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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Cheap Inn, River Port
Interactions: Eris, “Valerie” @Tae, Bowyn @Helo
Mentions: Annya @princess


With the party down two members due to unpredicted circumstances, only the three fierce heroes remained. Bowyn, the honest and bold. A Fairy who lost too much to the damned Dark Elves to not pass up on the chance to bring the fight to them. Then there was Eris, ever so wise and reliable. An elven maiden that had saved the very man who would rescue Avalia from the clutches of their opposition. And lastly, there was the chosen one. The one who would bring an end to this war with his limitless potential and instinctive leadership qualities.

For their first objective… They all decided it would be pretty dope to get some food and drink at the local bar. There were laughs, cheers, and then jeers too as someone burst into the bar to shout out the news from Roshmi. It was terrible news, but that just gave the three more reason to push on with the festivities. And they did!

Their efforts were not for nothing as a snowy-white-haired vixen named Raven quickly approached the group with her eyes set on Kaleb, of course. It wasn’t a surprise that someone had heard of the young hero destined to save the world…

In actuality, Kaleb was just as surprised as Raven. Judging by her excitement, she didn’t just know of him, Raven was kind of starstruck. Apparently, she was simply doing the same as they were, enjoying a night of fun and drinking. Kaleb didn’t want his lies to Bowyn to fall through just yet, so he jumped up and embraced Raven in a hug just so he could quietly tell her to play along with him. He awkwardly introduced her as his good friend Valerie since he hadn’t got her name yet.

When inquiring if Raven was searching for Annya, Kaleb noticed her not being too keen on talking about her… at first anyway. A little more drinking brought a little more words. When Raven finally started to talk about Annya, the things she said were…

Very unfavorable! Kaleb was conflicted with the information Valerie was providing to him. So much so, he pulled his wise advisor, Eris off to the side to inquire about the temperament of Princess Annya. And to his dismay, Eris delivered a soft-spoken, yet trustworthy confirmation. She urged Kaleb to be wary of Annya, but the young hero was not a keeper of secrets! He approached both Bowyn and Valerie sharing his wariness with meeting Annya and even went as far as saying. “Bowyn, boldest of your kind. I’m afraid things are far worst than even you predicted. Our union has helped reveal a darkness that lingers with the one I intend to meet… but we need allies! We will meet her, but do not place faith in the woman.”

And with that… there was some more drinking. And THEN, they retreated for the night. Bowyn, being as bold as he was, went off alone. Meanwhile, Kaleb, being the gentleman he is, brought the two maidens to his abode. The rest, I’ll leave up to your imagination.


“Ughhh fuck those sugary drinks, my head is pounding!” Kaleb groaned with his eyes shut since seeing the bright sunlight would only make his headache worse. He groaned again as he reflexively reached to his left for his phone only to touch a body. “Oh.” He recoiled before reaching to his right. Same thing, another body. “Huh. What the…” Kaleb peeked through his lashes with the scenery reminding him that he was still in the fantastical world of Avalia.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: River Port, Cheap Inn
Interactions: Kaleb @FunnyGuy & Eris
Mentions: Bowyn @Helo Annya @princess Saoirse @Potter Ismael @Th3King0fChaos & Kharne @Kazemitsu
Eris New Outfit
Raven New Outfit

Eris had never been one to drink to the point she lost her senses. Faking she drank that much, on the other hand, she was quite skilled at. Inebriated people and people looking to get laid were the easiest people to get talking, tricks Eris used often to gather information. It helped when they believed you were just as intoxicated as them. Perhaps it was their subconscious hoping that the person they were talking to would be far too gone to remember anything they told you. Either way Eris loved it and last night proved to be quite fruitful.

They had run into the white haired girl who sEris had seen earlier. A delightful young woman who made sewing seeds of doubt about Princess Annya so very easy. Eris adored her already and didn't want the fun to end too quickly. So when she'd noticed Annya and the redhead searching for the girl she simply worked her magic. Making one invisible was one thing, but making one near invisible while still being visible was an art. To make a person appear uninteresting and not worth noting to the eye was a fun challenge. Of course this was all a game to Eris and she used it just to test her skills. It worked out as Annya seemed to not notice the girl which made Eris almost giddy. In the end, it was a very enjoyable night for Eris and she’d fallen asleep quite pleased.

Raven, on the other hand, had an interesting night. She’d set out to forget the events of the day and forget she would. In fact, as someone seemed to try and nudge her awake, all she could focus on was the splitting headache she currently had. Sunlight was hitting her face and she groaned as she rolled over and buried her face in the pillow beside her. This pillow was strange, though, as it wasn’t all that soft. It was warm though and…breathing? Raven froze as she seemed to hold her own breath and slowly open her eyes. Yup, that was definitely someone's chest she was now laying on. Her mind raced as she tried to desperately remember the events of last night. She glanced up to look at who she was laying on only to see one of her most favorite actors. There was also another redheaded woman on the other side of him.

Raven gasped as she quickly pulled away from Kaleb’s chest, a burst of air magic propelling her farther back than she intended as she fell off the edge of the bed. She hit the ground with a loud thump and a pitiful cry as her head spun. ”Fuck me…” She groaned as she tried to will the room to stop spinning. She froze once more as her own words made her realize something. Wait…I was…with him…with them?...I didn’t…we didn’t…did we? A thousand questions ran through her mind as she tried and failed to remember what happened. Finally she slowly sat up, peaking over the edge of the bed. She briefly winced again as her head ached, but then was glancing at the scene in front of her.

Eris had actually been awake for a short bit, but had been lying there just waiting for the humans to awake. She hadn’t entirely been expecting the female one to wake up and give a small display of her magic, throwing herself off the bed. The whole event had Eris giggling at the girl as she sat up. She glanced over at Kaleb who seemed to be trying to peek through his lashes, smirking at him as she guessed he wasn’t feeling too great this morning based on his words. ”Good morning.” She said in a purr before stretching almost like a cat would in the morning. ”Would anybody like some coffee? It seems like the two of you could really use it.” She said as she got out of the bed and made her way over to her traveling pack. She began to dig through it as she continued to speak. ”I’ll go down and retrieve some for us if you’d like, let you two wake up just a wee bit more.” She pulled out some clothing and began changing right there in the middle of the room.

”Besides I can’t have you roaming around until you both can think a bit more clearly, what with that decree made last night about humans.” She said with a sigh as she began digging through her stuff again. She’d expected the twins to eventually do something about the humans that were summoned, but she wasn’t expecting it so soon. She could easily bring these two humans to them, but where was the fun in that? While it would cause strife with the light elf royalty, it made it too easy for the dark elves. Besides these two humans were now hers and she’d never done well with sharing her toys. No, she would need to protect these two from the bounty hunters that were sure to come.

”Ah there it is!” Eris said triumphantly as she pulled another outfit out of her pack before walking over to Raven. ”Here love, you can wear this since your dress was kinda ruined last night. I was going to try to sell this one, but I can’t leave someone in need. You can always pay me back for it later.” She gave Raven a sweet smile and wink as she placed the outfit on the bed. It was at this moment that Raven realized that her dress was in the corner of the room and it looked rough. Had she vomited on herself last night? Also where were her shoes? Eris was at the door no, grinning back at the two of them. ”I’ll leave you two to talk in private since Kaleb said you’re such good friends. I’ll be back shortly. We can’t take too long since it seems like we have a breakfast date to crash.” She teased with a wink before exiting to get them coffee.

Raven quickly scooped up the outfit provided to her and held the clothes close to her body. Her face was bright red and she couldn’t quite make eye contact with Kaleb yet. ”U-um would you mind closing your eyes or something as I got dressed?” She stuttered out feeling a little silly for asking, but also wasn’t convinced that anything really happened last night. Eris had been in a nightgown and her own clothes were in a heap in the corner, but that could have been purely because they were disgusting. Raven almost felt like she was going to throw up again, but she shoved it down as she got dressed, not actually checking to see if Kaleb was closing his eyes or not. She figured it’d be better if she just believed he was.

