"Mister skelly means business! Alex! Go heal-Oh, you’re already going!" Lily shouted after the already departed Alex as she kept moving around the courtyard of the museum, having dodged a swooping pterodactyl at the rooftop and shot it in the wing, causing it to fall. But there were more of them coming as time went on, and soon a pack circled the area. She regrouped with Su and rina, and nodded, a determined look on her face.
"A phylactery, got it! I’ll get in for a closer look!"Mika nearly failed to summon the portal as an undead triceratops charged at her, but it was stopped by one of the Ascendancy triplets who blocked it with her halberd, her heels scraping against the concrete courtyard of the museum as she slid back from the momentum. “No you don’t-NGH!” She grunted, showing great strength as the dinosaur was stopped. This gave the beastly dancer girl enough time to create the interdimensional entrance, wide as a barn door.
Su’s tornado disrupted the flow of dark magic around the portal, preventing the bones from entering it and halting the wave of undead monsters that poured forth. The bones were then shot out, hitting two more undead pterodactyls and sending them crashing to the ground , while a larger bone was launched at an undead ankylosaurus; the beast swung its hammer tail and splintered the bone mid-air. Other bones hit various other dinos, immobilizing some and knocking others over. A couple of undead velociraptors leapt at Su in a pack attack, but Rina shot them in the leg, causing them to fall over and saving her.
Mr. Bulk noticed this, and slowly floated towards Su, his skull jaw wide open. “Foolish mortal! You have meddled enough in my plans!” He aimed his golden staff at her, only to be distracted by a lightning bolt cast by Lily who dashed towards him. “Another street rat!” Mr. Bulk shot a magical projectile resembling a spinning black scythe, but Lily dodged it with an elegant flip.
"Too slow, skellyman!"As she continued weaving through the lich’ barrage of spells, Rina got her chance to observe the lich in action, and noticed that the orbs on his shoulder pauldrons seemed to faintly shimmer with every spell, if only for a split second. Lily’s eyes widened as she also realized something.
"I think his staff has phylacter-Kyah!!" Lily was caught by a surprise backhand, sending her flying right into the open mouth of an undead carnosaur, swallowing her whole.
“There, feed upon the street rat! HAHAHAHAHAA!”
Some smaller undead dinosaurs that rose from the portal were slammed by Alex’ ankylosaurian tail, beating the majority to submission. That was when one of the larger dinosaurs, an undead giganotosaurus, took notice of the bestial magical boy, and charged right at him; the beast was slightly larger than the tyrannosaurus rampaging towards the triplets and Tetrad, with great sharp teeth bared in full. The moment Alex reached the rooftop and set a protective barrier, the giganotosaurus bashed its head into the barrier, followed by clamping it’s jaws around the shield, cracking it in an alarmingly short amount of time. However, Alex managed to bring the sniper girl back to consciousness as her dark-tainted wounds closed clean. As she opened her eyes and saw him, a deep red color flushed over her cheeks, followed by a pained expression. “I-It’s not like I...Needed to be rescued...By a monster like you...” But despite the pain that clearly wracked her, she lifted herself up like a trained soldier, ready to leap away from the giganotosaur the moment the barrier would break or be dispelled.
Meanwhile, the remaining triplets assaulted the ogre mages in melee, cutting down one each in perfect unison. The two held their own against the smashing blows of the ogres as they countered with their tree trunk staves, but had to scatter once the tyrannosaur arrived; it lifted one of the ogres by clamping down over it with its jaws and threw it at a triplet, knocking her against a wall from the impact. “Hrgh! These undead are strong, even by dinosaur standards!”
They then heard Su’s voice, and shouted back: “We’ll cover you! Go for the summoner!”
