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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Emanuel "Manny" Newman

Location: Quarantine
Skills: N/A

The morning went by smoothly for Manny. Sure he was stressed, but he figured he did pretty well to hide that. No matter what, it would be his last day in this damn room. That he was glad for. Though he wasn't worried about himself staying much, as his interview felt like a job interview awkwardly enough, but he wondered how those that he came in with would fair. Though he didn't see a reason they wouldn't be let in he still worried. They were his family, no matter how close or far they grew from each other, he would always do his best for them. Though... at his age, his best may be a liability more then anything else.

Manny went on with the day thinking to himself, 'This will be the last time I am doing *Insert random thing I am doing now* In quarantine like this'. Sure, he had loved much of what he had seen of CMB, and some things he had been less then pleased with, but these particular rooms he was looking forward to never seeing again. Though if he were to say that out loud, he could imagine jinxing himself and becoming the designated quarantine doctor. God he hoped that didn't happen. Though while washing dishes for the sixth day in a row being a doctor again seemed much more appealing.

Once back in the main room Manny grabbed himself a simple lunch and found a nice spot to sit. Once he finished his lunch he started pacing back and forth in the main room, not out of anxiety, but for the fact of he wanted to keep moving. He kept his quality of life this high for so many years by keeping active. Sure he was no navy seal doing 10,000 pull ups and push ups. But jogging or speed walking helped at his age. Weights were harder at his age now, but carrying gear seemed to do the trick. Though his endurance has started to struggle in recent years. Maybe he should consider trying weights again, even if light ones. He stopped after a while as he was starting to tire out, and yet again found a comfortable chair to sit in. But damn was he starting to hate chairs. He saw Thana with yet more papers, the poor girl must be drowning in all that damn paperwork. He gave a friendly wave, but she seemed busy so wouldn't push anything past that.

Private Hunter James Monroe

Location: Quarantine
Skills: N/A

To say that Hunter felt like an ass, would be a very accurate statement. While in his stay at Camp Mexico beach he had lost his shit on a new mother, prepared himself to fight off the entirety of the camp (Even knowing he would lose trying), and left a feeling of paranoia where ever he went. He wanted to blame it all on the stress of being in an unfamiliar place, but he figured there was probably more to this then he wanted to admit. This world that he was getting thrown into was... too normal for him. He had heard of soldiers who had returned from war, and found that returning to civilian life was almost impossible for them as it was so drastically different for them compared to the war fronts. Was that something he was going through? He wasn't deployed long at all though... Or was he? Had he ever really left when his unit was killed? Had he ever left the mentality of being a soldier? He didn't know, and it confused and frustrated him. Sure these were thoughts he has had in the past, but not this deep. The closest he had gotten to a normal life before this place would be a couple random survivors who were somewhat nice to him before they were gone too.

His ignorance really showed to Hunter when Nigel and Nikki pointed out that these people were not likely to hold him at gun point like a prison camp if he was kicked out, not unless he caused trouble along the way. Though he felt he had some justification, much of the struggles he had faced since arriving were caused by his own paranoia and lack of ability to trust those around him. But hearing it from Nikki, the girl who was nice and did some maybe flirty things that Hunter still struggled to understand, and from Nigel the man who gave Hunter a chance to be a normal person and have a normal person conversation to help show his calm and collective side, it helped him understand that he needed to dial it back a notch or two. Or maybe remove the notch altogether. Though that would take more then a couple sentences from the two people here he was starting to believe he might be able to trust. Even that thought though reminded him of how far his paranoid thoughts had gotten him.

Snapping back to the world outside of his own head, Nigel had made a comment about Roman Democracy and comparing it to this place. Hunter could see it in a way. The reassurances helped too. "I think things will turn out alright too. One way or another. Things will be... Alright." It was hard to stay positive when every bone in his body wanted to say 'No something is wrong don't trust this place nothing can be this perfect'. He figured that voice would always be there, maybe with time he could fix it. Or at least suppress it enough to function normally. Or... Maybe he wont, and trying to will make it worse... He stopped himself once he noticed those thoughts creeping back in. This was going to be hard. And a problem that couldn't be shot, stabbed, or beaten with a wooden stick. Though a decent start, Nigel asked Hunter a question that he wasn't sure he could say no to. "A sword?" He said with a slight smile and a slight tone change. He turned, making eye contact, but barely full face. "Yeah, that would be pretty cool." He decided that Nigel could be someone to trust. He was nicer then most. Or maybe.... most were that nice, and he struggled to believe that. "I had a sister who was really into swords and things like that, though she was more into the middle ages and things like that. I'd imagine she'd get into the roman stuff too though." He smiled, though it was hard. Apart of him knew he would never see her or anyone else from his family again.

Over the next few hours, the guards kept making their rounds. Though by instinct part of him would keep track of it, he let it go for the most part. Sure, all the guns in play kept his mind working, but otherwise he did his best to just let it go. Chores went by with ease, cleaning wasn't hard when no one here had anything in their rooms, and lunch was lunch. He knew what to expect by this point. There was more activity from the CMB people, but he wouldn't say anything about it. He heard Izibell was doing good, and that made him happy. Part of his interview came back to him. Though not word for word, the concept was the important thing he remembered. If he was going to stay, and become a functioning member of this community, he was going to have to face the facts. They were dead. All of them. It's just a matter of where the corpses are at this point.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 14 days ago

Thana Martin

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Thana took a breath and stood up, clearing her throat as she flipped through the papers. Seemed this was in her hands now. She had hoped for some R & R once she returned, especially now knowing that Ash and her squad was here but it seemed that would have to wait. Looking up at the whole group, she began. This was going to be an information dump. "As this is yer last day in Quarantine, there are some thangs that need to be explained. Those that both choose to stay and are chosen to remain will be taken out of Quarantine today and assigned a bunk. Those that are either choosin' to leave or were not chosen by CMB to remain will have their initial belongin's returned to them, no more, no less, and escorted from CMB. We do not provide means fer those that are not stayin'; you have been housed, fed, and medically treated for the last week and are in far better condition than when ya entered." That was a hell of a start but it was how it was. They did not provide rations or anything beyond what a person entered with when they left. A weeks worth of food, bed, water, showers, medical care, and recuperation were far more than even Newnan had given people that were just passing through. If anyone expected more, well in the immortal words of a long dead Texan they could suck a cows ass.

"Those that remain need to be aware of how thangs are run here. As ya can see, we are a military run camp. The General, Aeron Martin is the C.O., his word is our law. The only people allowed to carry firearms within the walls are Officers, Safety, Guards, Extraction Teams, Alpha, and Beta Team. Only those who have passed any psychiatric requirements and have passed their 30 day review are allowed to carry simple melee weapons. Only those assigned to specific jobs, duties, or assignments outside of the walls are allowed outside of the walls. We do not allow people to leave without assignment or an approved mission by at least the X.O., First Master Gunnery Sergeant Macsen Martin." Thana paused for a moment and let that sink in. Another thing that was different from Newnan. Not everyone could carry and you couldn't just walk out. Not to mention, you had to pass a review and perhaps more. Though that much should have been made clear over the week as not every member of CMB that came in to help was carrying. Auntie, Cook, no weapons. Even Mizrahi hadn't and when Thana hadn't been on duty she had be relieved of her weapon. The new kid Bass when he came in wasn't carrying. If people thought they would have their weapons back or would be carrying they hadn't been paying attention.

"All current job positions are filled within the community but everyone must work. That being said, everyone that remains will be assigned duty with Supply in their janitorial services to work on the upkeep and cleanliness of the community. This will include such thangs as cleanin' bathrooms, laundry services, garbage detail, and the like. Those with special skills, at the end of their probation period, will be given tests to see the level of their skills and when a position becomes available you will be considered for it." Again, something that CMB did different from Newnan. Newnan had needed people, CMB obviously didn't. Even their medical team was full.

"This is community works fer each other. As long as you put in yer base hours each week you will be fully provided with food, clothin', housin', medical treatment (both preventative and emergency), advancin' education, and community entertainment options. This means 3 meals a day in the mess hall. A weeks worth of sleep wear, work wear, general daily wear at a time. At which you will turn into supply to retrieve another weeks worth. Housin' is in joint facilities. Medical is in the hospital. Education within the Education Buildin' or within certain areas designated for trainin'. Community entertainment options are posted weekly." It didn't look like there was private housing, cook for yourself, or just go off with this place. They were highly organized. And whether new people liked it or not, one thing couldn't be denied, it was working. Five years in and they were self sufficient and standing strong.

"Personal items will be returned but weapons will not, those go into the armory and become part of the general stock for those that carry. Only when and if you are cleared may you seek one again if it has not already been claimed. If one wishes for better housin', more clothin' options, more food, knickknacks, a personal record player, instruments, and so forth you may put in for additional hours to earn CMB credit to buy such thangs. Those who wish for a house of their own, those are only given as a reward for long term service within the community and then you are responsible for power and water to be run to it, paid monthly in additional work. After your probation period is over and if you chose to leave the community at that time you may. As long as you hold debt within the community, you have time remainin' with us. Once any debts are paid, you are free to leave. Once you leave, should ya chose to return, you will start all the way over again." Just like the military. They provided you everything you needed to survive and have some fun on base. Everything else was out of extra you owned. It was free to live in base housing, it cost your own money to live off base.

"Those with prior military experience are stripped of their ranks on admittance into CMB. If ya wish to be part of the military aspect of CMB, you will go through hell week once again and then be given a rank in accordance with your prior rank if it is deemed fit. It not, your rank may be lowered or raised at the discretion of the Operations Officer recommendation, and approval of the X.O. and C.O. Officers are house in Officers Quarters, Enlisted in Enlisted, non-military with non-military, unless otherwise acquired, rewarded, or approved requisition." Thana's eyes went to Ash. If he accepted and was approved, he would not longer be a Captain, at least for now. One had to prove themselves and while it may seem like a lot of officers, for a community of over 300, more officers were needed than one might expect. A Squad had 6-10 people, a platoon had 3-4 squads, company 3-4 platoons, a battalion 3-5 companies, and so forth. So for 300 people a minimal of 12 officers were needed and up to 30 would be used. The fact this was not just a war zone but a camp, a base, having more officers were needed to keep things running smoothly.

"Normally, due to the cost of housin' one for a week within Quarantine, those that are offered to remain and accept, start out in debt with the community and must work time and a quarter to work off the debt fer a period of 30 days," she said as she referred to the file before her. It wasn't a large request. It showed that people were willing to not only work what they had but what they had used. Cleaning up after themselves was not the payment. That was just keeping the debt from rising. Seemed like an easy enough trade. A quarter extra hours each week over a month would add up to 1 full week of supplies- the amount of time they had been in Quarantine. It was equal trade off. Taking a breath she looked up from the paper. "Yet, those that are chosen and choose to remain will start out with zero debt within the community. A donation was made for y'all as a whole to cover your costs." It seemed someone had already taken care of it for the new comers.

"Remember, you are guest here until you prove yerself. Respect is given once ya earn it. You are never entitled to anythang. That ain't life folks. Some of y'all need to be showin' thanks instead of attitude from what I've been readin'." Picking up a start of papers and a handful of pens, Thana stepped out from behind the table. Walking to each of them, she handed them a paper one at a time. It laid everything out she had just stated. As well as an agreement that stated that anyone that accepted would follow the rules and laws of the community as a whole. It laid out general rules and regulations for housing, lights out, bed checks that happened at lights out for the community for those in general housing that occurred at 11 P.M. each evening. What times meals were served. What buildings general public was allowed in - their own housing, the Administration Building (Front reception only unless given passage), supply for clothing and laundry, Medical (Front Reception Only until admitted further), the Church when open, the beach in designated areas, the main walk of the pier but not beneath where food was grown, posted entertainment areas during functional times, and education on appointment or during assigned hours, as well as job locations during assigned job hours. It also laid out mandatory Physical Training daily for members. It seemed CMB wanted people to stay strong, this was a good thing.

"Read through these carefully. Some of you will notice that you will be required therapy until you are mentally fit and cleared. Miss a single session or prescribed medication and it will mean eviction from the community. Trespassin' into areas you should not be, will mean eviction from the community. Carryin' without clearance will mean eviction from the community. Betrayal, subversion, or even what could be considered treason against the community can be punishable by execution," she said as she handed out the papers. That was something Newnan and CMB had in common. Eviction from the community and a chance of execution. "No sentence or punishment is issued without full review of our Officers Council. No one is sentenced without a chance to plead their case. We do not accept 'I forgot' as a plea. Always check before enterin'. If in doubt ask a Senior Officer. No sentence is carried out without a final approval from each head of the concerned departments before passing to the Operations Officer. Then it goes to the X.O. If he deems it correct up to this point it is passed to General Aeron Martin and it is not until he signs off is any sentence carried out. We do not deal out such thangs without heavy consideration." That was something far different from Newnan. This mean that no ones fate was in the hands of a single person. This was a community effort when it came to punishment.

Stepping back to the front of the room, Thana stood behind the table. "This is how it works here. If yer willin' to join CMB, sign on the dotted line and return yer paper to me. If not, do not sign it and you will be escorted out. This is how it has been for every member here. Even those at the beginnin' had to go back through this when it was implemented. Includin' the General. Includin' myself." The last part she didn't have to say but she did anyways. She didn't want anyone to think that because she was a Martin, just because she was the Gunny's Daughter and Maddog's niece she hadn't done her time in hell. That just because she was the General's Granddaughter she hadn't been held to the same standards as the rest. She had and she was glad that she had and proud that her family put her through that. She earned her place. The rest would have to as well.

