Justine saw as the great Feilian began to wane, and smiled smugly, her eyes cast down at Su.
”It doesn’t matter how many the witch lures with the flutter of her eyelash! They are all fools for trusting the destroyer of their home! And that includes you, little bird!””My Lady, she has already left.”She saw as Su rushed to save Helga, and scoffed, wiping her hat of snow with her hand.
”Pah! My grand monologue is best suited to my sworn nemesis anyway.”She brought up her spear, readying herself for a counterattack from Mariette...Only to witness the mass retreat of her forces, fleeing like routed soldiers through various portals.
Justine blinked at first, silent, as she comprehended the move.
”...oho...”Suddenly, she spread her arms to the side, laughing uproariously up into the black sky.
”HOOHOOHOOHOO! So this is Mariette Pedersen’s true nature! A coward who shakes in terror upon witnessing my power! HOOHOOHOO! How amusing! How jubilant! I expected more from you, but it seems it was futile to begin with!”However, as Justine kept laughing, she did not notice the entity that rose up from the depths of the mansion; like a silky specter, Mikayla Synnot’s ghostly form coalesced and formed, joined by lesser spirits of the recently deceased that spun around her, like electrons orbiting an atom.
”My Lady, we have company,” Sonia informed her with a grim tone, having summoned a candle holder with a lit candle in one hand, her other hand wrapped around the monster girl’s waist; throwing knives extended from between the clenched fingers of her fist.
Justine herself however seemed less agitated, and leaned her head slightly to the side as she observed the spirit, an amused smirk on her lips.
”Hmm...How curious. I sense greater power from you than even Mariette possesses. It seems she has forsaken her pride to summon her Patron’s champion. But it matters not.” She now summoned a sword, it’s pommel shaped like a cross, it’s blade seemingly made of crystallized blood as she licked the edge of it.
”I won’t lose to anyone again...I will have my revenge.”And so, the battle between two beings of blackest night began. Mikayla opened fire with an assortment of ghostly archers and gunners, but Sonia easily teleported her and Justine out of the way, appearing instantly behind the revenant. Justine countered with a wide slash of her blade, only to be deflected by a phalanx of phantoms. Scythes swung and lances thrusted, but Sakura intervened by ascending up the outer walls of the mansion, delivering a shocking punch that scattered the spirits. Seeing her chance, Justine held a palm forward with glee.
”Lance of Longinus!”
Justine instantly created a red magic portal from which a scarlet beam of searing hot magical energy shot forth. Mikayla avoided the short-range blast, if only barely, as a result it made a direct hit on Viridian’s radio tower; having been thought of as invincible until now, the spell was powerful enough to blow a chunk of it’s side, and causing it to grind as it slightly tilted.
Justine breathed deeply, a psychotic smile on her lips.
”You avoided my spell...That means even the dead have something to fear!” She glanced at Sakura as she had hopped to the rooftop after her attack.
”Now, welcome oblivion as we cast your spirit into the abyss!” Justine then continued to cast ranged spells at Mikayla while avoiding close quarters combat with her using Sonia’s teleportation, inadvertently blowing more holes into the black dimension in the process.
Helga held her stomach in pain as she was kicked, and her eyes widened as she saw Su jump after her. The two of them were saved by the fantastic flexibility of a flower, allowing them to rebound from their fall. “Ugh, we can’t beat them when they’re together like that,” the toothy girl grumbled, and looked up to see the vampire girl engage in an epic duel against a ghost-like entity. She also heard Mariette’s command to retreat, and saw Lea lift them up with Wind magic.
“Ugh, I don’t like it...But now’s our best chance while she’s distracted.” With a nod, she followed the sprite through the portal, taking Su with her.
Trixy slid stylishly down to ground level to engage with the remaining member of Red Nest, assisted by another markswoman as the two laid down suppressive fire. The chain weretiger roared as he suddenly jumped from his cover, and launched his chain at Trixy, attempting to bind her. However, she managed to escape by a portal that appeared at the last second, jumping back just as the chain was about to reach her, only to hit the wall of the mansion with its bladed end.
Meanwhile, Sally ended up running and screaming with her hands up around the field as big lances came crashing down. Sally managed to avoid most of them, just like before, but once again a single lance was about to hit the Red Nest member close to her.
“No...No!” She dove courageously, shoving the weretiger out of the way as the lance landed right on the tip of her left foot, crushing her toes.
