Thana Martin

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room -> Briefing)
Skills: N/A
Thana rolled her eyes a bit at Beatrice when she said thanks mom but she smiled slightly none the less. It was about as good as she was going to get from the woman. Now that they knew she was back, she wanted to go sit down. Just go sit down, lean against Ash and take a breather. That wasn't happening it seemed. She knew what this was about but she thought it would wait at least a few minutes but then again, she knew her dad. Why put off anything when you can do it right now. Nodding towards Panama she walked with the others to the Briefing room, her eyes scanning the room and knowing where she had to sit through this. Sighing she started to make her way towards the front of the room.
Stopping when she passed Ash she knelt down and took his hands. She wasn't sure what to say or if she should say anything. Taking a breath she just smiled up at him as she reached up and cupped his cheek. "I love you," she said softly as she leaned in and brushed her lips to his. When in doubt, just remind him she does love him. Letting go of his hand she stood up and walked over to the table, taking one of the seats behind it. She sat much like she had the day she came to Newnan. Back straight, on the edge of the chair, ankles crossed, hands in lap. Somethings didn't change. Her eyes focused on the door to the room as she waited for her dad to get there.
Tatiana Newnan

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: N/A
Tatiana was a bit perplexed when people were called out to leave. Turning she took note of who was leaving. Ash, Thana, Beatrice, Thalia, Alexander, and Manny. Her eyes narrowed a bit. It wasn't an angered or even worried narrowing of the eyes. It was more like she was thinking on something. "Probably vhy she vas not here. People important to Thana. Make sense. Private. No one elses business," she said to her husband as she looked over to him and then leaned against him gently. Those four had been with Thana for a long time and it was obvious to even the blind that Thana and Ash were in love. Hell it had been obvious they were smitten with each other even the night of the reception. She remembered talking about just what was going on with those two as herself, Jack, James, Miss Sally, Leon, and others were sitting around. Before the whole world got turned upside down for a second time.
Chuckling she looked up at her husband. "Remember our first dance?" she asked him. They hadn't done some slow song. No graceful dance steps. No. Tatiana and Jack did what they did back when they thought Newnan would be around for a long time. They were just bubbly and bright and silly. Their first dance at the reception had been the Chicken Dance. Jack putting on his best dance moves, which were horrible, but hilarious. Looking down at her wedding band she sighed happily. It sucked Newnan fell and everything so much was lost but they had had their wedding. It was a bit of normalcy in a world that didn't have a lot of that anymore. She treasured that memory. And the fact she kept her vows. She promised Jack if he left this world before her she would carry on. She had thought it was gone for sometime but she kept moving forward. She always would.
Wayne Maldonado

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: N/A
You see, it is exactly why Wayne and Hank were Heterolifemates. Shit like this. When you have two over the hill guys with thinning hair and bad attitudes standing there singing about gutting fish and frying them up like it is the worlds worst spontaneous musical, that shit, is bonding. Maybe next time they would find some green tights and show that real men wear tights! Tight tights! And could kick it like the Rockets! He'd have to make sure his seams were straight though, but of course they would be, every time. Oh yeah, he'd have to find that movie. I mean come on, no better movie than a Mel Brooks flick. Hey, wonder if this place has a Sheriff, a black Sheriff, it worked in Blazing Saddles.
Wayne nodded towards Hank. A Nap sounded like a good idea but now he had Mel Brooks on the brain. And well when Wayne's mind is going there really is no pause button or stopping it. You just kind of have to let it run its course. So that was what he did. Moving over to where the VHS tapes were, he was still singing, Men in Tights this time. He seemed a bit disappointed when he couldn't find it but he did find History of the World Part I. That would work! Good enough anyways. Striding over to the VCR he put it in and rewound it. These fuckers needed to learn the BlockBuster motto - Be Kind, rewind! Kids these days. Once it was rewound he hit play and sat down. god he could use some popcorn right now.