"Once I have all yer decisions made and papers returned, I will announce who, after heavy review, will be allowed to remain. This is all the information you will receive until you are a part of the community. We do not give any more information until after. Those who are not chosen or choose not to stay do not need to know any more about our community than this. That is the protocol." And that was how she would do it. None would know who got in and who didn't until after they made their choices. Like with the military. You could chose to join and sign on the dotted line but if you didn't make muster they could still boot you. Pulling up her chair she sat down and waited. This was it. Their time to make a choice. Stay or go. Thana had obviously made her choice. She had chosen to remain, in hopes of finding a select few. Now she was in debt and had to work it off. She would. Looking at Ash and her former squad, even though they had found their own way here, she knew it was worth every hour of OT she would be putting in.

"People, if ya can't get on board with this. If ya ain't at peace with it, I suggest ya just leave. It's a big world out there and you all have survived this long, so if we ain't the fit fer ya, go somewhere that is or find a place just fer you to do thangs yer way," she added as she waited for them to hand their papers back in. Nothing more would be done until they had all returned their sheets. Signed or unsigned.

* Special Note: Read all that again, and again. It is a lot to take in. Reference this post if you forget down the line. All papers need to be handed back in to Thana at the end of your next post. Below is the individual notes for Therapy on each applicant to CMB. This does not mean your character was accepted. No one knows who was or was not accepted and no, not everyone is.

Unless you show another PC what is required of your character, only your character knows. These are not posted publicly. Each character is handed their papers, their name at the top. On the second page is theirs and only their psych requirements.

  • Ash Holloway: Therapy recommended though not required.
  • Riley Ridgeway: Therapy not required.
  • Amelia Payne: Therapy recommended though not required.
  • Jack Newnan: Therapy recommended though not required.
  • Tatiana Newnan: Therapy required.
  • Alexander Polawski: Therapy recommended though not required.
  • Beatrice Decker: Therapy not required.
  • Thalia Carmichael: Therapy not required.
  • Emanuel "Manny" Newman: Therapy not required.
  • Erica Monroe: Therapy not required.
  • Nigel "Hadrian" Cooper: Therapy not required.
  • Wayne Maldonado: Therapy required.
  • Hank Wright: Therapy not required.
  • Hunter Monroe: Therapy required.
  • Victor Bonheur: Therapy required.

Tatiana Newnan

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: Psychology

When Ash started talking to Tatiana she listened. Whatever she had thought he might have needed to talk about, she hadn't expected that. Her jaw going slightly slack as he spoke and then tensing. She was angry. Initially it was directed at him. She felt a little betrayed. Then the anger shifted as her eyes darted over towards Thana. Yet the longer she listened the more that angers direction shifted again and it wasn't towards anyone in that room. There was a huff that came from her but she nodded. She understood what he was saying, why he was saying it, and despite every she agreed with his choice; even if she didn't like it. "I'd do same if vere me," she finally said after a long silence. Swallowing hard she looked over towards the man she thought of as her brother and let out another long breath. That had to be a hell of a nerve racking thing for him to come to her over.

Then again, looking at Thana she found herself understanding the woman a tad more. And it explained a lot that had been missing from the puzzle that was Zoie and Thana. She couldn't blame the woman for the attitude she had the night of the wedding when people brought up Zoie anymore. Hell, there was a small burning rage for the woman now that would have caused her to deck the now dead second in command of Newnan if she had still been alive. Tatiana knew that pain and she wouldn't wish it on anyone. Resting her hand on Ash's shoulder she nodded again. "Ve good, I got this. Go be happy. You earned it," she said before hugging him. Like hell she was going to get in his way after everything he had done and lost for them.

Walking back over to Jack, Tatiana sat down and let out a long breath. "Ve need talk, later, important," was all she said before Thana stood up and walked to the front of the room. It seemed that things were going to be getting under way now. Turning her attention to the scarred woman she listened. It was a hell of a lot of information to take in. Some she didn't like, a lot of it she agreed with. All of it she understood and accepted. This was their home, they had their ways. It wasn't her place to judge or get snippy over it. It worked. People were alive, healthy, and from what she had seen happy. Fuck screwing that up. If she had to tap dance dressed as Bozo the Clown every day she would.

Taking the paper from Thana she nodded. She was slower at reading English than talking but she read it and then read it again. Mumbling slightly to herself as she did. Then she saw the psych requirements for her. Therapy required. That wasn't surprising. Looking over towards the Major she nodded. She had told the woman everything and she did mean everything. Including every last ugly detail of what had happened to her before coming to the United Stated and all the pain she went through on her own while she was trying to keep her son safe. If they didn't require her to go through Therapy she would have been worried. Taking the pen she signed on the dotted line. She was staying if they allowed it. Like hell she was going to intentionally leave. Standing up she walked back to the table and held out the paper to Thana. "I vill make it vork," she said before going and sitting back down.

Wayne Maldonado

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Wayne found himself laughing as Hank went through the list of observations. Oh he had to agree with him on several of them, hell most of them. There were some observations he had made on his own but he wasn't voicing them right then. And it wasn't because he wanted to keep his mouth shut. He was too busy watching what the hell was going down with the Ballerina and Captain Tight Pants over in the corner. The woman looked pissed as hell but she wasn't hitting the man. So either she was plotting to kill him or her anger was directed elsewhere. It seemed that it might be directed towards Captain Tight Pants woman, or at least he figured Thana was Ash's woman. If she wasn't he better figure out how to get her because just damn. Scared or not, from what he saw of the woman, he'd have to be pretty stupid to let go of a woman who could survive whatever caused that to her face and still smile. Shit, Wayne was crazy but he wasn't stupid.

Speaking of crazy. Seemed shit was about to get crazier. Thana getting up and starting to talk. So they were making her handle this part? Did she normally handle this? Didn't seem like she did. She drug on a little more than her dad did. Then it sunk in. It would be easier for those that knew the woman to hear all this to hear it from her than just some random stranger from CMB. It was a smart move on their part. It was always easier to swallow a hard pill if it was handed to you by someone you knew. Hank was proof of that. More than once Hank had had to figuratively and metaphorically dish out hard truth pills to Wayne over the years. Hell it was easier to hear anything bad if it came from a pretty girl as well, well if you were straight. Wayne chuckled to himself and glanced towards Ash. Shit that woman could have told him to cut a hand off and he probably would have.

Granted, it was a lot to take in and Wayne found himself swatting at the air every so often before grabbing whatever it was from the air and shoving it under his ass. Even if it was a lot to take in, Wayne didn't have a problem. He kind of liked the fact that these people put everyone through the wringer, everyone was accountable, everyone worked, everyone worked out, people were screened. Hell he wished the real world had been more like that before the outbreak. Fuck the second amendment, not everyone should carry a weapon. Some people were not stable enough. Like him. He laughed at himself and the irony.

Leaning back he took the paper from Thana and read over it. Same shit, different words. He had to have therapy? No shit. Maybe he could have his therapy count as Education. Not for him but towards whoever was his therapist. They would be clocking some major training hours dealing with his ass, and his little blue friend. Sighing his name quickly he jumped up and handed over the paper towards Thana before going and sitting back down. He liked it here, he wanted to stay. He wanted to fish and well, he wanted to teach little Ass Kicker how to fish and kick ass. It would be fun!

Year 5: Part 2 Update

Date: July 22nd, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: H6 (Quarantine: W)

Temperature: 87F
Humidity: High (Around 83%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 15 MPH
Cloud Coverage: Overcast

Standing there Gunny listened to his daughter give the break down of what was going to happen. It was her first time doing this and he could tell. It wasn't exactly perfect, it wasn't completely detached but it wasn't bad. He gave her a nod as she started handing out the papers. The last bit though that she added at the end got a snort from him. Okay, that was her uncle in her showing. Either way, it was done. They had the information they needed, now to just wait and see what happened. See what they did with the information, with the papers, and so forth. He was watching the rest of the group now. Seeing if anyone decided to get suddenly very stupid and try something. His eyes were on several.

And it seemed Gunny wasn't the only one watching. All the guards were. And it seemed each guard as certain people they were keeping closer eyes on. It broke up everyone keeping an eye on everyone. People like Major and Gunny had their eyes on certain people. Roy and Panama on others. Nikki and Thana on even others. As Thana stood back waiting for papers to be returned, each guard was ready. Everyone that was keeping guard seemed to get a lot more serious at this point. Not that Gunny or the Major or even Roy were ever not serious but there was a change in the others. Panama's smirk faded. Nikki stopped chewing her gum and swallowed it. Thana rested her hand on her hip as each person came up to hand up their paper. Sure some people were readers they could tell when someone was going to do something yet sometimes even a person didn't know what they would do in a moment, anyone could turn.

Victor looked over his paper and took longer than most. His pen kept going to the paper and then away from it. It seemed like he couldn't decide whether or not to sign it. In the end, it was hard to tell if he signed it or not. It wasn't until he walked over to Thana and handed it over did anyone know. And then it was only him and Thana that did as she looked down at the paper and then turned it over and laid it on the growing pile. Victor seemed to linger there, looking at Thana and her eyes narrowed. A jerk of her head and he finally walked off. While people were signing the papers, two more came into the back of the room. Bass returned and walked over towards Nikki, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms over his chest as he stood next to her. He was armed now and looked rather thug life standing there. Another came in, only one person in the camp had met the Flamboyant Mexican so far. Code name: Shakespeare. He gave a crooked toothy grin towards Thalia as he went over and took position behind Thana as back up if need.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Amelia turned her focus and attention fully to Thana as the woman started speaking about what was happening right now. First of all there was a lot of information given and in need of thinking. Stuff like how they'd proceed from now, what happening with the resources that were spend on them this week and how it should have been repaid, but apparently it was taken care of this time around. Of course there was also a lot of information given about the rules they'd have to follow if they were all to sign up with the camp. Amelia couldn't help but twitch at the notion that none of them would be allowed weapons unless they passed even more reviews or the like. It wasn't quite a bad idea, especially given what had transpired in the last days of Newnan, but she still couldn't quite get over it outright.

She looked around and a hand reached for her head for a moment, or rather reached for her currently non existent long hair. She quickly realized it and the hand slowly went down again. She was quiet as she thought. Even if they assured of safety of the camp, there was NO insurance that something might not go wrong. What if a walker suddenly got inside somehow? It wasn't impossible! What if someone else snapped, someone who had a weapon? That was also in her mind not impossible. This was just a fragment of the whole thing, but important one. Then there was the way they would be housed and 'property'. The fact none of them would really own anything in this camp was another thing that she wasn't sure what to think of. It was so foreign to her as a concept. Sure Newnan had such cases to a degree, but this went to a full control of everything. They didn't own anything, except maybe what they brought as normal non important items. With weapons and the like being taken, Amelia sure as hell thought of her baseball bat... She was going to miss the thing.

Thinking it through very much, she started to figure out a few things to her answer about the situation. For the weapons, she concluded that EVERYTHING could be a weapon. Sure she wouldn't have a proper weapon at hand most of the times, but should the need arises, Amelia was certain she'd find something to use to protect herself or Riley. About the join housing, well it wasn't that much different from back in Newnan. Sure she wasn't sure if they meant here many people in the same room or every couple/person having a room. She'd have to deal with that as it comes if she's accepted, but decided it was probably NOT going to be a critical issue. On the topic of owning a house or even simple items, she was less concerned on actually. Owning a house might be nice, but she wasn't really willing to invest too much into this place without it being proven it would last. Newnan could have lasted... It didn't. Items were less important really. A few luxuries might be nice to have, but honestly she just wanted books and occasionally watch some movie or something. They probably had that and libraries were a thing even before the apocalypse, so she was used to not owning the books she read. Additionally she could perfectly well live with the rule of limited access to certain areas. Though she did consider that curiosity about what's happening in those or what's located there would pop up. If that does happen, she promised to herself to first try asking what's inside there or why they aren't allowed into those. Curiosity killed the cat after all and she sure as the sun rising, didn't want to die.

After that and other deliberations on the subject, she looked at teh contracts that were distributed. She really slowly and carefully signed it. Some of the others had already gave over their papers. As she gave the thing a final look over, her eyes lingered on the topic of Therapy.' Hmm...' She thought briefly, then just continued down with the rest of the document. Having read it at least 3 times, she finally walked over and handed hers. She wanted to stay and if Riley was staying too, then it was even better. If Riley was leaving, well Amelia would leave as well. That was her decision. She was even going to accept going to therapy. Maybe she'd get to take her baseball bat home again at the end of it too.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Online

Beatrice Decker

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Beatrice gave Thalia a slight smile, though she knew that they likely wouldn't have another chance for those sort of activities here. Her eyes flickered towards the area in the back where they had done exercises and sparring - maybe they could have done it there, for all to see, but Beatrice wasn't into that sort of openness. While sex came without romantic strings and attachment for her, it didn't mean she wanted everyone to have a front row seat to that show. "Just fighting? Disappointing," Beatrice replied, shaking her head slightly. Erica was similarly boring, though Beatrice had to wonder where the woman had been a cop. If she had been a cop in Justice, then that would have been an interesting line of conversation. At the very least, Mugsy had something interesting to add and Beatrice laughed slightly. "How long are we talking?" she asked, amused by that image of Alex with locks like Rapunzel.

