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Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago
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^Above is depicted the city of Ominar^

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It is the year 2053 and the world is being shaken as Ominar, a coastal European city, is taken over by the prae--one of two species hailing from another realm. In the few months the city's people have shown a measure of outrage to the rule of the prae, which while legal, was established through dubious means. Additionally, with the prae's mistreatment of the licentia--the other of the two otherworldly races--humanity and those licentia willing to stand up against the prae fought back. In an effort to liberate all those who had been wrongfully incarcerated by the prae, the Resistance was formed by a group of likeminded folk and proceeded to unveil themselves to the world in spectacular fashion. Managing to infiltrate one of Ominar's three prisons, the Resistance was able to successfully free the wrongfully imprisoned therein and hide them from the prae--at least to the best of their ability. Still, for now the Resistance is but a small organization fighting against the powers that be.

Meanwhile, the local leader of the prae, an Exeo by the name of Aismael Vea Vartari plots to demonize those who would Resist them, and to use their actions as further reason that licentia everywhere should be driven out, imprisoned, or otherwise oppressed. On the other side of things, the Resistance is soon to come out of hiding once more and resume their actions against the ruling prae in hopes of ousting their control of the city. As these plans play out, the world watches, paying close attention to the trade hub that Ominar has been for a long time now, waiting to see if they ought to intervene or not.

Hopefully they decide to do so...before things spiral out of control.

Starting Off

You are a resident of Ominar, or someone who has come from abroad recently, your interests may vary greatly. Some of you will come to join the Resistance and fight against the prae who--though misled--are not any more depraved than your every day human. You may be of the licentia, a highly individualistic species with vastly differing natures--be they magical, physical, or mental; or perhaps you are of the prae, having recently come to Medius--the home realm of man--to see what it has to offer, to learn or to fight for the sake of your species betterment; or you may be human, attempting to survive, and to thrive even alongside beings who from birth might be called your betters--ever struggling to rise above your fellows and those who might stand in the way of your ambitions or your happiness. Regardless, there is a place for you here and we are both willing and able to make you as comfortable as we can. We are here to help.

Note: We—that being the GMs [Celaira and myself(yoshua171)] are currently working on reorganizing the lore located in the first three posts of the OOC thread, as well as adding additional entries. A large body of this lore is not strictly necessary for play, but is merely information that may be useful to some players or is there so as to be more accessible. If you would like to contribute lore feel free to do so—provided you are willing to work with us to make sure it fits into the world more seamlessly and so that it may be approved and then added to its proper place in one of the lore posts.

Ⱦhe World


So far as any of the races are aware, no being is capable of the manipulation of time, and while space can be manipulated to some degree, it is not something that is typically done easily by any race. However, aside from this, magic is capable of a great deal, its limits not being fully understood or known by any of the races as of yet. Still, as with most things, the more complex and more grandiose the scale or purpose of a given spell, the more difficult it is to preform.

In short, don't expect to throw a magical nuke without a whole team of several powerful magi and don't expect to actually bring back the Anima of those who have passed on entirely intact, if at all. If a simple term need be applied to describe magic, it is that the magic of Manifest Anima is of the 'High Fantasy,' sort. Just know, that the greater the power, the greater the responsibility required to wield it.

Examples of 'medium level power,' include shapeshifting into things of equivalent size, high speed movement, punching a person and breaking bones (maybe making a small mark on concrete). Perhaps you can manipulate fire hot enough to severely burn someone (2nd degree, and with continued exposure, third degree). Making golems of equivalent size and strength to what I described above or to your character's body.

In terms of tech, the world of Manifest Anima does have things such as nanomachines, minor gravity manip tech, and what is becoming the true advent of body modification (yo cyborgs). While there are global teleportation networks, which are an incredible feat even in this day and age, people do not have personal teleportation devices or the like--in fact none such devices exist, or rather no non-prototype versions exist and trust me, I wouldn't suggest trying those prototypes...that is unless you want to end up merged with a brick wall on a quantum level.

As for weaponry things such as railguns exist, though devices such as laser rifles do not--at least not those that are fueled by entirely scientific/technological means. So don't expect light sabers or plasma weaponry for the most part. Even if they do exist, it's unlikely that most people would be allowed to carry around such dangerous devices. For further clarification, feel free to suggest your idea(s) to your local GM(s) and we'll see what we can do.

