Name | Isobel Mulryan
Age | 17
Gender | Female
Level/Tier | Virtuoso, Tier 1
House | Dracona
Appearance/Attire |
Standing at just five foot five, a bit taller for her age than most, and with dark colored skin, blond hair and red eyes indicative of the Mulryan house, and a muscular build that would give most men a pause, Isobel gives off the impression of a rather serious sort upon first impression. Dressed in fine clothing, a generally well kept appearance, Isobel is easily identified as a person of high class birth. Something she herself, has only a mild problem with - the amount of time it takes to redo it after a hard day of 'playing'.
She normally dresses in light, easy to move in but expensive clothing mixed with some pieces of armor.
Alignment |
Personality/Habits |
One wouldn't mark Isobel as a member of House Dracona upon first meeting her. Indeed, she'd probably fit in better with House Bestia more than anything. Brash, loud, a bit on the rude side sometimes, and always in favor of a good brawl. Isobel tends to attack first and ask questions later which can lead her to no end of troubles and shenanigans.
She is generally a kind sort, though somewhat of a bully, especially on those who talk or think too much. 'Nerds' 'Dorks' and maybe a physical whacking or two are what they are in for around her. She spends most of her days training with a sword, doing physical activities, forgetting about class, and playing with her summons.
Background |
Isobel is from the prestigious Mulryan family. A wealthy, extremely old family that traces its roots all the way back for centuries - and they even claim they are the descendants of a very old, very powerful storm drake who had the ability to command the wind and thunderstorms itself. This claim can't be verified in this day and age, but they proudly stick to their beliefs that they possess some of the ancient dragons blood. They claim their red eyes and blond hair and affinity for dragons is indicative of their claims.
Growing up in this environment was a bit of a struggle for Isobel, if only because being a noble wasn't something she was suited for naturally. Rather than a prideful calm and collected attitude most of the family possessed, she was more rambunctious. Played hard, took to the sword early in her childhood, which while expected, she was far more into it than anyone in the family had ever been. Some rumors in the house said she was an ill-omen, whilst others said she was going to be the next paragon of the house.
Either way, Isobel had a fairly comfortable life growing up, and was quick to attend L'Mordryn, where unfortunately, she wasn't exactly the best in a structured learning environment. Mediocre grades, just barely enough to pass, and often ended up skipping class for fun times.
Favorite Summons |

A small cat-sized pygmy drake that things he's the prettiest thing on four legs.
Ciervia is a small pygmy drake with an elemental affinity for ice. Covered entirely in fur, with feather like ridges along his back, he's a pretty little thing and likes to show off. Really though, he just a bit of a softie and goofball and was Isobel's first summons, so she keeps him around despite his minimal combat potential. That said, it'd be best not to underestimate this guy, as he's still a dragon, even if a small one. Always curled around Isobel's shoulders.

A land drake, roughly the size of a horse and Isobel's second summons. A hulking beast of a land dragon that is built more for power and stamina than agility. While he boasts no abilities other than his impressive strength, steel-hard scales, he's Isobel's first line of defense and she often rides him around campus.
A bit like a puppy, always wanting pets and treats and tends to think he's a lot smaller than he really is.

