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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor Bed & Breakfast -> Desert
Interactions: Rosaria @Potter, Nuallán @13org, Mikazuki @Tae, Uzul @dragonpiece, Kuroi @hide on mana
Equipment: A dagger, fake elf ears, a ring of disguise, and a bag full of supplies

In hindsight, maybe Jomari should've stayed at Myriamor.

He was currently being scorched by the harsh sun as he along with others traveled through the desert to go to a place Jomari had already forgotten because he was more concerned about the thought of his skin burning to a crisp. His homeland did have its own hot days but they were nothing compared to what he was experiencing right now. There was not a hint of moisture in the air which only served to intensify the heat of the sun as it shone upon his group. Like Mikazuki, he also had trouble keeping his footing on the shifty sand. The group became an audience as Jomari would utter out all the flowery words in his vocabulary as he tripped on sand, slipped down a dune of sand, be covered in sand, and spat out sand, not necessarily in that order.

It was not like Jomari had any choice either. He knew what he was getting himself into the moment he said he wanted to join Rosaria and her friends on the journey towards their destination. He didn't understand how they came up with the idea of leaving a group of humans, people that were seemingly the key to defeat the dark forces of evil, and put them all into one place so the enemies could snatch them up in one go. Jomari still hadn't completely trusted them all yet so to him, it also looked like the group wanted to keep them from finding out some valuable information.

Additionally, he wasn't the type of person that could waste time all day just sitting and waiting. He felt completely useless these past few days, not being able to do anything except for running and following whatever they told the humans to do. He shone more when he's out on the field where he can actually be of use. His hands were itching for something to steal, his ears yearning for secrets to hear. If only he could find a way to get into enemy territory, perhaps he could contribute something to this 'war' they got going on here on Avalia. He couldn't do that with Aurora and the other humans always keeping an eye on him but maybe there's another way...

For now, Jomari couldn't afford to get himself lost in this desert. One wrong move and it'll definitely be the end for him. Such a boring way to die, being cooked by the sun while dying of dehydration. He looked at Rosaria's ever-loyal pet Nuallán, keeping a parasol over the elf princess and Mikazuki too while just generally being a lapdog to these royals. Uzul was much cooler at least. Despite being the demihuman's princess supposed bodyguard, he just kept on being studious and led the way for the entire group. Just watching the fabric of his clothes stretching against his broad back alone was enough to entertain Jomari through the trip.

There's also this other demihuman, Jomari was pretty sure his name was Kuroi. He had no idea who he was nor did he care but Mikazuki seemed to be friends with him so everyone was cool with him too, Jomari supposed. He was just quiet and kept to himself even moreso than Uzul. They always said at the resistance group back home that the quiet ones were always the most dangerous, as the calmness before the raging storm. Jomari was definitely keeping his eye on this one as Kuroi definitely intrigued him.

The group's journey then continued, with Uzul explaining to them the dangers of traversing the desert and what kind of monsters they'll meet in this place too. If the orc had been with them since the beginning, Jomari was definitely sure they wouldn't be ambushed by that monster in the forest but he kept it to himself in order to respect those who sacrificed their lives to their group. He also didn't have the energy to give a snarky reply due to how very uncomfortable he was in his current situation. All he could do right now was to follow the leader and do whatever he's told like always. At least, he's not miraculously tripping on the sands anymore. It must be the heat playing tricks with his eyes or maybe it's the wind but he swore he could see the sand shifting under his feet to make it easier for him to walk...
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Time: 10 a.m.

Location: River Port Beach-Slime Day

Interactions: @kazemitsu Kharne, @FunnyGuy Kaleb

Mentions: @potter Rue, @Helo Bowyn, @princess Annya

Equipment: Wodden Mallet

Amas: 899

Dwarves are naturally reserved individuals, especially around new people. They are not shy or introvert. Any dwarf will be quite boisterous regarding any complaints or judgements passed. There will be no doubt regarding where you stand in their option. However, they are just as open handed with their distrustful graces, unapprovingly furrowed brows, and dismissing grunts. It takes quite a long time for a dwarf to even acknowledge a person let alone warm up to the possibility of friendship.