Oh yeah and magitech is a thing.

  • It should be noted that this RP will have mature themes. Fade to black will be applicable to sexual situations, but don't expect situations including drugs, gore, or some taboo subjects to garner the same treatment. This is not to say that any of the above will be done in excess, just that they may be done.
  • Combat will be handled on a case-by-case basis, with the GMs proctoring in case issues or disagreements arise. Should you want to script your fight, let the GMs, and your partner(s) know. Make sure all parties are in agreement. A 'scripted fight,' is one wherein the victor is decided before hand.
  • Burning house rule--if you're gone too long and holding things up, expect your character to either be moved aside quietly, or killed to further plot. To avoid the burning house rule, keep us updated, a hiatus can be arranged.
  • If a problem arises for a player in regards to the GM and they feel uncomfortable bringing it up. Go to the other GM for advice. Don't worry, we're perfectly reasonable people and nine times out of ten we'll work through it with you.
  • The GMs have final say on all matters--this does not mean that I cannot be swayed or convinced. Still, if something must be resolved, we will resolve it and that'll be the end of the discussion.
  • Should you lack inspiration or enough material to post, tell someone. Communicate. Talk to your GMs. Worst case scenario, we'll just move your character aside till you can post again.
  • While you may expand on or modify the base format of the character sheet, make sure all necessary sections are included.
  • No OOC drama. Keep it to PMs, and hopefully keep it non-existent. If needed contact a GM for problem resolution.
  • Posts of a paragraph or more; quality over quantity. If you're drawing a blank, don't worry so much.
  • Posting expectations of once, at the very least, every two weeks barring extenuating circumstances.
  • Only accepted characters go in the character tab.
  • Post your Character Sheet in the OOC for review.
  • Standard Guild rules apply.
  • IC swearing will occur.
What to Expect

  • Interactions with at least semi-realistic cause and effect. If you kill someone, expect there to be an investigation or at least it be on the news.
  • Medium scale in terms of character power, unless you've got good reasons/you prove you can be trusted with more.
  • Posts of a paragraph or more; quality over quantity. If you're drawing a blank, don't worry so much.
  • Posting expectations of once, at the very least, every two weeks barring extenuating circumstances.
  • A GM who is willing to work with you, hear you out, but not break his back to suit your every need.
  • Good communication be it player to player, GM to GM, or GM to player.
  • Some measure of political intrigue.
  • Multiple plotlines if possible.
  • Group world building!
  • Collaboration posts.
  • Some Taboo Subjects.
  • Some slice of life.
  • Some dark themes.
  • Some combat.
Character Sheet

The way the title section appears below, the existence of hiders for organization, and the sections therein are necessary. Aside from that code your CS how you want, if you want it pretty, but aren't amazing with BBcode, feel free to come to Celaira or myself, we're code wizards I tell ya, wizards!
Skill may vary~

For clarity's sake, Celaira is likely to do her code offsite, because she's a Journeyman wizard. She doesn't mind doing the same for others, in fact I'm sure she'd be thrilled if you asked her to do so. I on the other hand strictly use Guild BBcode, but I'm damned good at it--so there's that.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 1 hr ago

icentia Ҏossession & eproduction
Ҏrae eproduction & hildren
Ҏrae ife xpectancy
ridges & Ҏrae aw
Ʉnique aterials
esser acts
icentia ife ycle
otable Ѻrganizations

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Celaira
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Celaira Lore Mistress

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Who Plays Who

Characters with THIS color are representative of something known as an NJC; an advanced form of NPC.

Dranai Llamant & Bree & Mairyell Kasio & Szayeis & Madison Lily Harper & Reates & Mnaecilia Rea' Elh Moncere - Played By: @yoshua171
Aeris Kasio & Sophia Taeryn & Yvette si Louviere - Played By: @Celaira
Charles Aeon & Lilith & Darius & Lily Quarin & Emmett Matthews & Olivia Matthews - Played By: @Fallenreaper
Azulia Ellison - Played By: @Luna
Masha & Emma - Played By: @May
Ceptum & Nabriales Taeryn & Fandaniel si Louviere & Truth & Ithuriel val Atiran & Aevyrion vec Lyvaeris- Played By: @Tuujaimaa
Vistaeria Rhys’alamot - Played By: @Sarcelle Renard
Corinna Mallory - Played By: @13org
Damian - Played By: @Raijinslayer
Calypso Cavasaari - Played By: @Invader Len
Sarah Reiter - Played By: @solokolos
Amon - Played By: @Eklispe
Naomi Shastey Chāyì-Popjay - Played By: @CorrosiveCherry
Vaciti vex Contiere - Played By: @Old Amsterdam
Katarina - Played By: @The 42nd Gecko

