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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by QizPizza
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QizPizza Quiz but without the U

Member Seen 10 mos ago



Star Wars OC (Post-Imperial Era)

Main Thread or Sandbox:
Main Thread

Maisha is, at his core, a fun-loving, adventure-seeking, thrill-chasing man. He enjoys life to the fullest whenever he can, whether it be flying a ship, partying at a bar, or bringing in a bounty. Needless to say, he is extremely extroverted and very friendly, even with his foes. If there is a friend to be made, Maisha will make them for no reason except for getting to know a new face. This ability to make friends has inadvertently helped save his life many times, but his tendency to try and make friends has also put his life at risk just as many times. When faced with conflict, his first instinct is to try to talk his way out of it with his charisma and intellect, but when push comes to shove, he will kill, even if he hates it.

To some, his personality might be seen as overbearing, as he can't stand silence and always pokes fun at people. To others, they wonder why he is even a bounty hunter or a Mandalorian if he doesn't like killing, and truth be told, Maisha wonders that sometimes as well. He wants to avoid all this violence, but he also wants to honor his parents and make sure that people don't take the lives of any more family members. That's the reason why he joined Mandalore Restored, to build a Mandalore strong enough where its people can choose whether they want to be warriors or not.

Weapon #1 — "Charred Hand" CH-C2 Blaster Carbine (Image)

Weapon #2 — "Blue Inferno" Plasmathrower Carbine (Image)

Weapon #3 — Blastech PXL-15 Heavy Blaster Pistol x2 (Image)

Weapon #4 — Multitool Vibro-Axe (Image)

Weapon #5 — Incendiary Detonators

Equipment #1 — Beskar'gam (Rough Reference by Qiz)
No Mandalorian is complete without a suit of Mandalorian armor. Maisha's is a combination of the heavy and medium patterns of Mandalorian armor with a predominantly black color scheme combined with and tribal designs in fluorescent cyan paint. Maisha has also taken heavy inspiration from the armor of clone troopers when designing his beskar'gam.

Vehicle #1 — Charred Wing (Standard/Cargo Configuration)

Maisha has no special abilities, but he is still a Mandalorian with a life time of training and experience under his belt. He is an average warrior as far as Mandalrians go, but he more than makes up for this with his piloting skills. He is extremely skilled at ship-to-ship combat, but often takes too many risks, almost always resulting in the damage or destruction of his rides. It is fortunate that he has extensive knowledge in repairing ships, otherwise, he would be paying more for repairs than he earned from jobs.

Maisha was born on Coruscant (18 BBY) as the first child to a pair of Mandalorians who helped train Clone Troopers before the Clone Wars on Kamino. His father was a skilled mechanic and his mother a skilled pilot, and they put their skills to use as private shippers and bodyguards to make a legitimate living so that their children could be raised properly. Though he grew up on Coruscant during the early days of the Galactic Empire, the Great Purge led to the death of Maisha’s mother, forcing (12 BBY) Maisha, his sister, and father to relocate to the Outer Rim. There, they were cargo haulers and occasionally bounty hunters, if the job was easy. By the time Maisha was of age (5 BBY), he proved himself a brilliant pilot like his mother, even if he was a bit reckless. He was the primary pilot of the Arbintz Clan, while his father and sister did the repairs and bounties.

As an adult (0 ABY), Maisha purchased his own ship and began running bounties and shipping cargo on Imperial lanes by himself, taking advantage of the instability caused by the Rebellion to play both sides. He set himself apart from the competition as an extremely skilled pilot but also earned infamy for pushing his ships to the breaking point. Most of the credits earned from bounties went to repairing his ships or purchasing a new ship entirely.

One of the mechanics he frequented was Lydia Kuduq, a New Mandalorian engineer, and before long, the two fell in love. The two married (2 ABY), and soon after, Maisha convinced Lydia to become a proper Mandalorian. He personally trained Lydia in the ways of traditional Mandalorians, but when it came to the final test, he allowed his father to oversee Lydia’s verd’goten to keep his biases from getting in the way of a proper test.

To celebrate Lydia’s inauguration, Maisha purchased a small spaceport on Bonagal-31 (3 ABY) for the two to operate out of. The two soon came into conflict with the ultra-traditional Mandalorian Clan Kallune and their leader, Larsander Kallune. Maisha, his father, and his companions engaged in skirmishes for over a year until Mandalore Restored arrived to restore order (4 ABY).

The leader of the Mandalorian faction, Saracoa Ordo, managed to convince both sides to join him in his quest to restore the glory of Mandalore after centuries of false peace and decades of exploitation by the Galatic Empire. As an act of good faith, Saracoa made Larsander his lieutenant and granted Maisha whatever he required to build a new ship. Maisha and Lydia jumped on the opportunity to construct a ship that could keep up with Maisha’s abilities, and the end result was the Charred Wing. From then on, his ship served as the vanguard of Mandalore Restored, as Saracoa united the scattered Clans across the Galaxy.

Fun Facts
- Maisha has a deep-seated distrust of jetpacks and the usage of capes while flying.
- Unlike most other Mandalorians, he is sympathetic towards the Republic, the Jedi, and the Galatic Empire, which has earned him no small amount of ridicule.
- He looks up to Boba Fett and wants to confirm the rumors that the legendary bounty hunter was a clone himself.

Faceclaim: Knox Hill
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Paper94


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“That’s what I am: just a traveler. Imagine it: no tax, no bills, no boss. Just the open sky.”

The Doctor, AKA The Tenth Doctor, Doctor Who, Bringer of Darkness, Destroyer of Worlds, Time’s Champion, John Smith, Theta Sigma, Time Lord Victorious, etc.

903 years old!



Main Thread or Sandbox:

Starting Location (SANDBOX ONLY):
Wedgwood Museum, Gotham Academy, Gotham City.

The Doctor is a rather eccentric fellow, seeming to bounce from place to place in a jovial, joking manner that almost always entertains his companions. He always seems to have a quip or insight into a situation, and how helpful that insight can be varies based on the situation at hand. However, this erratic, jokey side of the Doctor only covers one half of his personality. The other half represents his forgotten days in a devastating, long-forgotten war known as the Time War, as he can suddenly switch to a scarily serious, and sometimes even vengeful or furious person at the drop of a hat. He despises any type of bullet-based weaponry, completely refusing to use guns unless he is ordered to by someone he trusts or is forced to do so to survive. His best strategy when forced into a conflict is to either run away and regroup, or outsmart and deceive his opponent with the simple power of words and his surroundings.

The Time Lord possesses a few smaller items of interest, such as a Sonic Screwdriver that can open virtually any locked door or item that is not made of wood, overload electronics, scan lifeforms and inanimate objects, and many other tasks. One of the only tasks it cannot perform is unlocking a deadlocked item, such as sealed waste barrels. He also owns a piece of Psychic Paper that he can have any sort of text appear on, according to what he wants others around him to see. For example, if he wanted to provide identification proving that he was a police officer, he would pull out his Psychic Paper and think that he had an officers’ ID, which would subsequently appear on the paper. The only people who can see through the paper are those who have had intense mental training, or have specifically trained to combat the effects of the paper.
(Both the Psychic Paper and Sonic Screwdriver are pictured below.)

Additionally, the Doctor’s most distinct feature and “companion” is his time machine, the Time and Relative Dimensions in Space, or TARDIS. This is a time machine that initially looks quite quaint on the outside, only appearing as a simple 1960’s British Police Box, but when you step inside that box, everything changes. An entire room containing a center console, a surrounding platform, and a rotor mechanism in the middle of the console stands inside of this box, along with a pool, a library next to that pool, many, many bedrooms, a fully-operational tavern, a staircase that leads to the Doctor’s personal wardrobe, and a strange corridor that contains hundreds of silver-clad plaques. Below is a picture of the central room in the TARDIS, containing the center console and rotor mechanism that moves with time itself.

The Doctor is not, in fact, human, despite his role as protector of the Earth. He is an alien from beyond our Solar System, hailing from the bygone planet Gallifrey. As such, he has two hearts as opposed to the human standard, and can still function with one, though he is much, much weaker in this state. The Doctor also understands virtually any language in the galaxy, including most writing systems, as well as an intellect that far surpasses any human, being able to deduce almost any problem or situation in seconds. Though, he can easily become sidetracked by rather innocuous things, even when the task at hand is quite serious.

Additionally, if he takes enough damage to be considered fatal, his body will automatically enter a state of regeneration, altering everything about him from his face and personality, to possibly even his gender. However, this "second wind" can easily be overridden by overloading the Doctor's regenerating body with enough energy, or pumping enough damage into it. While it does take quite a bit of effort to do, the Time Lord's regeneration can be bypassed, leading to his permanent death.

The Doctor has lived many lives before this Tenth incarnation, going through over a dozen friends and companions along the way. He has witnessed the collapse of stars, the death march of countless civilizations, and even participated in a war that he has tried his hardest to forget. The Time War was easily the most scarring event of the Doctor's eons-long life, leading to the death of thousands of innocents. It was a war waged between his race of the Time Lords, and the horrifically authoritarian and textbook definition of "evil" in the universe, the Daleks. Encased in tank-like metal armor, the Daleks cared not whether they were slaughtering man, woman or child. And to finally stop the War, or so he says today, the Doctor had to sacrifice something more dear to him than anything. His homeworld of Gallifrey.

Now trying his best to put those days behind him, the Doctor pursues his endless quest to finally map every star and planet in the known universe, hopefully with a few laughs provided by his companions along the way. After all, the Time Lord is nothing without his friends, no matter where he may be.

The Doctor, no matter where or when he is, will always hate guns. Doesn't matter if they're firing bullets or lasers, he hates them equally. Thank the Time War for that. He's also never really been a fan of cats. If asked, he wouldn't really be able to provide much in the way of an explanation besides.. facts.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Chung
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Chung Scuffed Characters Galore

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Let's put on some piano music. It's good for our brains!"

Amelia Watson

“That’s me!”



Canon: HoloMyths

Main Thread or Sandbox: Sandbox

Starting Location: Gotham

Despite being the most prim and proper gal of the group. Watson has a habit of jumping back and forth between neurotic to the sanest person of the Myths. She can have quite the potty mouth, being easy to tick off, though she tries her best to hide it. Overall, she’s pretty down to earth if not a little cheery and enthusiastic with the things she does.

Amelia, however, can be an immature jerk, having a habit of making “Your Mom” jokes and the likes as if she’s 12 or something. Doesn’t help that she lets herself loose more than the others in her squad, being the most emotional person of the HoloMyths. Though, weird at moments and quite the rager: Amelia Watson always tries to have a good time.

What’s a self-respecting Detective without a revolver? Despite her grand and fantastical ability. Her gun is seemingly mundane. What makes it special is Ame’s trick to use it in tandem with her power.

Time Manipulation
Gifted with the power of Time Manipulation. Amelia Watson has been honing her ability since day one. Hell, she used it to cheat a lot in life, making her jobs a breeze. She has mastered the dangerous skill of time manipulation, and she can slow time, speed it up, and reverse it. Hell, she can even pull other versions of herself in different timelines. The side effect is that she can only use it a few times or else things will get really messy since it will have adverse effects on the future, past, and present. She found this out the hard way.

An oddity of time itself, Amelia Watsons are destined to fight The Time Warden and die for their powers. With each one she strikes down, more would appear. This Amelia is one of the many in line to fall by her hand, but in every encounter: She wins or survives. It gave her the status of the unkillable Watson that others are sure to slay The Time Warden once and for all. Amelias want nothing more than to have nobody restricting them from doing as they please. If The Warden falls, they will have full reign over the timelines, but this Amelia doesn't want that. So, she plays along with them but she won't actually kill The Warden.

And The rest is history.

Other: I'm really earning my "Scuffed Characters Galore" Title.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ProfSpacecakes
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ProfSpacecakes Purveyor of Cringe

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Toshinori "All Might" Yagi

Age: 55

Gender: Male

Canon: My Hero Academia

Main Thread or Sandbox: Main Thread

Personality: With an infectious smile and an endlessly positive persona, All Might's very presence is often enough to raise the mood of any room he happens to walk into -- at least in his hulking muscle form, anyway. When in his weakened state, he tends to be quieter and more serious, having almost completely dropped his superhero facade for a more natural speaking tone. Either way, his heroic instincts are unmatched, and he often finds himself springing into action to save people before even having a chance to think about it.

Equipment: Super Suit- His hero costume designed and made by his oldest friend, Professor David Shield. The materials are state of the art and stronger than steel, allowing them to stand up to just about anything All Might may encounter in battle.

Hercules- (optional) A heavily armored and modified sports car that serves as protection and transportation for All Might in his weakened state. It has been seen taking the blast from a grenade head on without suffering so much as a scratch.

Attributes: One for All- An inherited power that boasts the combined abilities of it's previous users. Through this powerful Quirk, All Might seemed to possess almost unlimited strength and stamina, and for decades was nigh on invincible. After suffering a near-fatal injury, however, his abilities have greatly diminished, and he can only fight in full form for just a few hours a day.

