Year 5: Update
Date: July 15th, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab
Location: Camp Mexico Beach: H6 (Quarantine: W)
Temperature: 94F (34C)
Humidity: Fucking High (Around 98%) - Raining off and on all day
Wind Speed: 7 MPH (11 KPH)
Cloud Coverage: About 62% covered with thick dark clouds
Gunny didn't say anything but gave a slight nod and smile towards the thanks that Riley gave. Auntie huffed a bit. "Of course girl, wouldn't be right to take you folks in and no make sure you gots clean," she said towards Riley and then gave the girl a wink before she left. Then came Erica, another nod from Gunny at the thanks and Auntie gave a "yer welcome," to her. Turning she looked over at Gunny. "Wouldn't hurt if you actually spoke. you do got a tongue you know," she said poking a bit of a fun at the man. He just smiled a bit and crossed his arms over his chest. Auntie rolled her eyes and turned her attention towards Ash as he came up. When he spoke she chuckled. "Well I'll be damned, didn't think any hill folk were left. Should've guessed some of you were around, though yours is only one of a couple I've heard since the outbreak," she said as she handed over his things. When he spoke to Gunny, Auntie took in a breath and bit the back of her knuckles for a second before clearing her throat and turning her attention back to those that were coming up to get their things.
Gunny's eyes went over to Ash, his head turning in the mans direction but that was tall the movement he made at first. That was until Ash mentioned Thana and Gunny's eyes dropped. He listened and nodded once before looking back at Ash. He drew a breath in, but it wasn't obvious if he was contemplating how to answer the man or if he was just not going to answer him at all. His eyes were a blank sheet, like how Thana's got when she was in thought. Not revealing what she was thinking about. It seemed it was a family trait, one she had inherited from her father who was sitting there. If only Ash knew what was going on through his mind right then, then maybe it would have been easier to deliver the news....

The sun had not yet fully risen but its morning light cast hues of red and orange and gold against the horizon. Golden beams cascaded through the trees lining the less traveled road. A haze hung in the air. One that clung to the skin and whispered of heat coming later that day. All was quiet, save the gentle hum of an engine rumbling as tires turned on the asphalt. Despite the humidity the driver had a smile on her lips. The night had been long but well worth the near sixty mile trek. A stash of medical supplies that was her reward for the journey could mean a much easier recovery for a friend whom had just lost part of herself. It was worth it and she would be back to them soon. Or so she thought.
There was a slow squeak to the brakes as the truck rolled to a stop. Hands tensing on the wheel for a moment before the gear shift was thrown into park. Pulling off the sunglasses, she reached out the window and pulled herself up and out of the window halfway to get a better look. This wasn't what anyone wanted to see and yet there it was. Hundreds of them, shuffling slowly down the highway in the distance. Far enough ahead not to be a direct threat, close enough to make ones blood run cold. Their backs to the truck, they kept walking,they hadn't noticed her. Every step would bring them closer to the house. Sliding back into the seat she pondered her options. Maybe she could find another way around. Maybe she could get back in time to get them out. Maybe. Maybe's weren't good enough. Like a carrot on a stick, it was time to play bait.
Throwing the truck into drive, one foot on the break and one on the gas. The tires smoked as the engine revved. RPM's shot up before the boot left the horizontal peddle and the machine tore towards the horde. The horn blared and she shouted. It got their attention. Closer and closer they got until it was close enough and the wheel cut hard. The truck spinning around until the bed flung around 180 degrees. Then she waited. Seconds ticked by so slowly until she let up on the break once again and gradually gave the machine gas. It would be a slow trek but she had to get them to follow her. Away from her destination. As far away as possible until it was safe enough to get back to them. Minutes would tick by like hours and hours would tick by like days. Gas was running low, and eventually, it was time to break off. It was the best she could do but at least now the house and those she was with would be safe. Hit the gas and get out of there. The distance between them grew rapidly. After the bridge, she would find a place to turn around and another route back. What was that sound? Something beating like a humming bird.

Crossing a bridge was never fun in this day and age, no matter how well constructed it was. This one probably wasn't safe before the world collapsed. Now, it was surprising that it even still stood. It creaked and cried out as she drove slowly over it. The horde still in the rear view mirror. Just get across, just get across. If it collapsed under the weight of the horde, so be it. They would be washed away with the splintered wood and things would be better off for the group in general. If it didn't at least they would still be moving away from the house. In the end, that was all that mattered. Just a few more yards and she would be in the clear.
Something ripped through the truck, or at least it felt like it had. How it happened she didn't know. Maybe there was something in the road unseen. Maybe it was wear and tear. Maybe it was just age. Did it really matter? No, not really. All this time afraid that the bridge would give out from under her and it ended up being the truck itself that turned against her and flipped her world upside down. Careening as knuckles went white and breaks were pressed, the truck spun out of control and collided with the side of the bridge. Age makes all things brittle. Even concrete. If only the bridge had been made of concrete, then maybe she would have stood a chance of recovering. Worn wood and rusted beams were hardly as durable.
