Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by KZOMBI3
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KZOMBI3 thuggy-lewd-dere

Member Seen 10 mos ago

binx progression throughout the interaction

Binx couldn't keep her eyes off the gorgeous siblings that had shouted dibs. Not because they're gorgeous - OK not just 'cause they're gorgeous, 'cause they total are - but just their energy and them feeding off one another made her laugh. Like a genuine laugh, something she thoroughly enjoyed doing and hadn't in awhile. She wasn't gonna lie, when she read between the lines and finally understood their little meanings behind the dibs - she was extremely flattered. Beyond so. So when the male counterpart of the pair quickly changed his answer after having someone else literally fall into his life - who Binx came to realize was Michiru - she was rubbed the wrong way. 'Psht. Fucking men.'

However, as Charlotte introduced the two of them, Binx really couldn't help but admire the beauty. Like, dumbstruck. And when the words left her mouth that she actually meant her dibs sent a shiver of excitement through her body.

This was going to be one interesting set of living arrangements.

Clearing her throat and moving to stand up, Binx realized the size difference between her and the siblings - 'Oh yeah, babe's got it all' Binx' mouth went dry and so she had to mentally shake her head to get back into her normal, kickass and charming self if she wanted to make an even better impression on her. Licking her lips she went for it, "I'm not the HulkStan62; but I am a fan. Name's Binx, and I would love to see what other games you're into~"

As soon as the words left her lips she wanted to blow herself up and outta there. Would the cosmos swallow her whole if she begged it to? Ugh. No amount of 'Southern Charm' was gonna save her from her fucking lame-ass, cringe worthy pickup line. Binx could only hold her breath as she waited to see how she reacted to it. And she prayed that it wasn't negative.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by DClassified
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DClassified Kung Fro Killa

Member Seen 9 days ago

Angelo was patient and silent while Pris was talking, watching the new classes for this upcoming school year. None of them looked all that familiar, but some of the names he had on file did. Some of these folks were direct descendents from the original Avengers lineup. Big names like Thor and Captain Rodgers. Despite his adjusted intentions for coming back this year, maybe he’d be able to learn his leadership fundamentals, help bring up another generation of heroes, and get his hero license higher on the boards.

Everything about the return to Mobius sounded like a win, except the repeat of Pris’ long ass speech. Honestly, if it were up to him, they’d skip the ceremony and just get the students and classes all setup. It seemed fairly clear that this sentiment hung around the room when Prism’s speech didn’t get the standing ovation he hoped for. They all just kinda dispersed. Ultimately, all this got from Angelo was a mental shrug. Only one or two kids clapped after the speech in his year, and they were really more out of pity than anything else.

So, with his duffel from home slung over his shoulder like a single strap backpack, Jello started for the dorms. A blue-highlighted skateboard formed at his feet and in his hand a lightcrafted tablet to check out his info feed. Then with a kick and push, he was gliding out.

Apparently he got the same room as last year; being in class 1C. Looking everyone over, it seemed like they had a pretty solid lineup. It seemed to be a pretty decent balance in terms of skills and power sets. What surprised him though, was that he was gonna be in class with the Stark sisters. He thought he actually walked past one of them on the way out here. She didn’t look lost, but rather that she was bothered by something. Well, it was only day one, if it persisted he’d ask about it maybe.

Though, he did look up and notice someone who did look lost. With the most interesting collection of braids and dreads on top of his head, the guy looked really confused. He was staring at a piece of paper from his packet as if he was trying to read hieroglyphics. It’d likely be in his best interest to help him out, so, Jello skated on up.

”Hey man, you doin aight?”

The guy looked up at him but didn’t respond. His eyes were locked in and focused like he was trying to read Jello. He seemed a little defensive, but, Gel persisted. ”Are you lost? I know this place can seem a little intimidating on the first day.”