“OW OW OW OW!” She screamed while rapidly bouncing around on one foot, holding the other foot in her hands. “What are the chances of my toes being crushed? This isn’t just jinxing, you’re scrambling luck all over the place!” She then saw a portal open behind Taihei, and she quickly disappeared. However, Sally didn’t have much time to grumble, as she provided suppressive fire on Dusty, managing to hit a lucky shot on her shoulder, causing her to drop her gun from the shock as she retreated through a portal. Now no longer under fire, Sally hopped over to Aurelio and the others, having managed a small smile despite the pain she was going through. “Looks like they managed to catch a lion by its toe. How lucky of them~”
At the front door, Kimble sighed, grateful for what little aid Aurelio could provide to her as he focused on tending to Hyun’s injuries. She then stood up when one of Victoria’s ice clones popped out of the melting snow, clutching her magical sickle in her hands. She
“That’s right! We don’t need an army to deal with the likes of you!” She shouted back. Then, she saw Lea upn in the sky. She bit her lip, having been reminded of the person she loved.
“Even if I was the last one standing, I’m still going to fight! Because Alicia believes in me! She believes in us all!”Aurelio had contacted Elora, and she had responded swiftly. “Aurelio, what is your status? The sensors picked up all kinds of fluctuation in magic readings.” She was silent as Aurelio reported on their status and request. “Permission granted. Preparing an extraction on your location.” Sally heard Elora call to her. “Place the marker near you, and secure the area.”
She slumped against the wall next to Hyun, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, and nodded.
“Roger.” She looked up at Aurelio. “Be careful, okay? She is dangerous, even more dangerous than I could have imagined.”
Dina gritted her teeth underneath her neutral facial expression as events unfolded before her at a pace she could not comprehend. They were going to breach soon, and Mariette and her lot were being pushed even more back. Her ears downcast and tail downwards, she grimly realized that this collective was beginning to be fairly desperate, calling the big shots, as things were getting increasingly bloodier and bloodier.
Such was war waged among humans, and magical powers only made it worse and furious. Her eyes rested on Dan. He clearly was like a sprite of a magical fountain, detached and ignorant. She even pondered if she ever knew the true nature of the one he was allying with. A joy eater spreading misery. That could not feel well. She gestured with her hand for Dan to come…
Dan soon appeared, a big drop of sweat on his brow and his bottlenose scrunched up in fear. “Oh, Dina! Is there something on your mind?” He asked, less lively than usual.
“So far you girls have done a good job, if that’s what you’re, uh, wondering about.”
Dina shook her head, as she took the small dolphin as if he were a baby on her arms. “That's not it. You’re hurting, aren’t you? You… never expected humans to be like this, did you?” The catgirl said. “I’ve seen this before, and It’s always a bloody result.” She whispered.
Dan yelped as Dina carried him, but then managed to slightly calm down. “Dina...I have been foolish. While I still think Justine needs to be stopped, this...This is not a good way to go about it. Mariette is just as willing to resort to extreme measures as she is, and I fear she might become worse thanks to me.” He covered his face with his stretchy fins. “But I can’t just leave her, not after my promise to her. That would break her heart.”
“I know. We try to keep our promises, right?” Dina said. “Maybe it’s worth a shot.” Dina said, while still cradling Dan.
“It’s going to be a red dawn upon this battle. Please allow me one last chance to avoid something we all will be regretting. It won’t take long.” Dina said solemn as she raised her voice to Mariette, readying herself before dashing through the library to reach the front of the infiltration team. Without hostile intentions nor weapons. She deployed her Ruler’s aura… without distinction as well.
Still engaged in looking for a spot that fit Ronin’s description, it was not hard to miss the incoming Ruler Aura. But of course, there were only so many options as to what the source could be. Reorienting to face it, her bow aimed up the stairs as she prepared for the foe to emerge.
”Get ready,” she warned.
”Let’s give them a warm reception.”Dina’s nose twitched. It felt… wrong, somehow. She had to take extra care about what to do next, so she put up her strongest barrier… at the same time she shouted “Parley! Parley!” The words almost choked on her mouth. She was a creature of poise and elegance, not a daredevil who would jump into the enemy’s guns normally. But it had to be done.
FanFan caught up on the stairs to see MDP clear the magma trap, clearly impressed despite her disguise. “Nice job, Princess!” She complimented her, and then reached Alicia and the others. There, Leena had summoned her swords while still resembling Mariette.
