Thana Martin

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: N/A
Thana took a breath and stood up, clearing her throat as she flipped through the papers. Seemed this was in her hands now. She had hoped for some R & R once she returned, especially now knowing that Ash and her squad was here but it seemed that would have to wait. Looking up at the whole group, she began. This was going to be an information dump.
"As this is yer last day in Quarantine, there are some thangs that need to be explained. Those that both choose to stay and are chosen to remain will be taken out of Quarantine today and assigned a bunk. Those that are either choosin' to leave or were not chosen by CMB to remain will have their initial belongin's returned to them, no more, no less, and escorted from CMB. We do not provide means fer those that are not stayin'; you have been housed, fed, and medically treated for the last week and are in far better condition than when ya entered." That was a hell of a start but it was how it was. They did not provide rations or anything beyond what a person entered with when they left. A weeks worth of food, bed, water, showers, medical care, and recuperation were far more than even Newnan had given people that were just passing through. If anyone expected more, well in the immortal words of a long dead Texan they could
suck a cows ass. "Those that remain need to be aware of how thangs are run here. As ya can see, we are a military run camp. The General, Aeron Martin is the C.O., his word is our law. The only people allowed to carry firearms within the walls are Officers, Safety, Guards, Extraction Teams, Alpha, and Beta Team. Only those who have passed any psychiatric requirements and have passed their 30 day review are allowed to carry simple melee weapons. Only those assigned to specific jobs, duties, or assignments outside of the walls are allowed outside of the walls. We do not allow people to leave without assignment or an approved mission by at least the X.O., First Master Gunnery Sergeant Macsen Martin." Thana paused for a moment and let that sink in. Another thing that was different from Newnan. Not everyone could carry and you couldn't just walk out. Not to mention, you had to pass a review and perhaps more. Though that much should have been made clear over the week as not every member of CMB that came in to help was carrying. Auntie, Cook, no weapons. Even Mizrahi hadn't and when Thana hadn't been on duty she had be relieved of her weapon. The new kid Bass when he came in wasn't carrying. If people thought they would have their weapons back or would be carrying they hadn't been paying attention.
"All current job positions are filled within the community but everyone must work. That being said, everyone that remains will be assigned duty with Supply in their janitorial services to work on the upkeep and cleanliness of the community. This will include such thangs as cleanin' bathrooms, laundry services, garbage detail, and the like. Those with special skills, at the end of their probation period, will be given tests to see the level of their skills and when a position becomes available you will be considered for it." Again, something that CMB did different from Newnan. Newnan had needed people, CMB obviously didn't. Even their medical team was full.
"This is community works fer each other. As long as you put in yer base hours each week you will be fully provided with food, clothin', housin', medical treatment (both preventative and emergency), advancin' education, and community entertainment options. This means 3 meals a day in the mess hall. A weeks worth of sleep wear, work wear, general daily wear at a time. At which you will turn into supply to retrieve another weeks worth. Housin' is in joint facilities. Medical is in the hospital. Education within the Education Buildin' or within certain areas designated for trainin'. Community entertainment options are posted weekly." It didn't look like there was private housing, cook for yourself, or just go off with this place. They were highly organized. And whether new people liked it or not, one thing couldn't be denied, it was working. Five years in and they were self sufficient and standing strong.
"Personal items will be returned but weapons will not, those go into the armory and become part of the general stock for those that carry. Only when and if you are cleared may you seek one again if it has not already been claimed. If one wishes for better housin', more clothin' options, more food, knickknacks, a personal record player, instruments, and so forth you may put in for additional hours to earn CMB credit to buy such thangs. Those who wish for a house of their own, those are only given as a reward for long term service within the community and then you are responsible for power and water to be run to it, paid monthly in additional work. After your probation period is over and if you chose to leave the community at that time you may. As long as you hold debt within the community, you have time remainin' with us. Once any debts are paid, you are free to leave. Once you leave, should ya chose to return, you will start all the way over again." Just like the military. They provided you everything you needed to survive and have some fun on base. Everything else was out of extra you owned. It was free to live in base housing, it cost your own money to live off base.
