hand, and instead growing on what could best be described as a vine. Unusual as this is, Reinhard followed it with his eyes, quickly tracing it back to Pablo, whom he then stared at for a few seconds, trying to figure out what the gesture was supposed to mean.

Sure, Reinhard was aware of the gesture of handing one's love a single rose, but he also knew about the gesture of giving one's friends a bouquet of flower when the occasion warrants it, for example on said friend's birthday. The matter was complicated even more by the fact, that he wasn't handed any flowers, the flower had been grown to him, which could give it a meaning he wasn't even aware of, considering humans usually can't grow flowers that quickly.

Reinhard's confused stare ended when he noticed the proximity of the teacher, pointing Pablo at them, and then pointing at the place of his arm where most people keep their watch, trying to signal something along the lines of "not now, not enough time. after class". He could only hope it would be understood, as he returned to his default sitting posture.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Altasaire
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Altasaire Unrequited Rage

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"..And the practice, sir?.."

Takumi wasn't so easily swayed, and so he stayed back for a second while the others went to the classroom.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Nishka sighed and glanced around the room again. White knight had come back and... Had a vine growing from his desk? That led to whatshisface's desk? Nishka glanced back and forth between the two curiously. "GAY!" she abruptly shouted before leaning back against the wall with a sigh. What a bunch of numbskulls, the teacher had probably gotten lost on the way over here. At this rate they wouldn't have any classes today, though at this point Nishka didn't care very much.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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The instructor frowned at Yuri. Well, this kid was seriously ballsy, or plainly had mental deficiencies. Really? What part of that was "defusing the situation"? Nobody in the area believed a word of it, and it showed.

The female teacher got up and pointed at him, a scowl on her face. "If you could please take him to the DO and hopefully away from us for the rest of the class . . ."

With a nod, the instructor approached Yuri, placing an arm on his shoulder. "You're going to have to come with me for awhile kid, at least until we sort this out."

With a "humpf", the female instructor asked a couple of students to bring the unconscious boy to the clinic, among those students was the girl he was originally going to fight, who now looked considerably less worked-up about it. In fact, most of her anger seemed to be focused on glaring at Yuri, as did most of the students in the area.

While the instructor was escorting Yuri away, the teacher ushered everyone inside.

Standing at the front, the teacher wrote her name on the board, "Ellora Minnie", and waited for the class to settle down before speaking.

"Now, we don't have much time for introductions, seeing as I'm late, and believe me, there is an explanation for that, but I'm your homeroom teacher for the foreseeable future, Ellora Minnie, however, you may call me "Miss Lora" or "Miss M.", understood?"

"In any case, I apologies for my tardiness, however there was an incident at Guerrero Street, and there was a lot of traffic. Related to that incident, I have an announcement to make: Afternoon classes for the day are cancelled, so you will all be dismissed at exactly 1:00."

The class only needed to hear the word "cancelled" before reacting in typical student fashion, namely jumping into the air and cheering excitedly. Miss M. let it slide this time, but by the look on her face, it was evident enough that she clearly disliked this sort of behavior.

Deciding to put an end to their festivities, Miss M. made a second announcement, "However, you still have your morning classes to go through, so don't celebrate just yet."

Seeing as she was late, as well as several other incidents, the teacher didn't really have that much time left over. In any case, she wrote down the subjects that were to come next, in order:



Small Unit Tactics*

In the meantime, the instructor turned to Takumi, scratching his chin in thought. "Well, you'd need permission from your guardians as well as a bit of cash, but there is a Noble Arms Workshop just a commute away. It's a lot less expensive than the ones here, but they don't have VR tech and they don't have a stadium, so the use of larger Noble Arms are out, but it would do for a little more experience, if that's what you're after," he explained. Another thought came to him, "also, students won't be the only people there. So in terms of learning experience, it's a bit unstable, but it's certainly different."

@KindledBeast-@Letter Bee-@Eklispe-@Altasaire-@M127-@Keksalot-@Progenitus
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KindledBeast
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KindledBeast Lazarus

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As the man put his hand on Yuri's shoulder he twitched. As they began walking away Yuri addressed the man. "Sir you understand how I defused the situation correct?" Yuri questioned as they walked he responded agin without even giving the man time to speak. "I United them sir, I gave them all a common enemy now I don't imagine they'll be fighting one another for awhile as the spot light is fixed upon me for the moment being." Yuri chuckled to himself after he spoke, a devilish smirk finding its way to his face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Keksalot


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

King, happy that thanks to his mindfuckering comrades the storm has settled before even starting, quickly sprung up behind and between them, his hands resting on their shoulders and his mouth, as usually, spewing forth an endless stream of apologies, thanks and promises of flawless conduct in the future as he slowly ushered Takumi and Gloria towards the exit:
"Yes sir, thank you for the valuable information sir, we are very happy that you will not go very hard on us sir, we can guarantee that nothing of the sort will happen with us in the future and we will make you proud of our flawless behavior and mastery over the academy's many important disciplines!"
He glanced quickly at both his companions. "Come on, guys, we still have what... three classes to go and a new workshop to hit afterwards, let's not take up anymore of teacher's time!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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Pablo, seeing Reinhard's reaction, withdrew the vine, leaving the rose behind. He was glad the teacher hadn't noticed him, but, well, the boy was ashamed of himself for being too blantant. Thankfully, he had English and Small-unit tactics to look forward to, although Math was horrible. Yeah, he'll distract himself from his...physical desires with English and Math. Also, he really should talk more with Reinhard after this; just talk, nothing over-the-top or over-the-line.

Anyway, Ellora Minnie, or Ms. Lora, was clearly a capable woman, one who was able to let minor things slide but eventually regain control of the situation. As for the incident at Guerrero Street, it was obviously an attack by either Hammer or Disablers; those two organizations are two sides of one extreme. Perhaps he should put his time to investigate it, perhaps together with Reinhard?

Yeah, that sounds good. So, Pablo put together his own schedule:

- Classes
- Talking with Reinhard over lunch
- Investigating the terrorist incident with Reinhard

All of those would be without displays of overt affection.
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