Time: Morning
Location: The Sapphire Oasis, Myriamor
Interactions:@Tae Mikazuki
Mentions:Inventory: An old yellow cloak, an old set of clothes, a waterskin, some smoked meats, a set of very old Metal Gauntlets, and an old Spear.
Uzul had spent his day relaxing in some of the luxuries that Myriamor had to offer. The Rattlesnake bar had provided him all he wanted from it. He rented a room for the night and headed up to rest before he tried to get some sleep. Uzul pulled out his Journal and wrote about his time he had in Myriamor. Although Uzul enjoyed his time in Myriamor, he believed that he shouldn't stay long as indulging in the civilized city. Enjoying himself this freely made him feel nervous, that something was bound to go wrong. However, it has been so long since he had taken care of himself that he felt he should stay at least until he refills on supplies. He let out a long sigh as he started to lay down in the bed that was too small.
The night was unrestful for Uzul, waking up minutes before the sun rose over the horizon to start illuminating the desert once again. The beautiful sunrise was undercut by the other prominent features in the room. The rickety bed seemed to collapse under Uzul's weight. The room was hot and humid, and the smell of stale beer and fermenting fruit-filled his room. He must have gotten the room right above the back room. Uzul wasted no time getting up, he wanted to pick up some supplies before he ventured into the desert again. As he headed out, he caught a whiff of himself and it was clear he needed a bath.
Walking around in the early morning, Uzul learned about the dark elves attacks. More worryingly was they were offering a bounty on these humans. Uzul had never met a human and honestly wouldn't even know what to look for. He had never gone further than the desert so who knows what they could look like. Uzul could only imagine how stressful it could be to be hunted by the dark elves of all the races. He wished them the best and hope this would just blow over not fully grasping what was going on.
Uzul had a list of supplies he wanted to get while he was still in the city. First, he went to a blacksmith's shop to negotiate a price for some weapon oil. He uses his weapons often in the desert and he needs to maintain them. The blacksmith had his more technical pieces on display to lure in potential buyers but Uzul wasn't there for that. After some quick chatting, they agreed on 10 amas, a little pricier than he wanted but his weapons were more than worth it. After that, he went to a more general store to pick up some odds and ends to repair his cloak. He thought about picking up some potions but he hasn't been injured since he defeated the Hammer Tail. Well, he should at least have some for any injured travelers he happened to come upon his journey.
He used the sewing parts to repair his cloak. Although it may be an odd shade of yellow and seems like it is starting to be more patches, he can't bring himself to let it go. It held a special place in his heart and he couldn't imagine getting rid of it for just some new cloak. Besides as long as it isn't completely shredded he can always repair it.
As he sat under a shady palm repairing his cloak, a small child approached Uzul. It seemed to be a feline demi-human, but all Uzul could see was a curious kitten. The little one just seemed to just move around and study him. Like they have never seen an orc. That could be the case, the little one didn't look too old and their clothes looked to be fairly expensive. After getting whatever they wanted, Uzul guesses to just observe him, the child started to walk away. The interaction was innocent and brought a small smile to his face. Then the child turned and shouted that he smelled like a drunk. Uzul was immediately embarrassed. He started to stand up, with slightly yellow cheeks. He murmured under his breath,
"Nothing like a child's honesty to get you to realize something," Uzul started to walk to one of the city's bathhouses,
"Time to take care of this."He ended up going to the Sapphire Oasis, a popular bathhouse in Myriamor. They were pretty affordable which was one of the biggest selling points for Uzul. With him rarely being here, Uzul decided to spend the extra but to really clean himself up. He spent about 60 amas here to get himself clean. He prefers to not feel his body. After receiving the power from the Hammer Tail his body always feels chiseled and smooth. A constant reminder of the monster. Although, if it was going to be stone-like it could at least not smell but nope, it smells just like before. After bathing, Uzul felt a little thrown off remembering everything and he desperately wanted the headache that was coming on. Uzul rubbed his neck,
"I should have bought those small red potions when I had a chance." He went to the sauna room to just relax and hopefully rid himself of the headache.
Like most of the time, he tried to stay out of people's way and occupied one of the corners. As much as he tried to zone out people he was still very aware of people's presence. The conversations he heard would get remembered quickly and then forgotten trying to respect their privacy but that's when he heard the voice of a young woman. Not much to be interested in at the start, however that changed when she started to let her issues out in the sauna. Uzul could feel the anxiety and worry coming from her. He hoped it was the usual worry that the young people fret over. But it became clear it was something much more than the normal stress of a young adult. His heart hurt for her, losing someone and your home was something he can still remember vividly. Uzul learned to live somewhat with these wounds but they never closed. He just wished that the girl's wounds would heal. The elderly woman seemed to help ease the girl. Uzul let out a sigh until he tensed up again when he heard this young woman was looking for a way to Dugmaghord.
Uzul looked towards the voice for the first time, seeing it was a relatively small demi-human.
Why was she seeking Dugmaghord? Does she know what kind of people are from there? Someone needs to stop her. Countless thoughts crossed his mind on why she would go there. He could create endless theories but the moment needed action. Uzul got up and turned to approach the girl. His face was neutral while approaching, trying to hide his own worry. He put his hand forward in a clumsy attempt to make her aware he was coming over to speak.
Uzul sat down near her then turned himself to face her. Uzul took a quick sigh out before he started to speak to her. Uzul made eye contact as he spoke, trying to understand her intentions,
"My name is Uzul and I must apologize for eavesdropping. I heard that you have a lot going on in your life and my heart truly goes out for you but there is something that takes more precedence. You said you are looking for a guide to Dugmaghord. I can promise you I can get you there safely but I want to know why you would want to go to such a terrible place." Uzul hoped that this search for Dugmaghord wasn't important. The people there are not kind and he worried for her if it was dire enough to go there.