Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Camp Mexico Beach, Florida, W (Quarantine) (Conference Room) -> H6 (In Front of W)

Riley perked up a little bit looking over at Bass and Panama and smiled a little bit, she would certainly like to start playing again at some point, looking over at Amelia for a moment and smiled towards her. "I might be a little bit rusty, I hadn't sang in a really long time if you'd like me to i'd be down to it." Riley said, though she wasn't sure what they had heard of her music, a lot of it was mostly hard rock music, and a lot of the time the songs were pretty hardcore punk along those lines. Riley held Amelia's hand and looked towards her girlfriend again and smiled. This was going to be good for them

"I'm sure they wont mind after we get to know the community a little bit more, we could walk around the beach." Riley said softly to Amelia as she followed everyone out of the quarantine building. Taking in the sunlight as she looked around a little bit before spotting Atticus and Daytona by the tram, she was surprised that they also had one in the first place as well. This place certainly did have a lot of everything as Riley made her way and sat down in one of the seats and helped Amelia in as well.

Erica Monroe

Location: Camp Mexico Beach, Florida, W (Quarantine) (Conference Room) -> H6 (In Front of W)

Erica looked towards Nigel when he showed her what his job assignment was and smiled slightly, remembering that he did mention he was a teacher before everything had happened. "It means you have a stick up your ass I think." Erica decided to tease him a little bit, before showing what her notes were. Which did pretty much felt like she had done before which she was used to doing, spending her time as a police officer, and then detective as well. "That's good that you get to start teaching again." Erica said as she got up and stretched slightly. She was ready to see what this place actually did look like and looked forward to a better tour then the brief one that they got when they first came in.

Erica started to follow everyone out again finally glad to leave the quarantine building behind, and spotted the tram that was there seeing Daytona driving it, and rolled her eyes and shook her head slightly at Wayne. "Good luck trying to ask her out." Erica said smiling slightly as she got into the tram now as well and sat down it was pretty cloudy but the humidity she didn't really care to much about though.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 14 days ago

Year 5: Part 3

Date: July 22nd, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: H6 (Quarantine: W) -> H6 (In Front of W)

Temperature: 87F
Humidity: High (Around 83%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 15 MPH
Cloud Coverage: Overcast
Major took a seat, along with the rest of the group, in the back most seat. Her eyes darting over towards Hunter for a moment. "Not used to someone back here," she said in a thick Russian accent. It was probably the most words she had said in a single sitting out in front of the entire group. It seemed that everyone was loaded up now. No, wait, there were two more that needed to load up. Atticus waited, not worried about how long it took. Alexander was still probably getting used to his new leg. The other still not loaded by now, he wasn't sure what would take him so long. Maybe it was just being polite. Either way, the tour and such waited to get started until everyone was loaded up.

Once they were, Daytona turned the engine over fully. Fans above the seats spun slowly. It wasn't air conditioning but at least it kept the air moving, which helped. And combined with the shade the covers provided, it was decent enough. There was a little static crackle as Atticus picked up what looked like a corded mini walkie talkie. "Hey everyone, comfortable?" he asked and it came through speakers in front of each seat. "Nice right? Keeps me from yelling. Alright, Daytona, take us out girl," he said and she changed gears and started driving slowly. Pulling out and going east back towards the gate that they all had originally gone in.

"First things first, going to get your rooms assigned. Where you will be living. But while we are on our way towards the General Housing Neighborhood, gonna point out a few things on your right. Now there, is the Mechanics and Fabrication building, which two of you have already been too. Volts and Tesla work in there. They do a lot of work for the hospital. Older community, we actually have had to replace a lot of hips. And of course, help those who had lost a limb. They also take orders from other divisions for parts we can't find anymore.

Now those four buildings, and the pool there, that is our Education. The Professor looks over it. We have around 30 kids who are under the age of 18 living within the walls. Most of them are orphans but the community looks after them. Education isn't broken down by age but by how quickly a child learns. So the classes are very mixed. Anyone that wants to learn is welcome to sign up and take a class. We have older students in there as well. Checkbook for example is trying to catch up on classes she would have taken in high school, so she attends the senior classes. Most people in the community either take classes or teach from time to time. It's a good way to learn something new, learn new skills, and get to know people.

And here we are," he said, stopping his little talk as Daytona pulled up to a parking lot and pulled in. "Now, this long block is our general housing. We have one larger apartment building that is two floors and then the rest are condos. There are solar panels on all the roofs, so you will have full power in them. We ask you to simply be conservative with your use. Turn off lights when you leave a room, use natural lighting during the day, keep showers and baths short. All the General Housing is set up like a college dorm and you are sharing common areas with others. Kitchens are disabled. We don't allow cooking in the homes. All food goes through the mess hall. We'll get to that later, okay, come on. Let's get you all settled."

Hoping out, Daytona turned off the Tram and waited. Atticus would show the groups around to their housing. Each person would get a key to their general housing unit and a second key for their private room within that housing unit. "If you lose your key, oh boy, you can get another but damn that is going to be a lot of paper work and explaining, and the likes. We've had problems in the past where people try to test us by saying they lose their key only to hide it so they can have more than one copy. Then been transferred to another room, and have the old key. So now, when someone looses a key we fully replace the locks and have to replace the keys for everyone. Don't do that too us. Just keep track of your keys."

"Okay, Riley and Amelia, put you in 14B, you are sharing a unit with Chase. She's pretty quiet, works in Safety dealing with the weather and tides. She's out right now but you'll either run into her later or meet her tonight at the beach party. The Newnans, you are in 3C. You have two room, adjoining, 3D is for the baby. You are sharing as well, with Spots, met her when you came in. She's good with kids. Helps out with the kids daycare when not on runs or in transportation. Thalia, you are down at the end in 17B, Let me know if you want that changed. Your brother put in for you to be in his Condo's spare room. Manny and Alex, you are in Apartment D and C - same apartment, four bedroom though. You are sharing with Sheers and Moralez. First floor apartments, at the front here. They enjoy playing cards at night, they'll be glad for more to hang out with. Nigel, you are in 3C, sharing a three bedroom with Mizrahi and Roy. Roy is kind of sarcastic but he's okay. Mizrahi is quiet but he doesn't speak English well, so who knows maybe you can help him with that. Erica, 2B. Just a smaller two bedroom condo, will be sharing with Rosie. She's head of transportation. She's, an experience. Good luck. Hunter, Condo 32 F. Five bedroom, you are the last in that one. Sharing with Bass, Panama, Volts, and Tesla. Talked to them already. They're cool with you bringing your dog in. They've all taken turns walking her and feeding her during quarantine. I'll let you pick her up once we are done with the tour and let you know where she can go and when. Hank and Wayne, you are sharing Condo 16 with Dusty. And last but not least, Ash," he said flipping through the papers. "Oh yeah, Sparrow, you can show him his quarters later and go through all the protocol for that area."

"Now, let's go, get you all to your housing, check to make sure your keys work and such. Supply will have already delivered your starter stuff. Weeks worth of casual clothing, under garments, work wear, and sleep wear, as well as robes, towels, wash clothes and the like. Should be enough for seven days. Friday is laundry. So what you do is pack up everything dirty into the provided back and drop it off with Auntie in supply. She will give you the next weeks worth. Simple as that."

With that, everyone is too get off the tram and go with Atticus to check into their respective rooms. Keys work, so no worries. There are people from the community milling about. None of your roomies are present, each of them are out working right now. So go on, get settled in. Any questions can wait until everyone is back on the tram. It isn't that Atticus doesn't want to answer questions, he just doesn't want to have to repeat himself, so he will answer questions when the whole group is together. "Commander, while I am getting them settled in, go ahead and take Ash there and deal with that."

*Anyone Shelving Character: You may shelve them now if you like. (This would be your last full post for them.) If you still have other active characters, you may use them as claimed NPC's in your other character posts from here on out. If you are using them regularly though they must stay at full character. Hit me up in chat to let me know if you are shelving. I am shelving Tatiana and Wayne after this post.

  • Ash Holloway: O.B. 2G
  • Riley Ridgeway: Condo 14B
  • Amelia Payne: Condo 14B
  • Jack Newnan: Condo 3C
  • Tatiana Newnan: Condo 3C
  • Alexander Polawski: Apartment 1C
  • Thalia Carmichael: Condo 17 B
  • Emanuel "Manny" Newman: Apartment 1D
  • Erica Monroe: Condo 2B
  • Nigel "Hadrian" Cooper: Apartment 3C
  • Wayne Maldonado: Condo 16B
  • Hank Wright: Condo 16C
  • Hunter Monroe: Condo 32 F

Each persons room will be pretty bare. You will have a bed (Twin if alone, full if a couple), a place to put your clothing. Your personal items will be on the beds. (Minus any weapons and armor - none of that.). Bathrooms are shared between the Condo or Apartment. Kitchens are empty. There is a living area for those in Condos and Apartments. A couch or two,or a row of recliners. There is usually a TV and a VCR or DVD player. Coffee table set up. It isn't anything big but it is enough to get started. The Apartment building is the long one by the X. The condos start by the parking lot, work down and then back up. Condo 1 is the first one - Condo 16 and 17 are at the far end - Condo 32 is the last one working back up right by the Apartment building to give you an idea.

Thana Martin

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: H6 (In Front of W) -> M6 (Parking Lot For X) -> M5 (N)
Skills: N/A

Turning her head slightly, Thana quirked a brow. She hadn't expected Ash to want to dance. The last social event they attended together he was wanting to get out of there as quickly as possible, as was she. Then again, that was the first day they had met. She had only attended because of everything going on in Newnan. That was a bit of a clusterfuck. The next day was worse, the next day was when Newnan fell. Things were different now. So maybe it shouldn't have surprised her that he wanted to dance, still he didn't seem like the dancing type. Sounded nice though, especially if it was just a slow dance. She knew her leg wasn't going to be up for more than that. "No, I just go check the filters for the underwater garden. Should only take a few hours," she said as she leaned against him slightly as they waited for the rest of the people to load up. "A dance sound nice." It did. Hell, anything just relaxing and being near him felt nice. Just sitting there with him felt nice.

"Oh, since yer new here they are assignin' you a bunk but I put in a requisition fer you to bunk with me. Ain't much, small college dorm like room but at least we'd be together," she said before lifting her head and looking over to him. She had totally forgotten to ask him if that was okay, if he even wanted to bunk with her. "Well dog my cats, I fergot to ask ya. I can stop the request if you'd rather not bunk together," she added quickly. She could stop it, just grab the file from Atticus and tear it up. Yet the look on her face made it clear she was hoping he was okay with it. Especially with how they had been around each other since she got back.

Thana sat back and listened. She knew all this but it didn't hurt to hear it again. As Atticus got to Ash's rooming she nodded and reached out. Taking the key that the man had and then handing it over to Ash. "A'right, we're over here," she said pointing to the building across the street. If he didn't want to bunk with her, she would need to get that straightened out but if he did then it was time to show him. Making sure the coast was clear, she limped over to the building across the street. It was locked. Slipping her key in, she unlocked it and stepped inside. It was lock back behind them once Ash got in.

"All officers and their S.O.s live in here, so main building stays locked at all times," she explained before pointing towards the stairs on their right. Taking her time, she made her way up to the second floor and then to 2G. She just used her key to get in. She figured they could check his in a minute. Stepping in, it wasn't large. About the side a decent sized hotel room. She had one bed in there, pushed against the wall. Full sized. There was a wardrobe set up and a desk with a lot of paper work on it. Files and the like as well. Some plants sitting in the window, it looked out over the docks below. There was a couch with a coffee table. Like a one room flat. The only other door in the room lead to a small bathroom. "It ain't much but I'm still new here and got a lot of debt, so well, hope it works. It's just the two of us, so that's a perk, right?" she asked as she looked around. Sure as hell wasn't the house he had back in Newnan but it could have been a lot worse.

