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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 4 days ago


  • Whats left of the Conomi Islands

"So you finally awaken?" Xerxes chuckled, looking down at Jackal as he stirred. The Marines began to fiddle around as Jackal awakened, despite the fact that he was in seastone shackles. They had watched hundreds of there comrades be killed or injured by Jackal's monstrous form. But they feared Xerxes most, he seemed to create death and desecration everywhere he went, what would stop him from escaping thier grasp right now and killing them.

"Gag him and stuff him a cell. If he doesn't comply then knock him out." Freya retorted with a certain coldness that Xerxes was oh so familiar with.

The Marines holding him suddenly stood at attention, ready to follow her beck and call. Xerxes couldn't help but laugh at their simple mindedness. "Why do you follow her orders?" he questioned, cocking his head to the side.

"She is our superior." a marine said quickly, as if the answer was obvious.

Xerxes simply shook his head, they were well misinformed. "How can you be so trusting of you 'Superior' officers?" he countered, making sure Freya heard him.

That instantly planted the seed of doubt in thier minds, what did he mean by trust. Upon seeing thier confused faces, Xerxes burst out laughing.

"You all found me cuffed like this, who could have done it?" Xerxes began, eyeing the Marines.

"Anaru, Freya, Johnny, Zepp." some murmured, slightly confused about what Xerxes was getting at.

"I assume you all saw Anaru already, Freya was beating Jackel's ass, Johnny and Zepp were where?" Xerxes hinted, planting the seed of doubt in the Marines. Were was Johnny? But did it matter, he was shackles?

"Are you serious? I single handily destroyed 3 Navy ships, and desecrated a whole whole islands today, who could have taken me down, what power are your Superiors hiding from you. Are any of them really who they seem? Yet you follow them blindly." Xerxes jeered, allowing for that information to sink in.

"Maybe your very superiors know little of thier own staff." Xerxes jibed at Freya specifically. The Marines began to fiddle more, could they really trust thier Ensign, Captain, Lieutenant Commander, and Lieutenant?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 1 day ago




Interacting with:

The two prisoners had awoken, as they were dragged down into the cells. The Dragon Man and the Exploding man, quite a duo. Johnny, however, wouldn't have to deal with them, he was just gonna look over the whole ordeal for a hot-minute, before returning up to the deck, he still had a scythe-throwing maniac to deal with. "Somebody shut him up." Johnny ordered as he turned his back to the pirate whom was blabbing about mistrust to the Marine soldiers. However, they started listening to his words - or at least so it seemed, most likely they were boiling with rage.

In fact, so much that Charles Jackson, a Petty Officer - a man Johnny had shared drinks with and even sparred swordsmanship with, entered the scene, drawing his flintlock service pistol. "This is for all of the men you killed!" Charles shouted, his head pounding too loudly for him to even comprehend what he was doing, he aimed at Xerxes head, but John's reflexes triggered, and he turned around, throwing a piece of debris at Jackson's hand, the debris hitting as the bullet was fired, knocking the hand slightly off-course, the gun firing and the bullet would pierce the cuffed pirate's chest, instead of his head, above his heart, a possibly fatal wound. Johnny cursed, as he smoked towards Charles, decking the Marine in the face, sending him to the ground.

"Arrest him and throw him in the brig." He ordered. "We're Marines. We don't execute prisoners. Regardless of what piece of shit scum they are. That's for the trial to decide. Johnny told him, before he shot a look at the now-even more so wounded pirate.

"Talk shit, get hit." The Ensign said, as two shaken up Marines, removed his mask and firmly gagged him, making sure he wasn't gonna do anymore of the talking - maybe for his own safety.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ira
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Ira The Swank Origin

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

M a r x o

East Blue | Conomi Islands


Marxo noticed the Marines were no longer following him. He was at first enraged but then he realized why he was there to begin. He reached in his and pulled two transponders out, one gold , the other black. He also pulled a doll-size version of a Captains coat from the pocket. It had been years since he’d used any of these things . He used the black snail to dial is higher-ups .

“ This is Vice-Admiral St. Laurant reporting. Everything has went to plan . The Sunny Massacre Pirates are no more. Could you call the dogs off now. I didn’t realize CP9 would actually be disguising themselves as lower rank marines. Also tell Anaru to let Captain Freya know who I really am. I’ll be returning to HQ after I take care of the doctor.

A voice barked through the transponder…..

“ Of course I know I didn’t have to destroy the Islands…. I had to make it look believable….The people will be fine...We can reimburse them…..Father don’t be that way.”

The transponder hung up. The man on the other line always knew how to make Marxo feel like a kid again. He walked to the cave where he’d left Melany. She was beautiful in her sleep, like an angelic muse trapped inside a bottle. Marxo crushed the bottle, his foot crushing every bone in her shrunken body.

“ I never said when you’d wake up. “

He used the black snail again, this time to call Anaru. It was answered but before Anaru could speak Marxo did.

“ Job well done kid. Didn’t expect you to call on the 99th though. Anyways would you mind sending a boat my way. Your Vice Admiral needs some rest .” Marxo resized the captains coat and threw it over his back. He’d no longer have to pretend to be the thing he’d grown to hate. It was time everyone knew of Vice Adimiral St. Laurant.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 4 days ago


  • Whats left of the Conomi Islands

"See, now your Ensign gets defensive, funny how that is." Xerxes proclaimed. He was in effect, 'stirring the pot', what did he care of Johnny's secret. Smoke man would have to live with the fact that Xerxes knew who he was, no matter how little it affected the rest if it was to be found out.

"This is for all of the men you killed!"

Xerxes paid no attention to the mans words, only if the Marine knew of the sheer number of people he had offended in just 4 years or so.

Suddenly, there was the most incredible, shocking impact one could ever imagine–equivalent with having a quarter stick of dynamite go off in your shirt pocket. Xerxes was instantly sent reeling. He felt as if he was thrown back a good 2-to-5 feet or more, as his legs gave out from under him. There was simultaneously, a feeling like a bomb went off INSIDE of his chest, and that of being jack-hammered through his chest wall–all of this, all at once. Then, everything seemed to go into slow motion, as undoubtedly, a large amount of adrenaline was released from his adrenal medulla, causing his central nervous system synapses to fire faster–like a high-speed camera, producing a slow motion effect.