Isobels' third and final summons so far. A Wyvern by the name of Rutul. A vicious beast of a creature that is prideful as he is utterly savage. With fiery breath and talons, Isobel doesn't use him that much, but when she does you know she's serious about beating her opponent in whatever fight they're in. The beasts intelligence is questionable, but he at least listens to Isobel most of the time. Has a powerful ability to breathe terrible blasts of fire from his maw.
"Wyverns are wily creatures... For the most part. These volcanic tyrants however, traded that in for pure aggression. The regional language call this specific species "Marsus," named after an old war god of the area, are a mountainous... Well, hardly even mountains. Volcanoes and other heat rich areas. They prefer those environments for hopefully obvious reasons as you will read. Overall, one can describe them as hot-heads and vicious. Carnivores of the least particular kind. If they kill a creature, it's more than likely they'll devour what is there, bones in all.
Aside from their aggressive nature, they are known for spouting jets of fire. Many assume that it is the work of magic, though I believe that it is the product of a pouch in their neck that can set on like the gas spout that keeps a hot air balloon hot. I also assume that in their natural environment is the material that allows them to use their flame breath, if they don't just naturally produce it in their body. That said, that much is speculation on my part and possibly not the whole truth.
One truth, is that normally, the males are more aggressive but in mating season it's not the males but the females that dominate. They choose the males they want and the males have no choice in the matter. After a couple of years however, the males that have suppressed desires unfulfilled try to assert dominance but end up regretting it in the long run, though this case is far and few between. Mating Season however is not long and the tables reverse not too long after. That said dear reader, do not find yourself coming towards a nest of these wyverns least of all in mating season or you may be some wyvern's meal.
A last thing of note as well, even with the amount of aggression they have they do use their intelligence for one thing of note. They are the type that like to kidnap princesses and demand treasure for they like shiny objects made of gold. Often however, this turns out to not work as they do not speak the same tongue as those they kidnap from so eventually the kidnapped turn into food.
-Classic Dragons and Wyverns, excerpt Chapter 7 "The aggressive Volcanic Tyrants, their Princess Thievery and Other Fire Drakes" by Earnest Draco
Aside from their aggressive nature, they are known for spouting jets of fire. Many assume that it is the work of magic, though I believe that it is the product of a pouch in their neck that can set on like the gas spout that keeps a hot air balloon hot. I also assume that in their natural environment is the material that allows them to use their flame breath, if they don't just naturally produce it in their body. That said, that much is speculation on my part and possibly not the whole truth.
One truth, is that normally, the males are more aggressive but in mating season it's not the males but the females that dominate. They choose the males they want and the males have no choice in the matter. After a couple of years however, the males that have suppressed desires unfulfilled try to assert dominance but end up regretting it in the long run, though this case is far and few between. Mating Season however is not long and the tables reverse not too long after. That said dear reader, do not find yourself coming towards a nest of these wyverns least of all in mating season or you may be some wyvern's meal.
A last thing of note as well, even with the amount of aggression they have they do use their intelligence for one thing of note. They are the type that like to kidnap princesses and demand treasure for they like shiny objects made of gold. Often however, this turns out to not work as they do not speak the same tongue as those they kidnap from so eventually the kidnapped turn into food.
-Classic Dragons and Wyverns, excerpt Chapter 7 "The aggressive Volcanic Tyrants, their Princess Thievery and Other Fire Drakes" by Earnest Draco

Name | Livia Annalea Lindall.
Discarded her family name when she was taken in by Katherine.
Age | 16
Gender | Female
Level/Tier | Adept, tier two
House | Phantasma
Appearance/Attire |
An alluring violet flower in thicket of twisted, dead gardens.
Standing at five foot four, Livia is not very physically impressive. One could probably assume they could blow on her and knock her over. A petite, slight build with an elegant seeming air about her. She sports long, elegant black hair with eyes the color of amethyst. Livia would be quite stunning to look at. No blemishes and seemingly carries an air of quiet somberness and Melancholy about her.
She normally dresses in fine dresses of more muted colors. Blues, purples, and black. She always carries a bored, mildly disinterested expression towards most people.
Alignment |
Personality/Habits |
Livia is a harsh girl. Disliking useless things, valuing books and knowledge over emotion, Livia is a rather humorless and serious sort most of the time. Coupled with her rather direct and blunt behavior towards people, she can come off as quite...antagonistic and somewhat icy. Not that she cares about others opinions. A bit of a pleasure seeker, she'll do whatever she wants, whens she wants it, and she really won't let anyone get in the way. Likes to tease others in more personal settings, though prefers reading books and practice over anything dealing with people. Easily jealous, and particularly talking about her birth sister and adoptive sister is an easy way to earn her ire.
Honestly? In general, she's not a very pleasant person until she warms up to you.
Background |
An unfortunate child not loved even by her own parents.
Born to Lady Reine Fiore and Lord Clement Fiore, Livia's early life was one of neglect, if not abuse. It was determined early that her older sister, Marise had inherited most of the families favor and fortune. Livia herself, was mostly considered nothing but a waste of space, and Left mostly to her own devices and raised more by maids in the estate. That is, until she was eight years old when one of her mothers old school friends saw how she was treated - and decided to take care of the girl herself with a rather ridiculous bet made between her mother and her friend.
"If she could turn Livia into anything but a decoration, she'd give the child the entire house."
Agreeing, even if only as a joke, the woman, Katherine Lindall took Livia home and started raising her as her own. Now having a both a bit more freedom, and a parental figure that at least pretended to care, you could say she was on some level happy. Katherine went as so far to teach her how to summon ghosts and spirits, commune with the dead and bring them to this realm. An activity that she poured every bit of effort and ambition into that she could.
Still, her mother had been right - she wasn't naturally suited towards such magical pursuits, but years after hard work, labor, and study at the academy, she at least, could be content with some level of skill with summoning. If nothing else, her knowledge about the intricacies lend credence to her holding some form of ability.
And if nothing else, she is determined to become the strongest no matter what it takes.
Favorite Summons |