Licentia: 6
Licentia Hybrids & Symbiotes: 3
Prae: 9
Prae Hybrids: 1
Humans & Precursor Descendants: 7 & 5
Ulna: 1/3
Liches: 1
Total Active Character count: 33
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kibaro
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Kibaro Superior Lesser Noob

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

More Questions:
1. for other future questions do we put them here on in the interest thread?

2. what are the chances of a human having a relationship with a Licenti, they having exchanged a member (let's say an arm) as a sign of their bond (aka they chose to do it), so in other words, the human would have a Licenti arm, and the Licenti would have a human arm
~ OR ~
if this is not possible by natural ways (more or less), from what i understood, when a Licenti reaches a certain growth, they can detach of part of themselves and give it to others via some sort of symbiosis, can a Licenti give a part of themselves and attach them to a human? as far as sharing a conscience or not, i'll let you decide that (if you allow anything i've said thus far), ofc having a Licenti arm, i'd expect to be able to manipulate it's form and create desired forms for example a shield like thingy, a blade of some description and so on
~ OR ~
if the upper options are still no possible, how about an experiment where a human was subjected to Licenti "matter", thus having the same result => human with a Licent body part (still thinking of member)

please let me know if any of these are plausible, because i'd like to give such a character a try, also let me know if i am going way to SF than you guys intended :))

3. it was mentioned that Licenti have a more or less monstrous aspect, but by what description? are they rocky/crystaline creatures? fleshy/zerg like creatures? not sure about their aspect, even if it was mentioned that they are almost all different aspect wise, but structure wise what would they be made of from a humans perspective?

i'll do my best to make the CS tomorrow, i'm from Romania, and it's midnight here so won't be on for too long :)

4. what is the language each species speaks, also what is the common language/intergalactic language or what have you?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Celaira
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Celaira Lore Mistress

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

More Questions:
1. for other future questions do we put them here on in the interest thread?

3. it was mentioned that Licenti have a more or less monstrous aspect, but by what description? are they rocky/crystaline creatures? fleshy/zerg like creatures? not sure about their aspect, even if it was mentioned that they are almost all different aspect wise, but structure wise what would they be made of from a humans perspective?

i'll do my best to make the CS tomorrow, i'm from Romania, and it's midnight here so won't be on for too long :)

I can safely answer these two questions, I think.

So, to the first, you can post them in the OOC for easy reference! It's preferred, actually. That way we don't have to go back and forth between threads a lot.

To your second question, a Licentia can vary on what it looks like. For instance, it's natural state could be entirely composed of shadows. It depends on the subspecies. We are allowing players to make their own subspeciees if they decide they want to.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by icmasticc
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icmasticc Chaotic Order

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Cool, I'll get working on a CS. I don't know if I'd brag on my BBcode usage, but I'll do a little something lol.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Celaira
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Celaira Lore Mistress

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@icmasticc@Kibaro Discord server is up! link! if you need help joining, let me know!
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 1 hr ago

More Questions:
1. for other future questions do we put them here on in the interest thread?

2. what are the chances of a human having a relationship with a Licenti, they having exchanged a member (let's say an arm) as a sign of their bond (aka they chose to do it), so in other words, the human would have a Licenti arm, and the Licenti would have a human arm
~ OR ~
if this is not possible by natural ways (more or less), from what i understood, when a Licenti reaches a certain growth, they can detach of part of themselves and give it to others via some sort of symbiosis, can a Licenti give a part of themselves and attach them to a human? as far as sharing a conscience or not, i'll let you decide that (if you allow anything i've said thus far), ofc having a Licenti arm, i'd expect to be able to manipulate it's form and create desired forms for example a shield like thingy, a blade of some description and so on
~ OR ~
if the upper options are still no possible, how about an experiment where a human was subjected to Licenti "matter", thus having the same result => human with a Licent body part (still thinking of member)

please let me know if any of these are plausible, because i'd like to give such a character a try, also let me know if i am going way to SF than you guys intended :))

3. it was mentioned that Licenti have a more or less monstrous aspect, but by what description? are they rocky/crystaline creatures? fleshy/zerg like creatures? not sure about their aspect, even if it was mentioned that they are almost all different aspect wise, but structure wise what would they be made of from a humans perspective?

i'll do my best to make the CS tomorrow, i'm from Romania, and it's midnight here so won't be on for too long :)

4. what is the language each species speaks, also what is the common language/intergalactic language or what have you?

