Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by NeoAJ
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NeoAJ Fine. I'll High Five Myself.

Member Seen 9 days ago

She's having a fucking laugh, right? She can't actually do that...

Kieran was still a bit in shock after the assembly. The early wake up call didn't help matters. While hangovers didn't have much of an impact on the Newfoundlander, having to wake up before 10 am did. Even if it was 90 minutes later back home on the Rock. Still didn't matter. Certainly doesn't help to get the news that the esteemed head of the campus decided to drop.

First, the fact that she actually knew about it meant there was a snitch in the ranks. Anyone who squeals is instantly ostracized for breaking the code in the locker room and Kieran adhered to those tenets in life. A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell, and a brother doesn't sell out a brother. Whoever went to the top sold out an entire class of students. Not cool.

Second, academic probation was not something Kieran could afford right now. He managed to slide through with a 2.3 GPA last year, but he could ill-afford being dropped down even further. Coach Smolinski wasn't exactly strict with the grades, but he still cracked the whip enough to keep the heat off. Besides, how was Kieran going to attract those NHL scouts if he wasn't able to play any games?

It all stunk. It stunk to high heaven. It stunk like the April catch of the day in July. But there was nothing Kieran could do about it.

He wasn't a trust fund baby. He didn't have any famous fathers. He was just here to make the hockey team look good, and it wasn't even good enough for a Frozen Four invite last year. There was no way he could guarantee safety.

It just made him mad. Something very difficult to do to the usually even-keeled Canadian, but it was frustrating. On the way out of the assembly, he punched a nearby drinking fountain hard enough to stick the button in the on position, to the dismay of eco-activists everywhere. His phone was buzzing. He didn't care to look at it right now. He just had to find some way to release this frustration.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Otterpop
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Otterpop 〖 ωєєв qυєєи 〗

Member Seen 22 days ago

"And you really didn't see anything, Ellie? My god, you miss the biggest part of your "Great Bash" or whatever you call it and you don't even care? Your killing me bud." Elliot sat outside after the big announcement of the entire third year class being put on probation, his older sister Amelia had unsurprisingly come across the video the featured Theo and Cass trying to be alphas. Unlike his other sister who was always working a case, Amelia ran a bookstore and thrived off the shenanigans her baby brother got involved in. Unfortunately for her though he wasn't that adventurous so her thrills were few and far in between.

"I was busy taking to a douchbag who thought it would be fun to rile me up." Amelia snickered, she knew how easy it was to get a reaction out of Elliot. He was made it way to easy and it was too much fun to tease and play with him. "Awe, did someone hurt your feelings? Suck it up buttercup, your a big boy so I'm sure you handled it." Elliot sighed as he leaned back against the wall, his eyes scanning over the crowd of people who had started to gather in the courtyard. "If you can call telling him to fuck off handling it, then sure that's what I did."

"Oh such a big boy! You know mom is going to flip when she finds out about the academic probation. Sure does suck to be you buddy." He couldn't help but laugh, Amelia could always get him to smile or laugh when he was stressed. "Your kind of a bitch, but a bitch I love." He was grinning as he said it. Amelia let out a laugh, "I love you too, little brother. I gotta go someone just came into the store. I'll call you next week!" Before he could get another word out she hung the call up.

Before Elliot could put his phone down a pop-up flashed on his screen saying he'd received a text message. Quietly he read it and proceeded to almost laugh, he had seen how it had been sent to several people and he was certain this message was only meant for one person. Curiously he looked around and saw an altercation between several people, he couldn't really see who it was due to their backs being turned towards him but it was pretty obvious what was going on. He let out a small chuckle as he got up off the bench he'd been sitting on and shoved his hands in his pockets.

He moved to a vending machine and bought himself a drink. He personally wasn't worried about the academic probation, he was always very careful about keeping his grades as high as they could be and he didn't touch sports. He started to zone out as he began to just think.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by NeoAJ
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NeoAJ Fine. I'll High Five Myself.

Member Seen 9 days ago

She is fucking joking, right? She can't actually do this.

Jade was sure this wasn't possible. An entire year of students placed on ACADEMIC probation? That couldn't be allowed. How the hell was anything that would have happened on the weekend be allowed to so drastically alter the entire year on something completely unrelated! This was unacceptable!

Of course, who was she to talk about unacceptable? The events of Saturday night rang clear as day in her mind. No matter how resplendent it seemed in the moment. The fact that for once she felt so carefree as to jump into the lake in just her underwear with Joey Hart. As to KISS Joey Hart. It was so confusing. It felt so good, but was so wrong. It didn't live in the black and white world. It was well in those shades of grey that people talk about.

It was why Jade couldn't bear to show herself yesterday. She went for her run around 9pm, just to try and avoid having to talk to her fellow sisters about what exactly went down. In case Joey and Lottie decided to have some words. It was not Jade's place to create drama. At least none that directly involved Miss Beaumonte. That bitch was going to hear about this. If Jade Scott ended up being booted from the soccer team, the press would certainly hear about it. She wanted Evil Jade, she would get Evil Jade. Now that Jade knew Evil Jade was real. Although why Evil Jade would allow Nate to touch her boobs who needed to apologize for it was beyond her. Must have been a mistake text.

Speaking of which, the star athlete was stewing in the halls when she was interrupted by what seemed like a very driven Charlotte Diedrikson walking away towards the exits. She looked just as unhappy has Jade was, but it was coming from an opposite direction. Unless she was so pissed at the developing events that she an about face to pace in the hallways, there was something else going on. What the hell? She wasn't that pissed when she left, was she? Of course, how the hell would I know? Fuck, I hope it's not my fault. Wait, why would it be my fault? What did I do? ...What didn't I do? Ugh... I... fuck.

Jade dashed into a nearby bathroom and started running the sink, splashing some water on her to try and snap herself back into some kind of reality. There was no way Lottie would be hunting for her. It didn't make sense. Of course, it also didn't make sense that some asshole would sellout their entire year to the fun police, but things this year didn't seem to want to make sense so far. As the cold liquid attempted to reboot her system, she couldn't think about anything else right now other than the frigid feelings on her face. And that was probably for the best at the moment.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Academic probation? Shiloh rubbed her eyes wondering what the hell that even was as she shuffled her way back to her dorm room following the assembly. She had managed to wake up for the “mandatory” assembly, but not with enough time or energy to actually get ready for it. Her hair was piled in a messy bun knotted atop her head, without a stitch of makeup on her face, bags the size of alaska under her eyes, no bra, gen one starter Pokemon flannel pajama pants on, and wearing a tattered old shirt for her dad’s band, Mutiny of the Groove.

Unlike many of her fellow students, Shi’s zombie-like state was not due to a hangover. Nope, she was struck with a sore throat and a fever the very night she had moved back to campus for the semester. Student health services confirmed that it was strep throat on Friday and prescribed her with some delicious bubble gum flavored antibiotics and urged her to stay in her dorm room until she was fever-free for at least 24 hours. Despite her rebellious nature, Shiloh obeyed the doctors orders, mostly because she felt like a pile of steaming dogshit.

The real pisser was that she had to miss the Bash because of this damned cold. While all of her friends were raging to their heart's content, like she wished she could be, Shi had spent her Saturday night blissed out on whatever pain pills Connor had offered her to feel better. She probably shouldn’t have taken the whole handful at once, but oh well. Shiloh also wasn’t sure she’d thanked him yet, so she pulled out her cell phone to text him:

To: Connor
thanks for the pain candy
i cant rly remember much
ur an angel

Speaking of not remembering the weekend, Shiloh brought her gaze up to her room as she opened up the door. It looked like some monstrous body snatcher had taken over her and absolutely trashed the room while she was sick. There were crumpled tissues everywhere, multiple half-drank bottles of water lying around, a pile of blankets on her unmade bed which buried a now dead, custom pastel pink and blue Nintendo Switch that she could vaguely remember replaying Breath of the Wild on for a few hours yesterday. She would clean this later… for now, she needed to shower this literal and figurative funk off, because she was actually starting to feel a little bit better.

