Year 5: Part 3
Date: July 22nd, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab
Location: Camp Mexico Beach
Temperature: 83F
Humidity: High (Around 83%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 12 MPH
Cloud Coverage: Overcast
Note: Have fun with the party - get to know folks - gonna let this run as long as people are having fun, so let me know when you are good to move on or if there is more you wanted your character to do tonight like back at their place or something.
Gunny gave a little nod, much like his daughter did when she was acknowledging but not really adding more to what needed to be said. It was to her thanks, there really wasn't anything more to add to that. As she asked if he was a Marine he smirked a bit. "Obvious?" he asked. There was a hint of dry sarcasm from the man. He might have said that Thana looked more like her mother but she sure as hell acted like her father. Then came the real question. Teaching. Crossing his arms over his chest he shook his head now. "Not me." There was a short pause as he motioned towards his older brother at the stage. "He will."
"Gunny, a hand!" Morales yelled from the edge of the beach up by the road. It was him and Cook and a couple of others from the Mess Hall with karts of raw seafood to be boiled.
"Watch the kettles," Gunny said to Mizrahi before nodding towards Thalia and heading off to give a hand. Standing up and dusting off his rear, Mizrahi stepped over closer to Thalia.
"Maddoc, Seal Team. He good, taught Thana. His class, has others with certain differences," Mizrahi said quietly while he looked at the fire, giving a small glance towards Thalia's false hand.
Adelaide chuckled and nodded. Reaching under the bar she pulled out a beer. It was obvious a home brew, reusable bottle with cap attached. Opening it, she slid it over to Lisa. "Some moonshine. Sparrow mentioned he was some distiller or something, so gave them something harder. If they got any celebrating to do tonight they might not want to drink that or he ain't gonna be able to salute her," Adelaide snickered before opening another beer and taking a sip for herself. "If you get my drift."
Sheers looked over towards Amelia and his smile faded for a minute. Taking a breath he figured she was trying, and nodded. "Evenin'g girl, settlin' in alright?" he asked. He was trying. The girl had been through a shocker. Maybe the more her hair grew back the better things would be.
There was a bit of feed back from one of the mics on stage before it faded out. Atticus grinned and nodded to the guys on the small stage. He started, holding a fiddle in one hand and a bow in the other, out sounding like he was giving a damn sermon. "Brother and sisters we are here for one reason and one reason alone: To share our love of music. I present to you country music without prejudice, hey!" Then the band kicked in, they were covering a not to known country song from before the outbreak called
Rollin'. It was a little country, a little rap, and a lot of what the fuck did they just says. Atticus was on fiddle and backup vocals, Panama on acoustic guitar and main vocals, Bass was bass and bass/rap vocals, Volts was on drums, Maddog was on lead guitar. Even Auntie was there on the Banjo and Spots was at a Casio keyboard. Thing was, those from Newnan might not have known the song but they knew the rapping black man known as Cowboy Troy. James had loved him playing Chicken with a Train.
The song wasn't bad, people from the camp were swaying along, raising a glass or beer, some were moving out onto the dance floor to dance. Bass turned his hat around and took a breath. "Dum-diggity-dum, diggity-diggity-dum dig this. Slicker than the grease from a BBQ Briskit. Got more chunk than a fresh potato salad. You thought you had your answer but your answer was invalid. You're looking at me crazy cause you think I'm loco. The big black cowboy, with the crazy vocal. Todas las personas gritando arriva. Now you heard it, now I know you a believer. Esta cancion es para toda la gente. Es muy importante a usar su mente. So let go of all your preconceived notions. Get up on your feet and put your body in motion. Cause back home we love to dance. We could be two-stepin, or ravin' to trance and when the party is crunk, the girls back it up. We got the systems in the cars and the 20's on the trucks. 6 foot four with a cowboy hat. I dont mess around, yo what's up with that. I'm cowboy troy, a Texas hick and I'm rollin with the brothers
Panama and Padre."
The song continued, the band singing out "Go cowboy go cowboy go." People in the crowd yelling back. "Go cowboy go cowboy go!"
Even ones like Adelaide and Mizrahi were yelling back. Seemed the place worked hard and partied harder. It was only the first song of the night and the place was already jumping. Things people wouldn't dare to do without a wall to keep them safe. It attracted too much attention but the folks seemed relaxed. They had reason to be. Their walls were tall and thick, they had plans in place, and even now there were people patrolling the walls, the waters, and the beach.
The General finally made it down to the beach and had a seat on a bench that was set out near the stage but off to the side. Resting his cane down and smiling to see people enjoying themselves. It had been a long months, so everyone. Inside and outside the walls. New comers and old. They all needed this break. Tomorrow it would be back to the grind stone of survival.