Alignment: Villain
Type: Undead| Banshee
A friendly spectral entity Livia summoned sometime during her first school year. A friendly, curious spirit that is extremely loyal to both Livia and her sister. The ghost is, for the most part always with Livia in some fashion or another either hiding in her shadow or watching her from one some distance away. The ghost for the most part, is entirely mute, unable to speak the common tongue, only able to communicate with others through gesticulations and sign language. Livia of course, as her summoner can understand her on a near preternatural level, and has made efforts to translate her long-dead language.
As far as combat goes, Siobahn prefers to avoid direct confrontations. She tends to strike when and where the opponent least expects it, using her spectral claws to reach through most forms of armor. Her most used form of weapon however, is the ability to create damaging waves of sound with her voice. Most often in confrontations, Siobahn and Livia have come to a rather curious arrangement. A bit of, controlled possession if you will. Siobahn can possess Livia, conferring some of her spiritual and inhuman abilities to the human. Levitation, limited intangibility, ability to strike with spectral claws, and enhanced physical strength.
"Ah yes, ghosts. Undead, as they are called. Spectral entities not of flesh and blood, but of mana, ectoplasm and maybe just a hint of malice, but not always.
Quiz time, readers! Tell me! Are undead evil?
The answer is maybe, you twits!
Just like anything, undead vary wildly in their natures. It depends on their origins, really. Some are simply wayward souls, looking for a home. Some are those who linger with regrets. Some are violent, hateful things that seek to continue their dark work in death as they did in life. So who can say?! maybe the random undead is just a soul looking for solace. Maybe its a murderer that wants to kill you!
Ah, I'm getting slightly off topic. You see, ghosts as they are called, vary wildly in ability. In general, most ghosts are nothing to be afraid of. Its those full of malice that haunt forsaken places you must be wary of. Really, there are so many of these creatures that its almost impossible to name them all and I have no idea why I am even attempting it.
But there are a few, that perhaps you should be wary of and deserve their own classifications. A Banshee, for example. Often considered a type of fey, these harbingers of death and ill omens are not what one wants to run into on a midnight dreary." - A brief introduction to spooks and ghouls Chapter 1, Lawrence Fiore.
"There once was a lass, fair and pretty
danced in the flower fields, carefree and dainty
Took the heart of the entire village,
danced and sung, a tune of love
A song of red, a song of passion
Words unsaid, full of desire
in the end, nothing was given
Love was taken, so she took love
She painted the night a sanguine red
She was given a most fitting end
upon a rack of bones, a rack of agony,
Now she haunts the hills, wailing for love lost
Wailing mournfully, her desires red as a cherry,
still desiring a love to be returned."
danced in the flower fields, carefree and dainty
Took the heart of the entire village,
danced and sung, a tune of love
A song of red, a song of passion
Words unsaid, full of desire
in the end, nothing was given
Love was taken, so she took love
She painted the night a sanguine red
She was given a most fitting end
upon a rack of bones, a rack of agony,
Now she haunts the hills, wailing for love lost
Wailing mournfully, her desires red as a cherry,
still desiring a love to be returned."
At first, this summons appears to be a large rectangular sarcophagus shut tight. The black onyx structure is almost abhorrently ornate. On its surface is carved intricate designs of unknown origin, crafted with an obvious careful and steady hand. The designs themselves seem to depict some sort of story, with human figures, demons, and other supernatural entities dancing across its surface in a myriad of patterns and stories. The thing sits upright, with the bottom being wide and large enough to support its massive weight without falling over. The top of it is carved and decorated with a number of jewels.
Except, its all rather difficult to see under the number of holy talismans and chains locked tightly around the sarcophagus. Indeed, the entire thing is bound fast with iron chains. The surface is full of talismans with spells of sealing, warding, and evil banishment.
Obviously, you shouldn't let whatever it is in out.
...or are you the curious sort? Go on...open it...
The Sarcophagus can only be opened by the one who lives in it. The undead known as Mizushi. Normally the Sarcophagus can not be opened during the day, though the smell of human blood, the sound of a rousing festival or alcohol can drag her out. During the night she leaves as she pleases, and often to find food.
...she may also leave if her lord is in danger.
The sarcophagus itself is utterly immobile, but whilst inside Misuzhi can summon her undead retainers and soldiers to protect itself, should she have need. Sworn to protect their lord even in death.
Undead Oni/Jiangshi