As if he could see it, he felt the bullet ricochet around in his chest like a pinball, first penetrating his entire chest mass, fracture and bounce off his left scapula, hurl back through his chest again, fracture a rib, and then bounce back through, trace a path around another rib and dissolve. Feeling all of this, all at once, was equivalent roughly, to being shot three times or more, not to mention that waves of parenthesis (tingling) echoed and serged throughout his body.

Finally, laying on the ground in that room, only a good 30 seconds or so post-impact, he felt his lungs begin to squeeze, his breaths short and agonizingly painful. Every breath was a knife turning in his lung. Then, he began to loose his vision–like white-out erasing his visual field as he began to go into hypo-polemic shock.

Just as the pain began, it started to diminished somewhat, undoubtedly, to endorphin release, and the hardening if his chest muscles to stop the bleeding. The feeling of warm blood pouring down his shirt, and adding the pool of blood underneath his, sent his mind spiraling. The coppery, metallic taste of blood overwhelmed his palette as he began to laugh uncontrollably. He took an unusual pleasure in the pain blossoming in his chest.

He suddenly stopped when he heard Marxo. Da fuck. Xerxes thought to himself. Using his handcuffs, which was in front of him he pulled down his mask, genuinely surprised. "Thought you knew a guy." he chuckled looking at the marines around him, who were just as surprised. "Can you believe this Jackal?" he began as he burst out laughing. Whether Marxo was about to betray them or help them, it was the greatest double crossing scheme he had ever seen. He had been with Maxro for months and bam, he is a what? A marine. The pain in his chest was nothing compared to the unusual feeling of betrayal, it threw into a frenzy of blood lust and excitement.

"And I thought I was evil." he said dead serious.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 9 mos ago


Bogard Sunny x Loguetown x Ryuma Zenki, The Class Beyond Him
@Ira @BCTheEntity @RyoRyoRyoken @CannedBread @Tmitche23 @j8cob

Ryuma noticed Sunny D. Bogard getting away. He was crossing buildings at an alarming rate. “Adrian is such a novice . How do you let the prize possession escape? Ryuma immediately gave chase to the Pirate Captain, scaling the buildings at unnatural speed. He was only a novice in Haki but it worked out for the best. He’d caught up to Sunny in no time and proceeded to tackle and slap cuffs around the devil fruit users wrists.

“ Don’t make this difficult kid.” , Ryuma retorted.

Tackled to the ground, Bogard grimaced at his captor. Just before they landed and the cuffs could wrap around his wrist, his red cloak came around like a sentient ribbon and slapped at the man like whip against its rebeller.

Red Hood grounded his hand into the dirt before clenching the soil, pounding the earth, and standing to face his new challenger. He looked fairly young though his attire suggested he was high up in the Marine hierarchy. A captain maybe?

He threw the dirt aside in anger. “Get the hell out’ve my way. I don’t have the patience to deal with another chained mutt!” he spat out insultingly.

“ Oh . We have a feisty one here.”

He responded to the boy’s remark with an attack. His arm was infused with black haki to strength the blow. Ryuma called this attack , “ Iron Fist Justice."

Bogard inched his foot back but decided differently on retreating. The man’s fist was slower than he first thought it’d be. It was something he could dodge.

He tilted just out of range of the marine’s blow and rocketed forwards, a full-power punch from his flesh hand heading towards his jaw. “I said get the hell outta my way!”

The marine welcomed the punch with open arms. It meshed into his face like net wrapped around a captured fish. But alas, it couldn’t move the marine. He laughed as a droplet of blood left his mouth.
“ Not bad. That probably would’ve hurt, if I wasn’t proficient in the ways of haki. “

He then proceeded to strike with a set of roundhouse kicks, each infused with haki. These were followed by a barrage of, punch each one faster than the last. This was his rapid kenpo technique. Each attack had grew successively stronger than the last.

The bones beneath his flesh-hand felt broken; pain surged up his arm and for once in his life he regretted not having two mechanical limbs up top. He clenched his teeth, knowing he still had a fight to win.

Instincts told him to pull his thrusted arm back to guard his face. It was all that saved him from being completely knocked out. He blocked the first two kicks but the third had overwhelmed him and sent his bruised and broken arm upward, the next few punches exposed his earlier breakfast and swelled his right eye.

The last one was caught and squeezed by his red cloak. It threatened with a strength far greater than Red Hood’s own to apply more pressure. “What the fuck was that!? You’re cheating somehow aren’t you! You weren’t that fast or strong a moment ago, I know this, I sensed it’d…” He was interrupted by a pain that arced through his abdomen.

He felt bad new emanating all around him. His instincts were being overwhelmed. He should run, he told himself.

“ Cheating?” , he scoffed. This isn’t even half of my power kid. You picked the wrong fight. Now accept your fate like a good little boy and let me cuff you." . Ryuma followed his barrage with a punch to the gut. The impact was enough to shatter a few ribs. His goal was to render the pirate immobile , meanwhile keeping him breathing.

Ryuma then proceeded to snap the seastone cuffs around the helpless boy’s wrist.

Immposible… I’m not even on the Grandline yet. he mumbled in his mind, while doing so the remainder of his breakfast slipped from his mouth and onto the ground due to the gut shot.

There was so much he had messed up in Loguetown. He had lost his navigator to a barrage of bullets, he couldn’t find his trusty sniper: Jax, and now he was about to be sent off to some unknown jail. His journey to become king was over just that quickly. Well damn, I guess I was just another wannabe. That sucks. he admitted in a bummed manner.

Bogard stared passed the marine with sudden fear in his face, seeing the hulking figure behind him block out the sun and cast them both in its shadow.

A thin shadowy line left its beady, glowing red eye. And like a massive python striking, it gripped the man by the back of the neck with crippling strength and raised him two feet past it's already intimidating eight-foot height.

Bogard scuttled backwards until he felt a cold pole against his back.

“How terribly pathetic of you, Boggy-boy. To be beaten by scum like…this.” The figure looked over the prone figure in its hand. Bogard knew he wasn’t dead yet. No not yet, he was simply paralyzed from the neck down by fear.

Ryuma was caught by surprise as he was lifted 8 feet into the air by what seemed to be a suit of armor. He felt the air slip from his lungs and the armor giant squeeze his neck like a soda-pop can. He made out a few words before he faded into unconscientious…” To be beaten by scum..”

That’s exactly what Ryuma felt like. He’d failed where he should’ve succeeded easily. It was over the marine as he drifted off to the dream world. Would he die ? Or was he already dead?

