"The human soul weighs 21 grams, smells like grilled vegetables, looks like a wrinkled tartan quilt, and sounds like bridge traffic.”Face Claim — neels visser | Color — FFD700
Seth Warlock
Superhero Alias
Sexual Orientation
Hero Connection
Is the son of Adam Warlock. Adam introduced him to the Avengers.
Seth Warlock is 6'2 and athletically built. By all accounts, Seth is an attractive man. This is because Adam was designed to be the pinnacle of human evolution. Blue eyes and dirty blonde hair.
Personality Traits
+ Charming
+ Clever
+ Crafty
- Childish
- Self-indulgent
- Amoral
Secret Origin
It all really started one night when Adam Warlock returned to Earth to help the Avengers with an Infinity Stone Crisis. It was delt with minimal casualties, but Adam decided to hang around on Earth for a few days, to see what it had to offer. He ended up hooking up with an attractive woman. This resulted in the conception of Seth. Adam then left Earth for a bit. Unaware that he was now soon to be a father.
It wasn't until nine months later when he felt a shift in the universe that he suspected something was amiss. He could have sworn he felt himself on Earth, despite being light-years away.
So, Adam made his way back, to discover he had a son. It was difficult for Adam to accept, so he told the Avengers to look out for him, before vanishing for a few years to try and 'find' himself. After his journey of self-discovery, Adam returned just in time for his son, Seth to discover his powers. So, Adam did what he thought he had to. He took Seth under his guidance and started teaching him how to use his powers. Seth was taken from Earth by Adam and taken across the universe to train. Having discovered his powers when he was eight, he trained for four years before deciding to return to Earth to see his mother. The now twelve-year-old returned to earth to discover his mother had died. Furious, both at his father and himself for not being there for his mother, Seth refused to go back into space. Choosing to stay on Earth.
He kept up his practice with his father in abandoned train yards and fields for a few years, before Adam decided to leave Earth to deal with some other cosmic threat. Which left Seth dealing with things by himself. At least until he got picked up by the Mobius Academy.
Family Tree
Adam Warlock - Father
Hazel Darwin - Mother (deceased)
Caine Warlock - Oldest Half Brother
Abel Warlock - Older Half Brother (Deceased)
Seth's powers reflect those of his father.
- Superhuman Physiology - Seth Warlock possesses a number of super-human properties and powers derived from his artificially determined genetic structure, which he inherited from his Father.
- Energy Consumption - Seth is a much more direct consumer of energy. Allowing him to sustain himself without food or water. This can be done via contact with an energy conductor or the energy itself.
- Superhuman Strength - Warlock possesses super-human strength, though its exact level is unknown. Though roughly about lifting 4 tonnes unaided by his other abilities.
- Superhuman Speed - Warlock is capable of running and moving at speeds much greater than even the finest human athlete.
- Superhuman Stamina - Warlock's musculature generates fewer fatigue toxins, during physical activity, than the musculature of a human being. While not employing his energy to enhance his natural physical strength, Warlock can physically exert himself at peak capacity for several hours before fatigue begins to impair him.
- Superhuman Durability - Warlock's bodily tissues are much harder and more resistant to injury than those of a human. He is capable of withstanding tremendous impact forces, falls from great heights, exposure to temperature and pressure extremes, the vacuum of space, and powerful energy blasts without sustaining an injury. His body is also specially adapted to withstand the physiologically debilitating effects of moving and running at high rates of speed without sustaining an injury.
- Superhuman Agility - Warlock's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.
- Superhuman Reflexes - Warlock's reaction time is similarly enhanced, enabling him to react at a level that is beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.
- Astral Outsider - Seth is outside the loop of destinies and as such is capable of deeds in which cannot easily be seen or tracked by even those with cosmic senses, wielding the Infinity Gauntlet and exclusively using their cosmic senses granted from the gauntlet. This also extends into supernatural powers, with those unable to gather intelligence on Seth Warlock through magical means.
- Time Freeze Resistance - Seth is immune to time freeze powers. Specifically originating from the time stone.
- Reality Warp Resistance - Seth has some resistance to Reality Warping, able to hold his own form when others try and change it.
- Energy Manipulation - Seth is a capable Energy Manipulator, trained by Adam Warlock.
- Energy Constructs - Seth Warlock has been seen employing various kinds of energy into constructs.
- Magic - True to his naming of Warlock and among his energy manipulation capabilities includes manipulating mystical energy for a variety of purposes. He can cast spells for healing, magical energy blasts, telekinesis, magical lightning, teleportation, transmutation, materialization and force field generation.
- Power Cosmic - Among his body's special adaptations are an enclave of cells able to tap and transform cosmic energy for personal use such as projecting blasts of cosmic energy, locate and enter natural space warps, and augment his own physical capabilities. He can use his cosmic powers for healing purposes.