A reprehensible hedonist.
An irredeemable monster.
A creature that feasts on human bones and sates its thirst with human blood.
...and oddly cute? Wait, no.
Mizushi is a form of undead. A vampire of sorts that feeds off the life force of the living. A creature that knows neither human love or emotion. A monster that will always indulge in whatever it wishes. A monster that loves slaughtering humans simply for the fun of it all - an alcohol smelling demon of disaster.
Typically called a Jiangshi, this one seems to have been mixed with something else - an Oni? Perhaps she lived once, but was turned into an undead perhaps, due to some grudge. Or perhaps not. Perhaps her malice simply wouldn't let her die. Either way, despite both her undead and demonic nature granting her impressive boons of strength and stamina, it comes with a hefty amount of drawbacks. For one, she's about as speedy as a drunk cricket. Her limbs, for the most part are in a permanent state of rigor. That is, almost completely locked in place.
Though, they can move somewhat.
She's surprisingly fairly agile in close quarters, able to pirouette, spin, and move all her limbs almost at inhuman right angles with enough force to shatter human bone.
...too bad she's locked in this sarcophagus most of the time. Mizushi must consume a proper amount of human life force to live. Under no circumstances are you to be alone with the sarcophagus or herself if you value your life.
If fed enough - perhaps you shall see something truly terrifying.

Aphotic Palace - Yomi's Mountains
An ancient palace situated high atop a mountain within a realm of the dead. The entire palace is covered in warding charms, locked doors, and malevolent spirits stalk the area seeking any unlucky living that they come across. The place seems to be falling into disrepair from the outside, but if one were to venture inwards, they would find the interior old, but immaculate. As if somehow untouched by time and space. The place is unreasonably ostentatious, covered in finest tapestries and jewels.
A bitter cold permeates the entire area, and various undead soldiers roam the area, forever awaiting the call of their lord. They bring any undead or human they find to their lord, for a feast...
Within the main building, sits a magnificent feast hall that faintly smells of pork, alcohol, and metal...
Except, its all rather difficult to see under the number of holy talismans and chains locked tightly around the sarcophagus. Indeed, the entire thing is bound fast with iron chains. The surface is full of talismans with spells of sealing, warding, and evil banishment.
Obviously, you shouldn't let whatever it is in out.
...or are you the curious sort? Go on...open it...
The Sarcophagus can only be opened by the one who lives in it. The undead known as Mizushi. Normally the Sarcophagus can not be opened during the day, though the smell of human blood, the sound of a rousing festival or alcohol can drag her out. During the night she leaves as she pleases, and often to find food.
...she may also leave if her lord is in danger.
The sarcophagus itself is utterly immobile, but whilst inside Misuzhi can summon her undead retainers and soldiers to protect itself, should she have need. Sworn to protect their lord even in death.
Undead Oni/Jiangshi

A reprehensible hedonist.
An irredeemable monster.
A creature that feasts on human bones and sates its thirst with human blood.
...and oddly cute? Wait, no.
Mizushi is a form of undead. A vampire of sorts that feeds off the life force of the living. A creature that knows neither human love or emotion. A monster that will always indulge in whatever it wishes. A monster that loves slaughtering humans simply for the fun of it all - an alcohol smelling demon of disaster.
Typically called a Jiangshi, this one seems to have been mixed with something else - an Oni? Perhaps she lived once, but was turned into an undead perhaps, due to some grudge. Or perhaps not. Perhaps her malice simply wouldn't let her die. Either way, despite both her undead and demonic nature granting her impressive boons of strength and stamina, it comes with a hefty amount of drawbacks. For one, she's about as speedy as a drunk cricket. Her limbs, for the most part are in a permanent state of rigor. That is, almost completely locked in place.
Though, they can move somewhat.
She's surprisingly fairly agile in close quarters, able to pirouette, spin, and move all her limbs almost at inhuman right angles with enough force to shatter human bone.
...too bad she's locked in this sarcophagus most of the time. Mizushi must consume a proper amount of human life force to live. Under no circumstances are you to be alone with the sarcophagus or herself if you value your life.
If fed enough - perhaps you shall see something truly terrifying.