There was more silence, but the dude’s shoulders eased up and he nodded. Looked like he couldn’t talk, or maybe he was just real shy. That’d kind of suck to have to break through, but if he was in Jello’s class, he’d try at least…

”Here, let me see.” He leaned a little closer, glancing at his keycard paperclipped to the page. ”Alright, so you’re in 1A. That means you’re gonna head north from here. Follow those guys. Once you make it inside, just look for a door with your name on it and you’re set.”

Jello placed a hand on the dread-kid’s back and gestured to a small group of students walking in the direction he mentioned. ”If you need anything else, just find one of the teachers. Or, if you happen to see me again, just give me a shout out. The name’s Angelo.”

The kid nodded as he understood, starting off to try catching up with the others. Though, he slowed down and looked over his shoulder.

“Johnny...and thanks.” Were his only two words before he went off.

Confronted with another mental shrug, he concluded that Johnny was a really weird dude. With that done however, Jello was just about to hop on his board and ride off. Except in the middle of his motion to do so, he noticed a figure coming to his immediate left in the corner of his eye. Stumbling in an attempt to stop himself from knocking into the person, his constructed board and tablet dissipated. A brunette girl had stomped past on her phone, complaining about something. Not everyone wanted to be here, he guessed.

Regardless of that though, he at least reconstituted his tablet, and noticed that his list refreshed. Looked like he was actually going to be roomed with a Michael. Seemed to have some connection with Deadpool. Well this sounded like it was gonna be a challenge. Though, that was gonna be the theme of his year. So, he started off for the dormitory. It'd be best to at least meet his collegues before tomorrow's activities began.

@KZOMBI3: Stealing Michiru
@Hey Im Jordan: Stealing/Dropping "Dibs"

The smell of brimstone was already filling his new room, and if one didn't know any better, they would think there was a gas leak in here. Didn't seem to bother Dill much though as varying items started piling in from his old room.

For one, the bed that would have been his, was gone now. Dumped on top of the salvation army bin in a walmart parking lot. Did it belong there? Who cared; it was in the place that his Funko action figure army was meant to be shelved. On the wall above that cabinent, was a hammock, where he'd sleep.

It was on the trip to get his gaming computer though, that he thought he heard a familiar voice...Was that MeCheerYou? Noticing that she piggy-backed on one of his trips, he simply gave her a thumbs up when she said she had to grab somethings. Meanwhile, he heard some folks say "Dibs" kinda loud from one of the rooms in the 1D dorm, so, he went looking for one of his wall stickers of Dib from Invader Zim.

Just as he was going to port again to perform his greeting troll of his new teammates, an impact hit him in the back.--


In the span of a second, he had ported twice. A hiccup sequence. At first he saw a room full of people, but then back to his room again. Dill mounted a three-point landing to the ground with his rolled up sticker in hand. Wondering what the heck crashed into him, he pulled down his headphones to hang around his neck and looked around. When he did, Dill noticed a bag on the ground. His tail swayed for a second as he tried to connect the dots, then it hit him. Oops!


Porting back to the room with people, it looked like he accidentally dropped a damsel from the sky into a giant pretty boy's hands. An awkward toothy grin met his lips as he stood up straight.

"Heheh...Sorry about that bud. I dropped off the wrong passenger. He spoke quickly, dropping off the scrolled sticker on the ground to grab up MeCheerYou from the jock's arms. With that out of the way, BAMF!

Back in their dorm room, he dropper the girl off. Rubbing the back of his neck with a chuckle, his humored eyes shut wryly.

"Sorry about that! Didn't hear ya coming."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 2 days ago

An adventure. That sounded thrilling and exciting and a whole bunch of other -ing ending words that she couldn't think of in the moment. Could this be the start of a grand journey of growth and discovery, of friendship and camaraderie, of hardship and sacrifice? Probably not, it would probably be just a walk and talk psuedo tour of the environs until they stumbled onto where they needed to go but the point of the matter is it sounded grand and cool and that was all it needed to be. An adventure. Moreover, an adventure with someone who knew how to work a digital crowd; if the whole hero thing didn't work, Riley was confident she could find some way to make broadcasting to strangers on the internet a viable career path.