The Overcity gate guards raised their eyebrows, and looked at each other with confused looks. “Penrose? I heard that the city was abandoned and left for the monsters.” “And that the Ascendancy had to step in.” However, they seemed convinced of Valkyrie’s sincerity, though they did give suspicious looks at Deni. “You will take responsibility for any misdeeds your companion may make.” They then hit the bottoms of their halberds to the ground, and a magical rune appeared on the gate, opening it. “There are currently no active portals that could lead you there,” one of them spoke as the gate finished opening. “But I have heard of a delivery service by a magical girl named Jill who can deliver anything instantaneously. You should ask for her at the Magical Services district. We have spoken.” And so, the two took their guarding stance again, and let the two pass them.
Nothing could prepare the two for the view that awaited them beyond the Crystal Curtain; there were buildings of many stylish, both ancient and modern, and signs with strange and mystic runes on them scattered everywhere. While some shone with arcane illumination, the brightest signs belonged to shops and restaurants, with fantastic imagery and wordplay among them. The streets were bustling with magical folks both familiar and weird; magical girls and boys walking beside fairies, dragons and even strange monsters outside the realm of imagination.
The two had to hold hands tightly to avoid being separated by the current of mass that drifted in one direction or another. Some magical girls could be seen above, riding on brooms and skateboards enchanted with flight, while others rode flying mounts like griffons and pegasi. The air was fragrant with scents of flowers and berries, mixed in with more questionable smells, resulting in a mostly neutral mix of olfactory sensations. As they observed their surroundings, they noticed that the street itself seemed to slightly move similar to a conveyor belt, helping them move faster in any direction they wanted. The buildings themselves rose high into the clouds themselves, each one as tall as Bhurj Dubai, if not even more. Valkyrie and Deni now had to decide on their next course of action.

Helga gnashed her teeth as the Endsinger’s magic rumbled against her; though she could not see the sounds that came from it, and thus did not fall completely for her enragening spell. However, it was enough to make her tense up, as thoughts of violence crept up in the corners of her mind, causing her to strike even harder at the ghosts, her eyes more intense. Worse still, as she could not hear the chaos of the battlefield around her, she was oblivious of Lupa’s monstrous change.
Still fighting against the swarm of ghosts, cutting the ethereal figures like flailing cobwebs, Helga was unaware of the wolf pouncing upon her. But, in that fateful moment, Emily sacrificed herself, and threw herself in the way, and intercepted the wolf’s bite with her arm. Wolf-Lupa’s fangs easily punched through her defenses, and crushed the bone, while her claws stabbed her sides. It was then, as blood sprayed, that Helga only noticed what had transpired. “LUPA!” She screamed loudly enough for people to hear over the music, and performed a stabbing uppercut on the wolf while it was biting into Emily, hitting it right in the abdomen. Then, she released the charge of Sound Magic she had through her palm cannon, delivering an explosive blast of high-frequency sound. Even if she was her friend, she would not be holding back against her, as she had someone more important waiting for her at home.
After the blow knocked Lupa-Wolf back and the two of them got a moment of reprieve, she turned and saw what happened to Emily, and her eyes widened. “Fire Chick!” She shouted, and with a touch of her shoulder applied the deafening enchantment on her as well, sparing her from the cacophonous concert as she reeled from the injury. She had nothing to say to Emily, even if she could hear her; her actions would speak more than any words. Then, anticipating another attack, she took a defensive stance, claws held up, ready to grapple the wolf monster and in turn help protect the one who saved her life.
“Ooh, good one rookie!” FanFan giggled at the one-liner Dawn made, and made sure the Bouncer would be unable to dodge the blazing beam by using her robotic arms to grab hold of hislegs, causing the Bouncer to be pierced by thesearing projectile. At the same time, she used her normal hands to cast a spell, causing a metal shield resembling a plate to expand from her arms and cover her above, preventing the Bouncer from being able to punch or grapple her away with his numerous arms without first breaking the shield. She then continued casting layer after layer of metal over the plate while still tightly holding on; Dawn now saw how the Ascendancy agent was a master of both melee and magic, able to perform both tasks simultaneously while lesser fighters would only be able to accomplish one of the two.