Biography: Since he was very young, Toshinori Yagi had dreamt of being a hero. However, being born without a Quirk meant he had no special powers of his own. He eventually met Nana Shimura, who was so enamored by young Toshinori's determination to become a symbol of peace that she decided to pass on her own borrowed Quirk, One for All, to him.

He took to his new powers as though he'd been born with them, and in his late-twenties managed to skyrocket to becoming Japan's #1 Pro Hero, a title he would hold for the next thirty years. However, an encounter with the villain that had taken his master's life left him with debilitating injuries, and soon his abilities began to weaken. With his days as a hero numbered, he began to search for a successor to pass on his Quirk to before they faded altogether. He found that successor in Izuku Midoriya, a Quirkless young boy whose determination to be a hero reminded All Might so much of himself. He passed on his Quirk to him and dedicated himself to being Izuku's teacher while he still could.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ProfSpacecakes
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ProfSpacecakes Purveyor of Cringe

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

(got no way of resizing images atm and all the ones I can find are huge, so fuck, idk, just Google him if you don't know what he looks like)

Name: Piccolo

Age: 44

Gender: It's Complicated...

Canon: Dragonball Franchise

Main Thread or Sandbox: Sandbox

Starting Location (SANDBOX ONLY): Gotham, abandoned warehouse, arrived about a week ago

Personality: Piccolo is known to be stoic to the point of coming off as somewhat cold and uncaring, preferring to be blunt and to the point rather than dancing around the feelings of others. He is widely accepted as the most intelligent among his group of fellow fighters, possessing the wisdom and knowledge built up by three different Namekians that spans nearly a thousand years of collective experience. Of course, while this knowledge has made him a brilliant strategist, it didn't do much to improve his social skills. He's often somewhat awkward in social situations, particularly those that involve subjects of romance -- something he has no way of truly understanding, being from an alien species that doesn't need more than one person to procreate -- and it has often led him to be labeled as a prude. He's also known for his stubbornness and the ease at which he can be coaxed into doing something simply by presenting it as some sort of challenge.

Ki Mastery
Regenerative Healing
Simple Item Creation
Limited Body Manipulation (eg. stretching his arms or growing to a giant size)

Biography: Once, there was an orphaned alien child that had been sent into space to avoid the destruction of his species and eventually ended up landing on Earth -- y'know, the classic Superman origin story. Unlike Superman, this child was not adopted by a kindly old couple in rural Kansas, instead having to fend for himself in the barren wastelands of the northern mountains. Once it was clear his parents weren't coming for him, he left the mountains to find a better place to survive. What he experienced when he finally ventured among the humans was war, hatred, and cruelty beyond imagination. Such horrors were enough to drive the alien mad, to the point where he was split into two, body, mind, and soul. The two halves parted ways, the pure half becoming a low-level deity that watched over the Earth. The other half was pure evil, the embodiment of all the cruelty the alien had experienced, and came to be known as the Demon King Piccolo.

The two halves quarrelled for centuries, but neither could kill the other without dying themselves. It wasn't until a boy named Goku intervened that the balance of power finally tipped against the Demon King. Just before he died, the Demon King managed to form an egg that housed his essence and soul, essentially reincarnating himself into the Piccolo we all know today.

Piccolo was determined to carry out his father's plans of world conquest at first, but was soon forced to fight alongside his most hated enemy when a greater threat presented itself. This temporary truce led him to take in the young son of his enemy, Gohan. Planning at first to turn the boy into a weapon to kill his own father, Piccolo instead came to think of Gohan as his own son, and over the years the boy managed to soften the former demon's heart until hardly any evil remained.

Piccolo would later merge once more with Kami, his father's pure counterpart, and became a whole person at last. Since then, he has served as a staunch defender of the Earth against any that would threaten it. Don't believe the rumors that he'd just become a glorified nanny to his student's infant daughter, though. That's totally untrue. Complete lies and slander.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Lazaro1505
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Lazaro1505 Birb-With-Gun

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Name: Dhar-ll Vallinor, The Chosen Hunter

Age: “Rather rude to be going around, asking everyone the same question about their age… but all I would say is that I was born sometime around the year of ‘2028’ back where I hail from.”

Gender: “Do I need to wear some lipstick and dance around like a ballerina now in order for you folk to understand what is clearly in front of you? If you couldn’t tell already, I’m a Male, you surely must be ‘surprised’ considering how blind you appear to be.”

Canon: Xcom 2: War of the Chosen

Main Thread or Sandbox: “I suppose I’ll have a bit more fun being thrown into the main conflict of this entire thing…”

Personality: The Chosen Hunter is what many people would call, the ‘stereotypical’ rebellious teen who acts like they are edgy, but in fact, well, he actually still is somewhat, but god damn, does he like talking a lot. Being rather talkative (as said earlier), Dhar often likes making small quips and jokes when poking at a current situation, often doing things such as making fun of individuals who miss him or retorting in return after being hit, that he’ll hit his own shots far better than the one he received earlier. And he surely isn’t one to lose his cool to temper or be easily swayed by others (unless violence is involved), and his rebellious nature surely doesn’t help a bit. Often doing things on his own, occasionally he would aid someone from time to time, but he almost always expect to be paid back once the time calls for it, or if it would mean winning a battle.

In battle, he is often smug and cocky, usually showing off the skill and power he has within battle, and going off on a show as to give others the reason to think of him as the greatest sharpshooter out there. But, if there is one thing he doesn’t like, and that’s being hit, he would complain about it before responding in turn and attempting to regain some of his ‘lost valor’. However, some traits remain from the time he was still human,with Dhar-ll knowing when not to press the situation any further if one is in a state of distress, as well as ‘showing kindness’ by helping folk out from time to time. And he is always one who likes to share stories of his own hunts back where he hails from, often taking keen interest in people who had gone through the same difficulties as him. With the Hunter around, he is bound to make things a bit more ‘interesting’.

Motivation: “Mhm… maybe collecting a few more ‘trophies’, especially that of not my own world, would be something to look forward to. Although, I’m not really as motivated as others would be in this situation”


-Darklance: His own pride and Joy… Darklance is a specialized magnetic sniper rifle built for his own use. Using an advance state of the art propulsion system as well as being enhanced by the strange aura that the Hunter seems to give off, this rifle is not only deadly accurate, but capable of piercing through even the toughest of physical armors that protection (like walls) can offer, even going so far as to create large holes in brick walls due to the damage it causes. Having only three shots loaded at the same time, it makes up for it with the ability to allow him to retain his accuracy, even while moving from location to location, as well as even missed shots dealing (although minor) damage to foes. All in all, this rifle is the perfect weapon for any anti-infantry sharpshooter, and especially so for the Hunter.

-Darkclaw: A strange looking revolver-like pistol that the Hunter often uses, this plasma firing pistol has the unique trait of completely ignoring the armor of the target, and hitting the individual as if it was hitting bare skin. Not only this pistol is capable of dealing good damage when in close range, but it also has a secondary shot, which fires a tranquilizer that ‘Daze’ the opponent when hit, taking them out for the count and for (varying amount of turns, with weaker foes having 2 while stronger ones either having 1 or getting ‘Stunned’ instead, having less accuracy and vision and being unable to use their more powerful abilities), which pairs in well with another ability of his.

-Concussion Grenade: A standard issued Concussion Grenade, it is essentially like the tranquilizer shot of the Darkclaw, but far longer in range of effect and can even Daze more than one foe. Only usable once per battle.

-Hunter’s combat suit: No Hunter is complete without their ‘gear’ on their person, and what better gear to wear than the Hunter’s Combat Suit. By providing protection with alien alloys formed into a set of armor that covers most of his body, it's highly resistant to physical and even plasma/explosive based damage, although the armor is still capable of being ‘shredded’ reducing the amount of ‘defense’ he has when taking attacks. This suit’s upside is that it also allows the Hunter to remain mobile even when wearing a strong suit, as well as allow him to dodge attacks as normally. It also comes equipped with an grapple hook system on his left arm, pulling him to advantageous and hard to reach locations as well as even tying up enemies with it. Perfect choice for him…

-Fusion ‘Knife’: In the off-chance he finds himself completely disarmed and put into face first of combat, he’ll still have one more weapon left in store. A ‘small knife’ (which is a bit larger to the average sized human being, considering he is twice the size of a normal human being), the knife, while rather weak, has a small plasma enhanced blade that improves the cutting power of the knife, and while against heavier and stronger armor, it will have difficulty slicing through, against normal human skin and fabric, perfect to slice through.

-The ‘Chosen’ Sharpshooter: The Chosen Hunter is greatly known for his unnatural ability to hit his shots, in fact, he seems to be able to hit targets even before they move, as if he knows where they would go next. Adding this along with a powerful and accurate sniper rifle as well, and capable of hitting foes from even a mile or two away, there’s nothing that stopping from this Chosen from ruining your day.

-Enhanced Physical capabilities: As standard for the Chosen, being twice the size of a normal human being, and definitely not lacking in the physical department either. With him capable of easily out-strengthening and immobilizing a normal human being, he surely at least have something going for him if found in close combat.

-The Elder’s Blessing: Another part of his transformation into a ‘Chosen’, Dhar-ll is immune to both mental and perceptual impairments, things such as being blinded by a flash bang, stunned by an attack, mind controlled, drinking alcohol, and all that. Essentially, he is immune to it all, but other things such as mental attacks dealing damage instead of debuffing him or being suppressed by an enemy soldier would still bring some trouble to his aim or fighting capability.

-Interrogation: Another standard ability that all Chosen have, with this, once he gets close enough, he is capable of using psionic energy to ‘tear’ a metaphorical hole into someone’s head, and access a wealth of information for him to use such as memories within it. Has a higher chance of working when the enemy is under the effects of being dazed or some sort of imariment in combat, while working less on those who are used to being attacked in the mind by psionic users.

-Chosen Strength/Weaknesses: The Chosen Hunter has specialized ‘abilities’ that grant him an advantage in battle, as well as weaknesses to come along with it, with the following being shown:

-Regeneration: A passive ability, each turn, the Hunter slowly regains health from damage caused to him from attacks, occasionally returning him back to full health. So, if you don’t take him out quickly, he’ll just get back right up again.

-Summoner: With this ability, he is capable of summoning the soldiers of his own world, and using them in order to fight for his side within combat. Depending on the strength of the unit summoned, he will either only summon three (which are on the levels of cannon fodder or meat shields) to one unit (which are more stronger and powerful and can either be strong in physical or have great psionic potential. (The Avatars or any other special ‘unit’ such as the Alien Rulers would not be able to be summoned as a part of this). This ability can only be used once in a battle.

-Planewalker: An ability with a three turn cooldown, with this, he’ll disappear into a bright purple glow, before teleporting and reappearing somewhere else in the area, most often a good vantage point. He can teleport pretty far as long as he remains line of sight with the intended location, or it’s close enough to teleport through safely (such as walls, but must be at least a few feet away to do such).

-Bewildered: When attacked by more than three, well, attack in the same term, whether from the same person or combined together by other individuals, the damage would be increased significantly for every attack (for example, if one were to shoot him with a revolver, and then fire with their rifle, and if someone else were to hit him with a sword, the next attack would deal extra damage. Does not include attacks performed very quickly in a time frame, such as a multitude of punches)

-Highly-Flammable: Fire is not his ally, dealing extra damage to him, as well as burning for longer. Also disrupts his aim considering, well, he is on fire. Why else would he be disrupted?

-Pinned-down: In close combat, while he is comfortable with taking down one individual, if there is more than one individual very close (such as melee range) to him, he would be unable to use not only his own rifle, but to take the action necessary to move out of it unless he deals with one of the attackers first (Only the Planewalker ability can avoid this, but even then, that’s when it’s not being used)

Biography: “You’re awfully pushy for information now… usually, I’m the one doing the interrogations around here. But, may as well share what I have before arriving here. I was sent by the Elders to one of the Resistance’s safe havens in order to.. well, best not to hide any secrets now. I was essentially sent to ‘cull the herd’, watching the Advent ‘peacekeeper’ forces sent do exactly just that, waiting for the eventual arrival of Xcom to save the day. And just when I was about to engage them… well, you can tell what happens from there.”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ratKing
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ratKing King Rat

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock

Age: Depends, taken from before HTTYD3 so probably in his 20's

Gender: Cis Male

Canon: How To Train Your Dragon

Main or sand: Sandbox

Starting location: Gotham city, probably getting mugged.

Personality: Hiccup has always been an awkward guy, he has never grown out of his awkwardness. Though he has grown into a great leader who has been able to keep his chaotic friends in line (for the most part). Even if he is the head of the group, Hiccup wouldn't be anywhere without his friends. He relies on them tons and isn't too afraid to say that. Hiccup has needed to develop a sort of independency for himself, especially after losing his one leg, but even through that he does his best work with friends. Although he shows plenty of fear, he is no coward. Hiccup is able to face foes even when afraid, probably being one of the bravest of the bunch (though he's a lot braver around his friends). Over the years he has gained a heavy interest in a sort of old-timey engineering, often making Toothless new and better tails along with making himself new legs. Leave it up to him to whip something up out of nothing.