She grit her teeth when Dina called out to them, her swords threateningly pointed.
“Parley? Is Mariette going to surrender?” She twirled her blade with finesse, finding herself unusually willing to at least hear her out despite her urge to purge the monster girl.
Prepared to fire, Alicia was not expecting it when the aura stopped, and the person creating it yelled that they just wanted to talk. Which the aura did seem to indicate, but after the rave there was no point in taking chances.
”No way,” she replied to Leena,
”If she was going to surrender she wouldn’t leave it to a lackey.” Not when she had her portals.
It could be a trick, Alicia was aware of that. The place certainly seemed rigged with enough of them. And even then, it would waste time Mariette could use to recover. Still, it might be worth it to hear what they wanted to say, if it could remove some of the cards Mariette had to play. She lowered her bow, but kept an arrow at the ready just in case.
”Talk fast,” she called back.
Well, the trickiest part was done. Dina gulped, as she immediately lowered her defenses, stepping in plain sight. “I’m Dina. Ally to Mariette by intervention of Dan.” She presented Dan too, who probably was still in her arms. “Past this point, it’ll be the last pitch. A veritable bloodbath. We have no desire to go through with it, yet our agreement binds us to help Mariette and keep her safe against Justine. Only Mariette and not that horrible master of hers.”
Dina said, much more crudely than she was used to. “And I know it’s the same for you too. You must be Alicia. Penny has spoken highly of you. Also, Lady Gaia, hello.”
“Empress Denisova,” Gaia acknowledged with a respectful nod.
“It is a pleasure to see you again, although I dearly wish it were under more pleasant circumstances.” “Oh, i-is t-that the c-cat girl you m-met at the g-gardens?” Connie whispered.
“S-She looks r-really pretty…” “Indeed it is, little sister,” Gaia confirmed.
“I believe she is a member of Russian nobility, which goes some way towards explaining her refined bearing and commanding aura.” “Ooohh~! What a pretty kitty witty~!” MDP squealed upon Dina’s appearance.
“And that little dolphin thingie wingie she’s holding is, like, sooo totally wotally adorable worable too~! (giggle!)”“Hi there,” Dan waved back to the excitable pastel-colored girl with a happy, if somewhat nervous smile. “I’m Dan the Dolphin, Dina’s Patron.” If MDP were to reach out and touch Dan, he would accept it with a joyful squeak. “I hope we can all get along.”
‘…’ Ronin had a problem. Thing was, without a violent battle she couldn’t get close enough to Mariette to save her, as she desired. Though, yeah, going through with the battle would lead to the probable death of herself and a bunch of those around her. On the flip-side, how many lives would be saved if they stopped Asengav’s operations here? Or if they stopped Justine? Though, even if it was the preferable option, could Dina truly negotiate a blood-less compromise?
‘The ones you wanna convince are Alicia and Justine. Good luck,’ Ronin said, pointing briefly to Alicia and then outside. If the cat-girl pulled this off, Ronin would be seriously impressed. For now, she kept her wits about. Mariette was no doubt surrounding them as they spoke.
Speedwagon, for her part, was conflicted about this turn of events. On the one hand, her Power of Friendship was telling her that Dina was being genuine here with her offer. She had a feeling she knew where it was going from the oddly specific wording Dina used…
...but at the same time, Speedwagon knew that this room was a fantastic place for an ambush. Even if Mariette didn't use her portals to launch a counterattack from anywhere in the large foyer, the balconies above were good places for defenders to strike from, and there were entrances on nearly all sides of the room.
"From what I can tell, this lady's dealing with us squarely," Speedwagon said, frowning.
"Or at least, she wants to." She did not point out the obvious problem that she hoped subtext would convey - that while
Dina wanted to parlay, there was no reason that
Mariette wouldn't attack them while they were distracted. No telling if saying it outright would spring the trap, or worse, give Mariette the idea.
Thankfully, it looked like Joanna got it, because she shifted her stance in a casual motion.
FanFan and Leena, still disguised as Eli and Mariette respectively, lowered their weapons, though they still kept a vigil watch over the room, aware that somebody could use Dina as a chance to catch them unaware. “So you’re proposing that you’ll help us in exchange for letting Mariette live?” Leena asked. “How about purifying her? We can’t let her do as she pleases anymore. If you’ve worked with her, you’d know that.”