After her shower, Shiloh downed a dose of the bright pink medicine she would have to take for the next two weeks. No biggie, she liked the taste of it. She combed out her hair to let it air dry and put on a ruffled pale pink dress, but didn’t bother with any makeup for the day. Before deciding to go out and maybe meet up with her friends, she took her temperature. No fever, and it’d probably been more or less 24 hours since, so... score!

Her throat was still achy and sore, so she could really go for a hot cup of tea and honey. Rather than make some from her own personal stash, Shiloh wanted to treat herself to some time outside these stuffy four walls that she had spent the last three days in and made her way to the campus coffee shop, The Bean. While waiting in line for her pomegranate herbal tea, she decided to text her good friend about his sudden bout of toxic masculinity — and the infamous video that led to this morning’s assembly.

To: Teddybear
i want the deets, brutus
meet me at the bean?
i already ordered your favorite

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 14 days ago

Let's heat it up with this number!

Dana's breath was leaving her in short, staccato gasps, but her exhales were little more than afterthoughts; it was oxygen that mattered, oxygen to her brain, keeping the fire in her eyes and heart lit. Normally she was up and out before the dawn hour, but this morning she had chosen to sleep in. An ill portent had struck her the night before, a feeling that the day she would be confronting when she opened her eyes would be a hellish one, better spent in bed until the storm blew over. Her heart had been fluttering while she rolled from side to side, reclined on her back, and tried to pinpoint what exactly the clenched feeling beneath the surface of her chest was. When she finally determined it was, in fact, a fearful impulse - the idea of hiding from the real world underneath her covers, maybe exchanging cute texts with Shiloh and Cass, or having Lola provide her status updates from relative safety - she felt her blood start to literally boil, and her sleep became a frightful place, full of angry nightmares and bizarre details.

She could feel her heart fluttering now, and it brought her a vengeful glee. A giant grin had unfurled across her face. She was burning the cowardice right out of that motherfucker.

O K!
Here we go!

Academic probation. The thought made her feel as though she was choking on her own hot blood. Where she came from, if some dried up bitch had attempted to do that to her, a blanket ban sprayed with all the efficacy and care of a Gatling gun, she would have found herself in a steakhouse after hours, being held down and served her own...her own fucking fingers! Yeah! Like diced cucumber! Her feet began pounding the pad beneath her, and she thought she imagined a faint acrid stench in her nostrils, like a tire fire. Good. The idea that her socks were on fire, or that she was scorching the pad beneath her, was a delusion Dana could get behind. It would only motivate her.

Academic probation. Forget that she hadn't even fucking been there, she wasn't even sure who had done what! Oh, there was the video online, but that? That was a fight! Fights were an expression of poetry through the body, a good way to get off steam, they were...they were just fights! Hardly worth a drastic blanket punishment over the whole grade! Let that wrinkled cunt Beaumonte grapple with four goons trying to pull her into the back of a Kei van and see what she thought about showing a little fucking fight. I miss Kobe.

Although judging by the looks of that party, it was Shibuya she really should have been missing.

Feet flying, Dana stuck a thin index finger out and pointed it in a wide radius, soaking in the worship of an imaginary audience. Her hand rose up to her face, forming a two-fingered V over her eyes as the sirens and BPM of her challenge song rose, rose, rooooose--


I'm so impressed I could cry! Thank you very much for your best dance!

Academic probation.

Her feet were a blur for the final flurry, and then she had conquered PARANOiA Revolution.

Dana was staring at her immaculate score, slim chest heaving underneath the tank top she'd thrown on to game. There was sweat across her brow and arms, and she felt as though her legs had been tackled out from under her by those damned meatheads from the party, but that was alright. What was important was the cowardice in her heart - namely, that she didn't feel it one bit. Dana felt as though she had volcanos for limbs and a geyser for a heart. Fuck yeah. Motherfucking fuck yeah.

She plopped backwards from her pad, landing on her disheveled-looking mattress and grabbing for her phone. She'd skipped a text from her mother, around the time her mother knew she would be up exercising. She would normally be afraid that Kikuko had wrecked her own sleep schedule, but the woman had always kept odd hours. When she was young Dana thought it had meant her mom was a superhero.

To: Mom
school is going well. i am with all my friends

Her heart wasn't calming down one bit. Good. Let it suffer.

To: Cassi
what the fuck. that foul evil bitch. i will slay her before they can deport me
motherfucker. what the hell even happened
how could she fucking do thi sto us
*do this
fuck. bitch
did you do anything??

Fuck. He will know I'm upset. That was all she needed, that moody Korean pout in her face on a day when she would need friends more than ever - to tie that old bitch up in the trunk of a car and feed her to sharks.

To: Cassi

Fooled him.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Aewin
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Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Academic probation.

To say that Evie was upset was an understatement. As she stumbled out the assembly hall, her mind filled with dizzying thoughts, she found herself taking a stroll to clear her head. Why should she have to be punished for an event she couldn't even attend?! Undoubtedly had Evie gotten the chance, Evie would have taken part in the Great Bash, but alas that was not the case. Instead, that Saturday evening she had been stuck in LA visiting her maternal grandmother for her birthday.

But the non-attendance wasn't even the only worst part! She was on probation. Evie could admit her grades... weren't the best, but that probation could fuck with any small chance she had at a future. Daddy surely wasn't going to be impressed hearing about the probation. She could feel her phone buzz incessantly, for once driving her insane. Did he already hear about it? God, she hoped not.

There was something about a video, Evie knew that much, that was the cause of this all. The chatter all around her in the auditorium as she took her leave was enough to clue her in on that. She pulled out her phone before blankly staring at the wall next to her. What would the uploader title the video anyway? She began to brainstorm, testing any options she thought was viable.

two boys fighting


two boys great bash

...Definitely not.

two boys great bash meadows

One glance at the thumbnail showed her more than enough. The auto preview was blurry, but she could tell that the two figures were in the middle of tearing each other's faces off, and the dash of red hair was enough to tell her that she had the right video. She didn't bother clicking on it, however. The last thing she wanted was to witness the violence for herself. Instead, she switched the tab from Youtube to her texts, where she opened her chat with Junie.

Junie 🥰😊🤩
so much violins in this college ugh
omg im a genious
im so used to typing violins lolll

Finally, Evie decided to check what was causing her phone to blow up more than usual. It was a text from Nate, and a quick scan of it left Evie utterly befuddled...

"But I didn't even go to the bash..." Evie stared down at the screen with a face of confusion. Nope, she was sure her boobs were very much ungroped. Looking around her at her surroundings, she realised she was not the only one to receive the text, the entire yard was filled with buzzing and chatting about a text, which she assumed was about the text from Nate. Suddenly, she felt relieved. Oh, thank god! It wasn't for her, duh! Her panic about the probation was forgotten momentarily for the interesting turn of events.

Instead of texting a response to Nate, she opened her chat with Junie again.

Junie 🥰😊🤩
omg did get the txt
of course udid lol nvm

Evie slipped her phone back into her skirt pocket when she decided she had enough of being on her lonesome. Another quick scan of her surroundings later and she found a familiar silhouette, with his back to her. She snuck up behind the figure before reaching up and pretending to cover Elliot's eyes (taking great care not to smudge the lens of his glasses) with her hands.

"Hello! Or, should I say, cello."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by spooner
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spooner *cough*

Member Seen 2 mos ago

“Fucking freshmen…” MacKenna grumbled as she continues chewing with a frown on her scrolling through er phone. “No… no the there is not only one video.” she said the annoyance growing in her voice. “See!” she exclaimed shoving her phone under Connor’s nose scrolling through the few videos under the #bashbrawl tag all with different angles. “And they’re all posted to anonymous meadow gossip accounts.” Mac almost growled.

She put down her wrap and crossed her arms in front of her still thinking. “You and I both know that the vegetables running this school wouldn’t have found this video on their own. Which means someone ratted!” she exclaimed slamming her palm down on the table. “But what little bitch would do something like that?!” she asked loudly.

“Pfft…” she exhaled an irritated breath crumpling her wrapper and tossing it back on her tray. “About as good as my neurotic dad could’ve taken it I guess.” she lamented still scrolling through her phone “I’m not that worried about it though my uncle is like the highest-ranked DA in the country, and if I know my cousin right she has already made him take action.” she said flicking her eyes up to Connor when he asked about some text message.

“Who? What?” she looked in her inbox as she asked the question. There it was a new text message from someone she had saved in her phone as ‘Int Com project partner’. “Hey...blabla..sorry for... groping… it was an accident Mac mumbled as she read the message that was clearly not meant to be sent to her. “Mmhmm ‘accident’...” she said in a none believer voice. “Well fuck... keep me out of it!”

The small Asian girl held up a hand as Connor started to talk about what had transpired at the bash. “Stop. You don’t have to apologize for those dickbrains.” she smirked. “I’m the one who should say sorry for blowing up on you…” Mac smiled at the blond. “Just let Theo know that he is an idiot… though I think he already knows this.” she laughed standing up and grabbing her the remnants of her lunch, throwing it away, and placing the tray on the pickup trolley. “Thanks for letting me vent Conner, see you around yeah?” Mac said flicking her hair over her shoulder as she made her way towards her next class.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: Cafetaria -> Toilet

"Yeah, it's spread like wildfire." Connor replied and shrugged before continuing. "I was thinking something along the lines of the originator being a freshie. Couldn't have been someone in our year, right?"

"I don't know, but they broke the unspoken rule of the bash." The blond said, taking the last sip of his soda and then crushing the can to enunciate his next words. "Probably be hard to track whoever it was, though."

"Hah. It's good to have friends in high places, I wager." Connor said. Mac had already finished off her food and was bid the blond a farewell. He shot her a smile and nodded as she went her way. "Left as abruptly as she appeared, typical Mac." He murmured to himself. His phone had been blowing up for awhile now. Gerard, his brother had elevated the panicked text messages into phone calls. The blond opted to ignore it in favour of replying to Shiloh's text. She had been under the weather for quite a bit.

Pausing for a minute he began typing a reply; 'Yo Shi. Yeah you've texted me this for the third time now. You doing alright?'. This was actually the first time she's texted him about the 'pain candy'. It was classic Connor, genuine concern salted with a side of 'screw with your friends a little bit'. He sent the reply with a chuckle.

Gerard called his phone for the fourth time. Connor groaned audibly. Returning the call is likely his best bet. Gerard may just fly out to Meadow and appear infront of Connor. The blond believed his brother was crazy enough to do that. He moved into an empty toilet for some semblance of privacy. With a sigh he internally braced himself for the eventual tongue lashing his brother would give him.

"Hey bro. Missed ya."

"Why did it take you so long to pick up the phone, Connor."

"Love you too, Gerard."

"Save it. What the hell's this about a goddamn probation!? You know Mom and Da-"

"Mom and Dad? HAH, don't even start with that, all of a sudden they give a crap? I fucking doubt it, Gerard."

"They do, Connor. You getting kicked out of Meadow isn't good for you right now! It'd bring up all sorts of issues with Mom and Dad."

"All sorts of issues!? Like what? They act like I didn't exist for years and all of a sudden they give a shit?"

"They really DO care, Connor."

"... Ohh I get it. Don't they have that shareholders meeting; they're trying to get more investments from the stakeholders?"

"It's not like that Conn-"

"The only time they acknowledge my existence is when I might make NOT them any money. I fucking get it. Alright, just tell Mom and Dad I'll be on my best behavior, I won't get kicked out. Then everything can go back to normal- with them ignoring me, right?

"Let me finish-"

Connor dropped the call. It took everything in him to not throw his phone against the wall. With a few deep breaths he tried to calm himself. The blond has not been riled up like that since, well, the last time he and his parents and brother conversed. He buried his face into his palms. He needed to relax, he has no idea why his parents trigger him that much. It's something deep-rooted inside him; even when he'd tried to reconcile or make amends it would just be another shitty excuse and him flipping out. Fuck, am I still a child? He figured that he would send Gerard an apology after he's calmed down.

"So much for that tongue lashing I thought Gerard would give me."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
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LovelyComplex Retired Zone

Member Seen 22 days ago

With her sunglasses on, and arms crossed, Diana slept the assembly away, with her drink from the Bean resting on the ground. Since the party, she hadn't seen the Delamar twins because one was sticking his dick in crazy and the other was an open door policy and kept herself busy. While she loved Ty and Jasper, they had a lot going on and for now, it was best if she let them do them, while she focused on her projects. It wasn't like Ty would listen to her anyways — he was a lovesick puppy and it was gross to watch. That Macmillan girl had more influence over him than she, or Jasper, anticipated.

Her best friend, Fifi, who was a fellow music lover and genius, didn't go to the party, which was pretty damn lame. Fiona left her alone to deal with the tomfoolery that was now punishing them all. Granted, if she did come, Dee might've not found that perfect opportunity to throw a football at a pretty little (fucking thin) redhead. Such was life and she'd be lying if she said she didn't enjoy making those two frustrated. Man, she almost had her.

Without her, would they have even gone all the way? Deets spread fast like wildfire. They only had her to thank! If it weren't for that stunt, they wouldn't have left the party. She'd have to remind Ty to thank her by buying her brunch sometime. Taking credit for providing the lovebirds the push they needed to inevitably screw all night, Dee sluggishly opened her eyes to an assembly room that was nearly empty.


It was over!

Her mom had already given her the low down prior to this grand event, like literally right before it. That woman was trying to take away her privileges at this school, like having 24/7 access to the music building. That didn't end well because it only turned into jokes that Dee woke up in Costa Rica with a pound of coke and a buttplug in her ass. Oh, and she totally threatened to tell dad all her mom's lovers.

Well, the top three.

Her mom was such a naive woman, thinking she had any authority over her. Hell, she was even demanding her to bring her C's to A's. Dee kindly declined. Her mother would accept those C's in her core classes. She only cared about her major courses (ie. all things revolving around music) and as such those would be the only classes she passed with flying colors. Everything else could suck it.

As she shuffled out of the building, caramel apple cider iced tea in hand, she stopped to see a big guy walk away from a now broken water fountain. She contemplated her day as she watched his backside. Maybe she should invite Fiona to a luncheon so she could listen to the fire boiling inside her? Listening to Fiona was always entertaining. To get academic probation when you didn't even get in on the fun must suck royally. Still, Dee found it all rather amusing.

People were getting so worked up when it was only a matter of time rich people would do what rich people do best. Put the school in it's place by scaring them. It didn't take much. All they had to do was say they would pull their sponsorship. At the end of the day, money was desperately needed to thrive. Any school needed money. An Ivy League school, though? It needed a guarantee of cash flow to sustain the excellence they say the kids were not meeting. If anything, the video made Meadow seem more appealing in the general public's eyes. This was the age of technology, and social media was the way of the future. No kid wants to go to a school to just study. Props to whoever posted the video, they should be proud about the mess they made. Messes were great. Messes meant attention and oh did she love attention.

Yawning widely, pushing the thought of lunch to the back burner, she strolled up to the guy, who was going to look at his phone for something. Actually, now that she thought about it, she DID feel a vibration in her bag. Eh, too much effort to take her phone out. She had better things to do. Tapping the back of his shoulder, while chewing the straw of her drink, she waited for him to turn around before saying, "I know your name starts with a K and you're one of the hockey boys. And.... that's all I know! So yeah." She continued to chew on her straw, while looking up at him. He was definitely large and in charge. Massive. "Hey. I'm Dee. The water fountain wanted me to ask you if you like drums? Might be a better way to... relieve yourself. No, not for pee, but for all that pent up aggression." She had a video to review anyways, so having company wouldn't hurt. Might be kind of nice to make a new friend, assuming he was down.

"You don't have to be good and if you break it, that's my mom's problem."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Boreas
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Boreas stay / chilly™

Member Seen 2 mos ago


“It’s an inescapable fate.. and definitely the last thing I want to deal with.” Cassian groaned quietly letting his eyes roll with emphasized dramatics as he leaned into his friend. The two of them were an unlikely pair, butting heads on their first few interactions but Cassian had grown quite a liking to the ever moody and slightly narcissistic flair Bastien had going for him. Nothing like having a solid mate to shatter your confidence with his snark and insults.

