Beatrice Decker

Location: Quarantine (Briefing -> Conference)
Skills: N/A
Skills: N/A
Beatrice looked on with interest as Thana took out a new set of files - considerably more worn than the ones that had been used for Thana's own recovery. She wasn't sure what to make of that at first, especially since she wasn't altogether certain what exactly was going on here. She had left Newnan with James and Ryan before the ensuing chaos had occurred, so she didn't know the entire situation - especially since those she traveled with after that point didn't have any connection to the former settlement. As Thana began, Beatrice noted with a bit of amusement the nickname given to their group - the Eden Squad. Their entire mission had been to destroy Eden. It was almost as if they had become the thing they wished to destroy. The fact that she had been left in charge was still a bit funny to hear stated. She never imagined becoming that sort of person.
The price confused Beatrice - what exactly had that been? Her first thought was prostitution, but she quickly dismissed that. Thana was family to these people - they wouldn't have asked that. However, it wasn't like she could have just paid them - money was meaningless these days. Had the stipulation been that Thana would join this community? That didn't seem like it as well. This community wasn't lacking in people. So what had it been? Beatrice didn't make a move to look at the photographs that were given to Ash. It wasn't that she didn't feel up to seeing them - she just didn't feel like she needed to. Whatever happened to Newnan after she cut ties with the community was their business, not hers.
However there was something that struck Beatrice - the records. She scarcely remembered her own intake process at Newnan. She had lied slightly on her questionnaire for Mexico Beach, all in order to not let onto the past she had in Justice. Her secrets were her business. Had they cross referenced the records from Newnan to see if people had lied? Had she made the same fibs when she entered Newnan? It wasn't like she could just go and ask, so she decided to wait and see.
She stiffened slightly, hearing that James and Ryan were buried here. She hadn't really cared about Gavin and Lola, more of working with them due to proximity. They hadn't been her friends. "Is the cemetery visitation still an option if you do not remain here?" Beatrice asked bluntly. She didn't know if she was going to remain here, even if allowed to. But she did want to say goodbye to them, if that was possible. However, her question likely had come too late as they were escorted back to the conference room. She took a slight breath, wanting to be alone for a while and not particularly wanting to talk to Thalia. She just needed solitude, something hard to get here.
Jack Newnan

Location: Quarantine (W: Briefing -> Conference Room)
Skills: N/A
Skills: N/A
Jack's eyes were misty during Thana's presentation. Tears fell when the names of those he knew and loved were mentioned - hell, he even shed a tear for Ryan and he hadn't gotten along with him at all. He wished that Riley's sister had been recovered as well, knowing that Riley probably missed her twin like hell. He wished that Ray and Tiffany were buried here as well. He took a shallow breath in through his nose, bowing his head as he had a good quiet cry, unable to really hold the tears back. The hallucinations made sense, but all of this was just bringing up pain now. He knew that it was for closure, but it was like ripping the stitches off of a near fatal wound.
Jack dried his eyes on his sleeve. When they were escorted out of the conference room, the tears were still flowing. He missed James - his son's namesake. He couldn't help but wonder if James would have survived if Ash hadn't exiled him. They had made it out of Newnan - maybe James would have been able to do so. It was a good thing that Jamie was content and happy with Wayne when they got back, as Jack was having a hard time pulling it together. He didn't know why the tears were still coming, but at least they were quiet - quiet enough that others could go about their lives in peace there. He felt a little lost, standing in the conference room and he didn't know what exactly to do.