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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Nallore @FantasyChic @rivaan @Morose @Charnobylisk - Beni leads the group into the school and inside are around 20 people, give or take a few that can be seen in the main area. There are more around but you are lead back into the cafeteria and given some rations of food and some water. Lana's translator chuckles, shrugging a bit but he quickly bids her good day and heads off to take care of some things he needs to tend to, he will back back shortly. Over in the old admin area of the school has been turned into their medical area and Ray is being tended to. Cutting off dirty rough ends and getting the end stitched up. There is not much they can do beyond that. They have over the counter pain meds but that isn't going to help with the pain and they don't have any antibiotics. Only time will tell, right now he is still out cold so you are safe there.

@Morose @Nallore @Sigil - Things are calm mess hall. There are a few that have come in to check on how things are going but they go out quickly once the place is noted as clear, radioing it in to Ash. Tatiana is back with Ms. Sally, helping her as best she can. Tatiana looks a little less nervous but she is pulled away from the main group and Ms. Sally is easy to be around. Tatiana smiles over to Jack from time to time, giving him a little thumbs up to let him know she is okay. That is until you her her scream, this scream is familiar and an old foe comes bounding out from behind a counter and rushes through the mess hall. It's that damn mouse again, who tears out of the place right before the door swings shut as those that were checking in on the place are heading back out to make the rest of the rounds. "And apparently we have someone who is scared of mouses in the city," one of them chuckles into the radio to Ash.

@Caits @Nallore @Sigil Kids are just doing their thing, older ones tending to the smaller kids. They are pretty content there for now. Radio comes in that so far things look clear but they still have to check Zoie's house, Ashes, James, The School Building, and the Mechanics shop before they start to make the rounds on the stuff between the inner and outer walls. Astrid comes out of the Infirmary and into the main lobby (which is where everyone has been - the infirmary is behind closed doors - so please make those corrections in your headers.) - "Zoie is stable, anyone else need looking at now?"

Zoie Crawford

Location: Building 1(The OR)

Astrid was rather surprised by how Richard was reacting but she made a note not to look at him or bother him. She doubt he would take it well if she did say anything. Instead she just went about her business of cleaning things up as best she could and herself before heading out of the OR, through the infirmary and out into the main lobby of the county house to see if anyone else needed to be worked on. All those that had been shot had been taken care of, well Zoie was the only one that needed tending to. The rest had had their brains dealt with and were no longer a threat. She just wanted to ensure that was the case and that no one else got hurt in the scuffle to get to safety.

Zoie lay there, unmoving for sometime. Slowly her arm bent at the elbow (good arm!), and bent back until her hand rested against the back of Richards head, her fingers curling softly in his hair. Her brows furrowed and arced a few times as she swallowed the dry partchness in her throat and her eyes gradually opened. Letting out a rough sigh she smiled slightly as her weary eyes focused on Richards face. "Honkey Tonk," was all she was able to get out; her throat still dry and hoarse. She felt weak and was in pain, making note not to try to move as she lay there looking at Richard.

Glancing around for a moment she spotted Froggy and smiled, mouthing a simple thank you for now. When she felt better she would give him a proper thanks for everything he had done to keep her from having to meet baby Jesus so soon. Bringing her eyes back to Richards a slightly worried expression came to her features between the long drowsy blinks. "Whats be wrongs?" she asked quietly, pushing out the words. She was not used to seeing him looking all puffy and red eyed like that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

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Tiffany Lyle

Heard County High School Cafeteria

Despite the feeling of her being watched, she continued on her way towards the cafeteria. There they were treated to food and water, she was surprised at how well things seemed to be going here at the school. If history taught her anything, any matter of moments could mean the end to this shelter. She remained silent, though, best not to upset those that saved her and are helping Raymond.

After she got a decent meal and some water, she walks up to one of the school's supposed members, "Excuse me? I don't suppose you can direct me to the med bay or whatever is being used as one? My friend is in there and I'd like to be there when he wakes up."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School – the cafeteria.

Amelia quietly walked as they were led into the cafeteria, where their ‘escort’ left to probably deal with their tasks and chores. “ Thank you...” Amelia eventually said shyly, when she was given some food and water, and then quickly moved over to what appeared to be a less populated area of the cafeteria where she sat down to have her meal.

The sensation of food in her mouth and the taste of it after starving for a few days were something she could never forget after this, she thought. The food tasted so good that she couldn’t describe it in words even if she wanted to. That’s why instead of wasting her time thinking about it, Amelia gulped the food in big bites until there was none left form her meal.

“Ahhhh….” She let out a relieved and satisfied sigh and closed her eyes for a moment, reaching over and taking a few gulps from the water. She smiled as for the first time in days she felt good. She was not hungry or thirsty, had temporary shelter from the elements at least and there were people around who (hopefully) didn’t plan her death or worse.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Kristina Smith

Location: Building 1 (Lobby - Infirmary)

Kristina watched quietly as the kids tended to one another which was a good thing, she sat down on the seat and looked down at her ankle it still hurt a small bit as she tried to move it. She ran a hand through her hair she didn't like it, the shooter came quickly taking out three people Zoie was at least stable now. She wasn't sure if the shooter was out there to just test out their response time to the emergency or if it was going to lead to something bigger. Kristina shifted around nervously in her seat she didn't want to see her home get destroyed and having to live back outside of the walls again.

Kristina heard the door opening and turned around seeing Astrid she was glad with the news still that Zoie was stable. She looked around towards everyone else in the room, as far as she could tell everyone was fine the only one hurt was her from earlier but she had already been tended to just moments prior. "I think we are fine, at least for now." Kristina answered then she thought for a moment. "Is there anything I can do to help?" Kris asked.

Sophia Harris

location: Building 2 (Mess Hall).

Sophia looked towards Jack seeing his reaction for a moment and looked down for a moment, she may have brought up a bad memory for him which she didn't intend to do. "I was actually going to move to Chicago, after my husband passed away I was on a flight over there when shit started going down.." Sophia paused for a moment bringing a hand over to her upper arm remembering every single moment until she lost consciousness as the plane crashed in the woods. Then waking up several hours later and stumbling out of the wreckage then stumbling into her first walker and killing it.

Sophia looked over her shoulder as she watched people coming in and checking up on the place making sure that everyone was alright. Sophia then heard a loud scream and quickly stood up causing her to stumble slightly trying to keep her balance as she tried to find out where the scream came from. Sophia could see the terrified look on Tatiana's face and then a small little grey furry critter scampering its way through the mess hall and out of the closing door. Sophia sighed in relief and glad that it wasn't someone that was going to attack them, she then started to slowly relax and sat back down.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: Building one, (Courthouse lobby)

As Astrid came out, Niesha wondered how much blood they had used. She made a note to come around sometime soon to donate blood. A pint might not be Much, but it could be the difference between life and death. And it did make her feel better, to have something she could do. She shook her head, "we're okay here. None of the kids seem to be hurt."

Going over to Kristina, she grabbed another chair, and said "you should elevate your foot" she had, briefly, forgotten about Krisina's injured ankle. She hadn't got her ice, either. Of course, she'd been interrupted in doing that by everything that had gone on.

