
Time: 10am
Location: Jungle
Interactions:@Tae Raven @Kazemitsu Kharne @Th3King0fChaos Ismael @princess Annya

Saoirse remained silent when Ismael inquired about the dangers in the jungle. While Annya replied to him, Shae had glanced around to watch various creatures scuttling about. She didn’t know how well a knife would hold up in battle and wished she had her gun. It would make life much easier but she recalled dropping it in the bank heist. She groaned. More evidence that would be used against her if she ever returned. The thought scared her and she pushed it out of her mind. She pulled her hair into a messy bun in case anything happened. She hated her hair being in her way.
Next, Raven began describing her job. While the Avalians wouldn’t have any idea, Shae was vaguely familiar with it. She only half listened though; the idea of it bored her. Why pretend to be something you weren’t? She supposed money made a big difference. She couldn’t help but wonder how much easier Raven’s life was compared to her’s. It was definitely more relaxed. She tuned the girl's voice out and tried not to think about what her life would have been like if she hadn’t turned into a criminal.
After she introduced herself, the warrior princess gave her an encouraging smile. Shae tried to return it, but wasn’t sure how, so she simply nodded in return. Her eyes widened at the mention of ‘lighting the trees on fire’. Was having fire an option? Shae felt a rush of excitement. What if she didn’t have it though - could she get a refund? She couldn’t help but feel anger at the idea of not having fire at her fingertips. She scowled. In the background, Annya and Raven discussed Chicago and she rolled her eyes. The only fun she had was with her gang. The city could rot in hell for all she cared. The idea of that was stupid to her and she wouldn’t waste her energy on nonsense. It wasn’t as if she could go back in time to fix it.
Though Annya told them not to worry, the jungle mocked her. Branches breaking and the sound of breathing caught her attention. Saoirse froze and reached into her bag for her knife. Even if it wasn’t useful, she felt safer holding it. Suddenly, two horrible, ugly trolls emerged from the depth of the jungle. Shae stared with shock and awe, not knowing what they were. One of them charged Kharne which made her feel better; at least the dragon… born could handle himself. Then her heart plunged when the second troll knocked Raven off her feet and grabbed her. Its’ words sent chills down her spine, and then went to take a bite. The scenario took Raven a moment to respond; after screaming, she produced a gust of wind that knocked Shae backwards and the troll as well. Annya had tripped as well but regained her footing enough to attack the creature. She watched as it released Raven and threw her into Annya. The two girls collided and fell, but Annya rolled Raven off of her quickly and jumped back to her feet. She watched as the princess threw her axes at the troll and said ‘return’. With shock, Shae watched as the axe returned back to her hand. When Annya told them to stay back and hide, Shae didn’t need to be told twice. No way in hell was she fighting this ugly creature. She would live to fight another day. The idea of Raven nearby it though...
Saoirse hastily sheathed her knife and turned to Raven, then picked the girl up under her arms and dragged her backwards. Shae let go of her and turned back to the trolls and saw Kharne fighting off the other. ”You okay?” She inquired and hadn’t noticed the ring of sparks around her wrists yet. Shae glanced at the tree above her and to Raven. ”Can you climb at all?” She glanced at the foliage and then down. They would be safe higher up and away from these creatures' grasp… right? Her heart was hammering harder than it had during the heist. For once, she didn’t know what to do or know how to defend herself and she hated the feeling. Whatever her power was, she had to rely on it for safety.