Boggy-boy? Why did that name invoke such a deep response from his memories. A concussive pain thumped against his skull and erupted thoroughly through his body. Where was it coming from?

The suit of armor held the limp body in its hand, as if to study the unconscious form. “You have to kill this man. Do you know why, Boggy-boy?”

He barely grasped her question, flashes of a dove-inhabited island with white stone women were consuming him with greedy, vast, visions. The suit of armor stepped forward and that action sent his mind into a blank spiral. A deep fear raised up and overwhelmed him mightily until he had no choice but to give it his attention.

“Answer the question,” Its spectral, shredded voice demanded.

“W-What question?” he shouted back.

The Knight sighed into the air. “Boggy-boy, you have to kill this man to take your first step towards your dream. Your real dream, not this Pirate King bullshit that Dressrosa has fantasized for you. You have a throne to take. The King of Thorns will move onto the Winter Clover soon, we need you here, and we need you strong. Kill him, show me that what we did for Sunrai weren’t for naught. That you became tempered. ”

Bogard took several seconds to process the impossible. He knew he wouldn’t retain or understand anything the Knight had just said, so he focused his energy on stalling the fear in his heart so that he could put on the pretense of strength. He nursed his arm with his red-cloak, its material snaking around to cradle the broken arm before latching on to its parallel form.

Kneeling, not out of choice, he spoke with a shaky understanding. “I don’t know what you’re saying… I don’t understand what just left your mouth but what I do understand is that you just- just completely took down someone who I stood zero chance against. How?”

The Knight placed its hand on its hip. “You should’ve paid more attention, the man mentioned it himself. Take this as a lesson of being aware of everything, Boggy-boy.”

That moniker slid out its mouth again, as if it was some pet-name for him. For now, considering his injuries and the Knight’s weird pressing of murder, he disregarded it. He weakly got to his feet and simply stared at the eight foot monstrosity.

“You just gonna hold that body all day?” he asked.

“Only until you kill him in the eyes of the public.”

“How do you expect me to do that? You talk like this place isn’t hiding all its citizens in homes and shelter.” he muttered indignantly, looking away.

“There are two reporters with cameras, one directly behind me, say thirty meters away. And another north-west from you, say about three-hundred and two meters away. I’d bet my money on the one behind me getting the shot. All you have to do, is kill this man.” Its legs clank loud in the stale wind as it took five steps back, turned to face him, and presented the man towards him. Dark-plated fingers played imaginary keys on its neck.

The Knight ripped the man’s coat from off his shoulders and tied it around his neck before beginning to fly overhead. “I’m outta view of the camera now. No worries, he’s far too frightened to reveal himself and has no idea what we’re saying. You strike now and the glory will be all yours. Your bounty will rise and your fame will spread from here on out, King Lornheartz, will hear of your name. And he’ll learn to fear it. ”

Bogard struggled with the questions in his head, so many hows and whys were jumbled in his mindspace that it was near suffocating. Instead he focused on the one sliver that was neither of those. “Who are you?”

A edge of anger that had not been there cut into its shredded, screwed voice. “None of that matters at the moment! Kill this man so I may leave. I have very little time left, do not make me use the remainder of which to rip your other arm off your body, Boggy-boy. I love you but my patience is wearing very, very thin.”

Bogard gritted his teeth as the Knight continued to nurture the thought of him killing the already half-dead man. When weighed against having most of his limbs ripped from his body, the option seemed elementary. But still, the ability to not decide for himself, the chains that were instantly wrapped around him was unnerving.

Gritted teeth stretched into a howl as he ignored the debilitating pain of his broken arm, spiraled the red cloak around his sword-shaped hand, and dashed towards the hanging man. Bogard lept into the air and as he came down the red of his cloak shredded like silk, hardened into steel, and cut through the man’s flesh with a squishy, crunching , horrendous popping sound.

He heaved before yanking his hand from out the marine’s chest cavity. A girlish giggle came from the Knight not a second afterwards.

“Good, Boggy-boy. Very good. I wish I had more time to speak with you but the doves flutter away for this vessel. Someday we’ll meet in person, I promise this, my dear sibling.” The marine’s corpse thumped against the ground in front of him and the armor clattered against the earth behind said marine.

The moment the suit was gone, he felt the pressure that weighed on him spiritually evaporate. And yet, the weight of what he had just done had now revealed just how heavy it really was. He had no objections of killing someone blocking the path to his kinghood but a man that was already dead, now that left a sickening feeling in his stomach.

He holstered his arm in his cloak again, ignoring the continuous flash of some object in the distance ahead of him. The slow climb onto the rooftops and steady trek towards Jak’s last direction was silent and burdened.

I feel imprisoned now, less than a free man for some reason.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RyoRyoRyoken
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RyoRyoRyoken Lewdlord

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Zepp Kisaragi

Conomi Island, East Blue
@Hillan @Pacifista @NachoBachoPacho @dragonmancer @LokiLeo789

Zepp yawned as he watched Freyja give out orders to the remaining Marines. Contrary to her regular state, she actually seemed to have a commanding presence. Hell, Zepp could almost swear that she wasn’t slouching for once. “That’s our captain for ya.” Zepp muttered before turning to see the masked man being led onto the boat. Well, that covered Boom Boom, but who the hell knew where Lt. Silverback was. Then again, considering who he was fighting, as well as Anaru’s own firepower, it probably wouldn’t be hard to find him. Zepp’s expression remained unchanged as the explosive criminal spoke, attempting to sow the seeds of distrust in the minds of their subordinates. Whispers worked their way through the ranks as the audience started to take in Xerxes’ words. While, in the grand scheme of things, Xerxes wasn’t 100% wrong, it would ultimately be hard for them to take his words seriously. After all, he had kind of disintegrated many of their comrades. Who was he to stand on a high horse?

Within moments, one of the Petty Officers fired a bullet at the bound rabble-rouser, only for Johnny to knock his shot off the mark. And while Zepp understood the sentiment behind Johnny’s intervention, they both knew that it would have been to everyone’s benefit if the loudmouth got a bullet in the head. No helping it now, though. There wasn’t any doubt that he wasn’t going to be facing execution soon enough.

“Well, this has been a hell of a day.” Zepp remarked as the 99th Division’s ship docked on the island, followed by the remaining soldiers of the 99th joining the relief efforts. As Zepp himself began to disembark from the ship, he pat the gagged criminal on the head. “Chill out for a bit, Baldy. You can bark all you want while you sit pretty in prison.” he suggested before getting off of the ship. However, instead of helping with the relief efforts, the closed-eyed Lt. Commander slipped off beyond the notice of his comrades…..