Tatiana Newnan

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: H6 (In Front of W) -> M6 (Parking Lot For X -> Condo 3C)
Skills: N/A

Jamie seemed to be enjoying being out and about. Looking around at everything there was to see. Reaching out at things and people as they walked by. Giggling and babbling. Every so often a momma or a dadda would come out in the babbles as he seemed to be trying to get their attention to look. Tatiana was all fine and good with him bouncing and squirming around. When he grabbed her hair, Tatiana picked Jamie up and slipped him over into Jacks lap before getting herself free from her sons vice grip, loosing a few strands of red hair in the process. "Raduysya chto ty milyy," Tatiana grumbled, telling her song he better be glad he was cute. He just giggled at his mother.

Once she had Jamie settled in with his dad and her hair was free she looked at Jack. "Da, did tour of Vegas vhen I moved there. Rode one," she said. Tatiana had hoped to become a world class ballerina, dancing classics on stage. It wasn't to be, so she had moved out to Las Vegas to try to find a career. It had been a good choice. And she remembered seeing all the bright lights, all the people. It wasn't like New York. It was like being in a Theme Park that took up a whole city. The city seemed to breathe. So as soon as she found a place, the first thing she did was grab a tour ride. Wanting to see everything. It was a lot of fun. She wasn't expecting this ride to be as fun as that one. She doubted that they were going to serve free drinks. But it would at least, hopefully, give them a good look at their new home.

It was a lot of information to take in but Tatiana listened, looking around, and taking in everything that she could. Once they stopped she got out and waited for Jack before following Atticus on his little tour of the General Housing Neighborhood. Apartments were taken care of first and then Condos. Atticus let people get settled and instructed them once they were done, to hurry back to the tram where Daytona was waiting. Major came along for the walk. Once they got to hers and Jacks new home, keys were checked and they were let in. It wasn't bad. Seemed Spots had a decent set up. There was a living room area. Where the kitchen was seemed rather barren but she understood not cooking in the place. Fires could break out, food was a limited resource. It was better if everyone worked together.

Walking over to the two rooms assigned to them she was happy to see that someone had taken the time to get Jamies room set up nicely. He had a crib in there and there were instructions left on how to change it to a toddler bed when he was ready. He had his clothing, extra clothing, cloth diapers, teething rings, toys, cardboard books, a rocking chair and it was colorful. Then there was hers and Jacks room. Clothing was there, and a bed. It was pretty bare. Most rooms were pretty bare but hey, it was a bed. There was a bathroom it looked like they all would share. Hey better than a locker room. Jamies room had a separate door to their room. And while she didn't know Spots, the woman seemed alright when they all first met. This could work, this had to work. "Da, is good. This vork, right?" she asked Jack as she looked towards him. It was a new start for them.

Wayne Maldonado

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: H6 (In Front of W) -> M6 (Parking Lot For X -> Condo 16B -> Back to Tram)
Skills: N/A

"And here I thought the first sign that humanity was desperate was people turning others into McDonald's Happy Meals," Wayne laughed. Sure, Hank in a position to pick peoples brains did seem a bit off but if one took a step back and thought on it, it made sense. Hank had once been sane. Then he wasn't. Then he was again. He had been down that dark road and come out on the other side. He knew what it felt like to be locked up and put on meds. He knew how to deal with someone completely off their rocker and help them stay functional. In a way, Hank had already been a psychiatrist. He had been Wayne's personal psychiatrist for five years now. And no, Wayne was no shining example of stable mental health, he was still alive, he was still functioning, and he was learning to deal with his hallucinations. If Hank could do that without any formal training, what could he do if there was someone here to help him learn? Shit, it actually made sense. Now, the fact that it did make sense - did that make Wayne more or less crazy than everyone thought he was?

Wayne looked over towards Erica and laughed. "Hey, just watch me work my magic tonight," he said giving a cheeky grin. He sure as hell would ask the woman out, or at least for a dance, maybe a drink, maybe a walk along the beach. If she slapped him, kinky. If she didn't, great. Either way, Zero Fuck Given Maldonado was going to give a shot. The tram moved and Wayne listened. Looking around slightly but he wasn't exactly caring much right then. Just glad to be outside. He loved the smell coming from the ocean. Made him want to go fishing.

As they got to the Housing, Wayne chuckled. They were sharing a place with Dusty? That guy that talked about food all the time? Shit, he could handle that. And fuck, sharing a place with a man that knew how to fly a helicopter worked for him. Their condo was all the way at the end. That worked for him. He could actually see the pier from outside of the building. Fuck yeah, fishing. Inside he had a bedroom. Clothing, place to put said clothing, and a bed. That was all he needed. The living room though, hot damn. It was a big screen TV and a row of recliners. "Oh fuck yeah, I like this Dusty guy!" he said stroking one of the recliners. "This guy knows what is important!"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Alexander Polawski

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room) -> H6 (In Front of W Parking Lot For X -> Apartment 1C)
Skills: N/A

Alexander couldn't help but smile and chuckle a little at the mention of Thana doing some singing at the aforementioned beach party, slowly standing up on his one god-given leg and the one prosthetic the egg-head monkey-wrenches had put together for him - That was a compliment, he truly thought highly of them for that. Alexander stood on his legs and slowly made his way outside, walking beside Manny on their way to their first taste of fresh air in a long time! Most of them, Alexander and Thalia had in the very least walked to Fabrication earlier, though this was different. Tempted to ask Thana herself, Alexander held his request back watching her and Ash hold hands. He smiled, at least some things turned out right. "I think so. If not, better start getting ready for it. I think we'll be fine here, Manny. Just fine." Alexander said back to his fellow Baby-boomer, giving him a smile as well as they walked out.

"What are the chances she'll sing some good ol' Stones for us, do you think?" Alexander asked Manny back in a chuckling whisper, before feeling the wall of humid air hit his face as well. "Yeah, it's awful like that for the first days and weeks. Then you'll get used to it, but you will. You can imagine how Saigon must have felt like…" Alexander explained to Manny, his more relaxed mind allowing him to blurt out one of the many words he hadn't said in a long, long time. A shiver ran down his spine as he realized it, but looking back at Manny, he saw only a friend getting onboard a tram. Safe, was he safe? Alexander looked at the tram and Manny for a good moment, breathing in and getting onboard it beside Manny. He was still there, nothing bad happened because of the S-word…

Alexander grabbed the seat beside Manny, holding onto it to stabilize himself as he looked up at his dentist-friend, hopefully for life. "Now we're starting to become retirees. Just like I imagined." Alexander chuckled halfway to Manny, putting on the smile as he payed attention to their little tour of the camp. Fabrication he recognized, but the others not so much. He was sure to do so soon though, as they were shown their new homes. Home, a proper home, not seeking shelter in a abandoned home like vagrants. Alexander accepted the keys with much gratitude, thanking Atticus with a "Thank you, Father." as he was told who he was living with. Manny, thankfully, and two others. "Cards at night, sounds like a nice bunch. It'll be nice, right Manny?"

Locking himself in his new room, Alexander took a few steps inside the door and simply took in the view around him. This humble abode was not just a room. It was clean, well-kept all thing considered. Nobody had looted or loitered in there. This was his. Home. Alexander slumped down on his new bed, careful not to lose his key as warned by Atticus. Even his old stuff were there, including a certain mug he found a long time ago. Alexander pulled it out and held it up before him, reading the text printed on the mug that made him smile. This was his mug, the legendary one. "You're lucky I only have one foot, or I'd be kicking your ass right now." This was his mug, and this was his bed. His home. The old veteran could like this. Sitting alone in his room with the mug in his hand, he just felt thankful for being this lucky.

And he cried.

Nigel "Hadrian" Cooper

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room) -> H6 (In Front of W -> Apartment 3C)
Skills: N/A

Nigel looked at Erica with an obviously fake look of digust, gasping dramatically before ending his reaction with a laugh. "What, you too now? You've been too much around Wayne and Hank. I do in fact not have a stick up my ass!" Nigel laughed to Erica, knowing she was teasing him and finding a job in it. Yeah, perhaps he did have a stick up his ass. It had kept him alive all those years up until now. Not the stick…his attitude they meant? The cold shoulder he'd given to Robert way back in the swamps? Perhaps they had a point.

As Erica showed him her own note and suggested occupation, Nigel gave her a smile of approval. "You too. If it is what it sounds like, we might get some normality back into our lives again." Nigel told her, following her lead to get up on his feet as the were told to exit Quarantine. Finally, they would be allowed outside. Nigel had begun to feel like a sentry guard stuck up on the walls of a besieged city, watching the enemy army fleeing the field of battle and the gush of fresh, free air blow past him. Freedom. Well some freedom, but it was a start.

The wall of humid air hit Nigel as well, regretting the overly-comfortable enviroment he'd gotten used to over the week. While it hadn't made him weak, this was not a step in the right direction if he was going to have trouble living in Camp Mexico Beach. And he wasn't going to be seen as weak. Even if he was going to be a teacher here, he was going to prove himself to these people. He was Roman after all, or Neo-Roman, wasn't he?

Nigel "Hadrian" was late to take seat in the tram, letting most others get in first and then Erica, before he joined her in the seat next to her. He didn't say much during the drive, simply taking in the view, remembering the sights pointed out to them and trying to get used to the humidity the best he could. Nigel payed special attention to the buildings designated at "Education", where he hopefully would end up working. This was the first school he'd seen with an outside swimming pool, Florida-style. It was all a lot to take in, literary. Even more so when Daytona pulled up to what would be their living quarters; their homes.

He didn't argue with the philosophy with the strict rules for keys and locks, they didn't have the comfort of extra keys those days. Not that he would have planned on trying to pull something like that off. His own room, even with sharing the common areas with two strangers? This is a big improvement from the fishing store he had shared with Erica, Wayne and Hank back in the swamp. Better than anything he'd had after the End really. He was sure he could survive Roy, sarcasm was something he'd lived with for a while now. And teach Mizrahi some English? While he wasn't qualified to teach English, he would be happy to try. It was one way of getting to know people here, not become an outcast. Nigel accepted the key from Atticus, making his way inside to find what would become his room for now. Again it was a whole lot better than anything he'd had since the world went to Hades. Nigel didn't need a lot of time in his room, going through his room and his returned belongings, knowing well that his sword and armour still was under locks. When the 30-day period was over, he would make sure that he could get his Gladius back in the very least. He still had to show it to Hunter and Erica. "Pax intrantibus, salus exeuntibus. Welcome home, Nigel…"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Jack Newnan

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: H6 (In Front of W) -> M6 (Parking Lot For X -> Condo 3C)
Skills: N/A

"Vegas? Ya gotta tell me all about that again sometime, never was lucky enough to go," he told Tatiana with a grin, holding onto their son. Jack's face clearly was filled with wonder as the fans started above them, sending a cooling breeze down. Combined with the shade provided by the tram, it seemed like something that would have been displayed in an expo about how people would vacation in the future. It was more than just nice - it was amazing. His thoughts went to Ray though as they passed the fabrication building and he smiled a bit sadly. Ray would have benefited from a custom made limb for him - and he bet that Miss Sally would have enjoyed the idea that she could get a hip replacement if she needed one. There was so much technology here that it was easy to forget what lurked outside of the walls. They even had a pool!