“Well more trouble than what you already put the whole junior year in” Cue the eye roll again, but perhaps less exaggerated, he had some part to play in this whole ordeal but wasn’t exactly up to taking up the blame Lola and Theo should shoulder on their own.

The next words that came flying out of Bastiens pretty mouth had Cas shoving him away and scoffing in disbelief, “When have Blake and I ever seen eye to eye on women? That dumbass was content with sacrificing all parts of himself to appease some brat. Speaking of, I could do with a few months of not seeing or hearing from that fucking piece of work.”

Cassian let out an angry huff but it was followed by a humorless chuckle as he ran his fingers through his hair, ”Lola sent the video of the fight between me and your brother to faculty. Even worse, she sent it directly to my coach. Shit, put me on academic probation because I wouldn’t sleep with you, sure whatever, but getting coach involved? That makes her a murder accomplice, doesn’t it?“

Cassian wasn’t worried about Bas apologizing for his brother, nor was he really interested in hearing Theo was reprimanded or whatever white people did to their problem children. Really the only thing he was stressing about was figuring out how he could increase his buoyancy before 6PM that day. Well, that and-

“You’re probably not the right person to ask for advice on this, but Junie is being a traitor and the rest of my friends are DDR-obsessed virgins or only have the capacity to think about football plays. But say I was interested in a girl, like to date or whatever, and I’ve been being me… which is not conducive to letting her know I might… hypothetically be interested in her…” Cassian couldn’t help but wince painfully at his own words but sighed in relief at the sound of his text tone.

The distraction was appreciated and Dana’s string of nonsense made him actually chuckle out loud, “Almost like she knew I mentioned her.” his tone was distracted as he typed a response back with nimble thumbs, cracking a half smirk as he slid his phone in his pocket.

To: Virgin-Chan

Not that I’m opposed to “the foul evil bitch” being slayed but I’m not sure academic probation is going to impede on your ability to play DDR for 16 hours a day. Your stamina is crazy you should put it to better use ;P

Uh I did do something. Let’s get ramen with the boys if I make it out alive after practice today and I’ll let you know.

Don’t bring any weapons with you.

“Actually, I think I have things figured out… hopefully enough to not make more of an ass out of myself. Where did you disappear to at the bash last night? Being antisocial again?”

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Melissa
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Melissa Melly Bean the Jelly Bean

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“But I didn’t even go to the Great Bash! How is this fair?”

Nolan Murphy was pissed.

He had stormed out of the auditorium as soon as Emilia uttered her last word, steam nearly billowing out of his ears. Not only did he have to miss the Great Bash on account of a required Football team workout, but now he was on thin ice with the school even though he did nothing wrong. It was like someone had offered him a piece of cake, never gave it to him, and he gained 10 pounds anyway. It didn’t even make sense! Of course, he had wanted to go to the party originally. Nolan never passed up an opportunity to socialize, especially if there was alcohol involved. But after looking at the videos, specifically the one where Theo went all Hulk on Cassian, he was kind of glad he wasn’t there in person. He had too much on the line to fuck things up, which is why the news of his immediate academic probation was so frustrating. For once, he had done the right thing, but it completely backfired.

“I’m trying to get in touch with the administration, but everyone has conveniently turned their phones on do not disturb… absolutely ridiculous.”

The first thing Nolan did when he left the mandatory assembly was call his dad. He’d know what to do. This new status could very well mean his Football season might be put on hold indefinitely, which meant his father, the head coach, was going to be pissed too. Nolan felt relieved that his dad was assisting him instead of berating him, which in an alternate universe would have been the case if he had attended the Great Bash.

“It’s fucking bullshit. I’m not letting a bunch of idiots who can't hold their liquor ruin my chances of getting into-” Nolan stopped himself before he said anything else.

Medical School. That’s what he was going to say. Ruin his chances of getting into Medical School.

Nolan’s dad was completely in the dark about his intentions after graduation, so if he had completed his sentence, that would have opened up a whole can of worms. The boy feigned a slight cough and continued, choosing his words carefully. “...ruin my chances of a record breaking season.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll get this all sorted out before Friday’s game. The school can’t risk benching their best player. You’ll be on that field, I promise.”

Phew, that was a close one. Nolan almost spilled the beans, but he was thankful that he caught himself before he could. His dad couldn’t know that was the real reason why he was stressed out about this whole thing. It wasn’t the fact that his placement on the football team could be at risk, it was the issue of junior year being the most important year academically for Medical School applications. It was Nolan’s last opportunity to prove to the top medical schools that he was worthy of being accepted. That in itself made his skin crawl.

“Okay, well call me when you get in touch with someone, or anyone for that matter. I’m going to the gym to try and get my mind off of this.” Removing the phone from his ear before his father had the chance to muster a goodbye, he ended the call and let out a deep exhale. The boy stood there silently for a moment, letting thoughts wildly race through his head. What the hell was he going to do? Everything he had been working toward over the past three years was about to crumble in right in front of him. He wasn’t even sure what emotion to feel- he went through the 5 stages of grief in the blink of an eye.

A gentle buzz from his phone took Nolan out of his all consuming thoughts. A new text message from Nate, of all people. What did he want? Opening it and reading the short sentence, he couldn’t help but laugh at the boy's stupidity. It was clear the text was not meant for the entire student body, but here he was, reading what was meant to be private. “Nate... what a fucking dumbass Nolan scoffed, slipping his phone back into his pocket and walking in the direction of the student fitness center.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 5 days ago

A @metanoia & @BitchTheFuck Collaboration
featuring Theodore Bonfamille & Fiona Salvador

Fiona could have sworn that she sat down at a table by herself, but as luck would have it, it no longer appeared that way. Looking up from her textbook, Fiona found herself looking at a familiar, handsome face. One whose name she didn’t know, but yet…

”Fiona, yes,” she said, reaching out for a handshake. ”Salvador works too.” The Universe is being the funny thing that it was, Fiona realized in that moment where she recognized the young man sitting across from her from. ”You’re Theo, right? The second part of the reason why my scholarship is in jeopardy?”

“Half the reason, but yeah,” Theo confirmed, reluctantly nodding. If this was what his life was going to be like now, he might have to prepare himself for it. At least, for the time being, it seemed Fiona wasn’t thinking about clobbering him. He could think of a few that might actually do it if they had their way. “If you want to hit me, try and aim for my left cheek. It’s the side of my face that’s not as bruised up,” Theo laughed, hoping a sense of humor might earn him some forgiveness. Then again, he didn’t know if Fiona was the type to hit first and ask questions later.

Unable to help herself, Fiona smirked at his comment, putting her hand back in her lap. ”No worries. My GPA is decent enough, I don’t play any sports…. And I don’t think the probation would threaten my music. At least not in any way that I can currently think of.” Brushing her hair behind her ear, the young woman continued to speak. ”I didn’t mean to just… force myself into your personal space or whatever but now that I’m here…. Mind telling me the story of how the fight started? You don’t have to. I’m just curious and have nothing else to do until class starts.”

How exactly would he explain the series of events that led to him and Cass throwing hands? It wasn’t like there was an easy way to say ‘well I got jealous and attacked someone for messing with this girl who isn’t my girlfriend but someone I have a crush on’ and not paint himself as the villain in this story. And maybe he was. His temper and inability to keep said temper in check led to a domino effect that currently has him regretting all of his choices that night. Of course there were other things on his mind but how he could’ve prevented himself from tackling Cassian Lee to the ground was at the top of his list.

“Well…” Theo’s voice trailed off as he hummed thoughtfully, biting his raised right thumb. “The short version is I got jealous of a situation that may or may not have been what I thought it was. The long version is a bit more complicated,” he admitted.

Nodding her head as she pursed her lips in thought, Fiona just shrugged her shoulders in a somewhat understanding matter. ”Believe it or not, I understand. Not… personally, but my younger sister tends to have some problems with the whole jealousy thing as well.”