Arn however, was the exception. Being approached by a dwarf for other than just business was rare. Being approached by a dwarf in a friendly manner was something to gawk at. Many who dealt with dwarves would think that the young medic was some sort of demon or changeling and would immediately distrust him.

Perhaps this was the reason that Bowyn had been so wary of him. Some natural instinct ingrained in other races told them that a Dwarf was not a relaxed and easy going, shy, and amicable person.

That a dwarf was loyal, trustworthy, and a stanch defender to those whom they called friends was well known. In fact there was a saying “Neither heavens wrath or hell fires can break a dwarven bond”. Those of other races who managed to secure such a bond held it in extreme importance. But everyone would readily tell you that no dwarf would readily offer their hand in friendship.

The young soldier’s stocky feet had carried him across the sand easily enough towards Kaleb. There was a slight hint of a smile on his face as he approached the curly headed elf. His eyes were clear and none threatening. As a matter of fact, nothing about Arn seem threatening. The usual cold aura that followed a typical dwarf was replaced with what could even be described as uncertainty and willingness to please.

Arn nodded in acknowledgement towards Kaleb as the elf seemed to remember his name. That brought a slighty bigger smile to his face. It stayed there as his warning regarding a rash caused the young looking, even for an elf, lad to freak out and start slapping at his face trying to get the mucous remains of slimes off.

The soldier’s own face morphed in time with Kaleb’s. Arn’s slowly changed to sport a confused and alarmed look as the elf’s face showed mistrust and contempt. His mind began to back pedal and backtrack trying to somehow pinpoint the cause of such a reaction at what he thought were helpul and well inetioned questions regarding safety.

Had he mistakenly offended the curly headed lad by implying that Kaleb was not capable of ensuring his arrows hit only the slimes? Had he hurt the other’s pride by stating that perhaps there was need of protection? Kaleb’s sudden barrage of accusations made the young soldier throw his eyes wide before blinking at each word.

Confusion was plainly written on Arn’s face as he tried to stutter an apology, or an excuse or something to let the elf know he had no intention of being offensive or insulting. Had he known that Kaleb’s background had been fed by Bowyn’s own misgivings, then the medic would have felt sick.

Many other people would feel anger at having somebody talk behind their back and spreading lies without basis. However, Arn was the kind who would feel guilty that he had presented such a bad impression that the impression had been passed on to others. As it was, the dwarf’s mind was spinning wildly trying to grasp and comprehend where all this was coming from.

At the final accusations regarding wanting the spot light Arn took a step back. “Wh….what?” he managed to ask. In his mind however, the questions were much more specific. Why would he think that I am trying to compete with him? They had barely just met. The solider knew as little of Kaleb as the elf should have known of him. Even their small interaction could not have been enough to cement any sort of preconception of the medic.

The young soldier was still thinking on this when the lizard behemoth made his way to the two of them, a cloak of slime remains a testament to single handled butchery of the slime hoard that fell before him. Kharne’s simple truth seemed to release Arn from the frozen uncertainty the dwarf felt at being accused. He nodded his head as the towering giant moved past in search of more prey.

Hesitant steps made him turn but not before he looked back uncomfortably and said in an apologetic tone. “I apologize for whatever I did that made you feel that way. It was not my intention.” The young dwarf figured that perhaps Kaleb had had sour experiences with other dwarves before. After all, his people were not the friendliest of races and there was some animosity towards the fair elven people for some reason or another.

Even though his steps took him away from the young elf, there was a sort of need that kept him from just walking away. It felt like there was question to be answered and confusion to be dispelled but he could not bring himself to do it. Instead, he hefted his wooden mallet and whacked dispassionately at a passing slime.