She waited to hear if there was anything they could do, but she suspected that they were doing all they could here, frowning slightly. She wondered if the guy who had attacked her the day before coming here was connected to whoever the shooter was. There was no point trying to figure that out. It wasn't likely she was going to get an answer on that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Richard Johnson

Location: Building 1 (Main - OR)

He took a sudden sharp intake of breath when he felt fingers curling into his hair at the back of his head and he barely dared to open his eyes, thinking that this was a dream that he was living in, one where Zoie's hands were running through his hair and everything was fine once again. It wasn't until he heard her voice that he realised that he hadn't cried himself to sleep. She was awake! His eyes shot open and his head rose sharply but by only a small amount as he looked up to her face and his features melted into relief. He kissed her forehead and then placed his hand on top of hers at the back of his head. He realised she was needing water and was about to go get her some when she spoke again.

Victor watched from the sidelines for a moment and smiled to Zoie as she thanked him, he was more relieved than he was going to let on right now but he knew when privacy was required. He gently patted Richard on the back before stroking down Zoie's hair and giving her a quick kiss on the top of the head and then left the OR and moved into the infirmary where he made a point to check blood stocks and other inventory to keep himself busy and out of the way. Richard made a point to thank Froggy properly later.

Richard would have laughed if he hadn't been so emotionally exhausted. Of course she was concerned for him, that was just how she was. He looked at her and smiled as he shook his head lightly. "Nothin' be wrong now, Daisy. Froggy's gone and seen ya right as rain. Everythin' is fine 'nd dandy. Not a worry now." He kissed her cheek again and gently removed her hand from the back of his head. He sat up and rubbed his face with both his hands. "I'm gonna grab you a small glass of water, alrigh'? I'll be back in two secs." He quickly moved over to the sink and ran some cold water into a glass before returning to Zoie's side.

Gently placing his hand under the back of her head, Richard offered the glass to her and waited to see if she wanted a drink or not. If she did he would lightly help to raise her head enough to swallow the water and not choke on it. The last thing he wanted was to make her uncomfortable or feeling more sore than she already would be.

Svetlana Volkov

Location: Heard County High School

Wrinkling her nose in disgust at Ed's reaction to Ray, she rolled her eyes and scoffed at his nonsense before turning away from him and folding her arms across her chest. She was extremely glad to be out of a moving vehicle after her less than calming attempts at driving the past few hours and she was pleased to be in an area that was relatively safe from the undead vermin that walked the earth. She was surprised to see so many people gathered together still after all this time. She had no idea people could not want to kill each other whilst living in such close proximity. She wondered how long the group had been together and would have asked but she wanted to keep the idea that she could only speak Russian going until it suited her.

Her brow furrowed as she saw Ed grinning at her pointing at him and she slowly lowered her hand whilst making sure her face looked very bored. She appreciated the chuckle that her translator gave her and she bid him farewell as he moved off to attend to whatever duties he had in this makeshift safe hold. She made a point to not look at Ed again and instead took in the surroundings, noting as many faces as she could and noting any points of exit that she could find whilst wandering around.

When they were given some food and water rations Svetlana's eyebrows shot up (not that you could see it through her bangs) but she smiled and bowed her head to the person that had given her her share before she got stuck into them, relishing in the tastes and feel of them as she ingested them. She was much more content than she had been previously and her headache had began to subside some but was still there in the background as she walked around and took in the area some more. She had to actively stop herself from resting her hands on her weapons. She wasn't entirely relaxed and was still suspicious as always but she didn't want to make them attack her so she played along. For now. She had some food left but didn't want to rush it.

She found a little spot to sit on the ground out of the way of people and rested the back of her head against the wall, waiting until her stomach was ready for more food. She closed her eyes and sighed and then yelped in surprise as the little dog of Beni's hopped into her lap and began licking her face. She chuckled and smiled before scratching the adorable little thing behind the ears. She wondered why it hadn't wandered off with Beni but the dog must not get to meet new people very often so this must be a treat for it. She cooed and awed over the puppy and loved the feel of warmth resting against her lap and stomach. She had never had a pet of her own but she had always wanted one. Too bad the apocalypse didn't give much room for such joy in a person's life anymore. Beni was a very lucky man. She decided to give the puppy some of her food and made loving little noises towards it and then put some more into her own mouth, chewing happily. She was definitely jealous of Beni right now.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Bridgette Vinters

Location: Building 1 (Courthouse, Office) -> Between Building 9 (School) and F (Tati & Jack's House) -> Gravesite, within Outer Wall

Bridgette chose to ignore the scene around her. She was a hardass by most people's reckoning, including her own, but she really didn't need the distraction of kids huddled together in what used to be a building dedicated to criminal justice, fearful of being shot at by persons unknown. This was just wrong. If she could secure the safety of her new clan by ripping the insides out of the abdomen of someone who deserved it and strangling them to death with their lower intestine, she wouldn't hesitate. Hell, she may even make some manner of pithy remark (that included liberal amounts of sarcasm the use of the word "fuck") in the process.

Set an enemy in front of her to destroy, Bridgette was in her element. Playing games with an entire town that meant them no harm, targeting children? Not her thing. And this was a lady descended of a culture of raiders and berserkers.

Over her time tutoring their Captain on boxing (or the more brutal, less structured version she used), she had come to get to know the man. He's the kind of guy that would shoot a man dead without hesitation if he thought he was a threat to people for which he was responsible. At the same time, Ash would extend help to the deserving and take in the downtrodden. He was no threat to Eden, and they must know that. If her guess was correct, Ash and Newnan were going to be a threat, and fairly soon.

Back to business. She located a free walkie and clipped it to her belt, near her big seax. It would suffice for now, though she was not a fan of having something brushing against the elbow on her shieldarm. Carefully, she rotated the ON switch, and checked in with the radio network while quickly returning to her horse. "Ash, it's Bree. Headed to get the kids first, going to bring the one to the gravesite. I'll check in when I'm back Inside."

Bridgette led Cadence back out of the Courthouse and fluidly mounted the charger. Hand still clutching her spear, the Nordic woman spurred her mount back to the general vicinity of the kids' soccer game from earlier. The little blonde girl's body still lay there, cold and unmoving. She was particularly grateful about that last part - unmoving. She slowed her horse to a walk and peered into windows nearby. Catching some movement, her voice broke the tense stillness of the streets.

"C'mon kids! Spotters have the Inner Wall clean. Doubletime your little asses to the Courthouse! I'll take care of stuff here. ...I'll take care of her..."

Slowly at first, children removed themselves from two nearby structures. Some craned their necks to try and catch a glimpse of their fallen friend, but Bridgette had positioned herself and Cadence between them. A disapproving glare or two later, and the younger Newnanites were on their way. "Straight to the Courthouse, damn it!" she called after them, then turned her attention to the walkie. "Schoolkids coming to the Courthouse. Head count's going to be short one."

Bridgette gathered up the body of the little blonde girl in a bit of nearby blue construction tarp and slung her across Cadence. With a forlorn expression, she led her horse over to the gate from which she entered earlier and gave a half-hearted wave to the gatekeeper. Once Cadence and herself were in the more open area outside the wall, she crossed over to the grassy patch they used to bury their dead. Zeroing in on the last hole dug (the one for the elder Lily), she located the shovel she had left, still in the pile of upturned earth next to the hole.

The very empty hole.

