Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kuro
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Kenaron So our characters are heading in the direction the rest of the characters are at, right?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lord Orgasmo
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Lord Orgasmo Professional Disappointment since 1999

Member Seen 1 mo ago

If you want, I suppose. There's nothing stopping you from not.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kenaron
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Kenaron Mostly Harmless Neighbour

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sorry, @Aquanthe, Real life had me in its grasp.

For anyone stalking me, I've been entering and exiting the site, but I really didn't feel like writing or being creative in general, sorry

So, yeah, I also had that in mind, I was about to ask you if you were okay with cutting to our characters getting to the town everyone is in? It'd be great now, as some posts have passed, we could say it's not a jump, our characters were just walking. Sounds alright?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kuro
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Kenaron Perfectly fine. I left it off vaguely so you can decide where you wanted to go.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

How not to cast a spell.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lich
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Lich Bloody Magpie

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


sakem is joining the hunt earlier then i planned due to boredom and the fact my bed was stolen which has nothing to do with this rp whatsoever other then it helped me be comfy while i write things
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 4 days ago


well I'm glad sakem is going to do something! Also don't worry, i know the feel of having anger stolen
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lord Orgasmo
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Lord Orgasmo Professional Disappointment since 1999

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Strikethrough fetish intesifies
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lich
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Lich Bloody Magpie

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Strikethrough fetish intesifies

im a generic vidya protagonist and i approve of this message

And so Billy Mays Sakem finally joins the hunt!
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by dereken
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dereken Nobody important

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I'll have a post up today lads.

You know, for a burned out, sacked village, it sure is lively.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kuro
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Kenaron Should I just go ahead and post to say our characters arrived at the village or something of similar nature?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Kathryn is mostly known as Kat to people she gets to know. But for people she doesn't know, there are few titles she is okay with. Sir, trooper, Ma'am, or even just Kathryn.




Kathryn stands at about five foot ten inches with dark brown hair and light blue eyes. Her hair is cut extremely short as it is easier to move in combat with short hair and it is less likely to get grabbed like that. For the most part she wears her Medium armor that includes her chest place, her covered helmet, a light chainmail armor underneath, and metal arm and leg pads for additional protection.

When not wearing the armor she has a stronger then average build to herself and she stands tall with pride and like she is ready for battle at a moments notice. Anyone that pays attention can notice parts of her body have several scars. Some scars are from blades, some from operations, some from burns, and some are too hard to tell. Anyone that spends enough time with her will notice her left arm moves noticeably slower then her right arm, which is why she primarily uses it for defensive uses.

On her right arm the word "Traitor" is branded into her arm. The language is similar to common elvish.

Kathryn puts on the appearance of being a complete loyal soldier to her cause, no fear, no emotions, and no remorse for anyone. She acts strict and determined whenever she is in public. Though when she is caught off guard or she is not in view of the public is it easy to tell she is a total softy. She enjoys other people being happy, she likes to relax, and she gets cheerful at what seems like every little things. She also tends to get very protective of things she thinks needs protection, and people that she believes are innocent and are close to her.

Kathryn being the trained warrior as she is, carries a small armory with her at any given time.

*A retractable mace that holds two forms, a compact meant for storage use, and a fully extended where is stands about three feet tall with the head being surrounded by rectangular extrusions to act as just more material to cause damage to the target

*A small shield that is a little bit less then two feet in diameter. The shield is also designed to be placed on one's back when not in use, and has a small sheath for a small blade.

*A Kukri that is a little over a foot long and fits inside the sheath of the shield.

*A cheap bow with identical cheap arrows for a possible ranged defensive.

*A small combat knife, designed to be stored away with ease and able to be thrown by someone who is well trained.

*Kathryn is a skilled fighter, being trained most of her childhood to fight as a warrior there are few things she can't take on in direct combat. Those exceptions being ranged weapons with a piercing ability, explosions, magic, and anything that is simply too big to be effected by a mace getting thumped on it's head.

*Kathryn with out her armor and gear would be relatively fast and more then reasonably strong. Though since she doesn't take off her armor much she tends to be a lot slower then she actually is. Her gear also tends to hinder her agility in fighting, but she figures between her skill and her armor it is worth it.

*Kathryn despite not working well with magic, she has an ability to learn languages extremely fast. For example, if she were to listen to a couple people talking for a half hour or so she would be able to speak the basics of it. If she were to see writing of it she would be able to read and write it with in a couple hours, for more complicated languages she would need to spend more time hearing it then more simple ones or ones that are not similar to the ones she knows.

Kathryn was raised in a a clan that focused on training the best soldiers it could. In doing so Kathryn was born and raised as one of the top students in her class. The clan itself was intended to just provide protection to communities in exchange for food, but in recent years the terms changed. When the front lines of the war were getting closer and closer to the area of influence for her clan, the leaders made a choice. They decided to pull every student who was close enough to have finished training and enlisted every student and soldier for a raid of the surrounding villages and towns to find food and supplies needed to become nomadic. Kathryn was one of those students.

When the orders were given there was a conflict of morals within the war clan. While most were fine with stocking up to find a better defensive position to fight at the cost of the surrounding communities, a portion did not agree and a large internal conflict erupted halting the raids long enough for the Dark Lord's armies to catch up to the towns. What forces remained of Kathryn's clan were too weak to fend off against the Dark Lord's forces. Soon anyone that was left scattered or joined ranks with the armies of Darkness with no other real options for survival left.

Kathryn fled after the conflicts ended and ran as deep into the free world as she could. As a young cadet she didn't have much going for her other then incomplete training and the few possessions she still have left to her name. She eventually got too tired and sick to keep moving, and found herself in a ditch dying. By morning the locals who found her had brought her in and nurtured her back to health. By the time she was back to full strength the army of Darkness had arrived, she along with the town's few defenders decided to hold them back while the town evacuated. Though successful this time she got stuck in an endless loop of fighting the dark armies, running as far as she could, getting sick, and being brought back to health. Or fighting more to survive.

Eventually she met up with a large group of refugees and started traveling with them. Assisting where she could, and rebuilding her strength so she could eventually face The Dark Lord's Armies with out having to run away. And to help turn the tide of the war. With her makeshift training and her experience in combat, she wonders the front lines causing damage where ever she can do it.

Kathryn has a fear of water, she can't swim well at all.

(If there is anything that needs to be fixed just let me know and I can get right on it! I also apologize for my grammar, it is really off tonight it seems?)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lord Orgasmo
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Lord Orgasmo Professional Disappointment since 1999

Member Seen 1 mo ago

We have a Kobold version of you already
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kuro
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

We have a Kobold version of you already

Not entirely. Eahara isn't a walking armory.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lich
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Lich Bloody Magpie

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Kathryn is mostly known as Kat to people she gets to know. But for people she doesn't know, there are few titles she is okay with. Sir, trooper, Ma'am, or even just Kathryn.




Kathryn stands at about five foot ten inches with dark brown hair and light blue eyes. Her hair is cut extremely short as it is easier to move in combat with short hair and it is less likely to get grabbed like that. For the most part she wears her Medium armor that includes her chest place, her covered helmet, a light chainmail armor underneath, and metal arm and leg pads for additional protection.

When not wearing the armor she has a stronger then average build to herself and she stands tall with pride and like she is ready for battle at a moments notice. Anyone that pays attention can notice parts of her body have several scars. Some scars are from blades, some from operations, some from burns, and some are too hard to tell. Anyone that spends enough time with her will notice her left arm moves noticeably slower then her right arm, which is why she primarily uses it for defensive uses.

On her right arm the word "Traitor" is branded into her arm. The language is similar to common elvish.

Kathryn puts on the appearance of being a complete loyal soldier to her cause, no fear, no emotions, and no remorse for anyone. She acts strict and determined whenever she is in public. Though when she is caught off guard or she is not in view of the public is it easy to tell she is a total softy. She enjoys other people being happy, she likes to relax, and she gets cheerful at what seems like every little things. She also tends to get very protective of things she thinks needs protection, and people that she believes are innocent and are close to her.

Kathryn being the trained warrior as she is, carries a small armory with her at any given time.

*A retractable mace that holds two forms, a compact meant for storage use, and a fully extended where is stands about three feet tall with the head being surrounded by rectangular extrusions to act as just more material to cause damage to the target

*A small shield that is a little bit less then two feet in diameter. The shield is also designed to be placed on one's back when not in use, and has a small sheath for a small blade.

*A Kukri that is a little over a foot long and fits inside the sheath of the shield.

*A cheap bow with identical cheap arrows for a possible ranged defensive.

*A small combat knife, designed to be stored away with ease and able to be thrown by someone who is well trained.

*Kathryn is a skilled fighter, being trained most of her childhood to fight as a warrior there are few things she can't take on in direct combat. Those exceptions being ranged weapons with a piercing ability, explosions, magic, and anything that is simply too big to be effected by a mace getting thumped on it's head.

*Kathryn with out her armor and gear would be relatively fast and more then reasonably strong. Though since she doesn't take off her armor much she tends to be a lot slower then she actually is. Her gear also tends to hinder her agility in fighting, but she figures between her skill and her armor it is worth it.

*Kathryn despite not working well with magic, she has an ability to learn languages extremely fast. For example, if she were to listen to a couple people talking for a half hour or so she would be able to speak the basics of it. If she were to see writing of it she would be able to read and write it with in a couple hours, for more complicated languages she would need to spend more time hearing it then more simple ones or ones that are not similar to the ones she knows.

Kathryn was raised in a a clan that focused on training the best soldiers it could. In doing so Kathryn was born and raised as one of the top students in her class. The clan itself was intended to just provide protection to communities in exchange for food, but in recent years the terms changed. When the front lines of the war were getting closer and closer to the area of influence for her clan, the leaders made a choice. They decided to pull every student who was close enough to have finished training and enlisted every student and soldier for a raid of the surrounding villages and towns to find food and supplies needed to become nomadic. Kathryn was one of those students.

When the orders were given there was a conflict of morals within the war clan. While most were fine with stocking up to find a better defensive position to fight at the cost of the surrounding communities, a portion did not agree and a large internal conflict erupted halting the raids long enough for the Dark Lord's armies to catch up to the towns. What forces remained of Kathryn's clan were too weak to fend off against the Dark Lord's forces. Soon anyone that was left scattered or joined ranks with the armies of Darkness with no other real options for survival left.

Kathryn fled after the conflicts ended and ran as deep into the free world as she could. As a young cadet she didn't have much going for her other then incomplete training and the few possessions she still have left to her name. She eventually got too tired and sick to keep moving, and found herself in a ditch dying. By morning the locals who found her had brought her in and nurtured her back to health. By the time she was back to full strength the army of Darkness had arrived, she along with the town's few defenders decided to hold them back while the town evacuated. Though successful this time she got stuck in an endless loop of fighting the dark armies, running as far as she could, getting sick, and being brought back to health. Or fighting more to survive.

Eventually she met up with a large group of refugees and started traveling with them. Assisting where she could, and rebuilding her strength so she could eventually face The Dark Lord's Armies with out having to run away. And to help turn the tide of the war. With her makeshift training and her experience in combat, she wonders the front lines causing damage where ever she can do it.

Kathryn has a fear of water, she can't swim well at all.

(If there is anything that needs to be fixed just let me know and I can get right on it! I also apologize for my grammar, it is really off tonight it seems?)

Accepted! Also, the grammar is fine with me, I'm not really too picky about how people type things. also just gonna say it now sakem will have a wonderful time with kath if they are traveling together and get near water
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

@dereken Thiara looks human, not human -ish. I could not find a better pic of a red headed sorceress that doesn't look anime-ish.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by dereken
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dereken Nobody important

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@AtomicNutI will edit. Thanks for telling me so.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

@AtomicNutI will edit. Thanks for telling me so.

NP. I found a better pic now.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kuro
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I'm considering making another character so I don't look like an awkward person just stalking the ooc.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lich
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Lich Bloody Magpie

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm considering making another character so I don't look like an awkward person just stalking the ooc.

now claiming the title of the awkward ooc stalker
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