"Hopefully Jamie's nothin' like his dad when it comes to school," he whispered to Tatiana. He had barely passed high school, his mom having to tutor him when it came to his senior level classes. Most of his problems had come from the fact that he learned best hands on and his English teachers hadn't been a fan of that. His jaw practically dropped as he learned that they had condos. Yes, Newnan had had amazing living accommodations but nothing that had been called a condo. Condos brought up images for him of the idle rich, able to afford to buy out entire buildings if they wanted to. The college dorm analogy helped only slightly, purely since Jack had never gone to college. He had though visited his half-sister at her college once, so he had a rough idea of the sort of layout the dorms had.

The description of their living situation seemed perfect. They had a room, as well as one to basically function as a nursery for Jamie - though Jack imagined it would take him a while to get used to the idea of Jamie sleeping in a different room than them, but it would be a nice bit of normalcy. Their roommate even was in charge of the daycare and Jack fully intended to ask her if she had any tips on parenting or if CMB offered any parenting classes. He had no idea what he was doing.

Of course, their place was even better when he saw it in person. Jamie had just about everything he needed, including some things that Jack hadn't been expecting - like the rocking chair. He didn't care that his and Tatiana's room was bare - she could light up just about any room that she went inside of. He nodded, giving Tatiana a kiss. "Yeah, this more than works," he told her with a huge grin.

This place was amazing - and he couldn't wait to start this new chapter with Tatiana.
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: H6 (In Front of W) -> M6 (Parking Lot For X -> Condo 14B)
Skills: N/A

Sure enough this had all the makings of a tour ride. At least it felt like this when priest man started explaining which location was what and so on. They even got told that it was time for them to be housed first before they get to head for the beach. This was actually a really nice thing to finally happen. She was really eager to learn where they would be living from now on and was pondering if the true accommodations were as decent as the quarantine or if the quarantine was times better just to make it a smoke screen to recruit people.

Didn't take much time for them to be led to their new homes which turned out to be apartments and condos. They were already aware that it would be joint housing of some kind from earlier, so at least she wasn't harboring vain hopes of it. Amelia was certainly very curious and concerned about their neighbor, but Atticus said she was quiet, so they should get along well enough as long as they don't intrude to each others' space or cause problems.

Having been giving the keys, it was about the time to now actually visit their new home.

"It's... alright. Got everything we might need." Amelia commented when they had arrived at their new home for the moment. It was kinda barren, but not like she was expecting too much. It had the essentials and that would do, personal items were naturally not something that would come with the place by default. Their own stuff was located on the bed, but her face cramped when she spotted the things they arrived with. Well pretty much nothing from her things was left, probably because it was all mostly gear or other useful supplies. She felt really salty about the bat actually... It was her trusted friend for so long and even that axe! She sat on the bed with a sigh.

"Well it's not like we need too much stuff, right?" She quietly spoke out, somewhat deep in thought. There was where to keep the clothing, there was basic entertainment set up, though she would have loved to have books instead. This would do, especially for unproven location that it was still unknown if it would last for any distinct great length of time. Admittedly she really had to get hold of the location where they keep books. She was certain there would be a library set up somewhere at the very least.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 days ago

Ash Holloway

Location: H6 (In Front of W) -> M6 (Parking Lot For X) -> M5 (N) O.B. 2G
Skills: N/A

Maybe it was presumptuous of Ash, but he had kind of assumed that he and Thana would be bunked together, or very near to one another. Thinking about it, it really was a granted assumption. In many ways, this was still a new relationship. In others, an epic quest wherein they got each other as their prize at the end, such as they were both willing in that regard. Especially after the content of his interview, he just figured that they would be put together without the need to ask if it was alright with him. So when the question came up about stopping the request, Ash cocked his head to the side like a highly confused, floppy dog. "You bite your tongue, Commander," he said with a growing smile. "If you stop that request I might shed some tears." He was only partly kidding.

So Ash was the Significant Other of an officer. Maybe one day not too far from then, Ash could pick something like his career back up and they could just be two officers sharing a flat, among other things. Goals to work toward, and he had been provided the ladder to climb to achieve this if he so desired. Not a big deal. Right now, just being with her was more than plenty. Across the street, up the stairs, and into 2G, Ash had a feeling of something akin to normalcy, like a new couple was seeing their latest apartment for the first time. Well, he was seeing their new apartment for the first time. He wasn't thinking about the place he used to live, after the Apocalypse and before Newnan fell. It was nice. Maybe too big for one person, and maybe even partly a status symbol that went along with being the guy in charge. Yeah, it was nice. But simple lodging with Thana was nicer, to him.

He listened to her almost apologize for the living situation, even though it sounded like a tiny slice of heaven. "Yes. That's one hell of a perk and I'm grateful. If you ever need your space, just let me know, okay? But yeah, just the two of us... perk." He looked around a little before his eyes settled on something familiar to him. It was brown, leather, and had fuzzy tan trim. They mentioned that they would return articles of clothing to them, and so they did. It was Leann's old flight jacket that he appropriated, following her death. Not really a reminder of his old life, but a reminder of sorts. He checked the pocket, noting the rank insignias still present within. Both his old bars and a set of oak leaves. This was where he came from. His past. Ash looked to Thana. This is where he was, and who he wanted to be with. "Everything looks perfect, Thana, just perfect. Thank you." He moved closer and took her hands, staring into her eyes, "It's a shame we have to get back to the tram so soon," he said with some regret. But duty stops for no one, and those already part of the community had their jobs to do. They would have time to be together later, in a place where they could actually plan for a later. Maybe then, he could help address the concept of her having a debt to pay off, and how he could help with that. For now, Ash was satisfied taking a quiet moment to gaze upon Thana, away from everyone else.

Thalia Carmichael

Location: H6 (In Front of W) -> M6 (Parking Lot For X -> Condo 17B -> Back to Tram)
Skills: N/A

After having been with a tight group of people for the last year and a half, it felt a little empty with her sitting by herself while everyone else around her was making little snatches of conversation with each other. Alone she could handle, too. She had spent a whole lot of time alone. It was part of her survival strategy for a long time. Of course, the wisdom of community was solid. If she hurt herself or fell on desperate times, having people to help pick you back up was a good thing, and she had no issues doing the same for others she might have trusted. But now that she was essentially alone in a small crowd of people, her mindset of isolation grew a little from earlier that morning.

That, and condo? Bedroom? Thalia would have felt more comfortable with a shack and a burn barrel on the roof, or a tent someplace secluded. Nah, they wouldn't let her have that. Probably not even if she'd been around for a while and held some soldierly position or got made responsible for something, which they sure as hell wouldn't do with a stray cat like Thalia. Not ungrateful for what was handed to her, mind you. Just uncomfortable. That was the continuing status of her presence in this place, it seemed. It started with that first blast of air conditioning, and carried on to this very moment. She began to question the reasons why she had decided to stay now. The obvious and immediate answer was the same one that she kept telling herself - she needed to get stronger, she needed to train under these people. Okay, she would do so my being deprived of her worldly goods and picking up trash off of the ground and/or doing other people's laundry for a undisclosed period time? No, not undisclosed. When a job opening presented itself. Thalia suddenly felt very foolish.

So, she stopped by the room her sibling put aside for her. Basic amenities, roof, walls. Great. Everything she needed in basic handed to her. Curiously, none of her personal effects that she came in with. Ok, she got it the concept - no knife, no gun. They were new here. Armed was not acceptable. Most all of the rest of her stuff was odds and ends, a firestarter that she wouldn't need here, etc., but one point struck her like a hammer: Where was her shield? That was very personal to her. An irreplaceable item, made by someone she cared about who was now deceased. That was a problem.

Her key worked. Yay. Time to rejoin the others. She had something to discuss with her dear brother later.

Hank Wright

Location: H6 (In Front of W) -> M6 (Parking Lot For X -> Condo 16B -> Back to Tram)
Skills: N/A

So, it wasn't a boat. Yet. A boat sounded like the kind of thing that had to come in an installment plan anyway, unless they wanted to carve one themselves out of driftwood. But this? This was nice. Can't always get everything you want exactly the way you want it handed to you on a platter, and to be truthful, having something to work toward gave him a goal to accomplish. Now, if he could conceivably accomplish it while he still had enough years to enjoy the fruits of his labor, that would be great. And if it didn't work out here, well, there was a lot of coastline along the Gulf of Mexico to explore for just that purpose.

But all things considered, Hank really didn't see it not working out here. He was open to the experience and this place beat the absolute hell out of the Amish community they gave a shot a while back. Not to mention all the other crap he and Wayne experienced and survived over the past five years. This place was great and as far as he was concerned, he earned a little easier living. Not that this place owed him a damn thing, but he owed it to himself to really make a go of it here. Really immerse. Leave the New Hampshire Sheriff behind and become the modern, post-apocalyptic Floridian that was going to survive to be an older, greyer, even more surly yet grateful bastard than he was. Maybe with a tan. Who knew?

Plus, Hank wasn't going to start nitpicking here and now. He had a full belly and a roof over his head, a measure of privacy if he wanted it, and apparently a row of recliners to choose from. But hold up, these were here before they got there. It seemed that a point of courtesy was in order. "Uh huh, hey... that guy Dusty, straight shooter type, right? I think maybe calling dibs on a place to rest my ass (a preferred spot anyway) is gonna have to wait till we all say hi later today. If he's got a favorite recliner out of the bunch, I'm keeping away from it." He appeared to weigh the options of some moral conundrum or another, "Seems only sporting there, ya know?"

Let it never be said that Hank wasn't a sporting man. To Wayne's insistence that their roommate, Dusty, knew what was important, Hank agreed, "Priorities, my good man. Priorities. He's got 'em. Seems an alright kind of guy." Hank caught sight of something left on his bed. Not something of his from before, but left there like a gift. It was a hat. A billed cap, like the type truckers wore. A little something to cover his eyes and keep the blazing sun off of his shaved bald head. Not his style, really, but to hell with style. He wasn't trying to impress anybody. Fitting the thing to his head, he looked to Wayne, "mmmYeah, let's get this tour out of the way and get settled in. I think this place is going to agree with me, Maldonado." As cynical and disagreeable as Hank was, he couldn't help but feel a sense of true optimism. This was a home that he could be a part of.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Emanuel "Manny" Newman

Location: H6 --> M6 --> Apartment 1D --> M6
Skills: N/A

The tram ride was honestly strange for the old dentist. "Didn't really get into the Stones when they were popular, but I'd enjoy them now I think." It was nice to see Alexander enjoying the place, Manny was too. The tram felt weird to Manny. Almost felt like an old amusement park ride showing off the nearby environments and other points of interests of a ride. He almost expected the alarms to start going off and to see the tiny little dinosaurs eating the robotic staff members. Thankfully that didn't happen, last thing this world needed were giant lizards and dead people eating the survivors. The tour was nice though, the camp seemed pretty strait forward, and Manny looked forward to being able to see more as time went on.

Manny was pleased to hear that him and Alexander would be sharing an apartment which was nice to hear. Out of the survivors, Manny felt he got along with Alexander the most. Plus there were not many people in his age range, even if this was a place with many retirement aged people he wouldn't know any of them. "Not sure I am ready for retirement there. But it may be nice to take things just a little easier." Hearing more about living was nice, more people closer to his age, and regular card games. "If I am being honest, I haven't played a lot of cards. And the days I did were many years ago. But I wouldn't mind learning to play again." He played occasionally while in his collage years, but he found it distracting so never really to into it at the time.

Manny made himself up to what would be his new home. It was.... strange. What wasn't a surprise was that most of his gear wasn't here. Almost everything he had could be considered essential supplies. Between his shotgun, the shells, and the medical supplies, he didn't have much for him other then the clothes on his back. And now, that was all he had again. The clothes on his back, some clothes for the week, and a room resembling the room he had when he started school. Minus the desk. It felt weird to him. Starting this new life completely from scratch it felt like. It was funny to think that a handful of years ago he owned a home, owned a business, helped keep people healthy, provided jobs to people, was an active participant at the local shooting range, and now... He was on square one with nothing. The place was amazing though. Somewhere warm and safe to sleep. Somewhere he could study when needed. Somewhere he didn't need to worry about being eaten alive.