A sense of alarm crept into Bridgette. She carefully removed her newest addition to the site from Cadence and lay her slowly down on the ground nearby. She recovered her shotgun, dual wielding it with her prized spear, and set herself to look over the grounds. Just in case someone had moved her to dig the hole deeper or to leave a gift with the body, she didn't want to bring further discord if it was a non-issue. This time though, it was better to be safe than sorry. She knelt and set her spear down, easily accessible but with the freedom to utilize her radio.

"Um... Captain?" she began, eyes scanning her surroundings, "Lily's body is gone."

Black James!

Location: Building 1 (Courthouse Lobby, Tower)

James was glad to hear that the kids were okay. "Alls I counted was three. Four shots fired. One'um still out there, somewheres." He continued out of the Lobby, now determined to hit the Tower. As a word of encouragement, he called back to Niesha and Kris, "Don't you go a'worryin' about no Walkers, now. Those assholes wanted us to see them kill folks. Someone probably already got to it, didn't have a radio to tell nobody."

He really hoped so, anyway. Ash gave everyone orders to damage the brains of their dead over the walkies, but in truth he did have a concern about that, himself. All the better to get his ass up to the Tower and check things out. He took off at a jog, holding his monster of a sniper rifle in front of him. Up stairs, past the landing, and up more stairs climbed the overalled blackneck protagonist, his woodaxe hanging by his side occasionally making scraping connection with the guard rails of the various open paths leading upwards.

When he finally made it into the clocktower proper, James was greeted by the sight of yet another corpse. This one had, by the very nature of its initial demise, had his brain destroyed by a bullet. But the question still remained: Where was the shooter? James noted the angle the wound ran on the poor fellow. It was from across, and slightly upward. He took the dead man's rifle and leaned out of the open tower, as if he were taking position. Eyes sharp, he noted only one place that the bullet could have conceivably originated.

There was, just outside the Outer Wall, the Historic Coweta County Probate Court building. It rose somewhat higher than any other building around, with a large clock and open area, large enough for a few men with rifles to pick off small targets below. The strategic value of the location was not lost on anyone; point of fact there had been plans in the works to incorporate the structure and corresponding block of buildings around it into Newnan, but other matters had more importance. That, and without enough people to effectively guard the land they already had, expansion was a dangerous waste of resources. Musings aside, something seemed different about the building. He was sure that there was a shape up there, facing him, that hadn't been there previously.

James snatched the binoculars off of the dead man and set them to his own eyes, just as Bridgette's last message came through the walkie. His mouth lay agape as soon as his eyes could focus on what he was seeing outside of the Outer Wall.

Nailed to a wide board hung the naked corpse of the elderly Lily, hanging from the tower of the higher building. A spear lay embedded in her side, partially pinning her to the wood.

"Bossman? Done found Lily. Her body been crucified, sir. They got back into our home. Again."

Ash Holloway

Location: Parking Lot between Building 6 (Armory) and Building E (Apartments)

The excellent news that Ashton received about Zoie, and the mild elation that came with it, was swiftly knocked aside by every other radio transmission that had come through since. He paused for a moment, taking in the reports from his people. This was what the distraction was for? A distraction that involved the murder of four people, to hijack the interring of a corpse and use it as a grotesque display of intimidation? What did that even accomplish for them?

Surely by now, the people of Eden must know that they were taking in survivors, allowing them equal access to what they had built in Newnan. Some of them were given positions of authority among their settlement, a thing pretty much unheard of in this day and age. It couldn't be extortion, either. They hadn't sent any word of giving them supplies in exchange for not attacking, and they hadn't stolen anything from the community either time they breached their walls. Also by this time, they had to know that Newnan was not a hostile settlement, and had no desire to conquer anyone. It made zero sense, from a conventional standpoint.

Then again, Ash was an Army man. Spent a lot of time in various hostile places in the world, and witnessed the actions of zealots. They didn't need a reason, except to prove their own superiority to their people and make others fear them. What was more, they hid their own moral and ethical shortcomings behind a cloak of divine right, as if a deity suddenly appeared and gave them a huge list of exceptions and loopholes to their original philosophies. That being the case, all they wanted to do was hurt anyone that might disagree with them, and subjugate any who claimed to agree.

If that were true, Ash had to make sure that a good number of people died. Probably not all of them; there might be an unseen number that were caught in their grasp and needed help. To be honest though, if it came down to it, Ash would order the deaths of every living soul in Eden if it meant keeping one of his safe.

Lost in his thoughts, he barely noticed movement out of the corner of his eye. It came from the courthouse, and flitted from building to shady spot on a course toward the Wall. It was a man, and moving more or less in his direction. He also noticed children just up the road, looking scared and helping each other go in the direction of the Main Building. They were unattended; likely the ones Bridgette shooed out of their hiding spots. It looked very much like the children and this mystery man were going to be within eyesight of each other very soon.

Ash crept, low and quiet, to intercept the unwanted guest. His Detonix .45 was drawn, though he didn't want to have to use it unless it was absolutely necessary. He moved to peer around the corner of the building nearest himself, and caught full sight of the man who had just recently traded away stealth for speed. It was their Edenite guest, Ryan O'Reily. A firm set took hold in his jaw, and Ash stepped around the corner just in time to shove his gun into the face of the approaching Ryan.

He motioned for the man to drop to his knees and stay silent, while stepping back a pace. In the event that this unwelcome houseguest had any tricks up his sleeve, Ash was determined to maintain distance needed to put a round in his eye before anything else could happen. Ryan complied, surprisingly without opposing action nor argument. Ashton waited until the children had passed by. They hadn't noticed the pair of them, off to the side. As the sound of their feet hitting blacktop pattered past them, a sort of whispering voice started in Ash's mind.

Kill him kill him kill him fucking kill him he's one of them be safe not sorry kill him and let it be done.

Ash squinted his eyes and turned his head slightly. While he remained focused on his quarry, it was evident that he was trying to ignore something that was nagging at him, like a headache or someone giving incessant, poorly planned advice. When the sound of the last one abated, Ash began to speak in an eerily calm, low voice.

"I had thought about what to do with you, Ryan. Thought a lot. One thing that came to mind, in case you started trouble anyway, was to bury you in a box. Run a pipe for air, of course. Maybe piss down it so you won't die of thirst, first few days. I could shoot you now, if you'd prefer, but I'll tell you, .45 ammunition is a finite resource anymore. I like the box idea."

"Or you could make yourself useful."

The Great Bazhooli

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

"Police and Construction Foremans... And circus performer. Ve are like first half of joke, da?" began the enigmatic Great Bazhooli, trying like hell to be cordial. This was a massively tense situation, him being in a new place with unfamiliar people, disarmed and almost helpless. He flashed a warm, genuine-seeming smile to the people around him, which was suddenly interrupted by she sound of Tatiana screaming like a dead guy was looking up her skirt. He quickly snapped his head around and reflexively moved his hands down to his belt before he caught himself, noticing the small grey rodent milling about on the floor. Then his genuine-seeming smile became an actually genuine one. He had to force himself not to chuckle.