Theo didn’t want to laugh, but one escaped his lips. “Sorry. I’m just trying to picture my own little sister, who is really just a few minutes younger than me since she’s one of two twins I have, but she’s…” Theo had to find the right words to describe Mads. “She is an uptight, stuck up, literal princess who, thank whatever God exists, didn’t inherit the temper I have.” Theo laughed again, but now he was thinking about what his little sister would look like when she’s trying to be angry. “Suffice to say, she is nothing like me in that regard.” Theo hated when he rambled on but sometimes he couldn’t help it.

Laughing herself, Fiona shook her head. ”No need to apologize, really. As it turns out I’m sort of the calmest kid. Apparently, my parents both used to be real fiery back in the day, and my siblings seemed to inherit that more than me. Billie, most of all. Nick just ended up with dads uh…. Playboy ways.” Not able to focus on studying at the moment, Fiona closed her book before putting it back in her bag. ”Siblings are funny, huh? I kinda helped raise mine in a way, so I just hope they both turn out to be decent at least.”

He forced out a laugh, wondering what it was like to have siblings younger than you that also didn’t share your same birthday. The longer he remained on that train of thought, the more it became apparent to him that Theo didn’t exactly feel like having two younger twins was necessarily a bad thing. Mads was a pain and she could be clingy, but there was nothing about her he would change. He felt the most protective over her due to the fact she was the most innocent of the three. Bastien was moody and he could usually be an easy target, but Theo knew he could handle himself. But Theo would be remiss if he didn’t worry about his pianist of a brother. His mouth was often the reason why Theo was like a hawk watching over him because it led him into situations not even Bas could anticipate.

“That’s all one could ever hope for,” Theo mused, cracking a smile as he fell on Fiona’s eyes. He wasn’t sure why now he was just noticing, but Fiona was incredibly...hot. Regardless of whatever he felt for Mac, or if whatever chances he had still existed, he was a single guy and Fiona was easy enough to talk to. Not to mention, they both understood the double-edged sword of being the oldest. “If you’re still interested, I can tell you how I got my scars. Might be nice telling it to someone who doesn’t want to bash my brains in.” And right, Theo didn’t know who would befriend or foe, especially when they figure out the not-hard-to-grasp mystery of the angry ginger.

”I mean, I have no reason to be mad at you, I guess. We have whoever leaked the video and the administration to be mad at. Whoever leaked the video has it coming though, let me tell you. But yeah. No worries about me wanting to beat you half to death or anything. So uh… go for it!” she said enthusiastically.

Fiona had the tendency to ramble on, especially when meeting someone remotely new. Her parents had taught her that first impressions meant everything, and to say that the lesson had stuck with her was an understatement. Sometimes talking could be a bad thing, sometimes it could be good. It was still too early to tell with Theo.

So Theo did. He told Fiona about his entire experience at the Bash. He mentioned he arrived with his two siblings and unintentionally left them to their own devices as he almost went to talk to Mac but instead went to his immediate right where his best friend, Connor, was at. Theo explained that Connor was a hell of a wiz with computers and did all of the IT work for his website. He would go onto mention how he played a few games of beer pong with Connor and how they were joined by Mackenna Diedrikson and Alaric Sterling and how it was originally supposed to be just a 2v2 game of Beer Pong, but then Cassian Lee showed up and the domino effect that followed resulted in Theo tackling him, in Cassian getting his licks in before being taken off by that Lola Russo bitch.

“And, that’s basically it,” Theo said, rubbing his temples with his left index finger and thumb. Just talking about that whole night, at least of what he experienced, reminded him of the giant headache it became. “That's the reason why we’re all on academic probation and why, to most when they figure it out, I’ll have a matching set of bruises all over this damn body of mine.” He laughed but given some of the people at this school, with one command, certain people could make that happen.

Fiona listened patiently, taking mental notes as Theo talked. She heard familiar names, but no one she was to close with. Of course she knew of people's reputations around Meadow, but she wasn’t about to sit here and silently judge them for it. Despite that fact, Fiona couldn’t ignore the fact that he was the one that jumped Cassian - and not the other way around. Knitting her eyebrows ever so slightly, Fiona simply nodded when Theo was done baring his soul.

”Well, whatever Cas did exactly to earn getting jumped - I’m sure you had a good reason. It honestly sounds like a huge mess, and I’m kinda glad I didn’t go now - no matter how much Dee begged me.”

In his heart of hearts, Theo wanted to say he was justified but retrospect provided a lot of perspective. He regretted doing it in front of Mac, but not actually giving Cassian a piece of his mind. That, at the very least, was something Theo didn’t feel any inkling of guilt for. “Well, I’m sure there will be plenty of opportunities for you to make bad choices and regret some of them.” He laughed, feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket. “I mean, if there will ever be a time to take chances with what we should or shouldn’t do, now’s the time, right?” Theo said, glancing at his phone for a quick second. He saw he got a text from Shi, which he read a moment later.

And that’s when he had just remembered something important.

Shit,” Theo cursed, smacking his forehead. “Hey, so sorry to do this but a friend of mine is waiting for me at the bean and I completely forgot. But uh, thanks for not jumping my bones for all of this.” The ginger smiled at Fiona, standing up. “We should definitely hang out more often. I’m staying at that obnoxiously-large manor in town. Bonfamille Manor on top of the hill.”

Checking her phone for the time, Fiona quickly stood up herself. After gathering her things, she turned and smiled at Theo. ”Don’t worry. Whenever I get the urge to make one of those extremely bad decisions, I’ll be sure to come toss rocks at the windows or something. Maybe you can talk me out of it. Or encourage me. Either way. In the meantime - I gotta get to class.” Giving him a small peace sign goodbye, Fiona turned on her heel. Getting a few steps away from where Theo stood, she called out to him one last time. ”See ya around, Red!”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by spooner
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spooner *cough*

Member Seen 2 mos ago

A low chuckle escaped Bastíen as Cassian lamented about what a brat Lola was. “I don’t know buddy, the word around the quad is that she’s ‘craaaazy’ in bed.”. The tall young man gestured wildly with his hands mocking his fraternity brothers who often ranked the hottest girls on campus and shared anecdotes about said, girls. Bas never really participated, he liked to sit in the back playing the grand piano softly in listening in and noting anything of worth.

When Cass revealed that it had been Lola that had sent out one of the videos to not only the faculty but the star swimmers coach Bas couldn’t help but laugh right out. “So, just plain crazy then?” he said turning to face his burly friend. He saw the fury simmering behind his stony facade, he had seen it in his brother many times, so he let out a sigh. “Don’t worry my friend… your coach is probably barging into the headmistress office right now.” he smirked at his friend. “The sports department is the biggest cash flow this place has and if they bench you that’ll drop sponsors faster than you kicked Theodore of you. I heard Coach Murphy is going ballistic as we speak!” he gave Cassian a knowing look

Bastíen tapped his lips with a slender finger as he thought about an answer. He really wasn’t the best to ask for relationship advice, mostly because he didn’t care about it enough. Sure he had urges like anyone else. But that’s what one night stands are for, he would usually grab the closest person who tickled his fancy and then be done with it.

“I guess it would be easier if I knew who you were referring to…” Bas began as they walked along the hallway. After a while he remembered seeing Cassian making eyes at a raven-haired girl on a skateboard. “Oh! Are you talking about that brash Asian girl?” He snapped his fingers like he had found out the answer to a particular hard math problem. “I don’t know man… she doesn’t really seem like the girl you would go for. Don’t you like girls who do whatever you say? So you can stare down at them and say ‘good girl’ or some freaky alpha shit like that?” He grinned widely and shoved his friend as Cass tried to read a message from his phone.

Bastíen shrugged “You know me, the chapter president of the ant-social social club.” He thought back to Friday night’s disappointingly (for him) uneventful bash. “Although I did manage to piss of a rather cute looking guy. He cursed me out several times… quite enthralling actually. But alas he ran off before I could do any real damage. I don’t even remember his name… Eric maybe… or Elias.” he mused for a while before shaking the image of the blushing bespectacled brunette out of his mind.

“Well, my friend! This is where I leave you! I got to finish this piece I’ve been working on for ages… it’s been bothering me. See you around Cassieboy.” and with that Basténn thew open the heavy oak door that leads into the art building and disappeared behind it as it closed.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Between the amount of time she spent on the dirty bathroom floor, frozen in her despair, lamenting on how fucked up her life just became, Joanna was a wreck. She played back the conversation over and over in her head like it was a broken record, trying to pinpoint exactly when it was she messed up, trying to figure out what she could have done differently, what things she should have said instead of what left her lips. Everything that had been said she wanted to take back. If there was ever a time she wished time travel existed, it would be now.

As she sat there, head resting against the sink, her head throbbing and eyes more watered down than gender equality in male-dominated workplaces. The on-point makeup had run down her face, past her lips, and dripped onto her shirt. She was still sobbing, voice cracking as she repeated Lottie’s name like she was calling out to angels, praying to the god she didn’t believe in to rewind the last thirty minutes of her life, desperate for a do-over, yearning with a desire to make it right.

But it didn’t come. No guardian angel telling her it was all going to be okay nor did God answer her prayers. Of course she didn’t. “Of course,” she muttered in a low, thick voice riddled with sorrow.

The usually bubbly girl finally came face to face with the monster that broke Lottie’s heart. She saw how pathetic she looked, the way her tears and mascara molded together, the rainbow that had a deceitful light in them. She was a snake, a confusing, glittery snake who couldn’t make anyone happy. Everything she touched: Lottie, Jade, they all eventually would leave. This monster’s ride or die was the first to distance themself. So how long would it be until the soccer star would?

She rolled out about ten sheets of paper towels and looked down at the sink, putting her hand under the motion sensor fountain. The lukewarm water coated her hands and with the help of soap and patience, she started the process of attempting to clean off her makeup.

Five minutes later, Joey looked like someone who hadn’t just had her entire world crushed. Broken as she was, at least she could play pretend again. At least she could break the rust on the fake smile she hadn’t been forced to use in nearly four years, not since her sweet sixteen. She could put on the show that everyone expected from her anyway.

The manic pixie had arrived at Meadow View. At last, her wings will spread again.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 5 days ago

A @metanoia, @BitchTheFuck, & @fledermaus Collaboration
Featuring Nathaniel Blake | Millie Jean Zadorozhny | Tiberius & Jasper Delamar

Millie Jean likes to think she’s a good friend, but she also knows she’s a bit of a coward too. She always thinks that when it comes down to it, she’ll be a good friend rather than be a big coward. Matter of fact, it’s the only thing keeping Millie Jean from emotionally berating herself over her cowardice - the idea that, in the end, she’ll find her bravery. Except, when Tiberius Delamar presses his arm against Nate’s throat, Millie Jean finds herself letting out a single squeak.

“H-hey, Ty - er, Tiberius.” Millie stuttered, feeling awkward and alarmed. “U-um, Nate, well…”

Her small voice went, mostly, ignored. When Jasper arrived at the scene, really the root of their current situation (or maybe it was Millie’s fault for having a stupid idea), Millie Jean felt dread and relief at the same time. Until it was Jasper’s arm pressed against Nate’s throat.

Really, Millie Jean could do with some of that miraculous friend-fueled courage right about now. Instead, she wrings her sweaty hands together and says a mental sorry to Nate’s purpling face.

"What the fuck Nate," she growled, glaring up at him. "I knew you couldn't handle your booze, but you can't send a text right either?"

Seeing the way Jasper looked at him sent chills down his spine. Not even a thousand jump scares could even begin to compare to what Jasper brought out of him at this very moment: pure, unadulterated, petrified horror. “Well.” Nate’s eyes darted away from Jasper’s but he felt her arm tightening against his neck, pressing hard on his windpipe. His first thought was how dangerously her actions mirrored Ty’s. It must’ve been a twin thing. “Like I told your brother literally moments before you took over, I only meant to send it to you. But..” Nate’s blue eyes once again glanced over to Millie, the sparkle within his irises begging for her to help him out.

Millie hesitated, her hands hovering in almost a flinch. She tried to muster up some courage to deal with the intimidating twins and when she first tried to speak it came out with a squeak.

"H-hey guys," Millie swallowed thickly and could feel her nerves on fire, "W-why don't we just take it easy. N-Nate was just trying to apologize. It was an accident, honest."

Nate's half-apology didn’t impress Ty. It didn’t take that much effort to make sure you were sending the text to the right person. Thankfully (or maybe not so thankfully) for Nate, Jasper took Ty’s place before asking Nate the same question that he did.

”Hey Mil, I think it’s just best if --”

Before Ty could attempt to warn Millie, Jasper turned her attention to the other girl for a brief second. ”Oh shut the fuck up,” she said, rolling her eyes. The last thing Jasper needed right now was someone trying to mediate. ”Who the hell invited you to this anyway?”

“Hey now!” Nate managed to say despite his current predicament. “Don’t be mad at her. If you need to, direct that anger onto me. She’s only trying to help!” Nate hoped his attempt to direct Jasper’s wrath away from Millie. It wasn’t her fault she was in the middle of something he clearly didn’t need to broadcast to the entire world.

”You’re shitting me, right,” Jasper said, turning her attention back to Nate. ”How is she trying to help. Please, do enlighten me ’oh great one who cannot send a text.’”

In an attempt to calm Jasper down, Ty tried to reach out and put a hand on her shoulder, shrugging his shoulders at Millie in defeat. ”Jazzy. Remember what you said to me about crushing Nate’s windpipe? How about we let the poor guy breathe for a second, hm?”

”Nope. Not yet.”

Beforehand, Millie Jean hadn’t had a problem with Jasper (or at least that she knew of). They never really talked or anything of the sort and this probably counted as their first, maybe second, interaction ever. Then and there, Millie Jean decided she didn’t like Jasper. Yes, maybe the accident is a bit embarrassing (on both accounts, really), but that wasn’t an excuse to be so hellish and mean.

“It was an accident.” Millie Jean repeated, and she hates herself a little bit that the hard edge and unwavering tone came from her extreme dislike of Jasper rather than her loyalty to Nate. Maybe she really is a bad friend. “Let him go.”

”And why should I, Millie?” Jasper asked, sneering the other girl's name. ”Because you’re gonna kick my ass or some shit? This is between Nate and I. Not you. I suggest you find your way out of this conversation.”

“Kick your ass? I-I wouldn’t sink so low.” Millie Jean said, her words squeaky rather than strong like she wanted it to be. Still, she jutted out her chin and cleared her throat. “How old are you? Act like an adult and-and let him go.” Fuck, she was starting to be repetitive.

Jasper laughed. Who the actual fuck did this mousey little brat think she was? It didn’t matter - her problem was with Nate. Turning her attention back to the boy, she frowned.

”I don’t like her.”

”Jazzy please, can we not do this today?” Ty had always found Millie’s company pleasant, and he didn’t want his sister fucking that up. Millie was a loyal friend - that much Ty knew about her reputation. Shrugging his shoulders in defeat, Ty gave Millie an apologetic look.

Choosing to ignore both her brother and Millie, Jasper attempted to continue her conversation with Nate. ”Listen dude. Me pinning you up against the snack machine is because I’m disappointed. Not mad - but disappointed. I didn’t think you could do something so dumb. Do you know what I’m going to have to put up with for the rest of the day? Probably the rest of the year? Who the hell apologizes for touching someone's tits anyway? If I didn’t want your hands on me at The Bash you would have known it. Letting her arm fall back to her side, Jasper took a few steps back from Nate and took her spot beside her brother. Crossing her arms across her chest, she looked back at Millie. ”I’m letting him go because, despite my behavior, part of me gives a shit. Not because I give a fuck what you have to say.” The true reason Jasper let go was that she was satisfied with the fact that Nate would have problems swallowing for the rest of the day.

Nathan wanted to speak. Nathan wanted to say something, but before he ever got the chance to, Millie, the one who always seemed to be quiet and kept to herself, had really surprised him in how valiantly she fought on his behalf. He knew Jasper was scary and intimidating. He knew Millie found her scary and intimidating, but their exchanges proved a few things to Nathan. The first, of course, was how lucky he was to have a friend like Millie. She wasn’t always the kind of person to speak her mind, but when she did, it was like when Gohan went Super Saiyan 2 and beat the crud out of Perfect Cell. She was that badass.

And the second, well when Nate’s eyes fell on Jasper, who graciously had allowed him to breathe, was what Jasper said to him. He can’t lie: the fact she was disappointed and not just mad at him hurt. He felt like Kuwabara anytime Kuwabara decided to fight and got his ass beat and then Hiei added salt to the wound. If she was mad, Nate could deal. He could come back and try again when she’s had time to calm down, but disappointed? Nathan had seen that look before. His father (when he was around) had always given it to him. But there was also something Jasper had said that, in his mind, despite everything, allowed some light to be somewhere at the end of the tunnel.

As he coughed, Nate finally spoke, “I’m sorry. Despite what my reasons were, it shouldn’t have happened.” Truth was, Nate couldn’t possibly understand what this was going to do to Jasper or even her reputation, which was kind of already shoddy to begin with. But he didn’t want to make it even worse, so he wouldn’t add to it by making excuses. Not that anything justified what he did.

Jasper shrugged her shoulders. ”Whatever. We should probably all head to class, right?”

It is not that Millie Jean didn't see where Jasper was coming from. She understood to a degree, being intimately familiar with humiliation on a daily basis (the pitfalls of being easily embarrassed). She even felt a little bit guilty, since it was her suggestion in the first place and Nate is getting all the repercussions of it. Millie is a bit too scared to own up to her part in it, however. At the end of the day, though, Millie Jean still frowns and abhors the behavior Jasper displayed. Even if she felt humiliated, there was a way to go about talking of such things.

Millie Jean gently clasped Nate's wrist and tugged him from the vending machine lest he get his throat lacerated again. "Let's go get some ice for your throat."

Nate felt like he was at a tug of war between his inner-desire of wanting to say something before Jasper and Ty had completely walked out of range and Millie Jean pulling at his arm. He resisted his friend for a moment, still deciding what he wanted to do. After twenty seconds of feeling his arm being jerked in the opposite direction the Delamar twins started to walk in, Nate sighed slowly and lowly as he waved at Jasper, who was still halfway facing him and went with Millie and did so in silence. At the end of the day, as much as Nate wanted to say something, his throat was killing him.

“Yeah, alright.” Nate’s response came out in a scratchy tone, the effects of having two forearms pressed against his throat were already starting to become apparent. As he and Millie walked further and further away from the vending machines and closer to the cafeteria, the same thought of what this would do to Jasper weighed heavily on his mind.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Venus So long, and goodnight. ♡

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Lost and numb as she was about her fresh break-up, Charlotte walked around campus in a daze. The short girl had no clear direction of where to go, what to do, what to say, what to think... In fact, it was taking all of her self-control to fight back the overwhelming desire to burst into tears right then and there, without a care of who could be watching. But Lottie knew that this would achieve nothing but ask for the wrong kind of attention. She didn’t want anyone’s pity, nor did she want to explain her debacle to someone she didn’t trust in. So, eventually, the girl simply settled for taking a seat under the same oak tree she and Joey had been before the whole incident happened, thinking of who to reach out to. The answer came to her in a matter of seconds.

Taking in a deep breath, Charlotte pulled out her cellphone and didn't hesitate to text the one person who’d had her back since they were babies.

To: Daria
Are you busy? Something's happened and I could really use a sister right now 😔😔😔
I'm leaning against that oak tree close to the quad.

Once the message was sent, Lottie wiped away the few stray tears that had managed to escape her eyes and stood on the lookout for her dearly beloved cousin MacKenna.

The vibration that emanated from her phone beside her on the desk made Mac jump in surprise as she waited for her international communications class to start. Was this another inappropriate text about groping? She raised an eyebrow when she saw that it was actually her cousin Lottie. She hadn’t heard from her in a hot second, both being busy on different ends of campus. So Mac’s hands almost trembled with excitement expecting piping hot tea. Instead what she read made her face fall into a frown.

To: Sailor V
Sure thing. I’ll be there in a minute

Normally she wouldn’t skip a lecture, but she also knew that Lottie wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important. She knew how seriously Mac took her education. The problem was now how she would get out of class. Mac always sat in the front row and today was no different and her professor was getting ready to start. The short girl raised her hand and cleared her throat.

“Yes, Miss Diedrikson?” the gray man in a mustard corduroy suit asked.

MacKenna plastered the sweetest smile that she could muster “Oh, Professor Hoidahl, I need to go to the bathroom… I’m, uh, having a visit from Auntie Red so to speak.”

The older man gave her a confused look before squinting at her. “What? You have family here?” he asked.

Mac rolled her eyes in frustration. She couldn’t believe she was doing this. “No uh… Lady problems…” she said making a downward motion with her finger. A few of her classmates snickered and her professor let out an embarrassed grunt, turning a scarlet shade under his gray beard.

“Go on then…” he croaked. Mac nodded and gathered her things and rushed out avoiding her classmate’s stares.

When she stepped out in the courtyard yet again Mac scanned the people that were milling around and spotted her blonde cousin where she said she would be under the old oak tree. She quickened her step as she made her way over to Lottie.

“I hope this is important because my whole class now thinks I’m having a real heavy flow day….” Mac stopped in her tracks when she saw the look on Lottie’s face and the tears running down it. “Woah, what’s wrong babe?” she asked, dropping her bag on the grass wrapping an arm around her cousin.

As soon as her cousin sat down beside her, Charlotte tightly wrapped her arms around her and started to sob on the other girls' shoulder. After holding it together, the blonde was finally succumbing to the pain of her broken heart. The presence of MacKenna gave her the safety to do so: one that was only possible through the many years of consistently having each other’s backs. Whether it was little white lies in their childhood, covering for each other as teenagers or even hyping each other up before big tests, Lottie knew she could always count on Mac.

The blonde’s sobbing went on for a few minutes, with the two girls simply standing there with their arms around each other, before Charlotte managed to put her hurt into words. "I broke up with Joey…" she explained in between sobs, her voice muffled by the way her face remained buried in Mac's shoulder. "I broke up with Joey and I need a place to stay because it hurts to be in the same room as her."

“That’s alright. You can stay with me and the boys.” Mac didn’t really know how to react to news of her cousin’s break from her girlfriend so she just stroked her shiny blonde hair for a moment. “What happened? Last week you guys were just fine…” she finally said, breaking away from Lottie looking at her. Mac wiped the tears from her cousin’s face trying her best not to smudge her makeup. Once Lottie had time to calm down, Mac grabbed their stuff. “Come on,” she said, grabbing her cousin's hand and and leading them to the closest table she could find. And after had they settled down, the raven-haired girl asked, “Seriously, what’s going on?”

"I have no idea!" Charlotte wailed, almost hyperventilating while furiously blinking back tears at the pain and absurdity of it all. "Apparently it all started because I supposedly ditched her for Kiki at the party? She tells me she was upset because 'I didn't even say bye to her’ before I ran off with Kiki-- which I admit is true. But, I mean, I've been hooking up with him for as long as she and I have been together! How is it suddenly a big deal now?!" she shrieked, wiping away the few tears of frustration that had rolled down her cheeks.

“That’s…” MacKenna paused to find a way to not seem like a bitch. “...it?” she stared blankly at Lottie, rubbing her arm.

"That's what? Stupid?" Lottie clarified with a raised eyebrow. "Damn right it's stupid! It's the most idiotic thing in the world!" she cried out, slamming her palm on the wooden table they were occupying. "Oh, but that’s not all! Then we had this big argument in the bathroom, and after she was really nasty to me when all I wanted was for her to tell me what I did wrong so I could fix it, I told her that was it: that was the end of it. I did not put up with so many years of her for Joey to treat me like she did! I love her so much, Mac. Like, you have no idea how much. But it's one thing to love someone unconditionally and another to let them treat you like a doormat. I'm nobody's doormat...” she declared with conviction, but the determination in her fell as quickly as it had risen. “But it still hurts to leave her all the same."