She finally looked at him once she was dressed and sat down in the little armchair in the corner of the room. ”Sooo…w-what all happened last night? I’m so sorry, but I seem to have some gaps in my memory. I remember being excited to meet you, you introducing me as your friend ‘Valerie’, and then drinking a fuck ton. Other things are hazy and idk what was real and what was something I probably dreamt.” Normally she wouldn’t ask these things,but currently she didn’t care. She needed to know what happened or what Kaleb remembered. She also realized she’d have to explain things to Annya and the group this morning. That thought gave her a pang of anxiety, but she tried to ignore it for now.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Aldrakh
Interactions: Myra @13org

Attention drew to the three misfits that entered Aldrakh, especially with Vrexen wrapped in a blanket and Myra lacking any clothing. Here in Aldrakh, being in the nude wasn’t a big deal, it just was not a common occurrence. What was even more uncommon were what they assumed to be misshapen beast-men entering their settlement. Anyone who did not know any better would assume Astra was a slaver that had tamed rare breeds of Demi-humans gone feral.

“Lord Vrexen, I suggest we bed-down here until we can sell the hippocampi. We won’t have any use of a watercraft for a long while and without the proper care, the watercraft and the horses are just going to expire.”

“We can always eat them.”

“Yeah, but if we get amas for them, we won’t have to settle on meat from old stinky horses. I can acquire something much richer in taste and far more filling.” Astra persuaded selfishly. She was not keen on eating raw hippocampi today.

“Fine, but if you cannot sell them by the time that THING in the sky is gone, I will gnash into their flesh! Vrexen bared his teeth at Astra who gave a silent obedient nod.

“It’s a deal. And You should try sticking your hand out a bit. The sun is kind of doing a shitty job getting through the thick clouds here. These Orcs use a lot of fuckin’ fire to forge the things they do, so if we stay close to this place we-”

“YES!” Vrexen threw the blanket off his body and basked in the dulled light of the sun. More eyes drew to the group with Vrexen’s reaction to the sun being absent. “Perhaps I won’t kill these Orcs. I… favor them.” A toothy grin spread across his face.

“That is… a very good thing. We really like Orcs and would NEVER EVER do them any harm.” Astra made sure she was clearly heard.

“But I do wish to kill something…”

“Like now?”

“.........Yes.” Vrexen was still grinning but more to himself and Astra found it strange. She hoped this was not like when they were all at the Malthemoor docks. Well, shit. She furrowed her brows trying to come up with something when she spotted several Orcs in some sort of huddle a bit away.

“You know what? You should go tell those Orcs over there that you’re ready as fuck to kill something. I think they’ll point you in the right direction.” Astra assumed Vrexen would either get murdered by the Orcs or they were really down to let him join them to go kill something. She remembered Vrexen claiming he could not die, but she wasn’t taking that with face value.

“I shall invite them to violence.”

“Good. Violence is good.” She said sarcastically. "Anyway, Myra, you wanna go kill shit with Vrexen or do some trading with me?” Astra asked.

“Amas or violence?” Vrexen presented the choice as well.


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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Cheap Inn, River Port
Interactions: Eris, “Valerie” @Tae
Mentions: Annya @princess

Kaleb peered down with his squinty face at Raven who briefly rested her head on him. He didn't mind a little affection, but a little was all he was going to get. As soon as she looked up at him, she jumped… Well more than jumped. Kaleb felt a burst of air push against him as Raven flew off the bed and plopped onto the floor. “Magic…” He whispered as he was reminded of the elements. Air, huh? He might have gone to help her, but he wasn't sure whether or not he would spook her again.

Meanwhile, Eris woke up like she hadn't chugged all those tankards last night. She's a tank!
She was simply beaming. Kaleb initially sighed when Eris addressed him. It was not directed at her. He was just envious of her current state.

“Morning… and yes, coffee would be wonderful.” He groaned as he continued to look through his lashes. He sat up some and rubbed his temples hoping it would make the pain lessen. “And thanks, Eris.” Kaleb said with rare gratitude that he felt was well-deserved. He hadn't expected her to change right there in front of him, but it was a pleasant surprise and he wouldn't complain. She was nice enough to give Raven a new outfit too. Kaleb felt lucky to have met such a generous lady with him.

When Eris made her exit, Raven requested he avert his eyes from her while she changed.

“You know I wasn't even… nevermind.” Kaleb was fine with shutting his eyes as it gave him some relaxation. It wasn't until he heard her voice from a far corner of the room that he opened his eyes. She was asking about last night, and despite his killer headache, he remembered quite a lot of it. “Well, that's pretty much how it happened. We drank a lot, talked about meeting Annya…” Kaleb couldn't help but to stop and smile. “Then you got your soapbox… I'm sure her ears were ringing all night. It was fun though. We left and said bye to Bowyn. Do you at least remember him? Blue eyes and silver hair with a hint of grumpiness.”

Kaleb stretched his arms out openly now that he was the only one in bed. He wasn't quite ready to get off the bed, and instead pulled himself from under the blanket and sat on the edge of the bed in nothing but his boxers. The rest of his clothes were tossed beneath the end table but was in no rush to grab them.

“Anyway. Eris got us a cheap room here since the other inn was booked due to some weird holiday. Then you uh… I'm not sure if I should say. You were just drunk and needed someone. You know how it is.” Kaleb shrugged as if it wasn't that big of a deal.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 6 days ago

A large and very popular spa and bath house within Myriamor. Owned by a crocodile demi-human couple named Hatasu and Turbo along with their eight children. They have separate areas for men and women to bathe in, but other areas are considered communal areas. The sauna, massage, and other pampering stations are open to both men and women alike. You can get a relaxing massage, a lovely facial, and even get your nails and hair done here as well. To top it all off they make sure all of their prices are very affordable and this is why most choose to visit The Sapphire Oasis.

Time: Morning
Location: The Sapphire Oasis, Myriamor
Mentions: @FunnyGuy Slick @hide on mana Kuroi

After Mika had left Slick and Kuroi the day before she did end up going back to the inn and resting, but not before making an appointment at the Sapphire Oasis Spa and Bath House. She knew she’d be meeting with Princess Rosaria the next day and after travel and the events at the bar in Roshmi she needed the spa day. She also didn’t know when she’d get a chance to go pamper herself again after this especially with the decree that was made last night by the twins. They were finally acknowledging the presence of humans in this world and they were starting to do something about it. Bounty hunters would start popping up soon and it was a matter of time before her group came across one. She just hoped Slick realized the severity of the situation. She’d have to paint it out clearer to him later.

She’d also spent some time yesterday to ask around about the orcs of Dugmahord and how to maybe get in contact with their chief. Her efforts were rather fruitless, unfortunately, and it frustrated her. She did learn it would likely be more dangerous to go without an escort, but if she couldn’t find said escort then she may just need to take that risk. If she could form an alliance with the orcs there it would be a major win. The strength of the orcs was one well known and feared by many. If she had that on her side she might stand a chance reclaiming her city and helping them get that much closer to winning this war.

How was her city faring? The twins had successfully taken Roshmi over, that news made it to her last night as well. Her father actually handed the city over, the coward. It made her blood boil and it took everything in her to keep from storming back to the city and challenging the twins. Of course she knew if she did that she wouldn’t stand much of a chance. There were also rumors of the arrival of the twins to the city and the ease of them killing opposers. While she wanted to destroy them, she needed patience. Strike from the shadows where she could. Beware the fury of a patient woman. She would take back her throne and free her people in time, this was the promise she made to herself and her people.

All these thoughts were going through her mind as she tried to relax in the sauna room and the stress of it all must have shown on her face as a little elderly mouse woman scooted closer to her. ”You looked troubled, deary. Is everything alright?” Mika blinked as she looked at the woman, taking a moment to comprehend her words. Finally she gave the woman a kind smile and began nodding.

”Oh yes, I’ll be okay I promise.” She told the woman sweetly, but this didn’t seem to be good enough for her. ”Oh come now deary, tell old Laverne what troubles you. Perhaps this wise old woman can ease your mind.” Mika almost laughed, but she supposed it wouldn’t hurt to lay some of her troubles on this woman. She obviously didn’t have to go into detail, but perhaps it would help to get some things off of her chest.

”I’ve just had a lot happen these last few days, as I’m sure a lot of us have. I’ve lost someone close to me, lost my home, and now I face some large decisions and I truly don’t know if I’m ready for them. I keep telling myself that the decisions I’ve made so far are necessary, but there’s a part of me that wonders…no, knows that it’s also because I wanted to run. I didn’t think I was ready for the responsibility that was about to be thrust upon me so I ran.” Her voice broke ever so slightly as she finally voiced what she was truly feeling. She was partially running from her responsibility, from the fact that she was now heir to the throne. Even though her father was handing Roshmi over it didn’t change the fact that she was the rightful heir to the throne now. That thought terrified her more than she realized.

The woman took Mika’s hand and it was enough to pull her back out of her thoughts again. She looked down at their hands before looking back up to the woman's face. ”Remember when you take responsibility for yourself you’ll immediately gain power to achieve your greatest potential.” The woman patted Mika’s hand before standing up. ”Don’t stress too much deary, I’m sure you’ll make good choices. It was lovely meeting you.” The woman began to leave and Mika thanked her, but then she thought of something to ask on the off chance the woman might have some information.

”Oh! I’m so sorry, but you wouldn’t by chance know anyone that could escort me to Dugmahord?” She knew it was a slim chance, but it wouldn’t hurt to ask. When the woman told her she didn’t, Mika thanked her and sighed as she slumped back against the wall.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by dragonpiece
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: The Sapphire Oasis, Myriamor
Interactions:@Tae Mikazuki
Inventory: An old yellow cloak, an old set of clothes, a waterskin, some smoked meats, a set of very old Metal Gauntlets, and an old Spear.

Uzul had spent his day relaxing in some of the luxuries that Myriamor had to offer. The Rattlesnake bar had provided him all he wanted from it. He rented a room for the night and headed up to rest before he tried to get some sleep. Uzul pulled out his Journal and wrote about his time he had in Myriamor. Although Uzul enjoyed his time in Myriamor, he believed that he shouldn't stay long as indulging in the civilized city. Enjoying himself this freely made him feel nervous, that something was bound to go wrong. However, it has been so long since he had taken care of himself that he felt he should stay at least until he refills on supplies. He let out a long sigh as he started to lay down in the bed that was too small.

The night was unrestful for Uzul, waking up minutes before the sun rose over the horizon to start illuminating the desert once again. The beautiful sunrise was undercut by the other prominent features in the room. The rickety bed seemed to collapse under Uzul's weight. The room was hot and humid, and the smell of stale beer and fermenting fruit-filled his room. He must have gotten the room right above the back room. Uzul wasted no time getting up, he wanted to pick up some supplies before he ventured into the desert again. As he headed out, he caught a whiff of himself and it was clear he needed a bath.

Walking around in the early morning, Uzul learned about the dark elves attacks. More worryingly was they were offering a bounty on these humans. Uzul had never met a human and honestly wouldn't even know what to look for. He had never gone further than the desert so who knows what they could look like. Uzul could only imagine how stressful it could be to be hunted by the dark elves of all the races. He wished them the best and hope this would just blow over not fully grasping what was going on.

Uzul had a list of supplies he wanted to get while he was still in the city. First, he went to a blacksmith's shop to negotiate a price for some weapon oil. He uses his weapons often in the desert and he needs to maintain them. The blacksmith had his more technical pieces on display to lure in potential buyers but Uzul wasn't there for that. After some quick chatting, they agreed on 10 amas, a little pricier than he wanted but his weapons were more than worth it. After that, he went to a more general store to pick up some odds and ends to repair his cloak. He thought about picking up some potions but he hasn't been injured since he defeated the Hammer Tail. Well, he should at least have some for any injured travelers he happened to come upon his journey.

He used the sewing parts to repair his cloak. Although it may be an odd shade of yellow and seems like it is starting to be more patches, he can't bring himself to let it go. It held a special place in his heart and he couldn't imagine getting rid of it for just some new cloak. Besides as long as it isn't completely shredded he can always repair it.

As he sat under a shady palm repairing his cloak, a small child approached Uzul. It seemed to be a feline demi-human, but all Uzul could see was a curious kitten. The little one just seemed to just move around and study him. Like they have never seen an orc. That could be the case, the little one didn't look too old and their clothes looked to be fairly expensive. After getting whatever they wanted, Uzul guesses to just observe him, the child started to walk away. The interaction was innocent and brought a small smile to his face. Then the child turned and shouted that he smelled like a drunk. Uzul was immediately embarrassed. He started to stand up, with slightly yellow cheeks. He murmured under his breath, "Nothing like a child's honesty to get you to realize something," Uzul started to walk to one of the city's bathhouses, "Time to take care of this."

He ended up going to the Sapphire Oasis, a popular bathhouse in Myriamor. They were pretty affordable which was one of the biggest selling points for Uzul. With him rarely being here, Uzul decided to spend the extra but to really clean himself up. He spent about 60 amas here to get himself clean. He prefers to not feel his body. After receiving the power from the Hammer Tail his body always feels chiseled and smooth. A constant reminder of the monster. Although, if it was going to be stone-like it could at least not smell but nope, it smells just like before. After bathing, Uzul felt a little thrown off remembering everything and he desperately wanted the headache that was coming on. Uzul rubbed his neck, "I should have bought those small red potions when I had a chance." He went to the sauna room to just relax and hopefully rid himself of the headache.

Like most of the time, he tried to stay out of people's way and occupied one of the corners. As much as he tried to zone out people he was still very aware of people's presence. The conversations he heard would get remembered quickly and then forgotten trying to respect their privacy but that's when he heard the voice of a young woman. Not much to be interested in at the start, however that changed when she started to let her issues out in the sauna. Uzul could feel the anxiety and worry coming from her. He hoped it was the usual worry that the young people fret over. But it became clear it was something much more than the normal stress of a young adult. His heart hurt for her, losing someone and your home was something he can still remember vividly. Uzul learned to live somewhat with these wounds but they never closed. He just wished that the girl's wounds would heal. The elderly woman seemed to help ease the girl. Uzul let out a sigh until he tensed up again when he heard this young woman was looking for a way to Dugmaghord.

Uzul looked towards the voice for the first time, seeing it was a relatively small demi-human. Why was she seeking Dugmaghord? Does she know what kind of people are from there? Someone needs to stop her. Countless thoughts crossed his mind on why she would go there. He could create endless theories but the moment needed action. Uzul got up and turned to approach the girl. His face was neutral while approaching, trying to hide his own worry. He put his hand forward in a clumsy attempt to make her aware he was coming over to speak.

Uzul sat down near her then turned himself to face her. Uzul took a quick sigh out before he started to speak to her. Uzul made eye contact as he spoke, trying to understand her intentions, "My name is Uzul and I must apologize for eavesdropping. I heard that you have a lot going on in your life and my heart truly goes out for you but there is something that takes more precedence. You said you are looking for a guide to Dugmaghord. I can promise you I can get you there safely but I want to know why you would want to go to such a terrible place." Uzul hoped that this search for Dugmaghord wasn't important. The people there are not kind and he worried for her if it was dire enough to go there.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Sturdy Stables, Myriamor

“What in the hell…” Slick stayed put as he stared at the stable containing the oversized lioness, but that wasn’t the only beast within the establishment that caught his eye. Oversized fowl and lizards too? These folk are wilder than I thought. Just when he thought he couldn’t be surprised, Avalia jumped up and spooked him with ease.