Equipment: Hiccup carries only a few things on his person, those being his flaming sword, a refill bottle of the oil it uses, and occasionally a spare leg. The blade of the sword isn't the best craftsmanship, but add the ability to catch on fire and it becomes a much more deadly weapon. His stuff is medieval at best, but Hiccups knowledge on how to use them makes him an honourable foe.

Attributes: Hiccup isn't really strong on his own, and his missing leg doesn't help that much either. All Hiccup has going for him is his smarts, his friends, and his dragons. Without his prosthetic he can't get too far, which makes breaking it or losing it to be extremely bad for him. It often gets him into trouble, but his smarts have usually given him a way to fix problems like that. His ability to out think his enemy is a bit part of what gets him any upper hand.

Bio: Hiccup had lost his mother at a young age, most of his life being just him and his father. His father was the chief of the village, a huge contrast to Hiccup in body type. Hiccup was never seen as very impressive at a young age, not being strong enough to kill dragons. In all honesty he had never even wanted to kill them, so even if he had the strength to do so Hiccup never would have. Thats what got him to meet Toothless, his current best friend. After taking down the Nightfury and refusing to kill him, he had tried to fix the dragons tail to let him fly away. Though in the process he became attached and had made friends with the dragon. Coming from a whole village of proud dragon hunters, it wasn't easy to get them to accept the fact dragons could be friends. In the end he had lost something just like Toothless, and that had cemented their friendship.

Other:His parents pretty much fucking named him mistake. That's all I got to offer.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by LeBryman1148


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Now I'm feeling the flow!

Name: Yuma Tsukumo

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Canon: Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL, with slight memories from a prior RP, Multiverse Paradise

Main Thread or Sandbox: Sandbox

Starting Location: Metropolis. Been there for a month, where he frequents a local card shop.

Personality: Yuma is an energetic and cheerful boy who likes to challenge himself to do just about anything that may seem record-breaking or big, even though he fails at it every time. Regardless of these failures, his determination along with his burning spirit gets him fired up and ready to eventually successfully complete what he set out to do. Even when depressed, Yuma will show up to any challenge that he either issued himself or had been issued by someone else.

Equipment: Yuma never leaves home without 3 important items: his Duel Pad and D-Gazer, in case someone wants to challenge him to a card game, as well as the 'Emperors Key', a very important artefact that his parents gave him, although he doesn't know exactly what it does...yet.

Attributes: Yuma is very atheletic, which allows him to make a few big jumps when he needs to, along with a good flip when necessary.

Biography: Yuma started off as the worst Duelist in Heartland City, until one day when a known bully by the name of Reginald Kaztle(mostly known as 'Shark' though), where he unleashed a great power known as the 'Number cards', as well as a alien being known as Astral. After Dueling those who were taken over by the cards, winning a tournament in the process, Yuma and Astral became an unbeatable team, eventually battling a dark force known as the Barians. After saving the world, it is...unclear what happened.

Other: I don't know how to add Astral to the mix yet.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by GaaraOfTheSand
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GaaraOfTheSand Suna's Fifth Kazekage

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Gaara

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Canon: Naruto Shippuden

Main Thread or Sandbox: Main Thread!

Gaara is a reserved and quiet boy who rarely ever shows any sort of emotion to people. Despite coming off as cold or unfeeling, Gaara is actually really kind, or now tries his best to be that way for others. He's usually extremely forgiving and loves others despite their wrongdoings, and is empathetic towards his peers. He is very protective of both the people he feels the need to look out for, and of any of his friends. He'd do whatever it took to keep them from harm's way, as he is deeply afraid to lose them. Gaara is often pretty serious, but you can catch him smile every once in a while :3

Sometimes however, Gaara does struggle with some of his more violent tendencies, and the fact he is still a bit unstable. He attempts to keep himself under control, and has learned to manage it well, but he has had his moments in the past.

Gourd of Sand

This gourd holds a ton of sand that Gaara has mixed with his Chakra, which is used for the many battles he faces. The sand in this gourd also appears to act on its own when needed, protecting Gaara from things even he can't see.


Gaara, much like Naruto, has large and very strong Chakra reserves. He uses this Chakra in his sand for most of his attacks, and with this large reserve, he can spread it through a ton of sand without much consequence. This is how he does most of his attacks, Chakra filled sand!

Sand Manipulation

Gaara controls sand that is both in his gourd, and can be ground up from the earth/ found in his surroundings. Because this sand is usually mixed with his Chakra, he is able to manipulate the sand into many shapes, and also heighten its speed and precision for attacks. The sand can harden and take the form of weapons, or can even become sand clones for extra backup. It can also be used for a shield, which is extremely difficult to penetrate, but not impossible. Because he has large Chakra reserves, he can control tons of sand at once, not just the amount in his gourd. If he finds himself short of sand, he can use the little he has to grind up the earth and create more. He can even use this as a method of flight, or a method of sensing hidden figures through direct touch with the sand.

Sand Armor

Gaara coats his body in a layer of sand, which adds another layer of protection to his defenses. If something gets through his shield, the sand armor is there to take.most of the impact. While it's rather durable, a strong enough force can crack it, and make it fall apart, leaving Gaara vulnerable.

Sand Coffin and Sand Burial

This is a move that requires his sand. Gaara's sand snakes its way around a target and holds them in place by coating their body in heavy layers of sand, preventing movement. While it can be shaken off or even hit hard enough to disperse it before a lot of it gets to you, once it gets a good hold, you won't be coming out of it. This is often paired with the move Sand Burial, which right after being caught in the sand, the target's body is crushed to almost nothing by the force of the sand squeezing the body. 

Sand Tsunami

Gaara uses as much Chakra as he can to summon up tons of sand, which rises into the air like a wave and comes crashing down on any victims who couldn't get away. This move takes a lot of Chakra, and usually is a last resort move as it is quite draining. The attack's force can be lessened or even avoided if the target manages to find higher ground before disaster strikes.

Third Eye

Gaara covers one of his eyes and creates an eyeball out of sand, which can be as big or as small as he wants. With this Third Eye, he can keep tabs on things without giving him away. It's also quite useful for when he may need to shield himself, but also needs to keep an eye on a target.

Being a Jinchūriki since birth, Gaara has been avoided by others all his life. People feared him, called him a monster, and even the ones Gaara thought he could trust seemed to end up betraying him in some way. As he grew older, he became cold and ruthless, killing people in the name of self love, and trying to find his place in the world. During this stage of his life, he met Naruto Uzumaki, who kept trying to convince him to change his ways. It wasn't until that boy had beaten Gaara in a fight, that he realized what life was truly about. He began to emulate Naruto, becoming much more compassionate towards ithers and wanting to fix his mistakes with the people who feared him. Eventually, he became Kazekage of his village, content with his role in the lives of others and how far he had come. However,this peace and happiness.. would not last long.

Gaara loves cacti and plants!!! :3
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by SomeMekBoy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Otto Octavius, also known as Superior Spider-Man.

Age: Biologically late teens, mentally ‘how have you not died yet’ old.

Gender: Male.

Canon: Marvel Comics.

Main Thread or Sandbox: Main Thread.

Personality: In a word, Otto is pretentious. Not being in his own body hasn’t mitigated that part of him one iota. He’s someone who drinks so much of his own ego he believes himself to be the best at any intellectual pursuit imaginable. If this is disproven, he will go to great lengths to rectify it not by just eliminating the competition but by making the competition wish they never competed. However, being in the same body as Peter Parker has nudged him more towards the path of good. Otto wants to be a hero, if only to prove to Parker he can be a hero, and will act accordingly. Although this is for the good of the world, not moral good or net good. He’s Lawful Good after all, not Lawful Nice. And being lawful good sometimes means you have to get rid of a threat permanently if that threat won’t be rehabilitated. Finally, this does not mean that Otto is fully immune to acting truly altruistically. It just means that he has higher standards than most for that altruism.

Equipment: Other than a spider suit with a suite of inbuilt gadgets and his web shooters, Otto does not have access to the rest of his kit. However, he can easily recreate it as needed.

Attributes: An incredibly potent mind, extreme athletic abilities, and most importantly the Spidey Sense, enabling quick response times to threats that sometimes aren’t even perceived, and wall crawling.

Biography: Otto Octavius was born to a turbulent home and early educational life, an abusive father and base of peers throwing him into physics and honing and already rarified mind to a sharp point. Becoming a talented nuclear physicist, he designed a set of four mechanical tentacles to enable better maneuvering of radioactive substances without harming the operator. In a freak accident, Otto’s apparatus was fused to his body and his mind was further frazzled by the incident and earlier domestic disputes with both his mother and his ex fiancé. This gave rise to Doctor Octopus and started him down the path to crime. This put him at odds with Spider-Man, and over the years they threw down numerous times. However, Otto was aging. He needed a new body, a body capable of accentuating a mind like his. Who better than his nemesis, the only man to outsmart him? Luring Spider-Man into a trap, he managed to swap bodies with the hero, thus becoming the Superior Spider-Man after escaping as Peter Parker died in Otto’s old body. Of course, such procedures are hardly foolproof. And, as Otto soon found out, ghosts have a habit of haunting those who trifle with their possessions. And what is a more important possession than a body?

Other: This Superior Spider-Man was pulled from exactly when Otto overwrote Peter rather than towards when Peter regained control.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Attesa
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Attesa Support Havoc Fox!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Miss me?"

Name: Eric/Nautilus

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Canon: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon OC

Main Thread or Sandbox: Main Thread

Starting Location (SANDBOX ONLY): "I can't choose if I selected Main Thread? You're lame, Store."

Personality: Having stayed years on the Vast Continent, a place on his homeworld that seemed to attract world-ending disasters and other oddities, Eric was shaped into a Pokemon who charges through his problems with a smile on his face and an ego to go along with it. He's incredibly flippant and most would call him the 'comedic relief' of the group. He's loud-mouthed and loves banter, though he always has a sense of respect towards opponents who rightfully deserve it.


Mistral: The scabbard of Eric's sword, which Eric keeps his blade sheathed in even when fighting in order to use his sword more like a club than anything. Made out of a powerful, lightweight, otherworldly steel only found in Mystery Dungeons, named Ravenite, its strength increases in proportion to the wielder's level of strength, making it much more difficult to break or even deform when wielded by someone strong enough.

Belladonna: Eric's sword, made out of the same metal that comprises the scabbard. Cutting ability and integrity mirrors the wielder's level of power.

Scarf: Eric's scarf, created from a kind of wool-like material found in Mystery Dungeons that has variable properties according to its wearer much like Ravenite. As using Psychic on other living beings can be difficult, he can instead grab them by wrapping his scarf around them.

Treasure Bag: A small pouch Eric carries items in. "It's not a purse."

Illusion Band: The Illusion Band is a small cloth Eric can tie around himself in order to assume the disguise of Nautilus. Once again made out of material sourced from Mystery Dungeons, it's hard to destroy and becomes invisible upon Eric adopting his Vaporeon persona.


Pokemon Physiology: As a Pokemon, all of Eric's physical attributes are boosted, from strength to durability to speed to enhanced senses and everything in between. With more experience, a Pokemon's attributes can grow even further.

Move Adaptability: A Pokemon must master the moves they have on hand to make the best use out of them. By repeatedly training with them, they can bend traditional Pokemon rules by using their moves in unorthodox techniques. Some examples will be included in the following list. In addition, there is a legend that Pokemon can go beyond the four-move limit and use moves their species could never learn... but that's just a fable, isn't it?

Psychic: A Psychic-type's bread and butter, the Pokemon move Psychic allows them the power of telekinesis. Depending on how well the Pokemon trains with this move, this can range from simply moving objects around to more advanced techniques such as flight (which Eric is able to do). If Eric's head gem (cleverly hidden under his hair) is heavily damaged, he loses access to this move until it's healed.

Protect: When using Protect, a Pokemon creates a barrier that shields them from harm. While the barrier is completely impervious to damage, repeated use can cause it to completely fail, meaning it has to be used sparingly throughout a fight to make the most of it. Training allows Protect to be used with more precision and allows a Pokemon to create small surfaces to stand on or to use as weapons, say, disks to be thrown at enemies, but Protect's glaring weakness remains regardless.

Quick Attack: Upon using Quick Attack, a Pokemon becomes surrounded by a white aura and moves at a speed many times faster than they are normally able to to attack an opponent. When trained, a Pokemon can maintain this state for longer, effectively giving them a speed boost for offense or defense.

Tail Whip: Tail Whip allows a Pokemon to use its tail to lower an enemy's Defense. Eric does this by simply slapping them with it, which carries enough force to surprise someone for a second but causes absolutely no damage or pain. However, after a successful hit, the target will temporarily take more damage from physical sources, which means basically anything that's not magic. Eric can repeatedly do this to someone to stack the effect and level the playing field, reducing even the strongest opponents to punching bags for the average person. However, this effect is not permanent, and none of the opponent's other attributes will be affected.

Sixth Sense: Espeon have the natural ability to sense minute changes in the air, giving them a sort of sixth sense to dodge attacks with and making sneaking up on one difficult. They can also use it to predict the weather!