The conversations were cut short though as things got started. There was already one point of concern in her mind that came up instantly - there was no mention of them having time to go visit the graves if they were going to leave. All Thana said was that they would be escorted out. Beatrice knew that she wasn't going to stay here - she wanted to live and die by her own terms. The more Thana talked about the highly regimented aspect to life here, the prospect of additional reviews, assignment of debt for supplies... She knew that this was how a community like this survived, but all she could see was a place of more red tape - of more experiences like quarantine. This place wasn't right for her. Hopefully those she came to care for would be able to find it in themselves to make this place work, yet she couldn't make that choice for them.

Thana's recommendation that people leave if they couldn't make peace with this, Beatrice couldn't help but feel like it was directed at her. She took her papers, lifting up the first sheet to look at the psychiatric requirements - none. Her eyes flickered over towards Thalia as she returned her papers to Thana unsigned. "Thank you for all of this," she told Thana. She didn't know if they would have accepted her or rejected her, but she felt the very least she could do was say thank you for what they had already done for her.

Jack Newnan

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Hearing any variation on the phrase we need to talk was never really a good thing in Jack's experience. His stomach started to twist into knots, and he put an arm around his wife, nodding. "Okay," he said quietly, falling silent once Thana went to the front of the room and began to talk. Her words illuminated a lot more about how this society worked. Everything seemed to be regimented and well thought out, with more conditions for remaining though they honestly should have been things that Newnan included in their own structure all along. Even if he wasn't thrilled about every part of it, the system seemed to be fundamentally fair to him. Everyone earned things - nothing was guaranteed or taken for granted, whereas in Newnan pretty much everyone for instance had gotten something akin to a house of their own.

But there was no way he was going to turn down this offer, if they allowed him in. This place was the best chance Jamie had. All of the resources and the strength that they had here... It could let his son have something akin to a normal life. Maybe other people would have little ones here too and Jamie would have friends his own age. Even if that wasn't the case, at least he was safer inside these walls than beyond them. His goal was that the most anxiety inducing thing Jamie would have to worry about on a daily basis would be school reports and tests, not whether he was going to eat that night or if a walker would bite him as he slept. Once he received his own papers and saw that therapy was recommended for him, Jack made up his mind that if allowed into this settlement, he would do the therapy. After everything they had been through, it could only help.

He looked at Tatiana and Jamie for a moment, before signing on the line and bringing his papers up to the front. "Do uh, do we need to sign anythin' for Jamie too?" he asked. He didn't know if they had separate papers for Jamie or anything like that.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: Basic Russian

Speaking with Tatiana was a troublesome and painful process to get out. Certain truths had to be spoken in confidence, and things of a highly personal nature had to be risked on his part. It was with a huge, massive amount of relief that Tatiana understood him, and was willing to speak with Jack on the matter as well. That would be another hurdle to overcome. Luckily, she was helping him jump it. "Спасибо, Татьяна." he said, expressing his gratitude simply and in her native language. It meant a great deal that he could still count her among his adoptive family, even if their relationship dynamic had changed somewhat. When Tatiana embraced Ash, he hugged back with genuine, lasting depth of feeling. Ash was horrible at expressing himself a lot of the time. He gave the oft frightening ballerina a small smile, breathed a sigh of relief, and moved to rejoin Thana.

Ash didn't quite make it back to Thana before she stood and moved to the front of the room. It looked very much like the big moment had arrived. This meant official. This meant that he had zero right to stand next to her right now, lest the people around assume anything of him and/or he get escorted away by the people with guns. And it was a good thing, too. Full info dump, like ripping off a name brand adhesive bandage. This speech confirmed bits and pieces of things that had been mentioned or assumed over the past week, plus a whole lot more. When Thana got to the part about the military aspect of CMB, Ash couldn't help but notice that she looked to him. Yeah, he was a commissioned officer, once upon a time. If he wanted to be one again, here, then he had to prove himself. Fine. He was ready to do just that. Ash was experienced and talented, and if they wanted to make sure of that before they trusted him with weapons and people, then that made perfect sense to him. The bottom line was that he could have a life again, with Thana. It would be well worth going through the same trials that she did upon returning here.

When he got the paperwork, he took the time to look it over. Like many things of a militant nature, it seemed to work in redundancy, occasionally stating the same facts or procedures about several different things. It allowed no discernible room for misinterpretation that he could tell. And it boiled down to "don't fuck up, stick to your schedule and areas unless allowed otherwise". Okay. Therapy recommended, but not required. Also okay. Required or not, it would be good for him, set a good example for others, and show the Senior Officers of Camp Mexico Beach that he was willing to assimilate into their community openly. It could only help. Ash took a pen and signed in the dotted line. He was in.

He was actually smiling a little when he handed the paper over to Thana. Unless something unforeseen had occurred and he was getting the boot, he was very much onboard with CMB.

Thalia Carmichael

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: Spanish

Their table-side conversation was put on intermission for a bit, it looked like, when Thana stood and began to address the whole of them in Quarantine. It didn't take very long before Thalia realized that this wasn't some quick public notice, but the gearing up for the main event of the day, so to speak. This was a LOT to process, especially for the human equivalent of a once feral dog like Thalia. Rules. Upon rules. Upon rules. Most of these things telling you what you couldn't do, where you couldn't go, and reminding you that you're not special in the least. Fine, she could get that. Also, something about mandatory recreation time? Not being able to leave? She must not have heard that right. It was one of the few feelings of total freedom that she had for the longest time, being able to climb a tree and sleep the day away in its branches or running off to find lunch with a pointed stick; one of the most profound centering activities to set a fire in an earthen hole and watch the flames dance for hours.

But she had made up her mind about something already. Much in the same way that Thalia had to learn from others to be able to do those things that gave her that freedom and kept her from dying, she had to learn the lessons of these people as well. She was weaker than she needed to be. They could help fix it. Thalia's brow perked when Thana talked about becoming part of the CMB military. That was what she was talking about, at least she thought. But there seemed to be a caveat involved: Those with prior military experience, specifically. The wording of it was such that joining up with that aspect of CMB might be open to former soldiers only. It was something to ask about later; it was the reason she initially wanted to stay, period. Other factors came into play, but... It might not matter anyway. What little Thalia knew of the military, she understood that people with college education could become officers. Well, she had one of those. Problem was, she was never military, persay. Nor had she ever wanted to be the unquestioned leader of anything. She worked for a security firm, dealing with electronics and training raw recruits how to not get their asses kicked. Or how to get their asses kicked with dignity, at the very least. She had an office, so that was fun, and she went through basic training with an aspect of security procedures like everyone else employed by the company; but doing the job that she did - were she in the military - might have made her a ranking noncom. Nothing like Navy Girl Thana, nothing like the Army Captain that her cousin used to get frisky with, and certainly not like the old man who ran this place.

Oh, but this wasn't ideal. It was something, though. And it was her best chance at getting stronger. Thalia wouldn't be ready to survive out there like she used to for a while, this she knew. Best chance. Thalia signed her paper for that best chance, though she looked at the paper for a long time before walking it up. Plus, it was kind of fun to watch her sign, manually closing her prosthetic around the pen and holding it like a dagger, underhanded, while the helped guide the damned thing with her left hand. This was something to work on.

The other two men entered Quarantine, one giving Thalia a goofy smile before taking position with Thana. Thalia raised an eyebrow at the man, then shook her head slowly. She took on a serious look after that though, and leaned over to Beatrice, speaking quietly. "One day, I need to find out exactly what happened with my father's people in Monterrey. I gaht reasons why I can't now, and you know why I gahtta stay here. One day, Bea. World'll probably still be shit then, too. If I had a rebar-tough bitch watching my back out there I'd feel better about it." She nodded solemnly, looking to her friend, "But I undahstand. It's okay. Anything was different, I woudn't've signed. So no mattah what, we're good, k? You don't owe me a thing. Anything, I still owe you." She waved her metal arm as reminder; she spent a while looking after her and keeping her alive during that time. "Anyways..." she stood, staring at her papers for a moment longer, then nodded in the direction of the toothy-grinned Latino by Thana, "Ese es mi hermano.1 I'll introduce ya, if you like." she whispered, giving a little wink.

Thalia walked up and gave Thana her paper, giving her a long look that seemed to say, "I trust you," or more specifically, "I trust you despite uncertainty about almost everything else." But there it was. She was willing.

Hank Wright

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Meanwhile, the motivations of Hanktholomew Patrick Wright were much less complicated and much more direct. He was still watching the people in Quarantine, taking mental notes, but was mostly "off the clock", one could say. Even the people that he had his concerns about had their attention focused elsewhere, and soon, everyone had their attention focused on Thana and her amazing stacks of ...paperwork. Yes, paperwork. Hank wasn't even going to think anything untoward while Captain America was lurking about like a protective monolith, casting his disapproving gaze upon those who would view his lady love in a manner to which he took offense. Not like he was going to say anything. Hank was along for the ride on this one.

The only thing he did raise an eyebrow at, or more specifically get a belly laugh rolling over, was his psych status. Apparently, having started this Apocalypse in a nuthouse wasn't in and of itself a red flag that he probably needed more looking after, so far as making sure that his cheese was still deftly atop his cracker, in all of the ways that made sense. Well, it's not like he was getting any younger staring at the papers. He signed, shrugged, and walked his papers up to Thana for proper filing, because filing was still alive and well here at the End of the World as We Know It, and he felt fine.

So, papers turned in. Hank walked back to his most recent favorite sitting spot, and began to look in earnest at what was going on around him. Something was up, he knew that much. Now to see if that something was going to turn into something difficult. For the sake of everyone involved, deep down, he did hope that this got handled in a quiet, humane manner. But when was the last time anything in this world got handled quietly?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Riley Ridgeway

Location: Camp Mexico Beach, Florida, W (Quarantine) (Conference Room)

Riley looked over towards Amelia and gave her a soft smile, before she turned her attention towards Thana as she started to hand out papers to everyone, and started to slowly read them over as she occasionally looked over towards Thana as she spoke. Giving more information about CMB, it was 100% military and growing up she really did not like authority figures to much. She really did hate her parents as well, but she continued to read through anyway as Riley read through they pretty much would have to work which was about the same thing in Newnan. Though she was one of the leads back in Newnan, sighing slightly as Riley wondered how her sister Chloe would have handled things as well.

She looked over towards Amelia wondering what she would end up doing, she wanted to make sure that Amelia was completely safe and hoped that she would be accepted. Riley read through more on the rules no firearms unless they allowed her to stay and she would either join one of the groups that allowed weapons. She missed having her personal belongings as well, though Riley was really tired of having to run around and trying to survive day by day as well. Then Riley started to read, at least she wouldn't need any kind of therapy which she was relived as well she hated psychiatrists.

Riley took the pen though she was willing to give this place a try if they would allow her anyway as she looked over towards Amelia wondering what her decision was. Riley started to sign her name and got up and made her way over towards Thana as she handed in her paper, whatever decision was given she would take it. Riley then made her way back to Amelia and sat down next to her and gave her a slight smile before looking over at the others to see what they would be doing also taking note in all of the guards that were there as well.

Erica Monroe

Location: Camp Mexico Beach, Florida, W (Quarantine) (Conference Room)

Erica looked back towards Nigel and returned the smile, before turning her attention over towards Thana as she handed everyone the paperwork. Erica started to read it all thoroughly as she started to wonder if she would be accepted with everyone else or not, she was really tired of having to run around but she would accept whatever decision would be given. As Erica listened, pretty much what she did expect from the military. Work and earn whatever it is that you wanted if you were accepted, and earn the camps trust which seemed easy enough as well.

She wasn't sure who would be signing or who wouldn't be as Erica read through it again occasionally looking over at Beatrice and Thalia wondering what their decisions were as well as Nigel, Hank, and Wayne's were as well. After reading it all thoroughly again Erica quickly signed her name up. And got up making her way over towards Thana as the bald girls did the same as well giving Thana a slight nod, and decided to go over and sat down next to Nigel this time and gave him a slight nudge again wondering if he was going to be staying or signing to stay if he was accepted.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Alexander Polawski

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: H6 Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

"Let's see…we're talking something between Mick Jagger late '69 and Neil Young at his best. Hell, I could give you a run for your money with that hair." Alexander had to answer Beatrice with a smirk, pleasently surprised to hear her laugh, even if it was only slight. This was one of the few moments of his past he'd shared with his favourite Let's Not Talk About It-person, and to hear her respond to it with an unusual sense of joy was a nice change of pace. It was nice, talking about his past without the fear. He'd be smart to keep that in check.

What followed was an overkill of an information-dump that could be only rivaled by the military Alexander had been part of a good four decades earlier, and he'd been good at paying attention better than he did in his early adulthood. It being Thana holding the briefing only made him more attentive of all the information. Only thing missing now was their officers jotting down notes, coordinates and whatnot so they didn't have to remember every order under the hail of gunfire.

Alexander listened carefully to each and every word Thana spoke to them throughout the whole briefing, only in brief moments seeing images of his days in the Army flash before his eyes as it sounded all too familiar to him. The C.O. holding all the cards and being the allmighty lord of the camp, your pre-miliary skills not being needed before you'd proven you could clean up other people's shit, meal-schedules, what you were allowed to do and carry and not, and much more. Yeah, Alexander had been through it before, though in a slightly different varation and context. The military needed them back in '70, they didn't now. But Alexander was still pretty sure he'd want to join.

His confidence grew slim when Thana mentioned the part of therapy.