Mac sighed and stayed quiet for a while. She had always been against the way Lottie and Joey treated their relationship. Having an ‘open’ relationship was just begging for someone to get hurt. Maybe it was just her being a prude or whatever, but… Well, obviously. “Uh... Well, I don’t really know what to say here, Lott. I guess it is what is.” She didn’t want to rub it in and say ‘I told you so’. “Maybe we just calm down and see what happens,” she pushed the hair away from Lottie’s face and tucked it behind her ear. “And if you want me to hate her, I will… ok?” she bent down to look at her cousin.

The blonde tearfully nodded, offering her cousin the first shaky smile of the day. "Thank you so much, MacKenna," Lottie said gratefully, taking her cousin's hands and gently squeezing them. "And I'm sorry I haven't been as there for you as I should be since college started, like you just did for me. I promise I'll work hard to change that, okay?"

Laughing, Mac just waved her cousin off. “Don’t worry about it Lottie,” she smiled. “Let’s head to the apartment, then. Do you need to stop at the sorority house first?” The Asian girl asked, standing up and shouldering her bag.

Charlotte nodded again, imitating Mac by standing up and shouldering her own bag. “Uh huh... I might as well take advantage that Joey’s not there to grab as much of my stuff as I can,” she sadly explained. Now armed with MacKenna’s support, Charlotte linked their arms together, and both girls began their trek to the Kappa sorority house.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Otterpop
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Otterpop 〖 ωєєв qυєєи 〗

Member Seen 22 days ago

Elliot was absently sipping on the soda he'd bought when a pair of hands blocked his view, a familiar voice making a silly pun. He chuckled a bit, using his free hand to remove the hands and turn to look at the small blonde girl who had been hiding behind him. "You know, that is like super cringy Evie...also predictable. You need to come up with some new material." The boy teased, using a finger to straighten the lenses on his face. He downed the last bit of liquid from the metal can and tossed it into a nearby trashcan before looking back to his blonde friend. "I'm just going to assume you got that ridiculous text because you get everything because your friends with everyone somehow, but I feel like I missed out on the good parts of the Bash." He said with a little pout, even though he wasn't a fan of parties he'd still been hoping that he would see something fun. Instead he just cussed out a guy...kind of the opposite of what he had in mind.

He had text Evie about the whole ordeal between him and Bas the next morning, even after a good sleep he still found himself to be irritated and annoyed. He felt bad because he had accidentally snapped at Mac too, he apologized but still felt bad about it. The brunette let out a long sigh as his stomach grumbled, he'd forgotten to eat anything until now. He really needed to start putting reminders on his phone or something, people were going to start thinking he had an eating disorder or something. Elliot opened his mouth to say something but stopped when there seemed to be a commotion nearby. A quick glance and he saw Nate, Jasper and a few others getting into it. He could overhear the conversation and couldn't help but frown. "Jasper is kind of being a bitch..." He muttered, loud enough for maybe Evie to hear but not anyone else.

Elliot shook his head and looked back at Evie, "You wanna grab some food? I forgot to eat this morning and I swear my stomach is going to eat itself now." He said dramatically.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by NeoAJ
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NeoAJ Fine. I'll High Five Myself.

Member Seen 9 days ago

So what are you gonna do, Jade?

Usually the answer to that question was a simple one. Go for a run. Go kick the ball around. Go chop some asparagus. This time, there was no easy solution. That was troubling for Ms. Scott.

She could try and talk to Joey. She could look for the neon pixie and try to figure out just what happened on the lake shore on the weekend. Figure out what it meant. But that would be a long, potentially awkward conversation.

She could try and talk to Lottie. She could look for the ace and try to figure out what the deal was between her and Joey and what the status actually was between the two roommates. But that would be a definitely awkward conversation. Plus, Joey seemed pretty adamant that Lottie not be involved in any sort of discussion.

She could try to talk to Kieran. ...Actually no. Screw that. Kieran is a dick. Talking to him is not in the cards.

So what could she do?

She could stop sulking in the bathroom, that's for sure. That seemed like a good first step.

At least that's something.

The soccer star finally lifted herself from the counter in the bathroom and looked at herself. All right, stop hiding and get out there. With renewed purpose, Jade finally exited the bathroom she had ducked into. She still didn't know what that purpose was for though.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by NeoAJ
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NeoAJ Fine. I'll High Five Myself.

Member Seen 9 days ago

As Kieran stormed towards the exits, he didn't expect to be stopped. Certainly not via the cutesy tap to the shoulder, and if anyone was going to do that, he didn't expect it to be anyone other than Lottie. Maybe Mac if she was feeling good about herself. Definitely not... whoever this person was. He didn't recognize her instantly. The sunglasses weren't helping matters.

Apparently she didn't know him either. Not judging from that introduction, it was clear. She knew what sport he played at least, but that wasn't going to be a tough ask of anyone who got a look at the hockey hair. But the blonde was going to speak for the water fountains since they had no voice, and say that Kieran should have a healthier method of releasing the anger he felt over the absolute bullshit situation that the entire class was put into.

It was also a little weird, to be honest. There were things clarified that did not need to be clarified. But she was offering somewhere to be that wasn't steaming mad on the way out to the apartment, because hell if Kieran was going to stick around until 1pm for his first class with this useless cloud hanging over him.

"I guess it'll be a lot easier than finding more things to scupper," he admitted. Looking back at the still-running water fountain was making him thirsty. "But I'm definitely not the musician in the family. That'd be my older sister. So fair warning, if you're offering me a drum set, I'm not going to be any kind of Neil Peart on there. Also, you can call me Kieran, since that's probably easier than "random hockey guy who's name starts with K."

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ejected
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Truth be told, calling her father to catch him up on what was going on was the very last thing that was on Ramona's mind, but after walking past numerous devastated students who practically screamed through their phones at their parents, the young woman decided that she might as well keep him updated. After all, it was most of his money that secured her a position there, so why not? It didn't come as much of a surprise to Mona when her father picked up on the first ring, as if he'd been waiting for her to contact him. Andre Martin rarely missed one of his daughter's calls; It was pretty safe to say that he'd begun to miss Mona a whole lot more than she missed being back home. "Well, if it isn't my beautiful Mona!" her father said, his voice booming from the other end of the call. "Finally starting to miss your old man?"

"Of course I miss you, Dad," Mona said, a half-grin appearing on her lips as she shook her head. "I miss you and Mom every single day. You know that I'd call more often if I weren't so... busy."

"Busy, huh?" Andre Martin said, a hint of skepticism evident in his tone. "Busy with all of your schoolwork, or busy going to something you kids call the 'Great Bash' and landing yourself on Academic Probation?"

As soon as her father spoke those words, Mona couldn't help but curse under her breath and roll her eyes. Of course he already knew. "But... how...?"

"You should already know how fast word travels around in this family," Andre responded, letting out a brief laugh. "Pretty sure Chanel heard about it from one of her friends first. Then she may have mentioned it earlier this morning when she stopped by..." Of course it was Aunt Chanel. As much as Mona loved the woman, she knew that once she got word of something as serious as the situation Mona was currently in, it was only a matter of time before her father found out about it too. It took a few moments for Ramona to figure out what to say next, but she was cut off before she could utter the first two words. "I thought we agreed that you'd start taking your life more seriously now that you're in college, Ramona. You can't just keep this 'I don't give a fuck about anything' attitude and think that you're gonna go far... Your mom and I aren't gonna support you financially forever."

"But I am taking my life seriously," Ramona said as she aimlessly walked around the courtyard, her eyes lingering for a second on Jasper and Ty as they stormed in Nate's direction. "So I'm not allowed to have fun anymore? Hell, even if I'd stayed in my room that night, I still would've ended up on probation just like the rest of the Junior class! It's not like I'm the one who decided to get into a fist fight in the middle of what was supposed to be a good time." As she and her father exchanged a few more words, Mona couldn't help but grow angry. This was ruining everything.

"Just make sure you keep me updated, Ramona. And stay focused, please." Her father said at the end of their conversation, before ending their call without even hearing Mona say her goodbyes.

It was after then that Mona realized that she'd lost her appetite. And instead of continuing on towards the cafeteria as usual, the young woman took a moment to re-tie her shoelaces before starting on another jog around campus. Maybe then, after pushing her limits, would she be able to clear her head.
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