His biggest complaint now, was lacking his gun. Sure, a minor complaint. But having it and knowing where it was was always a relief. When the military fell years ago, Manny had used one just like it to fight his way out of a stadium. And used it again to defend multiple settlements. Eventually losing it to the chaos. Then obtaining a new one while raiding Eden. Sure, this was to be expected, but this was a military camp. And that thought would always be in the back of his mind. What if... this place fell as well. What if... the military couldn't hold up here for whatever reason?

He sat on the bed for a while thinking about it. There was no way they'd let him be in a situation to have the gun back. Nor did he want to be in one of those situations. He was no fighter. The lack of a gun again did remind him of something important. The place was secure. It was a fortress. It also had a healthy supply of food. It had a proper medical team. And he could build this new life however he wanted. Sure, there were things he would like to be different. That would happen anywhere he went. Nothing can be perfect, especially for everyone. But this place is surely a good start.

Manny after packing his clothes into their new locations made his way back to the tram. It would be time to meet the locals soon, and maybe become one of them as well.

Private Hunter James Monroe

Location: H6 --> M6 --> Condo 32F --> M6
Skills: N/A

Hunter wans't sure how he felt about the tram. Sure it was nice, but the distence they went seemed way too close to be driving. It felt... wasteful. The little fans were interesting though, but seemed over the top. He liked the openess of it though, the ability to see around with ease, to feel the breeze, to jump in and out of the sides if he wanted to. He didn't, but it was a nice thought. He even got some words out of the Major woman. "On mixed terms with most of the people here. Would rather nont push it more then I have too." He said with a calm factual tone. Learning he was in a condo was something interesting to the soldier boy as well. He didn't know much about them, or how they differed from apartments, but it sounded cool enough. He was sharing it with a few others, some he had met, some he wasn't so sure of. But all had met Izibell and seemed fine with her, so he would give them a shot. As far as he was concerned, what kind of crazy person couldn't love the 110 lbs of muscle and love known as Izibell?

While in the tram he avoided his probing for answers about the place with major. Seemed pointless right now, and he figured if he really wanted to know time would tell better then asking. It was nice to hear their sleeping spaces weren't set up like the base barracks back up north. They were individual rooms grouped up with others. Though kitchens were useless. bathrooms worked, and he wondered if the water still worked in the sinks in the kitchens? There was no paticular reasoning for wanting to know this, but he was curious. He added that to his goal list. As well as finding paper. He would forget his list if he didn't write it down.

He found his room easy enough. It was.... bland. He wasn't sure what else to expect, but bland didn't seem to click in his mind well. Looking over his posesions was a rather grim sight for him as well. All of his gear had been obtained and stored. Except his clothes. Though he didn't really have the most regular clothing. He had a hoodie laced with duct tape and thick mesh. Decent armor in a pinch, but murder in the heat. But he still had it, so that was nice. He was left his boots, his worn fingerless gloves, and his camouflage cap. Though the thing that probably he wasn't really ready to see yet, a set of camouflage fautieges. They weren't his original ones from being deployed. Those were long gone now. This uniform was one picked up a few months ago. Still blank. No name, no unit markings, no rank. Just a standard set, waiting for it's own history. Though like much of Hunter's clothes, very well worn and used. It held some sentimental value ot him. Sure, his time in the service was a shit show every step of the way. But it set him up with the set of skills he needed to survive. And survive he did.

And like the room he stood in, it was all blank, ready to be filled in as needed. He kinda chuckled at the Irony of that. A blank uniform waiting to be patched and set up. And an empty blank room waiting to be personalized. Sure, he had lost everything he worked hard to gather to make it this far, but now he made it this far. He would still need to work out how to trust these people more, but he at least felt comfortable enough to not distrust them. And they didn't kick him out. He wondered if this place was designed to make people feel like this was a fresh start, that things were starting over for them? Another question to answer with time. He looked at the worn uniform before leaving for the tram. This was his new start, maybe a chance to make ammends for some of the things he fucked up along the way. He'd do his best to make it work. But it wouldn't be an easy one.

Hunter strode back to the Tram with a well diciplined pace resembling that of a proper soldier. Dressed head to toe in his worn fatuiges he felt ready to take on the world. Boots shined (As best can do without boot polish), cap worn strait, shirt tucked in, wrinkles flushed out, and what little hair showed was well within former military regulation. He walked with a purpose, and he was determined to show that there was more to him then some kid who couldn't handle himself. Plus, if they didn't want him wearing the uniform they shouldn't have given it back. Though he figured their own people here had their own markings. He sat down again back strait in the last row of the Tram awaiting for their next destination.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Camp Mexico Beach, Florida, H6 (In Front of W) -> M6 (Parking Lot For X -> Condo 14B) -> Tram

Riley leaned back in the seat as she could feel the fan hitting her face, which did feel nice though it wasn't AC, it was still really nice regardless. As Riley leaned back listening to Atticus as he started to point out some of the locations, like the fabrication building and the school as well. Taking a moment as Riley looked over at the school, remembering her high school life was pretty much hell the entire time. Riley listened about the rules for the keys to their respective buildings and their rooms as well, she was pretty careful with not losing her things.

As soon as they were allowed to get off Riley followed shortly behind Amelia into the condo, she was kind of curious who Chase was but she would end up meeting her at some point anyway. Riley let Amelia open the door to their room and looked around it, it was pretty much barren at this point looking over at Amelia. "I'm sure they would allow us to find something to fix up the place, earning credit and working and whatever." Riley said giving her a slight smile seeing the pile of clothes that were there, there was a few hats, scarves and bandanas as well. She was glad for that she didn't want to walk around with her bald head still which was kind of embarrassing to her, but she would have to get used to it. "We should head back." Riley said to Amelia and leaned down to give her a loving kiss and smiled towards her, before leaving the room and made her way back towards the tram.

Erica Monroe

Location: Camp Mexico Beach, Florida, H6 (In Front of W) -> (Parking Lot For X -> Condo 2B) -> Tram

Erica smirked slightly towards Nigel she was glad that he didn't mind her little teasing, not like the annoying way that both Hank and Wayne did. She gave him a slight nod as she looked down at the paper again with her assignment whenever her first day was she was going to do her best. As she leaned back listening to Atticus as he spoke, and pointed out some of the buildings and nodded slightly as she would be checking them out at some point if they let her look. She listened to the room assignments wondering who her roommate would be, looking over at Nigel for a moment, she'd rather room with him but she'd probably get along with whoever Rosie was. As soon as the tram came to a stop Erica climbed out of it. "See you in a bit." Erica said towards Nigel giving him a slight smile.

Erica made sure that she had her keys and made her way into the building, seeing some of the other residence of the building there, eventually finding her room. Opening up the door Erica stepped inside looking around it was pretty barren as she saw her pile of clothes for the week. She certainly could get used to things again, as Erica looked around the room a little bit more, before heading back out and made her way towards the tram again.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 14 days ago

Year 5: Part 3

Date: July 22nd, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: H6 (Quarantine: W) -> H6 (In Front of W)

Temperature: 87F
Humidity: High (Around 83%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 15 MPH
Cloud Coverage: Overcast

Atticus made sure that each of the new comers had their keys and that they worked. Walking them to their new homes as it were before moving along to the next. Giving each one a minute to look around and get settled in. "Soon as you are ready, come back to the Tram. We will gotta lot to show you before this evening. I'll meet you back there in a few," he explains to each. Once everyone is shown their new place, Atticus heads back to the tram where Daytona and Major are waiting. Daytona powers the tram back up as people start to return to get the fan running, not knowing how long everyone is going to take to return. Major is still sitting where she was, just looking around as the people of CMB pass every so often.

Wayne, Hank, and Thalia seem to be the first three back. (Hank and Wayne are shelved and are just background noise now.) Riley and Erica are the next back. The came along Manny and Hunter. Now they are waiting on the others.

Tatiana and Jack come back with Jamie. (They are shelved as well and are just background noise.) Atticus looks around and checks his watch, figuring the rest will be back soon enough.

Thana Martin

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: M5 (N) -> M6 (Parking Lot For X/Tram)
Skills: N/A

Watching Ash, Thana just took in the moment. It was a big change from Newnan she knew. Yet, some things were the same. They had decided to try living together before Newnan fell, so this was just simply picking up where they left off. Last night had been nice, being able to be with each other, but parts of it were also hard. She had to open up a lot about parts of her past that she would rather forget but there were things Ash had to understand, reasons why she was the way she was. And they both needed to tell each other more about just who exactly they were. It wasn't the easiest of talks but it was needed. Now with it being a new day, it felt more real. More like an actual couple instead of just two ships passing in the night. They were different in a lot of ways but it seemed that in the ways that mattered they worked well together. Only time would tell if they could build something lasting while they were here. Hopefully they could.

Looking down at he took her hands she chuckled a bit. "Yeah, well, we'll have tonight. And I'm only hangin' around with the tram to get a ride down to the pier," she said quietly before looking up to him. She had work to do but if she could ride along for a bit that wouldn't be bad. And it would keep her from having to walk the distance to the pier itself. Her leg was better now that she had been moving around but she had just had two large steel pins removed from her thigh when she got back yesterday, so it was sore. She didn't want to push it too much. Especially now that Ash had mentioned wanting to dance with her tonight. They hadn't danced at Tatiana and Jacks Wedding Reception but then again, they had both been trying to get out there of there quickly. Tonight was different and the idea of dancing with the man was nice. It was something normal couples did back before the whole world went to shit. Any piece of normalcy was worth its weight in gold these days.

Leaning up, Thana brushed her lips to his and smiled. "Come on, let's get back," she said before she headed out of the room. "Don't forget to lock up," she added as she headed down the hallway. She figured he could catch up with her easily enough. He wasn't the one with a limp right now. Heading down the stairs and then out of the building, Thana made her way to the street, stopping as a truck with supplies drove by before crossing and heading back to the tram. Some where already back. Climbing into her seat, she sat down and nodded slightly towards Atticus. "Just gonna tag along until we reach the pier," she told him. She wasn't going to stick around for the full tour, she already knew where everything was but hey, a few more minutes with the group wouldn't hurt. Turning around in her seat she looked towards Thalia and smiled slightly. It must have hurt her to see Beatrice leave, but knowing that Thalia's brother was here was at least good in her mind. Having her own family here had made the transition easier. She might not have stayed if they weren't. No, she wouldn't have, she would have been back on the road looking for them.

Nikola Warren

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: I6 (R: General Supply)
Skills: N/A

"Oh my god, yes, I got it. It ain't like it's fuckin' rocket science. I load this shit up, drive it to these places, and like drop it off. Auntie, I'm a blonde, I'm not stupid!" Nikki half barked as she tapped the clipboard with the pencil in her hand. It tapping rapidly and then stopping as Nikki took a step back. Auntie was giving her the look. It was a common look from people she got when she was starting to mouth off and about to write another check her ass might not be able to cash. Granted she doubted that Auntie would do anything physical to her, woman would risk breaking a hip, but Auntie had a tongue twice as sharp as Nikki's and she really didn't want to get verbally beat down, or worse, grounded. "Okay, yes ma'am, I got it. Shit, sorry," she said quickly before turning and rushing off.