Aphotic Palace - Yomi's Mountains
An ancient palace situated high atop a mountain within a realm of the dead. The entire palace is covered in warding charms, locked doors, and malevolent spirits stalk the area seeking any unlucky living that they come across. The place seems to be falling into disrepair from the outside, but if one were to venture inwards, they would find the interior old, but immaculate. As if somehow untouched by time and space. The place is unreasonably ostentatious, covered in finest tapestries and jewels.
A bitter cold permeates the entire area, and various undead soldiers roam the area, forever awaiting the call of their lord. They bring any undead or human they find to their lord, for a feast...
Within the main building, sits a magnificent feast hall that faintly smells of pork, alcohol, and metal...
Discovered Realms:

Coillte Caillte, as Siobahn calls it. Her home. The Lost Forest. A forlorn, quiet and melancholy forest filled with all manner of dark fairy like creatures and the occasional undead. Filled to the brim with creatures that only wish ill towards most humans, prankster spirits, and very rarely, the occasional helpful wisp or fairy. The forest itself is cool, with a gentle wind constantly moving through the branches of the half dead and twisted trees. Ancient rocks filled with indecipherable runes litter the landscape
The most curious place here however, are the ghost villages one always stumbles upon. Resembling old, ancient structures from an ancient, northern civilization.
This realm is not safe for humans to travel unaided - there are no paths. No roads. Only the twisted, cold roots and the malevolent spirits that inhabit it.
Connected Summons:

Name | Lizaveta Vasilev
Age | 17
Gender | Female
Level/Tier | V1
House | Machina
Appearance/Attire |
Five foot four, glasses, labcoat and messy red hair. Slight build and overall not too impressive, physically speaking.
Alignment | Free Spirit
Personality/Habits |
Lizaveta is an eternally confidently smug and energetic sort, if not as bright as she says she is. Caring little for others, selfishly following her own pursuits and interests. A whimsical sort, she follows her interests, as quick and as shallow as they may be. She doesn't really do the whole human thing much, preferring to spend time tinkering with her machines and work with Felicia.
For the most part, she's friendly, and if one can get past her smug, cheeky arrogance they'd find her to be a fairly stalwart ally.
Background |
Lizaveta has nothing particularly special in her background of note. The only thing that really might be of note is her choice of summons - both of her parents were Bestia. From an early age she fell in love with machines. From things like their shininess, newness, their size, to their ability to potentially enhance the human physicality and transcend their fleshy prisons.
Quickly taking to her studies, Liz immediately enrolled in L'Mordryn at the earliest age she could, and has been there ever since.
Favorite Summons |

Affectionately named 'Muffin'.
This overly friendly robotic spider is a hulking mass of metal that would probably make quite a number of people absolutely terrified of it upon first seeing it. Typically non-combative, this unit seems to entirely be designed with the intention of 'raising life' and 'growth' behind it. It tries to improve machines its around, not entirely understanding that 'life' on earth has a far different meaning than 'life' from its home world.
It takes a very motherly attitude towards most people, using its artificial webbing to knit clothes for smol little fragile humans, taking in lost animals, etc.
The robot itself runs on what seems to be a small nuclear reactor with solar panels for backup.
The realm Muffin hails from is one that would be considered quite odd. There is no organic fauna anywhere. Rather, all 'living' creatures and even some plants seem to be entirely mechanical in nature. From the trees, to flowers, to saber tooth like machines to the smallest squirrels. All each following typically similar functions as their fleshy counterparts may have. Even if they seem to have flesh, it is nothing but a complex weave of fibers and fabrics.
'Life' in this realm is typically not of flesh and blood, but of metal and wire.
'Life' in this realm is typically not of flesh and blood, but of metal and wire.

F'ehlathei - its a much longer name, so I'll save you the trouble.
"Felicia, is what this one is called here. Ah, it's always curious you humans assign titles and names to everything. So very primitive."
A curious thing, pulled from the very edges of the realms.
It heard Liz's call, and all too humorously, it answered.
The entity known as 'Felicia' is an odd construct seemingly mostly made of metal. Its body is heavily condensed, its once massive body having been compressed into a humanoid form, one that can interact with humans and its 'master' on a fundamentally mostly same level. For the most part, it acts as an advisor and research assistant to Lizaveta. Feeding her information about the sciences and robotics.
Why did it choose the form of a nun? Well, now, perhaps you should ask. It seems to treat other machines with almost religious reverence. Its body is highly malleable, and can reshape its mechanical body to a number of forms, but tends to stick with a single one as such a thing is tiring in this limited form.
It has limited its capabilities in this form, mostly relating to mechanical objects and machine repair. As far as combat goes, it favors a red-hot sword sword pulled from its chest. Its a taciturn and arrogant sort, treating most humans as though a god watching a child.
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