Leena skid to the side of the Bouncer and deflected a punch aside with one of her arms, only to counter with another and slice it right off. Of course, it barely diminished the monster’s attack power as he had more than enough to compensate. But this was just a warmup; the incredibly agile magical girl proceeded to perform an empowered cross-slash, her swords glowing brightly.
“We don’t have time for fodder.” The slashes seemed to extend beyond the swords’ reach, bisecting the Bouncer in a single slash. What was a fearsome monster easily able to hold its own against even a large group of regular magical girls was effortlessly taken down by the teamwork of the two veterans, falling in an earth-shaking tremor. Leena continued moving towards Endsinger without skipping a beat, slashing forwards through the ghosts like they were blades of grass. “Dawn, flank her!”
“There are many indeed who have yet to comprehend the wondrous flavor of green tea,” Cindy stated, and sipped on her cup, as she listened to Chloe. She stifled a burst of laughter at her initial answer, and then gave a knowing smile once she gave a more comprehensive one. “I understand how you feel, Chloe. My subjects also come before all else.” She poured some more tea; Chloe saw that a warm glow now emanated from the crackling monster’s cheeks.
“They are my treasure, my precious. And I won’t let anyone hurt them; not the Ascendancy, or anyone else.” She poured some more tea for Chloe. “They need someone to guide them, to show them the path to the future. And only I can bear that cross as leader of Penrose, for it is my destiny.” She took another sip, and was approached by one of the residents of the shelter. “Oh, a new arrival? Take her to me.”
She then turned her attention back to Chloe. “As we share a common belief of protecting those under our rule, I have a proposal: join me in an alliance, so that we may crush the despots of the Ascendancy together, and deliver an age of peace and prosperity to Penrose to all.” She then stood up. “Now, I have other business to attend to. You may now enjoy the entertainment in the television room if you wish to. Think about my offer.” With that, she walked away.
Eliza was guided by one of the dark magical girls occupying the shelter to an underground chamber titled “Television room” by the words scraped on the door. It was here where other monster girls and dark magical girls were watching internet videos; they used a smart phone hooked up to a wall projector by a bootleg cord installation, and sat around in old chairs and sofas that were salvaged and repaired. A fail compilation was currently running, causing the crowd to scream and holler in laughter. Cindy then arrived in the chamber, and approached Eliza. “Greetings, visitor to my realm. I am Cindy, the queen of Penrose,” she addressed herself. “Are you a friend of Penny the Home Builder? Or did you happen to find this place by chance?” She asked, curious to hear her answer. “Regardless of reason, all who are lost and abandoned are welcome in my domain as long as they do not seek to harm my subjects. Now, tell me your name.”
Penny easily smashed through the feeble monsters, her fists tempered in battle against foes far greater. She got a few scratches and bites, but her Regeneration made them futile efforts to stop her rampage. At the end of it, she was surrounded by foul corpses that slowly degraded into black ash, scattering into the cold winds of winter. But, as she was about to move on, she heard somebody approach.
From a dark alley, she saw the silhouette of a female shape slowly walking towards her. But, as the light of the moon illuminated the arrival, Penny couldn’t help but reel back at the sight; she resembled an
insectoid robot with a human woman’s shape at first glance, with a helmet fitted with mandibles. Her body was covered from head to toe with sleek interlocking plates, resembling a kind of futuristic power suit, but Penny realized that it was neither of those things; she seemed like such a mix of biological and mechanical elements that no distinction could be made between the two. The outer ridges of her body seemed to slightly shift and lock into place, like the chitinous armor itself was alive and sentient, microscopic needles popping any snowflakes that would touch her. It was like nothing seen on this planet, suggesting she was an extraterrestrial magical girl.
“Stagnation...” A voice mixing a woman’s with that of higher-frequency buzzing came from the monster girl. “I have searched long, but at last I have found you.” She lifted an arm to her side, and a curved blade sliced out from her elbow, clearly as much a part of her body as the arm itself. “As Laat Al’O Fan is my witness, I won’t rest until your whole being is destroyed and made anew!” And then, with speed matching Penny’s at her fastest, she dashed forward, clearly aiming to swing her blade at her; she saw how the edge was now covered in some kind of greenish-black liquid, as if the weapon itself excreted it.