"Those with prior military experience are stripped of their ranks on admittance into CMB. If ya wish to be part of the military aspect of CMB, you will go through hell week once again and then be given a rank in accordance with your prior rank if it is deemed fit. It not, your rank may be lowered or raised at the discretion of the Operations Officer recommendation, and approval of the X.O. and C.O. Officers are house in Officers Quarters, Enlisted in Enlisted, non-military with non-military, unless otherwise acquired, rewarded, or approved requisition." Thana's eyes went to Ash. If he accepted and was approved, he would not longer be a Captain, at least for now. One had to prove themselves and while it may seem like a lot of officers, for a community of over 300, more officers were needed than one might expect. A Squad had 6-10 people, a platoon had 3-4 squads, company 3-4 platoons, a battalion 3-5 companies, and so forth. So for 300 people a minimal of 12 officers were needed and up to 30 would be used. The fact this was not just a war zone but a camp, a base, having more officers were needed to keep things running smoothly.
"Normally, due to the cost of housin' one for a week within Quarantine, those that are offered to remain and accept, start out in debt with the community and must work time and a quarter to work off the debt fer a period of 30 days," she said as she referred to the file before her. It wasn't a large request. It showed that people were willing to not only work what they had but what they had used. Cleaning up after themselves was not the payment. That was just keeping the debt from rising. Seemed like an easy enough trade. A quarter extra hours each week over a month would add up to 1 full week of supplies- the amount of time they had been in Quarantine. It was equal trade off. Taking a breath she looked up from the paper.
"Yet, those that are chosen and choose to remain will start out with zero debt within the community. A donation was made for y'all as a whole to cover your costs." It seemed someone had already taken care of it for the new comers.
"Remember, you are guest here until you prove yerself. Respect is given once ya earn it. You are never entitled to anythang. That ain't life folks. Some of y'all need to be showin' thanks instead of attitude from what I've been readin'." Picking up a start of papers and a handful of pens, Thana stepped out from behind the table. Walking to each of them, she handed them a paper one at a time. It laid everything out she had just stated. As well as an agreement that stated that anyone that accepted would follow the rules and laws of the community as a whole. It laid out general rules and regulations for housing, lights out, bed checks that happened at lights out for the community for those in general housing that occurred at 11 P.M. each evening. What times meals were served. What buildings general public was allowed in - their own housing, the Administration Building (Front reception only unless given passage), supply for clothing and laundry, Medical (Front Reception Only until admitted further), the Church when open, the beach in designated areas, the main walk of the pier but not beneath where food was grown, posted entertainment areas during functional times, and education on appointment or during assigned hours, as well as job locations during assigned job hours. It also laid out mandatory Physical Training daily for members. It seemed CMB wanted people to stay strong, this was a good thing.
"Read through these carefully. Some of you will notice that you will be required therapy until you are mentally fit and cleared. Miss a single session or prescribed medication and it will mean eviction from the community. Trespassin' into areas you should not be, will mean eviction from the community. Carryin' without clearance will mean eviction from the community. Betrayal, subversion, or even what could be considered treason against the community can be punishable by execution," she said as she handed out the papers. That was something Newnan and CMB had in common. Eviction from the community and a chance of execution.
"No sentence or punishment is issued without full review of our Officers Council. No one is sentenced without a chance to plead their case. We do not accept 'I forgot' as a plea. Always check before enterin'. If in doubt ask a Senior Officer. No sentence is carried out without a final approval from each head of the concerned departments before passing to the Operations Officer. Then it goes to the X.O. If he deems it correct up to this point it is passed to General Aeron Martin and it is not until he signs off is any sentence carried out. We do not deal out such thangs without heavy consideration." That was something far different from Newnan. This mean that no ones fate was in the hands of a single person. This was a community effort when it came to punishment.
Stepping back to the front of the room, Thana stood behind the table.
"This is how it works here. If yer willin' to join CMB, sign on the dotted line and return yer paper to me. If not, do not sign it and you will be escorted out. This is how it has been for every member here. Even those at the beginnin' had to go back through this when it was implemented. Includin' the General. Includin' myself." The last part she didn't have to say but she did anyways. She didn't want anyone to think that because she was a Martin, just because she was the Gunny's Daughter and Maddog's niece she hadn't done her time in hell. That just because she was the General's Granddaughter she hadn't been held to the same standards as the rest. She had and she was glad that she had and proud that her family put her through that. She earned her place. The rest would have to as well.
"Once I have all yer decisions made and papers returned, I will announce who, after heavy review, will be allowed to remain. This is all the information you will receive until you are a part of the community. We do not give any more information until after. Those who are not chosen or choose not to stay do not need to know any more about our community than this. That is the protocol." And that was how she would do it. None would know who got in and who didn't until after they made their choices. Like with the military. You could chose to join and sign on the dotted line but if you didn't make muster they could still boot you. Pulling up her chair she sat down and waited. This was it. Their time to make a choice. Stay or go. Thana had obviously made her choice. She had chosen to remain, in hopes of finding a select few. Now she was in debt and had to work it off. She would. Looking at Ash and her former squad, even though they had found their own way here, she knew it was worth every hour of OT she would be putting in.