Instead, he continued his conversation with the other two, even as he moved closer to where the offending mouse was seen last, stooping for a better angle under things. "I vas on train, circus train, vhen all this began. Heard stories on news, thought most vas bolshevik. The day it got really very bad, I vas on train for two days. Did not know until ve try to stop for refuel. Army of Returned try to eat us. I say, 'Ve get gas, next town', but... here ve are."

The Great Bazhooli spotted the little grey mouse, which easily evaded the moves of the big-armed Cossack. "Chert voz'mi!"1


Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

From out of nowhere, a low, orange blur tore across the open area of the Mess Hall. It veered this way and that, never slowing, never stopping, unerringly pursuing whatever struck its mind as a thing to pursue. It skidded underneath tables, between chairs, pausing only long enough to use The Great Bazhooli's leg as a springboard to assist in a sudden direction change. In that fraction of a second, people nearby were greeted with the sight of a fuzzy orange tomcat with amber-green eyes, a look of feline joy (if such a things were possible) mixed with missionlike determination. This was a cat set to accomplish something.

The ginger kitty slid under a table that was pushed up against a wall, where the adorable sounds of a tiny struggle was heard. A half minute later, the Orange Avenger emerged from under the table victorious, dead mouse held triumphantly in his mouth. He walked slowly up to the previously screaming woman and dropped the stilled rodent in front of her, looking up expectantly.

The miniature predator sat on his haunches and made his eyes appear very wide. He continued to look up at the frightened lady, squeaking out a slightly warbling, "Meow?"1

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

Jack Hudson

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

At the sound of Tatiana's scream, Jack burst into action. He ran into the kitchen, prepared to stomp the son of a bitch to death, only to see the little mouse. He relaxed slightly, and saw Sophia lower herself back down out of the corner of his eye. Bazhooli went after the mouse, and Jack instead remained right next to Tatiana, blinking slightly as the orange cat appeared from out of nowhere.

"...Gahfield?" Jack asked, a bit confused. He hadn't imagined that anyone would've kept a pet in these times. It was asking for a liability, though he supposed everyone needed something to keep them human. The Russian man continued to get more and more comical, and then the orange furball approached Tatiana, dropping the dead mouse in front of her. "I think he likes you," Jack joked, hoping that the mouse wouldn't bother Tatiana while dead. "Got a name, cat?"

Édouard Riviere

Location: Heard County High School (Franklin)

Édouard couldn't help but be disappointed with the food. He picked at it, stabbing and smushing it, turning it into something resembling mush. Sure, he was hungry...but it would be an insult for the Édouard Riviere to consume this American garbage! His stomach grumbled, and he glared, before pouncing on the wreckage of the food, scarfing it all down.

"Je suis en disgrâce," Édouard muttered, his head down. He supposed that it was better food than the cans of baby mush he had been consuming for most of his time, but at least no one had witnessed him eat such trash. Letting out a heavy sigh, Édouard looked around the room, seeking out a friendly face. There were none there, all of his companions having gone to their separate corners, and Édouard sitting amongst strangers. For a moment, his heart felt a pang of sadness.

"Il me faut partir," Édouard declared, standing up. His leg winced slightly with soreness, but at least he was in far better shape than Ray.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Nallore - Ray is still being ended to and still out for the counter but he is alive and his color is returning thanks to some fluid IV's. They do not have blood on stock to give him but something is better than nothing.

@FantasyChic - "Yes, of course," Tiffany is told and lead down the main corridor over to what used to be the administration wing of the school. Pointing to a seat the man smiles a forced smile. "He is still being taken care of but someone will be out to see you once they are finished. Just wait here until someone comes out and then ask. Do not enter right now, if you disturb them things could get messy."

@rivaan @Morose @Charnobylisk - People are walking around and doing their thing. The group gets a few nods and hellos in passing but the group as a whole seems to be ignoring the new comers unless confronted. The puppy Peaches is happy to hang out with Lana and get some attention while Beni is off doing his own thing. The french translator Lyon turns his head from what he is doing as he hears Ed' say he must leave and smirks a bit shaking his head. "Probablement une bonne idée.Votre attitude, il va vous tuer ici," Lyon says before turning his attention back to the lovely young woman he is speaking with.

@Sigil - Ryan isn't putting up a fight, though he is standing up slowly; keeping his hands in the air as he does. "What I was trying to do before Zoie locked me up, trying to warn her. You think what they just did is horrible? This is just the start," he says before hearing James radio in about someone named Miss Lilly. "Adamm likes head games and this is nothing compared to what he has in store. Machiavelli was a choir boy compared to him. So, you can bury me like you said, you could shoot me, or you could let me be useful. After I see if Zoie is still breathing."

@Caits @Nallore - Astrid takes a quick look around before saying, "Neisha is right, elevate your leg for now. Once we get the all clear from Ash, we can move the children over the mess hall. Thank you both for watching over them." grabbing a few things she moves back into the infirmary area of the courthouse to restock and take count of what was used and what remains. She knew they would need to make a run soon but right now she doubted that Ash was letting anyone outside of the walls.

Tatiana Korvo

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall: Kitchen)

Tatiana jumped up onto one of the back steel tables as the mouse darted around, seemingly to taunt her before running off and the entire scene unfolded out in the main area of the Mess Hall. Seeing Jack rush over to her she rushed to him, wrapping her arms around the man and burying her head against his chest. Bullets flying, people dropping didn't phase her and she seemed to work well under that type of pressure but talking to people normally and a mouse sent her into a tizzy. Everyone had their own survival instincts and reactions and she figured it was better to go to pieces over a mouse than over the Biters.

Watching the cat she perked a brow and yelped out as the mouse was dropped, half expecting it to come back to life and try to turn her leg into a piece of cheese. Seeing the cat look up at her she smiled a little. Reaching down and carefully picking up the orange fur ball and cradling him in her arms as she scratched along the back of the kitty's ear. "Da, my little hero. You vant food?" she asked as she glanced over to Ms. Sally. Sally chuckled and nodded. Seemed the cat had earned a meal. Stepping over to food she plated a few bites of ham that was being prepared for dinner. "Thank you," Tatiana said before holding it out for the kitten.

Looking over at Bazhooli she turned her head to the side. "Have name?" she asked before leaning against Jack and relaxing a bit as Ms Sally got rid of the "body." As far as Tatiana was concerned that cat in her arms was the biggest hero in the city right then; he had just slaughtered the rat king in her mind.

Zoie Crawford

Location: Building 1(The OR)

Zoie smiled softly as Richard and Froggy both gave her tender kisses and Froggy headed out of the OR. Taking a long breath as Richard told her there was nothing wrong she nodded groggily, the blood loss and meds were making her head swim a little. Rolling her eyes up she looked at the IV's hanging as Richard fetched her some water and noted the bag of blood that was slowly draining into her arm. She must have been hurt a lot worse than she had realized when she was first shot. The last thing she remembered was looking at Richard before everything had gone black, and he was the first thing she had seen when she woke up. How long as she been out?

Tilting her head up slowly she rested her hand over Richards to steady it as she drank from the glass, pulling back and taking a moment before taking another drink to finish the glass off. It was a wonderful feeling to not feel like she was chewing on cotton right then. Coughing slightly she rested her head back and chuckled a little to herself as Astrid came in to restock some of the medical items. "Don't believes I ams abouts to says this but yous was right. Nots like I was gonna die when I left, right as rains as you said," she said as she rubbed her head and chuckled a bit.