“Geez, he really did a number on this place.” Zepp commented as he came upon Anaru napping at ground zero of a massive crater. The entire landscape had been devastated, so it was quite a surprise to see the large man at its center. Despite the hulking man’s mass, the Lt. Commander managed to hoist the gorilla up with surprising ease. “Meh. I guess I’ll just figure out how I found him when we get there.” he muttered before taking off into the air with the comatose lieutenant in tow. It didn’t take long for Zepp to find a landing zone out of sight of his fellow Marines, and from there he would carry Anaru, with feigned difficulty, back to the destroyed port where the 99th had so kindly docked.

“Hey, look who I found. I caught him napping under a banana tree. You shoulda seen it, guys. Banana peels piled as high as the eyes can see.” Zepp joked, clearly not reading the mood as he brought Anaru back to the ship.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 9 days ago


What was the Conomi Islands.


Vegetables? was this captain toying with me? How could someone such a high rank be such an un-serious way. However I was suprised more at what had happened, the betrayal of our captain. This whole time he was a marine, and seeing how I don't see Melany anywhere, I could only assume he killed her. My head would hang low as I felt utterly empty, my entire fight had been for nothing, I couldn't save my crew, let alone Melany. At least Xerxes was still here, albeit rude as always. I imagined they would probably kill him quicker then I can talk to him once we get in prison. Bloody figures this would be the second time I would loose my family.

Hatred filled me, not to the marines, not to the woman who beat me, no, they were respectable, they had some sense of dignity and honor to them even if they didn't show or admit it. No, Marxo, however, if I could even still calm him that, he is utter scum. I can forgive Xerxes's mass destruction of the island, I can forgive the marines that killed my initial family, but I cannot, nor ever forgive Marxo for what he has done.

This hatred however, would be supressed by my depressing state. I was silent and complient with the marines walking me down the ship not bothering to struggle or scream out in rage. Even if they didn't execute me, my freedom was over. I will remain in prison for life.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Arakadin
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The first thing Spiril noticed as he got out onto deck was how empty it was. Just an hour ago, when the marine soldiers had hauled him aboard, the whole deck had been swarming with marines, but they were all gone now, and in their stead stood two people that were very clearly not marines. A man, and what seemed to be a fishwoman. Spiril had never seen one of those before, but he had stumbled upon descriptions of them in countless books, and he had to say that the writers had really nailed the details, and even tho this one didn't have a very defined fishlike features it was enough to convince Spiril that his assumptions were corrected.

"New crewmate? You haven't even told me your name yet!" Spiril yelled as Sancho introduced him. He had never agreed to this, he had agreed that he owed Sancho one, but this was a bit much. Spiril wanted to go back home, back to the library. He wanted to hide among the thousands of books, nooks, and crannies that the library contained, and just wait until the marines gave up looking for him, but that was when it started to dawn on him, he couldn't go back. He was a fugitive now, and if the marines ever found him he would just get thrown in jail and it wouldn't just be for eating some fruit. "Sneaky bastard," He muttered as he glanced over at the man he had considered his savior, and as he did he couldn't help having a sneaking suspicion that the only reason he had been freed was so that Sancho could make him join the crew. "I don't owe you anything anymore," He groaned as he turned his gaze to sea, it seemed to be time to go on an adventure.

Spiril did a quick second scan of the fishwoman as she introduced herself. Her black haired reached the ground, and as she spoke he could rows of sharp teeth, but Spiril had a hard time not staring directly at her chest. "Spirillum, that's my name, but like, just, um..." Spiril took a pause and took a deep breath as he could feel that he was already stumbling over words. His mouth felt dry and full of sand, and even just talking seemed hard, but after a short pause, he managed to get the words out. "Just call me Spiril." but he was unsure that she heard him as she seemed to busy punching the air, and then all of a sudden she just jumped into the sea. "I...is that normal for her?" Spiril asked, his eyes darting between the two guys that were left on deck with him, but as the ship started to move he understood what was going on.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by GubGar
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GubGar Manager of the Jerk Store

Member Seen 19 hrs ago


Location: What is left of the Conomi Islands.

Interacting with: @Ira @Pacifista @RyoRyoRyoken @Hillan @dragonmancer @LokiLeo789

Anaru snored very loudly as Zepp carried him to the ship, and after Zepp made his comment about the bananas, Anaru's Den Den Mushi went off. Anaru's eyes snapped open nearly instantly, his injuries were oddly much less significant then what they should be. Anaru let out a booming laugh. "Haaahahahaha!" before doing an overly dramatic pose. "I knew we could win!" Anaru said with a cheerful tone, even though he just woke up, and had no idea if they won. "Rock..SOLID!" Anaru let out another booming laugh, before answering the call.

A gruff voice echoed out of the Den Den Mushi. "Mission accomplished, you are permitted to let Captain Freya know now." the man on the other end said, in a very professional tone. Anaru spoke back, in the exact opposite of a professional tone. "Cool! I really hate keeping secrets, it makes me get all jittery, like I had too much coffee, and was started to twitch, and my commanding officer at the time thought I was on drugs, and got really mad and-" the line goes dead, Anaru grins and puts the Den Den Mushi away.

Anaru turns to Freya, with a big stupid grin on his face, making him look like an island destroying giant teddy bear. "Alright, so Marxo, their captain, was actually a vice admiral in disguise, so uh, we won!" Anaru let out a booming laugh, and gave the marines a thumbs up. "I'm glad I can stop lying, it made me feel like there was a crack in my RRROOCK SOLID justice." Anaru scratches his chin, and looks around. "Did you get the other three pirates?" Anaru asks, what should probably have been his first question.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CannedBread
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CannedBread The Pupil

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Two Sides Of The Same Coin

Adrian Amadeus

Jax Farseer

East Blue | Loguetown

Adrian, drew closer to the gunmen. However still managed to keep safe distance from being noticed, he had stopped leaping and crouching and now began pacing himself, his steps became clear, clear as fine polished window. His holstered sword jangled and strands of hair danced as the wind hit him. Getting closer he managed to him analyze him properly. "The guys tall, and thick... Judging by what he's armed with, the guy is a shooter, if he's as good as i predict then i'm already a dead man while those are still in his reach.".

