Archepeligo known as the Conomi Islands.
I looked at the marines and their effective formation. Shields that can hold against my fire projectiles with well armed soldiers in a perfect position, a type of formation I would expect from a war general, not from a mere marine captain. Nonetheless, despite how well placed this formation was, it was all for not, as their attempt at shooting me proved useless, bullets ricocheting off of my reptilian scales and armor. Grinning through my saurian head and monstrous teeth, I would leap down from the building, crushing a few of the front lines beneath my feet and arms as I was on all fours, I made sure to keep my behemoth of a body low to the ground to ensure my weak spot isn't open, and would proceed to trample and barge through the formation, breaking it down the center while my tail gave heavy swings each way, each blow of the tail would send soldiers flying this way and that. After breaking through the very center of what was left of the formation, I would rotate myself 360 degrees in a fast and furious motion, sending all around me flying at least 15 feet with a heavy strike and would follow up with a triumphant and intimidating roar. Their bullets could not injure me, spears unable to pierce me, swords unable to cut me, and their shields can only take so much before the man behind them looses strength and falls on his back. Finishing my tauntful shout, my still opened mouth would suddenly light up like a massive furnace or forge, first with crimson and yellow light like that of molten metal, but soon becoming radiated in flames. I would then breathe down a massive stream of fire down upon the regathering horde of marine grunts, making a trail of fire in one direction. By now those who have had survived thus far were either fleeing, calling for back up, or trying to hold their ground. More marines, mostly gunners, tried to rush and gun me down but for the time being I ignored them as their bullets were yet again ineffective. I may not be able to take down any of the elite captains but against these grunts I am unstoppable.
I paused, stopping my carnage as I looked over to the coast to see the destruction of a marine ship, with residues of Xerxes's electric flame. "Better be careful he doesn't blow up our own ship too." I muttered as my tail would strike a marine who tried to stand back up, the armored tail acting like a spear as it pierced through his chest. "Forgive me, but I cannot let my comrades be captured." I spoke to the marines in a more beastly voice as I tossed the corpse of the marine aside with a flick of the tail. I'd then prepare another gauge of burning breathe.