The old veteran held the piece of paper before him, reading through it until he once again came back to the part with therapy. Therapy…he'd never had that. He knew enough fellow vets of what that could mean. Therapy meant talking about your feelings. Talking about your feelings meant talking about what caused them, and talking about that meant talking about what they'd done…what Alexander had done. Was he ready to do that? Would he ever be ready? His old eyes read the line again, again and again until the words no longer held any meaning. Therapy recommended, though not required. Did he really have a choice? He'd gotten this far without it, but could he?

Alexander looked over the paper again, before signing it. This was his best option by far, even if he didn't neccecarely like it. This was the military; you might not like it, but it gave you a sense of normality to a life who's normality was shattered by the undead. He'd have to ask about the therapy more after this, but if he didn't have to do it, he'd rather not…unless that was what his wife would have wanted? Alexander stood up and walked slowly over to Thana to hand in his paper, giving her a loaded smile at it all. He was tired of living like he had done on the outside, and now he wanted to prove himself useful, even if memories would come back to haunt him. He wanted to say something, but nothing wise came to him, so instead he handed in his papers and went back to his seat.

Nigel "Hadrian" Cooper

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Nigel nodded back to Hunter, glad that he was perhaps helping in the young, troubled man's existantial crisis with his reassurances. The young man had made progress since the first day Nigel saw him, if it wasn't one hell of a poker player or anything. Or a Gaulish barbarian assimilating into Roman culture who did all he could to be a good Roman, though deep in his heart his soul belonged to the forrests and rivers of Gaul. Perhaps Nigel too was a Gaul, a foreigner to this new society that was determined to forge their place in a unkind world. They all probably were, all various cultures and tribes that would become part of this military society. Was then Nigel a Greek?

"If they will allow it, it would be more than just cool. I've had my sword since this whole thing began, and it has yet to fail me." Nigel said back to Hunter, returning the smile as he finally got some eye-contact with him. Progress. He had no idea whether or not he would actually be allowed to work his trade in the camp, but he struggled to think they wouldn't find use of his skills. How many blacksmiths were out there those days?

Then Thana began to explain the way forward for them. All of them, both those who wished to stay and those who didn't. It was a lot of explaining, and Nigel did his best to take note of all the points she made underway. It all boiled down to one of the first things Thana made abundently clear; Camp Mexico Beach was a military camp. Rules existed for eveything, and for every rule there was a punishment. Like the legions of the Roman Republic and Roman Empire, you worked and fought who you were told to. They owed you nothing, it was your duty to serve if you wanted something in return. Work yourself up from the bottom, prove yourself worthy. It was what all modern militaries had based themselves on after all, it worked.

Nigel "Hadrian" was having few doubst in what he wanted. Like he believed himself, Rome did not become one of the greatest empires by playing nice or easy. It was a harsh world out there. If peace is what you seek, prepare for war, and so on. He still took a little time to read over the paper, noting the lack of required therapy for him. It was a good sign that his interview hadn't gone as bad as he'd feared. It also gave Erica enough time for him to notice her nudging him as she sat down with him. Nigel looked up at her, giving her a soft smile before looking down at the paper and signing it. "Let's hope this works for us." Nigel said to Erica, standing up and walking over to Thana to hand her the papers. Afterwards Nigel went back to sit with Erica, returning the favour and giving her a nudge. He hope this would work. He didn't want to be alone anymore. "Just asked Hunter if he'd like to be forge a sword. Want to learn it too?"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Emanuel "Manny" Newman

Location: Quarantine
Skills: N/A

Thana had a lot to say about how things would work for those who stayed here. Since the first day Manny had been conflicted on how he felt about this place. In some ways, it was great because it was safe, secure, and was thriving to get better. In other ways, it reminded him of the early days when the military was protecting himself and the other refugees of the Jacksonville area. But when Thana had finished explaining everything, it all made sense. Things were not the same as before, nor were they in the early days either.

There were several things that he didn't like to hear though. The first, they would be essentially starting over their adult lives until proven otherwise that they could work in other areas or openings became available. He was surprised that even though all the major stuff was fulfilled that there wasn't still a demand for more people in areas. Sure 300 was a lot, but only so much can be done with that number. But he was a dentist turned field medic. This place had no shortage of doctors, and he was in no shape to keep up with the soldiers in the field. Nor did he want or think he could be doing that kind of work anymore. He also worried that his age doing janitorial work. Though he wasn't against it, it was work that he had hoped to stop doing once he got into his field. He worried about his ability to work to get more then the minimal doing this kind of work as well. He wondered if he could get back into dentistry? Maybe make his living by creating a new position for high demand. Sure, this place had a full medical team, but there was always a need to clean teeth, or get them pulled when that time came.

The next thing that got him uneasy, no weapons for those not in specific positions. Manny knew, he wouldn't qualify for any of them. Not properly at least. Though he understood the reasoning, he had been apart of several communities that have fallen and the defense fell to those whoever could get their hands on a gun. Though Manny was limited in that regard too... He was still a decent shot with his shotgun. In the early days, when the refugee camp fell, the main reason he survived was because he was able to start blasting his way out. Though back then, he had a case filled with around two hundred 20 gauge shells. And after escaping he had less then forty. He trusted the ability for those here to protect CMB, but not having any ability to keep himself or those near him safe was... hard for him. It's not like he was still young and could just muscle his way past any foe using a blunt weapon or a pocket knife. Now... he was old, getting slow, and his endurance was struggling to do anything more then basics.

The last one, he wouldn't be allowed to leave these walls other then to leave for good. At this point in his life, Manny had accepted the fact that he was getting old. It scared him a bit, but he was able to work with it so far. But he also knew he had only a few years at best before his quality of life started to deteriorate. Or worse... months. Once that happened, he highly doubted he would be able to leave on his own ability. At that point, he would either find himself never leaving these walls again, or... dead. If he chose to stay... he may never be able to see the world around him outside of these walls... ever again. His life would consist of whatever these walls had to offer. He thought about his life before things fell. How he would jog or walk for miles every day to keep up his physical shape, go to work in the A.M. then go to a shooting range in the P.M. then to go home in the night, all in different parts of the city. He loved being able to travel so much, even if just across town. Even the ability to walk in the woods or the streets of the former towns just for the sake of getting out would be nice.

He stopped himself. He had to stop and realize some things. The world is not the same. Every few decades it seems there is a major change of some kind. Some bigger then others. This one... meant that he lost many of his former freedoms in one way or another. He had lived a long and happy life, and he had seen the world outside of these walls. It was... barren. Peaceful, but barren. But, maybe he could retire... Something he told himself he never wanted to do, but that was before as well... Could he even retire here? Could he even handle retirement? Or could he find a field to keep himself occupied without burning himself out in his age?

The choice was hard for him... There was apart of him that wanted to turn in the paper blank. Then he would say his goodbyes, grab his gear, and maybe make his way back home. Maybe he could set up shop again, despite the lack of clients. Sure there were some people, but not a lot. Maybe he could go home again. He figured it would be nice to go back home, and spend the rest of his days there. Could he even make a trip like that now? If he found a car, maybe. But he wouldn't be able to clear any roads. On foot... maybe... but it could take months at his pace, especially carrying gear. That might be too close. But here? He sat looking at his contract to be. No required therapy. He figured as much. But he figured that he probably wouldn't to be able to tell if he did need it. Here, he could rebuild some semblance of his former life, the life he was happy in. If he went on his own, he might be able to go home, and try and keep the ghost of his past life alive. But... Things were not the same now. Maybe staying was the better option. Alexander was most likely going to stay, Thana as well. Beatrice and Thalia were wild cards to him. But if they left, he had trouble believing that they would travel with him other then to make sure he didn't get himself killed, and then become a burden on them. Or they may stay anyways. He scratched out his name on the paper. At least the first few letters he committed himself to writing before stopping.

Manny eventually let out a quiet, yet deep sigh. He took the pen that was given, and signed his name. He would work his way through the probation period, and maybe he could try to rebuild some shell of his old life. Maybe build a better life for himself then before, even with his current restrictions. He handed the paper to Thana, signed, but in a slightly smaller font due to crossing out a partial signature on the same line. Maybe they would chalk it up to him not liking the way he signed his name, or maybe they would see his indecisiveness. Though, who would suspect a frail old man wanting to wander out on his own in the middle of all of this hell. He didn't say anything to Thana as he turned in the papers, just handed it in, and sat down waiting for whatever was to come next of the survivors.

Private Hunter James Monroe

Location: Quarantine
Skills: N/A

Hunter's day was interesting to say the least. He had been offered to learn how to make a sword, and if the place allowed, cool. Swords were cool in their own sense. Sure he liked guns more, but sometimes a pointy piece of metal was fun to mess with. He would have thanks Nigel before moving on with his day. But what really sealed the deal, was the woman with the scars on her face that showed that she had cheated death, then laughed in his face for trying to call her out on it. Or as Hunter first realized her to be, the first non guard to walk in with a gun. Meaning, she probably fit his other description pretty well. The info dump was pretty big, enough that Hunter struggled to follow along at times, but he got the basics of it well enough.

Soldiers and guards got guns, no one else without express permissions. Limited movement outside walls, fair enough. She explained the housing situations well enough, as well as the currency and personal property thing. It was not was he understood it to be from Nikki. So he could keep his shit, other then the guns and weapons. He found that a shame, but he would work to get them back. Though they were all pretty standard things other then his shotgun. Sawed off with slam fire. Old as dirt, but the function was cool. As long as he could get a new slam fire at some point he figured he would be fine. Though he would need to be in that position again anyways. They may not let him... That would suck. But otherwise, this place was... actually kind of interesting to Hunter. Rules seemed harsh, but at least he had a line to know not to cross. But same threats, bullets to the head. Usual stuff.

The contracts were handed out, he saw his. Therapy required. "Fuck buckets..." He mumbled while reading it. Not realizing he mumbled out loud. Surely he wasn't bad enough to require therapy? Sure he had seen shit out here that scared him, but who hasn't? Surely he should fall lower priority to people that actually needed it? Plus, he wasn't some broken person who need to talk about his feelings to feel better. That emotional stuff was for weak people anyways. Sure he wasn't the strongest at times, but he wasn't weak enough to need this kind of help. Plus, it's only for crazy people... He wasn't crazy... "No... I can't be..." Plus... he figured he didn't need help. He was fine... He wasn't crazy... He didn't need help... That was all that kept going through his head.

Then he thought back to all those years ago... the first deployment. The day his Sergeant gave him the keys. 'Lock the doors, we've done all we can.' Those words, and the screams that followed prevented him from sleeping for weeks. There were hundreds of thousands in that building when they arrived... And he couldn't help but stop hearing the screams as the key turned in the lock. Watching the doors strain from the pounding on the other side, unsure if it was infected or other survivors... How many were still alive in there? He stopped to realize he was hyperventilating. Maybe... he did need help...

Hunter struggled to write his name on the paper. Outside of a few choice moments over the years, he hasn't done a lot of writing and his hands were not use to it anymore. Plus... the idea of talking to a total stranger about his problems was... not an easy thought. He would go and see was it was like at least. What could hurt from that? Hunter walked from his spot and handed the badass scar lady the paper, visibly tense, but he had signed it before handing it in without saying a word. Then promptly rushed back to his seat to sit before he found himself over whelmed. Outside of his nightmares, he hadn't really thought back to those days. And he normally did what he could to ignore those nightmares once he woke. It wasn't hard when awake, sleeping was harder though... he was so out of control while sleeping.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 14 days ago

Year 5: Part 2 Update

Date: July 22nd, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: H6 (Quarantine: W)

Temperature: 87F
Humidity: High (Around 83%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 15 MPH
Cloud Coverage: Overcast

When Jack asked if they needed one for Jamie, Gunny spoke up. "No, he's a baby. He can make the choice if he wishes to stay or go when he turns 18, like all juvenile's here. Until that point, you as his parents are his guardians and make that choice for him. If something should happen to you, then your will can dictate who makes choices for him until he is of age. If there is no one, he falls under the protection of the community at large like other orphans we have," he said motioning towards Nikki. She had been such an orphan and was underage when she was brought in. "You can request a will to be filled out in Administration should you stay," he added as he walked over to the table and Thana held out two of the papers that had been returned. He looked them over and nodded.

"Very well. Victor Bonheur, you have been deemed unfit for the community and a danger to those within it and will not be allowed to stay," Gunny informed him as Roy walked over and motioned for him to get up. Victor did, he didn't look happy but the look on his face was also one that stated he saw this coming. There was no goodbye, they removed him quickly. Like ripping off a bandage. If people were allowed to linger they could cause more problems and this time was tense enough. As soon as Victor was out of the room, Gunny turned to another.

"Beatrice Decker, you have chosen to go. I will inform you that you were chosen by CMB and several recommendations were made for you to go through officer training and become a future leader in the community. Your choice is your own though and Dusty will meet you outside with your escort to take you out of the community," Gunny said. She would have five minutes to say goodbye to those she chose. Any approaching her would be stopped. If she didn't specifically go to them, people would be kept at a distance. It was her choice to leave and therefor her choice who she did and did not want to say goodbye to. Once she was done with her quick farewell, she was lead out of the room by Gunny.

The rest of the guards remained where they were unless they needed to stop someone from going towards either Victor or Beatrice. No one would be allowed near Victor, he was thought of as a threat, a hostile. Bass leaned his head back against the wall as Nikki looked around, waiting to see what would happen, if anything. Major and Panama looked to be on high alert. Outside Dusty would load up both Victor and Beatrice into the helicopter. Beatrice would be given a few moments at the cemetery to pay her respects before they fully left. Victor would be taken over 200 miles north, far away and be dropped off alone with only what he came in with. Beatrice would be taken up to another 100 miles away in any direction she wished and dropped off. Dusty would slip her a bag of supplies to get her started on this new part of her life.