Astrid didn't turn to look at the two but she piped in. "You did die, twice," Astrid said as she turned as she finished placing some items in the cabinet. Shrugging she walked right back out of the door and let it swing close behind her. Zoie froze in her place and stared bug eyed at Astrid as she spoke and then left. Her eyes slowly moving over to Richards with near disbelief in her eyes. It wasn't that she didn't believe Astrid, she knew Astrid was a straight shooter and didn't lie. She was beyond honest, frankly so most of the time.

"Honkey Tonk?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School – the cafeteria.

Amelia smiled once more and took a few more sips from the water. Indeed this was one of those rare moments where things almost seemed to have taken a turn for the better. Not many of those moments seemed to happen since this whole zombie madness had started. She looked about the place once more, trying to locate her former brief companions... even Ed.

Sure enough Amelia quickly located them though it wasn't really had to do so for Ed. He was sticking out quite well in the crowd even more so when he started to speak nonsense by the looks of it. She couldn't exactly hear what he was speaking from so far away, but his expression and her general knowledge of his way of acting so far, meant he wasn't really saying anything too good. Still she did somehow manage to catch him saying about him leaving.' GOOD! LEAVE NOW!!!' She thought with a smile.

As for Lana, Amelia managed to catch a look at her, playing with the dog of the leading biker from earlier. Seems she looked fine too, which was good! Amelia liked the woman, despite not knowing a thing she used to say.

'Maybe I can find something I can help around with...?' Amelia eventually thought, looking around and slowly standing up. She wondered whom she could ask about it and even if she would be allowed to do so actually. They didn't know her so she probably wouldn't be denied...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

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Tiffany Lyle

Heard County High School - Outside Medical

Tiffany thanked the man and sat down. She hoped that they knew what they were doing inside there. She figured since the group here seemed to know what they were doing, what with the large truck, the cafeteria being stocked, and having their own medical bay, they seemed to have a knack for surviving. She wondered how long they've been here. If it was anything like the old school she was at, it was a good place to hold up. She hoped that Ray would get out of this alive. She would have to show her thanks regardless if he managed to live or passed on peacefully.

She took out her water bottle from her pack and gave it a good chug. She also took out her gun and checked it to make sure it was in working order. It was times like this she wished she had a book or a magazine to read to pass the time, like the old days waiting in the doctor's office. She instead passed the time counting how many Walkers she's had to kill up to this point.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Kristina Smith

Location: Building 1 (Lobby - Infirmary)

"Yes mommy and daddy dearest." Kristina said jokingly and laughed slightly trying to lighten up the mood a little bit as she moved her sprained ankle onto the chair and made sure that it was elevated. She sighed slightly as she leaned back into the seat and looked over towards James for a moment and gave him a smile. "Thanks, if you need help just call out. I'll continue to babysit for now." Kristina called back as she sighed slightly and ran a hand through her hair and groaned slightly as she moved her bad ankle slightly.

Kristina continued to look around the room and then she turned her attention to Niesha as she watched Astrid in the corner of her eye gathering something from the cabinets and headed back into the OR to restock the lost supplies. "So once things are finally settled do you need me to try and play matchmaker for you and Sophia, I think i'm pretty good with hooking friends up together. Back in high school I got two of my friends to hook up."

Sophia Harris

location: Building 2 (Mess Hall).

Sophia watched as an orange ball of fluffy perked its head out from somewhere and quickly chased after the mouse that had been terrorizing Tatiana she watched as the cat killed the mouse and trotted over proudly towards Tatiana. Sophia would let out a sigh as she started to relax and sat back down, shaking the slight dizziness from getting up so suddenly. She decided that she would try walking around after things have cooled down Sophia turned her attention back towards Bazhooli and gave the Russian man a smile and nodded. "Yeah it would probably continue with the joke of entering some bar or something like that." Sophia said with a laugh.

She watched as Tatiana went to praise the little rat killer, Sophia leaned forwards slightly as she remembered having a cat when she was growing up. Sophia hadn't seen a cat since things went to hell, now there was one here which reminded her of how things were three years ago. "Looks like you made a new friend over there Tatiana." Sophia called out then she turned her attention back towards Jack and Bazhooli. "Well anyway, I was on a flight from my home in Colorado Springs after my husband passed away. About midway through the flight that's when something happened and then the plane crashed in the woods. I just remember waking up several hours later and found my first walker stumbling among the wreckage."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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Location: Building one, (Courthouse lobby)

Niesha watched James leave, and Astrid gather up supplies, returning to the infirmary when she was done, frowning slightly. She was deep in thought when Krstina spoke to her and she started. She glanced away, sure her face had reddened. She took a moment before answering, clearing her throat "No,thanks, but if I'm going to do this, I have to do it myself." She said, softly, a hint of nervousness breaking through.

She gave a soft sigh, and leaned back in the chair she was sitting in, glancing over the kids, yet there seemed to be no troubles to distract them from this conversation. Giving another sigh, she looked to Kristina once more, and said softly "The only relationship I've ever had was just me going along with it and learning...I need...I need to do this myself. But thank you, you're a good friend"

She looked down at her hands, the memories coming unbidden to her mind. Sara, turning around as she opened the door, that bright, happy smile on her face, as if nothing in the world could hurt her. Well, hiya! You must be Niesha! I'm sara, you're room mate! I hope you don't mind, I put up this poster, I know, I know, kinda geeky for a girl, right? But I just love batman Sara's words, that first interaction, played over and over in her mind. Just the tone, the beauty of her voice. Just everything about her. From there, it was like being hit with a tidal wave-You couldn't fight it, you just had to go with the flow, or be drowned.

Niesha had learned alot from that relationship, that friendship. A part of her would always love Sara. But she thought she might just end up loving Sophia more. She looked up, and smiled slightly, "No. I already know what I'm going to do. Just as soon as we get out of here, I'm going to find her"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

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Ash Holloway

Location: Parking Lot between Building 6 (Armory) and Building E (Apartments)

The barrel of Ash's gun remained trained on Ryan's face. His training with the Army generally had him aiming for the center mass, especially at this distance. A .45 round, even against ballistic armor designed to withstand a hand cannon such as that, would knock a man flat on his ass. Without the armor, the same man stuck in the torso with the same bullet would fare significantly worse. The last three years had altered his habits somewhat. Dead or alive, if it was standing, crawling, or snarling, Ash's optimal bullet placement was between the eyes. Or sockets, as the case may be.

The guy had some nerve, Ash had to hand it to him. Resourceful, too. Of course, depending upon how resourceful he was, the man left to guard him was dead or dying, quite possibly. It was reason enough to end the man where he stood, even as he plead his case. In his mind's eye, the trigger was already pulled, and this guy, Ryan, was blinking uncontrollably as the last few raw synapses in his brain fired impotently.

Instead, he allowed the utterly busted man to finish his monologue, cocked his head ever so slightly to the side, and brought his radio up with his free hand. "I need a security detail just south of the Armory. Armed escort required for one. You have less than a minute."