The clouds began to move closer to one another, slowly, embracing one another and becoming thicker. They covered the natural sky and began to shadow over the town, bits of spit would drop from them, a raindrop colliding with Adrian's forehead and then running down his face. Suddenly more drizzle would come down, until it began to properly rain. Adrian's once dry clothes were getting drenched, the white shirt he wore was became transparent as it lazily stuck to his skin. Later it became clear where the Sniper was heading to, "I can't let these men die." He thought as began to pick the pace, the crashing rain covering the sound of his footsteps. The dampness was so unreal, anyone caught in this rain would deserve the best spot near the fire once they'd arrive home.

When Adrian Amadeus was close enough to ex marine, he would lunge himself at the larger man with everything he had, attempting to bring them to lower ground as they were in mid air. Both men would drop, Adrian clinging hard onto the jacket of Jax, swashing his back of railings on the side of his building and then hitting the floor on his front. He felt something furry in his grasp, was it the jacket of pirate or a rat, Adrian wouldn't know as he faced the ground while slowly trying to get to his feet. "I'm taking you in, alive, so you can learn to repent." His voiced, his tone stretched and serious.

Jax's head was ringing from the fall and hitting the solid ground below due to this crazed man who thought it would be a good idea to tackle someone off a roof. The man said something to Jax but he couldn't quite make it out. It didn't really matter though, this man was a marine. That meant the stranger was going to do anything to try and take Jax in. There was no way that Jax was going to let that happen; he already escaped the marines once and odds are the Marines wouldn't let him get through their fingers again.

Jax couldn't focus on the future now though. He had to face the enemy that is right in front of him. It made the most sense to try and get this fight over with while not using his powers. The less these marines knew about Jax and his powers the harder it will be to figure out how to find him. Worst case scenario, Jax has to pull out of the fight using his power and this captain has to figure out what happened. His powers might be useful in the future in a large scale fight, but for now full scale materialization is amazing for a tactical withdrawal from a fight.

"I'm not sure what you said or who you are, but did they remove that submission technique from the academy. I don't recall learning to almost kill myself by plunging off a roof." If this idiot is willing to risk his own life over a surprise attack then it means that he is probably willing to do anything to take Jax down.

Adrian pressed his thumb down on a lock, made for his custom sheathe, it prevented his rapier from sliding out, and prevented others easily pulling it out themselves. " Ex marine?" He shook his head in a disappointment, as he began to approach him. [color=blue]" You gave up your duty to sail among thieves and killers... I will make you regret that decision." He held the man's attention drawing close enough for the Captain to throw a front push kick and straight after a right handed hook.

"The marines gave up on their duty when the higher ups abused their power and in subsequent order their subordinates. I don't sail with thieves and killers, I sail with freemen because the Marines chose to punish me for doing the right thing." Jax recovered from the quick strikes and moved closer to the captain while striking toward his body. If he had a chance in this fight he would have to keep his distance.

He tried to keep the marine from him with constant quick jabs while trying to figure out if it was worth using his power. One mistake against this trained opponent could lead to incapacitation and then he would be useless to everyone.

Adrian wasn't surprised about that his weighty opponent could take his jab, he would of been surprised if he went down easier. "Well now you do, the blood of my men are on your captains hands, as well as my own." The captain would move in and out of of the first 3 jabs, however the larger man made a change in his pattern as he was no stranger to unarmed combat, and. You took a jab from the ex marine, which pushed his head to the side. Adrian, attempted to sweep kick him off his feet, His leg quick like a propeller on a plane.

"Those are his hands not mine. You can go take it up with him if you want, and I can be on my way. Logically, it would save us both time." After that quick retort, the captain swung his leg to try and get Jax off his feet. Jax tried to back out of it, but he wasn't quick enough. He tumbled to the ground with a hard thud, but he was able to get back up rather quickly. This Marine is a lot quicker than he is. If the fight stays in this wide open of a space the captain will be able to keep moving around Jax. That will lead to Jax to tire out, so Jax started swinging harder at his opponent to try and knock him out.

About to go in for the ground and pound, he halted as he saw his enemy get up. He caught the wind off the powerful swing that Jax threw, if Adrian would of collided with that he would of been in serious trouble. However that didn't stop his ignorance. " If you would stayed you would of learn't a little more than you know". The captain said replying to the weighty snipers earlier insult. Within a blink of the man's eye he was already in stance,an then take advantage of the wider area moving to the side and swinging his left leg aimed at the man's jaw, Adrian was thinking if he should hit a sharp elbow, the idea was risky the ex marine was already swinging with full strength.

Jax was leaving himself exposed with these heavy swings and it started to show when the man landed a kick on his jaw. That heavily dazed Jax and he didn't feel like responding to the captain. If he wasn't able to turn this fight around Jax would have to retreat eventually and it would just complicate the escape plans. He decided to try and go into a grappling move to get the smaller man to the ground. He moved in protecting his face and quickly wrapped his opponent in a bear hug in an attempt to slam him to the ground.

The man squeezed the life out of the captain like a grape. Adrian's already injured back would take more abuse as he got forcefully slammed to ground. Pain, raced through his back like current through copper cable. Adrian coughed out in pain, as he was winded too. His strength was too great, and in this state Adrian became extremely vulnerable at this point, his eyes blinded by the rain from above and hair soaked to the point his locks bent, tip touching his forehead.

With the smaller man unable to escape Jax's grasp, Jax slams him into the ground with a solid smash. Jax felt like that was enough of a slam to keep the man out of the fight. He didn't want to do too much damage to someone who was just doing their job and truly believed they were in the right. He started walking away and talking into the Den Den Mushi trying to get a hold of his captain.

Adrian, turned to his side, after receiving a powerbomb to the solid ground, his white shirt stained in god knows what. He tried to move but he only curled. Many things raced through his mind at this point. His promotion and demotion. What would happen to him if he just gave up, what would happen if he just laid there on the ground. He gritted his teeth in frustration, forcefully shut his eyes, slowly he would rise up. He silently staggered to his left. "Oi big man, you aren't getting away that easy, I'm taking you in and you will repent for your crimes." He sounded like a broken record, but this only fueled his certainty. He clutched his cross. " Face me you pussy."

"Listen, I don't know what your name is and you will probably know mine when you look through wanted posters, but we both have somewhere else we need to be right now. Most of your men are wounded, on the brink of death, or worse. I need to go to my captain to make sure he's alright. This is not the time for us to finish our fight and your needless insults will not draw me into a fight." Jax looked at this man who holds such anger towards him without even knowing his story. Jax felt bad for him because this soldier was only a cog in a machine that was the problem. Jax kept walking away without even a passing glance towards his enemy who was back on his feet.