Pulling a cart over, she looked at the list. Okay, she had a lot to do before tonight. She was a little behind but Nikki smiled to herself, it was worth it. She wanted to get out of supply. She had been in supply for years. And before that, it was more than a year sweeping streets and cleaning up after people. She still would be if an opening hadn't come in. The place was growing quickly back then, so positions opened up faster than they did now. Things had slowed down now. To get a new job either usually meant someone left or died these days. Once in a position you could be there for years. So having a few days being able to work security, even if it was only a test, had been nice. Again, it had put her behind in her Supply duties but it was so worth it.

Nikki had been curious about the new people and getting to see them up close was fun. The two girls who seemed to be dating looked like they would be fun to hang out with. Sparrow was back, so maybe she would let her start running with her again, when she wasn't up that one guys ass. The two older dudes who spent nearly ever minute in their recliners were funny as hell to her. The one armed girl seemed tough as nails and now she found out she was related to Joaquin, now that was some shit. Then there was that Hunter kid, she still wasn't sure what to think about him. He seemed okay and he was a decent kisser but after that whole scene she had been pulled aside by one person and warned to watch her ass. To which she brushed of course. Like Nikki really listened half the time.

Bobbing in place, she hummed to herself as she went down the check list. There were a few stops that she had to make today. Mechanics needed some stuff, the mess hall needed a lot since they were prepping for tonight, and then it was down to the beach to deliver supplies down there and help with set up. Tonight was going to be so much fun. The beach parties usually were but she knew everyone here. Now there were going to be new people! It meant that things would be different than it normally was. Sure, change wasn't always good but hey, she figured today it was. Seeing the same people day in and day out could get boring, and well when she got bored she got into trouble. Maybe she would be a good girl tonight? Snickering to herself, she thought, yeah fucking right.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: H6 (In Front of W) -> M6 (Condo 14B->Parking Lot For X/tram)
Skills: N/A

Amelia nodded at Riley's words. The woman was right, they could eventually better this home, that much they were told. The degree of things that they could get was honestly up for debate as despite what they were told what would be available and when, she suspected wasn't as defined, but she could be wrong. After all furniture and so on would be hard to move. But anyways, she nodded as Riley suggested they should head back for the tram." Yeah, we should. I will lock the place." Amelia stated as she watched Riley leave the condo.

Amelia reached to lock the door behind herself as she stopped midway and looked at their new home again.' Would it be even worth it?' She pondered briefly before she closed the door and then locked it heading towards the outside after Riley. What if this would turn out to be another pipe dream of some kind? A mirage in a desert of life that would vanish just as they allow themselves to think it would last? She shook her head in attempt to push away those depressing thoughts from her mind once more. Over the time in quarantine, she had got those thoughts a lot of times, sometimes she'd think of it while she laid in bed, surrounded by the darkness of the night. Sometimes she'd just randomly think of it during mealtime.

She stepped outside the building, narrowing her eyes, studying the surroundings for a brief moment, before turning her head to the condo building for one last brief time before she headed back to the Tram, hurrying to get back to Riley and took a seat. Weirdly she didn't think about their room as if it had the danger of being broken into. Thieves wouldn't fare well in small community and honestly in the luggage they got given back there was barely anything worth stealing or concerning herself with. Now it was all about the beach party! Well she wasn't usually a fan of parties, but since it would be a beach one, she'd just find a place to the side if it gets too noisy and roudy for her.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Alexander Polawski

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: M6 (Apartment 1C -> Back to Tram)
Skills: N/A

Alexander wasn't aware how long he sat on his new bed, crying. Silent tears rolling down his cheeks, sobs muffled by years of experience subduing his emotional outburts and a well-placed hand over his mouth. This was the second time in a week he'd allowed his emotions to resurface after so many years of fighting his insides. It wasn't when life got hard that his defenses got overrun; it was when it had gotten better, let down his guard and seen hope, that it came washing over him. Alexander bit down on his knuckles, attempting to breath and control himself, he didn't have a lot of time before he should get back to the tram.

What would happen when…if the others saw him like this? Alexander slowly began to breath slower, his mouth no longer shaking from crying. What would Manny say? Thalia? They were his friends here, his closest ones now that Beatrice was gone. She understood him, but did they? Alexander wiped his tears, slowly getting back on his feet and making his way back to the tram and the others. He had no doubts that they cared for him, but they did understand? Or was Alexander the one who didn't understand himself anymore? He took one last, deep breath before he stepped back out into the humid Florida air, looking over to Thalia who was already back. Alexander did his best to act like nothing had happened as walked still wobbly prosthetic leg over to her and her empty seat. "Odd to have your own room again, isn't it?" Alexander began his casual talk with Thalia, ignoring his obviously reddened eyes, giving his usual friendly smile. "You know what I think? If we can find or request some ol' radio, tv or electric gizmo, we could probably fix it up and put it up in one of our rooms. What do you think?"

Nigel "Hadrian" Cooper

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: M6 (Apartment 3C -> Back to Tram)
Skills: N/A

Nigel "Hadrian" didn't need much time to stick around his room and get used to it. That he could sleep or read on, if his reading wouldn't take place in yet another confined room with noise. Nigel left his returned belongings in his room, gave it one last look before he closed and locked the door behind him and returned to the tram. Some if not most of the others had returned to their formal holiday-esque tour of the settlement. They probably hadn't much else to do in their rooms like Nigel. He looked over at Atticus, the Athenian cleric watching his clock, figuring they still had a lot to see before the aforementioned beach party began. He then saw Erica sit in tram already, making his over to her and reconquering his seat from earlier with a "I came, I saw, I conquered. Something, in the very least this seat."

Nigel looked at Erica and gave her a smile back, thinking back to the slight smile she'd given him. "Well it's surely better than anywhere else we've slept. It's going to be, I don't know, fresh to have a room for ourselves. Especially away from…" Nigel said to Erica, turning to give Wayne and Hank a brief look before leaning closer to Erica as he finished. "…them. Or are you planning on highschool slumber parties with them?" Nigel chuckled, both teasing Erica and being sincere in that they had their own rooms. Sharing the common area was more than fair enough if he had a room for himself to sleep in, no farting Wayne's or anything to keep him awake. Nigel then noticed his former roommate at the tram as well, not all dressed up like a proper soldier. "Looks like Hunter's ready to give the Camp a chance. Will you get a uniform, I wonder? "
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 days ago

Ash Holloway

Location: M5 (N) O.B. 2G -> Back to Tram
Skills: N/A

"Pier?" he said, phrasing a single word into a question. Then it hit him, "Yes, you have your duties." It was a comfort in some ways, and a little daunting in others. Ash would be getting his own assigned job for the interim, however long that would be. Collecting trash or some such, from the sound of things. He'd done worse, and with the solid motivation he had to acquiesce to the wishes of the community, this was a no brainer. (Mental note: Using the phrase "no brainer" during an undead uprising might mean more than one thing.)

He accepted the quick kiss like a schoolboy might, giving a little blush behind an uncommon smile. Uncommon for him generally, though the most recent of circumstances had put him expressing an emotion that he had come to know as "hap-pi-ness". Not being accustomed to expressing much anymore, it was a little strange remembering that it was alright to feel this way. Yeah, he'd get it back. At mention that they had to get back to the tram, he gave a solid nod. "Yeah, locking up," he called down the hallway to her retreating form, pausing for a moment while he got his key out of his pocket. As the saying went; he hated to see her go, but he loved to watch her leave. Not that he would actually say that in public. Being fair to him, he was riding an endorphin high. Such tiny slips of thought that betrayed his ordinarily grim exterior were to be expected. Okay, maybe not expected, but understandable. Moving on!

Ash gave a quick jog to catch back up to Thana as they returned to the tram. He offered an arm wherever she might need it, either as a handhold or about her waist for support, etc., but they did eventually return to their conveyance where Thana mentioned again, this time to their local Chaplain/Tour Bus Driver that she was only going as far as the pier. Ash looked to those already back, taking note of the older men in particular. Was it discriminatory thought to wonder how they survived this long in a world where the elder and infirm were a liability? Then again, the last generation produced a number of tough old bastards. And from the looks of things, they understood the value of sticking together. It took him a second to notice the piercing eyes of the lady sitting behind them, the one with the metal arm. She was staring into him, like she wanted something and was willing to tear it out of his skin. How very disconcerting.

Climbing back into the tram next to Thana, Ash looked to her and offered, "When the tour's done, would you mind if I came out to the pier and gave you a hand with whatever you're doing? If it's allowed, I mean. Anxious to get back to work." And to be nearer to Thana, if he was going to be completely honest about it. But whatever came of it, the tour portion of the day was important. It made sense to get to know his new surroundings.

Thalia Carmichael

Location: H6 (In Front of W) -> M6 (Parking Lot For X -> Condo 17B -> Back to Tram)
Skills: N/A

Most times Thalia would wind up getting ignored in social situations. It wasn't always this way. She used to be quite the little urbanite. Pretty good hand with makeup and did her own hairstyling most of the time; of course it helped that she had natural beauty and low maintenance hair. Liked to hit events, liked to throw down in the parking lot after events, etc. Nothing but a Boston girl doing Boston girl things, except that she spent most her formative years in Mexico with an honorable but borderline sociopath family. She liked fresh baked goods and stabbing implements. You know, Boston girl stuff. But after ...everything... and the utter retraining of her outlook and skill set, she was very happy to live a more obscure life, not being noticed by people. Especially now that she had something to be pissed about.

Her eyes were still hard when Thana climbed back aboard and gave her a little smile. That was nice of her. It had been a while since they could sit down and talk, though Thalia would have preferred that talk around a firepit while roasting squirrel on a stick next to a bottle of scavenged schnapps. Maybe they could figure out a time to speak on a matter close to her. Yeah, barring her brother, speaking to her would be best. Even if just to talk to her. She'd been so far up Army Captain's ass since getting back that the opportunity had not leapt at her as readily as she would have liked. At the party tonight then, she would approach Thana.

She supposed it wasn't too bad also, getting a greeting from Alexander. He'd been palling around with Manny pretty religiously, though conversation with anyone can get a little stale, given enough time. Even to Thalia's mind, conversation with no one always seemed fresh and spiffy. But he did engage with the discussion most nonchalantly. Ok, no problem. "I'm still having problems with air conditioning." Let alone having a room to one's self. She could handle being alone. It was everything else that got to her. She was blatantly ignoring the puffy, red eyes. If Alexander wanted to have a good cry off by himself, that was his own fucking business. Plenty to weep about these days, and anyone who said they didn't was a liar or a psychopath.

So far as working on some gizmo was concerned, she was pretty direct. "I'll give you a hand fixing something up if you want, Mugsy." But just the one hand. Ok, too soon. "You pick up a working radio station, and you can color me impressed." There was a sense of futility patching up an electronic device designed for a communications network that no longer existed. But hey, they had plenty of time these days to restore lost tech, kinda. Once upon a time she was really good at taking things apart and putting them back together. Electronics were her thing. Even went to college for it. Lately, that meant next to nothing. Not when stabbing things well was a more marketable skill. Then surviving became "her thing". Still, not that she was trying to darken the guy's spirits further, "Maybe you can convince them to lend you some broadcast equipment. That and a okay tower, you'd make a hell of a DJ, Mugs." That would be a find, and a tricky as hell setup, and that was provided they didn't already have something like that here. They seemed to have everything else. If the old soldier could bring back public radio, that would be something noteworthy. "Probably worth the ask."

She shrugged. Not the most pressing thing on her mind, it was a pleasant journey into the hypotheticals of Mexico Beach. And it would be funny for Alexander to have a stint as a DJ. But overall, her mind was someplace else.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Camp Mexico Beach, Florida, Parking Lot For X Tram

Riley leaned back in her seat as she looked at everyone as they started to come back one by one, and then saw Amelia and smiled towards Amelia when her girlfriend came back and sat down next to her. She reached out and gently held onto Amelia's hand and smiled towards her, it was another chance for them to try and have some semblance of a normal life again. She looked at the others who had came from Newnan, she of course knew she'd be hanging out with them still, but after spending so much time together was certainly going to be a change as well.