"People, if ya can't get on board with this. If ya ain't at peace with it, I suggest ya just leave. It's a big world out there and you all have survived this long, so if we ain't the fit fer ya, go somewhere that is or find a place just fer you to do thangs yer way," she added as she waited for them to hand their papers back in. Nothing more would be done until they had all returned their sheets. Signed or unsigned.
* Special Note: Read all that again, and again. It is a lot to take in. Reference this post if you forget down the line. All papers need to be handed back in to Thana at the end of your next post. Below is the individual notes for Therapy on each applicant to CMB. This does not mean your character was accepted. No one knows who was or was not accepted and no, not everyone is.
Unless you show another PC what is required of your character, only your character knows. These are not posted publicly. Each character is handed their papers, their name at the top. On the second page is theirs and only their psych requirements.- Ash Holloway: Therapy recommended though not required.
- Riley Ridgeway: Therapy not required.
- Amelia Payne: Therapy recommended though not required.
- Jack Newnan: Therapy recommended though not required.
- Tatiana Newnan: Therapy required.
- Alexander Polawski: Therapy recommended though not required.
- Beatrice Decker: Therapy not required.
- Thalia Carmichael: Therapy not required.
- Emanuel "Manny" Newman: Therapy not required.
- Erica Monroe: Therapy not required.
- Nigel "Hadrian" Cooper: Therapy not required.
- Wayne Maldonado: Therapy required.
- Hank Wright: Therapy not required.
- Hunter Monroe: Therapy required.
- Victor Bonheur: Therapy required.
Tatiana Newnan

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: Psychology
When Ash started talking to Tatiana she listened. Whatever she had thought he might have needed to talk about, she hadn't expected that. Her jaw going slightly slack as he spoke and then tensing. She was angry. Initially it was directed at him. She felt a little betrayed. Then the anger shifted as her eyes darted over towards Thana. Yet the longer she listened the more that angers direction shifted again and it wasn't towards anyone in that room. There was a huff that came from her but she nodded. She understood what he was saying, why he was saying it, and despite every she agreed with his choice; even if she didn't like it.
"I'd do same if vere me," she finally said after a long silence. Swallowing hard she looked over towards the man she thought of as her brother and let out another long breath. That had to be a hell of a nerve racking thing for him to come to her over.
Then again, looking at Thana she found herself understanding the woman a tad more. And it explained a lot that had been missing from the puzzle that was Zoie and Thana. She couldn't blame the woman for the attitude she had the night of the wedding when people brought up Zoie anymore. Hell, there was a small burning rage for the woman now that would have caused her to deck the now dead second in command of Newnan if she had still been alive. Tatiana knew that pain and she wouldn't wish it on anyone. Resting her hand on Ash's shoulder she nodded again.
"Ve good, I got this. Go be happy. You earned it," she said before hugging him. Like hell she was going to get in his way after everything he had done and lost for them.
Walking back over to Jack, Tatiana sat down and let out a long breath.
"Ve need talk, later, important," was all she said before Thana stood up and walked to the front of the room. It seemed that things were going to be getting under way now. Turning her attention to the scarred woman she listened. It was a hell of a lot of information to take in. Some she didn't like, a lot of it she agreed with. All of it she understood and accepted. This was their home, they had their ways. It wasn't her place to judge or get snippy over it. It worked. People were alive, healthy, and from what she had seen happy. Fuck screwing that up. If she had to tap dance dressed as Bozo the Clown every day she would.
Taking the paper from Thana she nodded. She was slower at reading English than talking but she read it and then read it again. Mumbling slightly to herself as she did. Then she saw the psych requirements for her. Therapy required. That wasn't surprising. Looking over towards the Major she nodded. She had told the woman everything and she did mean everything. Including every last ugly detail of what had happened to her before coming to the United Stated and all the pain she went through on her own while she was trying to keep her son safe. If they didn't require her to go through Therapy she would have been worried. Taking the pen she signed on the dotted line. She was staying if they allowed it. Like hell she was going to intentionally leave. Standing up she walked back to the table and held out the paper to Thana.
"I vill make it vork," she said before going and sitting back down.