Purple: For reasons unknown, Eric's fur is purple. This means absolutely nothing


After their victory, Eric decided to try and settle down at the guild he and Lapis had joined during the course of his adventures, the Expedition Society, while Lapis pursued his dream of becoming the greatest Explorer there ever was. Eric acted as a medic on missions during this time, assisting Lapis and a newly assembled team of recruits from all around the world when need be and helping the Expedition Society to build up their base of operations in between. While Eric was settling down, he journeyed to a continent by the name of Celestia and joined another guild by the name of the Thani Guild, and he opted to remain here until needed, as it felt much more peaceful on Celestia and the town of Seris than the beachside port of Lively Town, where the Expedition Society was situated. However, he and Lapis once again returned to fight on the front lines against a Zoroark who had been corrupted and driven mad by a single feather from the Legendary Pokemon Yveltal and was attempting to spread the corruption across the entire world for her to rule. After a long, arduous journey, Lapis, Eric, and their team defeated the Zoroark and returned home.

It wouldn't be until a few years later that Eric would be called on an assignment to a continent named the Vast Continent, a place he had never heard of prior. According to Ampharos, the guild leader, the Vast Continent was infested with strange happenings and the Espeon was sent to investigate. The Espeon soon realized he had gotten more than he bargained for when he discovered a plot there hatched by a freakish cult by the name of the Eternal Eye to summon Eternatus and destroy the world. Together with a group of ragtag Pokemon by the name of the Lore Hunters and the strongest Pokemon of the Vast Continent, they brought down the Eternal Eye and Eternatus- as well as a distraught Floette who decided to use the mythical Sword and Shield of Zacian and Zamazenta to raze Vast Continent 'for the good of the world.'

But the adventures didn't stop there, no. Now Eric's been roped into a multiverse. An omniverse, even. What kind of expeditions await him now?

Exciting ones, that's for sure.

Other: It's Typhlosion, not Typhlosian.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Smoking Peanut
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Smoking Peanut Grumpy Bunny

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Poppy, the Hero of Demacia

Age: Ageless

Gender: Female


Main Thread


"Humility is a mark of heroism, but many historians would agree that Poppy is kind of pushing it."

"Power is a famously corrupting influence, but Poppy proves that its corruption is no match for a good heart and stubborn, steadfast obliviousness."

Equipment: Quest Gear

A blacksmith by trade and a Demacian at heart, Poppy forged the armour she wears out of petricite, an alabaster wood as tough as iron, and with the unique property to absorb magic out of the air around it. With a sprinkling of fey magicks, Poppy is not only unencumbered by her armour, but is even faster and more physically capable when wearing it. Able to project a magical barrier around herself, Poppy has little need for her buckler's protection, so she learned how to throw it instead. Somehow it always bounces back to her, whether by enchantment or pure luck.

A legend by chance, Poppy wields the massive hammer entrusted to her with ease while on her long quest to find the 'Hero of Demacia' destined to protect the kingdom of their namesake, while believing not for a second that hero could be her. Easily twice her size and weight, the hammer holds the potential to shake and sunder the earth, and is able to send flying any ne'er-do-well unlucky enough to meet it face-to-face.

Attributes: Steadfast Presence

Yordles are odd creatures. They may age very slowly, or not at all. They are capable of physical feats far beyond what is thought possible of the diminutive people. Poppy is no exception - possessing the strength of a minotaur and then some, and the deft hands of a master pickpocket. Her short size and bulky armour do come with drawbacks, though, as she is plain and simple. . .very short. And although she can run very fast, once she gets going she's more like a runaway train barrelling off the rails than an agile predator.

Biography: A short comic describing Poppy's quest in a nutshell.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ratKing
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ratKing King Rat

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Cloud Strife

Age: 21

Gender: Cis Male

Canon: Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Main or sand: Main

Personality: Cloud is well known for his almost lack of personality. He doesn't express extreme opinions, tends to keep everything to himself, and has a strong work ethic. That work ethic is heavily tied to how he conducts himself, still holding a lot of the basic personality of a Soilder. Through all his training to not show anything, he still manages to hit the basic emotions, such as mild surprise, extreme annoyance, and embarrassment. Cloud very rarely communicates if something is wrong, he much rather say its just fine and move on. Dramatics is not something he likes to deal with, but is able to put up with quite a lot of it either way. Even when under a lot of stress or pain Cloud never seems to drop his tough guy act, though if one hung out with him enough they could see what's under the walls he puts up. Cloud may have a tough time showing any kind of care or affection, but just with every emotion he can manage to get it across in his own way.

Equipment: Cloud always has his trusty sword with him, be it the original or one of the ones he had purchased. They all share one trait (except for the bat. It's just a bat with nails) and that's a big ass blade. The fact he can even hold and use the sword comes from his training as a SOILDER. He can use the blade as a shield that can block a variety of things including bullets. Aside from his Sword, he has collected a considerable number of Materia in different kinds. Materia let's him do spells or moves that help him in battle.

Attributes: Cloud has an incredible strength and durability boost from his training as a SOILDER, a standard practice being to pump them full of Mako for the ability increase. While it does work, it comes at a terrible price. Despite this toll it will inevitably take on Cloud, he still uses his strength for those who can't. Working alone Cloud does fine, with a team it's even better. The Mercs strength is probably his biggest asset aside from the iconic resting bitch face.

Bio: Experiencing extreme loss at a young age, Cloud has wanted to be a SOILDER since he was a child. Though entirely because of Shinra's propaganda, he eventually moved on to live out his false dream. Now an Ex-SOILDER, he does mercenary work while helping Avalanche.

Other:He always says he works for Gil, but it's probably only because he needs it for his line of work. It takes a lot of potions and phenix tufts if you don't have the right materia. And you can't just run around cutting up boxes and hope for enough to last how many creatures are crawling around outside the slums.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Midle1998
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Midle1998 The Imposter God

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Face Claim/Appearance:

Name: John Hancock

Age: 3,000+ years old

Gender: Male

Canon: Hancock (2008 film)

Main Thread or Sandbox: Sandbox

Starting Location: Metropolis, Centenial Park

Personality: He displays lack of arrogance, responsibility, and a lack of awareness of the possible tragic consequences of his neglectful actions. He often shows a volatile temper, which almost always leads to dangerous, impulsive, and even brutal acts.

Equipment: None (unless you count a bottle of booze)

Superhuman Strength: Hancock possesses incredible superhuman strength; he was able to easily lift and throw a full grown gray whale several hundreds of meters back into the ocean, threw a car with no sweat or effort all all, stopped a freight train dead in its tracks just by bracing himself, used his fingernails to cut a metal disk while also using it as a weapon to cut off a man's hand, and later used a candy bar as a weapon against a criminal, knocking him back several feet. His fight with Mary Embrey partially leveled a large city with no trouble while the both of them were weakened and they effortlessly destroyed multiple buildings, threw buses, cars, and girders from buildings while weakened. His strength also allows him to easily overpower humans in combat. He can jump very high.
Invulnerability: Hancock is invulnerable to virtually all forms of injury; he has withstood the impact of a large moving freight train and can easily handle hard landings after flight or from falls from great heights. His skin is also impervious to bullets and he has withstood the blast from an RPG with no injury or discomfort. Hancock even fought Mary and was hit by buses, launched through buildings, remaining unharmed despite the fact that his powers were being drained due to being close to Mary. The only time Hancock displays any vulnerability to injury is when he is in close proximity to Mary Embrey due to the nature of their powers.
Accelerated Healing Factor: Hancock is capable of accelerated healing, which enables him to recover from rare injuries at an accelerated rate. He describes recovering from his head injuries which resulted in his amnesia in just a few hours, to the amazement of the doctors treating him. The healing process is reduced the more time is spent in close proximity to Mary, but the healing ability is reactivated when separated from each other, resulting in wounds, scars, and other physical trauma healing and the reversal of any aging. However, he still retains scars from multiple times he protected Mary throughout time, all when he was mortal.
Flight: Hancock is able to fly at great speeds and is capable of interplanetary flight. On Earth, he is capable of flying at super-sonic speeds; he was able to travel from a far out jail to a city in a matter of seconds and crossed another large city in just a few seconds during his battle with Mary Embrey. However, in space, Hancock is capable of flying faster than light, as he traveled to and created a heart on the Moon before anyone else noticed.
Weather Control: Hancock can control and summon high winds or tornadoes for ranged attacks. However, he rarely ever uses this ability due to the mass destruction that it causes.
Longevity: Hancock is able to stay young without aging at all. He is able to live for more than 3,000 years.
Biography: Hancock is a member of a long-lived and immortal race of beings who in ancient times were worshiped as gods. He is unable to remember anything prior to 1928 due to suffering a bout of amnesia. At the beginning of the story, Hancock does not care about his public image and he often causes more [monetary] damage than he prevents while performing heroic acts. He is often drunk or hungover which results in the public he attempts to help distrusting and disliking him.

Other: Eagles are his favorite animal
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kagebaka
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Kagebaka The Potato God

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Even if you make a lot of mistakes, and you think everything is going wrong, the one person that can for sure forgive you is yourself. Humu humu."

Name: Ina'nis Ninomae

Age: {[UNKNOWN]}

Gender: Female

Canon: Hololive EN

Main Thread or Sandbox: Sandbox

Starting Location (SANDBOX ONLY): Metropolis

Despite her Lovecraftian-themed appearance, Ina is gentle, peaceful and down-to-earth. She is considerate and kind; Takanashi Kiara relates that when she is down, Ina is always the first to message her. In complete contrast to the salty gremlin Amelia, Ina has near-infinite patience and is widely considered the most well-behaved member of her generation.

Ina is infamous for her use of puns and her dry delivery of "dad jokes".

Tome of The Ancient Ones/AO-Chan ~ The Necronomicon-like tome that Ina carries around with her.
Art Supplies ~ As an artist, Ina has some art supplies with her. Mostly pens and markers.
Dr. Oopsie ~ Ina's favorite drink. The last stock she has when she was transported to Metropolis.

Randomly Induced Sanity Check - Bearing the Tome of the Ancient Ones, Ina'nis can induce insanity. However, it's random enough that it may not happen at all. When it does, oh man. This Sanity Check may also happen to her. When she fails this check, beware.
Eldritch Tentacles - Bearing the Tome of the Ancient Ones, Ina can summon and control massive, writhing tentacles from her back. While she can make it disappear, Ina chooses not to.
Ancient Magicks - As the Priestess of the Ancient Ones, Ina can us AO-Chan to cast ancient magic. Mostly by using the void to summon Takodachi--octopi creatures of the void itself, or utilizing said void.

Ina was born in a family of Priestesses worshipping deities known simply as the Ancient Ones. She was mostly an ordinary girl who got into arts until she officially became one of those priestesses, picking up the Tome of the Ancient Ones which she lovingly calls 'AO-Chan'. She gained mystical power and sprouted massive, writhing tentacles on her back. To her, tentacles are just a part in her ordinary life; it has never been a big deal for her. However, her girly mind does want to get them dressed up and stay pretty.

After gaining power, she started hearing Ancient Whispers and Revaltaions. Thus, Ninomae Ina'nis auditioned for hololive on a whim. As an artist, she had spent much of her time in solitary art practice, and she saw hololive as an opportunity for change. She had not slept for over 24 hours prior to the live audition, which she credits for making her more talkative than usual. She sang one verse of a song, although described herself as having no confidence in singing, and spent the rest talking about food, including giant gyoza and Dr. Oopsie.

As part of the first generation of Hololive EN/Myth, Ina's YouTube channel was created on 16 July, and her Twitter account was created in the same month. She made her debut stream on 09/12/2020--the 3rd member to debut. She uses her Vtuber activities to keep her sanity in check, as well delivering random sanity checks on humanity itself--despite being an "ordinary" girl.

Other: This variant of Ina'nis is my interpretation of her character. Take how I write her with a grain of Ame Salt.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by duskkyy
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Face Claim/Appearance:

Name: Sonic the Hedgehog

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Canon: Sonic the Hedgehog

Main Thread or Sandbox: Main Thread

Personality: Sonic is an adventurous hedgehog who is as free as the wind. With his everlasting calm and cool demeanor, he performs well and keeps his head up even when the stakes are high. He cannot stand the idea of being restrained, and hates being cooped up in the same place for too long. He never dwells on the past, and always looks forwards. He doesn’t care about what others might think and lives by his own sense of rules and justice. That is not to say he disregards others, however, especially not his own friends. In fact, he values his friendships and believes in teamwork. At heart, Sonic is a well-meaning hero who wants nothing more than to keep his friends (and the world) safe. Though he can be a bit impulsive at times, he’s no fool. Even if he does happen to get himself into trouble, he’s always more than capable enough to get himself out of any fix.

Motivation: Sonic is said to be "like the wind"; a drifter that is always on the move and is noted for being free-spirited and adventurous. He values freedom above all else and strives to live his life according to his own rules and whims rather than the standards of those around him or for the sake of heroism and duty, never thinking twice about what other people say or think.

Equipment: Sonic wears Chip's Bracelet on one wrist and the Flame Ring on the other. He carries a sword with him, as well.