Clipping the walkie back onto his belt, Ash addressed the former Edenite with weary, indifferent authority, as a man truly annoyed at having to explain what should be obvious. "You are in no position to make demands. You're alive now because Zoie wanted you that way. You were locked up, also because Zoie wanted you that way. I'm going along with it because I'm curious, and because you may have value to us. If Hell freezes over and trust is established, we'll readdress. But if you move further, in any way, I will shoot you dead. Look at me. Tell me if I'm lying."

Bridgette Vinters

Location: Gravesite, within Outer Wall -> Parking Lot between Building 6 (Armory) and Building E (Apartments)

Bridgette saw to the girl's corpse as respectfully as she dared, considering the threat of gunfire and, apparently, getting one's corpse removed surreptitiously while their collective attention was focused elsewhere. To put it bluntly, the tall woman did not kick the girl's body into a convenient spot, but nor did she leave arranged flowers. The happy middle ground had the tarp-wrapped package of former Newnanite places parallel to the hole originally dug for Lily, but far enough away so that another could be comfortably dug for her.

Then the reports came in. That radio was a cruel, impersonal messenger sometimes. Having one resting on her hip did nothing for easing her mind. Informative, yes. All in all though, it made her want to grab the few people she really cared for and haul them back to her house, surrounded by its own fence, with an independent water source, and fortify the hell out of it. Of course, the next logical thought in this train of self-preservation was that, were it not for this town and these people, Astrid and Bryn and herself wouldn't have that comfortable little home, that rough wooden wall surrounding, the old fashioned, stone rimmed well, nor a permanent place to keep and tend to Edgar and Cadence. Yeah, she owed them. And she was part of this community too, damnit.

When Ash's voice was heard again over the walkie, Bridgette was already mounting her charger. Armed escort for one? Sounded a little strange, especially that far inside the gate. She had to find out more. The fact that she wasn't part of the security team was a triviality. "Fuck yeah! I've got you, Ash. Somebody need some tough love, boss?"

Captain Ash could likely hear the hoofbeats of the approaching Valkyrie, long before the sun glinting from her spearhead or the growling of obscenities. The benefit of a horse in these times - one could travel ground in a surprising amount of time. "This the assbag?" she asked, motioning with her sawed-off. "You want I should run him through, or back to the cell?"

The Great Bazhooli

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Both Jack and Tatiana were curious as to the identity of the little orange superhero. Seeing as the cat could not speak for himself, at least not in a manner understandable by the human population, The Great Bazhooli took it upon himself to speak for his diminutive, feline companion.

"I have been calling kitty-cat "Schrodinger". He has been vith me for long time now, only friend since... vell, since train. I think he vas hallucination at first - vould just appear from nowhere, disappear for long time. Did not know if alive or not, so... Schrodinger. He seems to like."

The Great Bazhooli's face darkened for a moment, thinking about the first span of time after he was forced to leave his train, taking that handcart down the tracks. He had never really been by himself for a long period of time. As he had mentioned earlier that day, he didn't handle Alone very well. The problems that this community faced, at least those that he could see from the brief time he had spent inside its walls, were the very same problems his troupe faced when all of this started. They could not adapt fast enough to maintain a force capable of defending themselves and keeping everyone fed. The result being their almost total destruction.

This place had a similar problem. There just weren't enough people, not when a hostile force was nearby. The Great Bazhooli didn't want to see (more or less) decent folk go out the same way his people did. He smiled a great, near cheshire grin underneath his prodigious moustache, as he returned his thoughts to the full present. "Is good kitty! Very good kitty, as cats go. Schrodinger belongs to Schrodinger." He switched up his tone to something more optimistic, and turned to Sally, the nearest person to an authority figure, so long as you didn't count the men with guns near the doors. "I vant to help, Miz. Sally - vith..." He motioned around himself, trying like hell to indicate more than just the building they were in. "...this. How do I do this? Who do I speak vith?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Jack Hudson

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

For a moment, Jack realized that he had nearly been replaced by the cat. He chuckled slightly, shaking his head at the thought. When his parents split up, around when he was a baby, his mother had almost gotten a cat for their little family. His siblings, living with his father, had three dogs. It was a poetic juxtaposition, demonstrating the split nature of the once whole household.

"You got a dog named Heisenbugh?" Jack asked, recalling the very little science he knew. He hadn't gone to college, and in high school, he focused on getting the classes he needed for his diploma, and not much else. He had to be there for his mom--school wasn't too much of an option for him. He watched as the cat was given a meal, almost wanting to point out that the mouse should be food enough, but figured that Tatiana wouldn't want to watch the body be devoured.

"Anything we can do, miss?" Jack added, hoping to put himself to use. There didn't seem to be any sex crimes for him to investigate, but he wasn't incompetent, and with a few instructions, he figured he could help ease Miss Sally's workload. That, and if he helped in the kitchen as well, he'd be able to spot the next mouse before Tatiana could.

Édouard Riviere

Location: Heard County High School (Franklin)

Édouard's nostrils flared. If anything, they should've been begging for him to stay, realizing his brilliance. Before the apocalypse, no one would have dared to treat him like this. He chuckled slightly, turning around to instruct Félix to dismember the Frenchman. Instead, only air remained there, a result of his own cowardice. His knuckles pulsed, and Édouard felt his rage swell rapidly. He was sick and tired of the attitude around here, already.

And so he swung his fist, aiming for Lyon's jaw as he pulled his cutlass. He would then hold the blade to Lyon's throat if able to do so, seeing more than red--a bloody shade of scarlet. He didn't think about the fact that everyone around him didn't trust him, that they'd likely shoot him for pulling a blade on one of their own. Édouard didn't care about any of that. Death didn't scare him, or perhaps, it was more likely that his stupidity shielded him. "Rétractez!" Édouard hissed.

"Pleurez aux pieds, chien." He took a slight breath, perhaps more in line with his family than ever before. His temper had gotten the best of him, though it hadn't been the first time. The world of walkers and chaos seemed unreal to him, as if it had been an awful fantasy. And even the thought that he may not have been, after all, god's gift to women didn't cross his mind. He spat at Lyon's feet, right after finishing his few snarling words.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Nallore @FantasyChic - The medic comes out of the back room, drying his hands off and looking over towards Tiffany with a little smile on his lips. "Hey, you're friend is going to be alright. Least if we can stave off any infection he should be. He is low on blood but we just don't have the stuff we need to help him there. We are giving him fluids and he is resting. He should be waking up soon, you can go see him now," he says in a friendly voice before motioning for her to follow him. Leading her back to what used to be an office with a make-shirt bed set up in it. Ray is laying there with an IV in his arm and what remains of his leg elevated up on a stack of pillows. "I'm going to talk to Beni to see if we can make a run for medical stuff, I think we might have a place to get some antibiotics. If you need anything, just yell," he said before turning and leaving to go find Beni.

