Name:Aurantius Draconus
Nickname: Ti, Tius(preferred), Auran, Scales
Age: 17
Race:Horned Lizard Faunus
Appearance: Tius is a rather odd sight, even among Faunus, but let's get into his human traits first. He's rather tall, standing at 6'2 and 3 quarters, with light vermillion eyes and dark brown hair, both of which have slight golden highlights to them. His standard get up tends to be some blue jeans, black combat boots . . . and that's about it. His faunus features happen to include a number of sharp spikes sticking out from his shoulders, upper back, and 4 big ones coming out of his forehead like a crown, making any kind of shirt impossible for him to wear without ripping holes in them. His teeth are also naturally pointed, though that's mainly in the front, as his back teeth are closer to that of people, if a tiny bit more pointed than normal. His eyes have a long black slit for a pupil, with sclera that is slightly darker than that of normal people, and while he does have regular eyelids, he also has a second set that close sideways after every blink, which can certainly be disconcerting to most people. Not only that, but he also has a number of burnt orange scales that spread from his shoulder/upper back area, down his forearms, and some along the sides of his face, with an odd scale or two being separated from the main mass here and there. While this makes those areas tougher than normal skin, it doesn't add any real protective capabilities, much to his dismay.
Personality: Tius is a rather simple individual, easy to please and hard to anger. He's the type that will always say 'Good Morning' to everyone he meets, no matter who they are or what they may be like. Even with people that he doesn't like, he makes an effort to be polite and cordial. He's never going to be the one to start a real fight, but he's the kind that will be sure to finish it if he has to. As stated earlier, it's hard to piss him off, but one sure fire way to do it would be to make fun of or hurt one of his friends. Bullying others, especially when it comes to humans picking on other Faunus, is also another way to get under his scales, so to speak. More than anything else, Tius just can't stand bearing witness to prejudice, and will be the first to call someone out on it whenever he sees it, and that is if he doesn't just straight up clock the bully in the face.
History: Tius was born in a rather poor area of Vacuo, in one of the small cities in the fringes of society. It was a pretty rough place where one always had to watch their back, one where most people looked out for their own backs and nothing else. That wasn't the case, however, for the Draconus family. They were nothing special, a family of Faunus eeking out a living just like anyone else, but they had a reputation spanning generations, since the aftermath of the Great War, for being the caretakers of the town. They were known for generosity and kindness, hosting charities in other towns and doing their best to help others live just a tiny bit easier.
As the son of Aurarius Draconus, Tius lived rather well, and due to his family name, he was treated rather fairly despite his appearance. Over all, he would've been content to live that way forever. . . until one day. It was an average summer day like any other when the grimm attack, a swarm of Beowulves and Ursa's wrecking havoc upon them all. The local hunters staged their did their best to hold them back, put some managed to get through. Tius's mother got caught by one and, in that moment, 12 yer old Tius awakened not only his Aura, but his semblance as he rushed forward. A nearby crate of red dust that had been abandoned in the panic suddenly exploded into an inferno that wrapped around, the now scarlet flames coating his body like armor as he let out a wild roar, smacking the Grimm in the face with everything he had. It never stood a chance, it's entire body incinerated by the attack, but Tius fainted immediately after, having used up almost all of his energy in that one blow.
It would be a few days after this that one of the Hunters, who had come from Illuminate Academy, had reccomeneded to his parent's that he be sent to a Battle School, saying that his abilities would make him a great Hunter. At first, they weren't to sold on the idea, his mother worrying about her son's safety, but Tius was quick to jump at the chance. Ever since the incident, he'd been doing his best to activate his Semblance again, wanting to learn how to use it so that, when the time comes, he can help protect not only his family, but others. Before that point, he never really had a goal in his life, and while the thought of being a Hunter had crossed his mind, but he didn't think his family would ever be able to afford it. Now, with the man offering to help pay for his education, he saw no reason not to jump at the chance. It took some time, but he managed to convince his parents to let him go. He then went to one of the lower battle schools, and while the work was hard(especially the classwork, as he wasn't exactly the brightest around), he dove into it with a burning passion he had never felt before.
He had one of the teacher's help him design his gauntlets, experimented with his Semblance all the time, and over all, just did the best he could. Apparentaly, that was more then enough, because not too long after he graduated from his first battle school, he was given an invitation to come to Illuminate Academy. He accepted without a hint of hesitation, spending his last days in Vacuo back home, where he helped out around the town here and there, before heading off to Vale, excited for what the future holds.

Savage Arcana: A pair of gauntlets that have Dust woven into the cloth and mixed into the metal plates, it allows him to better control Dust, as well as shape it into a variety of shapes, ranging from simple to intricate. The color of the glowing center are the sign of what kind of dust he's currently using, though when he uses his semblance, it's pretty much always easy to know what kind of dust he's using. Unlike most weapons, it doesn't have any alternate forms or abilities.
Dark Destiny:

Tius' second weapon is a 6-round revolver, which of course is capable of firing off dust rounds. Now he can't really mess with this like he can with his gauntlets, so what it can do is pretty standard. When it comes to fighting at range, this is his go-to weapon, as his abilities tend to be less accurate and less effective the farther away his targets are.
Blood of the Ancients: This Semblance is the crux of his entire fighting style, and without it, all he really has is a gun and not much else. It basically allows him to more easily manipulate Dust, more so then most people can, and use it to augment his own physical abilities in some way. While he can do this just by being near dust, the best way for him to do it is to actually ingest it, which he can do safely thanks to his Sembalance. Not only does this 'power-him up' so to speak, but it also makes it so his body begins to generate a sort of pseudo dust for a little while, meaning he doesn't have to dip into his own stores unless he wants to do something crazy. However, the downside to this is that, while in that state, which lasts any where from 3-6 posts(depends on how much he eats), he can't use any other kinds of dust at all, severely cutting down on the versatility of his ability. Another one is that after the ability leaves him with literally no Aura after he uses and a great deal of fatigue, as it tends to burn through a lot of his inner reserves, making him very vulnerable. As a result, he uses this form of his abilities very sparingly, as it can leave him in some pretty bad spots if he's not careful when he does it.
As for what he can do with dust, the main thing is that he uses it for forming a bunch of melee weapons out of it, a different one for each type he's proficient with, as well as augment his own physical strikes. He can also lay down traps runes(takes one post to set them up, and he can set up to two at one time), which can be activated on command, and go up to 10 posts before they disperse. These can be placed upon objects as small as a baseball, allowing for some pretty tricky maneuvers with them. He also can just manipulate the elements in their raw form, which can be used to batter down his foes.
Dust: Here are the types of dust he is proficient in using, and what it augments when he uses he ingests it.
Fire: Increases his physical strength by a lot, his speed by a moderate, and lowers his Aura's defenses a bit as well. His weapon with this dust is a greatsword.
Lightning Dust:Increases his physical attack by a moderate amount, his speed and reaction times by a lot, but also lowers his defenses and awareness by a lot as well, making it good only for one on one fights. His weapon with this dust is a pair of short swords.
Earth: Increases his strength and defenses by a lot, but he becomes a lot slower as well. The weapon for this Dust is a Great Hammer.
Other: His favorite fruits are Mangos, but his favorite all time food would have to be some kind of Ham, with bacon being pretty high on the list.