Time: Dusk -> Morning
Location: River Port
Interactions: Annya @princess, Kharne @Kazemitsu
Mentions: Raven @Tae and Saorise @Potter
A full suit of Steel Half Plate & a
Steel Targe
Steel Half Plate
Steel Longsword
Inventory: A rogue-ish set of clothing, his dog tags, and a set of faux demihuman Wolf ears, a Ring of Disguise, two rations of food, water flask, a bar of soap and a few other portable hygienic products.
Ismael had watched as people started splitting up, as he had looked over as to try and stop Raven. Yet she left so quickly that Ismael had no time to try, yet he felt someone grab him as he realized that Kharne had grabbed him and began to lift him and ran off with him. As Ismael realized they were running away from the others, Ismael saw a smaller man look like he was about to call to them, but Kharne had ran too fast. Yet once they made it to the outside of the city, Kharne seems to have wanted to train with the time. Ismael had started to go through the paces that Kharne had placed in front of him, Ismael was used to training, and this wasn't so bad.
Yet he still needed to go through this as Kharne seemed to wish to see how fit he actually is. Once they trained for a bit of time, Kharne took Ismael back to the room to show him how to take care of his new gear. Polishing and buffing his armor, cleaning and wiping away the sweat, as he cleaned his gear and oiled it to make sure that it was well suited for tomorrow's struggles ahead, after all, who knows what will come. Yet tonight Ismael needs to rest, today was more stressful than he could have imagined.
He noticed Kharne was not going to bed immediately, so that meant he was probably going to stay and wait for the others, Ismael thought about it, but then decided to go to bed, who knows when they'll come back.
At the break of dawn Ismael was up and ready for the day, well he would like to say he was the first awake, but it seemed Kharne was already into some ritual of his, as he was hanging from the rafters and ceiling and doing some sit-ups, it was an impressive sight, sure Ismael could do it, but that's not as impressive as this giant, who looks like he weighs enough to give those trolls a run for their money, doing it. Ismael let Kharne continue in peace as he began getting himself up, as he started to do some exercises to ready himself for the day. Mostly calisthenics and stretches, yet it was to loosen his body rather than work up a sweat, he was probably in for some more training today, so no need to stack on more beforehand.
Ismael had finished his exercises and preparations when finally a knock on the door was heard. Kharne was the first to answer as Annya strolled in with what seemed like a bit of a more sour air to her. Maybe she wasn't able to find Raven, maybe she stayed up too late, or maybe she didn't get her entertainment from yesterday, maybe all 3, who knows. However as Annya spoke it seemed as if he was probably on the money with the first 2, yet the next thing she said, which was honestly a bit of an out of left field type of deal, left Ismael stunned. Ismael smacked his lips as he said in a sarcastic tone, "Okay, that fills me with confidence". Ismael tossed a thumbs up as he continued, "Knowing if your emotions get out of control could lead to you becoming an enemy of the people who summoned you here, definitely makes me feel a whole lot better".
Ismael let out a sigh, he knew something like this could be a possibility, however just to come out and say it made it feel as if more of a threat rather than a warning. Ismael understood her worries, so he picked up where he left off, now in his more normal tone, "Okay, I understand how you're feeling". As Ismael started the list, "Confused, frustrated, angry, concerned, and almost fuming at the idea of what happened yesterday". Ismael leaned forward and made a hand gesture to Annya with a bit of a confused smile as he says, "But let's not throw such ideas around such as becoming enemies of eachother, because instead of coming off as a heartfelt warning-" at this point Ismael raised his voice a little to emphasize what is to be said, "it came off like you are threatening us, and that does not do great with the idea of trying to keep us in a cooperative and calm state".
Ismael begins to continue as he shifts his body to make a gesture to Annya like he was extending his hand asking her to take hold of it, not his hand but the idea he is presenting, "Right? So why not we make it as: 'The power you hold can harm not only yourself but others around you, so I will do my best to make sure you are in the best state of mind to control this power. So please trust me, I am here to help you, I know it's scary, but this is the best I can do for you, for now'. I think this is better than going and saying what you said". Ismael knew he might have been toeing a dangerous line, mattering on how Annya took it, but he continued anyway, "We are both conveying the same message, but it is more imperative to make sure the person who is a literal bomb is not put under more stress than they already are. And feeling like a real support system is there for you makes someone feel as if they can feel better and maybe less stressed".