Since I am now on absolutely horrid internet for the very long foreseeable future, I have decided to revive one of my favorite thread plots which was a Naruto AU.
Old intro is in hider below, but general synopsis is bijuu got lose, destroyed a bunch of stuff and there are only three nations left. World is smaller due to a travel network so there will hopefully not be any of that nonsense with the world being too big and people in one nation not having anyone to interact with.
Two people will be needed for Tsuchikage and Mizukage. I even have a new pretty map with what the world is like - once I get it off the other machine.
Behold the map.
Since I am now on absolutely horrid internet for the very long foreseeable future, I have decided to revive one of my favorite thread plots which was a Naruto AU.
Old intro is in hider below, but general synopsis is bijuu got lose, destroyed a bunch of stuff and there are only three nations left. World is smaller due to a travel network so there will hopefully not be any of that nonsense with the world being too big and people in one nation not having anyone to interact with.
Two people will be needed for Tsuchikage and Mizukage. I even have a new pretty map with what the world is like - once I get it off the other machine.
Behold the map.
For many hundreds of years, the major nations of the world had lived in relative peace. It was a time that people had believed they had learned from their mistakes of the past, but it was naivety at its finest. The incredible precautions taken after the Demon Wars had lulled everyone into a false sense of security and it was even despite those precautions that all of the nations were brought to their knees.
Each year, the bijuu would be placed within vessels decided upon by the Kage, which would be kept under close watch by an independent organization supported by all 5 of the nations, which was mostly comprised of former jinchuuriki. The vessels were often children, often very young, as they had not been imprinted with strong national pride. However, the Kazekage would betray the very treaty that had established this practice, having developed an newly advanced form of transformation technique that allowed them to bypass the many safeguards that had been established and deceiving the many sensors. The spy, however, was unable to control the bijuu that was placed within him and the demon quickly took control. In an ironic twist, the Kazekage was the first, and only, Kage slain at the Summit, an irony furthered by the fact the Land of Wind was the Summit's host and had been poised to contain the bijuu. However, it was not his death that was the important one, but the death of the children put forth as Vessels. All were slain, and soon, the bijuu descended upon the world with an unprecedented ferocity. Unbridled, the bijuu made short work of the Hidden Sand and the Land of Wind as a whole.
The Kage that escaped quickly met in the Land of Fire to develop a strategy. However, the bijuu had quickly began to spread outside of the Land of Wind. The Land of Earth's skilled border guard shielded their nation from much of the destruction, but funneled the beasts towards the smaller border nations, many which were ill equipped to cope with such a threat. Heavy loses left many of the smaller territories leaderless and in a nation unable to provide for its people. The problem was further compounded by the bijuu being able to spread further across the land, easily bypassing the border defenses of the Land of Rivers and Rain Country.
It was determined by the remaining Kage that a united force needed to be developed to seal the beasts. With emissaries from the Land of Moon, a nation primarily comprised of spiritualists, the next few years involved a cooperative military effort to seal the beasts. However, this time, the beasts were not to be sealed into vessels, but into shrines utilizing a special technique from the Land of Moon. Despite the collaboration of all of the nations, as well as the support of the Land of Moon, many more people lost their lives, including many of the remaining Kage.
The efforts to corral the beasts forced many of them into the Land of Lightning. Much like the Land of Wind, it faced excessive destruction, leaving it a shell of its former glory. Once the beasts were finally all sealed, the remaining leaders, some who had ascended to power during the destruction were left with Lands poorly equipped to deal with the needs of a suffering populace. The Land of Earth had fared the best with much of its territory untouched by the bijuu.
The Tsuchikage wasted no time in taking control over the Land of Wind. The people were broken and put up no resistance, nor did any of the other nations object as it was not really a war, but more a necessity if any of the people of the Land of Wind were going to survive. Additionally, the Land of Snow quickly became a willing part of the Land of Earth's fledgling empire.
The Land of Fire became a new nation known as Kyokujitsu, which comprised the former Land of Fire as well as many of the smaller border countries. The Land of Lightning similarly was forced to become a part of another nation, much like the Land of Wind. The Land of Mist took control over the northern half of the Land of of Lightning. The rest of the Land of Lightning became home to Kyūseishu, the organization that had once cared for the new jinchuuriki and many remnants from the coalition forces that had taken part in sealing the bijuu. Now, they were tasked with providing a neutral force in the world and be the ones to take on whatever disaster they may face next. The remaining nations would continue to provide members, as well as resources and occasional guidance to them.