She started to wonder if they would be serving some kind of alcohol at this beach party as well, she really didn't have anything in a long time. But seeing as it was pretty much ran by the military they probably didn't have a whole lot of it, and probably kept it stored up somewhere. "So, if we are allowed maybe we can hit the beach sometime?" Riley whispered towards Amelia and smiled towards her girlfriend for a moment as she watched the others as they all had their own little conversations as well.

Erica Monroe

Location: Camp Mexico Beach, Florida, Parking Lot For X Tram

Erica saw Nigel walking back towards the tram and smirked slightly and shook her head slightly when he claimed the seat next to her. "Trying to woo a girl or something?" Erica teased him a little bit, as she leaned back in the seat looking at everyone who was now coming back into their seats. It was certainly going to be a nice change having a room without being surrounded by guys the whole entire time as well. Turning her attention towards Nigel and shrugged slightly she wasn't really sure, they did say that they would be providing some kind of work clothes for work. "Maybe, I guess depending on the job in safety anyway." Erica said, she wasn't sure what she would be doing exactly or being assigned to do when her first day starts.

She laughed slightly and shook her head. "It would be nice to have a room without any men around for once." She said and rolled her eyes slightly, she did enjoy Hank and Wayne, though they were tiring after awhile as well. "I think I've had my fair share of day in and day out with Wayne and Hank for awhile now." Erica said, though of course she wouldn't mind working beside them she would wonder how the residence would be with the two of them.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 14 days ago

Year 5: Part 3

Date: July 22nd, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: A Tour! (In other words everywhere lol)

Temperature: 87F
Humidity: High (Around 83%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 15 MPH
Cloud Coverage: Overcast

Once everyone was back, Atticus hitting the speaker system while Daytona drove. Manny and Hunter keeping quiet for now. (As they are shelved lol) "Alright, Daytona let's head that way and then swing around," he said and she nodded. The tour went basically in this order, so reference the map to see the path taken and in what order:

O: Enlisted Housing
L: Distillation/Fuel
I: Boat Ramp
D: Pier
U: Fishing Traps And Underwater Garden
E: Main Electric
M: Education Center
K: Mechanics and Fabrication
R: General Supply
F: Helipad
V: Chapel
H: Desalination Treatment Facility
G: Water Repair Shop
A: Administration/Communication
P: Assembly
B: Hospital/Medical
S: Armory Supply
J: Sea Processing
C: Mess hall
N: Officer Housing
X: General Housing

"That's the enlisted housing, basically for the younger folks who are part of our small military. Main reason we actually have a military force, outside of just everyone generally knowing how to take care of themselves is because there are other settlements. Not too close,two or three days walk but we do know of five other settlements and well we didn't always get a long. Some are still a little iffy. None are as set up as we are. The General tries to help the other newer settlements get on their feet and such as we can. Oh over here is the Fuel Center: For vehicles and us humans - booze. Yes we drink around here. Harder stuff mostly but we are able to do other stuff. Have a girl that worked at Jack Daniels in Tennessee, we call her Whiskey, names Adelaide. We keep this side of the camp mostly clear in case things blow up, safer that way," he explained. Most of the housing on this side was boarded up and empty.

"And that's where we load boats into the water, exciting," he chuckled before having Daytona swing the tram around and head back to the main part of the camp. Driving down to the beach one could see the pier and he stopped the tram. "Alright only one is getting off here. We have more to do. The party isn't until tonight," he said as he waited for Thana to get off and start walking towards the pier. "The main deck of the pier is open to all. Underside of it is off limits unless you have a job down there. We have traps set up underneath and a salt water garden. Now the water is pretty safe but do be careful. We have a section down that way where you can swim, but only when the guards on duty. Now look out over the water - the buoys in the water. Those are our markers. Stay back from those. We have netting and wire stretching there to catch Deadies that try to float or even walk on the bottom. Dive team checks it each morning and at dusk.

Alright, let's go. Here is main electrical. They get batteries charged, fix solar units, which are on each building we can get them on. Some units are older so when you are not at home, AC or heat off, lights off unless you need them. Helps things last longer. Education of course, and Mechanics/Fabrication. We have to build most parts these days for vehicles and well everything else. General Supply is there, change out your clothing there each Friday. Need shampoo, combs, etc. Also where you buy things once you have credit built up. Helipad, stay off of it. Dusty comes in hot."

A little further and they were passing the Chapel. "Open most of the time for prayer, services are posted on the door. We also do larger functions there and it is where the kids daycare is. Desalination center is there, they make sure we have drinkable water and that all the pipes are working. Water repair is there, boats mostly. Admin building, also communication. If you like paper work you'll love it there. And then here is Assembly, if you hear the speakers come on calling, report there. Also, it's check in for each morning. Which reminds me. Always lock up! It isn't so much to keep from getting robbed but anyone at anytime could die. We lock everything religiously so that if someone dies we can keep it contained as much as possible.

Safety handles the dead unless you have no choice. If you wake up in the morning and the person in the room next to you died, leave them, report the dead, and let the Safety Team handle it. This keeps surprises from popping up, lets a full team handle it, and cuts down on an accidental bite and then doors being open and shit going way south really fast. If you try to handle it on your own, and you didn't have to, toodles. The General will remove you. Smarts over heroics. I'm sure you like most anyone these days can take a walker or two out but just don't. We have this in place for safety.

Okay, there is the hospital. Any problems go there. Doc will let you know when you have your yearly. Psych people also go there for therapy. Armory is there, and unless you have a job for it, nope. All armor, weapons, and explosives stay there. Only taken out for job or training. Oh and that, is Sea Processing. Where they clean the fish and such, it stinks, but hey food. Officer housing, people that run the camp or are in charge of divisions. And here we are back at the beginning," he said as Daytona pulled back up to the General Housing.

"Just be smart. Don't seek out trouble. Stay out of somewhere if you aren't working there. Don't go wandering into other buildings. It's just like life was before basically. You didn't walk into a place you didn't know without reason. Plenty of people, so just ask if you get lost, need to know something, curious. Be kind, be respectful," he said as he pulled out his bag and pulled out a stack of papers. "Here, map of the community, things marked, and descriptions for you all. Should help you get started," he said as he started handing things out.

"Dinner is in twenty, the party isn't until 2000 hours, 8PM. Beach is off limits until then while they set up. Don't worry there will be an announcement. That's about it, so go ahead, you're on your own for now. Tomorrow will be slipped under your door your assignments and stuff. Anything you need just ask," Atticus said as he climbed out and shouldered his bag.

Manny and Hunter took their stuff and headed back to their places. As did Jack, Tatiana, Wayne and Hank. (Basically all shelved characters - assume they are where they need to be when needed. So meals, assemblies, work, parties, the like - just kicking back.)

Thana Martin

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: M6 (Parking Lot For X/Tram) -> L14 (U) -> 5N (Street)
Skills: Botany

Thana looked over to Ash and smiled but she shook her head no. "Sorry, you ain't allowed there unless yer assigned. We can look into with admin tomorrow though," she said as she reached over and rested her hand on his, squeezing it slightly. She understood wanting to do something and keeping busy but it wasn't her place to let him go somewhere he wasn't assigned. She was still new in the camp itself as well. They weren't as quick to let people move things around as they had been in Newnan. "Don't worry, I should be done by the time you are done with the tour. Meet up with ya afterwards," she added before Atticus started his tour.

Once they reached the end of the road closest to the pier, Thana gave Ash a kiss before climbing down. "See y'all in a bit," she said with a slight wave before she started walking towards the pier. She was still limping slightly but she would be for a while. Thana headed to the under walkway of the pier and pulled out a sheet of paper that hung in a plastic bag. Started checking the numbers, checking salt levels, making notes, seeing what was working and what wasn't. Checking traps. It took a while but it was nice to have a few minutes, more like an hour or two.

By the time she was done and walking back, the tour seemed to be ending. It was decent timing. She probably would have been done sooner but her leg was slowing her down. Hopefully in a few more weeks it would be good enough to start moving normally again, or as normal as she could hope for these day. Sheet of paper in hand, she folded it up and slipped it into her back pocket. She would need to drop it off at mess but considering dinner was soon, she figured she could hand it over then. Spotting the tram she waved slightly from the road. If they were done, meant Ash should be joining her soon and free to walk around a bit. She could use a piggy back ride right about now.

Nikola Warren

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: I6 (R: General Supply)
Skills: N/A

This was why she hated supply. It was boring as hell to her. It hadn't been when she first started working in there. It was exciting then. As weird as that may sound, but it was. Seeing all the odd things the place had found over the years, learning where things went, what people would come in and request could be funny as hell. Some people had some really weird requests. A lamp in the shape of a genie with a clock in its stomach was still on someones request form for people to keep an eye out for. But that was then and this was now and now it was boring. She knew where everything was, she could nearly close her eyes and still find what she was looking for.

The days helping in Quarantine had been great but now it was back to the usual grind. Hopefully she did well enough that the next time an opening came she could get it and not one of the newer folk. If they did, it wouldn't be the first time she had been passed over but the last time she had just turned 18, so age. Now she was older, wiser. Okay, maybe not wiser but hey less likely to break into the distillery and try to wrangle booze. Now she was old enough to drink by the camps regulations. Though now that she could without worry too much, it just wasn't as fun. Okay, maybe she still had some growing up to do. Huffing slightly she blew a bubble and popped it. Pulling herself out of her day dreaming and getting back to work. Dinner was soon and then she had to get this stuff down to the beach.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: M6 (Parking Lot For X/tram)->The Tour->M6 (Parking Lot For X/tram)
Skills: N/A

Amelia nodded at Riley's suggestion as the tour resumed. It was very conclusive and detailed all in all. While they didn't bring them over all the nooks of the camp, they seemingly showed them all the main and important buildings and locations. Amelia tried to do ehr best to remember all of them, but honestly it wasn't working that well. She silently admitted to herself that she'd have to use some kind of map later and walk about the place a few times to actually remember the locations from first hand walking there experience.

As the trip moved further and further, they were giving a quick brief on the beach area and the pier. Amelia's initial concerns about the state of the camp and the dangers of underwater spec ops elite marine forces walkers, were at least to a degree put to rest as they were told there was in fact rather well thought out and executed security about that specific problem. So nets and underwater teams who check the surroundings in case walkers decide to try to be sneaky. Of course Amelia had long since realized to herself that walkers weren't actually thinking up plans, but the laws of Murphy and bad luck were still alive and well even in the apocalypse. The reassurance of good control of the water areas was well received." Thank god..." She mumbled quietly at it even. While she wasn't really religious, it was well on point non the less.

Eventually the trip came to it's end and they found themselves back at general housing. Atticus nicely handed out maps of the camp and they were also informed of the schedule for the rest of the day which to them seemed to be free time for a lil bit, then dinner and later at 8pm the beach party thing." Thank you." Amelia said as she took the map and soon after left the tramp as well. She looked at the map, looked at preacher man and thought for a moment." When would be the assignments delivered? Because if we should be up and awake in time to not be late for hte first day, right?" She asked Atticus, probably worrying a bit too much over it. Still what could she do, she was prone to worrying and a little bit paranoid about things.

