Before the Fall but After the Return...
The heavens dripped with the tears of the Moon and Sun, for their children may be lost forevermore...

When the Heavens Fell...
The angels rejoiced at the news of Armarion's return, yet their happiness was short lived because his return was not a good omen and when Armarion told his tale of peril and woe and of how his brothers and sisters were fighting amongst themselves. Hope died in heaven and the sky wept...
And yet there still might be hope...
And yet there still might be hope...
Honorable Mentions
It wouldn't have been possible for me to make this revive if I hadn't been part of the old roleplay this is based off of as well as the other two previous attempts to revive the roleplay we grew to love as a team. I just want to thank those that tried to keep this roleplay alive. I will continue that fight for the survival of this roleplay and I have the following people to thank...
The GM's
@Lucas Tallador the Gm and Creator of When The Gods Fell...
@Etain and @Robo27 the Co-GM's who tried their damnedest to keep it afloat!
And most important of all @Lord Zee who fought to keep the roleplay alive!
@Etain and @Robo27 the Co-GM's who tried their damnedest to keep it afloat!
And most important of all @Lord Zee who fought to keep the roleplay alive!
The Player's
@heroofhyrule50, @Forsythe, @Malphaestus, @AsgardianLord19, @Eyeris, @Player 2, @Melodia Alluna, @Pirouette, @Tendo, @ActRaiserTheReturned, @WhiteStar19, @Pathfinder, @Deyedreamer, @Zombehs, @Winter05, @NarcissisticPotato, @mercenarius, @Dealdric, @Kazemitsu, @GrizzTheMauler, @Rune_Alchemist, @Jangel13, @Legion02, @Dezuel, and @dabombjk thank you all, and maybe just maybe give this rp another try?
Rules will get updated if I get enough interest!
Basics of Character Creation/Rules:
Laws of the World: