Lily took out her smartphone as she lifted off her motorcycle; it was a yellow one, covered in girly decorations and glitter and with a keychain decorated like a stylish heart. She leaned back, ready to take a selfie with Alex and Tetrad.
”Say cheese!”But just as the photo snapped, Alex had reacted to the noise coming from the forest, making him frown even more than usual. Lily pouted as she checked the picture.
”Hey Alex, you could smile a bit mo-Eh?” She blinked, and realized Alex spoke about pursuers.
”No way! But how? We didn’t leave any-Oh crap-piola!” She looked behind the motorcycle, and saw the tire mark.
”This is bad! We need to leave!”She then looked up, and yelped; Silhouette was looking back towards the forest, her weapon drawn, and eyes burning with anticipation; Lily figured that though the stoic girl tried to hide it, she looked forward to fighting their pursuers.
But Lily didn’t have time to remark on it, as Mika made a dive off her nimbus cloud back in the forest, and hit what looked like a mound of mossy rocks with her turtle shell body.
”Mika!” She yelled, and took off at high speed on her motorcycle back to the forest, where the forest troll roared in fury after being rudely woken up. After it managed to rise up to sit, it saw the shell laying at its feet. Instead of picking it up, the troll instead growled and kicked it, causing Mika’s shell to be cracked and her to be struck with a heavy blow as she flew back out of the forest. It was then that more voices of the Ascendancy picked up, now shouting orders to each other.
“Hostile T-type spotted!”
“Careful, don’t share eye contact!”
“Why did it wake up?”
The forest troll now stood up, and, being dumb as a boot, thought that the Ascendancy caused the disturbance. “RUIN BEJUTEH SLEPP! SMASH!”
It then charged right at them, distracting the agents.
“Watch out! It has a venomous bite!”
”Oh wow, Mika managed to pull it off!” Lily shouted as she made a sharp turn, the motorcycle nearly hugging the dirt as she scooped up Mika’s battered body, hoisting her over her shoulder before turning. She now sped back towards the Crystal Curtain, speeding next to the mountainous structure. She looked back, and saw that the nimbus cloud was dragging behind.
”Faster, faster! You gotta -Oh, maybe this works!”She pulled out her bow, took aim, and shot an arrow at the cloud; it accelerated, zipping through the sky at great speed, forcing Sil and Katarina to brace themselves lest they fall off.
”It worked! I can enchant my arrows with Time magic! Yay!”
Not long after, the group had reached the great gates of the Overcity. As before with Valkyrie and Ronin, the guards crossed their weapons, a hand raised.
“Halt! State your business.”
”Oh geez, can’t you see she’s hurt?” She now held Mika in her arms; she looked roughed up, and unable to stand up on her own from the pain.
”She needs special healing, or she might die! Please, you gotta let us through!”The guards sighed. “Very well, you may pass. But you are responsible for this group’s actions.”
They opened the gates, and let the group witness the wonders of the Overcity proper.
“There is a hospital at the Overcity’s Central district, but depending on your friend’s condition, you may want to seek out emergency care at the Magical Services district, as it is a shorter distance there. We have spoken.”
Lily nodded as she stared out at the bustling metropolis, her jaw open in awe.
”Wowie wow-wow...” She vocally expressed her surprise at the sight, and looked back at the guards.
”This place is incredible!”
As the Ascendancy group came closer, the victors saw how individual members stood out;
At the lead was Violet, now looking upset more than smug as she hopped over the snow, her oversized jacket trailing behind her. She was followed by the priestess girl and the girl dressed in blue. These three have previously been seen by Alicia and Serenity back at the ice rink. However, Juliana was not in this group. Instead, an
angelic-looking girl with a black sword, an
elegantly dressed fencer girl in glasses, and a
girl with a large metal fist were following Violet’s lead.
As the girls came within viewing distance, both Nuncio and Mariette had fled, the former drifting down the river, and the latter disappearing in one of her trademark portals.
”Geez, here you were!” Violet greeted the remaining girls with an exasperated tone.
“Thanks to the local branch, we were left with outdated intelligence, so we had to run all over Penrose to find you!”“Wait, one of them left,” the fencer girl noted, adjusting her red glasses. “They used a variant of Space magic.” The blue girl next to her gasped. “No way, could it be...The Reflective Witch?”
Violet smirked as she spotted the lich’s remains, and signalled for the angelic girl; she in turn summoned a Beckoner resembling a military doll.
”Well, that explains how we’re late; she must have helped you. Still, this is embarrassing,” she muttered with a finger to her forehead, before she got her smile back.
”Anyway, thank you for your assistance, but we have now have another problem.”She pointed at Hilaria.
”You have been corrupted by dark forces. But fret not, for we can purify you. Now, assume human form and surrender, or we will be forced to put you down.”She looked at the others.
”And if any of you jump in to defend her, you will be dealt the same fate.”The priestess girl stared at Hilaria, but then blinked. “Wait, Violet...Isn’t she the one?”
”Huh?” Violet glanced aside with a raised eyebrow.
”What do you mean, Delphi?”The priestess bit her lip.
“She matches the description we were given. The one the Cardinal gave when we arrived in Penrose.” The rest of the Ascendancy’s eyes opened, and held their weapons firmly, whispering among one another. Violet herself scoffed.
”That’s impossible. The Eternal is said to have wandered the earth for over a thousand years. But no corrupted girl could survive that long.” She looked back at Hilaria, a gaze of contempt in her eyes.
”But if it is true, then by Cardinal Isthar’s orders we request you to come along with us to meet with her; she wants to personally see you for some reason.”
In a dark room, only lit by numerous screens that showed various parts of Penrose, a certain girl was munching on a snack as she fiddled with a smartphone. On the desk before her were other smartphones as well. One of them suddenly rang, and she picked it up. She knew who it was before she heard her voice.
“A lot more than you’d think, Mariette.” The girl pressed a couple of keys on the keyboard, and the screens shifted to recordings. “While we were gone, a power vacuum formed. Some magical girls attempted filling it, but soon monsters came in. These liches seemed like the worst ones though; they managed to cause considerable damage before the Ascendancy came in two weeks ago. The dark magical girls and monster girls have in turn banded together, using the sewers as their way to move around unseen. Glimmr has also exploded in activity thanks to a local internet celebrity with plans for a concert. My hunch is that it’s an attempt to stage a war on Beacon, but I’ll need more information to confirm it.” She sighed. “That’s all you’re gonna get for now. Try to find out more from the local girls. And whatever you do, stay hidden from the Ascendancy; you’re on their hit list thanks to Alicia, and won’t stop hunting you down if they see you.”
FanFan graciously accepted the Soul Gem Celia gave to her, and made a curtsy, her ladylike mannerisms visibly contrasting the metallic arms extending above her that carried Anaya. “Oh, thank you ever so much~”
While Dawn conversed with Celia and the Djinn twins, Leena had called in a Beckoner called “Sergeant Snuggles,” and requested an extraction. The Beckoner nodded, and the magical girl turned her attention back to the new arrivals. She nodded at Dawn’s suggestion.
“That’s fine; we could ask a few questions over a cup of coffee.”
FanFan pouted. “But you promised me we’d have a tea party!”
Leena rolled her eyes. “Fine, we’ll grab a cake on our way. But I need my drinks black and bitter.”
It was then that the Djinn twins hinted more about their history with Beacon, causing FanFan to squee. “Really? Oh, we are grateful for the assistance you have provided to the local branch. They seem to be doing really poorly.” Leena on the other hand wasn’t as enthused. “Djinn sisters...” She crossed her arms and closed her eyes, as if thinking deeply. “That sounds familiar, but why? Eh, can’t remember.”
FanFan looked around, looking sad. “You said we could grab a cake, but...All the shops are closed. Waaah!” She cried. “I wish I had a cute cake for my tea party!”
Rachel acknowledged Alicia’s retort with an aside glance, bu did not reply back, having made her intent clear for the newly named branch head. However, when she sentenced Serenity to community service, she gave a single, slow nod. “That is...adequate. Personally, I would have had her clean the dining hall with a toothbrush, but that will suffice.” Elora nodded, and the screen opened up to a map with red circles on a few spots; on of them lit up. “These are the areas with confirmed cases of anti-Beacon vandalism. Serenity can handle the K1-B0 area. And yes, if Aurelio joins her, then there will be no problems.” Tsuki now approached Alicia, giving her a salute. “We are counting on you to bring Penny back to the fold, Paladin Seraph. May the light of Beacon guide you.”
The Overcity guards acknowledged Amanda’s directions with a brisk nod. “Understood. Hank you for your co-operation, citizen.” “Stop, criminal scum!” They dashed into the alleyway, but Amanda would notice that they turned left, as Ronin had told them. However, before she could correct them, they had already disappeared down the busy streets.
Valkyrie held her head, still a bit dazed from the effects of the hypnotic spell, but made her weapon disappear, greeting Amanda with a quick wave of her hand.
“I’m fine. Thank you for your help, Amanda.“ She offered a handshake to the Illusion specialist.