There was little time to brace, arms locking against the steering wheel, back pressed against the seat. It didn't matter. Once the grill hit the water, it was like slamming against a brick wall. It was like getting hit in the chest with a sledge hammer. No airbag deployed. Her elbows and wrists buckled under the force, her shoulders screamed. The wind rushing out of her as her chest collided against the steering wheel and her face went into the windshield. Everything burned white hot with pain. It was cold and wet and rushing around her as the water poured in and the trunk began to sink. The cabin filled quickly and she was not even able to grab one last breath.
We like to think in situations like this we would know what to do. Maybe we have played it out time and time again in our heads. We might have even been taught what to do, instructed, or run drills. Perhaps all of the above and then some. The thing is, we never know how we are going to react to a situation until we are actually living in it. There is no preparing when one is face to face with Lady Luck and the dice have been tossed. Panic sets in and you struggle, wasting precious moments doing everything you swore you would never do as you watched some
idiot on the screen. Turns out we're all idiots in the end.
"Did you see that shit?" The sun hit the glass and cast a moving shadow along the ground. It cut over the land far slower than it was truly moving. High above the land below it glided through the air coming south from a far out trek the day before. They had had to land and stay grounded the night before, taking refuge on the rooftop of an old Wal-Mart. Overnight trips were not uncommon for them. Each year that passed they had to go further and further out from home. It just was how things were now. Supplies weren't replenished by deliveries made by semi's crossing the country from point A to point B anymore. If you wanted something you had to search for it and pray you struck gold. Last night they had struck out. It was time to go home.
"Bring it back around." His eyes swam with the colors of the sky and sea, worn lids hung heavy. They had seen and experienced far too much over the years. Seeing that truck careen over the bridge was one more in a long line of tragedies. The steady whump whump of the helicopters blades matched the thump thump of his heart as he moved to the edge between steel and nothingness. Ripples in the water turning to small breaks and waves as it got closer and closer to the surface. "Steady." All he had to do was step now and he would be weightless for a brief moment of time, a moment that would both hang forever and was gone in a nanosecond.
"Dude, no one could survive that. Hey! Seriously!" His eyes were focused on the waters surface, it was torn and bubbling as air from below escaped to the surface. The voices grew around him but he didn't hear them. Each one trying to get him to listen to reason. To not bother. It was a waste of time. Especially when the water started to turn pale pink and then trails of bright crimson. "It ain't worth it!" The crew was screaming at this point but he only heard the thumping of the blades cutting through the air above. Taking a leap of faith, a simple step from cold hard steel to oblivion, he fell from the flying machine and plummeted towards the blood stained waters below.
Like a bullet he broke the surface and blazed towards the darkness below. Coming around and pushing deeper he swam, the suns light could only break so far through the murkiness of the water, a single headlight flickered near the river bed. It was his only guiding light at this point. It was so hard to move in the chilled waters, an icy shock to any system but even more so to aged joints. He kept going, following the trail of blood that grew thicker and darker the further he went, flowing out from the side window. A pale limp wrist just floating there and a crushed face as he finally caught a glimpse of the true tragedy to this wreckage. Maybe they were right? What was the point?
"Where is he?"
"I don't know. You see anything?"
"No, do you?"
"He's been down there too long!"
Gasping for air as he broke the surface, a limp body held close as he waved above him. It wasn't long but still too long before they were on their way, flying south over a hoard that was still trying to follow. "Why the fuck did you do that? For a corpse!?"
Gunny blinked and finally spoke after a long silence. "She was found and brought here. She isn't here now," he said as he looked straight ahead. Auntie cleared her throat and handed over a pack to Hank.
"Yer welcome," she said to him before looking back over at Ash. Gunny was simply sitting there, looking at nothing. "Why don't you go sit down son, ain't really a good time ya know," she said before turning her attention back forward and called out another name. Beatrice made two trips, one for her and one for the one armed girl. "I'm gatherin' that girl. Clothing's good and all but ain't like this is a trip to Belks on Clearance day," she said with a smirk before moving on to the next one. "Happy to, that boy is the spittin' image of ya," she said to Jack. Gunny was still just sitting there, he hadn't moved an inch since he spoke.
Aunite looked at Alexander and smirked. "Oh don't be worryin', ain't a stain I can't get out," she said as she stood there and handed him over his pack. "Yeah, that's what they call me. Ain't be knowin' why, I am not exactly the cuddly type," she said to Nigel before moving on to the next. When Amelia came over she put the things in the girls pack. "Yer welcome," she said. She was almost done handing things out. There were only a few others left. When Manny came up, her brow quirked. "Shit, ain't no one wanting to have a rotting tooth right now. Ain't like getting an appointment for the dentist is a cake walk anymore," she said before the last one was called for and came up. "Sure thing," she told Hunter. As he returned to his seat she went over the list. "Alright, that's it," she said as she started to gather her things.
