Year 5: Part 2 Update
Date: July 21th, 2012 (End Of Day)
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab
Location: Camp Mexico Beach: H6 (Quarantine: W)
Temperature: 83F (28C)
Humidity: High (Around 73%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 12 MPH (19 KPH)
Cloud Coverage: Overcast
Nikki stood there waiting for her reward for winning the pool game. A cheeky little grin playing on her lips. It was a good thing she had worked in CMB for a while now, she had smelled plenty of rotten things in her life so far. Between that and rotten corpses trying to eat your face a kid assplotion wasn't really anything to take note of, anyways her attention was Hunter. She managed to hold still, not leaning in as he did, simply waiting for him to pay up. Her eyes drifting close as their lips touched and pulsing gently against his. As he pulled back she stayed there and grinned before her eyes opened. "Mmm, not bad, I'll have to whoop you more often," she said with a bit of a wink. It wasn't a deep kiss or anything but it was nice and points for not trying to rob her of her gum as she started chewing again.
Checking her watch, the Major noted the time. "Time to turn in, tomorrow is a big day," she said motioning for people to start filing out for the night and head to their rooms.
"See ya tomorrow," Nikki with a grin before turning around. She started to walk towards the door to take her position but she did a little victory cabbage patch dance as she did, kicking up her skateboard from against the wall and tucking it under her shoulder.
Major just rolled her eyes and propped the door open. "Come on," she said as she took point and started to lead everyone out of the Conference Room. Nikki would take the read point and double check the doors once everyone was in their assigned rooms. Glancing over towards Thana and Ash she smirked. "Bow-chica-wow-wow," she teased. Mizrahi ruffled Nikki's hair as he walked by and into his room. Victor following close behind him. Locking their door, Nikki stuck her tongue out at Mizrahi right before she did and then moved on to the next.
(Alright, end of day peeps - tomorrow will start the new day, turn in and all that jazz.)
Thana Martin

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: N/A
Thana looked over towards Ash and snuggled a bit closer to him. "Sounds more like a reward fer ya than a job," she said as a smile tugged at the corner of her lips. Not to say it wouldn't be a reward for her as well, it would. Letting out a slow breath, Thana just took a moment to try to enjoy them being together like this. It was hard though, especially when Jack and Tatiana's spawn decided to blow out the back end of his diaper. Looking over at the couple as Wayne handed off the child, Thana looked up at Ash. There was a lot the two didn't know about each other, some very personal things that they really needed to talk about. Things she would have liked to talk about but they had never had the chance. Things she needed to tell him before tomorrow because it could make or break them. The biggest one being that even if he ever wanted to have kids or raise a child she would drop him like yesterdays walker no matter how much she loved him. Kids was the break deal for her and it was the very reason she hated her dead sister with the fire of a thousand suns. Anything else she would be willing to work through, kids she wouldn't. Not even someone elses. Protect people yes; raise a child, have a child, never. Many things in a persons past one could work through, somethings scared you deeper than anything and never left you.
Taking the food from Ash as he handed to her, she ate slowly. Pacing herself. "Trainin' keeps them strong, fightin' brought us together but honestly, they just need to fuck and get it over with," she said. Her voice started off quietly but it grew in volume as she spoke, a smirk growing on her lips as she did. Taking another bite she chewed and swallowed her food. The food was good but it was way better than it had a right to be, granted that was how things were. When you hadn't eaten in a while a can of dog food could taste like a five star meal. Sighing to herself she looked up at Ash as her thoughts went back to the fact they really needed to have one hell of a heart to heart. The Conference room wasn't the place but at least they would rooming together tonight, alone. Thana then said the three words most people dread. "We gotta talk." She left it at that for now.
When the Major said it was time to head to bed, she looked at Ash and wrapped her arms over his shoulders. "A'right, giddy up," she teased him. There was a playful look on her face. He didn't have to carry her, she was more than capable of walking on her own. That didn't mean she wanted to and that she was going to throw away a chance to be carried. Screw that. Especially if everything changed tonight, she wasn't about to throw away a chance to be in his arms. Looking over at Nikki as she spoke in their direction she rolled her eyes and gave the girl a look, it wasn't harsh but it did say don't push it. More like a big a sister would look at a little sister if she was caught wearing her sweater.
Tatiana Newnan

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room -> Room 3)
Skills: N/A
Tatiana blew out a breath as Wayne came over and handed over Jamie to Jack. "Yes, your turn. Have fun," she teased as she held her nose. She was more than happy to let Jack change Jamies diaper. She had changed plenty of them when she was on the road alone. Staying out of the way she watched and thought back to some of the numerous diapers she had changed when she was alone. One stood out, when she had to perch up in a tree in the middle of winter when Jamie was a newborn. That was one she hoped she never had to repeat. It was a dark time but little did she know that times would get a lot darker for her and Jamie before they got better. They were better now though. They were here and hopefully they would stay here. There were some things that Tatiana didn't like about CMB but there was a lot she did like. Sure safety was never guaranteed but this place was the best place they had seen since Newnan had fallen. And if they had the resources to put Thana back together, it said a lot.
Looking over at the Major announced it was time to turn in for the evening she nodded and wait for Jack to finish changing Jamie before starting to head for their room. Last night. Tomorrow would be the deciding moment. She wondered how they would go about it. Would they just tell them if they were in or out, would there be a review, would it be public if there was, would they make them chose first and then let them know out of those that chose to stay if they were chosen? Would any of them know what the other said? And what about Thana? And the paper work that CMB now had from Newnan? How much of that would go with what everyone had said. Tatiana glanced around and wondered just how much what she had said would back fire on the others. In the end, she oddly found she didn't care. As long as Jamie was safe she would throw them all under a bus, herself included. Kissing Jack and Jamie Tatiana laid down in bed and went to sleep. Tomorrow was a new day and perhaps the start of a new life.
Wayne Maldonado

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room -> Room 7)
Skills: N/A
"All yours daddio," Wayne said as he handed off Jamie to Jack. "Oh please, the Sox are fully displayed in that butt blow out," Wayne smirked as he walked away. "Only team worse, the Cubbies and even they can do better." Wayne chuckled as he looked over towards Hank. "Oh let him wipe the kids ass, being a Beaner he's gotta be used to it," Wayne added, poking fun. He wasn't malicious about it but the man had spoke out against the Yankees and well, a good New Yorker couldn't let that slide. Granted, had this been in a bar in the Bronx that would have gotten Jack a bottle upside the head but hey, they were at the beach and he was for lack of a better term - retired. So vocal pushes were about as much as he was going to do towards Jack. Though that really was more for Jamie and Tatiana. Jack put off a weird vibe to him, nothing bad but there was something going on there and he did like Tatiana and Jamie. So for them he played nice. Plus he didn't want Tatiana to kick his ass.
Looking over at the Major he grinned. "Sweet, clean air," he laughed as he began to stroll towards the door. Last day of quarantine tomorrow and he would find out if his seeing things would keep him out of the place. From what he could gather he didn't know but as far as he knew his interview went pretty good and it was a hell of a lot faster than most people's. He was actually surprised that no one had been tossed out already all things considered but hey, these people had a way about them and he did want to get to know that little dish known as Daytona a bit more. Who knew, maybe he could enjoy a long walk on the beach. Ugh, sand in his shoes. Now worries, it would wash off. Okay, bed, snore, tomorrow. Walking into his room he flopped down on the bed and was out fast. God love being an old man with emotional issues, made sleep come fast. At least he wasn't farting tonight.