“My name is Valkyrie. We are seeking a way to Penrose, and were told that a person named Jill is capable of taking us there. The box you saved from the clutches of those thieves is to be delivered to her.“ She noticed that Ronin had already began continuing on her way.
“I would like to repay you for your assistance. Unfortunately, we must be off, for time is of the essence. Goodbye.“ The angelic magical girl then joined up with Ronin, as the went on their way through the Entertainment district without further issue. If Amanda wanted, she could join the two without objections.
Following the directions given by the strange shopkeeper, Ronin and Valkyrie found themselves at the start of a literal highway that floated up without supports, snaking and curving it’s way between buildings like Rainbow Road from Mario Kart. The road was marked with glowing runes, and as they stepped on one, they found themselves moving much faster, accelerating into a speed not unlike a racing car. Thus, they fulfilled the “zoom zoom” part of the directions.
Finally, descending down to street level after an intersection straight ahead, Ronin and Valkyrie had finally reached the Magical Services district; it was also a large and busy collection of streets, though more conventional in it’s appearance compared to the glitzy avenues from before. There was a small clinic that primarily dealt with the removing of curses and hexes, though they also took in regular patients. There was a workshop specializing in the repair and maintenance of magical artifacts, and shops that sold enchantments too irregular to be sold as potions and elixirs. It didn’t take long before they found what they were looking for: a cute little house resembling an atelier, with a bed of blue roses growing on a windowsill, and a modest flower garden growing behind the fence. It’s idyllic appearance contrasted with the more modern and flashier buildings around it, and had a simple wooden sign with a rose decoration. On the sign was written in red cursive: “Jill’s Instant Deliveries.”
When the two entered the shop, a cute ring of a bell attached to the door could be softly heard. Ronin then saw that the simple yet elegant aesthetic was further emphasized in the interior decor; flowery designs were the norm, with sprinkles of cute imagery, but not to an exhaustive or obsessive degree. One might even claim the design was old-fashioned and boring by magical girl standards, but it served its purpose without being distracting. The entrance room was split into a small waiting area with simple yet pleasant wooden chairs, followed by a reception room of sorts, with a wooden front desk currently unattended.
”Just a minute~” The two heard the voice of a girl from the back.
And then, after a short moment, the door to the back opened, and a
girl stepped behind the counter.
”Please excuse me for making you wait. How may I help you?” She asked politely.
Valerie found an abandoned bicycle that was hit by one of the attacks during the battle, mangling it useless; Valerie could use the metal as material for repairing her sword. Penny on the other hand had begun her “feast”, resulting in Sirkkeli’s broken body disappearing until not a single part remained. Her ShineSpark burned in her chest, warning her a couple of times more that she was consuming corrupted material, before it ended, the magic now recognizing that she was corrupting herself on purpose. The vile magic seeped into her veins like an entire bottle of bubbling coke as it corrupted her, causing a tingling feeling Penny recognized from her time as the Destruction Deity’s chosen one, fulfilling her destiny of remaking with her fists. However, instead of developing an obsession or urge, it instead changed something in her very core, causing her to manifest a Black Soul Mutation.
But there were also positives to consuming an entire body of corrupted metal; Penny’s gut feeling was right: it would take some time for her Metal magic to adjust, but soon, she can turn her armor plates more reactive, turning into small spikes, shells, and even interlocked scales in response to attacks (+1 VIT). She could also form blades below the shoulder, with in-built injection mechanisms that connect to tiny vials she can access via small hatches in her elbows. These vials are slowly filled with a special mold from semi-organic glands located in her shoulders; the mold, while not as durable or deadly as with Sirkkeli, is still capable of rusting and slowly corroding metallic material, spreading over a short period of time. And in her gullet, another gland formed, allowing her to spit a glue-like formula that can immobilize weak targets. These abilities require considerable mana due to their unnatural origins, but provide new tools for the monster girl.

Helga graciously accepted the coin Eliza gave her, and happily wrote down her information to the guest register.” She then quickly gave a choice of rooms for Eliza to pick from; the witchy monster girl would notice that there were a lot of vacant rooms. Then, once the room was chosen, Helga gave the room key to Eliza. “Thank you very much. We will be having beans and bacon for breakfast.” She bowed. “We hope you have a pleasant stay here.”
Helga then waited to see if Eliza had any more questions as Emily joined them. The ghosts, having regained their composure, floated down to the lobby, also greeting Eliza.
“Hello there,” Jillian first spoke, followed by a shy wave of a hand from Julia, staying close to Jillian.