Wayne Maldonado

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: N/A
Wayne found himself laughing as Hank went through the list of observations. Oh he had to agree with him on several of them, hell most of them. There were some observations he had made on his own but he wasn't voicing them right then. And it wasn't because he wanted to keep his mouth shut. He was too busy watching what the hell was going down with the Ballerina and Captain Tight Pants over in the corner. The woman looked pissed as hell but she wasn't hitting the man. So either she was plotting to kill him or her anger was directed elsewhere. It seemed that it might be directed towards Captain Tight Pants woman, or at least he figured Thana was Ash's woman. If she wasn't he better figure out how to get her because just damn. Scared or not, from what he saw of the woman, he'd have to be pretty stupid to let go of a woman who could survive whatever caused that to her face and still smile. Shit, Wayne was crazy but he wasn't stupid.
Speaking of crazy. Seemed shit was about to get crazier. Thana getting up and starting to talk. So they were making her handle this part? Did she normally handle this? Didn't seem like she did. She drug on a little more than her dad did. Then it sunk in. It would be easier for those that knew the woman to hear all this to hear it from her than just some random stranger from CMB. It was a smart move on their part. It was always easier to swallow a hard pill if it was handed to you by someone you knew. Hank was proof of that. More than once Hank had had to figuratively and metaphorically dish out hard truth pills to Wayne over the years. Hell it was easier to hear anything bad if it came from a pretty girl as well, well if you were straight. Wayne chuckled to himself and glanced towards Ash. Shit that woman could have told him to cut a hand off and he probably would have.
Granted, it was a lot to take in and Wayne found himself swatting at the air every so often before grabbing whatever it was from the air and shoving it under his ass. Even if it was a lot to take in, Wayne didn't have a problem. He kind of liked the fact that these people put everyone through the wringer, everyone was accountable, everyone worked, everyone worked out, people were screened. Hell he wished the real world had been more like that before the outbreak. Fuck the second amendment, not everyone should carry a weapon. Some people were not stable enough. Like him. He laughed at himself and the irony.
Leaning back he took the paper from Thana and read over it. Same shit, different words. He had to have therapy? No shit. Maybe he could have his therapy count as Education. Not for him but towards whoever was his therapist. They would be clocking some major training hours dealing with his ass, and his little blue friend. Sighing his name quickly he jumped up and handed over the paper towards Thana before going and sitting back down. He liked it here, he wanted to stay. He wanted to fish and well, he wanted to teach little Ass Kicker how to fish and kick ass. It would be fun!
Year 5: Part 2 Update
Date: July 22nd, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab
Location: Camp Mexico Beach: H6 (Quarantine: W)
Temperature: 87F
Humidity: High (Around 83%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 15 MPH
Cloud Coverage: Overcast
Standing there Gunny listened to his daughter give the break down of what was going to happen. It was her first time doing this and he could tell. It wasn't exactly perfect, it wasn't completely detached but it wasn't bad. He gave her a nod as she started handing out the papers. The last bit though that she added at the end got a snort from him. Okay, that was her uncle in her showing. Either way, it was done. They had the information they needed, now to just wait and see what happened. See what they did with the information, with the papers, and so forth. He was watching the rest of the group now. Seeing if anyone decided to get suddenly very stupid and try something. His eyes were on several.
And it seemed Gunny wasn't the only one watching. All the guards were. And it seemed each guard as certain people they were keeping closer eyes on. It broke up everyone keeping an eye on everyone. People like Major and Gunny had their eyes on certain people. Roy and Panama on others. Nikki and Thana on even others. As Thana stood back waiting for papers to be returned, each guard was ready. Everyone that was keeping guard seemed to get a lot more serious at this point. Not that Gunny or the Major or even Roy were ever not serious but there was a change in the others. Panama's smirk faded. Nikki stopped chewing her gum and swallowed it. Thana rested her hand on her hip as each person came up to hand up their paper. Sure some people were readers they could tell when someone was going to do something yet sometimes even a person didn't know what they would do in a moment, anyone could turn.
Victor looked over his paper and took longer than most. His pen kept going to the paper and then away from it. It seemed like he couldn't decide whether or not to sign it. In the end, it was hard to tell if he signed it or not. It wasn't until he walked over to Thana and handed it over did anyone know. And then it was only him and Thana that did as she looked down at the paper and then turned it over and laid it on the growing pile. Victor seemed to linger there, looking at Thana and her eyes narrowed. A jerk of her head and he finally walked off. While people were signing the papers, two more came into the back of the room.
Bass returned and walked over towards Nikki, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms over his chest as he stood next to her. He was armed now and looked rather thug life standing there.
Another came in, only one person in the camp had met the Flamboyant Mexican so far. Code name: Shakespeare. He gave a crooked toothy grin towards Thalia as he went over and took position behind Thana as back up if need.