Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Time: Evening
Mentions: Cade
@Helo, Sakura
@baraquiel, Umber and Darius
@FunnyGuy and everyone inside the ballroom who can hear her.

Even though Ayita did say they should protect Risa, she couldn't help but look at the people who were openly defying Aklenroth. She knew that the Lich King wouldn't hesitate in slaughtering everyone in that ballroom. In fact, she was expecting something to happen, she knew that Aklenroth, who tried to burn down an entire forest just because of her wouldn't hesitate in slaughtering a few dozen bystanders just because of a few rebels. Could she really flee to her own safety and simply leave the others who were fighting to fend off for themselves? No... Ayita was a warrior and the shouts of people who were willing to fight against Aklenroth fired up her own heart. When she heard a red haired woman shouting as she jumped on a table, tearing her mask and the disguise she was using off, revealing herself as a human, followed by another one who did the same thing, jumping on a table and taking off her disguise, inspired by the redheaded girl, it became even harder for her to simply leave. She was a warrior. Running away wasn't in her blood.
"There are too many humans, too many allies here. We can't leave them to be slaughtered by Aklenroth. I'm sure he wont let this opportunity pass." Ayita said in a grim tone as she heard Cade's words, agreeing with him. Just as he said though, Risa was an important piece in their fight against Aklenroth, someone they should definitely defend.
Sakura also seemed to agree with Cade's suggestion, saying that she would go with Ayita to protect Risa while Cade tried to gather the humans and take them away from the ballroom. Before doing so though, Sakura gave both Cade and Ayita a talisman, explaining that they should only tear those to guide them towards her. Despite her desire to stay and fight, Ayita knew very well on how much disadvantage they would be if they fought there. Sakura was right, they couldn't fight, at least not there and not now.
"Cade, be careful. Try to..." Ayita began saying before she was interrupted the moment a voice rose above the rest, asking for the guest's attentions as he began a speech.
Ayita didn't need to hear what he was saying, she knew something
bad was about to happen. Almost as if confirming her suspicions though, she looked around just to see that there were a lot of people that were trying to get out of the ballroom but were stopped by an invisible wall. They were trapped inside. All of them. It was at that moment that she realized that the ball, all that was merely a big trap... Was Aklenroth expecting that rebels and humans would attend to the ball in such numbers? Did he prepare all this? Was this his plan all along...?
"Everything was... A trap..." She said with her eyes wide open, alarmed just as two long black arms erupted from the elf who was doing the speech, tearing it's body apart and revealing it's true form, a huge demon.
Almost at the same time the large demon finished it's speech and revealed his true form, a crystal was thrown in the air right in the middle of the room before it burst in mid air, making a rift appear exactly in the middle of the ballroom. From the rift, fingers appeared, tearing it open little by little before a huge demon appeared from it.
"Cade, Sakura... We don't have a choice anymore. We're all trapped..." Ayita said in an alarmed tone, pointing towards the doors, where many guests fruitlessly tried to get past the invisible barrier.
Ayita couldn't help but feel hopeless for a moment as she looked around. In the blink of an eye, huge demons started appearing one after another as the slaughter began. People were crushed under the weight of giant demons, others were swallowed and killed or bitten and mauled. It was so obvious it was a trap... She
knew it was a trap but they fell on it anyways, having left even their weapons behind.
Despite all that though, Ayita wasn't the type of person who would lose control and get desperate or give up. It wasn't the first time she had faced death in the eyes and it wouldn't be the first time the had greeted it with a smile.
"If I have to fall, I will fall fighting." Ayita said, with a determined expression as she kneeled down and grabbed the bottom part of her dress and ripped it with her hands around the middle of her thighs in order for her to move herself more freely and taking off her heels before she got up, grabbing her mask and taking it off her face.
"I would love to have some weapons right now... It seems I won't be able to use the ones you gave me Cade, sorry." Ayita said as she took her hand to her forehead, where the symbol Sakura had painted to make her disguise was before erasing it, dispelling her disguise spell.
After saying that though, Ayita turned towards the banquet table that was behind them, grabbing the large knife that was nearby the meats section.
"There is a word in my people's language... Gurahiyi. It means to 'stand alone together'." Ayita said in a serious voice as she looked to Cade and Sakura with a determined expression before she smiled and dashed towards one of the guards, that were on the corner of the ballroom.
Despite being in a closed space, the moment Ayita started running towards the guard, she felt once again the wind running with her as she dodged and weaved through the people that were panicking across the ballroom. Despite the confusion, the guard, who was wielding a halberd, still managed to spot Ayita. The moment he started lowering the halberd and pointing towards her though, she closed distance with a burst of speed, once again having the same feeling that she did in the forest of running together with the wind. Grabbing the shaft of the halberd, she pushed it away from her as she jumped at the guard, grabbing him by the hair as he fell down and slicing his throat in a single, brutal movement.. His blood sprayed on her face and her dress as the guard gasped for air one final time before his body went limp and his halberd fell to the ground with an audible noise.
Grabbing the guard's halberd which was now stained with his own blood, the dagger that he carried under his belt and the shortsword, discarding it's sheath before jumping on a nearby table, rising the halberd on the air while holding the dagger and the shortsword with her other hand.
"Open your eyes and look around you! This is what Aklenroth truly is! A cruel and violent tyrant that knows no honor and brings only death and destruction! Look at the dead around you! Unarmed people that were loyal to him lie dead along with innocents and even his allies!" Ayita shouted, with her face still bloodied. With an intense fire in her eyes and no hesitation in her words, she continued.
"Aklenroth asked for war and I will give him what he desires! Will you fight for your freedom or will you bow down and live like mere cattle for Aklenroth to play with? The time to chose is now, are you with me or against me?" she said as she pointed towards the demon who had emerged from the elf who was giving the speech moments before everything began. Should their eyes meet, he would quickly realize that Ayita's words were more than just empty threats and her eyes weren't one of a naive girl. They were the eyes of a warrior.
"Arm yourselves and fight! Fight for your land, fight for your lives, fight for your freedom!" she shouted before whistling towards Cade and throwing him the guard's halberd.
"Aklenroth's corruption will be cleaned with blood! Make your choice now, for there will be no mercy for those who side with him against this land and it's people! Be them humans or not!" she finished, taking her hand to her face, which was still dripping with the guard's blood, and running it across her face, painting it with the red of the guard's blood.
"Rise and fight Avalia! For even if we stand alone, we will stand alone together for this land! Gurahiyi!" Ayita finished with a battle cry as she threw the large knife that she had used to kill the guard at the same demon which she pointed at with the halberd, looking at him for a few seconds in defiance before she got down and headed back towards Cade and Sakura.
"Here, take it. I know you prefer magic but you should at least have something for emergencies." Ayita said when she got closer to Sakura and Cade, handing the shortsword to Sakura before she looked at both of them.
"Escaping is not an option. The exits are barred. We need to find who is responsible for the barriers or if that's not possible... Trying to deal with that monstrous thing in the middle of the ballroom..." she finished as she looked to them.
"Try to get the guard's weapons, arm as many people as you can among those who are willing and capable to fight against Aklenroth." she finished as she looked at them with a determined expression. Just like she said before, she didn't plan to go down without a fight.