“Things have turned pretty bad here in Penrose, huh?” The former continued. “Apparently the three days we spent at the beach turned into months here. Isn’t that crazy or what?”
Meanwhile, Helga spoke to Emily. “Will you be staying the night here as well?” She asked, now looking concerned. ”I've waited long enough. Let’s see if this works.“ She took out her friendship Stone, and used it to contact Su. “Su, are you there?” She asked, hoping she answered.
“I never yield.”— Vermin KillerEven with most of Penrose put out of commission, there were still places where life seemed to thrive, or at least had the appearance of such. One of these false bastions of life was the Pit Stop, which had long been a hideout for various Mint agents and their leaders. Though on the surface, it just looked like a business struggling to light up a corner of this dark city.
Vermin Killer wandered in, fully transformed. He didn’t walk far before one of the waitresses approached him and wordlessly gave him a look. “What the frick are you doing here looking like that?” was practically written across her face.
“This place has got to be the worst kept secret in Penrose.” His words didn’t give her much reassurance. With a snort, he continued.
“I care not for your attitude, I’d like to see the manager.” The waitress gave a small nod in response before storming off. Vermin Killer adjusted his hat before taking a seat at a nearby table. While he waited, he picked up a salt shaker and examined it. Fairly standard, just a glass vial with a metal cap and an “S” on the front.
When Vermin Killer lifted his eyes up from the salt shaker, a
figure was sitting across from him, an expensive cigar precariously hanging off the corner of his lip; even with his skills of perception, he couldn’t tell when he had exactly appeared on that spot. The Coin Broker of Ebon Mint looked irritated, and cast his gaze up at him with a look of scorn.
“Ay, V,” Al Scarpe grunted, and lifted the cigar between his index and middle finger. He took a lighter with a ruby embedded in it from his pocket, and one click later smoke poured out from the rolled bundle. “Took your sweet time. Playing around, huh?”
Vermin Slayer placed the salt shaker down
”I encountered Shion not long ago and decided to test her abilities.” He pulled back his collar to reveal several scrapes on his neck.
He took in a lungful of the foul, tarry substance, and blew out a black ring of smoke. “I was right.” He leaned back on his seat, and made a beckoning gesture to one of the waitresses, who went to retrieve a drink from the kitchen. “You better have a good reason for calling me. I got enough shit to deal with the medieval morons making a ruckus.”
”That’s precisely why I’ve decided to show myself.” He let go of his collar and folded his hands together.
”A large quantity of Penrose’s magical girl population was swept away to an alternate dimension, myself included. I wrote up a report to save you the trouble of debriefing me.” Vermin Killer pulled an unmarked manila envelope out of his coat and placed it in front of Al.
”The short version is that some djinn girls granted a wish for a vacation, and it was hijacked by a lesser force.” Al put the cigar back in his mouth, and picked up the envelope. “Really now? I do remember having received word that some wish magic was spread around. I thought they were con artists selling snakeskin tonics for impressionable girls.” With a single, smooth shake of his hand, the paper dropped from the envelope, and held aloft by black smoke that pushed it up. He took the paper in his hand and skimmed through it as he took a sip of his drink
”It must have been powerful magic, as Cindy Ford and Veronica were present there as well.” He adjusted his hat while Al looked through Vermin Killer’s notes… But Al froze when Vermin Killer mentioned a certain name.
He laughed as he checked the pics of her out. “Hah...So that’s where you were hiding, on some tropical paradise. And now you’re back.” For the briefest moment, as he looked upon the pics of Veronica, seeing her smile, his eyes seemed to turn softer.
”I’ve only been here a few hours, so you’ll have to pardon any typos. Hopefully the pictures make up for it.”Al’s gaze turned sharp as he remembered the situation. “They did,” he responded coldly, taking his lighter and burning the paper right in front of Vermin Killer’s face, letting the cinders fall on the table. He gnashed his teeth. “And I thought I got rid of her. Phah. But if what you’re saying is true, those wishmakers might be just the solution the Mint would want. Don’t you agree, V?”
Vermin Killer gave a single nod.
”Eliminated or put in our custody. I was able to get a glimpse of them and they are protected by a powerful array of magics. Breaching them will be difficult, but better we get them before anyone else does.” V sat upright and folded his arms.
”I could pursue them, but I’ll need help. A plan at the very least. Something you or those higher up the chain can orchestrate in a more secure location.”Al puffed out a smoke. “Perhaps. But if there’s a resurgence of magic in Penrose, that’s going to stir the pot. And we’re going to kick it over.”
”What would you like me to do?” He leaned forward, crushing the embers under his elbow.