The rain began to seize, the man was right, Adrian would raise his eyebrows and take a deep breath, then comb back his hair with hands. He wondered about his actions, if he wasn't so cautious would he have won? Nobody knew except God. Even when the man still continued to walk away, Adrian held a strong gaze, it was no longer anger nor frustration, but respect, even if it did look irritated. "Take your crew, take your captain, and take yourself out of this town and off this island. An don't come back, next time i don't know what I will have to do. God has smiled on both of us today. Tell no one of this." His words were stern but held feeling. Jax, was the first pirate that Adrian would respect, though he didn't hate pirates, he was glad to see proof that even a pirate, a labelled turncoat can be an honorable person

"Damn it all, Jax where'd you go?"

That was definitely Bogard yelling for him, and it sounded like he was making a quick exit. Jax realized that this yelling also distracted his opponent for long enough to slip away without him noticing. And like that Jax teleported back to the ship awaiting his captain. He started yelling "Sunny! I'm at the ship! Let's get the hell out of hear and never look back!" With that Jax prepared the ship to disembark while he waited for his crewmates to arrive.

What Jax did not notice until it was almost oo late was the swarm of marines that were approaching the ship. With only one person preparing the ship to disembark it was a pretty time consuming job that required a large amount of concentration. It wasn't until the Marines completely occupied the dock that Jax noticed that this might be a bad situation. As quick as they seemed to appear to Jax, they were all knocked out. Jax felt a push that went through the air, but for some reason it didn't effect him. That doesn't matter though since his only job should be preparing the ship. They need to get out of this town as quickly as possible.

Adrian heard a cry echo throughout the town. As both men would look, Adrian would be about to take action. Suddenly, he would catch a quick and final glance of Jax going through some strange portal. It blurred the captains and eyes forcing his right hand to shield them. The rain would start again this time lightly, tapping the the already wet stone ground. "I've failed you again lord... I fell for his trickery, i ask you forgive me." He said, holding a strong stern gaze of where Jax once stood, clutching his cross tight, before quickly turning and pace-fully walking like a man with a mission. [i]"Next time we meet, I will kill you."[/color] His hate for the devil fruit user's cloaked him, they were the devils minions, they bore the seed of great evil.
I apologize for holding you guys up. (I died)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 9 mos ago


Bogard Sunny x Loguetown x Obtaining a Bloody First Mate
@Tmitche23 @BCTheEntity

Bogard made it to the docks, ten or so minutes later, his flesh arm hung limp at his side while his mechanical one nursed his fractured ribs. The moment he touched foot onto the docks, leaving the stone stairs behind him, he gazed at the prone forms of downed marines.

The sight slowed his steps to a halt. He looked around, only to see a navy galleon in the distance, along with small vessels. Massive and imposing as they were, he saw the specks of assumed officials looking his way. “That-” Pain folded him as a sudden shock exploded in his side. Bogard screamed before falling to his knees and banging his fist against the ground. “God! Goodddd!” He clawed himself forward with his artificial fingers. Inch by inch, the pain swept away everything, feelings thoughts, time.

When it finally faded, he was near his ship. Lines of sweat moved along his face, his hair dulled and weighed heavy on his head. He took in air and exhaled it heavily once he stood up. “Jax!” he called up. “I’ma need your help getting me up there,” he groaned, sparing a glance for any left-over soldiers that survived the supernatural.

Looking for someone…

He was looking for marines but there was someone else he was hoping to see too.

Was it Kanki? It wasn't, he knew his navigator was dead. He was not searching for a deadman.

It was someone else that his instincts were searching for.

Absently, Bogard held his hand out towards what he knew should've been Jax's strong grasp. He needed to get out of Loguetown.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 19 days ago


The gunslinger considered Samehana's words briefly before using his left thumb to toss the cap to his whiskey bottle high into the air. With his hand now free, he drew one of his revolvers and aimed it ahead of the fleeing Bogard. "Hmmm..." After a moment of sighting the boy, having precisely aimed to hit his heart with a seastone bullet, Church relented and put his gun back in its holster. "We'll let him go this time," Church concluded, catching the falling cap out of the air and then taking another swig. "He ain't getting here in time to do anythin' to us." No sooner did Church finish his swig did Sancho appear from the brig, bringing with him another young man.

Evidently, Sancho conscripted this kid into their crew. While he didn't seem like much to Church, having someone was better than having no one. With this addition their crew only consisted of four members. A piddling amount for a pirate crew, a number so small that if they were four normal people it would be impossible to even man most ships, especially large ones like the galleon they just stole. But Church knew they weren't normal and odds were this kid wasn't normal either. "The name's Church," he greeted, though Samehana caught his attention again. It wasn't her attack itself, as Church had seen her perform it before. Punching the air to hit distant targets, a testament to her strength. But it was the fact she was even using it right now when they clearly didn't need to. Her sympathy for the younger pirates in Loguetown baffled Church, but he kept his mouth shut until after she dived off the side.

He barely had enough time to cap his whiskey before she thrust their supplies onto him, but Church anticipated the move and held the sack in his left arm. "Son, you're gonna have to get used to a few things," Church spoke to Spiril, turning his attention back to the kid. "Hold my booze." Without waiting for the kid's permission, Church lightly tossed the bottle to him as he took the sack in both arms and started walking towards the hatch that led down to the hull. He casually tossed the sack inside and then held his hand out so Spiril could hand him his whiskey back. "We aren't like normal pirates," Church told him, closing the hatch with his foot and looking up to see the threads of wool that Sancho had set up to control the ship. "But we're still treated like pirates. So can you defend yourself in any way?"

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 4 days ago

Dirk Messir

At last, Dirk's Divine Purpose led him to the ports. He'd been prepared to remain hidden for an extended period of time until he could make a break for one of the ships, but it seemed like every Marine who had been at the port was... unconscious. Or dead, but they didn't look very dead to him. Not the way he recalled dead people looking, anyway. Even so, there were still a few people around, so he kept himself out of sight whilst he strolled down the dock's length, looking around for... something, something...