Attributes: Sonic is, plain and simple, the fastest thing alive. In a race, he’s tough as nails to beat. He can gain enough speed to outrun lasers and scurry across the surface of lakes and oceans. He can take off at breakneck speeds even from a standstill. He has somewhat of an affinity with the breeze, able to generate strong winds with his speed alone. He’s an extremely skilled fighter, able to take down a multitude of godlike creatures. He was even able to strike down a massive rock golem with only a single kick. Either in hand-to-hand combat or by using more unconventional methods of attack (such as his homing attack), Sonic is a tough opponent. He is a skilled swordsman, able to swing a blade with both speed and strength. One of his most common forms of attack involves him curling up into a ball and spinning, using his sharp quills to cut through foes. To match his immense strength, he’s very durable as well, able to handle immense amounts of force. He is capable of using the Chaos Energy within the Chaos Emeralds to his own benefit. As long as he has at least one of the precious gems on his person, he is capable of using Chaos Control to teleport. If he has all seven of them, he is capable of entering his Super Sonic form, which grants him nigh-invulnerability and flight at the cost of a constant draining of his stamina. Collecting rings will allow him to remain in this form longer.

Biography: Not much is known about Sonic's early life. He was born on Christmas Island with his abnormal ability to run at super-speed, but his love for adventure eventually called him away from his home. Since then, he has spent his life traveling the globe, driven by his restless spirit, in search of adventures to satisfy his thirst for thrills. At some point, Sonic met Dr. Ivo Robotnik and they became enemies. Sonic would subsequently fight Robotnik in an untold number of confrontations as the scientist attempted time and time again to conquer the world, with Sonic foiling the doctor's plans each time. Despite their many battles, Sonic did not really account for his adversary.

Other: Source for the Motivation and Biography section: https://sonic.fandom.com/wiki/Sonic_the_Hedgehog
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Critic Ham
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Critic Ham

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“Do you know the worst kind of person? The extremist that believes themselves to be good yet brings only ruin.”

Face Claim/Appearance:

“Jess Tauri’s the name, partner.”

“Lived and breathed through a hundred-twenty years of revolts, civil war, gov crack-downs, and genocidal maniacs. Quite an eventful life, ain’t it?”

“I respect most folk’s choice of pronouns and I expect the same for my own male pronouns. Call me anything else and you’re getting a boot to the groin to remind ya that God made it sensitive for all folk, regardless of what they identify as.”


Main Thread or Sandbox:

Starting Location (SANDBOX ONLY):
“Woke up in sum dirty alley with thugs at my throat. Joy.” Gotham City.

“Jess Tauri, a tired man who simply wants a quiet, simple life yet through bad luck or ordained fate, keeps finding himself tossed into troublesome events and peoples. He holds little idealism or faith for such things will not put food in his belly and a blanket to keep him warm. As such, he is of a pragmatic nature who is willing to claim unowned valuables without regard and undertaking wetwork so long as it isn’t illegal or morally dubious. Even in combat such pragmatism shows, for he is willing to use any and all methods and weapons to incapacitate, wound, and kill his foes before looting their valuables off of them. Though it is rare for him to needlessly engage in conflict. After all, he wouldn’t have survived for over a century if he was a fool.

Yet he retains a fair and steady hand in his dealings, returning respect and courtesy in equal measure. Jess even has a soft spot for children, especially orphans as he lost his parents in his later teenage years and often takes up a fatherly or mentor aura, educating them in basic skills or helping them cope with stress.”

“Jess Tauri seemingly has an endless assortment of equipment at his disposal, either plucked from corpses of fellow Contractors or brought from the black market, Jess has the right tool for the right job. His most notable, however, are:
Universal Translator: A worn and dulled necklace that helps translate what exactly Jess is saying. Otherwise, what he’ll say will come out as garbled and staticy.

Civilian-Grade Energy Shield: A common energy shield that can soak up damage from most attacks regardless of what they are. However, it cannot prevent the force of said attacks from causing pain nor stop internal trauma from being thrashed about and it can only take a few hits before its batteries need to be replaced.

Armored Jacket and Hazard Mask: A jacket weaved with underlying armor that can withstand small arms and protects Jess from the elements. He follows this up with a mask that further protects him from airborne hazards such as toxins or gas, though both require regular maintenance. Nonetheless, Jess considers this the absolute minimum when going beyond safe areas.

Arseripper: A shotgun humorously named by soldiers for its sheer stopping power. The Arseripper is designed to use most types of pellets and shells, but its most optimized for a single-powerful shot that can tear through unprotected flesh and melt uninsulated metal.

One-Last-Shot: A six-chambered revolver morbidly named for it being the most common last resort weapon among the armies of the Confederacy of Sovereign States. Despite its name-shake and not possessing the same stopping power as the Arseripper, this revolver is powerful in its own right due to its being a miniaturized railgun. Just beware of the kickback so you don’t get pistol-whipped in the face.

Heat-Kukri: A curved machete with integrated heating technology. It is composed of a tough material that is seemingly unbreakable, though it still requires regular sharpening to prevent dullness.

Tools, Knickknacks, and Grenades: Jess has collected and continues to collect various tools, knicknacks, and grenades so he does not get caught without the right tool or explosive for the time. At current time, he’s carrying around a handful of lockpicks, rations, a first-aid kit, a lighter, a journal with a pencil, and several flash-bangs.

PDA: A device with a cracked screen that permits Jess to electronically store information, documents, and other data such as maps. It even comes with auto-mapping! Though it only contains so much memory.

“Mattered-Tulpa: Jess and his kind appear human, certainly, but they aren’t ‘true’ humans for they are thought-constructs which have loosely bound matter to give them form. This has its advantages, but its disadvantages as well...

-Meaning-Projection: Jess is capable of understanding the meaning and intent behind verbal language regardless of how it is structured or conveyed, but this ability does not extend to the written word and he cannot be understood well without the aid of a specialized device. Magic or other arcane methods may provide a stop-gap measure, but they’re bound to fail rather quickly.

-Strengthened Immunity: Jess and others of his kind have a unique structure and immune response that provides greater resilience against disease, toxins, chemicals, and other such hazards. Even magical-based hazards are reduced in effectiveness. However, this is not true immunity and a potent enough toxin or venom can actually cause Jess’s immune response to overreact causing intense damage. Furthermore, medicine or healing-based magic has a tendency to fail unless it has been specialized to treating members of Jess’s kind.

-Depressant-Insensitivity, Stimulant-Sensitivity: An odd quirk of evolution as a result of the monsters that lurk in Jess’s home world, but he has reduced sensitivity to depressants so he’s less affected by things that would slower him or make him sluggish. On the downside, however, painkillers are ineffective unless one gives an entire bottle. Amusingly, he’s much more sensitive to stimulants which would increase his alertness and brain-processing speed so even a sip of coffee can give him a morning jolt. Of course too much can be downright lethal or at the very least crippling.

Mind-Sealing: Yet another quirk because of the monsters. The brain of Jess can recognize mind-controlling or subtle influences upon his brain and react, though not in the most optimal way. Instead of resisting, the brain will short-circuit itself to knock Jess out-cold which nonetheless leaves Jess vulnerable. No one knows why it does this, it just happens. Evolution at its finest, perhaps.

-Ichor: A unique energy that surrounds and binds Jess’s form. Normally it would begin dissipating when outside of its homeworld which would kill Jess, but something has prevented this, allowing its general effects such as a general boost to all normal attributes and converting all ingested biomatter into energy so Jess does not expel waste in the normal way humans do.

-Healing Factor: Jess has an increased healing factor like most members of his kind. He can regenerate lost limbs and even recover from severe brain damage if stabilized quickly enough. However, it would take months to years to truly heal and because of the nutrients required, he has to have a constant intake of food lest the regenerated tissue ends up cancerous, mutated, or worse.

A Century of Suffering: Jess Tauri has suffered through rebellions, been on both sides of the law, grieved through the death of his younger sister and her wife, and dealt with his mentally unstable niece. Combine all of this with the monsters that lurk in his homeland, his mental fortitude is second to none. It would take much to break him and even then, he’s likely to recover faster than any healthy person.

Both Sides of the Law: Jess has spent time as a smuggler and gang leader in the criminal underworld and as a sheriff and part-time lawyer when forced to work for the law. He knows how both sides work and though he’s been thrown out of his normal element, there are bound to be commonalities regardless of where he is, and he will leverage whatever he can in his dealings with both sides of the law when he can.

Combat Skills: Jess has not lived for a century without having some fighting experience under his belt. He has fashioned various fighting skills into his own style and is able to handle most combat situations with a cool head. Furthermore, he’s capable of handling most normal weapons or learn human-oriented combat styles without issue.

A Collection of Skills: Jess has learned many a skill over the years from organization to medicine. Granted, he’s no polymath, but he’s good enough to either solve basic issues or provide a stop-gap measure. However, more specialized or higher-learning skills are out of his grasp.

Amoral: Well, it’s not that Jess lacks morals, it’s just that his morals are rather flexible depending on the circumstance. But he makes no excuses for what he’s willing to do. This has the benefit of allowing him to live with himself most of the time. His allies and friends… might not appreciate this view.

Stable Disease: Jess is currently suffering from a disease known as ‘Tainted Ichor’ that is slowly destabilizing his form and severely affected regions appear as glitched or blackened skin.. It is, however, kept in a stable state, but it will still flare up which can cause Jess severe pain. This happens randomly and can even knock him out if it becomes bad enough.

Biography: Jess Tauri was born in a confederation called the Confederacy of Sovereign States and lived through the Socialist Revolts, a period of rebellions brought on by poor working conditions and the growing influence of the enslavement of xenos. He lost both of his parents during this time in which he was forced to smuggle goods of all kinds to ensure he and his sister did not starve.

Jess would later start a gang with his fellow orphans to provide further protection, a point of contention with his sister, but after the New Social Contract and the ending of the War of Succession, caused by the banning of slavery, the central government began to crack down on the criminal elements and Jess was arrests. However, he was offered a full pardon in exchange for using his knowledge of the underworld and to lure out his connections. He took it for it was that or to be hanged with a ‘Necktie’.

And so Jess worked for the law for the next decade or so, gaining experience on how to deal with criminal elements in a new age of legal and criminal reform. He would meet former members of his gang who had split off to form their own and either arrested them, convinced them to turn themselves in, or if need be, put them down.

Jess would eventually be released from legal work and drift about, occasionally dropping by to meet up with his sister and a new wife. His relationship with his sister, however, was strained because of growing differences in how they viewed the world and the work they did. Jess became a Contractor, slang term for independent mercenaries that took on various jobs, whilst his sister worked directly under the central government as a scientist working on a classified project.

Decades later and Jess would learn that his sister had two nieces, both vat-grown from the cells of anonymous donors. He attempted to visit them after they were released, but was denied by the central government, citing his criminal past. Such a thing confused Jess. He served the gov, didn’t he? But his sister managed to inform him of why his nieces were vat-grown. They had been selected for a project that would grant them certain… abilities and a resistance towards what the monsters did after capturing their victims. The two were placed under the sister’s and her wife’s care to ensure the two grew up in a normal upbringing whilst several others were placed in other conditions.

Jess was disgusted, so much so that his already strained relationship with his sister broke and he disappeared off into the frontier regions. He would still communicate with his sister and nieces from time to time through letters and gifts, but he could not bear to face his sister. Not after taking part of what he considered an inhumane experiment. However, as luck or fate would have it, something happened which converted one niece whilst both his sister and her wife disappeared.

Shortly after, his home country was beset by the monsters led by none other than the converted niece whilst the surviving one was missing. An entire year went by as he looked for her as the military stomped out the monsters wherever they were. An entire year of fruitless searches and endless asking, but he gained a lead. An old friend reached out to him claiming that the surviving niece was welcomed into an old library maintained by a kindly old person.

The meeting that followed was… tense to say the least. The niece, Sun Tauri, was barely nine years old when the two finally met. Sun insulted him, claiming that he never cared and that she was better off with the kindly old person. Yet through insulted effort and help from the old person, Sun was eventually convinced to be adopted by Jess.

And not moments after did the central government approach Sun to offer her training to eventually become a part of a unit specialized in combating the monsters her sister was converted into. Jess protested, claiming that she was much too young. Yet the gov countered that the monster threat had mutated into something greater, far more organized, and growing in strength. There could be no more half-measures, no more relaxed days, not when the monsters were tearing down the gates. However, they did concede that Jess would have custody over Sun till she was twenty years old.

Since then he has dreaded her twentieth birthday. But he had remained steadfast in his sour support for Sun’s decision. However, some time after her twentieth birthday and her leaving to be formally inducted into the military, Jess suddenly finds himself in another world...


-Jess stands at a height of 7’11”. Yes this is a joke.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by RirisStride1
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RirisStride1 The brainstormer of nations

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Face Claim/Appearance:

A relatively attractive man whose only indication of age are the rare white hair and some crows feet around his eyes. Otherwise the brown-haired, hazel-eyed individual measuring around 5'10 doesn't have many more outstanding traits beyond a somewhat curly hair... at least when it comes to facial features. His body tells another story, with a variety of jagged, clean, big and small scars littering most of the surface of his skin from his neck downwards. Apart from that, his physique (which is usually somewhat hidden by his choice of thicker clothing) is exceptional and toned, fit for proper combat. Also has a slightly tan skin color, but its not much noticeable usually as he spends a long time indoor or under shade when training to be more efficient.

Age: 43 years old (approximately, actual certain age is unknown)

Gender: Male

Canon: Oc verse

Main Thread or Sandbox: Main Thread

Personality: A man of many facets and a complicated life, he could be considered an extremely composed and relaxed individual, one that at first glance looks difficult to rattle. Always with a polite smile that somewhat reaches his eyes and skillful movements when it comes to how he greets others or has a meeting over tea. All, upon further analysis feeling like very practice yet not really completely fake aspects of himself.

At his core, beyond the way he likes to present himself, as kind and always gentle, lies an extremely driven and passionate individual who has a dream and the determination and commitment to pursue it, even at great costs. But also, an extremely lonely and troubled individual with a great volume of different burdens nailed to his heart, from actions he has had to take to lives that are gone, to the people that greatly depend on him for their livelihood. He has learned to bear with such matters to a surprising degree after ascending to nobility over more than 20 years ago, yet it is through not completely healthy rationalizations... which is only helped by having perspective from others, be it family or friends.

Apart from the image he presents of himself (which are in actuality, the way he desires to truly be in those aspects), he is a person who will honor a right, and punish a horrible wrong with proportionate force. Someone who can remember a grudge and work around it, but if an affront is bad and personal enough, do not hesitate to exact a strong revenge on them. Otherwise, if it's not personal, the cleric can operate in a very pragmatic fashion based if the matters could aid his objectives and situation, willing to make concessions around his more idealistic values as long as it's the only way available. Pragmatism doesn't mean devoid of morality, and he will try to honor the 'best' path possible that remains close to the moral compass that was taught to him from an early age, in which life is valuable and destruction is to be avoided.

In his personal life, he holds a strong deal of loyalty for those he considers friends, and an even stronger passion towards those he considers family... and partner. But to get there, and to be beyond just a superficial friend, the man has to become attached to the individual for one reason or another, which can come down to being agreeable enough, bearing potential for personal growth, being interesting and amicable enough to him, and many other reasons. He'll know when he can consider someone a true friend, and trust them, for his sharpness extends to his judgement of people when not dulled by tumultuous emotions.

A man of exceptional character by all accounts, but one that holds an edge of selfishness when it comes to exerting the costs of his ambitions onto others with limited remorse... a trait that he both fears yet somewhat accepts. Because beyond grand ambitions... he is a man who desires to leave a better world behind, and to not leave said world alone if possible.

Motivation: As mentioned previously, in the more abstract sense, he desires to leave a better world behind back in his original place, and to do so with others by his side. But in the specifics, it's to keep reforming his duchy and improving its technology and practices to make it as prosperous and long lasting as it could possibly be, one day hoping to extend said prosperity beyond its borders.

Equipment: The main piece of his equipment across any gear set he desires to wear is one piece: a waist bag of unknown origin beyond being an old artifact, made out of fine and sturdy cloth that has been magically enhanced, bearing a myriad of engraved and embroidered characters from an old magical script, which let it harness environmental power, make a reserve of it, and apply it for the functionality it bears: the ability to store most anything that fits within its flexible bag opening as if time wasn't passing on it in seemingly another dimension. To accomplish this fact as well as possible, the natural engravings that the item bears also let the user mentally map everything that the bag is storing, in their corresponding categories which visually slightly fluctuate in their corresponding characters when putting in or taking out an item of said type. The types include food, ingredients, equipment, currency, documents and a couple more. It is speculated that it was an artifact made for a king of the days of old, maybe even by a divine being... From such mythology and speculation, it bears the name of "Divine dimensional door" by some, but most commonly referred as "bag of holding" or "dimensional pocket"

And inside said artifact there's a myriad of small day-to-day item the cleric uses and stores for the sake of convenience: hunting tools, some craftsmanship tools when it comes to sculpting and carving, many pieces of paper and parchment, alongside a vast supply of pencils and ink and his noble wax stamp with a supply of said wax accompanying it. He also carries a fine ink version for documentation certification. The man also carries a variety of animal and plant based ingredients to make a few weeks to a month worth of food should he ever need an emergency supply.

He also, for one reason or another, carries a big enough supply of steel weapons and armor to outfit a small combat unit, but rarely does he ever use them for a reason that will be mentioned later. He also carries 'curiosity' weapons and armor, which are peculiar items from different ages and worlds that have caught his attention.

Apart from 'generic' and 'collectable' weaponry, the man carries a specific set of gear dedicated specifically to augment his fighting prowess. The main one would be a two-handed greatsword made of an alloy of special metals that keep it wieldable while integrating the black 'blizzard's heart' metal into its composition, allowing the weapon to withstand a surprising amount of abuse and retain shape due to the natural property of said metal to absorb energy up due to its atoms being at a natural resting point of absolute 0. By alloying it with other metals and engraving a magic formation onto it, the weapon is able to be wielded as a normal sword while retaining its advantageous properties. He also carries a halberd tipped with this same material, and a longsword.

The other outstanding weapon in his grasp is a magical bow of winds called 'Hurricane' of unknown origin, another rescue from an adventuring expedition. It's tough and well made, with complex engraving on every metallic inch of the weapon, adorned with a few motifs relating to wind and phenomena like tornadoes, hurricanes and storms. Its main way of functioning is by consuming the magic of the user, in exchange generating crystalline arrows of wind which apply concentrated bursts of the element upon projectile impact. The intensity and difficulty of use is highly dependent on how much magic one wants to use, and the skill of the user both on magic and archery.

For defensive items, he carries a full set of 'blizzard's heart' plate armor with a heater shield, all heavier than normal armor and engraved with a variety of cold-mitigating formations that require magic. Though lacking ornamentation, each individual piece is slotted with some form of magic stone as the core pieces of the engraved arrays, visible yet still protected by more metal passing over it in slit shapes, leaving space for the environmental magic to seep in through gaps. Theoretically, a single piece of this material can absorb the kinetic energy capable of obliterating a small-sized mountain before they overheat from absorbed energy. If overused, the stored supply will run out and start depending on the user's magic supply for temperature control.

Finally, a gambeson and padded pants composed of the fibers of a plant called 'ironleaf', possessing the durability of refined alloyed steel while retaining the natural impact mitigation of vegetable fibers arranged in such a manner. The downside of the material is its high flammability due to its density and vegetable nature, losing moisture after being processed in this manner.

And the last noteworthy batch of items would be a variety of magical stones containing already casted spells that have been sealed inside of them. A catalyst in the form of a metal, sturdy necklace with a beautiful cyan gem embedded at its core, fashioned after an eight-pointed star with a circle running through the tips.

Attributes: There's a variety of things that make the man such a powerful force of nature when it comes to combat. The first and foremost is the man's super-human strength, with the ability to deadlift and throw objects as heavy as 4 metric tons if exerting his everything into it. This physique goes beyond just musculature, as his body grew stronger, it also started to become more resistant to poison quantities, alcohol and medicines unfortunately also included on the matter. This started a couple years ago and only intensified in the last 3. At least fortunately, the man took time to train his fine strength control, as such he doesn't usually break anything from exerting too much, unless his composure is broken badly right at a bad timing. This muscle strength also obviously empowers both his maximum speed and his striking force to something devastating if able to go all out... Though his stamina is not infinite, and exerting his body to its limits constantly will quickly leave the man tired. This is why he usually doesn't use his peak all the time, but in bursts and strategically.

An astounding situational awareness and reflexes to compliment said ability to observe the environment, with a wealth of experience fighting both humanoid and non-humanoid creatures aiding in his ability to react and predict movements and threats. Though he is not infallible, and doesn't mean he'll manage to react in time every time to everything, sometimes having to resort to putting his body in harm's way as to prevent a worst case scenario.

A growing form of empath reception which is able to receive the strongest emotion from an individual when they are experiencing it. Unfortunately, it's not an attribute he can control, and as such has had issues for a lot of his life with having the thoughts of anguish and pain of many people swimming around in his head, leading to problems relating to his sense of self-worth when it comes to his life (aided by his magical ability to heal) and bouts of insomnia. It's not something that will ever truly go away, and it will be there with the man for his whole life, only growing stronger as his own body does.

Lastly, he possess a wealth variety of magical abilities, that though used to very much be in the format of a cleric of the forgotten realms for a few reasons, it has been allowed finally to loosen up in his restrictions, losing access to the pure form of the most powerful spells previously available to him, but in exchange obtaining the ability to 'customize' most if not all the spells that were previously available to him, the reserve of magic usually available to a "Knowledge domain cleric". This includes the ability to heal simple wounds to the possibility of reviving someone as long as their body is accessible, or regenerate damage and limbs should the situation call for it. The ability to modify depends on the man's ability to apply the engraving script he is familiar with into the catalyst he depends on to use magic.

Beyond combat prowess, Hershel Avad possesses a high capacity for intellectual learning, but somewhat limited when it comes to crafts and skills that require applying physical effort, which ultimately has been a mixed bag for the man, some skills requiring a disproportionate amount of time and effort.

Biography: A man supposedly born to unknown parents in a random and somewhat remote corner of the Garastan empire, regardless of heritage, it wouldn't matter in the end: He was orphaned and given to a monastery of a small and foreign deity to be taken care of, being raised there from basically since he could remember. At the start, as he got raised like a normal child, his life was alright enough... he experienced some playing, meeting other kids, fighting, having fun, a somewhat normal life for the first 2 years of his life. But such thing would not last, as his third 'birthday' (Frankly, the day he was left at the door) came around, he was found a surprisingly promising candidate to wield the magical arts exclusive to this place of worship dedicate to a foreign goddess of magic and knowledge, and as such was separated and integrated into the education program meant for potential clerics.

This didn't go very well on a personal level for a variety of reasons, but the principal one was that most of the candidates for this program were not of low birth, but instead individuals from already well established backgrounds capable of supplying their children with education, like clergy, nobles and merchants. As one of the few if not the only individual without background, he was quickly isolated from the rest, not necessarily harassed, but shunned and ignored like a pebble on the road of the path of these people.

Yet, he was also able to hear the echoes of conceit and depreciation coming from their minds, something that he had noticed back when in a more free environment. Given enough time under these circumstances, the child couldn't take it, and started to run away from the monastery in short escapades, hanging around the local forest and river in silence, sometimes observing animals, sometimes listening to the sounds of nature to relax his stressed mind. Yet, one day, he would be found out, but not by someone from the monastery, but instead by a supposedly random passerby, an so-called adventurer of sharp senses by the name of 'Heindrich'. This man, instead of reporting him or reprimanded him, chose to ask if he was ok...

Which was the start of the cleric having a surrogate dad, as the man gently approached his issues, and helped rationalize them and encourage him to do better, and to try to excel as to stand up for himself in the face of arrogance. This was only the start of the lessons, as from there onwards the older man would make sure to meet the kid in the same areas, help him come up with excuses and teach him a variety of things, from fishing to hunting, to some deeper manners relating to philosophies on life and ideology on race and equality as he grew from a toddler into an early teen.

Yet, as many things in his life so far, this wouldn't last, and both knew it. The man himself was a self-proclaimed explorer and wanderer, and coming back for years while exploring the Garastan empire had been already pushing it for his lifestyle... so one day, after a formal apology and a proper goodbye, Heindrich left the monastery, and wouldn't show up again for the foreseeable future.

Yet, by this point, the lessons and optimism engraved into Hershel by the fateful encounter had already started to show a difference. He was more willful, more determined, starting to be more inquisitive about the whys of things, yet also capable of showing tact in when to push and when to research in private. A way of life had been lit inside the man, one relating to seeing the world with optimistic pragmatism, and trying to see the good in it and in others.

His zeal and passion was so great, he ultimately managed to obtain his certification as a cleric 3 years earlier than usual for lifelong trainees at 15, all with excellence at that. Before he was even a proper adult, he obtained the right to explore and spread the faith of their goddess around the world, to travel, to experience, to register and to learn.

Yet this in its own right is what would change the man as well, for as he travelled around the empire, one that was lauded as respecting the rights of its dwellers regardless of race, and had a variety of religions and nobles and even city-states within its borders... he found ugliness that his lessons hadn't prepared him for.

Ignorance, violence, paranoia, selfishness, manipulation, the myriad of evils people, not only humans, are capable of which frustrated the young man greatly the more he explored, the more he tried to help people with his feet on the ground. From doing charitable actions like helping heal and do surgery on those that needed to eliminating threats to settlements and exploring old ruins in search of information and relics...

He knew he was making a difference, yet also... felt frustrated, frustrated at how often he felt the upper echelon, the individuals guiding the common folk, felt lacking, selfish, inept, corrupt...

He knew of many that were decent, some mediocre, a few great... but far too many that were bad rulers, and an unacceptable amount of awful ones. It specially offended him on a personal level when religion was used to justify acts of discrimination, greediness or violence, not by the commonfolk, for he considered them naturally misguided for lacking education, but instead the rulers, the leaders, the people that were supposed to know better, To be better.