Rachel’s gaze stayed stern as Aurelio expressed his sentiments about the Ascendancy, but she did blink when he mentioned Penny’s name. “So it is true then…” She spoke back, surprisingly lenient with Aurelio. “The soulless automaton has been granted our sacred Spark.” She then continued listening, surprisingly possessing more tolerance than before for the magician’s defiant behavior, likely due to the revelation he gave her as well as him agreeing to her order. Her arms crossed, she seethed with resentment towards him when he was done. “There is also no place for an attitude like yours. As punishment, you will be attending the trial. Dismissed.” She scoffed as Aurelio teleported, and then disappeared herself, leaving the Confessional empty.
Kimble quietly purred as her locks of hair were swept by Alicia’s gentle touch, her company solace in the dreary atmosphere they found themselves trapped in after Juliana abruptly left, seemingly called in for an assignment. Sylvia seemed to wake from a trance-like state as she was nudged, blinking with a look of surprise. “” H-Huh? Alicia…” She spoke quietly, appreciative of her encouragement. Sally on the other hand seemed to still be depressed. “Chance? I don’t like my chances, and they’re the best around.” She replied, and went on to stuff her face with cake. “But Alicia is right,” Sylvia spoke, and lifted herself up to sit properly. “There is still one way that you can survive.” She took a deep breath, and then, in a low voice, said:
“You need to lie.”
Kimble’s ears sprung up in surprise, and Sally gasped. “Wait, what? You mean-”
“Correct,” Sylvia interrupted. “I am the one who led us into this mess, and it is my burden to bear. I will take responsibility for everything that’s happened here. But to do that, you must all corroborate my story, and accuse me.” She turned to Alicia, and placed her hand on her shoulder. “That means you too, Alicia.”
Sally blinked. “But wait, didn’t Rachel say that there’s going to be Light users at the trial? Wouldn’t our lies be exposed?”
Sylvia shook her head. “Based on the way she reacted, I don’t think so. It is possible that the Ascendancy doesn’t have any active Light girls employed under them. Which means you will be the only one who can detect lies, Alicia.” Her eyes turned sadder. “I know, it sounds crazy. But this is our only chance to avoid having everyone executed. So please, Alicia...”
At that moment Juliana teleported into the hall, having taken a disciplined pose with her arms behind her. “Line up and follow me; the trial shall begin soon.”
Sylvia looked at her, and then whispered to Alicia’s ear: “Promise me you will do the right thing.” Then, she was lifted up by Juliana, followed by the others, who then began their walk towards the Hall of Divine Judgement.
Her encouragement may not have had an even effect on everyone, but Alicia remained resolute in her belief. They would face this, and they would deal with it together.
Or perhaps not, as Sylvia explained her plan. The Seraph tensed, frowning anew as the plan was laid out. Play along? Accuse Sylvia of everything? It was a selfless, a noble thing to do to sacrifice herself for the sake of everyone else there. Knowing who they were dealing with, it was a good choice.
Yet despite that she could not shake the feeling gnawing at the pit of her stomach. So many of the decisions that they were being accused of, so many things they had done, those had been because of her. She might not have been involved with the ShineSpark, but she was the one who had spared Kimble, who had invited the alliance with Penny, who had cured Janet. If anyone deserved to be executed for that, it was her.
Yet she kept those thoughts to herself, doing the very thing that Sylvia wanted her to do. “I promise,” she muttered back before rising to her feet and moving to follow to the Hall of Judgment.
As the others in turn began to stand and follow the procession to the Hall of Judgement, however, Serenity felt something drop into the bottom of her stomach at the thought of Sylvia’s plan. On one hand she couldn’t deny that Sylvia had some points...especially about the likely lack of Light girls...but at the same time the idea of going along with that plan felt insane. Her heart throbbed at the idea of a sacrificial lamb being made out of Sylvia, if it even worked, and the maid felt she knew Alicia well enough to at least think the other girl might just follow through with Sylvia’s request.
