Promise “PJ” Jones
She likes girls, and a certain type of boy (it’s soft boys).
Her picture covers most things! I don’t think there are many details I need to go into. Most importantly, she doesn’t dress like her picture would suggest that she does! She’s actually very fashionable.
She writes novels. Trashy ones, mostly, under a pseudonym. It’s an easy to please market. She also sometimes helps her parents out with their garden. It’s not a paid occupation, but they’re getting very old and she likes to help. Plus, fresh strawberries. Who doesn’t like that?
She was essentially born and raised here, and has little to no memories of any other place.
Promise is very well spoken, she always has been. She’s good at weaving words, and telling stories, and making people smile; it’s almost like there’s a magical quality to the tales she has to tell. She’s been like this for most of her, and her wordsmith skills is how she makes her living,
Promise does her best to see the best in people, a trait her adopted parents tried to pass down to her, but PJ is an inherently distrusting individual. She’s learned that most people are out for themselves, and that everyone is ‘just trying to get ahead.’ Trust, the young girl has learned, is something that can only be earned, never given or taken. Despite an outwardly opening and inviting personality (habits again learned and picked up from her absolute saintlike parents), PJ rarely lets anyone into her shell.
She is also surprisingly prideful, taking a lot of care to maintain her self-image, which is why she writes under a pseudonym; she can’t have every other regular at the cafe know that she writes smut for a living. That… that would be embarrassing.
Promise does her best to see the best in people, a trait her adopted parents tried to pass down to her, but PJ is an inherently distrusting individual. She’s learned that most people are out for themselves, and that everyone is ‘just trying to get ahead.’ Trust, the young girl has learned, is something that can only be earned, never given or taken. Despite an outwardly opening and inviting personality (habits again learned and picked up from her absolute saintlike parents), PJ rarely lets anyone into her shell.
She is also surprisingly prideful, taking a lot of care to maintain her self-image, which is why she writes under a pseudonym; she can’t have every other regular at the cafe know that she writes smut for a living. That… that would be embarrassing.
Promise was born in Foxbridge, though she was abandoned at a very young age by her birth mother. She was raised by two older, average humans. The Jones had stumbled upon Foxbridge in their younger years, and it was a place they took a liking to. Despite their… averageness, Mr. and Mrs. Jones were popular in Foxbridge through the simple fact that they were so nice.
They were loving, they were trusting, they were gentle with everyone. It was no one’s surprise that when the missus walked out to get the morning paper and saw a crying young child with horns growing out of her head that the Joneses took the child in and raise them as their own.
The only thing that Promise has from her birth mother is a short note, brief and to the point:
Please, help me keep my promise to give her a better life.
— C
For most of her teenage years, PJ was focused on figuring out who the mysterious C in the letter was, but at around age seventeen, she chose to give up. It was then that she realized she didn’t have to search for a family, because she already had one. Though they were nearing their late sixties, Mr. and Mrs. Jones had done more for her than she could have ever asked, or even thought possible.
She’s done her best since that turning point in her life to properly convey her gratefulness. She lives at home with her aging parents now, helping out around the house when she can, and spending a lot of time at the Morning Star Cafe, where she tends to tuck herself away in a corner and work on novels.
It’s not like she has time for dating or anything of the sort.
They were loving, they were trusting, they were gentle with everyone. It was no one’s surprise that when the missus walked out to get the morning paper and saw a crying young child with horns growing out of her head that the Joneses took the child in and raise them as their own.
The only thing that Promise has from her birth mother is a short note, brief and to the point:
Please, help me keep my promise to give her a better life.
— C
For most of her teenage years, PJ was focused on figuring out who the mysterious C in the letter was, but at around age seventeen, she chose to give up. It was then that she realized she didn’t have to search for a family, because she already had one. Though they were nearing their late sixties, Mr. and Mrs. Jones had done more for her than she could have ever asked, or even thought possible.
She’s done her best since that turning point in her life to properly convey her gratefulness. She lives at home with her aging parents now, helping out around the house when she can, and spending a lot of time at the Morning Star Cafe, where she tends to tuck herself away in a corner and work on novels.
It’s not like she has time for dating or anything of the sort.
Her parents own a tiny store, where they sell goods and fresh fruit from their garden. Promise occasionally works around there.
Her color is 9254ff
Her color is 9254ff