An @Altered Tundra, @HaleyTheRandom, & @Ejected Collaboration
featuring Ramona Martin, Nathaniel Blake, & Jasper Delamar
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Jasper was definitely starting to feel a little out of it now. One one hand, alcohol made her act out and go along with bad decisions more willingly than she was sober. (A miraculous feat, truly). On the other hand, it made her calmer, and forced her to sit on her ass. Jasper was caught somewhere in the middle, currently unable to feel her face. It took her a moment to understand and process what Mona had said. Watching as she bounced away, Jasper didn’t realize what exactly Mona had said until her friend was halfway towards the lake.
Her spark reignited, Jasper winked at Nate before beginning to walk away. Grabbing the bottom of her shirt, Jasper pulled it off and tossed it on the ground, showing off the black bra underneath. Once she reached the edge of the lake, Jasper promptly removed her shoes. Too drunk to deal with her shorts, the girl gently eased into the water, before turning to smile at Mona.
”The water feels amazing,” she sighed.
"Hell yeah," Mona said with a grin as she waved her arms around in the lake; the water had now stopped right above her waistline, and she no longer cared whether or not her hair got wet. "I hope you're prepared to get wasted tonight, Nate!" Mona yelled loudly as she gestured towards the boy who'd been just a tad too slow to beat Jasper into the lake. "There's three more tequila shots with your name on them!"
“Oh I am so game!”
Nate didn’t like to brag about it, but he was a little slow on the uptake. When the obvious was written in neon letters, he still had trouble seeing what was so clearly right in front of his eyes. So one could imagine just how long it took him to figure out just how much of a handful (no puns intended) these two were. But he wasn’t a quitter -- at least, not anymore! Even before he himself realized it, Nate’s shirt was gone, his wallet and phone tossed onto where the shirt had landed and Nate rushed into the shivering cold lake, immediately feeling just how freezing it was despite it being rather warm outside.
He stood rather close to the two ladies, hiding as much of his shivering body as he could, which even then it started to simmer down. “Yeah it is amazing!” when it’s not being unfriendly to my balls That last comment was for his own benefit.
Laughing as the alcohol continued to take over her body, Jasper splashed the two of them before diving into the water. Mona couldn't help but let out a high-pitched shriek as droplets of the cool water came splashing onto her face.
Shit that’s cold!
Nate stood there for a moment or two, coming to terms with just how refreshing that splash was despite how shockingly cold he found it. After that, he soon shot back with a splash of his own as he brought both of his slender arms up and raised up a mini-wave of lake water, hurling it directly into Jasper’s cocky face.
"Oh, so it's like that, huh?" Ramona said with a mischievous grin as she used the hair-tie on her wrist to put her locs into a quick bun. "In that case... I've got something for you both!" And without another word, Mona lifted her own hands and sent a wave of water towards both Nate and Jasper when she'd finally resurfaced. It was after then that she also decided to pull Nate by the shoulders in a successful attempt to dunk him underwater; afterwards, she retreated with her arms up to block whatever was coming next.
”Oh you guys are so on,” Jasper said, wiping her wet hair from her face. Sending another splash towards Mona, Jasper grinned at Nate once he resurfaced. ”Careful Mo. Don’t drown the poor guy.”
Nate’s long arms dangled above the water, fingers extended and his wrists moving around in the air, desperately reaching for something to latch onto while Mona had held him down with a surprisingly large amount of physical force. Around the same time Mona’s hands left his shoulders, Nate’s hands latched onto…something. He couldn’t tell exactly what they were but he grabbed them as if his last breath depended on it, not realizing that his legs were able to push him up and he immediately took advantage of this sudden realization.
Coming up from under the water, Nate’s breath was like it was the first breath of air he had taken ever. It only took him moments after the fact to see clearly - well, as clear as one could with the limited light of the moon - that what he grabbed onto wasn’t what he thought it was and, though somewhat delayed, he retracted his hands from Jasper’s chest and blushed. “I’m so sorry! I could have sworn that was your hands. I mean, they were soft like arm fat..I’m not saying you have it but like..” Okay, this was the part Nate never succeeded at. Apologizing when flustered was always a no win zone for Nathaniel Blake.
Jasper couldn’t help but laugh once again. In all reality, the young woman was more than accustomed to people grabbing her boobs at random times. Rather the people grabbing them meant to or as a joke, she didn’t know most of the time. What she did know, was that she didn’t really mind whenever it happened. Shaking her head as she smiled, Jasper watched as the young man's face switched through fifty different shades of red. Quickly deciding that she would like to see just how red Nate could turn, Jasper stood on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around his neck before planting a drunken kiss on him. Releasing Nate and returning back to her normal height, Jasper shoved him back into the water before he had time to respond, causing Nate’s mouth to open as if he was going to say something and the noise of him screeching before bubbles of what was clearly him screaming from below muting his voice..
”Too much?” she asked, looking at Mona.
With wide eyes, Mona watched as her friend planted a smooch right on Nate's lips. And once the boy had been shoved back under water, she burst into yet another fit of laughs and shrugged her shoulders. "Hey, why not? But girl, all I know is if he wasn't already in love with you before, he definitely is now."
Jasper pursed her lips in a thoughtful response. Shrugging her shoulders as she waited on the boy to resurface, she stood there, her arms crossed. ”I mean… he is a little cute?” Mona pondered this statement for a few moments before simply nodding in agreement.
As though he was caught in a time loop, yet again Nate arose from the depths of the shallow part of Lake Meadow and gasped for what - again - felt like his famous last breath and again, he was wheezing due to the lack of airflow. “I’m okay!” He grinned, breathing heavily. “...I think.” He inhaled a few times to make sure everything was fine. Aside from a few deep coughs that should have resulted in internal bleeding, he was fine. After he took just a moment, he blinked at the two. “So, yeah that kiss! Wowzers!” Nate chuckled. “Best kiss I’ve had since high school!”
Jasper rolled her eyes, returning back to her usual bitchy self. ”Oh shut up. Freaking nerd.”
Nate’s gaze stayed on Jasper and moved to Mona for a quick second as if searching for an answer in her eyes but he found nothing. So, as those blue gems returned to her round face, he spoke. “Sorry, did I say something wrong?” He asked, blinking in confusion.
"Uh, of course not," Mona said as she approached the pair and gently patted Nate on the back. "Sorry for almost drowning you, bud. But, hey! What do you two say to getting out of this cold ass lake and getting some more to drink? Especially you." Her last couple of words were directed towards Nate, who could probably tell from the look on her face that there was no way he'd get out of his 3 tequila shots. Boy, was she determined.
Jasper shrugged her shoulders. ”I’m down.” She began to make her way out of the water before she turned back to Nate. ”And nah man. You didn’t do anything. I’m just like… reaaaalllyyyy fucking drunk.” Stepping up onto the bank, the dark haired girl did her best to try and find her missing shirt. ”Does… anyone know where my shirt went?”
He was last out of the bank and Nate surveyed the surrounding area. Under the moon, he was afforded limited light, so he couldn’t necessarily find her shirt. “Wait…” He looked to the shirtless Jasper. “Didn’t you take it out in the lake?” He asked her, unsure about the whereabouts of her shirt, shaking his head quickly. “Well, nevermind that! Until then, you can just wear my shirt!” He squatted down and picked up his blue polo shirt covered in dirt. “I know it’s not your style but it’s gotta be better than nothing, right?” He chuckled with a grin.
”Nah, I don’t think I did…. Maybe? I dunno.” Still looking around, Jasper gave Nate a small smile when he offered her his shirt. Shrugging her shoulders as she took it from him, the girl attempted to shake off most of the dirt before slipping it on. The shirt was just a little bit too big for her, but that was fine. Spotting Mona, Jasper smirked at her friend before asking her a question. ”You really think he’ll survive another three shots?”
“Of course I can!” Nate proclaimed as he hiccupped. At least I think I can… The thought came as he felt a little woozy. He couldn’t tell if it was due to the booze or the repeated dunks he took in the lake.
After shooting a hesitant glance at both Jasper and Nate, Mona simply shrugged her shoulders and continued on to fix her skirt. “Well, I guess there’s only one way to find out.”
And it was at that moment, Nate truly was in for a long ass night.