Thana Martin

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Thana stood there and watched Victor be quickly escorted off. She glanced towards Ash, she knew this was coming. Ash probably figured it out after what she had shown him of Victors interview and people's observations. That combined with the information they had gotten from Newnan, what Thana knew personally, there was no choice in the CMB. Thana had supported evicting Victor. Whoever he was back in Newnan, he was no longer that man and while the darkness seemed to take its toll on a lot of people, it seemed that Victor was just going to remain there. There was no way Thana could support him staying. Removing him without goodbyes was hard she was sure for some but she understood why. Last thing any of them needed right then was more drama. If Beatrice chose to tell her goodbye, she would return the farewell and probably pull her in for a hug and whisper she hopes she changes her mind one day and comes back but that she understood and that she would keep an eye out on the others as best she could.

Once all that was done, Thana picked up a clip board and stepped out from behind the table, looking at those that remained. "The rest of y'all have chosen to stay and have been cleared by CMB to remain. Now you'll have a review in 30 days and you can choose to go if you wish at that point. As long as nothing goes wrong, you won't be removed," she said as she leaned back against the table. Pulling off some papers from the clipboard she looked them over. "What I am about to give you is some general reviews of you all from what we at CMB have observed since you arrived," she added as she started walking around the room and handing out small slips of paper. Each person would get theirs and only theirs.

  • Ash Holloway: Displays signs of PTSD and has a known history of hearing voices. Does not need to be place in a position of command until certain emotional issues are dealt with. Therapy recommended though not required. Seems to up front and honest about non emotional details, emotionally repressed though over all. Would do well in Mechanics.
  • Riley Ridgeway: Seems to be a well rounded person but has a few basic boundary issues. Would do well in Chaplain.
  • Amelia Payne: Open. Outside of the box thinker. Some issues to work through but nothing large. Has a fear of dogs, self admitted. Will need to be housed away from larger animals and made aware of locations of other pets in the camp as to avoid. Do not place in areas of work where Miss Payne would typically cross paths with canine. Would do well in Education.
  • Jack Newnan: Easy read. Dependent on wife and child. Needs direction. Would do well in Operations.
  • Tatiana Newnan: Extreme Trauma survivor. Highly manipulative. Good reader. Therapy required. Suggested work load with Major Romanova. Potential future Officer.
  • Alexander Polawski: Vietnam Vet, loss of limb (leg). Simple man with some PTSD issues, therapy recommended but not required. Would do well in Administration. (Communications)
  • Thalia Carmichael: Loss of limb (arm). Adjusting well. Needs retraining. Blunt and while reserved is open to communicate freely when asked. Would do well in Safety once acclimated.
  • Emanuel "Manny" Newman: Well rounded individual. Would do well in Education and Medical.
  • Erica Monroe: Former cop. Even tempered and doesn't react to conflict. Could do well in Safety.
  • Nigel "Hadrian" Cooper: A bit stiff but nothing cannot be overcome. Would do well in Education.
  • Wayne Maldonado: Hallucinates and needs medication. Required therapy. Adaptable. Recommended for Safety once psych evaluations and stabilization are achieved.
  • Hank Wright: Good reader. Former cop. Potential in psychiatry. Recommended for Operations.
  • Hunter Monroe: Some military training. Severely co-dependent and suffers from immaturity. Outbursts. Therapy required. Recommended for Supply or perhaps Animal Services.

As Thana finished handing them out she looked back at the group, stopping by the door that lead out of Conference. "I'm sure some of that was surprising to read. Maybe not all of it. We do know some of you lied. Don't worry. We all lie to cover our asses when we are in new surroundings. Or at least hide things until we feel more comfortable. I hope you won't feel the need to anymore. Not expecting you to open up but at least be truthful. At least enough to tell someone you aren't ready yet," she said as she tucked the clipboard under her arm.

"Now, if you're ready, how about we get y'all the hell out of Quarantine and let ya see the town? Get ya settled into where you'll be livin', get yer personal belongin's back, and a full tour of the place. Don't know if you'll want to but tonights one of the Camps Summer Beach Parties down on the shore. Live music, drinks, sand, beach, BBQ and Shellfish boil. Be a good way fer you to get to meet people and just relax," Thana said before she looked at Major. The major nodded and lowered her weapon, slipping it onto her shoulder. Panama followed suit and the rest of the guards seemed to go at ease.

Tatiana Newnan

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: Psychology

Tatiana sat up in her seat a bit when she heard about Jamie not needing a paper. It made sense. She didn't like the idea of having to fill out a will but that made sense as well. This place was planning for the long term. She couldn't blame them, they had survived this long and were strong as hell because of it. Maybe they would last until Jamie was 18. She could hope. Then Victor got called out and she looked down. Rubbing her hands together. "Not surprised," she whispered under her breath to Jack before looking over to him. She had been reading Victor since he got back and there was reason she didn't talk to him. Why she kept Jamie at a distance from him. Why she trusted a man who saw things over the man who had delivered her son. He wasn't the same man she had known in Newnan anymore. Granted she wasn't the same woman either but she couldn't get comfortable around him. Something was off, really off, and she hated to admit it but when he got lead out she felt a sense of relief.

Then Thana came over to her and handed her a paper. Looking at it she read it over. They wanted her to work with the Major? Thought she would be a good officer? That surprised the hell out of her. Thana never looked at herself as a leader but that could work in her favor to make sure Jamie stayed safe. Working with the Major? That went two ways. Tatiana hadn't told anyone what happened during her interview but it had gotten rough. Tatiana was surprised she hadn't had a bullet put in her skull, especially after she stole the Majors weapon. That was an intense interview after that but by the end of it she had opened up about a lot. The major might actually know more about Tatiana than anyone in the room now. She knew the woman knew more about Tatiana's dark times than anyone else did. Folding the paper over she slipped it in her pocket and stood up as Thana had the doors open. Time to get moving.

Wayne Maldonado

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

The whole thing about those leaving didn't really interest Wayne. He didn't know Victor and he didn't know Beatrice. Victor did come off as odd but when only those two were lead out Wayne let out a short breath. He hadn't thought he would stay, granted he hadn't thought he would leave either. It was a total toss up in this place. The fact only two were removed and only one wasn't chosen to stay did surprise him as he glanced over at Hunter and Tatiana. He half expected one or both of them to get the boot. Considering they didn't and Victor did made Wayne wonder just how damn bad had Victors interview gone for them to figure the man was a threat to the community and the fucker who spoke to a blue flying unicorn wasn't. Well, maybe it was cause he was good with the kid but seriously, anyone that would hurt a kid didn't deserve to be around here, hell they deserved to be left alone in a room with Wayne for Wayne to do what he wanted to with. Okay, that was dark. These people were weird but he liked it.

When Thana handed him the paper he looked at it and let out a loud "HA!" They wanted him for Safety? Okay, it was once he was stable and that might never happen but him in a position of safety? That cracked him up. Once again, these people were weird but he liked it. What he liked even more was the fact they were getting the hell out of Quarantine, that was made very obvious when Thana said that they were. Standing up he stretched. "Oh fuck yeah," he said grinning at Hank. The idea of a beach party sounded fucking awesome to him. Food, booze, music, the beach. This was what he and Hank had been after. Fucking retirement! Then he stopped and looked over at Thana. "Hey girl you singing? We saw you on tape with some tall piece of Cowboy," he said, not knowing that might be a sore subject. And even if he did, zero fucks given.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Victor was being led away. It was incredibly sudden. While the recently grizzled Frenchman seemed like he knew this was coming, what was likely surprising was that Ash looked like he expected this, as well. There were no words of protest on his part, no personally vouching for the man (as if his word had any weight with these people). There was just a look of disappointment on his face as a man who was once a friend and confidant was led away. Maybe it was the man's fault and maybe it circumstance, but Victor had changed. Ash saw it in black and white. This was not the man that he once knew. Maybe one day he might be again, after significant help and chances that CMB could not afford to gamble on a newcomer. They at least treated him humanely. Yes, Ash was disappointed. This is how it had to be. The rest of the people that he had considered family for so long were safe. That's what mattered.

He did pay attention when it was immediately announced that Beatrice was leaving. They hadn't gotten exceptionally close, and she did also voluntarily leave Newnan, be it just before it collapsed, literally. She was a lone wolf type. Ash didn't mesh well with those. Still, seeing her meet up with the others near that chopper a week ago, leading her own group? He had assumed some serious changes had taken the woman over their time outside. Maybe it was temporary. Still, he thought it was a shame. He didn't expect a farewell from Beatrice. Maybe he'd see her again, years down the road. Who could tell?

Everyone else was cleared. Including the batshit crazy and generally disagreeable older men who spent most of their time watching VHS recordings and making quips about the people around them. Even the paranoid and potentially violent kid. Ash couldn't claim to know what happened in their individual interviews, as his seemed pretty damned nonstandard, but they knew something he didn't, obviously. It reminded him of the time when he let a couple of Viking women into Newnan, plus their entourage. It required a leap of faith on his part and an act of goodwill on theirs, but they proved valuable to the community in the end.

His evaluation card, on the other hand, did set him slightly uneasy at first. PTSD? Maybe. As much as anyone else that still lived, and had to do it out there for any length of time. But if they were basing that on what followed on the card, well... Hearing voices, yes. A survival mechanism wherein he spoke to himself from a soldierly point of objectivity. The part of his brain that tells him to keep going when his body wants to lapse unconscious or when he had difficulties completing a necessary task due to various issues. "Get up, soldier. Move. You made a promise. Stay calm, or you're going to die." His own voice speaking to him in the confines of his skull.

But let's be honest: They didn't know him all that well. The people of CMB want to make sure that someone they invest in isn't going to do something bad, that might have been avoided with prudence. Well hell, no problem. He'll spend his 30 days picking up trash and doing recycling, he'll attend therapy even though it wasn't required. Ash would let them get to know him. From there, he'd take what roads were made available. His big, knightly quest of a year and a half was over. He was reunited with the woman he loved after thinking that she was dead, and what few people he could find from their ruined town were safely brought to this settlement. Oh, he'd always be a soldier. When they believed he was clear, he looked forward to being a part of CMB's restructured military. It was part of who he was, and always had been. But for now, at least for a little while, Ash could just be Ash. With Thana. That wasn't bad at all.

Ash folded his slip of paper and tucked it away. He listened to the remainder of what Thana had to say, and at the end, commented, "Seafood boil, huh?" He was a little bummed about Victor (which was fully on Victor), and just slightly put out about the psych section of his evaluation, but this wasn't going to make him regret any decision he made, nor was he going to sulk about it. This was a good day, period. "Count me in." It had been a long time since he'd been to a party. Ash really hoped he still remembered how to have fun.

Thalia Carmichael

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: Spanish

The more Thalia thought about it, the more an idea settled in her head. She was losing a friend today. This wasn't a new thing for anybody, but for her... Thalia had lost family. Lots of them. She had lost friends, too. She saw Lola shot down in front of her. Though she wasn't around for it, Bridgette and her cousin Alicia both got taken out by two different hordes of Zeds. Thalia herself had to put down Astrid's shambling corpse. Her uncle, people she worked with, that bitch up the road that made the really good cinnamon raisin bread, they all died horribly. But that was the point: they died. They went out trying like hell to stay with the people they counted as friends. Beatrice... She was just walking away.

She told her, and even told herself that she was cool with it, but it was wasn't fully true. She didn't want to make problems, and secretly Thalia hoped that Bea would give it a chance here. But no. After Quarantine, she was just opting to be dropped off at a random spot, hundreds of miles away, and keep walking. To be honest, Thalia felt a little betrayed. Maybe she didn't even have a right to feel that way. She still did. Everyone makes their own decisions, and yes, if certain boxed hadn't been checked off, she'd be right there with Beatrice. She couldn't do that now. And of course, she felt just a little like a hypocrite, seeing as she spent literally years out there utilizing primitive survival and bushcraft, all by her lonesome, to survive. She didn't have friends then, though. No one to fight for. Or alongside. Beatrice was leaving, and it sucked, and she wasn't going to try to stop her.

Oh yeah, and to hell with Victor. She had no idea what that guy's malfunction was.

Provided that Bea was going to pick her out as one of the people she said goodbye to, Thalia was burying most of these new feelings, planning simply on telling her, "Desearía que te quedaras1, Killeh Bea. You take care of you," with moist eyes. And a hug. Maybe a quick ass-grab, because we don't want things too saccharin. But whatever happened, happened. It was something she was going to deal with as a newish experience, losing a friend without death getting involved. Then back to guarding her feelings, as she tended to.

She had her own life to get back on track, and she knew why she had to. Her evaluation and job recommendation put a couple of questions in her head, which she planned on voicing at the next opportunity. Did this mean that she was to be trained as a soldier? Or as a security guard? Was she training for escort runs or the like, or training to handle firearms again with one hand, switch up her melee style a bit? Walk the wall? Babysit newer people in Quarantine? Was she going to pick up new skills that she could use? Well, no matter. She was signed up now, and when she was ready to join up with whatever part she was assigned and/or steered toward. Learn what she can from others. Train. Train. TRAIN. Ballet was kicking ass so far.