Tesla checked the molds and his watch. Glancing over towards Thalia. "Well I won't be able to get you to be able to thread a needle with it but yeah, I got ya. Good place for the cut, higher up would have been a problem but I've done more with worse," he said as he looked satisfied with the setting of the goop. "Okay, just gonna get you out of there now, sorry if I gotta be a bit handsy but easier if I do it," he said before getting closer to her and bracing the bucket against his hip. Using his hands on her arm just above where it solidified he moved it around. It was like a large suction cup against her and made a popping sound as he finally got the her stump pulled out. Peaking in to the bucket he grinned. "Oh yeah, that's a good one. So, what do you prefer? Silvers or bronze look?" he asked. It was then Alexanders turn and he went through the same process. "Yeah, ain't exactly fun but hey could be worse. We used to have to use plaster. That shit took hours to dry and was such a mess," he said before pulling out Alexanders leg and checking the mold. "Okay, looks good. Give me a few days, should have the basics done then," he said before putting the buckets back on the cart and pushing it towards the door. "Heading to the shop to get started," he called back to Gunny and Auntie.
"Looks like he's ready to go, figures. Man prefers making shit than anything else, other than food," Auntie said before glancing over towards Gunny. He still hadn't moved. "Hey, Macsen?" she said quietly as she knelt down next to him and rested her hand on his shoulder. "You okay?" she asked. Gunny slowly turned his head and looked at her. He didn't say anything, just standing up and gathering his folder. Auntie sighed as she stood back up and grabbed her cart, pushing it out of the room as Major held the door open for her.
Clearing his throat Gunny addressed the group again. "The Padre will be in shortly to follow up and assign you to your rooms," he said before making his way out of the room. He cast a glance towards Ash before he exited. The Major holding the door open for him and it swinging shut as he left. The Major gave Panama a look and Panama blew out what felt like a long held in breath. The air was thick right then.
*Okay, have a round to let all that sink in. Rooms will be taken care of next round. The food is still laid out, what remains of it that is.
Tatiana Newnan

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: Psychology, Survival
Tatiana sat there. Jamie seemed to be done eating. She wasn't going to wait any longer to get him out of that small dressing gown. Pulling his pack over to her she pulled out some clothing and laid him down on the couch. She seemed to focus on the child as Jack came back over from getting his things. She looked over to him and forced a slight smile. That smile faded as her attention looked over towards Gunny after his long silence. She caught what he said and she bit her bottom lip. Her eyes sharply going over to Jack. She hadn't known the woman really at all. Only spoken to her slightly during the reception to her and Jack's wedding. Thana had been Ash's guest that evening. It was a surprise to the entire safezone known as Newnan.
Ash hadn't been really close to anyone since Alicia, even in passing. Yet some how Thana had managed to get through to him in a way others hadn't. Last she had seen of the woman was the day James was kicked out for murdering Richard. It had been a hard day for everyone. It was also the day Newnan fell. After that, she didn't know what happened. She hadn't seen any of them until that fateful night, in the rain, when she had spotted the Hordebuster on the road. Since then they had been pressing for this very location, Thana telling Ash to come here. Now they were there, and she wasn't.
Getting Jamie dressed quickly she handed him over to Jack and spoke quietly.
"Я должен проверить Эша, это то, к чему меня готовил Виктор." She gave her husband a knowing look before kissing him lightly on the lips. Straightening up, she bit her bottom lip as she picked at hew nail bed. Walking over to Ash, the man that was like a brother to her after all these years and probably her husbands best friend. Not to mention he was Jamies god father. She gave him a look of understanding and sympathy. She was there to give him some comfort, but the look on her face was that she needed it to for some reason.
"Ve talk?" It was a question but the look she gave him with her back to the rest of the group spoke volumes more.
Wayne Maldonado

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: N/A
Wayne leaned back in his recliner and smirked towards Hank. Resting his hands behind his head he whistled to himself a bit as he waited for his bud to get back and then nodded.
"Fuck yeah I did. No reason not to. I mean sure I could try to hide it but fuck man, you really think I could cover his ass up?" he asked as he pointed to nothing in the air before swatting again.
"Stand a better fucking chance of keeping this chair and a full belly by just laying it all out on the table," he said as he motioned his hand across the air. Wayne was nuts, there was no denying that. He knew he was nuts. He had been told for years that the little blue fluffy unicorn he spoke to and saw constantly wasn't there. Part of him wanted to believe that but then again it was so real he didn't know what to believe. Maybe he was seeing things or maybe they just couldn't see enough.
Looking over as the three started to leave Wayne sat up slowly. Seemed something had gone down that he hadn't been paying attention to but the look on Gunny's face, or lack thereof really, made things in the room seem a lot heavier than they had been a few moments before. He watched as the red head with the baby kissed her man and walked over another guy. Her back was him and he couldn't hear what they were saying but hey the room was theirs now. At least as much as it could be with two armed guards standing post.
"Fuck, I'm getting some coffee," he said as he slipped out of his recliner and wandered over to the remains of the food table. Pouring a cup of coffee he went over what was left. Not much and he had already grabbed some extra rolls earlier but it didn't seem that anyone else was rushing over so he grabbed some fritters and started walking around slowly as he sipped on his coffee. Popping one into his mouth and chewing some as he looked at Erica. Grinning at her and then Hadrian.
"Hey there Sport," he said with a chuckle.