Dina’s ears perked up slightly as she eyed the collective. Her sight then went to a certain corner of the room. “Two-tails. Do tell if something’s incoming. Do so and you can play with the bound minotaur.” She said.
The group heard a snicker echo in the foyer, impossible to discern from any single direction, followed by an equally omnipresent voice:
“Very well, then~”
Leena and FanFan’s eyes widened, and they drew their weapons. “You had someone spy on us all this time!” Leena accused her with a pointed sword, but FanFan lowered it down with her hand. “It’s fine. It shows that Dina is serious, considering she revealed her just now. But we can’t dillydally for long. Paladin Seraph,” she turned to Alicia. “It’s your call on whether we trust this catgirl or not.”
“Purifying is traumatic..” Dina said.” Still… the Mariette you know and despise isn’t the real Mariette. It’s but a construct, like how child soldiers are made. When I promised to help Mariette and that no harm came to her… I also meant I’d fight her master if need be.” She then added.
Unlike the others, Alicia was not surprised to learn they were being watched. Mariette had known the second they arrived, she likely still had eyes on them. What was one more? Instead she turned to what Dina had said, and the trustworthiness that Speedwagon asserted.
”It may be traumatic but it is necessary,” she challenged.
”It’s the only way to ensure her Patron no longer has a hold on her. And there must be justice for what she’s been a part of. The girls she’s abducted deserve no less.” admittedly she would not be as satisfied without some final reckoning, but she had always assumed Purification would be impossible anyway. It would be too easy for Mariette to escape before it was finished. Things could not be left to chance.
Dina’s facial expression tensed even more. Probably this was the hardest negotiation she had run in a while. Yet Dina persevered. She had agreed to spread joy. She held others to high standards, so it was natural she would hold herself to high standards.
“An eye by an eye, and the world goes blind.” Dina replied. “I have waved the flag of parley and that is what I shall do. I will try to convince Mariette, as unlikely as it is, that she needs to take such a bitter medicine, in order for bloodshed to stop. However, let me say one last thing.” Dina added.
“Stay your hand now, and I will spare no effort in bringing this proxy war to an end. Even if it means braving horrors or vampire girls who use thralls to dispose of mines. That much I swear.” Dan slowly nodded, looking silently proud of the conviction Dina had.
Speedwagon’s senses, throughout Dina’s responses, hadn’t revealed anything less than complete sincerity behind her words. Which… might almost have been worse than if she had been trying to fool them. For one, the very act of stalling them, even for a moment, gave Mariette an opportunity to marshall a counterattack… and Dina genuinely didn't seem to consider the possibility that she was enabling more bloodshed in trying to avoid it.
Worse, what if it ended right now? Dina was still Mariette's ally, so any ambush she would have to plan with her there would have to avoid hitting her (if she valued her life, at least). They'd lose that advantage once she was gone.
And God preserve them if Mariette, against everything, actually took that deal while inside one of Asengav’s domains, signing her own death warrant. Horrors didn’t tend to turn a blind eye to those who betrayed them, or knew they were about to betray them.
Speedwagon’d seen it herself, once upon a time.
As insane as it might have sounded, she might have little choice but to keep these negotiations going. Because the second Dina went to actually start pitching it to Mariette, one way or another a bloodbath would break out. Either as a result of Mariette refusing, and the battle resuming; accepting, and risking Asengav coming down on them all in all its eldritch fury; having wasted enough time passing so that Justine, coming in as a Big Damn Hero, escalated things anyway. The situation was fucked.
And worse, she couldn’t risk saying any of that outright - Dina herself proved that there were others listening to their conversation.
“So what on earth did Mariette say, to convince someone like you to throw in with her lot?” Speedwagon asked.
“After all, it’s not hard to find out the kinds of things she’s been up to. Abducting Magical Girls, turning them to her own side. And credit where it’s due,” Speedwagon said, indicating Alicia.
“Beacon’s been falling pretty hard on people who’ve done that in this town, as of late. So. Why?”“I entreat myself to follow commitments, even if they have been handed me over by my Queen or Patron. And because Mariette is driven by fear. Same as half of this town as of late. The Ascendancy is proof of that. We stick to our spears and hearts and shield ourselves to not lose anything more. But in doing so, we lose more than we gain.” Dina replied, marking a distinction between Beacon and Ascendancy, much like Penny had attempted earlier with varied success, but that told her that the current Beacon was not monolithic. Once he finished speaking, Dina heard her summoned monster’s voice whisper to her ear, inaudible to the others by being masked with illusion magic: “Mariette’s preparing forces around you as we speak. I suggest you get a move on before you’re ambushed~”
Alicia could see with her Third Eye that an invisible fox lady was next to Dina, before she disappeared under the floor.