Plus, where there was a barbecue, there was a fire. Thalia hadn't seen a decent crackling fire in over a week, and to be quite frank, she was getting a little itch about it. So great. Tour, little community party, and then she begins the infinitely more difficult task of re-acclimating to living in a settlement rather than outside of one.

Hank Wright

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Much like Wayne, there wasn't a whole lot of caring or getting in a tizzy about the people who left. He didn't know most of these people here, and no tears were shed about the French guy. He might not have known it, but Hank was able to understand most of what the guy was muttering in his native language. It was called "being a Sheriff that close to the Canadian border", and sometimes it had useful little perks in hindsight like that. But that wasn't so much the big upset of the day. No, that honor went to the fact that not only was he cleared, but so was Wayne. That was heavy. Very heavy. A couple of older jackasses; one emotionally stunted and one batshit crazy, both starting out the apocalypse in a fucking loony bin, and now he's being recommended for...

"Oh, ah myGod, Wayne. Hey, Maldonado, you gotta take a look at this," he urged his counterpart, showing him the slip of paper. He pointed to the part that recommended him to Psychiatry, and gave a little chuckle. "Y'know, I'll do it. But I'm going to need some demands met, like a good pair of reading glasses and one of those couches for people to lie on. Ok, for me to lie on, until this beachside thing kicks off. That sounds like it's right up my alley. And no, that phrase means I like it, not... that other thing. Whatever. I'm doing this." He did seem pretty certain.

As if on cue to signal that the new people were their new countrymen, the guards around them lowered their weapons and became instantly more amicable. Hank guessed that this was retirement, then. In a manner of speaking, anyway. Now, he just had to figure out how many extra hours he'd have to shrink heads and/or yell at people who needed a good yelling before he could afford to live on a nice, sturdy boat. Goal Number 2. It was good to have goals.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

After all of them admitted the paperwork, the results were given out. When the news about who stays and leaves came, Amelia was honestly just a tad surprised when it came to Victor. She had tried to get close to him a few times over the span of their time in quarantine, but to no avail. Whenever she made the attempt, he would pull away despite the initial joy of having seen him again passed. Then it shifted to concern about the situation and what his way of acting meant. Now he was rejected. Things had probably gone bad for him... Amelia silently swallowed the last of her attachment to him in the days of Newnan. Sadly friendships sometimes died and especially in this world now... Watching him vanish, she just wished him the best of luck as a final farewell in her mind. She had other things to think about, people to worry, old attachments had to eventually end.

The next was Bea who had apparently decided to leave on her own accord. The camp for some reason seemed to hold her in a rather good regard though. Well it was of Little Importance for Amelia. She had never gotten along with the woman even back in the day. If she wanted to be out there, she'd just wish Bea a good luck in her head. Even if she didn't have any friendship to the woman, she could at least hope that she wouldn't die a horrible death somewhere.

Afterwards the situation just unfolded as regularly as possible. They were given more paperwork. This one had some notes on her. She frowned just a little as she read she had some issues... Amelia preferred calling those being prepared rather than issues. No one knew when things might go south after all. Still she nodded at the overall meaning of the written down information. They were indeed going to tell her how to avoid those pesky beasts... and keep them away from her in a way too. So this was good, the fact she was recommended for Education made her blink for a moment. Was this because of her being decently well in mathematics?” This...” She mumbled, still gazing at the paper.” Isn't bad... actually quite good... possibly.” She allowed herself the freedom of optimism on this small occasion. Finally the rest of them were told they could leave Quarantine and go to a beach party! She almost couldn't believe this was real. She was looking forward mostly for the beach and well... the BBQ. Less so the seafood boil. She smiled at Riley and as the guards lowered their weapons, they all were finally free to get going.

“Haven't seen a beach in years... even before...this.” She smiled and muttered out. If no walkers walked out of the water or some other nightmare like this, that would actually be quite the decent time to relax. Seeing a beach again after all this time without danger, well without apparent danger, was indeed like a dream come true. Maybe she and Riley can actually have a proper 'data' walk about the beach, not straying too far from the party of course. Still she decided to not ask Riley about that quite yet.” You thinking of Singing if you can?” She chose to ask Riley instead as she started following towards the exit.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Beatrice Decker

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room) ->> Up, Up, and Away
Skills: Spanish

Before everything happened, Beatrice was a process server. It was her job to find people, get them to confirm their identity, and then serve them papers. Her specialty was for the tough cases - people often surrounded by bodyguards, adoring fans, or other irritating obstacles. On the side, she earned the majority of her income as essentially a professional stalker. She found people - sometimes cheaters, sometimes runaways, on occasion an actual murder victim - and let the clients know what their whereabouts were. It had been a case that took her away from her native Justice, California and brought her to Coney Island just days before the world ended. Her survival instincts had kept her alive and in decent condition, with every rational option, every logical calculation being the determining factor in what she did.

Up until the day that James murdered Dick.

The rational choice would have been to stay behind in Newnan, to enjoy the safety and security afforded by a walled city. But for some odd reason, Beatrice had felt compelled to leave - she made an emotional choice, not a rational one. When she agreed to help them destroy Eden, she had more or less expected to die. Attacking Eden hadn't been a logical move to make - it wasn't one with favorable odds of survival. And sure, she had gotten through that experience with all of her limbs still attached (even gaining some cans of O's) but she didn't have a real connection to her fellow survivors yet. Her friends, Ryan and James, were dead.

But survival odds were boosted in groups, so she stuck with them. Besides, they had a location in mind - a destination that would reunite them with more people. She was willing to take those odds. And along the way, events required for her to step up and become a leader. She had a family to look out for - something she never really had before, with the exception of her foster parents. She never said it, but she loved Manny, Alex, Thana, and Thalia (some more than others). They were her family. With the revelation that Victor was not going to remain and that she was the only one who had willingly decided to leave, she smiled. Her family was going to be okay then without her.

Before all of this, she would have chosen in a heartbeat to stay here. There were more people, more facilities, more supplies, more security... everything was set up to ensure that she would survive. Yet something about it all just didn't feel right. She wasn't the same person that James had welcomed into Newnan, she wasn't the same fighter who went and attacked Eden - she didn't know who she was anymore. Quarantine so far had reminded her so much of her past, of juvenile detention - it had strict rules and those rules were echoed throughout all of CMB from what she knew.

The news that they wanted her to become a leader here, an officer? It brought a slight tear to Beatrice's eyes, mostly because no one had ever really told her she had potential before, but it made her more confident in her choice. She needed to figure things out before she could live in a place like this. She didn't want to backslide, to become just a survivor and not a person. One day, she'd be ready - but until then, her journey was not finished. She couldn't stop to rest here. "Thank you, Gunny," Beatrice replied, giving him a nod.

She approached Manny first and held out her hand for him to shake, if he wanted to. "Goodbye, old man," she told him with a half smile. She went to Alexander next, giving him a hug and whispering into his ear: "You were always my favorite. Kick some ass. This isn't goodbye - not forever." She knew she didn't have a lot of time, so she didn't stay too long by each person. Her eyes had watered slightly when saying goodbye to Alexander, one of the cracks in her normally calm and collected expression.

Beatrice went to Thana next. She gave Thana a smile for a moment. Thana really seemed to have come into her own here. "I have one request of you... Keep up the O' Wars, will you? Thalia's ego will get too big if she thinks she's won," she whispered to Thana, giving her a hug as well. She then paused for a moment, before whispering to Thana what she planned to do next - she had a case she was taking on.

The last person she went to say goodbye to was Thalia. This one was hard - especially as Thalia wished that she would stay. Beatrice let another tear fall, hearing that. She realized then that if Thalia had asked her before to stay, then she would have signed the paper. Too late now though. "Oye, ojalá pudiera quedarme también, pero tengo algunas cosas que necesito resolver primero. Además, tengo un caso que investigar para esta chica realmente linda: quiere saber qué le sucedió a su gente en México 1" Beatrice told her softly. She put a hand gently on Thalia's cheek, not caring about the slight PDA. She was leaving anyways. "Esto no es adiós para siempre. Volveré algún día, eso es una promesa.2"

Beatrice gave Thalia a kiss on the cheek, before she walked away and glanced back at the rest of them. She knew most of them from Newnan - she didn't care for about half of them. So she just raised up her hand in a wave of farewell, before she was escorted from the room by Gunny. When she was at the cemetery to pay her respects to her fallen friends, she finally broke down crying completely. She asked Dusty to take her as close as possible to Mexico, not knowing where exactly in Florida they were and what direction she would need to travel.

As for what she said to the graves?

No spoilers.

Jack Newnan

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Jack nodded, very glad that Mexico Beach already had a system in place for orphans. He didn't plan on abandoning his child or dying, but knowing that if something happened, Jamie had a safety net... That helped to reduce a little bit of anxiety he hadn't even been aware that he was harboring. The news though that Froggy had been forcibly removed broke his heart. Froggy had been the closest thing to a real dad that Jack had ever had - and in some ways, he wished Froggy had never returned. He wanted to remember him as he had been in Newnan - not as he was now.

He was shocked to see that someone was actually leaving this place willingly though. Leaving a place like this... it was practically a death sentence. He doubted they would ever see Beatrice again and he had to wonder how long she would last out there, all alone. It was one thing to be out there with a group, as people could look out for each other but... like that? It was practically suicide, as far as he was concerned. However, his mind then was easily distracted again by the realization that his entire family would be together and he smiled. He didn't have to lose Tatiana or Jamie. As he got his slip of paper, Jack laughed slightly. "They aren't wrong about me," he whispered to Tatiana, showing her his slip. Whether Tatiana looked at the slip or not, he folded it up and smiled, looking at Jamie and Tatiana, at Ash and Riley - at all of his friends, new and old.

He couldn't wait for them to get out of quarantine - to get to see this community and the sunshine and breathe fresh air.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Emanuel "Manny" Newman

Location: Quarantine
Skills: N/A

The man who had been greeted with open arms on the first day, had been kicked out due to fears of being a violent problem. From what Manny had seen he was one of the last people he thought would fit that roll. There were fights already this week, out bursts, people who seemed less then stable. He was honestly worried about what Hunter would do when he was declined. But not only was he accepted in, he seemed to have agreed to stay. What he wasn't sure he was ready for, was Beatrice. He couldn't say it was unexpected. She was a strong leader, a good fighter, and someone who could take care of herself. And probably functioned best in those kinds of environments. By herself, watching her own back. She came over to him first to say goodbye. This, was another surprise. Yes, the two were close, closer then many family members, but other then being apart of the same survival team, there wasn't much between them. Though he would die for her, and he was sure she would for him. "You've done good so far, keep up the good work." He said shaking her hand in return. "If the command here will allow it, feel free to take whatever you want from my gear I brought in. Not sure if you'll find anything useful, but who knows right?" He said as she left. Sure, they may not let her, sure a lot of his gear worked well for Manny because of how he had evolved as a survivor, but maybe she'd find something useful if they let her rummage through it.

She said her goodbyes to the rest of their little band. It seemed to be progressively harder for her as she went. As she waved one last time, Manny couldn't help himself but to wave back. Sure, they already said goodbye, but goodbyes were hard... no matter the situation. She would do well out there, and the world would be smart if it stayed out of her way.

When Manny had let everything that had happened sink in, he took a moment to look at his new paper. The thing that surprised him on it, was Education. Medical made sense to him, it was his field his entire life. But through his entire life, he had never worked with kids, he had never had kids, and he didn't have any siblings, so he never even found himself to be an Uncle at any point in his life. He wondered how that might go and if that was something he would work well in. He figured what the hell was the harm in trying though. He considered it, decided there was some harm, but ignored it. Kids were easy enough. Keep them occupied, and they learned. Simple and easy. Ignoring his experiences as a kid, and what him and his friends were like growing up. Causing trouble every step of the way for everyone around them.

The news that Manny had been waiting for had finally arrived. They were leaving quarantine. They were going to get a chance to see the town, see their new world, and help it grow and thrive. He was sad that Beatrice wouldn't be here to see it in it's entirety, but she would probably do best on her own. For now at least. He hoped she would come back someday though. Hearing about the party tonight was something he hadn't expected though. Manny figured it would be a good chance to meet the locals, learn what the place was like. Maybe make some friends in this new town.

Private Hunter James Monroe

Location: Quarantine
Skills: N/A

Hunter had a few scenarios planned out in his head. Though most didn't get past the guards. There were simply too many of them, and they had guns. Even though he had little reason to believe things would go that way, he felt better having a back up plan. But none worked in his head either. But the scenario he didn't expect... Was getting accepted. After how his interview went, he figured he was fucked. Meaning he'd lose Izibell, and would be back at square one. But that wasn't the concern now, he was in. All he had to do, was behave, go talk to the person he didn't want to talk to (Though he would), and not draw anymore unwanted attention. Would probably help to not blow up anything he wasn't supposed to. People were escorted out still. That surprised him even more, that someone did worse then him. But it fit the odds, 1 of 20. Sure they were not 20, but they were close. Escorted out by armed guards, and then the girl that about broke his arm was also leaving, but by her own choice. Shame. Hunter figured she seemed interesting, and he wouldn't get the chance to explain that he understood how that he fucked up. To her at least. Though, this is easier for him rather then trying to explain himself. Plus, she probably wouldn't care to listen to anything he had to say about it. He hoped she did well though, seemed interesting enough.