“Welcome to Myriamor’s Sturdy Stables. Something catch your eye? You seem interested in our rare selection.” A male fairy said as fluttered to Slick’s side. Slick raised his brow but kept his cool. Being alone meant he had no one else to help him blend in but himself.

“Interested? Maybe in lookin’ at the critters, but I’m a much simpler man. I’m lookin’ for somethin’ with hooves, a mane, and lackin’ the desire to steal my steak.” Slick was calm and cool as he spoke to the Forest Fairy.

“So the standard horse.”

“Standard? No, I’m lookin’ for the best you got. I like simple, but standard ain’t my style. You see, I'm a man with specific taste. Simple, yes, but it gotta be exceptional as well. You hear?” Slick clarified with a serious tone that caused the fairy to silently nod. He thought this guy spoke oddly, but knew his sort. The ones with the specific tastes were always so serious when it came to what they wanted. Some people literally waited several months for a black panther mount and he still hadn’t acquired it. The thing was, the stable owner knew once it arrived, it would be purchased the day it arrived. These types were annoyingly reliable in that way.

“The best horse then. Follow me, sir. They are a bit further down.” The fairy led Slick to the stabled containing horses but did not utter a word as he knew these particular buyers would handpick what they wanted. And he was correct as Slick visually inspected the horses within the stables.

“Now looky here. This one. He’s absolutely gorgeous… and I’m a lady’s man y’know.” Slick approached the palomino horse as if he had already decided. “Champ. Short for Champagne. A delicacy I could never formerly enjoy, plus it fits his appearance, right?”

“Champagne is nice… He’s an Oak horse so he’ll be pricier.”

“Pricier? How much you talkin’”

“220 amas.” Slick wasn’t sure if he had that seeing as he hadn’t figured out how amas worked yet and asking outright might blow his cover. He’d have to figure out pricing some other way.

“That’s a bit heftier than I thought it’d be. How ‘bout this. I’ll head out and get the amas, come back, and I’ll pay in full no problem. Deal?”

“No deal. Sorry. If someone comes through here with the amas and the desire for that horse, I’m selling it to them. It’s first come, first served.”

“I can accept that. Alrighty, I’ll be on my way and I guess I’ll have to be mighty quick if I want Champ there.” In reality, Slick had more than enough amas to purchase the horse, but he’d need a lesson on Avalian currency to figure that out first.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: River Port, Cheap Inn
Interactions: Kaleb @FunnyGuy & Eris
Mentions: Bowyn @Helo
Eris New Outfit
Raven New Outfit

Bowyn? Oh yes, Raven did remember Bowyn now that she was thinking more about it. He was quite the grumpilumpikus, but he became more enjoyable as he drank. She also recalled Eris paying for his drinks along with the rest of theirs. In fact, Eris had paid for quite a lot and didn't seem to bat an eye at it. Of course Raven didn't know the economy of this world, but she guessed Eris was rather well off with how she paid for things without second thought. She did say that Raven would need to pay her back for this new outfit, however. That was fine, she'd find some way to repay the woman for her kindness.

Kaleb continued, explaining how Raven was really drunk and ended up really just needing someone. She slowly pulled her knees up to her chest and hugged them tightly to her as a memory reared its ugly head. A bad breakup, the desire to forget things, drinking with a group of strangers from a Con, and then…"At least you're in a hotel room this time and not alone and naked in a forest." She mumbled, then realized she actually said that out loud. She quickly looked back up to Kaleb, unsure if he'd heard her or not. She laughed a little nervously, trying to quickly brush aside what she'd said. "Uh what I mean is this definitely isn't the worst situation I've been in...Not that this is a bad situation at all! Last night was a lot of fun! I just- it's-" Stupid, that's the word going through her mind. She was panicking because she didn't want to offend Kaleb and in her panic she kept digging herself a deeper hole. She let out a frustrated noise as she dropped her head to her knees, falling silent for a moment.

"I'm sorry, sometimes I suck at communicating. What I mean is I've had some bad experiences with being black out drunk and so when I don't immediately remember things the next morning I get scared. You'd think I'd learn, but I don't. I'm an idiot that's addicted to repeating the same mistakes." She forced herself to look back up at Kaleb, a smile on her face as if to say she was okay, but her eyes told a different story as she forced back tears.

Meanwhile, Eris had made her way down into the tavern of the inn. A familiar face was behind the bar and she beamed as she approached them. "Ruvyn, darling, how have you been?" The male elf glanced up and, upon seeing Eris, his face lit up. "Well my day just got a whole lot better now that I know you're here. Tell me, what brings you into town?" He asked as he leaned against the bar.

"Oh you know, the usual. Trade, fun, mischief." She smirked at the man who laughed at her antics. While she was teasing, she wasn't entirely lying. She was in the mood for some fun and mischief. "Well it sounds like a grand time. Well what can I do for you?" While he enjoyed seeing her face he knew she likely needed something. He'd seen her with two others the night before and had a feeling he could guess what she needed. "If I could get three coffees that would be marvelous, but could you make two of them your special hangover cure. I promise I'll compensate you for it." She gave him a playful wink which in return earned her a chuckle, but a smirk and nod. Soon enough she had three coffees, two of them laced with medium health potions to help cure those nasty hangover headaches. She slid 20 amas over to him as she scooped up the coffees, she left him with a promise of seeing him later before heading back up to the room.

"I do hope you two aren't having too much fun in here." She said jokingly as she entered the room, quickly taking note of everything. "My dear friend Ruvyn is down there right now and I couldn't be more pleased. He makes the BEST coffee that's said to cure hangovers in minutes." She said as she handed Raven one of the coffees, noting the look on her face. She then moved over to Kaleb, handing him one of the special coffees with a sweet smile before gracefully sitting next to him and sipping her own. "Hopefully I wasn't interrupting anything?" She asked as she looked between the two.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Time: Morning
Location: Riverport - Inn By The Sea
Interactions:@Potter Saoirse @Th3King0fChaos Ismael @Kazemitsu Kharne
Equipment:Outfit visible from Disguise Ring,Armor(Not visible); Chest plate is enchanted with Armor of Absorption, Map of Avalia, Water Flask, A bag of elf and demi-human ears and tails, Small book and pen, Ama pouch with 2000 amas on hand, Three large red potions, Wayfinder, Hygiene supplies, Rose-scented Perfume, Location Sender, Shower Tube, Transmission Bracelet, Bedroll, Water Purifier,Axes with returning enchantment,Her backpack

After hours of searching, Annya had sent Saoirse to the inn and spent another few hours frantically searching for Raven. If she lost a human, she was so doomed. Raven clearly did not have a handle on her emotions right now and an elemental storm could ravage Riverport at any moment. But alas, once it had started to get past midnight, Annya knew it was pointless. She went home and plopped head-first into her bed with an audible groan. Sleep had felt like a simple blink of the eye that night as the sun's rays once again peaked into their window. Annya had burst awake and ran to the window. She was met with the sight of a beautiful sunrise, mirroring itself against the ocean and the sound of seagulls. No sounds of screams or destruction. Yet.

Still, anxiety drove Annya to keep moving despite her exhaustion. She took extra effort into her bathing and preparing for the day, but even after then, it was still only 8 am. So she decided to write aggressively in her book, planning out her thoughts. She had to find Raven. Then she had to take the moody young human females and scold their bad behavior and seek out what underlying traumatic experiences make them behave in such ways. Then she'd make them meditate in the middle of a field of flowers. She spent time planning out more of her plan and also made a web diagram of what her choices and actions could possibly lead to. If they didn't find Raven, she'd have to report it. Then she'd have to do something to save her reputation! She nodded to herself firmly as she recited her plan in her head then tiptoed quietly into the hall, letting Saoirse sleep in. She then knocked on the door of the male occupants of her party as it had started nearing 9am. She opened it impatiently after some moments if she had not received an answer. "Kharne. We must discuss the issues of yesterday."

It then dawned on her she had made plans to speak with the dwarf. She did a double-take as she remembered and sighed. Annya knew he might have important information and she'd have to go, but she wanted to get Kharne on the same page as us first. "Raven has not yet been recovered. It is of high importance we locate her and keep the humans in cooperative conditions."She glanced at Ismael as she spoke, "With powerful abilities you cannot control, having emotional outbursts and especially running off on your own is a recipe for disaster. Her safety is also of great concern as she has little knowledge of this world. The safety of others becomes an issue as these abilities are so heavily linked to emotions. I cannot send you home like my sister can, so refusing to cooperate forces me to uphold my duty to make you an enemy of the Sun Elf Kingdom, whether I want to or not. So as you can see, it's very vital we find Raven as quick as possible so I do not have to do that."

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Time: Morning
Location: River Port
Interactions: Annya @princess , Saorise @Potter Raven @Tae, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos
Equipment: Cobalt Saber, Cobalt Half Plate, 1490 Amas, Map of Avalia, Lantern, Water Flask, 3x Torch, x10 Travel Rations, Washing Brush.

While the two women looked for Raven Kharne had gotten Ismael to do some basic exercises in the newly acquired armor and had been surprised that the man was able to do so well. This one hadn't been a soft man on Earth. Still he made the man go through some paces before showing him how to take care of the armor before bed. Speaking of the giant took care of his own gear that still had some troll blood on it. He was so used to blood dried on his armor and weapons that it took him no time at all to deal with it. He never understood why some people had difficulties, then again some people had a lot more nooks and crannies in their gear from being highly ornamented.

Little Red returned first, sent back by Annya, said princess stayed out a while longer but couldn't find their white haired companion. So the dragonborn stayed awake throughout the night, waiting for the girl to return. To keep himself occupied he did his own exercises, it was his own way of meditating really. He went through the basic motions of sit-ups, push-ups, one handed push-ups, pull-ups from the rafters, one handed pull-ups, etc etc. He worked like a machine but he made sure his ears and nose stayed focused for the sound and smell of Raven potentially returning really late.

It wasn't until dawn creeped in, and he was hanging from the rafters by his ankles and doing sit-ups, that he shook his head. Those girls need discipline... He thought to himself before he used his wings to ease him onto the floor before he wiped himself down. Hours of exercising made him sweat, he had the best weight after all which was himself. Cleaned up and dressed there was a knocking at the door. "Enter." He rumbled out before Annya came in speedily. She said they needed to talk about what happened yesterday which got a nod from him.

He let her speak, the ridge of his brow creeping up once in a while but his face was largely unreadable. The joys of being reptilian, best poker faces. "Take Ismael with you when you meet that dwarf and I'll go hunt for Raven. I know her scent and I can move faster than you so we don't have to worry about all of this potential enemy of the kingdom nonsense. There's also only so many places she could be, she didn't seem to be a dumb girl." He rumbled before standing up from his seated position and cracking his back. "Also next time...no splitting up. The girl is shell shocked, she clearly has never killed a thing nevermind been in real combat." He finished as he donned his armor and slung that giant blade across his back.

Kharne hadn't shown it but he was highly agitated with how Annya had handled the situation, and the fact that Little Red hadn't seemed to try and help the girl she had come through the portal with. Maybe they weren't friends? He'd have to ask eventually, assuming he found the woman. Either way he lingered a moment in case Annya had anything left to say before he'd head out to try and find Raven. He was a bit worried about the girl after the princess spoke about human magic. Of course it had to be emotion based, no it couldn't just be think and it happens. Girl could blow up and make a tornado or something in the center of a port.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Time: Morning
Location: Carriage in the Desert > Myriamor Bed & Breakfast
Interactions: @baraquiel Jomari, @Alivefalling Caelan, @13org Nuallán, @princess Sophie, & @Mole Aurora
Mentions: @Helo Leaf on the Wind and Star that Shines The Brightest

The group had traveled silently throughout the night into Myriamor. Rosaria slept for a few hours then awoke quite suddenly. She felt something soft and tucked under her and glanced over. The carriage curtain had been moved under her like a pillow. A small smile crept over her face as she recognized the work. Her gaze darted to Nuallán as she nodded her appreciation. The poor dear had been awake the whole time. After checking on everyone, she ordered him to rest. She knew how seriously he was concerned and cared for her, and she returned the gesture. She stood up quietly so as not to wake anyone and asked him to trade places so he could rest his head like she had. This meant she was next to the still sleeping Jomari, whom she was giving him his space. She turned her back ever so slightly to him and commenced sharpening her arrows.

Once they arrived in Myriamor, Rosaria gently woke everyone. She was kind to Jomari by allowing him to move out ahead of her before joining him out of the carriage. Next she graciously thanked the driver and paid him a total of 250 amas for his help. It was dawn now, but she knew shops weren’t yet so she was allowing them to explore. Rosaria had a pep to her step while her eagerness to meet Mikazuki was noticeable. She glanced around as they passed by stalls and moved slowly so the humans could immerse themselves. Rose noted a few of them she’d later buy from. Sudden running made her heart skip a beat and pulled the humans aside as two demi-cheetahs sprinted passed at maximum speed. For a moment she watched them with shock and then started laughing. She whispered to the humans with amusement shining in her eyes, ”This is a town rich with demihuman felines. You’ll find more snakes and scorpion demis here, among others. It’s a very friendly town where freedom is highly valued so you’ll find this happening occasionally. Stay close to me please,”

Rosaria glanced around until her gaze rested on Myriamor’s Bed & Breakfast and ushered them forward. Once inside she found rooms where they were able to drop off their extra luggage; then proceeded down to the dining area and found them a private dining area with extra space for Mika and her group. She helped the humans order their food and glanced around at everyone. ”What do you think of Myriamor?” She remained relaxed and attentive, though once or twice her gaze settled on the doorway.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Cheap Inn, River Port
Interactions: Eris, “Valerie” @Tae

Kaleb simply watched Raven fidget and spoke nervously. Under different circumstances, he might have found her squirming amusing, but he knew the girl was troubled. Her words echoed back at him again, making him raise an eyebrow when she tried to give him the fakest look of assurance he'd ever seen.

The crumpled clothes in the corner, single bed, the alcohol-induced blackout… Maybe I should have been more specific.

“Wait wait wait. Hold up for a second. We… did not hook up last night if that's what you're thinking. I didn't want to say anything but just so we're clear, you balled your fucking eyes out the moment we got into the room. Crying about killing trolls that grabbed you and how you thought you were going to die. Then you cried about how you wished your friend… or I think she used to be your friend. Anyway, you wished you two stayed close and how she became some degenerate. My words, not yours by the way.” Kaleb paused to let that sink him before sighing. There was a little more. “And thhen you threw up on yourself while trying to take off some of what you were wearing. You actually thought you could just use your arm to cover your mouth…” Kaleb paused as he remembered how beaten down Raven already was. “We got you cleaned up. Mostly Eris though. Sure you vented the whole time about things I had no business knowing, but I think you needed someone to just listen. It's too bad you forgot you let it all out.”

And just then Eris returned to the room with the coffee. She mentioned this particular brew being able to cure hangovers which caused Kaleb to smile as he looked down at the coffee cup. This couldn’t be more perfect. He took a careful sip of his coffee as Eris took her place beside him.

“Hopefully I wasn't interrupting anything?”