Completely oblivious to the high-stakes discussion taking place around her, MDP happily skipped over to where Dina was standing and began gently petting the dolphin she was holding, giggling with glee as she did so.
“Like, Magical Dream Princess would really super duper wuv that too~! (giggle!)” she replied after Dan had expressed his hopes that they could all be friends.
“I agree with Empress Denisova that a peaceful resolution would certainly be preferable,” Gaia added, after Dina had stated her intentions.
“Yet I am unsure that such a resolution will be possible, due to reasons I have no doubt your majesty is well-aware of. Does your majesty perhaps have a plan, in regard to dealing with those obstacles?” “The ebb and flow is too complicated.” Dina curtly replied. “And it seems we’re running out of time…”
Alicia appreciated the points that the others brought up as they conversed, all the while thinking on their next move. Her gaze narrowed at the sight of the being next to Dina, before it vanished. Were they being played? Maybe. It was time to end this.
”I’m not making any promises,” she decided at last.
”Mariette needs to be stopped and I intend to do that, one way or another.”With that she looked back to the others.
”Let’s go. We won’t be safe here forever.”Dina's gaze become downcast as she stared at the floor. "So you say." It was safe to say her voice had the faintest hint of trembling and hesitation at this point. "One way or another is a fancy of saying at all costs." The noble catgirl sighed as a weapon materialized in her hand, but still had not assumed a hostile stance. "The hole in your heart will continue to grow until you cannot even forgive yourself." She added before casting a reinforcement spell on the entire infiltration team. "Consider this my compensation for the time spent in trying for a peaceful resolution. As unfortunate as the outcome will be." She said as she began to leave.
"No hard feelings. Fight well. Stand proud." She added, before grabbing Dan once more. "I did try." The little dolphin himself frowned, saddened by the group’s rejection. MDP’s headpats had helped stave off most of the negativity, but his bottlenose still drooped down his face.
The Infiltration team, after their talk with Dina, continued up the stairs of the central staircase, and ended up on the second floor of the mansion.
‘Dina came from this direction,’ ‘Mariette’ noted.
‘I’m going in first!’‘Eli’ followed up, and prepared to charge into the library, her mechanical arms summoned to react to any sudden attack or trap.

At the former Artillery Line, Alex finally got a chance to prove himself as Justine’s monsters wreaked havoc. After one of the Gorelions failed to skewer him with their harpoon-like weapons, he grabbed it, causing the monster to bellow and yank back, just as Alex wanted it to. Shooting down the corridor like a missile, ready to eviscerate the abomination with a shimmering blade. However, he failed to deliver a direct impact, instead slashing the beast’s tougher shell. Still , he managed to cut through the obsidian armor enough to slow himself down, causing sparks to fly as the sword’s edge dug into the black carapace. The beast shook it’s back, bound in place by Esther’s wood rising from the floor to wrap their feet, but Alex easily used the momentum to jump up into the ceiling, landing on it feet first. Wooden lances also shot from the floor, but they failed to pierce their obsidian armor or even distract them from their prey.
Meanwhile, Eliza engaged the other Gorelion. Though she was wounded due to her unfortunate positioning in the fight, she managed to stall the two monsters long enough for Alex to deliver a blow strong enough to crack the shell off one of them, and rebounding off the beast to leap towards Lily on the other side of the corridor.
There, he saw as Hilaria had a contest of strength with a Gorelion stepping on Lily; the green haired-girl gasped as the monster pressed on her, but Alex’ barrier instead broke, saving her.
”Get off me, you dumbo!” She screamed, and released a discharge of electricity. However, aside from causing the beast to slightly startle, it didn’t seem to affect it too much. Esther’s wood also wrapped around this one’s feet, and successfully held it’s foot from crushing Lily, though it was only a matter of time before it struggled free and flattened her like a pancake.
