Time: 10amLocation: Outside Malthemoor Interactions: Vrexen and Astra @FunnyGuyMentions:
Myra held up the map as per Astra's request, trying her best to pay attention to her explanation as she pointed towards a few different places on the drawings. Thanks to Astra's clear and concise sentense as she explained where they were, Myra finally began understanding what was a 'map'. Lowering the map to her chest and looking over it to the place Astra had pointed towards, Myra was surprised to see that the place they were, or as Astra called, "Daka" was so small compared to the other places on the map. While she knew that the island had a limited space, she still thought it was pretty big. The other place she had pointed towards though did make Myra curious. In the map, it was drawn as a huge tree. Considering the size the entire island "Daka" was, that tree should be bigger than any other tree Myra had seen in her life.
With Astra's explanation finished, after thanking Myra for the help, the group was ready to move. With a crack of his whip, the old dark-skin made the apparently-not-so-stinky fish-horses begin to swim. While the initial yank Myra felt when the boat began to move did startle her a bit, it wasn't nearly as much of an issue as the constant rocking of the boat as it moved through the water was for Myra, making her feel a bit dizzy and upsetting her stomach. She was still considering if she should lie down to see if that would make her feel better when Astra called her making a few strange questions.
Myra tilted her head, looking at Astra with a confused expression. While she coud somewhat make sense of a few words Astra said, Myra simply didn't know how to answer those questions. For her, being quiet was not something she did knowingly, it was just how she normally was. Other than when she wanted to defend her hunt from other creatures that might want to steal or try to intimidate them, hissing, Myra didn't really feel the need for making any other noises.
After thinking for a few moments, Myra looked to Astra again, opening her mouth almost as if she was going to try saying something but hesitating and closing it soon after. After that, she pointed towards the sun and then opening her hands, showing all her fingers many times, in a clear indication she had absolutely no idea of how many 'days' old she was.

No matter how much they ran, the Vuothoran continued relentlessly chasing them. Not only his sheer size and weight, coupled with it's extremely aggressive disposition enough of a threat, but as the chase continued, Nuallán could feel the creature gradually closing the gap between him and the rest of the group. Fortunately, Sophie seemed to be recovering from her shock. Even though she was still clearly in panic, she was still willing to show some initiative as she said she should begin running instead of being carried. Unfortunately, even though it would probably help, it would only do so for a short time. If the Vuothoran continued chasing them, he would soon be able to catch up to their pace.
Desperately, Nuallán looked to the group and then began looking around trying his hardest to think in a way to solve the situation. They were incredibly unlucky in having met that specific creature. Vuothorans were known for being notably difficult to deal with for a number of reasons. One of them was his tendency to relentlessly chase it's prey, being incredibly hard, if not almost impossible to make it lose interest. With no other answer in sight and ready to throw his own safety away if that meant saving Lady Rosaria, Aurora and the rest of the group, Nuallán was already reaching for his throwing knives as he looked over his shoulder towards the Vuothoran. Even though he knew he had no hope in a fight against it, he could try to attract it's attention towards himself instead of the group and lead them away from them. That would not only take the danger away from them, but it would be easier for a single person to try to lose or outspeed the Vuothoran than it would be for an entire group to do so.
Fortunately, before Nuallán could do anything, Sophie, who was in a state of shock until only a few minutes ago, did something unexpected. With the adrenaline and the fear of death as a catalyst, Sophie ended up using her ability, even though it was not her intention as she threw her arms in front of her face to protect herself against the approaching creature. Surprised, Nuallán watched as bolts of electricity were fired towards the Vuothoran, making it fall down to the ground. Even after that, Nuallán knew that it wouldn't stop the creature, instead it would only slow down as he knew he would continue chasing them the moment he regained his composure. Even though, those precious seconds that Sophie bought them would not be wasted.
The very moment the creature began regaining it's composure, three light elves suddenly appeared from among the trees, quickly surrounding the Vuothoran, shouting for Rosaria to run.
"No!! Don't try to fi-" Nuallán shouted towards the elves, turning his head only to see the moment when one of them was grabbed by the Vuothoran and thrown into the creature's powerful jaws, followed by the gruesome sound of screams, followed by the sickening sound of bones cracking and flesh being crushed and torn by it's teeth. Hopelessly, Nuallán watched as the other two elves began blasting with magic instead of running away.
With no choice but to continue running, Nuallán clenched his fists in a mix of frustration, anger and sadness as he forced himself to continue running. He should have heard the Vuothoran's steps sooner, he should have been harsher on the humans when he said for them to be silent, he should have considered the possibility of the group being intruding on a Vuothoran's territory when they entered the forest... But he didn't. No matter how one might want to phrase it, there were no excuses. Even if the circumstances that led to meeting the Vuothoran were unavoidable or completely out of his control, that didn't change the fact that three brave soldiers died in the end.
It took about ten minutes of running before the group felt that they were safe enough to stop to rest on a clearing. Nuallán's dark expression was like an iron mask as he silently heard Rosaria's words. His emotions, indecipherable for all but those who were incredibly close and knew him very well.
"Please, take your time to rest and recover. Any questions or requests you might have, I will ask you to direct them to me or Aurora for the time being." he said, using of politeness and formality as a mask, something he was very experienced in doing due to his years of training and experience as a butler.
"Our journey will be long and dangerous. Although you are under our protection for as long as you remain Lady Rosaria's guests, let what happened be a lesson. Even though we are skilled and powerful, we are not immortal nor omnipotent and there are many creatures in the world of Avalia which are best left undisturbed." he said, his voice much more serious.
"Your role and your importance makes your lives and your safety a priority over most. Please be aware of this fact." He finished after delivering a heavy sentence with a multitude of meanings as he walked towards Aurora.
"I am terribly sorry for asking this of you so soon but... The humans might need your assistance calming their hearts... Now more than ever." He said in a low tone and with a discreet bow to Aurora.
"My lady, are you unharmed?" he asked, bowing towards Rosaria as he presented himself, worried about her well being, especially after realizing why she had walked away from the humans. Despite his apparent calm, Rosaria would probably be able to guess what he was feeling, due to the time they spent together.