◼ G M (s): Lord Wraith ◼ C O N S U L T I N G G M (s): DocTachyon & Roman ◼ G E N R E: Fandom ◼ T Y P E: Collaborative Linear Sandbox
"To me, writing is fun. It doesn’t matter what you’re writing, as long as you can tell a story."S T A N L E E ( 1 9 2 2 - 2 0 1 8 )
I N T R O D U C T I O N:
I N T R O D U C T I O N:
I N T R O D U C T I O N:

W E L C O M E F A N S O F D C, M A R V E L, A N D A L L C O M I C S A L I K E !
Sensation & Wonder is a roleplay based upon the structures and mechanics of previous games run under the Absolute Comics banner but with a goal of overcoming the past games' biggest weakness; a lack of collaborative writing. As such, Sensation & Wonder is a collaborative linear sandbox roleplay that seeks to merge and mix the lore of your favourite DC and Marvel characters into one living cohesive world. The idea behind this RP is not to embody our favourite heroes to simply retell iconic stories and origins but to take these characters and make them our own. In fact, the goal of the RP is for players to take their favourite characters and re-imagine them to tell stories together. We only ask that the 'heart' of the character remains the same. Players will take the roles of their favourite characters and tell stories in collaboration with other players in order to develop and grow the world.
How heavily mixed these elements are is dependent upon the players as the world and its lore is shaped by you and your stories. Do Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark know each other? Has Lady Shiva trained with Danny Rand? Have Thor and Superman gone toe to toe? These are questions for you to ask yourself and they can only be answered as the RP unfolds!
How heavily mixed these elements are is dependent upon the players as the world and its lore is shaped by you and your stories. Do Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark know each other? Has Lady Shiva trained with Danny Rand? Have Thor and Superman gone toe to toe? These are questions for you to ask yourself and they can only be answered as the RP unfolds!
A C C E P T E D C H A R A C T E R S:
A C C E P T E D C H A R A C T E R S:
A C C E P T E D C H A R A C T E R S:

S E A S O N O N E R O S T E R:
◼ BATGIRL aka Cassandra Cain S T A T U S
As portrayed by Zoey Boey
◼ BATMAN, THE aka Bruce Wayne S T A T U S
As portrayed by Roman
◼ BLADE aka Eric Brooks S T A T U S
As portrayed by Bork Lazer
◼ HAWKEYE aka Clint Barton S T A T U S
As portrayed by Hound55
◼ FANTASTIC FOUR aka Reed Richards, Susan Storm-Richards, Johnny Storm, and Ben Grimm S T A T U S
As portrayed by Cybermaxx
◼ MR. FREEZE aka Victor Fries S T A T U S
As portrayed by Ever Faithful
◼ QUESTION, THE aka Victor Sage S T A T U S
As portrayed by Byrd Man
◼ SPIDER-MAN aka Peter Parker S T A T U S
As portrayed by webboysurf
◼ NIGHTWING aka Richard Grayson S T A T U S
As portrayed by Lord Wraith
◼ SHADOWCAT aka Katherine Pryde S T A T U S
As portrayed by Retired
◼ SILK aka Cindy Moon S T A T U S
As portrayed by Pirouette
◼ THOR aka Thor Odinson S T A T U S
As portrayed by Dead Cruiser
As portrayed by Zoey Boey
◼ BATMAN, THE aka Bruce Wayne S T A T U S
As portrayed by Roman
◼ BLADE aka Eric Brooks S T A T U S
As portrayed by Bork Lazer
◼ HAWKEYE aka Clint Barton S T A T U S
As portrayed by Hound55
◼ FANTASTIC FOUR aka Reed Richards, Susan Storm-Richards, Johnny Storm, and Ben Grimm S T A T U S
As portrayed by Cybermaxx
◼ MR. FREEZE aka Victor Fries S T A T U S
As portrayed by Ever Faithful
◼ QUESTION, THE aka Victor Sage S T A T U S
As portrayed by Byrd Man
◼ SPIDER-MAN aka Peter Parker S T A T U S
As portrayed by webboysurf
◼ NIGHTWING aka Richard Grayson S T A T U S
As portrayed by Lord Wraith
◼ SHADOWCAT aka Katherine Pryde S T A T U S
As portrayed by Retired
◼ SILK aka Cindy Moon S T A T U S
As portrayed by Pirouette
◼ THOR aka Thor Odinson S T A T U S
As portrayed by Dead Cruiser
◼ AGENTS HARPER & TODD aka Roy Harper & Jason Todd S T A T U S
As portrayed by Hillan
◼ DIRECTOR ROGERS aka Steven Rogers S T A T U S
As portrayed by Sep
◼ DOCTOR FATE aka Kent Nelson S T A T U S
As portrayed by Dead Cruiser
◼ GHOST RIDER aka Annabelle Roth S T A T U S
As portrayed by Hillan
◼ JUSTICE FROM A '68 MONACO aka Renee Montoya & Marcus Driver, GCPD S T A T U S
As portrayed by Hound55
◼ PUNISHER, THE aka Francis Castle S T A T U S
As portrayed by Roman
◼ SHE-HULK aka Jennifer Walters S T A T U S
As portrayed by Kyoka
◼ SUPERBOY aka Subject 13-B04 S T A T U S
As portrayed by Cybermaxx
◼ WOLVERINE aka Logan S T A T U S
As portrayed by DocTachyon
As portrayed by Hillan
◼ DIRECTOR ROGERS aka Steven Rogers S T A T U S
As portrayed by Sep
◼ DOCTOR FATE aka Kent Nelson S T A T U S
As portrayed by Dead Cruiser
◼ GHOST RIDER aka Annabelle Roth S T A T U S
As portrayed by Hillan
◼ JUSTICE FROM A '68 MONACO aka Renee Montoya & Marcus Driver, GCPD S T A T U S
As portrayed by Hound55
◼ PUNISHER, THE aka Francis Castle S T A T U S
As portrayed by Roman
◼ SHE-HULK aka Jennifer Walters S T A T U S
As portrayed by Kyoka
◼ SUPERBOY aka Subject 13-B04 S T A T U S
As portrayed by Cybermaxx
◼ WOLVERINE aka Logan S T A T U S
As portrayed by DocTachyon
◼ AGENT VENOM aka Edward Brock S T A T U S
As portrayed by Mao Mao
◼ BATWOMAN aka Barbara Gordon S T A T U S
As portrayed by Cybermaxx
◼ CHERUB aka Warren Worthing III S T A T U S
As portrayed by Bounce
◼ GREEN LANTERN aka Carol Danvers S T A T U S
As portrayed by Lord Wraith
◼ RED ROBIN aka Timothy Drake S T A T U S
As portrayed by Natty
◼ ROBIN aka Damian Wayne S T A T U S
As portrayed by TGM
As portrayed by Mao Mao
◼ BATWOMAN aka Barbara Gordon S T A T U S
As portrayed by Cybermaxx
◼ CHERUB aka Warren Worthing III S T A T U S
As portrayed by Bounce
◼ GREEN LANTERN aka Carol Danvers S T A T U S
As portrayed by Lord Wraith
◼ RED ROBIN aka Timothy Drake S T A T U S
As portrayed by Natty
◼ ROBIN aka Damian Wayne S T A T U S
As portrayed by TGM
S E A S O N O N E F A C T I O N S:
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I N A C T I V E C H A R A C T E R S:
I N A C T I V E C H A R A C T E R S:

W I T H D R A W N C H A R A C T E R S:
W I T H D R A W N C H A R A C T E R S:
W I T H D R A W N C H A R A C T E R S: