The Chosen Hunter
Well, the Chosen would have went ahead, and continued with his day, until he heard the word’s coming from Ultron, stopping him in his tracks. Hmm… you know, this man does bring up such a point. Why would they be stupid enough to even be in a environment that was bound to bring disadvantages to their fighting style, especially if they were called the ‘Firefly’ of all people. Of course, he wouldn’t start automatically assuming things completely, after all, there are some people who just use such names as codenames or something relating to what they do, and doesn’t completely fit what their name is. But, for now, he’ll accept this fact with a ‘hint of salt’, especially with the thought of this man at the very least, being competent enough to stay out of his own act of terrorizing this poor, helpless city, and well, if they weren’t, then he is sure to claim his head the same like the others he’ll come across in the future.
And that was until a certain yell has caught his attention, straight from behind. Turning around to face the strange and unknown voice in the room that didn’t fit any other individual’s voices he had heard so far, the Hunter could only widen his eyes in surprise, as the new arrival from before was charging straight towards him. And from what he can tell in his heightened reaction timing, they were wielding a very blade of the ‘Templars’, he recognize that familiar shape and the way it was forming out of their hand. Then again, it didn’t appear to be created by one of their ‘gauntlets’ like the Templars normally would, but no time to dwell upon that, the fact still remains the same, and unless he wants to end up getting a new scar across the chest just like when facing the Templars as well, then he needs to take evasive maneuvers.
Luckily for him, it appears his opponent was at the very least, looked all the much distracted… perhaps it was his recent killing that did so. Heh, well, he’ll take advantage of things such as this anyday. From his own perspective, time seem to have slowed (although, in reality, nothing to time has occurred), as he made his move, quickly going into a leap, he made his jump straight over Nahobino themself, manuerving his body when needed to avoid the blade touching his body. Time went ahead normally within his perspective, as he watched what was a close call heading towards him. But he wasn’t done yet, oh no, he wasn’t gonna let them get another chance at getting a slice at him, especially without him at the very least being in the advantage here. So, raising his left wrist, the Chosen did a small flick of the arm, as the grappling hook came forth from the device on the top of his left arm, moving ahead to quickly wrap up his ‘opponent’s’ legs if they weren’t quickly enough on the draw.
If successful, the Hunter would merely used his enhanced strength to pull on the grapple hook, and make Nahobino tumble straight down onto the floor. Well, that was much needed excitement for the day, but he much rather prefer not being the one on the receiving end of the attack. He could gone ahead and shot the person, but they initially didn’t seem hostile, only after commuting the deed of wiping out that thug from the face of the planet, but he was pretty sure his ’comrades’ wouldn’t enjoy the sight of that either. Best not to anger the whole room filled with superpowered junkies after all. The Hunter. Oils only stare down at Nahobino, a smirk rising on his face, as he said out loud in return “Well, rather quick to the draw, aren’t we. But I do suppose you ‘hero’ types much rather ‘curbstomp this villain into next week, think later’ sort of deals. But neat little attack you have there, but here’s a little tip for the future. Never go through with an attack unless you are sure you can land it, after all, every little hit matters, doesn’t it?
Now, onto ‘defusing’ the situation, because he much rather not deal with this for much longer. “Now, onto the real matter at hand. You only went after me because I ‘killed that man without any hesitation’, am I correct? I’ll just assume it as such… now, I don’t know about where you have been 5 minutes ago, probably playing ‘Princess’ with the lizard of yours. But, this man here along with the ones being escorted out have been causing a little trouble to my teammates here, blowing up the very tower we stand in, taking hostages within the very building, and even opening fire on us. The man I just murdered? He was nothing more but another pathetic excuse for a hireling, even going ahead just to kill his own comrades in cold-blood just to get a kill against my teammates. The only difference was the very fact that you couldn’t see it, yet, here you are, assuming things right off the bat, how cute. I’m sure my other ‘buddies’ here can confirm the very words I’m saying right now… and with that, the Hunter had finished his rather wordy speech, looking towards his ‘buddies’ for confirmation of the information he had provided the ‘target’ with. He just wants to get this done with already, there are far more interesting things to watch and perform… and well, he intends on doing them, most preferably without a goody-two shoes attempting to stop him from having fun.
@MorgueofCrowz @QizPizza @SomeMekBoy @TheElenaFisher @Thatguyinastore @KageBaka @Crow @FactionGuerilla @ClownTown @Yamperzzz @BoltBeam @XeroUltra