"Welcome to the Yuji Estate! This magnificent waterfront home has been standing for nearly seven generations, and once served as not only a home, but the birthplace of many great heroes and adventurers in the world! Away from the hustle and bustle of the city but still within walking distance, the Yuji Estate boasts not only a very scenic location but a quiet place for one to unwind after a long day of work, a place for meditation and privacy for all your personal needs. Here at the Yuji Estate we enjoy your company and are glad to call you part of our family. Our rates are unlike any other: affordable yet not cheap, luxurious but not expensive. We have facilities to cater to your common wayward warrior as well as accommodations fit for a king! All in all, we welcome to our humble home. I hope you'll enjoy your stay here at the Yuji Estate."
A scantily clad girl spoke to a sizeable group. Her dark hair and piercing red eyes were tale-tell signs that she was from the Crimson Magic Clan, people well versed in the strength of magic. Yet her attire and the sword on her back said she was no mere mage, but more of a warrior. Smiling towards the others she beckoned them inside as she continued the tour. "Now, that's it for the introduction. The Yuji Estate is a bunkhouse, meaning that you may rest and store a few of your things here for a modest fee. We collect pay weeky, however you can instead pay a monthly rent for better accommodations and a certain few privileges only paying customers of the bunk house may have. If you need transportation to the city of Axis we have a ferryman who can take you there for a modest fee, this cost of course being waived if you can afford the monthly rent instead. Ah!" The girl stopped in her tracks and turned around, bopping her head lightly as she gave a sly smile. "How could I forget the most important thing: Introducing myself! My name is Xiang, adventurer extraordinaire!"
Doing another headcount on the group Xiang continued her tour, first showing everyone the bunk area. It was a large room with beds lining the walls. Underneath each bed was a long footlocker, big enough to store a large sword or some other items like clothing. "This is the bunkroom! If all you're looking for is a place to lay your head for the night, look no further than here. For just Ten Eris a night you can get a bed and a box to safely store your things in! You can pay up front for just the night, or you can sign a contract to keep a tab for a week. Sheets and blankets will be washed at the end of every week, however if you lose or damage the bedding you will have to pay for it." Xiang sat down on one of the beds. While it was only big enough for one person, the bed itself was nice and cushy, and the quilt was both cool yet could retain body year well. The pillow was stuffed with cloth and a bit thin, but it was better than nothing.
Next Xiang showed everyone the individual apartments. Each room had a single bed as well as a cabinet, a desk, a chair, and a window. The room itself wasn't very big as far as apartments go, but still it was your own room. "Our cozy apartments are great for people who not only need a place to sleep but also some time to themselves. You may rent an apartment for 200 Eris a month, and in doing so you gain access to other luxuries that the Yuji Estate provides, such as cleaning services, free ferry rides, and complimentary meals." As Xiang explained this she took everyone to the dinning hall, a place about as big as the bunkroom but with tables instead of beds. There was an open counter revealing the kitchen and a few workers inside who were looking busy cleaning and preparing for the meals today.
"Of course after a long day of work you need time to wash away the dust and grime of hard labor. Fortunately Yuji Estates have bathing facilities fit for royalty themselves, coming equipped with heatstones that can heat up water to a comfortable level as you wash yourselves." Xiang showed everyone the bathhouse, which were four different rooms near the river. Xiang showed them how they could use the various levers and faucets to draw and drain water, as well as one of the heatstones to warm the water. "Please do not damage these stones of the bathroom. If there is an issue please report it to the land lady. Also don't steal the heatstones from the Yuji Estate. This is suppose to be a secret, but if you do they'll violently explode and tear your body apart! I thought I should warn you because someone tried to do that and our ferryman had to take the week off to get all the blood and guts out of his clothes!" Xiang said cheerily as she skipped off to the end of the tour.
Finally everyone was brought back outside of the bunkhouse. Near the bunkhouse was a poster board with a few old flyers on it. "Now that I'm done advertising for Yuji, time for my shill! As you no doubt are aware, Axis is the city hub for adventurers all around the world, and I'm sure you've all have arrived in the hopes of starting your career. That's great! Only, there's no jobs right now. Monsters have been migrating away from the city and most of the old bounties have already been taken care of or expired. While I still encourage you to join the Adventurer's Guild, I can't promise you'll find work." Xiang rubbed the back of her head apologetically. It's not like it's her fault that monsters were smart enough to stay away from this place. Still she did offer some sliver of hope. "That being said Axis is always growing and expanding everyday! I encourage you all to find something you're good at and get paid to do it! Plenty of groups who are in need of strong arms or ship minds, like laborers or scribes. There's also plenty of vocational colleges in the city willing to teach you a trade skill if you have the money for classes. And if you are worried about money, we have honest and trustworthy banks of Eris who are more than willing to help fill out a loan for you so that you could jump start your career. Just don't forget your fees!"
Finally Xiang laced her fingers together and tried to think of what else she needed to say. She handed our a few flyers to the others that detailed some attractions within the city, as well as containing a mysterious coupon with a devilish heart painted around the words "Palace of Dreams". It was still early morning, with the sun just barely breaking the horizon. There was still much of the day left to explore. "I think that covers just about everything! If you have any questions feel free to ask. I'll be around here for a bit until later this afternoon. If you're interested in renting a bed or a room, I can help you with that too!"
@Spriggs27@Lugubrious@Skepic@Heckno12@ClocktowerEchos@Lunarlors34@DracoLunaris@Bishop@Dead Cruiser