If she could survive nuking herself with radiation she could survive the bubble that was internet content creation!

"So, Jess," Riley started speaking as the adventure began, as they all do, with a step. It would be a boring adventure if she didn't talk to her guest party member. "That handshake, I'm guessing that's not, normal?" Riley paused a moment and realized that she was one to talk, hell everyone here would probably qualify as not exactly 'normal' to the eyes of the ones whose only super power was not losing their patience at the deli when a customer argues over pickles for fifteen minutes. "Well, you know what I mean, I mean, like, normally your abilities don't...glitch out like that? I thought it looked cool, it was like all...glitchy blinky! Hey, maybe that can be your hero name..Blink! Oh...wait...no...I think that's taken. Still, totally cool!"

The best part about an academy like this, Riley figured, was getting to know the other people and what they could do. She might've been alone in the thought but personally she felt like everyone's powers were cool no matter what. They were cool because they were special! She was going to have to keep a list once she figured out everyone's abilities, just so she could know or even help them think of cool names for their hero phase. She already had a first draft hero name so she assumed that put her one step ahead of most but still two steps behind those people who knew how to use their power at will. But what was school for if not learning!

"How long have you had your powers? Is that too personal? I dunno if it is. I dunno if some of us are like...super tormented or pained by the knowledge of their origins or something dramatic. I almost died to get my powers! It was awesome! And S.H.I.E.L.D. paid my medical bills!" Riley then pointed towards a building that was getting a decent amount of traffic to and fro. It seemed as good a place as any to search for their 1-D destination. "Let's go in here, the D stands for Do Enter!"

This adventure business was easy!


In that moment, after paying attention to the body language, the cleared throat, the licking of lips, the way the girl's eyes couldn't seem to look away, Charlotte knew she had made the right call. More the loss for her brother, whose current claim of 'dibs' had been whisked away, quite like karma coming back round. Before responding to the One Who Stared, Charlotte gave a quick nod of appreciation towards Lydia - she didn't want to act like the only two people in the room were herself and Starstruck - Charlotte would have to remember that little name. "Room mate, you said? I'm sure we'll get along swimmingly. We can gossip. Talk about boys." Charlotte returned her gaze to the Southern Charm in the room, gazing towards her with piercing blue eyes. "Or girls."

Charlotte stepped further into the room, her height imposing but carrying her with confident strides. She assumed her brother was rolling his eyes, but she knew well enough that were the situation reversed (and it might well could've been had it not been for his lack of sincerity) he would be laying it on even thicker. When it came to the Children of Thor, they had a certain knack for this that made it seem...effortless. Nothing could be further from the truth, however, and what they had and used well was just...confidence. Show interest, if interest is reciprocated then go in for more. Simple. Effective. Learned from the best.

"You know, I don't play many games. But when I do..." Charlotte was standing close enough to 'Dibs' that if it were any other sort of interaction it would look like she was about to fight. There was a knowing smile on the corner of her lips, an alluring lilt of the eyebrow, and a slight turn of the head all while her eyes remained gazing into the other pair of eyes. Intense contact, but not threatening contact. The kind of eye contact that almost made one consider doing something bad. "I play for keeps." Charlotte spoke in a lower, husky voice, just above a whisper that was meant for one set of ears but was heard by the room. And her grand finale was a simple gesture of trailing her finger slowly along Binx's jaw to her chin where finger and thumb gave a little parting flick.

"Let's play sometime, Binx."

"Oh MAN am I glad I got that on stream!" From behind everyone came the voice that some would likely be familiar with. "If you guys kiss right now, could you keep it like...PG-13? I don't wanna get banned, but seriously, keep going, that is some primo flirting! One of you must have pheromone powers because whatever you two got going on? It's working."