Year 5: Part 2 Update
Date: July 21th, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab
Location: Camp Mexico Beach: H6 (Quarantine: W)
Temperature: 83F (28C)
Humidity: High (Around 73%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 12 MPH (19 KPH)
Cloud Coverage: Overcast
Mizrahi looked over as Panama came in and announced the names. He nodded towards Thana as she left but stayed where he was. He knew what this was about. They'd be back soon enough as long as nothing went wrong and if it did he knew she and Gunny could take care of themselves. Victor didn't seem to want to talk, he just shook his head and moved away from Amelia. Moving over to where Tatiana and Ash had hidden out from time to time since the space wasn't being used right then. Major took the door watch as usual as Checkbook was over with Hunter to play pool.
"Yeah, you can play the winner," Checkbook said to Riley with a grin before turning her attention over towards Hunter. "Nikki, well Nikola but everyone calls me Nikki," she said introducing herself. She smirked a bit and shrugged. "Yeah, well I'm the problem child in camp, if I can make it here anyone can," she told Hunter as she chalked up her pool stick. "Shit, it's a lot easier now, when I got here, it was 2 months of solitude in a room with nothing to do. That was a hell of a way to start. If you crack you were good," she said truthfully and rather bluntly. Seemed things were a lot easier now than they had been. "Granted can't blame them back then, shit was hard. Half these people came from outside and well this place was no cake walk in the beginning," she added.
Leaning over she took aim to break and smirked a bit at Hunter as he said he was a bit of a pro. "Oh really? Good, I like a challenge," she said before popping a bubble with her gum. Looking back at the cue ball she took aim and crack. Cue ball hit the rest and broke them, Standing up she watched as one dropped into the side pocket. "I'm solids," she said as she started walking around the table, trying to get an idea of which ball she would go for next. Another aim and another went in. "That's two." She missed the third however and shrugged. "Your turn cutie," she said as she leaned back against the table.
Over in Briefing: Panama stood at the back of the room, shoving his hands in his pockets and huffed slightly as he waited for this whole thing to begin. It wasn't long before Gunny walked through the door. He had a folder grasped in his hand as he moved to the front of the room where his daughter was sitting. Having the two next to each other showed just how closely they resembled each other. More than just the Martin eyes, it was the way they held themselves. There was no doubt that these two were father and daughter.
Dropping the folder on the table he looked at the five that had been called for this debriefing, other than his daughter. The folder was flipped open and he reviewed it for a minute before letting out the smallest of breaths and looking back at them. "On April 1st of this year, Commander Thana Martin left a house in Quincy, Florida after the emergency amputation of Thalia Carmichael's right forearm in search of medical supplies. After an extensive search that traversed an estimated thirty miles, Commander Martin was forced to seek overnight shelter at the Calhoun Liberty Hospital in Blountstown, Florida. On the morning of April 2nd, Commander Martin set out from said location, heavily laden down with medical and food supplies, to return to Quincy, Florida. There was a set back." There was a slight pause.
"On Commander Martin's return, while on the Julie Munroe Woodward Highway she encountered a large hoard of Roamers heading due southeast, just past the bridge that traversed Quincy Creek, less than three miles from the house off Selman Road where she had left Thalia Carmichael, Alexander Polawski, Beatrice Decker, and Emanuel Newman. Commander Martin concluded there would not be enough time to find a secondary route and evacuate said squad from the location in time. In a split moment's decision, Commander Martin decided to act as bait to draw the herd and change their direction." He paused and his jaw locked for a moment before he continued. "While on the bridge, there was an event, of which we do not know the origin, that sent Commander Martin's vehicle careening over the side of the bridge and into the creek below."
He stopped and looked down, flipping one of the papers over in the folder. Swallowing slightly he looked back at the five of them sitting there. "Extraction Team Alpha was out on search and witnessed the accident. Order was given for search and rescue. Commander Martin was pulled from the river. The extent of Commander Martin's injuries were not known at the time. Evident injuries were mass trauma to the chest and arms, severe laceration and disfigurement to the upper and lower right quadrants of the face, and a compound fracture to the right femur. No breath or pulse were detected. Commander Martin's attempt to reroute the herd's direction was successful. Redirecting the hoard north and into the creek. Had it not been for Commander Martin's efforts said house of Selma Road would have been over run." If Thana hadn't left they all would be dead, if she hadn't distracted the hoard the truck on the return would have gone off the bridge anyways and the house still would have been overrun. In the end, her leaving for supplies was the only reason any of them still drew breath.