This frustration would come to a head in his 18th birthday, as he ultimately, trying to trust and help the intentions of an archbishopric ruler who was said to be a kind and caring man for his people, turned out to be a corrupt man presenting shallow kindness to retain his position and his grip over a faithful population, eliminating anyone that could be seeking a change or reform from the shadows while maintaining a persona of kindness. One good enough that had managed to initially fool the cleric... His hands were now stained not with malicious or even morally grey blood... but that of the well intention, the undeserving of violence.

This was the last straw, what broke his composure and his patience towards the elite that were in his eyes, incapable of ruling. Yet, acting out in range would not lead to anything good... so, the man bit his tongue, clenched his fists, and started to form up a plan that would reign the next few decades of his life. His pockets were already lined enough by this point from his work and adventuring, but this was far, far from enough...

Setting his resolve alight, the man spent the next two years dedicating all his time and energy into accruing wealth, prestige and notoriety around the Garastan empire, ultimately causing the emperor's eye to fall onto him... Next, the plan that he spent the next 2 decades of his life enacting to perfection: To be granted a small manor from meritorious service in the middle of the pro-autonomy and non-intervention faction, and to expand his influence rapidly from there, trying to claim the title of one of the few dukes of the nation.

Along the way, he had managed to find companions, friends even, his heart yearning for companionship. Yet the death of a friend that he could not overturn set his heart to reluctance, to hesitate to reach out to others... but being so set in his objectives, he didn't feel like it was time to be this weak, and hardened his heart towards companionship for some time.

His heart, having set his sights on this objective conversed with the serving emperor, was set on this. For the next big period of his life, the cleric would become a noble by merit, one looked down upon, but primed to leave his mark in the world, for what he considered for its betterment.

From working the wild terrain, taming it, to bringing people with treasury, buying skill with negotiation and coin, training commonfolk side by side with mercenaries he convinced to serve as a standing force, his small neighbors were integrated and kicked out one by one, putting instead bureaucrats that followed his direct orders and were loyal to him instead of any usual elite, as most people would do. This and many other unconventional means that he had studied from many places in the world were steadily and methodically implemented as he worked with everything he had to maintain the supply of administrators needed for his ever expanding domain, while most of his treasure that remained unspent was funneled into that initial manor of his, placed in the crossroads of two huge rivers that dominated Garasta's geography, yet was too full of creatures and wildlife to be tamed reasonably...

It became his ducal jewel, his beautiful capital. Residents with certain guaranteed rights, full of traders and craftsmen and clean streets owed to the rough but effective sewers and sanitation measures he had placed from many observations and conclusions done by studying the world's known most majestic and biggest cities...

the city would come to harbor thousands and thousands of souls within 20 years, severely wiping away his initial money reserves along the way, but soon enough becoming profitable in its own right, concentrating the wealth of his domain through trade and manufactory not unlike in skill to any other place in the empire.

But as his efforts were so single-mindedly funneled into this vision, his mind and stability suffered, even with the sporadic communication towards the goddess of the monastery he had grown up in, at one point in his teen years starting to communicate with him.

As such, an intervention was done by her, pushed away from his overworking and insomniac habits owed to bearing everything himself, alone...

Pushed away from his mighty keep, from his own world, into another one... This kind of event had happened only a couple of times in his life before, for it was a known phenomena of the world that sometimes, one would connect with another domain... but this time was different.

For, it would lead to a fateful meeting with a kid, a poor child named Sage that had suffered a rough, restrained life that reminded him of his own strife... someone he sympathized with, yet also felt like he could help on a far more personal level if he just, reached out... reached out just how he had attempted to do so with others before the death of a friend many years ago...

Having had time to heal, to think, to suffer in loneliness, and despite his loss of common sense. He did. And said to become his child... it was not the first he had tried to approach, but the first to be adopted into his family. Along the way, he met many people, learned many things from other worlds that fascinated him and dazzled the man... and also, ended up eventually finding a person he could set his heart to love, that would not be at risk of death easily, that was strong and helped be more in touch with some numbed out parts of himself.

His heart, which had grown numb and somewhat cold, warmed again, as he experienced more out of the world adventures, met more people, and grew to love those he had close, even rekindling friendships with people he already knew.

Now, he stands in happiness, if still troubled by matters of the past, hopeful for the future... who knows, maybe he will finally adopt the ex-mercenary he was taking care of back home... But now that he was dating the individual he had confessed his life to last year, he felt stronger than ever, capable of tackling any challenge.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Starmaker
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Starmaker Justice takes no holidays!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Basic Information:

Name: Rena Berit ⋏ݍ⋏🇩; Julie; Heigen

Age: ≅438 years

Gender: Female

Species: Nekomata (Siamese)

Canon: OC
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Personality: Living life as if dancing and spinning on top of a tightrope hanging over a death pit, Berit is a hard character for most to grasp, having no real worth on her or others lives, nor treasuring interactions all that much. Instead, Rena prefers to rile others up, acting as if a god itself, constantly embiggening her own actions and thoughts. Her outlook on humanity is a grim one, that after seeing so many conflicts after each other, has come to the conclusion that they’re on a path to senseless mutual self-destruction, to which death would be mercy at this point.

The same way the humans fate has been sealed and follows according to script, so has her’s. After all, the end of a monster is always to be slain by the hero; Rena does not believe herself to be worthy of love, pity, or sympathy. And why would anybody? She’s a vengeful powerful Youkai, filled with nothing but contempt for humanity, people are no more than food for her! ...That’s what they should be, but as the Nekomata spent more and more time near a certain cleric, she found herself attached to that lifestyle. It’s less that Rena doesn’t care about others and more than she’s rarely given that chance. Her ‘independence’ being a defense mechanism against rejection, a sign of apprehension in trying to truly live in a world that has brought nothing but betrayal and suffering.

To those that can bear with her, they might find an unexpected brand of loyalty and obsession, akin to a stray they fed once and kept coming back. Rena also has a soft spot for children, especially younger girls like her owner once was; Others may see themselves studied with curious eyes or followed around because they’re not boring. For those that can’t, however, they may never go past a facade and see themselves charmed, messed with and even targeted when she’s out of food.

Do keep her well fed.

Equipment: Her necklace, which is a bag of holding with a form-changing enchantment. It's just filled with raw meat, for an emergency. Seems to last a week or so.
--Spiritual Fire--
Like many fire Youkai, Berit may choose to summon fireballs to attack with, anytime, normally born out of the tips of her tail so they’re aimed like a gun or the palm of her hands, for easily getting lunged around. A defensive formation takes the form of fiery whisps, making a circle around her and serving to shield or match with attacks, disappearing as their purpose is fulfilled.
This variety of flame is similar to Onibi, harming the target physically and spiritually, making it useful against other spirits and seemingly intangible entities. Once out of Julie’s control, the flames fade into a normal orange to make tracking her arson more challenging.
Nekomata have their original cat forms, an in-between form that can either be the nekomimi style or more anthropomorphic and a fully human form that they can change at will. That last one is what they use to lure in prey, able to mimic even the voice of someone they’ve seen and amazing actors to the point of grasping body language and habits after a couple hours of observation. A picture would also do, though then the voice that goes with it is more of a guess than a certainty. Berit can also walk on her hind legs even in cat form, but rarely does so because it may look too goofy to her tastes.
After their tendency of causing fires and killing millions, Nekomata are well-known for their ability to raise the dead to do their bidding. Now, differently from real necromancy, this is more akin to making a recently killed corpse into a puppet as they have no will of their own and are merely empty vessels. Berit has to keep some of her attention on the ‘puppet’ and can at max control two of them at once, each ‘tied’ to a hand. A skill in ventriloquism is then added to the mix when she needs it to manipulate and trick somebody.
--Enhanced Physiology--
Nekomata retain their feline counterpart's agility, balance and enhanced senses. With stealth, graceful movements, Rena is as fit as both an Olympic runner and a gymnast at once, capable of great feats of speed, flexibility and superhuman jumps having employed these in her trapezist side-job before. She can also tell when something is 'off' somehow, similar to the ways some animals can tell when a threat or natural disaster is approaching. Or just being able to tell when it's about to rain. Animal Youkai are also a lot more sturdy than their normal counterparts, capable of feats of superhuman strength when in their human forms and peak human strength while in their animal forms.
--Feline Communication--
Independent of the form, Brit can understand other cats' speech as if they were actually speaking. Not that they say anything useful though, usually, they're just complaining at her. In a similar way, they can also understand her just fine, without the need for actual meowing, the only catch is that cats raised with different languages also acquire different meow patterns, making her have to deal with accents that might make little to no sense to her.
--Sleight of Hand--
As if having a manipulative, ventriloquist cat wasn’t already enough, Rena is very apt at sneaking into places without being noticed and stealing/swapping objects while not being watched. After all, it’s an important skill if you’re going to be blackmailing and stalking others for a meal. Also for counter-espionage. Knowing how to control one’s attention was a must for her modus operandi.

Biography (In bullet points, for now):

  • A Siamese kitten is presented to the daughter of a Daimyo, being named Heigen and becoming the little girl’s companion for life;
  • A year later, a war between Estates is lost, in the true Edo era fashion, the victor orders the execution of the family, the destruction of their home and the imprisonment of the cat, so that the spirit of the animal didn’t come back for revenge;
    Heigen is put in a small cage in the center of a room and expected to starve to death soon. Despite her thin and sickly visage, the cat does not die, resisting beyond the time she should;
  • Wondering if the cat has been possessed by some creature and might attract bad luck, Heigen is once more moved, now thrown into an underground dungeon to be forgotten forever;
  • Many years pass and the cat bides her time cursing and hating on her captors; On her 100th birthday her tail splits and as a newly emerged Nekomata Heigen enacts her revenge on the descendants of her captors, destroying their estate;

  • Heigen continues to rampage even after, burning villages, terrorizing people, battling other Youkai for territory, eventually, the people attempt to appease her by building her a temple and making an agreement;
  • Revered like a guardian spirit, Hengei spends many moons protecting her village from other Youkai and given sacrifices to sate her hunger with in exchange;
  • The decline of the Edo era and with it Youkai themselves. It all comes with a change of mind as the villagers hire a monk to lead a party to slay the Nekomata. She manages to flee for her life after making her defeat, but harbors a distrust towards humans as they’ve betrayed their deal;
  • Sticking to the shadows, she spends a long time feeding on the freshly diseased resulting from conflicts. Times of war and peace and more war seem forever never-ending, she concludes that the humans would eventually self-destruct at this pace and that perhaps her actions aren’t as evil as they might seem;

  • Japan finally opens its ports to international commerce by request of the United States, it’s Heigen’s chance to seek new hunting grounds by sneaking into a ship and seeing where it leads;
    The destination ends up being the UK, where the nekomata finds her way into 80’s center London and is picked up by an unsuspecting woman who takes her home;
  • The Nekomata makes the actress’ life a living hell, costing her career and popularity, raising several rumors and collecting blackmail on Julie Taylor Luckett, previously loved star of the movies;
  • Backed into a corner, Julie attempts suicide only for the Nekomata to strike instead, carving her heart out of her chest and taking the woman’s identity for herself;
  • It would only make sense that the one that ruined things would know how to fix them, as the Nekomata now has a good position for hunting in society, seeking drunkards in bars at night that mysteriously go missing, some without even family to account for their disappearance;

  • Eye of the Falls happens; Other than her interaction with Orbeck, the event leaves no deep marks on the Nekomata;

  • A hangout organized by Remilia Scarlet leaves 'Julie' and Hershel Avad face-to-face, where he makes the mistake of calling her ‘cute’ and continuing to underestimate her, driving her to threaten to ruin everything and everyone he cares about, even after he’s dead in pettiness;
    Not taking nicely to such a threat, Hershel uses a Wish spell to compel Julie to target him and only him from now on. She’s unaware of the effect until next time they meet;

  • Having eventually stalked Hershel back into his world, the Nekomata furiously attempts to make the cleric pay by constantly trying to kill him, or rile him up. There’s little to no effect and that only makes her want to try harder;
  • The attempts quickly exhaust themselves, and the banter becomes a daily occurrence; Soon they’re bearing with each other in the same space, making all sorts of conversation;
  • Julie officially moves into Hershel’s room without permission, putting her cat bed on a corner and bidding goodbye to London and corsets… And high heels. A lot of that wasn’t a fun time; Since this is now her territory, she performs rounds for trespassing critters and assassins, basically becoming the castle’s guardian;
  • Hershel confesses his love to her and she’s just… extremely confused about it.

  • Events of MP: Dystopia follow, Rena 'allies' herself to Crow, a sky pirate, as a way to keep her hold of the forest's edge territory, making it her personal hunting grounds, challenging other beasts for its domain and assuring her survival;
  • Reencounter with Hershel is unexpectedly heartfelt, and in the following year, now home, their relationship becomes a tad closer with the cleric conceding her a new name, as a symbol of her new life.
Theme Songs:


AAA(Pseudo-Humans)AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA(Zarathustra Speaks Not)
AAAアヤセ feat. 初音ミク and VflowerAAAAAAAAAAAAASolaris feat. GUMIAAAAAAAA

AA(The Monster Cat Dies Twice)AAAAAAAAAAA(Depression of Cybernetics)AA
AAn.k feat. 初音ミクAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAotetsu feat. 巡音ルカ

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Starmaker
Avatar of Starmaker

Starmaker Justice takes no holidays!