Riley Quinn had focused her phone camera on the little display between the two women. Thousands of people had witnessed the show, and based on the amount of emojis and caps in the chat...they loved it. "Oh, you guys don't mind being streamed, do you? I'm kinda live streaming this, gotta keep my fans happy. Pretty soon they're gonna have to call me HulkStan620,000 followers!"

"Oh, right, my friend and I are looking for a 1-D, do you guys know where it is?"

@Hey Im Jordan@KZOMBI3@Silver Carrot

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by BrutalBx


Member Seen 2 days ago

As the girls began their whirlwind adventure, Jess followed side by side with Riley, staying visible in the frame of the lense. Glitching, that’s what the Hulkstan called it….she kind of liked that. ”The glitching that just kind of happens, whenever and wherever it wants to really. Don’t ask me why, all I know is this banging bod is pretty unstable apparently” Jessica slid her gloves up slightly to tighten them around her wrists, the last thing she needed was to accidentally jump into the body of her new gal pal, that would be a hell of an awkward conversation.

Riley was questioning her about her abilities; she imagined that this was a conversation that would be frequent during the early days of Mobius. As you spend more and more time with your classmates, it would only make sense to try and figure out how their powers or abilities could work in conjunction with yours; after all, this entire school was essentially the front for a competition to see who was going to be the universes next great superhero or at least that’s how Jess felt about the whole thing. Luckily for her, she knew that she was built more as a support player, so having to fight off potential rivals was a non issue for her. For the rock and roll queen the goal was simple, find someone worthy enough that she was willing to team with and push them to being the greatest superhero of all time. Easier said than done of course.

”Meh” The tattooed temptress began ”Ain’t nothing too painful or taboo for me to talk about, you hear that squad? I’m an open kind of girl” She winked into Riley’s camera for her followers before carrying on ”My fantastical origins are fairly basic. I’m an inhuman, got myself accidentally exposed to some terrigen mists and now I can walk through walls, become invisible and possess your body. Oh and the glitchy thing we were just talking about, that too. You almost died? You are telling me that story sweetheart, that’s badass”

As the girls mosied deeper into the towering monstrosity of the city in the sky, they reached a building which Riley ushered for them to enter ”The D stands for Do Enter? There’s a joke in there which I’m not not gonna touch” the pair entered the building and followed a long corridor down to a set of double doors which swung open to reveal the extremely heavy flirtation of Godly proportions.

”I dig it.”


Mid Cheetoh in mouth, Theo froze as a dazzling light burst through the door behind him. Instinct took over as she sidestepped out of the way and watched the ball of sparkles slam into a table. This superhero thing was getting weirder and weirder by the minute. The light soon faded to reveal a beautiful blonde girl who miraculously looked unharmed from le grand entrance she had just made.

Right on cue from behind an open door, Normie’s toothless face popped up, followed soon by his body, capped off my repeated hip thrusts.”Hubba hubba” The Goblin Childe mocked. For a dead 11 year old that was simply a manifestation of Theo’s growing psychothapy Normie has one hell of a libido.

The sick little fuck.

Theo blinked the tiny bastard out of existence for a minute and quickly scanned the room at the other students. They seemed slightly baffled and taken aback by the newly introduced Janet Lucasta. Clearly they had never been to a party in New York, this was a fairly tame entrance all things considered. The name Lucasta seemed familiar, he seemed to remember meeting a Lucasta at one of the Osborne family functions, the face slipped his mind but that wasn’t important in that moment anyway.