@rivaan @Morose @Charnobylisk - Well ain't Ed just a little bastard? Lyon leaned back avoiding the punch with ease and jumped back as he drew his side arm when Ed pulled out his cutlass. "Tu es un idiot"<you are an idiot>, he said rolling his eyes as he pointed the pistol at Eds head. "Ferme la bouche! On t'a bercé trop près du mur? Ne comprends-tu pas? Vous n'êtes rien mais un homme mort marchant maintenant." <Shut your mouth. As a child, was your cradle rocked too close to the wall? Don't you get it? You are nothing but a dead man walking now.> Lyon just shook his head as he pulled the hammer back but before he could do anything Ed would feel the back of his knees give away as his shoulder was grabbed and he was shoved to the ground. Standing over him his sword would drop from his hand and be kicked away as Beni stared him down. "Pulling the trigger Lyon or teaching a lesson?" Beni asked as his thick fingers curled into Ed's shoulder to the point of it feeling like it was about to be ripped off. "I think this one needs a hard life lesson, then if he refuses to learn, I'll pull the trigger," Lyon said in a flat voice. "You sure?" Beni asked and Lyon nodded as he dropped the hammer carefully back into place. "Right," Beni said with a nod as Lyon came over and crouched in front of Ed. "Tu es completement débile. La mort ou l'éducation? <You're a complete moron. Death or an education?> Lyon asked as he grabbed Ed by the scruff of the neck and Beni took a step back, Ed's sword being handed over to Beni and Beni giving it a look over.

@Caits @Nallore - Astrid comes out with Zoies walkie attached to her belt, an all clear coming through from the various posts. Astrid nods to herself and sends out a quick all clear for the Infirmary and OR. Stepping over to Kris and Neisha she nods slightly. "Shouldn't be much longer before we can move the kids over to the Mess Hall to get something to eat. Neisha, once we get an okay from Ash, would you mind heading over to the medical garden? We are running low on Witch Hazel in the Infirmary. We need some prepped up. I'm sure Ms Sally would let you use the kitchen if you need to," she said. It was the most she had said in a while to really anyone but it would give Neisha something to do that could help with the supplies. "Here is our current supply list, if you can prep anything else from the garden to help restock us that would be wonderful." Handing over a piece of paper she had folded up in her pocket over to Neisha. (List of current supplies and what is in the medical garden is in the original OOC post)

Tatiana Korvo

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall: Kitchen)

Tatiana smiled over to Jack as she leaned against him slightly, running her fingers slowly through the felines fur slowly while he ate the piece of meat before darting out of Tatiana's arms and padding off to do whatever cats did. Tatiana giggled softly as she slipped an arm around Jack and rested her head in the crook of his shoulder as he and the other new Russian asked if there was anything they could do to help.

"Most of the food is ready but could use some muscle to move it out of the kitchen and into the serving stations if you boys don't mind. Come with me," she said. Tatiana turning and walking to follow Ms. Sally, but her fingers lacing with Jack's and pulling him with her. Cringing at the sight of the dead mouse on the ground, she wasn't touching that. One of the escorts chuckled to himself as he watched Tatiana walk off. Stepping over and picking the dead thing up by the tail before chucking it out the front door.

In the kitchen Ms. Sally pointed to the serving dishes that needed to be filled and explained quickly what to put into what and where to take it out front to the serving line. After a minute her eyes seemed to light up a little bit before looking at Tatiana and Bazhooli. "You know, these folks have had a rough time of it lately. They could use some cheering up. Think you two could give us a taste of Russian entertainment tonight after dinner? Be good I think for these people to just see something that doesn't have to do with survival."

Tatiana stopped what she was doing and slowly looked over to Ms Sally, her eyes lighting up like a child's at Christmas. "Da! Da! Ve put on shov!" she said excitedly before she realized she was basically volunteering someone she didn't know to do this with her. A blush came to her cheeks as she nervously looked over towards Bazhooli and bit her bottom lip slightly. "I mean, if you vill?"

Ryan O'Riley

Location: Parking Lot between Building 6 (Armory) and Building E (Apartments)

Ryan stood there with his hands up as he gave a crooked grin as Ash spoke to him. "You aren't gonna kill me," Ryan said in a rather upbeat voice as a twinkle ran through his eyes. "At least not yet because I know things that could be the difference between this group surviving or dying and you aren't the type of man that would put someone down if they could prove useful." Still standing there his eyes glanced around before turning back to Ash's and his head tilted forward just ever so slightly.

"Captain Ashton Holloway, first in command of Newnan. You were second to Lt. Col Leann McCormick until she was killed. Had a thing going on with an Alicia Gonzalez? Drive that monster truck? Come from a moon-shinning family from Virginia was it? You're a disciplined man but you have a flaw that Adamm can exploit; you're compassionate. What was your job title again before the outbreak? Combat Engineer because Bad-ass mother fucker isn't an official job title?" he rambled off, letting Ash know he knew far more about Ash than one would have suspected. His brows raising a few times before Bridgette made her way over. Glancing over to her out of the corner of his eye he smirked a bit.

"Don't know this one really," he said as he took a good long hard look at her for a moment; seemingly to size her up and down for a moment before glancing back towards Ash. "Has a mouth on her I am betting. A hardass but she's loyal right? Really damn protective type. Bet she can get real damn violent at times as well," he said coolly as if he was reading her facial expressions and what was behind her eyes like a book titled "Bridgette for Dummy's."

"You also have in your crew at least 40 others, including that back woods hog hunter; though counting the shots I would say you are down to 36. Plus or minus 1," he added as he straightened himself up. "That's just the beginning of what I know about this place. What else do I know? A lot. A lot about this place and a lot more about those that are attacking this place. Like this was just the beginning." His eyes darted over towards Ash for a moment, pausing his words before glancing around at his surroundings.

"You know your bible? You see Adamm does, he knows it as well as Lucifer is said to and he likes to use it. This, was just the first attack. Now, I need to know what exactly went down during the attack and if Zoie is still alive; that will tell me far more than you know. Like what Adamms next move will be." Ryan kept standing there as voice rang in over the radio.

"Boss, I don't know what happened but that guy Ryan got out! I'm in the cage, someone come let me out!" the guy who had been watching Ryan said in a frantic voice. Ryan chuckled a bit and shook his head. "Tell the kid that the keys are under the pillow, he can let himself out."
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Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School – the cafeteria.

Amelia was just running over ideas and ways to ask how she could help around, without having her shyness get in the way, before she heard shouting going on and she immediately recognized the voice! It was Ed!

‘What is that damned moron doing!?’ She thought, looking at him pulling out his sword and pointing it at Lyon. As the situation appeared to get more tense, when Lyon was ready to shoot Ed, Beni appeared for Amelia’s relieve. The man seemed to quickly put the things under control as he disarmed the crazy French mafia wanabe person.

‘I’m not letting Ed bring my death in the future! I need to kill him before he can cause bigger problem later on!!!’ She thought as she started walking over towards where the small ‘skirmish’ was going on. Ed was still on the ground, so Amelia took a deep breath as she walked.’ Okey, Amelia… this should be easy… just bash in his skull while he’s still on the ground!’ She convinced herself in her mind as she sped up, pulling her bat.

In her speed though, she fumbled her legs, causing her to suddenly break out spinning just by Ed, Lyon and Beni.’ This is not according to plan!' She screamed in her mind, as she spun for a few more moments as luckily for her Lyon and Beni pulled away to not get whacked with the bat. Now not so luckily for Ed, with her last spin, she completely lost balance and her bat fell straight into his nuts with all the momentum accumulated.

