Time: 10amLocation: Outside Malthemoor Interactions: Vrexen @FunnyGuyMentions:
Myra continued to watch, camouflaged and from a safe distance as Vrexen talked with the dark skinned female, who seemed to be interested in her camouflage ability. Myra was still wary about what had happened, especially since Vrexen's hostility seemed to disappear as suddenly as it had started. Sure, he was still his normal, intimidating self as he approached the dark skinned woman, whom apparently was called Astra, but that much was pretty much 'normal' for Vrexen.
Undoing her camouflage just as Vrexen had finished speaking with Astra, she watched, still a bit far away from him as Astra grabbed the second roll of paper she had brought, the one Myra found pretty and started analyzing it with an excited expression. For some reason, she seemed to be
really happy with it, going as far as praising Myra for having brought it, which made Myra cautiously give a few steps towards her, looking at the drawing as Astra analyzed it, giving a jump back when she suddenly stuffed the drawing on her backpack after rolling it. Even though she seemed fine for a dark skin, at least definitely easier to trust than Vrexen right now, she was still a bit wary about her.
With Vrexen and Astra finishing talking, having decided where to go, Myra warily looked at both of them, waiting for their next move. She also wanted to get out of the island, so she would have to stay with them for a bit longer, despite what had just happened with Vrexen.

Even though Nuallán was confident in his own abilities, he knew better than to underestimate how dangerous the wilderness of Avalia were. Despite the war and the threat of enemies, the wilds could be equally as dangerous, if not more. Not only he had to protect Lady Rosaria and Aurora, but the humans as well. In case something happened, even with his own abilities, protecting everyone would definitely be a challenge. Keeping his attention on both his surroundings and the group, especially Jomari, he continued in silence, until Caelan and shortly after, Jomari asked a question that he was waiting for some of the humans to make.
Rosaria was quick to answer their questions, expressing the importance of them keeping quiet before telling them their destination, quickly mentioning Princess Mikazuki, whom they would meet once arriving there.
"Many creatures call the Avalian wilderness home and while a great many could be useful for food, sustenance and materials, there are some which are better left undisturbed." Nuallán said in a low tone and with a serious expression, emphasizing the need for them to be quiet, reiterating what Rosaria had said before.
"We are far from being on the top of the food chain, so be warned, thread carefully and listen to our warnings. Should any situation arise, listening to our commands and instructions or ignoring them can be the difference between escaping with your life or not." he said, looking to every human with a very serious expression, before nodding, hoping they understood his words and continuing to watch his surroundings.
Despite his serious warnings and how alert he was, the humans still managed to surprise them with their reactions and how different they were from one another. While Caelan showed himself to be a bit bothered by the climate, Jomari felt comfortable walking through the jungle, walking with the confidence of someone who was familiar with places like that. The most interesting reaction though was probably Sophie, whom was amazed with her surroundings, almost oblivious to the possible dangers, going as far as to bend down to watch the flowers and getting distracted with the scenery. Even though she might require a bit more attention than Caelan or even Jomari, whom surprisingly enough, seemed to be the one who was the most capable of dealing with the jungle among the humans, he felt like he shouldn't deny Sophie the opportunity of experiencing the Avalian wilderness for the first time. He could only imagine how beautiful and fantastical their surroundings were to the humans.
It didn't take long until the group had their first interaction with the Avalian fauna, which fortunately, was a peaceful one. Sophie, who had stopped to appreciate the flowers, had met with a forest pixie. Watching Sophie admire and interact with the pixie with such innocence and amazement was undeniably adorable. Enough to make Nuallán chuckle to himself as he gave a few glances, towards Sophie and the pixie, while still keeping careful of their surroundings.
"Not all creatures living on the Avalian wilderness are dangerous though. Some, while mischievous, are mostly harmless and some even intelligent and capable of communicating themselves." he said in a low, but much lighter tone than the warning he gave previously, looking to Caelan and Jomari, while gesturing them to be quiet and nodding his head towards Sophie and the pixie. A small hint that despite the wilds being dangerous, as long as they were aware of it, he had no problem with the humans taking some of their time to appreciate the fauna and the flora.
Just as he had said that though, Rosaria nodded towards him and Aurora to take care of the other two humans while she watched Sophie as she continued interacting with the pixie. Once again, he had a feeling that Rosaria would greatly appreciate Sophie's company. Nodding with a determined expression, he left Sophie under Rosaria's care while he focused on Jomari.
Unfortunately, the calm moments the humans had to appreciate the jungle were cut short by loud stomps resonating through the jungle, a clear warning that something was coming. Alerted by it, Nuallán immediately began scanning their surroundings, while making a signal for the humans to be alert, but silent. W@ith his hand already on the hilt of his blade as he got ready to fight. The very moment the first few features of the creature became visible it became clear that fighting was absolutely
not an option. Nuallán, whom normally was calm and collected, showed a clearly alarmed expression. It was a Vuothoran. Probably one of the worse things they could meet at that moment. Vuothoran were known not only for being incredibly territorial, but for being very aggressive as well and if it's size and tusks weren't enough of a warning, the boulder he tossed, missing the group for only a few meters, would be.
Rosaria's orders came quickly and decisively as she told the group to run. As per her instructions, Aurora would take care of Caelan, while he would look after Jomari, which if it wasn't for his suspicious behavior, might have been the human they would have to worry the least while walking through the jungle.
"Please be careful, Lady Rosaria. Should you need my assistance, you have but to call my name." Nuallán said to Rosaria with a worried expression before he dashed towards where Jomari was, approaching him with an incredibly serious stare.
"Among the humans in the group, you seem to be the most experienced. Both physically and moving in the wilderness. The time to prove yourself is now, Jomari." Nuallán said, looking to Jomari with a dead serious stare.
"We will be matching our paces with the rest of the group. Should anyone have trouble keeping up, I will stay behind to assist them. Keep running and stay close to me, unless I specifically tell you otherwise." Nuallán said as he put his hand on Jomari's back and started pushing him, carefully enough in order to not make him fall or trip while encouraging him to run.
Matching his pace with Jomari's, Nuallán began to run while making sure to keep Aurora and Caelan under his watch as well, should any of them have any troubles keeping up with the rest of the group.