Deciding that he would be the first to break the silence, Theo finished the Cheetoh that remained clasped between his fingertips and brushed the dust off onto his jeans before taking a step forward towards the newcomer. ”Welcome to superhero high, Janet. I’m Theo, it’s a pleasure” He offered out his hand to the blonde for a shake. ”That entrance, I have to say was pretty fucking shway”

”Dude, McDungus. Ask her if she wants a Cheetoh. Chicks love that shit”

@Altered Tundra

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

@BrutalBx @Altered Tundra

As Janet crashed into the 1A common room, because she wasn't traveling (presumably) at supersonic speeds, Ziggy was able to hear Janet's arrival moments before it happened. She shouted "Watch out!" to all present before diving out of the way herself. In the aftermath, Ziggy got up shakily, brushing herself off and whispering, "...laa hawla wala quwwata illa billah..." to herself; an Arabic phrase she had learned from her father which translates as "There is no might nor power except with God", often said during times of distress. Ziggy looked at Janet in wonder, assuming that her powers made her a 'flying brick'-type, though her exclamation of pain might have just ruled out the 'brick' part of it. Still, Janet didn't seem all that hurt, as the woman promptly introduced herself.

"N-Nzige Nyenje, but you can call me 'Ziggy'," the Wakandan replied, "A-are you hurt? Do you need help?" Ziggy wanted to reach a hand out to help Janet up, but Theo had beat her to it.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Lydia Creel

Lydia could immediately sense that there was something between Binx and Charlotte. Lydia wouldn't say she was jealous, but if either of the siblings were interested in her, she'd be blushing like a maiden and giggling like a schoolgirl. So she was glad they didn't, as if she was sharing a room with someone, she would prefer a more straightforward relationship. Binx was a little awkward but got the message across. But Charlotte. Charlotte was something else. It was almost intimidating how sexy she was when she tried to flirt. Of course. A city full of the children of superheroes. Lydia was no beauty queen but she'd never been bad looking. But here? She could very well be chopped liver.

The pair were then interrupted, thankfully, by some new arrivals. One of whom had a voice that Lydia immediately recognised. So she was at this school after all. Lydia never knew she had powers. She assumed she didn't. Looks like she'd been wrong about that. Lydia approached both the new girls, and offered them both handshakes. She was especially interested in what Riley's power was, and this was her sneaky little way of finding out.

"This is 1-D. You're in it. Him, I'm Lydia. Actually a fan of yours, HulkStan. Followed your streams back when I was in New York. Nice to actually meet you in the flesh."

She turned to Jessica. "And you are?"

@Fabricant451@Hey Im Jordan@KZOMBI3@BrutalBx
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rabidporcupine
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Rabidporcupine Depression Tree.

Member Seen 6 days ago


As it turns out, the angry girl he had approached was not, in fact, Amalia Stark. This of course meant that he'd wasted valuable searching time trying to make his grand introduction to someone who in no way was even going to pretend to care, which was... well, disappointing, but at least it was practice, right?

However, after close to half an hour of flying around the school, Michael was beginning to wonder if that practice had all been for nothing. No matter where he looked, his search came up blank.

"Come on, it's not really that hard to find this one, single person, is it?"

I'm sure it's easier for most people. A sense of direction probably helps.

"Quiet you, let me think."

I am thought.

Michael ignored the voice as he sat down on the sword, hovering high above the school. Resting his chin in his hand, he started trying to think if there was any better way to go about this. Eventually though, he realised that anything else he tried wouldn't really matter, and instead just started making his way back to the 1-C dorms in the hopes that she'd already gotten there and he'd just missed her.

Just before he reached the entrance to the common room, he barely managed to avoid colliding with another student. The guy came around the corner at just the wrong moment, and Michael had to quickly desummon his swords and do this weird cartwheel-roll-flop to avoid him. Miraculously, he managed to land on his feet, and after a moment of letting that realization sink in, threw his arms into the air in a glorious victory pose. Eventually, he managed to drag himself out of his celebration and turn back to the guy.

"Jeez, barely even got to the school and I'm already way cooler than usual. Sure hope it lasts, huh?" He said with a grin. "I didn't see you in the common room before, so hey, I'm Michael!"

As he spoke, he gave this dumb little wave, hoping that it looked friendly and wouldn't just annoy the guy, but also not really caring that much after his awesome acrobatic feats.
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