“Not even. I was just filling her in on how we took care of her last night. And I know we agreed not to tell her because 1, It’s embarrassing, and 2, It’ll just make her feel like she owes us. This coffee is great by the way.” Kaleb didn’t think Raven feeling indebted to them was such a bad thing, which is exactly why he mentioned it in the first place. Modesty was not denial and the feeling of wanting to repay the two would stick like a glue trap. As he blew on his hot coffee, a sudden thought caused his attention to draw to Raven again. “Hey, how'd you figure out how to use your magic?”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 3 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: River Port
Interactions: none
Mentions: Arn @Omni5876, Rue@Potter, Kaleb@FunnyGuy, Eris and Raven@Tae
Equipment: 1 hunting knife, a flask of alcohol, a backpack, small tent, blanket, waterskin, rope, fire starting kit, lightmaker, cooking pot, a bar of soap, some drugs; skaula (8 grams) and zemak (a bit less than an ounce), rolling papers, and 191 amas.

Bowyn awoke to find himself laying on a wooden floor next to a small puddle of drool and a disappointed empty bottle. Immediately, he tried to jump to his feet but the room felt like it was spinning from his sudden movement. The dizzy fairy slowly sank back down to the floor with his back pressed against the wall for support. Through squinted eyes, he tried to look around the room, which was filled with a horrible blinding light from an open window on a wall across from him. His head pounded, he could hear a bizarre ringing in his ears. No, that’s not in my head. He thought as he realized the awful sound was a cacophony of seagulls shrieking as they flew around outside. Stupid, loud, fucking birds. He thought as he began to remember where he was.

A room, in an inn, by the beach in River Port. At least he knew where he was and he groaned with annoyance as he realized he was now terribly hungover and sober. Everything hurt, his back especially, from the weird way he’d passed out on the floor near the door, sleeping in such a way so that if anyone did enter the room he’d notice. His stomach was nauseous and tied up in knots that kept making him feel like he needed to vomit all while having nothing in his stomach to vomit up. A terrible headache and dizziness made standing up feel like a near-impossible task. But nature’s call rang and the need to piss eventually overrode the desire to crawl up into a ball and wait for death.

On his way out of the room, he noticed that Arn’s bed was empty and unslept in. The dwarf hadn’t returned to the inn all night, yet another instance of strange behavior from Arn. Eventually, Bowyn found a bathroom in the inn and used the sink to give himself a makeshift bath as well. He smelled significantly better and the sunlight became almost tolerable as he adjusted to being awake. He still felt like shit so he rifled through his backpack until he found rolling papers and zemak. Slowly, Bowyn began to break up the dried plant and did his best to roll it up despite his shaking hands. He sat beneath the window and took a long slow drag on the joint which burned unevenly as he did so. The earthy taste did little to improve his dry mouth or the taste of bile that lingered in his throat but he held the smoke in his lungs for as long as he could, then let it out with a light cough.

Bowyn thought back on the parts of last night he could remember; drinking with two elves was enjoyable, even he had to admit he liked them both better than expected. Eris had been quick to ensure the mead never stopped flowing, and both elves had a way about them that made it easy to feel relaxed with them. He remembered someone else joining them, Val, a feline, who had a lot to say about this Princess Annya. From the bits he could recall, the elven princess sounded much worse than Arn. The trio shared many of his same fears and reservations, they had even treated him like a friend, and without a need for secrecy between them all, he had let his guard down a bit.

The only problem with last night was the absence of Rue. He continued to wonder if she bailed to avoid him or to get away from the elves. He couldn’t fault her for either; elves generally were an insufferable lot but a feeling in his gut told him it was more likely the first reason. He signed as the zemak joint began to burn a bit too close to his fingers and slowly stood up, flicking the end out the window. Bowyn changed into the clothes that Rue had given him the day before and felt another pang of guilt for having upset Rue.

Bowyn then paced back and forth down the hallway outside of the room. He almost knocked on Rue’s door a couple of times, he wasn’t sure if she was still there or not but decided he didn’t want to wake her if she was asleep. Eventually, the pacing only made him feel dizzier and the sound of his footsteps began to grate on his nerves. He tried to think of what he would say to Rue, the best way to apologize, only to have his mind trail off on him and his thoughts drift to food. Bowyn started thinking about honey toast and his stomach growled.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: The Sapphire Oasis, Myriamor
Interactions: Uzul @dragonpiece

Mika had been sitting there, looking rather defeated when she noticed someone else approaching her now. Her initial reaction was alarm as it was a very tall orc, but then she realized he may be able to help her and was filled with hope. She sat up a bit straighter as he sat down near her and she listened to him introduce himself, apologize for eavesdropping, but one of the last things he said is what caught her attention the most. A look of joy crossed over her face as she finally felt like things were about to turn around. ”Bless you for eavesdropping, Uzul. Oh I could kiss you right now!” She said excitedly, but then realized how she may have sounded.

”Forgive me, things have just been going poorly lately and just the fact that you’ve said you COULD get me to Dugmahord has made my day. You see I’m-” She was about to introduce herself, but quickly stopped as she realized perhaps that wasn’t the best plan. She glanced around briefly to see if there were any other listening ears. It seemed like they were the only two in there at the moment, but still best to proceed with some caution. ”Again please forgive me, but I have to be cautious about what I say due to listening ears.” She said a bit more quietly, trying to decide on how to proceed with the conversation.

”Due to…recent events in this world and the…death of some important people, one of which I was close to, I need to speak with the Grand Chieftain of Dugmahord. I’m hoping to become an acquaintance of his and see if he can help me get my home back.” She tried to to explain in a way that wouldn’t be completely obvious to someone passively listening, but hopefully would still get her point across to this man. ”Oh and my name is Mika, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” She gave him a kind smile, using the shortened version of her name so as to not be as obvious as to who she was.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: River Port, Cheap Inn
Interactions: Kaleb @FunnyGuy & Eris
Eris New Outfit
Raven New Outfit

Raven had been speechless as Kaleb explained what all had happened. She was an idiot, an absolute idiot. How many times had her mother told her not to assume things because it made an ass out of you? Her face was bright red as she tried to work out what to say. Thankfully Kaleb went on to explain to Eris what had happened while she was gone. ”I’m so sorry, you two, I’m a terrible person and just assumed things. Please forgive me.” She said quickly, obviously completely embarrassed. Good job, Raven. Great fucking job. She wanted to curl up in a corner and die right then and there.

Eris began shaking her head at the girl. ”You have no need to be sorry. It’s understandable you’d assume what you did. I should have made sure you were okay and knew what happened before leaving the room. That is on me.” She told her, giving her a kind smile. Kaleb then asked a question that Eris had the feeling she knew the answer too, but she decided to wait and see what Raven had to say.

”Oh, w-well, umm…" Raven stammered, grateful for the subject change yet also trying to decide how to answer. She didn't entirely know HOW to use her magic, but she had made the connection to emotions. It was your stereotypical way of discovering magic and likely why she didn't destroy the town yesterday when she blew up. Ever since the troll fight she'd kept it in the back of her mind that she needed to be careful with her emotions and watch for similar feelings she got when she'd first used her magic. Even while drinking she remembered to keep it at the back of her mind. "When I was dangling over the troll's mouth about to be...umm...e-eaten…" That was still a hard thing to think about, let alone say. "The rush of emotion and adrenaline caused the magic to erupt. It seems our magic is linked to emotions." She explained with a shrug and then noticed Eris nodding.

"Yes, oftentimes people discover their magic with their emotions. Even us elves have to be aware of this and were taught about it from little on. Emotions can cause for powerful displays of magic. It's like how adrenaline can make you stronger or faster than normal." She began explaining, creating three small orbs of light and making them do a little dance around the room. "But it's unpredictable. Relying on your emotions for your magic is a recipe for disaster because it's hard to control. It's okay to use emotion to jumpstart the process, get the feel of what it's like to use magic, but you've gotta latch onto that feeling and grow it from there. Magic is a very difficult skill to learn and grow, but given dedication…" She paused as she expanded her magic display, the orbs growing and morphing until it appeared like they no longer sat in the in, but were instead sitting in a beautiful place, very similar to the sun elf one. There were also three of Eris now, one sitting in the same spot she was before then one next to both Kaleb and Raven. They smiled down at the two humans. The one by Raven gently caressed her cheek while the one by Kaleb leaned down and kissed him on the cheek. Both actions gave the odd sensation of the warmth of being touched, something that could easily be mistaken as physical contact, but it was merely the warmth of the light magic. It was a trick Eris used to make her illusions even more real.

