Thodall Vizsla
instead of the red its blue

| {Full Name} |
Thodall Vizsla
| {Age} |
| {Species} |
| {Gender} |
| {Force Sensitive/Alignment} |
| {Appearance} |
Thodall is around average height for a human male but with an athletic body that shows years of training and combat. Thodall keeps his blonde hair to a manageable length stopping it from getting in the way but enough to still look good. Thodall also keeps a short beard that is a few shades darker than his hair is normal. Thodall’s eyes are a dull blue color that borders on the line of grey as if their color as been dulled down.
| {Equipment and Personal Belongings} |
Mandalorian Armor-
Jet Pack
- Made of Beskar
- Traditional Helmet with macrobinocular viewplate, tactical displays, comlink, and Flashlights.
- Left Vambracer- Whistling birds, Grappling line, retractable wrist blade
- Right, Vambracer- Flame Thrower, Repulsor, retractable wrist blade
- Boots- Magnetized
- Armor is predominately black with some blue accents. Mostly around the T visor in the helmet. Additionally, Thodall’s chest piece shows the Mandalorian symbol painted in blue.
Jet Pack
- Modified Z-6 for a stronger frame and better reliability but sacrificing maximum height.
- Anti-Vehicle rocket
- Same color as armor
- Duel Heavy blaster pistols. (preferred Weapon)
- 2x EMP grenades “Droid Poppers”
- 3x Thermal detonator
- Vibro Blade
- Mandalorian blaster rifle
| {Physical Abilities} |
from birth Thodall was taught and preferred close counters combat. This came in the form of both hands to hand as well as using his pistols and armor to give him an edge in combat. Thodall is also a good mechanic so long as it doesn’t evolve to much electoral work.
| {Force Abilities} |
| {Limitations} |
Like any Mandalorian Thodall is very prideful about his people and their way of life leading him to be hot-headed if the right buttons are pushed. Additionally, because he views it as un honorable Thodall has little to no practice with any kind of long-range rifle.
| {Personality} |
Raised as a true son of Mandalore Thodall embodies most of the qualities one would expect from a Mandalorian born into Clan Vizsla. Yet behind all the confidence and stoicism, Thodall is a caring and compassionate man who wishes to see all of Mandalore thrive. This amount of dedication to his people and their culture has left Thodall hotheaded when his people are insulted. While his anger can get the better of him Thodall finds caring for his armor a calming act and is quite compulsive when it comes to upkeep on all his gear.
| {Place of Origin} |
Mandalore’s moon Concordia
| {Background} |
Thodall was born to a loving but firm family on the moon Concordia under the banner of Vizsla and by extension Death Watch. Growing up under the old ways of Mandalore meant Thodall was trained from birth to be a master warrior in both body and mind. Along with the physical conditioning, Thodall was taught the history of Mandalore and military strategy turning him into not only a blunt force object but a cunning warrior.
It was in these years before Knightfall that Thodall made a name for himself within his clan as a standout amongst the other children.
It was in these years before Knightfall that Thodall made a name for himself within his clan as a standout amongst the other children.
Still working on the backstory but mostly done