Time: 7 pm
Location: River Port-Odds and Ends
Interactions: Arn @Omni5876, Rue@Potter
Equipment: 1 hunting knife, a flask of alcohol, a backpack, small tent, blanket, waterskin, rope, fire starting kit, lightmaker, cooking pot, a bar of soap, some drugs; skaula (8 grams) and zemak (1 ounce), rolling papers, and 33 amas.
Bowyn rolled his eyes as Arn questioned whether refusing Rue’s offer to buy him something was impolite. “Arn, if you’re uncomfortable with a lady paying your way just say so.” Bowyn said, his tone flippant and teasing. “Politeness is a waste of time. Just be honest, direct, and anyone who holds that against you isn’t worth the time.” The winter fairy had no interest in playing games of etiquette, it wasn’t worth the energy. Certainly not now, not during a war when time and energy were precious and anything less than honesty would make it difficult to trust any ally.
He offered a small and hollow smile as he accepted the clothing from Rue. The clothes were new and clean and felt much nicer than his own. He once again wondered why Rue was here, Rue who was kind without a second thought and who he couldn’t imagine as someone who craved pain and violence. But he had already asked her why she was here, so he didn’t ask it again, even though he wanted to, instead he reminded himself that she would answer that when she was ready to. So Bowyn followed her and Arn to the inn where Rue again offered generosity without hesitation as she rented a couple of rooms there.
He didn’t say anything about how uncomfortable the thought of sleeping indoors made him feel. At least outside, somewhere deep in a forest, despite whatever dangers forests could hold, there weren’t walls closing in and a single door that provided the only escape. A forest always had many paths of escape if needed, they had the endless sky to remind him of better days and to comfort him. But he said nothing about that because he doubted Rue, or Arn for that matter, would prefer to feel the hard ground beneath them over a soft bed. Soon enough they’d be in the middle of a great war and he didn’t have it in him to try to deny his companions a few more days of comfort.
After following Rue to the rented room he found it not too different from what he expected; a modest and cramped room, and a place he quickly itched to leave. He looked over to Arn who had wanted somewhere away from prying ears to speak. “So what’s the big secret, Arn? Are you actually fifty pixies hiding in a dwarf outfit?” He asked, as he wondered what it had been that the somewhat odd and mysterious dwarf had been keeping from them.