Hilaria was also initially in trouble, unable to attack effectively as long as the beast was pulling on her shield with an anchored tongue. Two girls suddenly jumped from behind Hilaria, their two slender legs synchronized and infused with opposing elements that delivered a double-whammy of freezing ice and searing flame, one after the other. As a result, the tongue froze and cracked, severing the fleshy appendage. As the girls retreated from the beast’s raging roar, Hilaria delivered a blast from her trusty Vulcan into the impenetrable void of another Gorelion’s orifice, saving a magical girl who was nearly devoured and also causing the beast to howl and bleed. It was on its last legs now, and attempted ramming into Hilaria with it’s heavy bulk, only to clang against the dark magical girl’s sturdy shield slam. At that moment Mariette appeared from a portal, and blasted the Gorelion with a beam of light, proving effective in piercing it’s tough defenses as it howled in pain. Then, as it was distracted, Hilaria delivered a mighty punch, delivering a graviton strike that caused the beast’s obsidian armor to crack and shatter, sending the monster off its feet were it not for Esther’s bindings that glued it to the spot. The beast’s head now hung down as it growled in a daze from her concussive blow, and as it lurched slightly to the side, Lily took the opportunity to slip out; she had charged the floor under her with electromagnetic particles, and created a frictionless surface from which she slid away as if greased.
Another Gorelion was about to shoot her with a tongue, but Mariette fended the attack off with another beam, causing the best to shirk away from the light and allowing Alex to move through to reach the group.
Lily panted hard as she clambered back up using a corridor wall as support.
”You...You saved me, Hils! And Mariette too...” She spoke between heavy breaths and summoned her weapon, only to be interrupted by Mariette’s order.
”Huh? But we gotta stay and fi-Kiyaaa!”Suddenly, she was webbed by Ronja on the other side, and swiftly pulled off her feet right through the portal. When Alex would arrive through the magical entryway, she would see that Lily ended up stuck to a web that was spread on the far wall, having ended up in an embarrassing pose.
”Uuu...” She whined, still weary from the chaos just moments ago.
At the Sanctuary, the crowd listened to Penny’s judgement with various looks ranging from fear to respect to confusion. They each slightly shivered as Penny laced her words with a touch of Gravity, giving them a weight that lingered like an echo. Once Penny gave her verdict, the crowd gasped, surprised by how merciful she has been to the guilty monster girl. Belladonna remained quiet, feeling her wrists in a contemplative manner once the manacles were off them.
“Wow...Penny is a wise queen, to understand her like that...”
“I think she let her off easy I mean, she endangered the Sanctuary...”
“But she did make a point about the circumstances. She got lucky, really.”
“Alright, show’s over. Please resume your duties as before.”
The crowd quickly dispersed once Goblina waved to the crowd and announced the end of the public trial.
“Queen Penny, that was an amazing spee-” she attempted to speak, but was swiftly silenced as Penny spoke in a chilling voice, causing the monster girl's ears to stand up straight
“U-Understood. You can count on me,” she answered with a salute, and watched as the mechanical sovereign stomped or flew off, parting the crowds like a snowmower through a wintery street. The guards stayed behind, patrolling vigilantly as they scoured the area of intruders.
Goblina sighed, and wiped her brow before turning to Belladonna.
“Now then, I shall list out the types of service that you may undertake in order to complete your sentence: cleaning out the sewage system, collecting garbage, gathering provisions...” Belladonna sighed, and stretched her arms above her head.
“Ugh, I figured this was going to suck. Can’t I do something else than scrounging up in the dirt?” She asked, her ears drooping down. Goblina pressed her pen to her chin.
“Well, there is something you could do to improve morale and advertise the Sanctuary. It depends on how….ahem...natural you are willing to get.”
Belladonna blinked. “Huh? Wait, you don’t mean-” then, she delivered a fanged smirk that would be terrifying to see in the moonlight.
“Oh, I get it. You want to snatch some shots and roll a tape of me, huh?” She put a hand behind her head and another on her hip. “Monstergirls Gone Wild?”
Goblina’s jaw opened in shock. “Actually, I mea-”
But before she could stop her, Belladonna gave her a thumbs up. “Very well. If you insist, then that is how I’ll pay for my crimes. It does beat prison at any rate. So, when do we get started?”
Goblina slowly facepalmed, and then smiled a bit, showing a tooth. “I suppose we can add that to the list.”
The guards at Beacon HQ were befuddled by Oros’ request, and then raised an eyebrow as Summer actually heeded that request. They looked up towards a window where the strange magical girl’s flying jib was grabbed by Janet. It seemed that an agreement of some kind had been made, so the guards returned back to their posts.