
Drawn by me, apologies if it looks like crap.
Name: Kaiser Woods.
Alias: The PrismAge: Barely 10
Alignment: Prism prefers to keep himself out of other's implications of who he is. He acts heroic commonly though.
Loyalty: He's an independent force.
Appearance: Prism is a very pale, bald kid standing at a rough 50 inches exact, and he is adorned with a white hoodie with an image of a prism on it, as a homage to his alias. He wears a pair of white shorts to accompany it, and to his happiness, the hoodie's sleeves do not reach all the way past his fingers.
History:As a younger kid, Kaiser was always having fun and just being a happy-go-lucky kid. He never saw anyone as an enemy, rather as a soon-to-be friend, even if they were kicking him like a sack of dead puppies on a curb. He never did anything to hurt anyone and he always kept up a happy expression and a joyous attitude. That is, until the day of reckoning happened, where his life would be changed forever. A top-secret military group came to Kaiser's house one day to speak with the parents. The parents were informed that - based on DNA tests and observations of Kaiser - their son was a Parahuman of... unknown potential. The military demanded the containment and ownership of their son in order to further knowledge of what these parahumans were capable of.
Kaiser's parents tried to keep him safe, they truly did, but in the end 2 bullets was all it took in order to capture Kaiser. At the military's containment site, they proceeded to lock Kaiser in a cell, taking him out occasionally only to try and activate his trigger preemptively, allowing them to continue research and advance further into their goal of trying to figure out what made these parahumans so special. Due to the variety of the tests covering near every single known trigger on a spectrum they could, they named it after another spectrum, formed when light passes through an object.
They named it Project P.R.I.S.M. (Parahuman Research Initiative and Special Maintenance).
Weeks passed, as weeks turned into months, and as months turned into years, with no prevail on the preemptive trigger for Kaiser's parahuman abilities. Hopes were fading, as the kid's near-unbreakable spirit started to fade into a never-ending depression. Project PRISM continued to go on for near a year after, when suddenly, it clicked.
During one of the experiments for the parahuman-subtype, Thinker, scientists laid their eyes on a Parahuman who was capable of knowing near everything to mankind that could be learned. Scientists and testers unhooked Kaiser from the machine, and began to question him on how he felt, what he heard, how he thought, everything. However, only one answer came from Kaiser, in a monotone voice with a slight echo to it.
"Leave me be."
Scientists were baffled. How could a being with this much intelligence be so... so... unresponsive? Have these 4 years of effort all been wasted on a near-useless Parahuman? Determined to get an answer out of Kaiser, they subjected him to the Shaker subtype chamber, where they subjected him to countless waves of natural disasters and even shocked him with near fatal levels of electricity. Despite being near completely dead, Kaiser stared into the distance, with no expression on his face. These scientists overlooked one thing about Kaiser...
His mood was always happy. Through the years of countless torture and pushing towards their cause, the scientists never once took a look at how Kaiser acted, how he was always optimistic and happy despite being almost killed on many occasions. He wasn't a Thinker because of the amount of mental trauma he's been through from the tests given by these scientists, oh no. He was a Thinker because despite him having watched his parents die directly in front of him, him being severely beaten to near unconsciousness, and him always being treated as an object rather than a person, he was always smiling. That is, until the trigger.
The day after the beating, the scientists decided to have Kaiser just sit in his cell for the entire day, doing nothing but breathing. What they witnessed that day gave 3 of them heart-attacks. The child stood up, went over to the door of his cell, grabbed one bar of it, and pushed it clean off the hinges.
Prism was born, with the ability to understand how something worked from just being near it, with the power dreamed of by hundreds and thousands of people before him, and with his brain being so advanced, any type of mental or emotional weapon used against him becomes completely worthless to him, doing absolutely nothing.
The staff at the lab where Prism was contained tried to stop him, but later found out that he'd been watching and learning all about how everything in the lab worked, for his inevitable escape and pursuit of a true life.
Motivations: Prism wants to see an end to injustice, and a pursuit and hope of a free life.
Sexuality: Presumed Heterosexual
Likes: - The Sun
- Being around people who actually care for his well being.
- Hugs.
Dislikes: - Hearing or thinking about Project PRISM.
- Spiders
- Dead Parents.
Derangement: Any emotions expressed by Kaiser are simply attempted simulations of emotion. Through his optimism throughout all of his testing, he has completely lost any sort of mental capacity to display any emotions or feel any emotions from himself. He can sense others emotions, still. Maybe he still has a smile in there.
Skills: Kaiser always looks at the bright side of life, and is an expert when it comes to perceiving any sort of threat.
Classification: Thinker/Trump
Details: Thinker - Kaiser is one of the best Thinkers to ever exist on this version of Earth, to even the point where he has trained his own mind to become completely immune to any sort of outside mental/emotional force. He can sense when an immediate threat is very close by (talking like maybe a 4ft radius around him, generously speaking), feel when someone is distressed, and he can even hover, although it never has exceeded more than 18 inches off the ground.
Trump - As previously mentioned, Kaiser can know the gist of how something works from witnessing it, and this ties into how he acts as a potential Trump. Through getting hit by one power, he takes in the knowledge of how it works, and is then able to use it to his advantage for a period of time ranging from 5 seconds to upwards of 20 minutes, depending on how hard he is hit by a power. After that time is up, he completely forgets how it works until he's hit with it again.
Limitations: Kaiser cannot act in environments under extreme amounts of emotional or mental pressure, even if it isn't from him. His mind can be easily clouded if he can see anything that resembled a dead and innocent life in a close proximity to him, and he again is unable to express any sort of true emotion, rather relying on simulating it. He also uses a very large amount of brain activity every time he fights, eventually leading to him needing a long nap if any stretch of a tough fight is exchanged with him involved.
Equipment: His hoodie contains a modified PCE obtained from an unknown source, used for communications with potential allies. Otherwise he carries around a backpack, containing a pillow, blanket, and his favorite stuffed animal, Rupert the Snail.