With a snap, the duplicate Eris' disappeared and the illusion broke as they were once again sitting in the inn room. "It can be a very powerful asset." She said, finishing her earlier sentence. Raven just stared at the woman in complete awe, briefly glancing at Kaleb and wondering if he knew she had such power.

"Now, shall we head to breakfast?" She asked after a few moments with a cheery smile.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 4 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: Aldrakh
Interactions: Vrexen and Astra @FunnyGuy

Myra listened curiously as Astra and Vrexen started to talk with each other as they discussed what they would do with the stinky fish-horses (one of which had escaped thanks to Myra's little stunt). While Myra did indeed get a bit curious regarding their taste as Vrexen mentioned they could simply eat them, she was slowly understanding how useful was having a good amount of shinies with them, thanks to Astra's efforts to convince them (more specifically, Vrexen) of the 'power of amas'. After all, the food she ate back at the inn was really good and the bed was by far one of the softest things Myra had ever seen in her life.

For Myra, the choice of what to do with the hippocampi was clear. She only needed a few seconds to think about the bed and the food she ate earlier. With a determined expression, Myra looked towards Astra, nodding towards her as she said they should sell them, giving a few steps so she would be quite literally 'on her side' as she looked to Vrexen.

Vrexen's hatred towards the sun was... strange. Well... Myra never really liked the sun, she always felt more tired and exhausted when the sun shone strong above her head (fact which contributed to make the time she spent on the sea even worse to the poor Myra... Which may or may not have also contributed to her decision to want to get rid of both the hippocampi and the boat, just like Astra said), but she found the idea of 'killing' the sun quite absurd to be honest. While she never thought if it was even 'alive' in the first place, she knew it was definitely, too far for her to reach...

It was at this moment that Myra overheard Vrexen saying something about wanting to kill, interrupting her thoughts. Myra knew that from time to time, Vrexen seemed to become a bit... unstable, especially on combat situations, as she had already experienced before and definitely wanted to avoid experiencing again. When Astra and soon after, Vrexen, presented her with a choice of either staying with Astra to try to sell and buy things or to go with Vrexen to kill something, Myra decided to go with Astra. Not only it was... safer when she was around her, but if she behaved herself, she would not only make Astra forgive her for what she did at the boat, but she might as well earn herself some tasty food.

After a bit of consideration, Myra pointed towards Astra, giving a step on her direction as she licked her lips, not even trying to hide her thoughts and the existence of ulterior motives contributing to her decision.

Time: Dusk
Location: Carriage in the Desert > Myriamor Bed & Breakfast
Interactions: Rosaria @Potter , Jomari @baraquiel, Caelan @Alivefalling, Sophie @princess, Aurora @Mole

While the trip was largely uneventful, Nuallán kept a watchful gaze on both on Rosaria and the humans as they slept, making sure that they would be able to rest peacefully. Rosaria was the first one to wake up, having only slept a few hours. Despite Nuallán's protests, both wanting Rosaria to sleep more and refusing to sleep himself while she kept watch over them, Rosaria was firm in her words and he knew that he wouldn't be able to win against her and so, after an order for him to sleep a bit, Nuallán could only shake his head, letting out a smile and looking at Rosaria with kind eyes as she stood up, trading places with him so he could sleep with the same comfort she did.

Nuallán was exhausted and it didn't take much for him to fall asleep as he laid his head over the improvised pillow. Despite his light sleep, being trained to wake up upon hearing anything strange, he was able to sleep for a good few hours, waking up only a few minutes before they arrived on Myriamor.

The sight as they arrived on Myriamor contrasted heavily with the harsh and unforgiving desert they passed through on their way to the city. Staying true to it's name, Myriamor was truly a jewel hidden inside the desert. Even though it was in the middle of a desert, the city was able to prosper and grow. It's streets were bustling with life, from the many merchants, selling their wares on their stalls to the many demi-humans, unafraid to be themselves. From the freedom it's inhabitants enjoyed to the abundant resources that allowed the city to prosper in such a harsh environment, all of them were precious treasures, more than enough for it to deserve it's title.

After entering Myriamor’s Bed & Breakfast and leaving their baggage on the rooms that were provided, they headed towards the dining area, sitting down on a private area to order food. While the city of Myriamor was definitely safer than other cities, given both it's natural defenses and how important freedom was for not only the city itself, but it's people as well, Nuallán could afford to relax his guard a little bit, but he still kept a watchful eye. After all, the previous happenings made it clear that their opponent's power, influence and the fear they caused had a very long reach.

"The reason for its title becomes clear after seeing the city with your own eyes, does it not?" Nuallán asked, looking to the humans with a smile, curious to hear their words and thoughts about the city.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Cheap Inn, River Port
Interactions: Eris, “Valerie” @Tae
Mentions: Annya @princess

Kaleb sipped his coffee as Raven apologized as he figured she would. He thought she could use some more confidence, but he could make that his little project for later. The supporting cast wouldn't be impressive, but he had to make them the best they had the potential to be. Besides, she’d get back to Earth strutting around like a badass. He felt his headache subsiding some of which was perfect since Raven was beginning to explain how she triggered her magic.

Emotions? It seemed so obvious, yet he hadn’t given it enough thought. There were only a few times if any that he felt somewhat emotional. The huge snakes scared the shit out of him for sure, but perhaps it was too soon for his powers to manifest. Other than that, he had a good grip on his emotions. To tap into such a thing didn’t seem difficult. He made his living off of digging deep and pulling out emotions to sell a scene.

Then Eris spoke. The wise Eris. Kaleb didn’t even notice himself perk up as she started to speak on magic. She confirmed and added to what Raven had said. Eris displayed her abilities while speaking on how the overreliance on emotions could be a bad thing and how it was best to simply use emotions to jump-start the use at the start. He held out his left palm wondering what magic he had been gifted with. His attention was then pulled to the three Eris’ in the room.

“Wow…” Kaleb was able to say before he received a warm kiss on his cheek from Eris’ illusion. Then with a snap, the duplicates vanished, leaving Kaleb to stare at the elf for a moment. He couldn’t tell if elven magic was that easy or if Eris was a master. What she could do was definitely impressive though.

When Eris asked about heading to breakfast, Kaleb looked down at his palm again.

“Hold up. Let me try something.” Kaleb said with a serious tone. He narrowed his eyes at the palm of his hand. Come on… Kaleb grit his teeth some. Come on… The look on his face intensified as the veins in his right arm started to show. COME ON! Kaleb sighed, giving up before getting up. “Let’s go get something breakfast and meet the damned princess.” Kaleb said with frustration lining his words. It caused a lone candle in the room to flare up some, but it was barely noticeable. Kaleb quickly got dressed after his failed attempt at using magic before he opened the door like a gentleman for the ladies in his company.

The three left the Inn and took to the streets to see the many armed civilians of River Port. They were all gearing up for Slime Day.

“You really cosplay/” Kaleb asked. It was information divulged the night prior. Kaleb wanted to know a bit more about Raven since he figured they’d be in the same company until this whole war in another realm was over with.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by dragonpiece
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: The Sapphire Oasis
Interactions: @Tae Mikazuki
Inventory: An old yellow cloak, an old set of clothes, a waterskin, some smoked meats, a set of very old Metal Gauntlets, and an old Spear.

Uzul sat there not expecting much from this conversation, starting on the admission of eavesdropping is usually a surefire way to get someone on the defensive. But to Uzul's surprise, his ability to take her to Dugmaghord seemed to outweigh the invasion of privacy. He let out a bit of a chuckle at how excited she was. It was a pure expression and helped show her character to Uzul. He chose to let her continue speaking without interruptions, the situation is probably complicated enough that she might need some time to convey it.