Member Seen 1 yr ago


A normally-looking, cheerful ex-college student around his early twenties in casual modern attire, usually composed of pants, t-shirt and a jacket in plain not too showy colors. With his signature light-blue one destroyed, the current jacket is a middle shade black with gold accents. Wears a two-piece golden armlet with a wing centrepiece is always either worn on the left arm over all his clothing or carried in a pocket. It's inscribed with Magic dampening Runes and works as a limiter.

Name: Sage Kaelber; Sey; Little Flame

Titles: Son of the House of the Dragon;
The Flame that Warms up Hearts

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Canon: OC (Saraiiho)
Sandbox: Metropolis, Planet Diary

Personality: His personality has a touch of comic-book superhero and romantic comedy protagonist. He's righteous, moralistic, cares a lot about doing what's right over what's the most convenient and is altruistic and empathetic to a fault. Sometimes he can come across as naive and idealistic, though it tends to be a lot more nuanced than that. He's had a lonely, sheltered life of repentance for most of it and as a result, may have low views of himself and internalize guilt a bit too much. He's very showy and playful during fights, spouting morals and cheesy catch-phrase attempts left and right. Lately, he's been trying to separate what's his inner child speaking and what should be his actual reaction as an adult, but it might still slip here and there. That same internal child tends to appear to him as an imaginary friend almost, as a manifestation of that less anxious, more impulsive side.

As he progressed through adventures, he's become more self-aware, less of a martyr and has come to understand some complex never before experienced emotions and notions such as being legitimately loved, gestures of physical affection and friendship. Despite all the struggles and lack of experience, Sage is always trying his very best even when it may not seem like it. Old habits and traumas are hard to combat.

Sage is first and foremost a pacifist, with time he’s come to be less of the ‘only talking’ type to understand that some conflicts are unavoidable, but he’ll still rarely make the first move himself and solely raise his guard awaiting the other person’s move in the very start.
With a tendency of stressing over the ‘right’ ways for things, Sage has moments of lots of discipline and an overall orderly, health-focused behavior. Being raised in a temple, Sage believes heavily in the mystical and the spiritual. Things like Feng Shui and numerology are his jam, and he is often being respectful to Gods and other creatures, sometimes asking them kindly answers and forgiveness, praying, assigning results to fate and the Universe and even doing this or that thing due to spiritual signs telling him to take that path. He meditates a lot. Still, overall, he's a pretty laid-back and chill guy.
-Extreme Altruism-

More than ethics and morality, altruism is both Sage’s greatest virtue and biggest flaw. He is just absolutely unable to stop caring about things, especially if they’re causing someone harm or discomfort. While that is his Light’s core nature and a huge drive for his want to help others, it is often done without necessarily prior knowledge, experience and sometimes even incredibly pushy, warping it into a type of destructive altruism both for others and himself. Despite all of the good intentions, blindly following his drive to make things better ironically has the tendency to make them worse, even more, when he’s getting into matters that don’t really pertain to him, the person doesn’t actually want to do anything about or he has no idea of what he’s getting into.
On other occasions, he’ll put the matter over even himself and end up hurt in the process, at times nearly avoiding death. Failure often comes back as self-deprecation and frustration.

A Bag of Holding containing all of the following:

- A box of 50 matches, with about 20 already missing;
- Iphone - acquired by Hershel on a different modern Earth, SIRI is deactivated;
- Crimson-colored marker + Black CD marker;
- Blank A4 paper for writing and Arrays - acquired from his MP room, about 20 pages;
- 2/3 of a Pouch of "Sending" spell stones - Needs magic for activation, allows user to send a mental message of up to 20 words to a recipient and receive back the same amount of words per use. Can bypass even dimensions unless blocked. Another of Hershel's contributions. One given to Omelette for emergencies, a couple more used already;
- About 5 different pouches of sugar cookies, baked by Hershel, please make him stop;
- Longbow and a quiver with about 25 arrows, with their tips enchanted to burn for longer/help sustain a fire. The bow itself, now named Accelerator, is actually a powerful relic capable of using Magic to power-up lighting fast, railgun like shots, though that's not what Sage uses it for;
- Black pair of wooden tonfas - Unknowingly created by Perniciosa when he mentioned wanting some in the chatroom, acquired during an in-person meeting;
- Bronze-winged circlet - Most likely also created by Perni, given as an extra gift, boosts Fire Magic but has a sinister vibe of power to it;
- TMs for Protect and Flamethrower (should this ever be important for some reason);
- Mundane objects like an umbrella for rain and winter clothing for cold weather.

Possessions on his person/outside use:

- Level 2 armor, camouflages with the clothing, acquired on MP from Blackjack's shop;
- Anti Magic-Field stone - A multicolored stone, larger than the sending ones, that is contained inside a pendant of bent copper wire in the shape of a phoenix. Anti Magic-Field blocks any type of magic around the user in a radius when activated, even their own;
- Golden-winged armlet - Sage's classic armlet that functions as a Magic-dampener due to the Runes carved inside, albeit forcefully. Ends up acting akin to a shock collar under stress;
- Dark-silver armlet - Created by Hershel as the need for alternative methods of communication arose. Has a permanent 'Sending' spell stone in the middle.
As a Phoenix Descendant, Sage can channel the Concept of Fire through himself causing his normally soft cappuccino brown eyes to gain a fiery-orange tint whenever the armlet is off and his powers are unrestrained. Inherent traits are the presence of a heat-aura passively raising the temperature of an area around him, and a flame-aura triggered by adrenaline and overall stress where he’s quite literally coated with flames. A Phoenix Descendant’s blood also has flammable properties, with it quite literally igniting inside them while they use their powers. Too much of that and the Descendant risks burning from the inside out.
--Empathic Pyrokinesis--
The ability to control and create fire at will. Sage's fire manipulation is said to be emphatic since his emotions and how strong they are, influence how the ability will manifest itself, ranging from really simple displays such as fireballs, flaming tornadoes to things that are extremely complex, though they take a huge amount of effort. No matter the shape, the solid constructs are composed of a see-through outer frame resembling reinforced glass and still dancing flames filling their interiors. These flames cannot go through the frame and will only return to being flames once they either break or Sage allows them to stop existing, be it by his will or by losing his focus on maintaining their shape. Fires started can subside to low flames but never be put out completely.

It has a ‘targeting system’ where whenever Sage is startled or gets worked up in a sudden spike, an object in the background or the object he’s holding will spontaneously combust. After Kyou’s assistance, he’s learned to instead focus these outbursts on himself causing the flame-aura to flare up for a split second. However it takes being prepared for it and without that preparation, it will act as default. Fire may or may not burn objects on contact depending on Sage’s will over it and he can also will the temperature of constructs to be milder than usual.

Intention, mental state and overall stress are key components when it comes to this.
--Fire-wing Manifestation--
On will, Sage is capable of summoning a pair of fire wings that manifest a couple inches away from his body, on his back. They look exactly the same as what bird wings are like, being this glassy fiery mimicry of it, even able to be bent in the same ways. However, they also have the capability of acting as shields when brought together or into the front, or even weapons being a point of exit for flame-spikes right in-between the feathers. The armlet fully restraints this Facet. Flying takes part of his focus away as he has to be thinking about the flaps in a mental task, he’s also not that great at it, can’t go too fast and can be easily knocked out of course by strong wind currents, getting sent spiralling out of control.
Sage has the ability to heal himself in the presence of fire, any fire as long as the source is a mild one (candles, lighters, oil lamps etc...). It's become a common thing to carry a box of matches around just in case he ever needs them. And no, his own fire doesn't count.
--Magic Detection--
Not as useful as it may sound. It’s a trait normal to every Descendant and a way for them to pinpoint each other on proximity alone. Feels a lot like an itch down one’s spine and it’s hard to completely ignore. It will react to similar Magical systems to the Arrays and beings with inherent magic to them, as part of themselves either by birth or not. The higher the presence of Magic in an area the harder it will react to the point it starts feeling closer to being cut by a knife rather than an itch. Going beyond this threshold has the capability of making it go numb on overuse, ceasing any kind of reaction for a couple of hours. The Magic presences stack; It is terrible for actually pinpointing locations and individuals.
--Overrall Knowledge--

Though done forcefully and something he’s not advanced much farther in, Sage is trained in Kung-Fu, more specifically the Tiger Style, despite it being considered a tad too brutal and having a heavily-weapon based chunk. As a student and the opposite of what the style is for, Sage has maintained a more base style to himself having his guard be the Little Tiger, aka: the kid’s adaptation of it for starters, instead of the actual adult take on it even though he understands both of them on a similar level. A couple more showy moves in his repertoire also come from Kyou’s fighting style, courtesy of the teachings of the man himself.

Growing up in the bulk of a True Clan, Sage is fluent in Bh̀-liwê first, then he was taught English as a second language to fare in the world outside his once temple-home. He’s also picked up the absolute basics of Arrays as he watched their use from a distance. Other things include Feng-Shui, numerology, some basic origami and a lot of Phoenix Clan traditions, such as knowing their departure rites to the point of reciting all the customs and words from memory. He’ll also gladly walk you through Saraiiho's Mythos chapter per chapter if you have a lot of time to waste.

Hershel also taught him a bit of archery, though it's much less to hit people with arrows and much more centered around using flaming arrows as fire sources for his constructs instead, managing a lower strain on him rather than if he had to keep the source alight with active focus and then also bend it to his will.

The Take-Over is something common to all Descendants but those channelling the Pseudo-Concepts of Sun or Moon, and it is a rather backwards mechanism in place to keep Descendants from perishing on the overuse of their Abilities. At the rear end of Magical strain, when the powers have been in use for a while or stress over it is rather high, the power itself will overshadow their user and take the lead instead. The result is a personified form of the Concept, an Entity taking over the Descendant’s body to better deal with the situation at hand.

Sage is very unlucky because what was in store for him was Toayî… At least, with the straightening of his soul, he’s able to hold it back during the phenomenon now, and it works more like an instant switch over life and death matters only, much to the Entity of Fire’s displeasure. On the other hand, he now knows exactly what It is up to and can feel all of the pain his body is being put through as it happens.

Whenever he’s either in pain or feeling strong urgency, however, Toayî will now exercise Its influence in a reaction to soothe that pain and pump Sage up for a possible battle. Sage has named it the Charge-Up, a phenomenon created when an otherworldly strength of a wish was used to twist the original mechanics around. As a result, there’s an initial ‘charge’ towards being ready to action, before it all crumbles into the loss of all and every sort of feeling, including all semblance of emotion. The only problem is that literally anything can trigger this and it will last for as long as the pain or situation still exists.

Biography: Sage has been used to isolation and marginalization all his life. Not granted any talent for his inherent magic, he was always considered more of a thing they had to contain than a person by his fellow clan members and had this world-ending prophecy hanging over his head for as long as he can remember. Raised in the main temple for the Phoenix, Deity of Fire and Transitions of his world, all in-clan teachings were focused on two big points: restraint and pretending to be normal. He wasn't expected to do anything with this power as it was too dangerous, he was just supposed to live through life without setting too many objects on fire on the way and that was it. That should have been it, but self-righteousness spoke too loud.

A phone call from an unknown number came like a call for rescue, or perhaps, perhaps just a goodbye. Sage had met Lucy again during his first week of college, in a huge coincidence, instantly recalling the time they ended up doing a school project together. Turns out she still had the number after all this time and felt like he was the only one that would listen to what she had to say. Following her directions, the pyromancer would meet his acquaintance by the edge of the rooftop of the History building, the second tallest one after the cafeteria. It was a suicide attempt.

The next thing he knew, he was jumping after her, throwing the bracelet aside. So selfishly Sage had decided to save her instead, easing the fall into a glide with his fiery wings. Everything would be fine if it had been just the two of them, but from the third party that had caught the scene came a villain and a very intricate plan to force the young man to reveal his existence, an old discredited teacher wanting to prove the old tales of the Deities and magic true. He got what he wanted, but at the cost of a razed down auditory, a result of the first-ever Take-Over. Needless to say, it had been a wrench thrown into the established order of the world. That’s also when the multiverse seems to have taken notice of him prompting many off-world adventures, despite him wanting absolutely nothing with them.

Currently, he’s moved out of his Clan, living in a home he and Hershel furnished together, though Hershel is often out solving things in his own world. He’s been able to learn more about the world and himself as he was finally allowed to experience new things, met a bunch of other people from different worlds, re-kindled his friendship with Lucy and more. Not all the experiences are pleasant and sometimes he needs time to process them/suffers a bit of a regression development-wise. At the very least, Sage has accepted the dislocations are never going to stop and become both more accepting of them and his powers with time. Though, to simply have a nicer adventure once in a while wouldn't hurt...

Theme Song: アポストロフィー (Apostrophe) - *Luna feat. Kagamine Len
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