Of course, the early years following the final sealing of the bijuu were difficult both for the nations and Kyūseishu, as resources were limited. However, with ingenuity from the leaders of each of the nations, all of them soon were well on the path towards returning to their former glories. The remaining leaders signed what would become to be known as the Three Nation Accords, which outlined the role of the Kyūseishu in the world, as well as the authority they would wield and the support they would be given. Leadership would be decided only be unanimous vote of the three Kage after an internal selection of candidates was completed. However, with the relative peace following the sealing of the last bijuu, there was minimal need to replace the Kyūseishu leadership.
However, this is merely a calm before the coming storm. A storm that may be all too familiar; a storm set in motion nearly 40 years ago.
Each year, the bijuu would be placed within vessels decided upon by the Kage, which would be kept under close watch by an independent organization supported by all 5 of the nations, which was mostly comprised of former jinchuuriki. The vessels were often children, often very young, as they had not been imprinted with strong national pride. However, the Kazekage would betray the very treaty that had established this practice, having developed an newly advanced form of transformation technique that allowed them to bypass the many safeguards that had been established and deceiving the many sensors. The spy, however, was unable to control the bijuu that was placed within him and the demon quickly took control. In an ironic twist, the Kazekage was the first, and only, Kage slain at the Summit, an irony furthered by the fact the Land of Wind was the Summit's host and had been poised to contain the bijuu. However, it was not his death that was the important one, but the death of the children put forth as Vessels. All were slain, and soon, the bijuu descended upon the world with an unprecedented ferocity. Unbridled, the bijuu made short work of the Hidden Sand and the Land of Wind as a whole.
The Kage that escaped quickly met in the Land of Fire to develop a strategy. However, the bijuu had quickly began to spread outside of the Land of Wind. The Land of Earth's skilled border guard shielded their nation from much of the destruction, but funneled the beasts towards the smaller border nations, many which were ill equipped to cope with such a threat. Heavy loses left many of the smaller territories leaderless and in a nation unable to provide for its people. The problem was further compounded by the bijuu being able to spread further across the land, easily bypassing the border defenses of the Land of Rivers and Rain Country.
It was determined by the remaining Kage that a united force needed to be developed to seal the beasts. With emissaries from the Land of Moon, a nation primarily comprised of spiritualists, the next few years involved a cooperative military effort to seal the beasts. However, this time, the beasts were not to be sealed into vessels, but into shrines utilizing a special technique from the Land of Moon. Despite the collaboration of all of the nations, as well as the support of the Land of Moon, many more people lost their lives, including many of the remaining Kage.
The efforts to corral the beasts forced many of them into the Land of Lightning. Much like the Land of Wind, it faced excessive destruction, leaving it a shell of its former glory. Once the beasts were finally all sealed, the remaining leaders, some who had ascended to power during the destruction were left with Lands poorly equipped to deal with the needs of a suffering populace. The Land of Earth had fared the best with much of its territory untouched by the bijuu.
The Tsuchikage wasted no time in taking control over the Land of Wind. The people were broken and put up no resistance, nor did any of the other nations object as it was not really a war, but more a necessity if any of the people of the Land of Wind were going to survive. Additionally, the Land of Snow quickly became a willing part of the Land of Earth's fledgling empire.
The Land of Fire became a new nation known as Kyokujitsu, which comprised the former Land of Fire as well as many of the smaller border countries. The Land of Lightning similarly was forced to become a part of another nation, much like the Land of Wind. The Land of Mist took control over the northern half of the Land of of Lightning. The rest of the Land of Lightning became home to Kyūseishu, the organization that had once cared for the new jinchuuriki and many remnants from the coalition forces that had taken part in sealing the bijuu. Now, they were tasked with providing a neutral force in the world and be the ones to take on whatever disaster they may face next. The remaining nations would continue to provide members, as well as resources and occasional guidance to them.
Of course, the early years following the final sealing of the bijuu were difficult both for the nations and Kyūseishu, as resources were limited. However, with ingenuity from the leaders of each of the nations, all of them soon were well on the path towards returning to their former glories. The remaining leaders signed what would become to be known as the Three Nation Accords, which outlined the role of the Kyūseishu in the world, as well as the authority they would wield and the support they would be given. Leadership would be decided only be unanimous vote of the three Kage after an internal selection of candidates was completed. However, with the relative peace following the sealing of the last bijuu, there was minimal need to replace the Kyūseishu leadership.
However, this is merely a calm before the coming storm. A storm that may be all too familiar; a storm set in motion nearly 40 years ago.
1x Thank