1x Laugh Laugh
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Svetlana Volkov

Location: Heard County High School

Hearing Ed speaking again, Svetlana stopped playing with Peaches just long enough to see him standing up and she heard a word that sounded like disgrace in English and smirked, nodding to herself before cooing over Peaches again. She then heard the French translator, Lyon, saying something about attitude and she chuckled quietly to herself. Yes, Ed definitely had a damn attitude and it was going to get him killed one day. Content in her little bubble of ignorance for the time being, Svetlana scratched Peaches tummy and smiled as she rolled around enjoying it. That was only a mere moment before she heard Ed shouting and looked up to see him swinging his fist and cutlass towards Lyon. Jumping to her feet while Peaches lay on the floor, Svetlana growled as she stormed over towards Ed as she saw Lyon dodging his fist and pulling his sidearm.

Stopping in her storming path as the people in the area began to move in front of her, blocking her way some, she glanced between two men and continued to move forward among the group of strangers at a slower pace. They currently seemed ready to lynch mob Ed. She saw Beni gripping Ed's shoulder as she made her way into the front of the crowd and frowned as she saw Ed's cutlass being examined by Beni. She had wanted that sword... She sighed and looked at Ed as he was grabbed by the scruff from Lyon. This wasn't going to be pretty but at least Beni had spared them all from seeing Ed's brains being blown out in front of everyone.

Out of the corner of her eye Svetlana saw Amelia walking forth with purpose in her step and bat in hand. Oh god... She could tell what was going to happen, she knew that Amelia did not like Ed even in the small amount of time they'd all been grouped together but she didn't peg Amelia for a wannabe murderer. Girl must have been through some serious shit to got to that stage in her life. Almost ready to try and stop Amelia by calling out in English, Svetlana opened her mouth and then burst out laughing as she saw the whole scene unveil.

She bent over double and struggled to breathe for a good five seconds before she realised that she wanted to beat the shit out of Ed too. Wiping her eyes and straightening back up, she made her way towards Ed and flexed her fingers before she started her tirade at him while walking towards him in anger again (although the odd chuckle slipped out on route).

"Ty che, suka, o'khuel blya? Ty grebanyy pridurok!" She grabbed for the side of his head while he was doubled over from the pain of the bat cracking his nuts and pinched his ear before losing grip and cursing under her breath. She moved forward again and grabbed his right ear with her left hand and held on tightly as she continued to yell at him.

"Kak ty smeyesh' ugrozhat' etim lyudyam." She leaned right into his face as she spoke in a hushed, hiss of a whisper.

"Oni vzyali nas v! Dal nam yedu!" Her right hand rose back and fired forward as her open palm made contact with his left cheek. Her voice was growing shriller with each hit.

"Vy naglyy,-" Smack. "-egotsentrichnyy,-" Smack. "-samovlyublennyy,-" Smack. "-kakashka!" She let go of his ear and growled as she swung the back of her hand at his face with as much force as she could muster before stepping back and glowering at him, her hands clenched into fists as she stared at him.

"U vas yest' mnogo, chtoby uznat' o tom, kak mir rabotayet v nastoyashcheye vremya, `khu i. Obuchayut sebya." She shook her head, her nose crinkled up in disgust and she spat at his feet before turning on her heel and walking away.

* All 'to hit' rolls were made by Lady A prior to this post being completed.
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Kristina Smith

Location: Building 1 (Lobby - Infirmary)

Kristina looked towards Niesha and gave her a slight smile and nod she was more then willing to help out but she could understand why Niesha wanted to do it on her own. "Well you know the offer is always there for ya if you need it." Kristina smiled softly as she ran a hand through her hair, her hand gently moving over to the necklace resting around her neck. The three pendants on there were her sister's Lorna's dog tags as well as her boyfriend's before things fell apart. Kristina looked over her shoulder seeing Astrid coming up and asking Niesha if she could start making some supplies from the medicinal garden. She wasn't sure if she would be of much help at all with that, and she didn't want to make her sprain ankle any worse then it already is.

Kristina could hear the all clear over the radio, though she wasn't at ease just yet she had a feeling that something big may happen but she wasn't sure what will happen next. Kristina adjusted her sprained ankle slightly to try and get into a comfortable position she looked towards Niesha and gave her friend a soft smile. "Go ahead and do what you have to in the med garden i'll be fine by myself." Kristina reassured her.

Sophia Harris

location: Building 2 (Mess Hall).

Sophia looked towards Bazhooli as he introduced the orange cat that had killed Tatiana's little terror, it was sort of fitting with Bazhooli's explanation. She didn't really remember much from high school briefly going over Schrödinger's cat but she completely forgot and remembered failing in science class. She watched as Jack then Bazhooli getting up and following Ms. Sally into the kitchen to offer their help. She was actually tired of sitting around and sucking up Newnan's supplies for the last month and decided to go and help with whatever she could. Sophia slowly stood up from where she had been sitting getting slightly dizzy from the sudden standing and started to slowly walk her way into the kitchen.

Sophia stood behind Tatiana she looked over her shoulder as one of the men picked up the dead mouse and went to toss it outside the front door. She quickly turned her attention towards Ms. Sally as she watched her explain to Jack and Bazhooli on what to do, then she heard Ms. Sally's suggestion for the evening which wasn't a bad idea to try and boost everyone's spirits after last month. She turned her attention to the older woman. "What would you like me to do?" Sophia asked, she wasn't sure what she could do at the moment but she wanted to start pulling her own weight around.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Heard County High School - Infirmary

As Raymond laid on the makeshift bed he slowly opened his eyes then then pain started coming back as he just groaned slightly he moved his arm and looked up seeing an IV had been attached to his arm. He looked around the room it appeared to be some old high school office. Raymond could hear the medic's voice on the other side of the door and turned his head towards the door and saw Tiffany he gave her a weak smile and would let out a groan in pain. He felt more relaxed now seeing a familiar face, even if he didn't know Tiffany well at all he felt more comfortable being around her better then the childish French boy that was in the truck with them.

Raymond's eyes then wondered down towards the remains of his leg laid up on a pile of pillows he quickly turned his head away from the sight of it. He felt bad that Tiffany had to be the one to do it, he was still really grateful that she saved his life he then turned his attention towards Tiffany once again. "Thank you." Raymond said quietly as he remained pretty still as he looked into Tiffany's eyes. "Where are we and how long have I been out for?" Ray finally asked and then looked around and spotted his bag on the wall behind her at least they didn't take his stuff at least yet. He eyed the water bottle in Tiffany's hand, he was really thirsty.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: Building one, (Courthouse lobby)

Niesha looked up as Astrid came over, surprise flickering over her face as Astrid as her to make up some medications. She took the list, studying what was needed. "I..." She just wanted to find Sophie and go to their apartment, but she couldn't say that. "Very well. I'll use the kitchen, it just feels a little safer then being in the gardens right now" She said, beginning to figure out what she would need to do.

She figured she might as well make a bit of everything. It wouldn't go to waste, and the plants couldn't stay in the ground forever in anycase. Memorising the list so she wouldn't have to continually look at it, she put it in a pocket, "As soon as we can move, I'll go collect what I need. Can you see if someone will get Sophia back to our apartment safetly? This might take me the rest of the day"

She would like to work with someone else, but she didn't really know what the others could do, and doing this was rather delicate-she'd rather train someone when it wasn't required then do so and end up with bad supplies when it was needed. She gave Kristina a smile, "Okay, if this takes as long as I think it does, I'll check on you when I go back home"
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