Time: Dusk
Location: River Port
Interactions: Annya @princess & Saoirse @Potter
Mentions: Ismael @Th3King0fChaos & Kharne @Kazemitsu]

Raven hadn’t barely spoken a word after the incident with the trolls. After the adrenaline had left her, the shock of it all began to set in. The fear and terror of things had left her fairly quickly, this place was, after all, exactly where she’d often wished she could escape to. A fantasy world away from her real life where she could go on adventures, have magic, and no one would really know of her past or who she was. Of course she had Shae, but even she didn’t know much about her after high school. What Raven wasn’t expecting was how difficult a battle actually was and not even physically. In D&D it was easy to kill creatures you came across while playing. They didn’t have a real face, didn’t actually breathe air, and didn’t possess an actual soul. This was real, though, and those trolls did have faces, breathed air, and they had some form of soul.
She’d stared at the impaled troll for a long while after everything ended, not hearing anything anyone said as she’d begun to feel ill. She’d killed it, she’d taken a life and it was making her sick. Of course if she hadn’t done anything to help then who's to say what would have happened. Kharne may have been able to eventually win, but there was the chance of the troll killing him. Of the other troll killing Annya and then both trolls killing her, Shae, and Ismael. Better to kill the one then risk being killed along with the rest of your party. That didn’t change the fact, however, that Raven normally avoided killing anything. She even refused to kill a spider even though she’s deathly afraid of them. Who would this world change her into?
They’d made it to River Port and Raven would have marveled at the cute little port, but she was still lost in her thoughts. She was able to answer any questions asked of her, but the answers were rather simple and she’d fall quiet right after. Dusk came around and Annya seemed to decide it was time to get out of the inn and go shopping. She would take Raven and Shae and Kharene would take Ismael. Raven didn’t protest at all and simply followed Annya out when she took her hand.
Annya seemed to be in a bubbly mood and Raven wished she could join in. She tried to put a happier expression on her face, but she kept having random intrusive thoughts enter her mind. She hadn’t even noticed the three Shae pointed out as the random thought of how she’d almost become a scene from Attack on Titan entered her mind. Annya had asked what they wanted to do and Saoirse suggested maybe going clothing shopping. That definitely was right up Raven’s alley, but she needed to be in a better mood for that. ”Alcohol.” She said and then quickly realized a one word response wasn’t entirely proper. ”Sorry, I mean I could really use a drink right now. It was a difficult day and alcohol always seems to help put me in a better mood.” She tried to force a smile on her face as she looked to Annya and Shae.