1.) Future questions go in the OOC or you may send them in PM or in the Discord channel :) Discord and OOC are preferred unless it's something you'd like to keep on the low :P

2.) Human x Licenti pairings have and do occur, but they're not super common--though I wouldn't call them altogether uncommon either. somewhere between. A Licenti could give a portion of their Soul core, once it had grown to a sufficient size. However, it 's more likely that the person would wear it in a piece of jewelry or something, and that would make sure that it didn't try to infect them and parasitically feed on the human to mature. Conversely they could break off a small enough portion that integrating it with the human would allow them to overtake it and so it would merge with them. However, the result of this is a weird sort of symbiotic relationship between the integrated Licenti soul core and the Human, which could result in something similar to what you're suggesting. Mind you, it's more likely that it would drastically alter their entire body, be it magically or physically depends on the case (aka you can decide how it changed them).

3.) Licenti, as Celaira explained are varied in appearance and ability. You could have one that's effectively made of "shadows," and another who looks almost completely human, but has horns and scales, or fur all over their body. The amount of variation is so great that I'm more or less willing for people to make Licenti that look like practically anything. Not all Licenti are monstrous, but there are enough that are that people have that impression of them. Oh and as a note, there are Licenti who never lose their ability to shapeshift, it becoming one of their prominent magical traits. They're again, not common, but they do exist.

4.) Well, I'll put it this way, the languages that we have on Earth exist in Medius as human languages by and large--with the exclusion of latin, which I'm using as a sort of...greater language. It's going to have more significance than just "a language you can speak." Licentia and Prae do have their own languages, but they don't generally speak it around humans. In fact, if you hear either speaking their native tongue, you're likely overhearing it and they don't know you're listening, or you live in Priscus or Torqueo and you've become ridiculously trusted by the race who calls the realm home and so they might be willing to tell you about it or teach it to you. However, this sort of occurrence isn't just uncommon, it's pretty much unheard of. The OOC reason for this is the Prae and Licenti languages are not like any of the human languages we could use google translate for so yeah. The IC reason is that there is something unique about how both races communicate that isn't something they want to share with Humans or with others outside of their own race. For humans, latin is the same. Any mage who knows it--and many should--will likely not use it around Prae or Licentia unless they have to in combat to amplify their magic.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kibaro
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Kibaro Superior Lesser Noob

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

1. when a Licenti gives a part of itself, does it hold ANY sort of control over that part or does it become a separate entity capable of its own individual thinking?

2. if it does hold control over the part it shared, would the human and part of licenti share a conscience? for example the human would hear a second voice (that is the Licenti) in her mind? which in other words would mean the human would understand the Licenti language but not speak it

3. i'd want to become the weird symbiotic/parasyte thing, would that give me the power over the limb to shapeshift it in whatever i'd want? shield/blade/whatever else? i'm mostly asking permission here cause that is what power i'd like to give a try :)

4. can a SINGLE licenti modify its structure at will? or once it chose a structure that;s it for the rest of their "existence"? what i mean is, can one Licenti be shadowy now, rocky later, fleshy laterer and so on?

5. what's the rezistance of Licenti physical form against gunnery weapons and magic? do they have ANY rezistance? can a Licenti material shield for example repel bullets or a certain level of magic or it doesn't work that way?
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 1 hr ago

1.) No, when a Licenti separates a part of itself, with very few exceptions (so few I'm not going to explain otherwise for now) it loses control of the part it separated. If the part is large enough to create a parasitic offspring, then the host may eventually hear the Licentia, but if they do it's probably slowly killing them.

2.) Even if it did hold control, they wouldn't share a consciousness. A Licenti cannot impart knowledge of its language to another.

3.) If you wanted to become the "symbiotic," thing, you could be a Licenti in their Growth stage who has latched onto a human, and they willingly allow it. The Licenti could have telepathy and so the two would work together by communicating telepathically.

4.) A single Licenti tends to modify its structure many times in its life, and quite frequently while it is in one of its Growth Stages. The younger it is, the more the form is likely to vary during a Growth stage. So yes, it could do what you suggest.

5.) Resistance against weaponry depends on what sort of form the Licenti take. Some will be more vulnerable, others will be less.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kibaro
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Kibaro Superior Lesser Noob

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

1. in a symbiotic relationship between human and licenti, could the licenti parasite part enhance the humans physical abilities to some degree e.g. faster reflexes, stronger arms/legs, kinda like a body suit but for different parts of the body at a time, not the whole body at once

2. also hopefully for the last time, a licenti cannot in any form pull energy/consume vis from the enviroment, only from living beings right?

3. as far as gods and deities go, who are they? do humans still believe in god and jessus christ? or older gods like greek/egyptian/a.s.o? what about the other races?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 1 hr ago

1. in a symbiotic relationship between human and licenti, could the licenti parasite part enhance the humans physical abilities to some degree e.g. faster reflexes, stronger arms/legs, kinda like a body suit but for different parts of the body at a time, not the whole body at once

2. also hopefully for the last time, a licenti cannot in any form pull energy/consume vis from the enviroment, only from living beings right?

3. as far as gods and deities go, who are they? do humans still believe in god and jessus christ? or older gods like greek/egyptian/a.s.o? what about the other races?

1.) Well Licenti, aside from their three known stages of development (Growth, Trial, and Eximius) they are very variable in terms of how their form and abilities manifest. If the Licenti is old enough it may have chosen to have a partially malleable form regardless of whether it is in its Growth or Trial stage. It may have even ended up becoming a sort of symbiote, like what you're describing. So yes, it's entirely possible that a Licenti could be worn sort of like a body suit to shift its shape to additional muscle (to amplify strength of the host), armor(in the shape of scales or stone-like formations), or into claws and spikes for weaponry. However, the Licenti would ever be in control of the host, or the host would have to have agreed to being the Licenti's host and so the two work together, sort of sharing a body.

2.) As to this. You are correct, Licentia cannot absorb vis/energy from their environment that isn't biological. Let me clarify this though. So, if a human or another Licentia uses their magic it will leave behind a sort of non-physical/ethereal imprint on the world. Some of the energy used in the spell/effect will linger in the area's air or on surfaces invisibly. Typically, Licentia can sense this invisible energy fairly well and they can absorb it. However, a Licentia can't, say, absorb electrical energy from powerlines, or fire from a furnace or combustion engine in a car. Some Licenti can however sort of merge their bodies with certain materials and absorb them--though doing so does not feed them at all. Hopefully that isn't confusing.

As an example the Eximius Licenti that I'm making, Szayeis, has a form that is in actuality composed of vis(magical energy) and viscous/thick shadows. His subspecies of Licentia are known as "Nightwalkers," and they have the ability to absorb/take control of shadows. However, when Szayeis or any other nightwalker arrests control of these shadows, it doesn't feed their Anima (it doesn't fill them up. They don't consume it as it isn't technically Vis). So yeah. Hopefully that helps clarify what I mean a bit.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ganryu
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Ganryu Overlord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'm working on my characters. They should be up tonight.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by icmasticc
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icmasticc Chaotic Order

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I'm at work currently, but mine will be finished when I get off.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Darked13 I see you lurking :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AdobeFlash
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AdobeFlash Thrumunculus

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I think I'll get in on this later today. Just reserving a spot
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Darked13
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Darked13 Just Archene / Really Just Archene

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@yoshua171 I've just been thinking of what kind of Licenti to make. >.< But I was wondering more about what kind of powers to give it and everything. I thought of a Licenti that had a very human-looking form with its main magic being shapeshifting among some body enhancement magic. But so far I've been wondering more about how exactly does a Licenti work and trying to understand the terms better and everything. (I'm just a bit overwhelmed with the info.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

AHH! god damn it!

Right when I finished the damn thing to. I gotta write it over again
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Jangel13 Eh? What's the matter?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

I had just finished writing my CS and my internet crashed. I had such a good backstory to I was the son of two political parents who were assassinated and I went on a blood path to kill the man who killed them and afterwards I had an epiphany about what I did was wrong and learned to restrain myself. It was one of my best histories yet :'(

now I have to write down everything from the cs sheet from scratch
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