Tomorrow they'd find their assignments, so they would have to wake up early then. They had maps in their hands, so they probably wouldn't get lost here and they had a little bit of a free time to spend in the meantime before dinner. She looked at Riley now." What... should we do until dinner time?" She asked, a little bit confused and uncertain. It felt like eternity since they were last at a secure location and they could actually allow themselves to not worry about the surroundings and not try to secure the perimeter." Should we rest until dinner, or check the surroundings, trying to get familiar with the street layouts and the locations of things?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Alexander Polawski

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: M6 (Parking Lot For X/Tram) -> Tour -> M6 (Outside General Housing)
Skills: N/A

It was true that Alexander had been clinging onto Manny for the longest time now, and when he would think back on it in the coming days, he'd wonder why he had not spoken more with Thalia than he had. The simple answer - and perhaps the most cowardly one - was that Thalia had Beatrice. Both young, both girls, more in common and all that. But now that Beatrice was gone, Thalia had few left. Alexander would look at her as he supressed another flow of tears from escaping the bars of his eyes, glad that he made the choice to sit down with her. They had come a long way since meeting out on the winter street, hadn't they?

"A working radio station? Now that is something I'd give an arm and a leg for…" Alexander retorted back to his fellow amputee, sniffing his nose as he fought of the tears with one last push. Why had he grown worse in controlling them? His feelings? Regardless, it didn't seem Thalia cared. She probably knew, and Alexander couldn't help but respect that, giving her a chuckle and a little smile at her…what was the word, kindness? "If they're really going to put me in Communications, that might not be much of a stretch. Heard enough radio in my youth to know how to cool, you know."

Alexander looked away from Thalia for a moment, wiping his cheeks and taking a deep breath, just like Tatiana had told him earlier that week. The scenery passed them on both sides as the tour recommenced. Some of the buildings they passed were familiar, like Mechanics and Fabricrations, but most weren't. To an old veteran like Alexander, he surely would grow used to the military camp soon enough, even for us age. If Manny could, he certainly would try his best. One thing that stood out to Alexander was the mention of other settlements. Perhaps mostly that they didn't always get along, but the General trying to help them still. Yeah, it sounded like The Dragon all right, the one good NCO that cared for his men. The rest seemed standard and common sense to Alexander, who didn't say anything for the longest time until given a map of the compound and told to wait until 2000 hours. Out of instinct Alexander almost went for Manny, but he was quick to get out of the tram and head back to his place, as if he needed some time alone.

Before Alexander get off the tram him too, he looked down at the map for a moment, then up at the sky at something only he could see, then down at Thalia. It had indeed been a long time since he spoke with her, and back before and after Eden they hadn't always seen eye-to-eye. But over time they had grown to respect each other, even become friends. Perhaps their time in Camp Mexico Beach would improve that, unlikely friends. "You're a good kid, Thalia. Remember that. Don't mean to get all emotionall, but, you know what I mean." Alexander said to Thalia, botching whatever attempt he was doing and looking embarressed as he exited the tram. What to do for the next 20 minutes? Alexander walked over to the stairs and simply sat down, for the moment content with enjoying the fresh, if fucking humid air until further notice. "Thanks for sticking with me…"

Nigel "Hadrian" Cooper

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: M6 (Parking lot for Tram) -> Tour -> M6 (Outside General Housing)
Skills: N/A

Nigel looked for a moment a bit flustered, trying to come up with a good answer to Erica's question of whether or not he was trying to woo her. Was he? He didn't think so, he was simply trying to show off his Roman-ess that he thought she found amusing. Nah, he wasn't trying that, just being funny to one of the few people who were friendly to him. Nigel shook his head as well as the tour began, getting comfortable in his seat. "What, me? No, nah, wouldn't know how. I'm a teacher, remember?" Nigel joked back at Erica, giving her a smile. "It will be a big place to keep watch over, they probably are happy to have more guards in the least."

As the tour commenced and they were shown the various parts of the fortified settlement that seriously needed a Latinized name as well, Nigel sometimes looked back at Erica as she continued their conversation. "You and me both. Can't even remember how long we've slept in the same room by now…waaait, does that include me?" Nigel teased Erica at her having a room without any men, laughing a little as he picked up the mention of Education, where he might end up himself. Him, a teacher once again? The end of the world didn't mean the end of learning, thank the gods! Nigel wouldn't dream of becoming a post-apocalyptic Aristotle, but you never knew.

Nigel "Hadrian" looked back and forth to his sides as they passed the various buildings of Camp Mexico Beach, knowing he would be using the map for a good solid week in the least before he started to get a grasp of his surroundings. But from the sounds of it, they wouldn't be wandering around the camp that much. Made sense. As they finished up the tour and pulled up at General Housing, Nigel accepted the given map and got off the tram. They still had time before dinner and the beach party began. Nigel looked over at Erica if and when she came off the tram as well. "Looks like we've got some time to kill. Got any plans until dinner? I might head out for a walk for a little while, need to stretch my legs. Want to join? Looks like amicus noster…I mean our friends are busy."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 days ago

Ash Holloway

Location: M6 (Tram) -> Around Town -> M6 (Tram) -> N5 (Street)
Skills: N/A

Ash nodded his head with understanding, listening to Thana. Of course, he wasn't in a position to help. Technically he was part of the community now, if only for less than a day, but had yet to receive assignment or even the basest of clearance. There was less in the way of trust here than there had been in Newnan. Or maybe "trust" was the wrong word; the people of Newnan were decent folk for the most part who needed an opportunity, and whose individual skills were put to almost immediate use in the community. This was a different approach, certainly. This place had more in the way of people and a lot more physical area. Different protocol for different circumstances.

The tour was fairly standard, though Ash couldn't help but think that their tour guide was trying a little hard to be charming. Maybe it was just him. It was hard to just shut off being a soldier, when exactly those instincts to question, assess, and persevere is what he attributed to his being alive still, in equal measure with the trust he placed in others. It seemed that the General felt a similar way (though on the level of communities rather than people), considering the recently acquired knowledge of Camp Mexico Beach's proclivity to help out smaller, starter communities.

That they had a distillery piqued his interest. That would be a task to which he was highly suited, having been raised among it since birth and, though it meant next to nothing now, having his family name emblazoned across a brand of spirits native to the Virginia mountains. Naturally, after hearing that they had safeguards in place to prevent a catastrophic explosion from obliterating the settlement, Ash had to wince. It didn't matter that the ground collapsing was what set off Newnan distillery, Ash was in charge of Newnan, and in specific Engineering and Distilling operations. No, it wasn't his fault. It still didn't feel good to think about. Instead, he mulled over the distilling processes of traditional Tennessee bourbon, a straighter, cleaner flavor in his estimation than other methods common to the American South. Maybe he'd get an opportunity to trade recipes eventually, one liquor producer to another.

He bid Thana a quick farewell when she hopped out at the pier, kissing her back and smiling a little upon her egress. It felt a little strange, being the kind of person who gave someone a kiss before they went off to work. That hadn't been him for so long that it felt almost foreign. This whole "normalcy" thing was something that might require some readjusting. Well, he was prepared to adjust away, because this was his life now, for as long as he could possibly make it last.

The rest of the tour was slightly less interesting to him. He still listened steadfastly, and indeed many things that were mentioned appealed to him as an Engineer. The civil works, in particular. Working a system designed to support a community using only the resources of a smaller section of a once-thriving tourist destination. The Chapel also presented some interest, though more limited than it once might have. He still tried to be a godly man, though the time spent considering such matters or being in supplication of a just and loving God had lessened over the last five years.

As they returned to their starting point of the tour, Ash was pleased to note that Thana was nearby. She was still limping, though she wasn't expected to have a miraculous recovery due to some eldritch force at the pier. "Thanks, Padre. Be seeing you," he called to Atticus, for taking the time to provide them a brief tour of their new surroundings. Likewise, he took the time to bid the rest of the people he had spent the last week locked away with, and in the case of some of them the last couple of years or so with a polite, "Excuse me. Meet up with you at the Mess," before making his way down the street a little to Thana. He gave her a hug, like the had been apart for longer than they actually had, and a quick kiss before leding her a shoulder to lean on. "Hey, Doc says you're supposed to be taking it easy." A mischievous smile took him, and he asked, "Time for that piggyback ride?" He stooped to effect an easier mounting, saying, "Point, and we'll go that way. K?"

Thalia Carmichael

Location: M6 (Tram) -> Around Town -> M6 (Tram Parking Lot)
Skills: N/A

There were a few places of interest within Camp Mexico Beach for Thalia, though she was still preoccupied with the issue concerning her personal effects. Or effect, singular. Still, for a borderline paranoid woman of otherwise practical disposition, it was within her best interests to learn what she could about the place. Housing boarded up around the Distillery, nothing not much else nearby. It might be a place to go if she wanted to be alone, maybe find a quiet rooftop, alcove, or crawlspace to informally claim when not on duty. Whatever "duty" was supposed to be for her.

There was a lot of water around this place. Fitting, considering that it was a seaside community. With her new hardware where the more dexterous part of her arm used to be, swimming was not going to be the easiest task to accomplish. Open area aside, it felt like an extension of the walls. That was something to get used to. Maybe there was a way to adapt to it. That would be something to look forward to. She was here to train, after all. To that end, the concept of enlisted housing gathered her attention, nodding toward the presence of enough people of age and level of fitness to make for a useful standing army. Then the outright mention that they actually did have a military force. Alright, now they were talking. Just as soon as she spend God knew how long gutting fish and tidying up.

Electrical drew her attention, too. Charging batteries and tending solar units, etc. Once upon a time she was a college grad with a possible future in Electronics Engineering. When this whole "end of the world" things started, or about a year in, anyway, she was able to use her technical ability to piece together a functional satellite phone, which oddly put her on the path to this place. It was funny how these things worked out. Oh, and of course the only person with whom she had a phone call of any note since the Grid collapsed got to die shortly thereafter, and right in front of her, too. It might have been her too, if Lola hadn't heaved her ass back at just the right time. Then she died too, that same day. Everyone did. Then why was she still kicking?

That piece of introspection waved bye-bye when she heard a voice continuing to speak to her. She nodded absently at his joke about an arm and a leg, raising her eyebrows as if to say, "Really?" then shook her head in dismissal. Nah, too easy. Definitely an Uncle Joke. Just not her uncle. Her uncle would have growled in annoyance and threatened something awful that he might do anyway out of pure principle. Now, how that man wasn't alive still was fully goddamned beyond her. She couldn't hold a candle to the man.

But back to the tour. She knew he village hotspots, so to speak; some of the places of interest. Generally unused spots where she could train on her own time that were away from people, with very limited chance of Zeds or hostile Living interrupting her. What was that the older guy called living hostiles? Assholes? Maybe that could work. "Assholes and Zeds: All the threats of the Apocalypse from A to Z". Whatever. The tour was coming to a close. She saw Thana limping up, and while she meant to talk with her, Army Captain beat her over there. Fine. They needed more time for the novelty of each other to wear off. Thalia could wait. She was good at waiting. Patient, stalkerish, predatorial waiting. (Okay, so she probably had to re-learn certain social skills.)

Alexander was speaking to her again. She wasn't trying to ignore the guy, really. In fact, the lapse in attention was actually a sign that she trusted him and didn't consider him a threat, a feat as good as any in this world. But to call her a kid? She was almost 30, near as she could tell. Wait, what month was it again? Yeah, 29. Some things were less important, like how many years passed to the day since someone was yanked out of someone else's crotch. But judging by the grey in Alexander's hair and vivid memories of times before her birth, he was old enough to consider her a kid, if a little inaccurate an observation overall. "You're alright, Mugsy," she said as an attempt at reassurance. "Getting emotional's naht something to worry about, 'k? None of us're done crying yet." So that wasn't exactly the reassuring part. In fact, it was kind of dark. "Don't let it control you." That was a little better. A little.