And then he spied two of the people from before. The short guy with the red cloak, and the large human. Not the fish person, though. He wondered where that guy was. At the moment, it looked like the short guy was struggling. In pain. Dirk knew pain. And the guy and his other pirates had seemed like okay people before, and they didn't attack him once they'd learned he was an escaped slave... and they probably had a ship. He wasn't sure which one it was, but it was a ship he could use to escape anyway. So maybe he should go over and help, somehow. Remaining under the protection of his Divine Purpose, Dirk headed toward what seemed to be the red-cloaked guy's ship, apparently managing to get aboard it without been seen, before grabbing the guy's outstretched hand and pulling him upward.

'Do you need help?'
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 9 mos ago


@BCTheEntity @Tmitche23

Sunny D. Bogard x Loguetown x Full Power Escape!

The sensation of suddenly and unexpectedly being pull straight up was one he had never gotten use to. It was the reason why he never used his mechanical arm for interaction with others. At the moment he had no choice but if he did, he’d rather feel the warning of being touched.

Red Hood looked up reflexively.

"You! are a life-saver, man.” he said, a weak smile sliding on his lips.

He used his broken arm to hold onto the ledge before pulling himself over, landing onto his back, and with a rather flip-of-the-switch, turning his desperation into a candid relief. “Thanks.”

He forced the pain down as he stood to his feet and tossed his red hood from off his head with a quick jerk of his neck. “Jax, let’s set sail. We need to get outta here before that galleon decides to set eyes on us. I saw some- I saw some people on it. ”

The walk up one of the dual stairs that led to a poorly repaired wheel latched to a small area was a burning workout for him. Once up there, he looked for the stranger that helped him out. “Welcome aboard, teach. It's going to be an experience working with you.”

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RyoRyoRyoken
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RyoRyoRyoken Lewdlord

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Zepp Kisaragi

Conomi Island, East Blue
@Hillan @Pacifista @NachoBachoPacho @dragonmancer @LokiLeo789

"Alright, so Marxo, their captain, was actually a vice admiral in disguise, so uh, we won!"
It was amazing how easily the words left the once-unconscious Lieutenant’s mouth. How long had he been waiting to let that cat out of the bag? While Zepp’s expression remained the same, one couldn’t say the same for many of the other Marines who had managed to hear the news. Faces twisted in anger, disbelief and all other sorts of emotions. A massive amount of people had died today, and it turned out that this was all some sort of elaborate plan? It was impossible to blame them for being angry. They had every right to be. But what was it that prompted the secret to be revealed? As far as anybody here was concerned, the Sunny Massacre Pirates were still small-time. And a crew of four, at that. So, what was Marxo trying to accomplish with this endeavour? Because, from where everyone else stood, he hadn’t done much else other than enable the slaughter of innocents and Marine personnel.

“So, Lieutenant Kahurangi…. How long had this information been in your possession for?” Zepp inquired, voice taking on a cold tone despite the smile on his face. The Marxo situation was out of their hands for now. But it would help to know just how much they could really trust Anaru. Of all the people here, Zepp was surprised to see Anaru was keeping secrets. Not that he, or Johnny for that matter, were any better. The gorilla certainly seem much like the type for subterfuge, so what were the higher-ups thinking when they entrusted said information to him anyway?
“You do realise that this doesn’t make the situation any better, right? Sure, we nabbed a few pirates, but in the end, we lost. And the people of the Conomi Islands lost too.” he added, reminding the hulking man that they had essentially exchanged three pirates for the lives of hundreds of their own.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Freya didn't even bother giving Xerxes any of her words. Not worth it. Then, the news came from Anaru. Zepp summarized perfectly: he'd dragged the 99th into a battle against a Vice Admiral for two prisoners.

What!? Marxo should be court martialed for that! I'll testify at Enies Lobby if I need to!

Scratching her head, Freya let out a sigh.

We need to get to the island pronto, there's civilians to relieve!

Walking by Zepp, she laid a hand on his shoulder.

Are the any Marines in the wreck? Lower the lifeboats!

"Go ahead and take command. Give me a moment," Freya said.

Did Teru call for reinforcements yet? This ship isn't in any state to transfer prisoners!

Slipping beneath the deck, Freya made her way to her cabin.

Anything less would be shame to the ideal of Justice!

Taking a seat, all those words she heard in her head simply shriveled and sank into a black sinkhole. But was that Justice, or corruption? Was it that simple?

Freya laid back in her bed, a hand forcefully covering her eyes, unable to grasp for the answer.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 4 days ago


  • Conomi Islands

Xerxes faded in and out of consciousness as he was dragged to the brig of the ship, well on his way to prison. The pain of the bullet in his chest was now only a dull ache in the back of his head, unable to comprehend the days events. The world around him was blurry, framed by a shadow of darkness. His emotions were incomprehensible, rage, excitement, fury. Marxo would get his soon, so would the gorilla, Johnny, and even the Captain. He could care less about the Marine guy who dragged him there.

His world become a blur, colors meshing with other colors, and objects blurring together. His eyelids went heavy as medics begrudgingly worked on him, and then, there was nothing. Silent darkness without thought or imagining, it was as if the world no longer existed. Or so he thought.

Instantly, he fell into a seemingly unending blanket of darkness, as dark as the bleak loneliness of depression's gloom. He was blanketed in it, suffocated in it for what seemed like hours before breaking the surface of what seemed to be another world. The very sky that he broke through was just as dark, as if someone had thrown a moth-eaten blanket over the earth, and the stars were the little holes that had been eaten away by the insects.

He had little time to gaze at the sky before he smashed into the ground. Expecting to feel pain though, he was greeted with the cracking and breaking of glass. The ground he soon stood on was actually glass in which spread out for miles in all directions. Its mirror like appearance reflecting the smeared charcoal of the sky, small splashes of gold glittering here and there as if an artist had brazenly attempted to light it without aim; smoky grey clouds deteriorated under the fluorescent silver beams of the moon, as if they were shadows to be banished in its reflection.

A few feet away from him was an ornate mahogany table, with a checkered board and chess pieces to match. Two cushioned seats flanked it, and a young man with raven hair, who looked eerile similar to him, sat on the white end of the board.

"I've been expecting you."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tmitche23


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The captain looked worse for wear and it was obvious to everyone that they should get out of this town and never look back. The amount of blood that was spilled in this town was probably enough for a normal person's life, but Jax and his crew mates were not normal people. It will be like this for the rest of the trip and Jax needed to learn that early on. Even though Jax didn't exactly know how to sail the ship too well, he was able to do at least a passing job.