His note card was confusing to the former private. "Immature? Codependent?" He said in a hushed tone. The more he looked though the more it puzzled him. First, the immature comment. He was in his mid twenties at this point in his life, sure he struggled with some things, but everyone did didn't they? He was ignoring moments like when Lazy town came on and he got as excited to watch it as anyone in the intended audience age range, his inability to take many situations seriously, and his lack of people skills. The outburst made sense. It was very unlike Hunter for these outbursts, but it was unusual for Hunter to have to handle being in social situations. He was hoping that he could work on that. The last thing that got him thinking though... Codependent. "What the hell?" He spoke muffled again, not noticing he was speaking out loud. His biggest issue with the codependent comment, he had no idea what codependent meant. Since it was written simply, he figured it was one of those things that most people knew in some way. Because of this, he had no intentions on asking anyone what the word meant. He would probe around and see if he could figure it out. Maybe grab a dictionary at some point and see if he could look it up without anyone noticing. For jobs though, seemed they were looking to set him up with supply or with animal services. Both jobs were amusing to him. Animals for strait forward reason, they were cooler then people. Supply, seemed simple enough. Plus, Nikki worked supply. She seemed nice, and she also got to carry a gun. Both jobs seem nice.

The woman with the bad ass scars started talking again. The thing that Hunter had a feeling was directed to him, was the lying part. Sure, Hunter had lied. But it's not like everyone wanted to hear how badly he fucked up. He barely wanted to hear it. Though she explained ways to help improve some things, be truthful. Something Hunter struggled with because of his lack of ability to trust others. When she said that their possessions would be returned and that there was a beach party going on tonight, he wondered if that meant he would get Izibell back? If so would they be sharing the same bunk space or would they put her in a kennel at night? God he hoped not that... She liked confined spaces less then he did. Sure she could hide that fear well, but she was a survivor and had made it this far. He would do what he could to help her in those regards.

Something that surprised Hunter, was his slow reaction time to noticing the guards relaxing. When this meeting really kicked off, they were ready to take them all on it seemed. Now? They were relaxing as if it were any other Tuesday. Though today may not be Tuesday for all he knew. Normally things like this though he noticed a lot quicker. He wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not, but it was change none the less. He decided he needed to keep track of those changes.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Riley Ridgeway

Location: Camp Mexico Beach, Florida, W (Quarantine) (Conference Room)

Riley looked at both Victor and Beatrice, Victor sadly wasn't chosen to stay, but seeing the way he had been acting the last few days seemed he had changed during the last several month since Newnan had fallen. She looked towards Beatrice for a moment and gave her a slight wave and nodded towards her. Riley wasn't to overly close to her in the first place, but she voluntarily chose not to stay at all which was kind of sad. Riley then looked down at the possible position after probation period, she kind of found it a little bit funny she didn't see herself at all to be religious or followed any at all either. Since she was pretty much forced fed that stuff growing up, which made her rebellious growing up as well.

She would do it though regardless she wanted to stay and if she needed to do the job then she would do it anyway, as she looked at Thana for a moment she was pretty hungry. And she wanted to get the hell out of this building as well she didn't like being cooped up in the same room for days on end. "Sounds like a great plan to me." Riley said with a slight smile as she stood up looking over towards Amelia for a moment, biting her bottom lip for a moment. "I dunno maybe if they allowed it." Riley said softly the last time she had ever sang was during Tatiana's and Jack's wedding the night before Newnan ended up falling.

Erica Monroe

Location: Camp Mexico Beach, Florida, W (Quarantine) (Conference Room)

Erica listened to Thana as she spoke again looking between Victor and Beatrice, only really knowing Beatrice having being her roommate for the last few days or so. She watched as the two of them were both escorted out of the building and to wherever they would be taken to, Erica then looked down at the paper seeing what her possible job assignment would be once the whole probation period was over and done with. Which seemed to be pretty easy for the most part she was a former cop, and she was pretty much used to taking care of disputes and making sure the peace was kept.

When Nigel came back she gave a slight smile, she hadn't really done anything like that before and it did sound like it was pretty fun. "Sure i'd be down sounds like it would be a lot of fun." Erica said as Nigel nudged her back and decided to do it again back to him, and at the announcement of finally being able to get out and socialize with the rest of the camp. And getting some nice food as well which didn't sound like a bad idea either as Erica got up and stretched slightly. Looking over at Nigel and offered a hand to help him up if he needed it as well, watching as people were leaving the room.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Alexander Polawski

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: H6 Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Victor didn't came as much of a surprise to Alexander, at least over the course of the past few days. At first Victor had seemed like a good guy, after having shared the first night together. But later? Something changed, and while Alexander couldn't and wouldn't object to his eviction, he found little joy in it. Who knew how he would fare on the outside. Alexander sighed at the announcment made by Gunny and Victor was removed, hoping that he would be the last person to leave. So Alexander couldn't help but give Beatrice an initial look of shock.

She wasn't staying.

She had chosen to leave the Camp. At first Alexander wondered what the hell she was thinking? But slowly and surely Alexander began to put back the pieces that could explain why. And perhaps it was for the best? Alexander watched Beatrice tell Manny goodbye, before she came to him and hugged him. A hug. Of all the things he knew about and thought about Beatrice, this was new. And Alexander hugged her back for as long as she held him, fighting back the tears he thought she wouldn't want him to shed. "You too, kid. I will, watch yourself out there. You better come back some day, because I'll miss you. Don't make me go out there and find you." Alexander whispered back with a smile, hoping and praying that what she said was true. This wasn't goodbye, not forever. Alexander watched her bid her farewells to the rest, before being escorted out. It was done, she was gone.

Alexander would miss her. Beatrice, one of few he knew understood him.

Which lead to the next part of their briefing; those who were accepted and decided to stay. That amounted to the rest of the group, to his pleasent surprise to him, even if that meant he'd have to take the therapy into account. 30 days of review-time, and then…Alexander didn't know, perhaps he would change his mind? Upon reading the little slip of paper handed to him by Thana, the camp's review and observations of him, he felt mixed. He shouldn't have been surprised that they would give bim the PTSD-label, it was the Army's best experience after all. But their recommendation for Administration? Alexander smiled. He could like that. He would be useful, if not directly in the field but back on base. He could like that. And a beach party?

He could like that. After that, he could allow himself to cry for Beatrice. Afterwards.

Nigel "Hadrian" Cooper

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Time had come for those deemed not worthy of entry into Camp Mexico Beach to be evicted from the camp. Nigel looked up at Gunny as he announced the two individuals who wouldn't be staying with them for the foreseable future, Victor and Beatrice. One was deemed not fit to stay with them, out of a concern for the safety of their own citizens, and the other chose not to become one herself. Nigel didn't know Beatrice, the most vivid memory he had of her was when she tackled Hunter to the ground. If that was her main response to cries of outbursts, perhaps staying within the rigid frames of a military society wasn't the best option? He could do nothing but wish her the best in his thoughts, as he left the farewells to the loved ones she had.

Nigel payed more attention to what followed next. With the two escorted out and put onto the path of which the Camp and faith herself put them on, focus was put back on those who had been accepted and preferred to stay. Nigel took the slip of paper Thana handed to him and read it, raising a brow at the first sentence. What? Leaning over to Erica after she'd nudged him again, Nigel showed her the slip of paper and gave her a look of confusion. "A bit stiff? What do they mean?" he whispered to her, before reading the rest of it with more of a smile. Education, now that sounded like him. "Looks like I might become a teacher once again then." he added, wondering what Erica was recommended for. And Hunter for that matter, who seemed to be talking to himself again. The fact that he'd been accepted meant that they possible had a role for him to.

With the mention of them finally getting to leave Quarantine and get to know the camp a bit more, Nigel smiled. He liked the thought of getting some fresh air again, having been cooped up like chickens for what felt like both an eternity and only a brief thought. And a beach party? "Sounds good to me."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 14 days ago

Year 5: Part 2 Update

Date: July 22nd, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: H6 (Quarantine: W) -> H6 (In Front of W)

Temperature: 87F
Humidity: High (Around 83%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 15 MPH
Cloud Coverage: Overcast

Panama shouldered his weapon now that these people had been accepted. He looked over towards Wayne as he asked Thana if he should be singing tonight and grinned. "Shit, of course we're draggin' her ass on stage," he said before pulling his toothpick from his teeth. "Hey, come on Sparrow, you and I ain't sung together since Texas," he added before looking over towards Amelia and Riley. "Hell loved to but don't think we know any of yer songs. Been listening, Shears had us listen. Maybe we could get together for a jam session later in the week. Teach us a few," Panama offered. "What ya think Bass?" he asked as he looked over towards the tall thug looking man.

"Sure thang, if ya want ma'am," he said towards Riley. Then he turned his attention towards Nikki. "Oh your off duty now right? I gotta take your side arm and turn it in," he said holding out his hand.

"Fuck...right, back to inventory with me," Nikki grumbled as she unfastened her hostler and handed the whole thing over to Bass. "Well was fun while it lasted," she added as she pulled out an old worn pack of gum and popped a piece in her mouth. "So, Sparrow, what ya going to sing?" she asked as she rushed over towards Thana and wrapped an arm around the womans waist, looking up at her like a kid sister.

Bass chuckled watching Nikki before he and Panama headed out. Once outside they headed across the street and went on their way. Both talking about music and how they needed to get their gear down to the beach this afternoon. Major stayed with the group but she did hand over her rifle to Bass before he left so he could check it in. She was still packing a side arm but it seemed to be more like the general issue that some people in CMB carried.

Joaquin walked over towards Thalia and grinned. "I must away but I will seek thee out for we have much to reminisce and time is far to precious to let another moon take to heavens without us partaking in a Agave toast between siblings," he said with his usual flair as he walked with her. The man was odd, even for a Gonzalez, but he did seem happy to see his sister.

Outside of Quarantine, waiting on the group, was Atticus with Tram. He grinned as he hopped out. Daytona was sitting in the driver seat and she smiled at the group as they came out. "Hey everyone, pile in. Gonna give you the tour and then get you settled. Thought this would be better than walking. Go ahead, pile in, take a load off."

Thana Martin

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room) -> H6 (In Front of W)
Skills: N/A

Thana wasn't surprised by Beatrice wanting her to continue the O Wars. They had been a bit of a moral booster while they were on the road. Once Beatrice was gone and Victor had been lead away, the only thing left was to get these people out of Quarantine. Major was holding the door open for them. Thana's brow perked at Wayne's words. A video of her? With? Oh, that video. She had forgotten about it until then. She hadn't seen the thing in years but she wasn't surprised that it was still floating around. Her grandfather had always gone to great length to keep things that were important to him close. Pictures and videos were on the top of that list. And this was where the family vacationed while she was growing up. Logically it made sense it was still around. Though the fact they had seen it was surprising. Her eyes going towards Ash and she let out a slow breath.

"Maybe, one, fer old times sake." She spoke plainly when she answered. She didn't seem put off about the idea but she didn't seem excited either. One song, maybe. It would mostly depend on what her grandfather wanted. She had to admit to herself that it could be fun. Panama was part of the small group that she used to sing with from time to time. She didn't sing often but when her and Gavin were together he'd get her too more often. Rest in peace Gavin. She let Nikki lean against her as they walked. She rolled her eyes some and looked down at Nikki. "I gots an idea," she said but left it at that and motioned for Nikki to go ahead and head out. "Go on now, Auntie's gonna need help fer tonight." Nikki nodded and headed out the door. Dropping her skateboard on the side walk and rolling down the street.

Walking outside Thana spotted Atticus there with the tram. She didn't need the tour, she had had it. She knew the place. Atticus had the tour and getting everyone settled in. That meant one thing to her, she could relax for a bit. If anything, at least go with them until they got to a place where she needed to check on before this evening. Lacing her fingers with Ash she headed over to the Tram and climbed in. Taking a seat she brushed her hair back out of her face and got comfortable. It had been a hell of day so far, hell of a year. At least things seemed to be calming down.

Tatiana Newnan

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room) -> H6 (In Front of W)
Skills: N/A

Tatiana glanced over towards Jack's paper as he showed it to her. Reading it over before her eyes drifted up to his. Her lips curling into a slight smirk. "You vear heart on sleeve," she said before leaning up and kissing Jack's cheek. Jack wasn't exactly one of those people that hid things or tried to hide what he was feeling. It was one of the things that drew her to him. He was open. What you saw was what you got. The fact he put her at ease when they met and made her feel safe was another. It seemed like a life time ago. Back in that little house, before Newnan. Trying to teach the man how to dance, playing monopoly, him sporting that Lisa Frank Rainbow backpack. He was so goofy, and happy, and made her happy. Thinking back on it, she wondered if that house still stood in Carrollton, with their initials wrapped in a heart on the wall and a map left behind just in case.

"Right vhere it belongs," she added before leaning up and scooping up Jamie into her arms. Propping him on her hip she glanced over towards Wayne and if she had a free hand she would have face palmed. The man had no tact but then again, he was funny in his own way. Shaking her head a bit she walked out the door of Quarantine, following the others, and squinting as the sunlight hit. It was a good thing it was overcast, it at least cut down on the brightness. It was hot but she didn't mind it. It could be hotter and it was nice to be out of the building. Seeing Atticus with the vehicle she quirked a brow. It was like some tour bus. Hell if it meant they didn't need to walk that was fine with her. Walking over she got in the next row back from Thana and slipped into a seat, moving over to the other side so Jack would have plenty of room next to her. Resting Jamie on her knee she bounced him slightly. He seemed happy, babbling and looking around now that his eyes were adjusting to the light.

