Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor Bed & Breakfast -> Desert
Interactions: Rosaria @Potter, Nuallán @13org, Mikazuki @Tae, Uzul @dragonpiece, Kuroi @hide on mana
Equipment: A dagger, fake elf ears, a ring of disguise, and a bag full of supplies

In hindsight, maybe Jomari should've stayed at Myriamor.
He was currently being scorched by the harsh sun as he along with others traveled through the desert to go to a place Jomari had already forgotten because he was more concerned about the thought of his skin burning to a crisp. His homeland did have its own hot days but they were nothing compared to what he was experiencing right now. There was not a hint of moisture in the air which only served to intensify the heat of the sun as it shone upon his group. Like Mikazuki, he also had trouble keeping his footing on the shifty sand. The group became an audience as Jomari would utter out all the flowery words in his vocabulary as he tripped on sand, slipped down a dune of sand, be covered in sand, and spat out sand, not necessarily in that order.
It was not like Jomari had any choice either. He knew what he was getting himself into the moment he said he wanted to join Rosaria and her friends on the journey towards their destination. He didn't understand how they came up with the idea of leaving a group of humans, people that were seemingly the key to defeat the dark forces of evil, and put them all into one place so the enemies could snatch them up in one go. Jomari still hadn't completely trusted them all yet so to him, it also looked like the group wanted to keep them from finding out some valuable information.
Additionally, he wasn't the type of person that could waste time all day just sitting and waiting. He felt completely useless these past few days, not being able to do anything except for running and following whatever they told the humans to do. He shone more when he's out on the field where he can actually be of use. His hands were itching for something to steal, his ears yearning for secrets to hear. If only he could find a way to get into enemy territory, perhaps he could contribute something to this 'war' they got going on here on Avalia. He couldn't do that with Aurora and the other humans always keeping an eye on him but maybe there's another way...
For now, Jomari couldn't afford to get himself lost in this desert. One wrong move and it'll definitely be the end for him. Such a boring way to die, being cooked by the sun while dying of dehydration. He looked at Rosaria's ever-loyal pet Nuallán, keeping a parasol over the elf princess and Mikazuki too while just generally being a lapdog to these royals. Uzul was much cooler at least. Despite being the demihuman's princess supposed bodyguard, he just kept on being studious and led the way for the entire group. Just watching the fabric of his clothes stretching against his broad back alone was enough to entertain Jomari through the trip.
There's also this other demihuman, Jomari was pretty sure his name was Kuroi. He had no idea who he was nor did he care but Mikazuki seemed to be friends with him so everyone was cool with him too, Jomari supposed. He was just quiet and kept to himself even moreso than Uzul. They always said at the resistance group back home that the quiet ones were always the most dangerous, as the calmness before the raging storm. Jomari was definitely keeping his eye on this one as Kuroi definitely intrigued him.
The group's journey then continued, with Uzul explaining to them the dangers of traversing the desert and what kind of monsters they'll meet in this place too. If the orc had been with them since the beginning, Jomari was definitely sure they wouldn't be ambushed by that monster in the forest but he kept it to himself in order to respect those who sacrificed their lives to their group. He also didn't have the energy to give a snarky reply due to how very uncomfortable he was in his current situation. All he could do right now was to follow the leader and do whatever he's told like always. At least, he's not miraculously tripping on the sands anymore. It must be the heat playing tricks with his eyes or maybe it's the wind but he swore he could see the sand shifting under his feet to make it easier for him to walk...