With the ship heading out of the harbor just in front of the Navy's battleships and it was mostly luck that they were able to avoid them. Who would have thought that a ship that looked like it was about to fall apart would be able to move so swiftly? It didn't make sense to Jax, but by this point he wasn't complaining.

It looked like the captain had accepted the stranger they met in the restaurant into the crew. Honestly, it will be nice to have another pair of hands to help with the daily repair of the ship that was so desperately needed. With that thought, Jax realized that Kanki was nowhere to be seen. "Hey Captain, where is Kanki? Is he swimming out of town to meet us ahead or what? On top of that, where are we heading anyway? It would be nice to know which way to point this ship, if you can even call it that."

Where ever the crew was heading, it had to be better than Loguetown. Jax thought that for a moment, but he quickly understood that any place they dock in will probably be like that. They are wanted criminals, who have now attacked a major city with a trail of blood left behind them. Now Jax was definitely in uncharted waters, he always saw himself as a pirate because he had no choice, but now he was a pirate because he has attacked the Navy and probably innocents. This might be a decision he could never turn back and change. This could be the beginning of a new Jax.

@Renny @BCTheEntity
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 4 days ago

Dirk Messir

Apparently, walking on to a ship and pulling its captain aboard was all that was needed to be welcomed aboard. Dirk wondered if this would turn out to be a good idea at the end of the day... looking at the other ships in port, it seemed like the one he stood upon was somewhat damaged by comparison. Was there a better word for that? He wasn't sure; he ought to look that up at some point. He of course knew he had a very valuable method of fixing that state of affairs... but how willing was he to show off his Devil Fruit? For the time being, he figured he should probably wait to gauge his new allies' attitude towards them, or at least until they were out at sea and nobody else was in sight. They might decide to steal and eat it themselves, after all. Or sell it and keep the money to themselves. And that wouldn't do.

It stood to reason, however, that for right now, this boat was his only choice. Even if any other pirate crews were around, they probably wouldn't let a random person aboard for no reason (frankly, he wasn't certain why he'd been allowed into this crew). And evidently, he had to stay away from the World Government and the Marines for the time being. The very last thing he wanted was to get himself captured all over again, and word of his actions prior to his escape surely wouldn't stay under wraps for long. So, this crew it was, complete with red-hooded captain. He wondered if they had a fancy name to go by.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 9 mos ago


Bogard Sunny x GrandLine x Drum Island
@BCTheEntity @Tmitche23 @JmerlRobot @dragonmancer @LokiLeo789 @RyoRyoRyoken

His smile faded at the question that came from Jax. He had no reasonable answer for him, no good news. It was only his failure as a captain that he had to report. His his friend would not be happy, he thought.

Bogard careful lowered himself to the ground, back turned towards Jax out of shame, and simply stared out at the motion-filled waters. The moist air ushered him all the while to speak. He made the impatient wind wait two full minutes before gathering his courage.

“He’s dead,” he said clearly, if not a bit shaken. “I won’t let it happen again though. I was, admittedly, naive to think this would be a cakewalk. I slipped up bad and lost someone important to us. I’m was so arrogant. I know I’m short and young but I’ll look after this crew as if I was ten-feet tall and a hundred-years old… I won’t… I won’t lose anyone else.”

He stood still then, silently enduring the deserved pain of his sought-after adventure in Loguetown. So much had happened that he felt it best to disregard it all till later. That suit of armor would have to wait, the questions of his apparent powerlessness against marines were more demanding. He couldn’t protect his crew, especially the way he was now. His left fist and arm was broken in several places… his ribs were fractured, making wheezing a background noise for his existence. His face was bloodied and entire being was a kind of throbbing pain from the beating he received from the captain.

He never forget that man. That marine was the ocean’s first true lesson to him. Strength was meant to be held with contentment, not on the sea. Not when chasing after your dreams.

Bogard sighed as the wind gust him west, faded, then pushed the boat by the mast towards the blue vastness. Before anything else, I need to find a doctor. And quick. I won't last long like this.

One Month Later

I’am Red Hood and I’am Bogard D. Sunny. I’am Red Hood and I’am Bogard D. Sunny. I ‘am… He repeated those words until it blurred in his mind, the meaning distinctively clear to him, though in the mind of an unknown observer, it would be archaic, meaningless babble.

The mirror in the expanse of his room looked back at him with a serene calm. His gold eyes were profoundly swirled, the flecks of a greater gild showed themselves cautiously. It was this ritual that he performed the moment before a greater than explosive confrontation. After he felt himself mentally aware, aware of even the dust in the room, Bogard stepped away and exited the lounge of the Rose Horizon.

Adorned on the wall next to the entrance of the lounge was his wanted poster. On a side-desk next to the door was a forgotten hand-written letter from Terry Sunny. The same entity that saved him from the marine in Loguetown a month ago.

The upper deck was decorated timidly. There wasn’t much built into the new ship, all except the figurehead: a female chiseled with the likeliness of a woman made of crimson petals, whose hair was a blooming, fiery rose. He left a lot of the designing to Jax, who, being an ex-marine was infinitely more suited for the task.

What luck it was to have gathered the perfect, irreplaceable pieces for his success. Dirk was exceptional, though quiet and withdrawn he had ideas that were often overlooked. One of them had gotten them the Rose Horizon.

He trailed his hand along the smooth Adam Wood that made up the huge vessel. Dirk’s idea had brought them plenty of adventure. The selling and stealing of his Devil Fruit had brought them Beli by the millions and after repeating this scheme three times, they had enough to replace the busted up ship that had gotten them through Reverse Mountain. The ship that had never been named or loved. The Rose Horizon was the completely opposite of its predecessor.

Finally, Bogard passed a Fadel on his way to the apex length of the ship. His red cloak struck out towards the neck of the figure-head and pulled him to its form. A simple twist of his body before striking his mark placed him on its head. He stood strong as he stared at the winter-island. The place where they would test their strength and effectiveness as a tempered crew.

Without facing them, he spoke their names.

“Jax, Dirk, Fadel, let’s see what lies in store for us on, Drum Island. I won’t run from, Terry. If that messenger thinks a piece of my past is in that forsaken prison than I’m willing to go there. I know I’m being selfish by asking this idiotic favor of you guys… but I’d rather not go alone. Whatever it is, its a large sac of really, really bad news.”

He took a seat on the spacious dome of the rose woman and crossed his legs. The chilling grasp of the wind told him they were close to the winter island. “Do you thinking I'm a making a huge mistake by going?” he asked the crew, looking honestly opinions.

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