Wayne Maldonado

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room) -> H6 (In Front of W)
Skills: N/A

Okay, the woman may or may not sing. The singer, rockstar, whatever she was probably wouldn't since they didn't know her music. And then there was this Hispanic something? "Shakespeare in the fucking park," Wayne laughed as he listened to Joaquin speak to Thalia. He couldn't stop chuckling. It was the funniest thing he had seen, well since Beatrice body checked Hunter on day one. Okay, he liked this place. Well he already liked this place. They had food. They had air conditioning. They had hot water. And they had two very comfortable recliners. Oh yeah, he was so going to work some extra hours to get one of those. Maybe two, if his hetero life mate kept being the ray of sarcastic sunshine he was.

The fact he needed to do therapy didn't surprise him. Shit, he needed that and more, made evident as he swatted at the air. Now the fact they wanted Hank for psychology made him fall out laughing. "Thank you for coming to the CMB Psychward. Straitjackets on the left, padded rooms on the left. Doctor Hank Wright will see you now." He was having a hard time containing his laughter. "What seems to be your problem son." "Well I just feel like the world doesn't like me and I don't love myself." "Shut the fuck up! Next!" "Oh my god, he told me to shut the fuck up, no one ever told me that before. I feel so much better about myself," Wayne went on mocking the idea.

Once Wayne had finally calmed down he cleared his throat and nodded. "Shit, after years with me you are probably the best hope we got," he admitted. Being around Wayne wasn't exactly easy. Shrugging he followed the others out and grinned when he spotted Daytona in the driver seat. "Oh mama," he grinned as he climbed in. The first two rows were already taken so he slipped into the third. He was ready to get his tour on. Things were looking up.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room) -> H6 (In Front of W)
Skills: N/A

Victor was gone. Beatrice was gone. If you looked at it, a lot more than those were gone, starting over a year ago and shoving onward. But those two? They were still alive, but they were gone. One of them left by choice, or did both of them? Victor might have tried to at least pretend to be stable, or at least recognize his difficulty and ask for help. Maybe he knew all too well about his darkness, and on some level voluntarily removed himself from exposing people he knew and cared about to it. Of course, that could all be idle bullshit that Ash was feeding himself to feel better about the fact that a man he trusted implicitly had changed so much as to be dangerous and unrecognizable. And for Beatrice? Ash really had no idea. Looking over at the group to which she had said her goodbyes, the once Captain could not help but see that she was leaving behind friends. Close ones. It made Ash curious.

Somehow, now that quarantine was done and they were actually getting welcomed into the community, things became very real. This was no longer conceptual. He, along with others, had made their decision to try for a life here. In Ash's case, he had one hell of a reason to stick it out. Ash looked to Thana and gave a smile. Yup, that would be her. The lady had what appeared to be snatches of conversation with others of CMB, whether that was personal or business was hard to say, but owing to the newness of his presence in the community, Ash didn't press the issue. He wasn't sure if she was still "on the clock", or if the friendlier actions taken with Beatrice during the farewell signified her relative freedom, so to speak.

His question had been answered when Thana entwined her fingers in his and led him over to the Tram, where they both climbed aboard and got ready to take the tour. As he settled into the seat. Ash set his other hand on top of hers and leaned in, speaking quietly, "I was hoping to get a dance in tonight, unless duties call you away. If Doc insists you need more rest for that leg, I have no problem lifting you up and just swaying." There was a smile on his face, a rare thing to view for some. Yes, Ash had teeth. Imagine that. He also had a chance at a life. Imagine that, too.

Thalia Carmichael

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room) -> H6 (In Front of W)
Skills: N/A

Thalia had a lot to think about. She dotted the dampness away from her eyes, put there from the recent departure of Bea. Yes, she was a tough bitch, but it wasn't like she didn't emote. She was known for being a person of deep feelings. It just rarely showed beyond an outward fraction, and surely did not stop her from doing drastic things when called upon to do so. That Army Captain that Navy was interested in liked to keep things close. That was his way, it seemed. Being emotionally enigmatic probably helped him be a better soldier, but Thalia? She liked to let people know where they stood with her before the stabbing commenced. Most of the time. Or in this case, letting Beatrice know that she would be missed.

She didn't know how to feel about that, either. Thalia wished her well and obviously neither of them were the relationship type, but there was a tiny, hollow feeling of being abandoned. It was new for her. She didn't know quite how to deal with it. While trying to define and process, she felt a presence approaching her. Before she realized that it was her half-sibling, Joaquin, she had already tensed up reflexively. The aftereffects of being out in the world weren't going to go away overnight. To a degree, she hope they wouldn't completely go away, period. Those honed instincts kept her alive. That tension relaxed away to a dumbfounded expression of "wuzzafuck?" as Joaquin began to speak to her. Translating from Hermano to English as quickly as her brain allowed, she responded, "Verily, dear Brother, thou art a goober." he spoke in level, mostly uninflected tones, though a hint of Boston crept in. "I'll take you up on that agave though, Joaquin. Thanks." Not as heavy a drinker as she was back Before, she did miss it sometimes. As they walked out to the Tram, Thalia took an appraising look at her brother, marveling over the sheer fact of his presence. "Dama Muerte, what are the odds, huh?" This place was going to be home for a while.

The last place that she called home, semi-temporary though it was, was a smaller place than this surrounded mainly by a wall of pointed logs and open-air structures. Cook fires dotting regular sections where they roasted whole deer for hours. Steel, stone, wood. A place of new beginnings and old methods of survival. She missed it. Maybe one day, she would be allowed to start up something like that of her own. Today though, she was climbing aboard a tour vehicle, ready to see more of her new home. On board, Thalia chose an unused bench seat for herself and slid to one side. She was also oddly happy to be back out of air conditioning.

Hank Wright

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room) -> H6 (In Front of W)
Skills: N/A

Ordinarily, Hank would be right there along with Wayne, guffawing alongside his companion of many years now. The idea that he use his powers of personal observation and interpersonal awareness to accurately gauge the mental traits, immediate intent, and longstanding potential issues within the people of Mexico Beach and/or apply it to newcomers was almost a laughable thing, until he realized that his own sudden thoughts on the matter reinforced the concept. He could have audibly facepalmed, instead taking the sarcastic musings of his good friend with a wry and derisive chuckle. "...alright, fine there, Maldonado. But it's got to be a sign of the Apocalypse that people are going to look to me for a shining example of mental health. Humanity must be desperate."

Why not, though? Maybe he could mold upcoming psyches in this brave, new world to enjoy the little things in life, because really, that's all they had left. Soon, there would be an army of recliner-sitting, plaid shirt wearing smartasses with a penchant for domestic beer, red meat, and condensing complex feelings into simple, monosyllabic grunts. The world might be a better place for it. He gave it a shrug, boarded the tram alongside Wayne, and laced his fingers behind his head in an attempt to look faux casual. "Wellllp, this has been a hell of a day so far. What's next?" Though there was an amount of sarcasm present in his voice, it accented his honest desire to get himself situated in the community and put out his shingle doing whatever it was he was eventually going to do. That and fishing.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)-> H6 (In Front of W)
Skills: N/A

“Well... in either case we could probably at least take a stroll around the beach area where this party thing will be taking place?” She asked of Riley now with a small smile. Closest they could get to a romantic outing really. Though she still honestly wasn't a hundred percent convinced there weren't dangers to crawl out from the ocean. That would have to be dealt with whenever it happens though. She subconsciously changed the supposed 'if' in that sentence with 'when'. Better be sure and expecting it than caught unaware and unprepared!

Speaking of being caught unprepared, she snapped to attention as she heard someone speaking to them and looked at the source to find who it was. Well quite honest, Amelia wasn't thinking anyone quite heard her, but guess she wasn't as quiet as she thought she was or that guy had good hearing to hear her in between the noise of people moving and the like. Well what was being said was not a bad thing though. She slightly twitched at the mentioning of Shears. Ahmm... undeserved irrational negative opinion aside, that might actually be good for Riley. Amelia was pretty sure that Riley would love to sing more and if there was ever a problem, she could back out from it.

When they got outside, the thing she saw was yet another thing she didn't expect to see. It was a... tram? Yeah that sounded about right and the priest man was there along with Daytona who drove. People quickly started to pile in into the vehicle in quite the hurry and she couldn't blame them really. It was leading to a party, so it was going to be an experience they couldn't wait to get faster to. With a smile she went to an unused bench and hurriedly hopped on, looking at Riley.” This feels like a tour ride...” She mumbled, but her impression could have been affected by media prior to the whole apocalypse business.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Jack Newnan

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room) -> H6 (In Front of W)
Skills: N/A

"It's a good thing you aren't a doctah, solovey," Jack teased gently, referring to her comment about how his heart belonged on his sleeve. He had struggled through high school biology, so he knew that he never - in any version of reality - would have ended up a doctor. Maybe though Jamie would become a doctor when he grew up. It made his heart flutter slightly - sure, there were probation periods ahead and other measures, but Jamie was going to get to grow up here. He was going to be safe. He would have a chance at whatever future he wanted - a chance to explore and live without fear. That was everything Jack wanted for the little slugger. Hell, maybe one day Mexico Beach would decide to colonize space and Jamie could be an astronaut.

As they were let out of quarantine, the rapid change in temperature hit Jack like a brick. Part of him wanted to turn back around and go inside where it was cooler, but he knew that would have been a stupid choice. Squinting his eyes as he wished for a pair of shades, he had to make down with putting his hand to his forehead slightly. The tram was an amazing thing to see - it reminded him of those vacations the rich people would take in the movies. Once Tatiana got a spot, Jack went and sat down next to her, putting his arm around her with a wide grin.

"Ya evah been on one of these things before?" he asked his wife. "I always wanted to when I was a kid, but my mom always said we didn't have the money," he shrugged a bit.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Emanuel "Manny" Newman

Location: Quarantine --> H6
Skills: N/A

Now that everyone that remained had been accepted in, and were the ones staying, the guards eased up a lot more. Things felt... strangely normal. There was some chatter here and there, Thana talked a bit with one of the guards before she rode her skateboard off. Manny decided that was probably not the form on transportation that he would be trying to learn. Sure he may have had fun with it in his youth, but even then he was a very sure footed muscle head. Being on wheels like that would probably be more comedic then anything else. Manny before leaving the conference room decided to meet up with Alexander. "Ready for our new world?" He spoke trying to keep the moment a little positive, but he was struggling. Sure he wasn't close on a emotional level with Beatrice, but they were like family in some ways. But she seemed to thrive in environments like those outside of these walls. She'll do well. Even if he would miss her.

Leaving quarantine felt good. Being outside again was a surprising thing for the old dentist. He had gotten used tot he cool air of air conditioning, being outside almost felt like a cruel punishment more then anything else. "Damn, this will take some getting used to again." Manny is pretty sure it wont take too long to adjust, as long as some major heat wave doesn't come through and devastate the southern state. What surprised him other then the sudden heat, was the Tram that awaited them to give them the tour of this place. Seeing as he hasn't ridden in one before, this could be fun. Not really sure what to expect from the tour outside of some basic explanations Manny sat himself in an empty row at the front of the wagon. Seemed the main machine was filling up pretty fast anyways. He was excited to see what his new home would be, but anxious about it. The excitement held stronger though.

Private Hunter James Monroe

Location: Quarantine --> H6
Skills: N/A

Tonight's party sounded decent enough. The lady with the scared up face who's name Hunter still couldn't place was going to get dragged up for more singing tonight, he would get to be with Izibell again, and he would be in a semi open space again. Though the last one was a simple comfort more then anything else. Hunter figured since he was staying, he had to make some goals for himself. One, keep things simple, avoid making more enemies. Two, get himself into a position with a gun. Though he would not likely ever Need one, he felt safer with one then not. Even if he never fired it. Three, find some decent hobbies. Maybe get back into scrapping like the old family business? Make a set of armor that would make Ned Kelly proud? He wasn't sure. But he needed a hobby none the less. He did take note that Nikki got what weapons she had taken and would most likely be returned to inventory, good thing to take note of no matter how things went for himself. Limited possession. Made sense, but still. Four, he needed to find a space for just himself. If he found himself in a position to afford an apartment, great. If not, he'd settle with a closet or a small untraveled space behind a building. But that would cause more suspicion then the other options. But it was another thing, not needed as much, but when needed, it was nice to know it was there.

Nikki ended up riding off on her skateboard soon enough. Back to Supply from what little he heard. He would needed to decide how he felt about her. Was he emotionally starved? Easy to get to? Or did he actually like her a bit? Those thoughts were confusing to him, and it was an expression that showed on his face. Confusion. He also wondered if she reminded him of others that were close to him, but that was all connected to memories he normally tried to avoid. So he decided to not use memories to compare her to those he may have known before. She is nice though. While his mind was active, he accidentally reminded himself of something else he needed to take care of. He was still under weight, and at only a portion of his strength. Five, gain weight, and get stronger.

The temperature outside was noticeably hotter then it was inside. Though the initial surprise got his attention, he shrugged it off easy enough. His time up north had taught him a very important lesson about Central New York. Don't like the weather, wait five minutes. The winters would reach record cold every other year it seemed, and the summers record hots every few years. Got comfortable, you'd lose next season. Sure, the AC was nice, but now being outside felt nicer. The super super golf cart with a dozen seats, and a wagon with double that number sat outside waiting for them. Atticus was waiting to take them on the tour to show them their new place of residency. Hunter decided that with how many people here he was on negative terms with, best to get some space for now. Worst case scenario, he wouldn't be able to hear what the tour information was, and he would have to learn it later. He sat in the last seat all the way in the back, seemed free enough.

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