Thalia raised her arm, or rather the metal device replacing her arm, returning, "Thanks for sticking by me, too. ...k, enough gooey shit. I could eat. C'mahn, Mugs. Dinner in 20, right? I can practice glaring at the locals while we wait."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 14 days ago

Year 5: Part 3

Date: July 22nd, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab

Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Temperature: 87F
Humidity: High (Around 83%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 15 MPH
Cloud Coverage: Overcast

M6 (Tram): Atticus looked over towards Amelia and smiled slightly. "Oh, you don't have to worry about that. Admin sends out new assignments overnight and they are slipped under your doors. So when the morning announcement goes off to wake people up, it'll be there. If for some reason it isn't there, over by the flag pole where we have morning assembly is a bulletin board where all the up to date assignments are posted. And for some reason failing that, just head over to Admin and ask at the front desk. We got you covered," he said as he gathered his things. Remembering something, he walked over to Amelia. "Oh and there is also posted walk times for pets and where, you might want to check it so you know when to avoid the beach because of dogs," he said quietly, remembering she didn't do well around dogs.

L6 (Education Center): Afternoon classes were just getting let out and several of the younger members of the community were filing out and heading over towards General Housing to put their books other things away before dinner. Edna, better known as the Professor stepped outside and walked over to a bench in front of the Education center, taking a seat. The bench wasn't empty, another older woman was sitting there but she looked far different than Edna did. This woman's gray hair was cut very short, she was thicker, more worn. Wearing a tank top and a pair of grease covered jeans with combat boots. She seemed to be covered in tattoo's she must have gotten over thirty years before from the looks of things. "Rosie," Edna said as she sat down.

"Well hey there, kids give you any problems today?" she asked as she took a pocket knife and tried to clean the grease out from under her nails.

"I have come to the conclusion that it does not matter the state of the world, a student will still find a way to harness a spitball," Edna said dryly. Rosie chuckled a bit.

"Ahh that's just kids being kids," Rosie quipped as she wiped some grease her off her knife onto her jeans.

"Your powers of deduction never fail to astound me Rosie," Edna said flatly looking over towards Rosie.

"Yeah, I'm a veritable Einstein."

L5 (Mess Hall): By the time dinner was starting to be served, people were filing in and getting into line. It was set up like a lunch room for schools back before the world went to hell. Rows of tables with fixed stools, some regular chairs at the end. Along one wall the serving was setup. It wasn't too different from the way those from Newnan had been used to, just on a larger scale. On the sneeze guards where papers reminding people that there would be a seafood boil at the beach tonight, so dinner was light. There was a small section of the serving line reserved for those with food allergies with a note on the glass there for people with allergies to speak with Mae.

People broke off into groups, as people tended to do, to eat. The General and Gunny were at the end of one table. People seemed to group off according to where they worked most of the time but there was mixing here and there. There didn't seem to be any assigned seating. Bass, Maddog, Panama, Volts, Atticus, and Auntie were at one table. It seemed like an odd mix and while they had trays with a little food on them, they didn't really seem to be eating. Each of them had papers in their hands they were going over. Looked like sheet music.

The food was simple enough tonight. There was pasta, a sauce, some meatballs it looked like, canned greens, and some bread. Milk was reserved for the younger kids. There was tea and water to drink, some fresh citrus is people wanted. Shelved characters are present. Tatiana and family go sit with the Major, Tatiana speaking to her in Russian. The Major seems a lot more talkative in Russian than she ever was in English. Tatiana seems to be able to just talk freely without worry of tripping over her words. Wayne is over with the General and Gunny. (Pretty sure Hank would settle here as well.) No one talking, just looking and seeming like they are having a conversation. lol

Joaquin was sitting with Roy, Shears, and Atlas. Edna and Rosie were sitting with some others the group hadn't been introduced to yet. Dusty wasn't there, he was still out dropping off those that weren't staying in CMB. Spots had gone with him. Medical was sitting together.

Thana Martin

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: 5N (Street) -> L5 (Mess Hall)
Skills: N/A

Thana found herself smiling as Ash came over, giving the others a wave. When he hugged her, she clung to him. Yeah, the hug felt like it was meant to be a hug for two people that had been apart far longer than they actually had today but then again she wasn't complaining. They had spent so much time apart, it was bound to be that way for a while. Leaning against him she shrugged. "Yeah, well if I followed Docs orders to the letter I'd still be in the hospital," she said with a slight smirk on her lips. It probably wouldn't have been that bad but Thana wasn't one to sit around and do nothing. She had been offered the evening off and then some more days to recover from being outside of the walls so long but she had turned it down. She wanted to work, needed to, she had a debt to pay off for one. For two, now she had a life to build towards.

As Ash leaned down she quirked a brow and then laughed. "Sounds good to me," she chuckled as she climbed on and held on, trying to make sure that Ash didn't accidentally brush her thigh where the pins had been taken out of the day before. Once he was ready she just lay her chin on his shoulder and held on tight. "Yeah, let's get to the mess hall," she said and waited for Ash to take them there. Though once they got to the door, she made him put her down. She could walk a little bit to get some food and sit down.

Tray in hand, after going through the line, Thana looked around. She didn't get much to eat, just enough to hold her over until the boil later. Thana spotted an open spot and headed over, not really looking for a spot with others to sit down with. Sure she could have gone and sat with her family but for now, they were all talking or sitting with others. This would work. Taking a seat, she set her tray down. "If ya want, I can see about talkin' to Grandpapi about lettin' you all visit the graveyard tomorrow," she said quietly to Ash, figuring he would want to go say goodbye to some people if he could.

Nikola Warren

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: I6 (R: General Supply) -> L5 (Mess Hall)
Skills: N/A

"Okay, think that covers it," Nikki said before popping her gum. Chewing it she pushed her cart through the Supply building, out from the back and into the main area. Place was pretty empty but it was about dinner time anyways by the time she got things together. Pushing the cart out of the building, she glanced around. She would rather be skateboarding right then but she had her duties, her job. Get it done, get it over with. Then she could have fun, right? Well as everyone was headed for dinner she knew she better as well. She wasn't done yet though, grumbling under her breath she opted to head into the Mess Hall first, pushing the cart in and behind the serving line, into the kitchen.

"Here ya go Cook," she said as she unloaded a few things from the cart. "Gonna grab a bit and then be back for the cart," she added, figuring that she could eat a little bit before heading down to the beach to drop off the rest. Would just be silly to walk to the Mess Hall, drop off, go to the beach, drop off, then come back to mess to eat, and then all the way back down to the beach for the party. No, this was more efficient. Okay, she didn't care about efficiency but if asked that would be how she explained it.

Grabbing a tray, she looked around. New people. Where was that kid she was talking to in Quarantine? She saw him but he didn't look like he wanted to talk. Well that sucked. Okay, who else? Others were still coming in. Thana was with her man it seemed. Leave them alone. Taking a seat she kept looking around as people filed in. Oh, the two bald chicks. Riley and Amelia, yeah that was there names. Waving to them when she spotted them she smiled. "Hey, wanna seat?" she asked them once they were in ear range.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Camp Mexico Beach, Florida, Parking Lot For X Tram -> L5 (Mess Hall)

Riley sat in the tram as the tour started to go on around them looking at the various buildings that were there for each job and what they did. It seemed that the beach was safe which was a good thing then they wouldn't have to deal with any walkers or worry about them somehow getting to shore. Riley nodded slightly at locking just about everything down just in case anyone did end up turning, which was probably a good thing. Eventually the tour came to an end and they were now in front of general housing again, Riley climbed off shortly after Amelia did, and accepted the map Atticus was handing out.

"Thank you." Riley said towards him, as she started to give it a look over, looking over at Amelia when she asked her a question she noticed that everyone seemed to be getting ready for dinner now. Turning her attention towards Amelia, she was getting a little bit hungry right now. "Lets grab a bite to eat first, the beach is closed off till the party starts anyway." Riley said as she offered a hand to Amelia and started to make her way towards the mess hall now. Seeing everyone who was in there, seemed that everyone had spread out to their own little groups. Riley got herself a tray, as food was put onto her plate once she had her food Riley looked around seeing Checkbook waving them over. "Sure why not?" Riley said and It would be a good chance to get to know her anyway and made her way over and sat down across from her.

Erica Monroe

Location: Camp Mexico Beach, Florida, Parking Lot For X Tram -> L5 (Mess Hall)

Erica smirked and just shook her head slightly at Nigel's comment as she listened in on the tour as each of the buildings were pointed out as the tram drove through the camp. They did have everything under control which was a good thing as well, leaning back in her seat, hearing about other settlements was pretty interesting as well. Erica turned her attention back towards Nigel and laughed slightly and nodded towards him. "Yes that includes you." She said jokingly, as the tour started to come to an end, Atticus being nice enough and gave everyone a map of the place as well.

She gave a slight shrug, she didn't really have anything planned during their little time off before dinner, as Erica looked around. "Just walk around for now I guess." Erica said, she didn't really have any kind of direction to go, and started to walk down the street until she started to get a little bit hungry. Erica got into line as she grabbed herself a tray she could see both Hank and Wayne over at the table with the General, wondering what they were doing there but she started to grab her food. Once she had her food Erica found herself a seat and sat down.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach:M6 (Parking Lot For X/tram) -> L5 (Mess Hall)
Skills: N/A

Amelia was pondering what and if they should do in the little time before the dinner. Having asked the priest a question, she was pleasantly surprised when he replied. So they would all be woken up and the assignments would have already been delivered by then. So they didn't have to try to wake too early per say as to find it in time. That was actually rather nice thing to be happening. Then the subject was brought to dogs and Amelia frowned, her face turning very serious as the man explained where she should look for the schedule of where and when the dogs are being walked about. She made a thinking face and nodded to him." Thank you. I will make sure to look at it and remember it." She added, that knowledge was one of the more important things she had to know! Hopefully using that and with some carefulness, she would avoid all those demonic creatures.

Then she turned to Riley who proposed they should head for the mess hall first anyways. Well that was fine as well, Amelia decided." Mmm okey let's get dinner first. I suppose there's no need to wander about on empty stomach ." She nodded as they started to head off in that direction. She could have used the tiny window of time to walk around the area a little bit first, but that could be left for later as well. What's more since they were going to be living here from now on, there would be plenty of time to get about the camp.

In the mess hall it seemed lively. Amelia hadn't seen so many people at one place gathering for a while after all. It was almost unreal at first as different emotions and thoughts rushed through her mind. The food that was displayed was varied and it was actually quite nice. The setup was familiar enough as well. Taking a tray as well, she put some food on it, nothing too much since they would have more food later at the beach party thing, so no need to stuff herself to overfill. She did put on the tray a little bit of a few different things though. Variety was something she hadn't had in a while after all! As they were headed off to find seats, the attention was pulled by the girl they met at the quarantine, Checkbook if she remembered it right. They were being called to seat with her if they wanted. Amelia looked at Riley who agreed and Amelia nodded as well." Alright, thank you." She added with somewhat quiet voice. Amelia wasn't comfortable generally in places with many people since she was still somewhat shy. Still the fact they were called to seat by someone was a nice thing. This meant that there was the possibility for good relationship and even friendship... right? Thus she hurried over to take a seat as well.

And now sitting on the tables with many people about and someone who invited them to sit by her, Amelia found herself face to face with her old nemesis. Ohh yes, she had no idea how to actually start a chat and the more she tried to think of what to say, the more stupid it sounded in her mind, so she looked down at the tray, as if she was trying to stare a hole through it for a while. Then she threw a look about." There are a lot of people here..." She mumbled out and then just wanted to dig herself a hole. 'Focus on eating! Let Riley do the talking!' She reached a conclusion in her head, feeling her cheeks and ears turn red from the embarrassment of having said something so pointless moments earlier. Why did talking get so much harder whenever it was to new people?
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