”You had some problems with medieval morons?”He made a sweep of his arm, and a newspaper appeared on the table. The news article on it morphed into a black and white map of Penrose, complete with colored pins sticking out of it. ”First off, this Cindy broad. She’s back, which means she’s going to make her move, and rally most of the runners in the city.” It was a term used exclusively by Mint, and referred to people indebted to Mint who have refused to pay. “All we gotta do is make sure the nun squad and Cindy get right at each other’s throats. When the dust settles, we’ll have two birds killed with one stone. But, that’s not all.”
He paused as he placed his finger on the red pin. “Veronica can’t ignore the bait. When she sends her Crimson Crap to meddle, we’ll catch e’m hook, line and sinker.” He then pressed on it with enough strength to bend it.
V looked over the map.
”Cindy and Beacon fighting each other is practically a given. Their fall is practically ensured, as well as anyone who joins them. Ensuring they keep fighting shouldn’t be hard.” He fret his brow.
”Your trap lacks bait.” He waved his hand over the table.
”Veronica is a former coin broker. She’s likely looking at this entire situation the same way you are. Beacon is just as much our enemy as they are hers, and Cindy was one of the few people I never saw her try to get in contact with. The key difference is that unlike her, we have vastly more resources.” Crows started to climb out from his sleeves, and they didn’t stop coming.
”I’m aware you don’t care for her Al, but Mint is still the third biggest organization in Penrose. Let Beacon and Cindy sow discord, let the Cradle and the hundred or so other entities bide their time in the shadows. We’ll use the unrest to sign some contracts, get our numbers up, spread like a murder of crows…” Before long, the entire map was covered in crows.
”…And devour the carrion wherever it hides.” He chuckled.
”Well, that’s what I’d do anyway. But if you think we can remove Veronica from play early, I will assist however you deem fit.” V placed a hand on his shoulder and bowed forward. The crows were quick to race into his coat while he was bent over like this.
Al tapped his cigar, causing black soot to fall down and scattering the crows off the map. “Nah, too early to call a whack in.” He paused for a moment, twirling his cigar.
“We’ll need jobbers. Send Chloe a crow, and Eliza too if you see her on your way.” He smiled menacingly, and produced a letter from the floating smoke, letting it glide to Vermin Killer. “If my gut is right, they’re both planning to jump to the C-team after botching their jobs. But I’ll give them one more chance to redeem themselves...After all, sometimes people need to be reminded of the chips they’ve thrown in after the cards are dealt.” He handed V a couple of mysterious items, hidden in shadow as it passed in a handshake. “And if need be...give them the Ace of Diamonds.”
”Such a thing can be arranged.” V stood up from the table.
Al nodded. “Bene. I also managed to hook a new contract with one of the local awakened ones. That broad was real perceptive; managed to spot me the moment I appeared. I think she’ll be very useful to us...”
”If you have no additional requests, I will return to my previous assignments. Do contact me should something come up.” He was about to back away from the table when he stopped.
”Right.” He turned back towards Al.
”The plucky detective. Where are her current whereabouts? She was useful for spying on the Penrose Outer Alliance.”Al put a hand to his chin, a realization having hit him. “Oh yeah, the nosy sleuth? Was caught snooping around some hot coals, see? The girls brought her in before she burned herself.” He rubbed his cigar down on the map, putting it out and causing the map to burn up into a quickly-fading puff of smoke. “So now she’s holed up in one of our hideouts, but it’s a real crack in the caboose. Somebody was supposed to interrogate her, but every agent kept throwing it to the next one. Seemed nobody wanted to deal with the loud twerp. Phah! No sense of accountability.”
In the Ebon Mint, one was supposed to complete the job assigned to them. However, because of the indirect and subtle ways of communication the organization uses, certain jobs are passed on, from operative to operative. Usually coin brokers catch these skippers early into the process, but because of the Ascendancy, this particular job has been passed forward long enough for it’s original receiver to have made the run.
He crushed the cigar in his hand. “Viper was the latest one to get it. Send a crow, and tell her she is going to do it, and nobody else: I’m not going to read a report on it from anyone but her. Capische?” Vermin Killer left with a nod, and Al emptied his drink with a single swig. “Things are about to get a whole lot more interesting around these parts soon,” he mused to himself, leaning an arm back on his seat. In that quiet moment, Al turned still.
“...Hah. How amusing.”
Then, without saying another word, he disappeared into the shadows.
A couple of seconds later, a cry of fear could be heard, as a certain girl with a pale face remained, shaking even as she pressed against the outer wall of the diner, her legs barely able to keep her steady.
‘No way...Sammy!?‘