As she stopped before her name Uzul immediately assumed her name held some weight if she was cautious of using it. He just nodded his head in agreeance that they should be very cautious. As she described her recent journey, Uzul could feel the desperation. He may not agree to this course of action, but if one needed quick power, the Grand Chieftain Pâsh is a great choice. Uzul isn't completely sure that Pâsh would help. There are more non-dark elves to slaughter than dark elves. But with how fast the dark elves are moving it may be the only way. He heard earlier on in the day that the dark elves are occupying Roshmi, so she has to be from there. Uzul's curiosity on who she was to go seek Pâsh personally was settled quickly when she gave her name Mika everything clicked.

Uzul realized that she was none other than Princess Mikazuki. He was having a bit of a hard time processing that he met a princess by eavesdropping on someone in the Sapphire Oasis. But he has accepted that he would have to guide her to Dugmaghord. Even with her status as princess, Uzul doubts that the orcs of Dugmaghord wouldn't just go to kill her for entertainment. She needed an orc to assure some level of protection. Uzul stood up and shook his head in understanding, "I see, you seem to have had a rough journey so far. If you would let me, I would gladly guide you, Mika. There is much more that we need to discuss but that can wait until you are done relaxing. I will be out front waiting." Uzul smiled at Mika as he left to try to assure her that he wasn't going to just take off before going off to grab his things and get dressed.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago


Time: Morning
Location: Aldrakh
Interactions: Myra @13org

Myra's decision to accompany Astra was met with a low growl and narrowed eyes from Vrexen. “It is decided then.” Vrexen walked forward towards the group of Orcs Astra pointed out. Every one of the orcs towered him in their huddle, but he was not intimidated in the slightest. They were discussing assaulting some Dwarven scouts but were being hindered by the fact that Ironhold had not officially taken a side in the war.

“Sure, this attack is outside of the orders we received, but we can stomp those hairy runts in the hills right now when they least expect it.”

“You're right, but…”

“No buts. It's better to ask for forgiveness than… uh what was the word?”

“The desire for violence should not be hindered.” Vrexen speaking up caused the group to turn their attention to him. Many of them looked upon him with confused stares due to his appearance. “I am Vrexen, one of the eight demons brought here to help win your war and I wish to join you Orcs in stomping the hairy runts in the hills.”

“We don't need your help! Leave our sight, creature!”

“Should I leave your hearts as well?! Tell me, Orc! TELL ME!” Vrexen roared with a crazed toothy grin. The orc he was shouting at stepped forward with an ax in hand.

“Wait, brother! We can kill two birds with this one. He wants to kill and we want those Dwarven scouts gone. This red-faced creature does not appear to have another to answer to. He doesn't need orders and he looks capable enough.”

“I'd say kill him, but the big brain here has a point. And if this demon gets himself killed we won't have to see his ugly mug again.”

The ax-wielding Orc snarled before sighing.

“Fine. He can have his violence at his own expense and at our benefit. He kills them or they kill him… Or they all die in those hills. I'm fine with all outcomes.”

“There will only be one outcome.” Vrexen had calmed down a bit. There were a few chuckles and scoffs directed at Vrexen before the lead Orc pulled out a map to orient him to their location and where the Dwarven scouts had been spotted. His eyes scanned the map briefly before he started casually walking in the direction of his prey. He muttered to himself for a while before he started speaking aloud.

“Mother, I will show them! They shall know why Demons are superior. Why Avalia and the realms beyond it are ours to take! I will spill so much blood. I will peel skin from flesh and tear flesh from bone. I will feast on their organs and gnaw on their bones until they are ground to dust. There will be one… There will be one… There will be ONE! There will be one outcome! VIOLENCE! That is my gift to you mother.”

Meanwhile, where shit was normal… mostly at least.

The two ladies had walked off before things between Vrexen and the orcs got tense with Astra taking the lead.

“Despite the whole thing with losing that hippocampus which had the chance of causing us to crash and therefore kill us before we could make it here, I am quite proud of you Myra. I mean, I'm glad that you're aware that Vrexen is probably going to die.” Astra said seriously. She could not see how someone like Vrexen could thrive on the mainland. Daka was full of plenty of crazies and Yenworth was so dull that they probably saw Vrexen as a cool new attraction.

Myra seemed quiet and obedient enough to not cause life-threatening trouble. She also had that killer instinct if a situation got hairy.

“Stick by me and you'll live long and make plenty of amas, believe me.” Astra and Myra entered the market bazaar where all the items for trade and purchase were displayed in the open as opposed to having many different enclosed shops. There, both Orcs and Dark Elven soldiers perusing about. The two got some long looks, especially Myra with her exotic appearance.

“Is the little one for sale by chance? A female Orc at a pet stall asked.

“Depends on much you're willing to pay.” Astra said with a grin.

“400 amas.” The price caused Astra to stop and look at the woman like a deer in headlights.

“Come on, what do you take me for. That's far too little. She's sentient so she'd run the same price as a slave. 10,000 amas.” Astra winked at the Orc before peering down at Myra. “Remember that okay. I won't settle for less and neither should you. Now let's find someone who I can sell that painting to. Then the hippocampi and the boat. Oh and then I can buy us some more clothes!”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor
Interactions: Leaf @Helo
Mentions: Mika @Tae, “Rosarita” @potter

“So this one here is another platinum ama, so another 50.” A light elven female blacksmith said as she sorted out the amas Slick had acquired so far. He had told her he was stricken with color-blindness when he was just a boy and always had a hard time discerning the different types of amas. He promised to make a purchase if she helped him out, and she obliged.

“So I have more than I thought. Look at that! I sure am grateful miss. This is absolutely wonderful and I mean it.” Slick said with a smile. Amas weren’t so hard to understand once the blacksmith laid them out to him. Silver was worth one, gold was worth ten, and platinum was worth a clean fifty. With all the coins accounted for, Slick had 380 amas. I like it. The horse is 220, easy. Leavin’ me with uh… 180… no no no… 160, yeah that sounds about right. I hate math… but I love money. My dilemma.

He looked at the weapons on display and noticed the flintlock pistols and rifles.

“I’m not too much of a gun guy, but those are only good for one shot before you have to reload ‘em?” Slick was definitely a gun guy, but he playing stupid for some extra clarity.

“Correct, but they’re quite lethal.”

“Yes, if you miss or the thing jams, you will definitely… definitely die. Lethal indeed. I was hoping for somethin’ more reliable. Ranged with a good rate of fire. I know bows are plenty quick, but that depends on your skill. I’ve never used a crossbow, but the one’s I’ve seen take some time to reload.”

“Then the repeating crossbow is your best bet. It doesn’t boast the power of the flintlock, but it has a convenient rate of fire and you can tamper with the ammo if you have the right stuff.”

“How much?” Slick was grinning.

“65 amas.”

“And the bolts?”

Minutes later…

Slick walked out with his repeating crossbow slung on his back and a quarrel quiver at his hip. If Slick appeared confident before, he brimming with it now, The morning breeze blew gently against him as he made his way to Sturdy Stables. But oddly enough he spotted a particular group of folk, actually only one of them was particular and the others were just extra. His eyes locked on the familiar dark-haired beauty.

Rosarita… Yep, that’s definitely the other princess. Slick thought as he recognized Rosaria from the weird gizmo Mika used to communicate with her. He walked her way, but her group kept moving towards an establishment out of the way from Sturdy Stables. I’ll run into them folk later. I got a horse to buy. Slick suddenly changed directions and accidentally bumped into what he would call a “cat man.”

“Damn it! Watch where you’re going! You blind or- Oh shit, you got a damned cheetah! I am very sorry sir! I did not mean any harm! I swear! I am deeply apologetic sir.”

Purchase Total: Repeating Crossbow (65), 12 Iron Bolts (60). 125 amas spent from 380. 255 remaining
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