The man's voice was still steady, he paused and looked down to the papers, flipping another sheet over in the process. As Gunny looked back up and continued. "Emergency field trauma and resuscitation was begun and continued through transport here. On arrival Commander Martin was handed over to Doctor Michael Willis. Thirty seven minutes had passed without detection of a pulse or self-sustained breath." Dead. Thana had been legally dead all that time. "Adrenaline was administered, as well as defibrillation. A pulse was detected and Commander Martin was rushed to the operating room and underwent multiple procedure's in an effort to stabilize vitals." During this portion of the heavy information dump, Gunny slipped out a secondary folder from the papers and stepped out from behind the table. Moving over to Ash and the others and holding it out to him. Within it where X-Ray's and images taken before and after. The injuries were extensive and graphic. A femur protruding from the right thigh muscle, a right side of the face that was unrecognizable, bruising, lacerations. It was easy to lose count of the amount of clearly broken bones in the X-Rays, even for those that didn't know exactly what they were looking at.
Turning, Gunny walked away and back to the front of the room, pulling out a chair and sitting down next to his daughter. "Surgery lasted seven hours and twenty-three minutes. Commander Martin was moved to recovery afterwards. Vitals, while still critical, where stable. After anesthesia wore off, Commander Martin did not awaken. Measure's were taken to make the Commander as comfortable as possible. Placed under continuous watch. On April 7th, a feeding tube was placed." He stopped and leaned back in his chair, rubbing his face slightly. He knew this was a lot for them to take in but it was time they knew everything now that she had returned. It had been a lot of bad news, news he had had to live through. Even for a Martin, it was hard to reign it in when it was someone you loved on the line even if you already knew the outcome. Thana had nearly lost her shit and went down a crack in the earth trying to get to Ash when Newnan fell. If it hadn't been for Gavin grabbing her, she would have died the same way Ryan and James had that day. Even though they knew she was alive now, seeing and hearing all this had to be trying.
Leaning forward, Gunny laced his fingers together and rested his hands on the table. "On May 2nd, Commander Thana Martin came out of her coma. Due to the extent of the injuries Commander Martin was initially unable to communicate. Commander Martin utilized morse code in an attempt to speak." Swallowing he looked more directly at the group than he had been. "Thana's first words where your names." A pause as Gunny looked to the group but his eyes focused on Ash the longest, that was why they were there now being given this information. "Over the next several hours, it was pieced together the events that lead up to Commander Martin's incident and the last known whereabouts of Thalia Carmichael, Alexander Polawski, Beatrice Decker, and Emanuel Newman. An extraction team, lead by Colonel Martin was sent out for search and rescue."
Turning another page and reviewing it for a moment, Gunny continued. "Over the course of the subsequent three weeks, Commander Martin began recovery. Extraction teams were continuously sent out during this period. Teams were sent to the last known positions, which include but were not limited to: Quincy, Zebulon, Peachtree City, and Newnan. Though obviously, we were unable to locate you all." Adjusting the paper slightly there was a pause. "On May 23rd, Commander Martin left bed and began extreme recovery and acclimatization against Doctor Willis's recommendation." Gunny's eyes went to Thana for a moment before looking back at the group. "On June 17th Commander Martin accompanied by Mechanic Aton Mizrahi, whom volunteered, left Camp Mexico Beach on one last search and rescue. It was to be an extended search to last four weeks. They were due back on July 14th." Picking up another piece of paper he turned the page but he was pausing, that was a lot to take in so far.
First Master Gunnery Sergeant Macsen Martin allowed all that had just been dumped onto the five new comers to Camp Mexico Beach set in. Briefing meant he was to let them know what they needed to know. Nothing more. Referencing the last sheet in the file for a moment, he then closed the file before him and stood back up. "It was per the Commander's request that you were not to be given this information until she returned," there was a pause as the Gunnery Sergeant swallowed slightly and looked down, "or we recovered a body if she should perish." Those ever present Martin eyes looked back at the group. "Commander Martin wished if you were to arrive safe to remain safe." The man's eyes seemed to rest on Ashton's far longer than the rest in the group before looking away. He hadn't lied to any of them. He never said she was dead. He said she was there at one point and wasn't anymore. Whatever they assumed was their own assumption. No one brought it up after that or asked more questions.