Thana Martin

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: L11 (Bar)
Skills: N/A
Thana was glad that Ash picked up on what she had been talking about when she mentioned counting down from sixty. It would have been rather awkward trying to slowly clue him into the the fact she had been counting down to him getting laid or not that one night back in Newnan, without other people hearing her that was. Not to mention the fact she, still to this day, swore to god she had heard something run full speed right into the bedroom door that night. Something orange and furry. If cats could she speak she would also swear she heard the cat say
'To Hell With This!' Not that cats could talk right? Granted, ten years ago if you said the dead would rise form the graves and try to eat people like happy meals you would have been locked up faster than a middle aged man who spoke to blue-bucktoothed-flying-unicorns. (And Wayne was walking around swatting at said unicorn right now down the beach some. So maybe it wasn't that much of a stretch.
However, Thana wanted to get back to the hear and now. Nodding slightly towards Adelaide before turning her attention back to Ash. Looking down at the glass she nodded and picked it up. Had it been anyone else that just down the high proof spirits the way Ash just had she would have been worried. Thing was she had drank with this man before, she knew how well he could take his booze. His family were moonshiners after all from what she knew. Holloway and Sons distillery out of Virginia. So the fact the man downed White Lightening like it was water didn't concern her. As long as he didn't end up drinking too much. Lifting her glass she downed the shot. It burned a hair but wasn't bad. Adelaide was also from a family of distillers, so she knew what she was doing. She just did better with browns than whites.
"Nope, not bad at all," she said before leaning in a bit.
"I miss the peach stuff," she said under her breath and against his ear. There was a small smile on her lips as she kissed his cheek. Slipping her arm around his waist from where she sat she leaned into him some. This was going better than the last 'outing' they had had together. Wedding Reception/Theft/Night Before The Lights Went Out In Georgia. Yeah... That was a 24 hours of ups and downs. It was literally the Best of Times and the Worst of Times.
Turning her head, Thana looked over to Alexander as he came over and smiled slightly.
"Hey Mugsy," she said in a kind voice as she reached over and took the bottle, pouring another round. She nodded slightly.
"It's good and I'm actually doin' a'right. Looks like you ain't doing half bad either," she said as she motioned towards his leg. Seemed he was able to get around a lot better on it than what he had been forced to deal with over the winter.
Quirking a brow she looked around.
"Shears is over there," she said motioning towards where Amelia and Riley were. Then her head started to turn, looking around more. Motioning with her glass back towards the road and main part of the camp.
"There's Goatman, helping Cook with the carts of food," she added before downing the contents of her glass and setting it back down on the bartop.
Thana shook her head a bit.
"Not much really. Think Sheers is from New York. Goat, think he had a food truck. Hadn't talked to either of them a lot but they seem okay," she admitted as she sat there on her stool. Turning her head when the music started up, Thana quirked a brow. Had she been drinking something right about half way through the song she would have spit it out. Thankfully she wasn't and just busted out laughing, leaning against the bar at the rap portion of the song. This was not what she was expecting but she couldn't fault them. It was funny and fun, something people needed right then.
Nikola Warren

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: O10 (Inside Vet -> Outside Vet) -> O9
Skills: N/A
Nikki chuckle a bit and looked over towards Hunter.
"Tryin' to get ideas on a date to take me on?" she teased him a bit. She wasn't being serious right then, just running with the conversation. He was cute enough though she wasn't sure if he was sweet hidden under an asshole shell, or trying to be sweet and he was just an asshole center. She doubted she would figure that out for a while. She wasn't exactly a people reader when it came to things like this.
There was a nod from the girl.
"Yeah but a lot of dogs act that way around Felix. We thought he might be doing something wrong but nope. He takes good care of the animals around here when he isn't out on long term runs. Dogs, well dogs just don't seem to like him. Strangest thing." As Hunter went to let Izi out of her cage, Nikki leaned back and gave him a minute. It was the first time she had seen him like really smile since she met him. So the guy had a softer side. At least where his dog was concerned. It wasn't much but it was something. Maybe he could start relaxing some now that he had his pooch back. Once he was ready she smirked and popped a bubble.
"Yeah, let's get you two out of here," she said as she started walking towards the door.
"Bye Sheryl!" she called out as they were leaving, grabbing a bag of bags and handing it over to Hunter.
"Make sure to pick up as she messes up, then just drop it in any of the green cans around the camp," she said as she pointed to one attached to the vet building.
"See ya!" a yell came from the back.
Stepping outside more fully Nikki motioned back north a bit.
"She can be walked in this area for a bit tonight, (O10->O8/P10->P8). Then we can get her back to your place and we can hit the party," Nikki said as she walked through the more open area that looked like it was regularly used for animals to run around and such. There were a few green bins around where people duped their doggie bags. Hearing the music start up down the beach some, Nikki grinned, she was ready to get back but she had to make sure Hunter was good to go first.