Yet standing up and following along as Juliana beckoned them to follow her, though at first within her mind shouting out a silent prayer to the spark or whatever righteous force could save them and poor Sylvia, Serenity eventually looked over to the girl as she walked along near her. For a second she thought back to the other girl’s glimmer of kindness and compassion, performed in giving them cake and asking for her name, as something within her seemed to bubble up from deep down. The pale-haired magical girl then lightly bit her lip, before she felt the words roll off of her lips.
“To answer your question...my name is Serenity...Serenity Gates. I am one who has sworn a Vow of Compassion, a thing which I pray will hold true this day.”“Serenity...That is a beautiful name.”
Juliana did not look back, devoted to her duty of escorting the accused, but Serenity saw a glimpse of sorrow coming from her, followed by a softer expression. “I will pray for you.”
Aurelio would appear in a muted flash of light beside the procession before they had made it into the Hall of Judgement, his hat and monocle donned once more and an easygoing smile yet again gracing his lips.
“Hey everyone” He would greet softly as he matched step with the group as they ventured into the Hall of Judgement.
“Glad I was able to make it”Despite his relaxed appearance, one could still see his lingering frustration due to tight grip he had on his cane and sharper than normal edge to his gaze, though considering the dark mood hanging onto those that were accused perhaps it would go unnoticed? Regardless he wasn’t one to allow his friends to wallow if he could help it and slowly and softly a mix of
Calm and
Confidence would emanate out from him and lightly settle upon his allies. No real magic was instilled with the emotions, he didn’t want to risk the accusations that might come from any buffs, but a bolstering of moral sometimes had a stronger effect than any spell,which was his aim to begin with.
He did not know what was coming, but he would stand with his friends as best he could.
Juliana opened the gates, and the girls saw that the Hall of Divine Judgement had changed; unlike the futuristic look from before, with the holes on the floor and ceiling, it now resembled a courtroom from the renaissance period, with seats on either side of a walkway that led to a podium where the accused were sent to stand. On the far side of the court were seats for the Ascendancy as the jury, as well as the Beckoners above them; like Colonel Cuddles, none were recognizable. They also looked unnerving and ominous compared to the cute and angelic Beckoners the girls were used to.
Aurelio was guided to a seat in the audience as the praying girl he saw before took the seat of the judge. The entire time, she continued silently praying with her hands clasped together and eyes closed. She sniffled, and Rachel, standing next to her, called out: “Cardinal Isthar has called the court to order.” At those words, the entire chamber, including the members of the Ascendancy, all turned deathly silent.
Then, a minute later, Isthar lowered her head again in a slow nod, and Rachel continued: “The members of Beacon belonging to the Penrose branch are accused of the following sins: colluding with monsters, witchcraft, severe neglect of one’s duty, abandonment of one’s area of jurisdiction for months, and severe heresy,” she added, giving a look at Aurelio specifically. “How do you plead?” Tsuki asked, standing on Isthar’s left side.
“I plead guilty!” Sylvia suddenly spoke up, before anyone else had a chance to. “I was the one who ordered Alicia to spare Kimble and any other nonhostile monster including Penny. I was also the one who decided on making the White Coins, and distributing one to Penny. This is because I don’t believe that killing of monster girls or other innocents, regardless of how corrupted or evil they may seem. I hoped to convert Penrose into my beliefs by force, but I failed.” She then sighed, and made a meaningful look to Alicia. “I now realize it is all my fault. However, my wish is that you spare the others, for they are innocent,” she added, and then turned silent. Tsuki put a hand to her chin, clearly thinking, while Rachel simply glared; Alicia couldn’t tell if she saw through Sylvia’s lie or not. It was not clear if Isthar listened until she slowly nodded again. Rachel now asked: “Alicia Hayden and Serenity Gates, can you confirm Sylvia Starshine’s statement, or otherwise corroborate her story?”