Ash Holloway Location: Mechanics (K)Skills: N/A | ![]() |
The quick and fleeting introduction to Rivets was responded to with a notable drawl of Ash's native Virginia Mountain accent as a respectful, "Ma'am," was presented. Admittedly, she was not the kind of person who Ash would have thought of might have the moniker of "Rivets", but of all the ideas that he had to get used to over the course of the last few years, this looked like an easier mount to summit than most. For the moment, Ash assumed a neutral speak when spoken to mentality. There were ropes; he had to learn them. And it looked for the time being that he would be learning them with another newcomer for the week. It was safe to say that they hadn't spoken much during their time in Quarantine. It seemed that Hunter, the man in question, sought to alleviate that very situation in his own forward manner, referring to him as a Private.
Following Hunter's comment and its accompanying grin, Ash regarded the younger man with raised eyebrow. It looked like he was appraising Hunter, and while he said nothing to him, Ash gave a slow nod, the expression on his face reading that he was another step closer to coming to an unvoiced conclusion. Utilizing a different train of logic but maintaining his silence, Ash was taken a little off guard by being referred to as "Sparrow's", unless he totally missed something along the way. A moment's consideration had him thinking that it certainly wasn't a bad thing being known as Sparrow's, possibly the fastest indicator as to his identity in this place among the locals. Lord knows people must have given her crap about leaving the safety of Camp Mexico Beach in search of a guy (that would be him) who was in all likelihood missing or dead already. It was miraculous that they were reunited. Storybook, really. And when the movie version of it came out, Ash wanted the guy from Aliens to play him.
Otherwise, Ash paid no mind to the running commentary from the locals as they spoke among themselves and to Hunter. The guy was military once, and though many aspects of this were lost in the changes of the new world, this settlement was run in its administration by the guidelines therefrom. He knew how this worked just as well as Ash did. So while he paid the commentary no mind, he did make note of the semi-formal manner with which they were being dealt. Not everyone was former military; everyone still seemed to fall in line.
Morning announcements came as an interesting change of pace for Ash. The man who ran this place had every appearance of a kindly older fellow, open to conversation with gentle voice and deliberate phrasing. But Ash knew who he was from his training days. The General was not the kind of guy to be messed with. The grandfatherly way in which he took to the morning announcements was a settling thing, much like how he spoke to Ash during his entrance interview. He listened carefully to the announcements, taking note of the projected temperature and promise of fresh tuna. This place was well put together, no doubt.
After PA clicked off, Ash found his attention directed toward Rivets, who took the moment to address he and Hunter both with a brief outline of what was expected of them. So they were being handed off to Mizrahi. For his own reasons, Ash wanted to get to know the man a little. This might be fortuitous. He gave a respectful "Yes, ma'am," to the broader edicts of his duties, and a similar, "Thank you, ma'am," when informed that he would be allowed time to clean up before visiting the gravesites.
Mizrahi was a man of few words, but those few words (along with the unveiling of the Ladies' Washroom) had an impact. Ash did appreciate the look of sympathy from the man. At least he knew that this wasn't something the guy was taking enjoyment from. Lord knew that Ash wasn't exactly thrilled about it either. Still, this was their first job of the day. He nodded to Mizrahi, this time more of an acquiescent gesture. He was the man in charge of them right now. This was how they paid their dues. And thinking back on the past many months, he had done far worse for food and safety. Ash could clean up a bathroom.
And that's just what Ash intended to do. But first, providence held in store for him a bit of storytime, courtesy of his cleaning buddy for the week, Hunter. He heard a brief description of how one might see to the cleaning of a room, and in such a fashion that he honestly began to question if Hunter believed that Ash had never cleaned a room before in his life. As the proposed battle plan continued unabated, even going so far as to describe single-digit numbers of persons utilizing the bathroom in question, Ash began to think back to his time as a cadet at the Virginia Military Academy. Four years of it, dealing with every sort of menial task presented by the military instructors and for of those years, the upperclassmen, too. Not the least of which was hammering through dormitory bathrooms utilized by hundreds on a regular basis, and a couple thousand sporadically besides. Sarcastically, he thought (but did not speak aloud), "No, in fact I would have no idea how to handle a cleaning detail and bring a room to inspection quality without Hunter's rapt and avid tutelage. God bless this man and his heretofore unrivaled wisdom of the custodial ages." His expression might have said all of that, anyway. But what piqued Ash's interest most about it was that part of Hunter's rant sounded just a hair too much like a threat for his tastes. This might be a more interesting week than Ash had given it credit for.
"You're trying too hard," was the one thing that he did say out loud. Determined in pursuit of doing a proper job, Ash took to the cleaning supplies and did as he was trained to do in these circumstances: He started at the top and worked his way down - beginning with the light fixtures and ceiling around them.
Thalia Carmichael Location: Administration (A)Skills: N/A | ![]() |
"We're still pushing air past our teeth, Mugsy," commented Thalia in response to Alexander's prediction about the day. "The day's already better for us than most." Perspective was a bitch sometimes. Coincidentally, so was Thalia. Sometimes. The one-winged Angel was still a bit reserved about this whole setup, though this didn't seem too bad so far. And though she wasn't going to admit it to save her life at that moment, it was a comfort that she was going to be working with Alexander and not someone she didn't know or just met recently. She wasn't being thrown to the wolves, socially speaking. Perhaps that was what the settlement leaders had in mind all along, considering Thalia's tendency to withdraw and observe during unfamiliar situations. They probably had their own observations about her, psychologically speaking, and Thana likely mentioned a few things as well. It was a smart and, dare she say it, compassionate move on their part. Or it was all just a huge coincidence and she was overthinking it. Either way, Thalia approved - so much as she approved of anything.
Thalia did cock an eyebrow up and look from Sandra to Alexander. Some snow cougar was working fast, making an advance on the poor guy. Well, whatever floated his proverbial boat. She tried not to smirk or pass judgement, but it was hard. Sadly, she had not the time to come up with a subtle yet jarring quip as the morning announcements began. Most of it she didn't give a rat's hindparts about, but the mention of sushi brought her into full and open attention. It had been years since she had actual sushi, not just fish, raw or otherwise, she had speared in a river for her supper. Boston. More than five years ago. Thalia had given up hope, but here it was thrust upon her again like opportunity knocking once again. "Sashimi, norimaki, ...hand rolls..." Oh, if they somehow had wasabi she was going to have an episode of some kind.
Quickly, Thalia straightened up and remembered that she was here to work, not to pillage for fish. Which now might become her new phrase to describe trolling for easy female companionship, if she felt like hometeaming it that day. "Pillage for Fish". Yeah. Okay, back on the clock. Thalia followed Gunny and Alexander, paying careful attention to their surroundings and listening to what was said. Cleaning and organizing. Fine, bring it on. She needed to exercise her new prosthetic in an array of mundane tasks anyway, this would suffice. Then sushi.
No, graveyard first. That was important. She needed to give her respects to friends and fallen warriors. People she cared about. Far more important.
When a call for questions came up from Gunny and Alexander responded to the negative, Thalia almost felt bad for having one. It had nothing to do with their job, but directness was a quality she possessed whether she liked it or not. "Yeah um, unrelated, but can you tell me where my brother's at today, please? I was supposed to find him for something." She suddenly remembered, quickly adding, "Sir." Otherwise, she was totally ready and almost eager to get to work.