Before his interaction with Kaleb, he had been in the high 40’s as far as kill count went. He moved more sluggish and lost any delight he had felt at being able to use his combat training on something that would not violate his code of ethics. In the end, before the time elapsed for the slime day extravaganza, Arn ended up collecting only about 59 cores.

It had not been for the money that he had ventured forth in this activity. It had been mainly to try and interact with the group that had gravitated towards Princess Annya. A small part was so that he would not be the only male in company of all the lovely ladies. Though by the time Bowyn had decided to accompany Rue, it was too late to change his mind without it being awkward. The dwarf sighed and followed the other participants to the various lines where one delivered their cores to exchange them for money. Much like the slime covered sands, his attempt at interaction had been a mess.

As he walked away from the tent where he claimed his price he spied Kaleb a few lines away. a few of those in line could hear the dwarf as he shook his head...."Well Shit"

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

🌑 Late Morning.

🌑 Riverport - Deep Forest.

🌑 N/A.

🌑 N/A.


Twigs snapped underfoot, weightless steps proving too harsh for old, dried husks of what used to be a tree’s pride. Slowly, a demonic tail swayed from side to side, topaz eyes scanning the moss-covered ground for clues and a path. Guarded by the dark embrace of an obfuscating hood, Ashari’s sight was thankfully spared pain otherwise associated with the large celestial orb residing skyward. In scenarios akin to this, Ashari was left leaning towards what he had learned. A Monster Hunter was not merely a slayer of abominations, but a tracker, and a pursuer. To slay the beast, he must first find it.

Tracks, haphazard and frightened, stretched across the forest floor. Branches lay broken and crushed along the stretch, and Ashari noted a peculiar addition he would much rather have been avoided. Blood, droplets of crimson red now a dark remnant soaking into the ground. This was not recent, but rather, he could determine that spilled sanguine wine dated back at least a full day. A small cut was the culprit, as echoes of life’s nectar were scarce, but trailed alongside a hurried gait all the same.

”Heavy footsteps, followed by..,” the boy frowned, taking a moment to analyze this scene before him. ”A party of them..,” Ashari uttered, eyes falling shut as a vast array of outcomes played out within the lad’s mind. Indeed, the demi-human he was looking for had likely met his end, unless he was caged within a sphere of bone, wood, and sinew. Ashari knew those movements, he recognized those following footsteps getting ever closer to his charge. Goblins.

With a sigh, the demon fell to a knee, tracing his spindly claws against the shape of a goblin’s heavy step. He recalled what the boy’s father had taught him, how these creatures were time and time again repeatedly underestimated and as such, earned themselves a healthy batch of adventurers in stews and cages.

’Goblins are pathetic creatures, Ashari. They are weak, cowardly, and incredibly dangerous. Yes, in a fight you would be able to cut down a horde of them without breaking a sweat, but tell me, where do you fight a goblin?’

In their territory; that was the answer Ashari could not provide when first confronted by that question. Terrain was everything. Today, he knew better, and he was aware of the danger goblins posed, the dredges of monstrosity, those who were often cast aside with a scoff and whose devastating actions were laughed at. The truth of the matter was, however, that goblins always held the upper hand. One never fought a goblin on equal grounds, one fought them in their own home, marching into a spider’s web.

Traps, ambushes, slithering in the dark, goblins utilized tactics that had earned them this badge of caution. It was true that a Blackguard like Ashari would be able to cut these beasts down had he fought them on a different battlefield entirely, but as it was, he could foretell the outcome. Arrows from behind bushes, spikes beneath moss, daggers in the back, and distractions at the front. These abominations fought as one, despite their presumed nature as mindless beasts.

Rising to his feet, Ashari turned and started back towards Riverport. If he was to confront this menace, he would need companions. Approaching a goblin’s den on one’s own had spelled the doom of those less prepared, and where the young demon was more than ready to meet his end in battle, it would not be because of his own stupidity.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Time: 10:00 a.m.
Location: River Port Beach
Interactions: Kharnem Neeson @Kazemitsu, Arn, the Trickster @Omni5876, Saoirse, the Unseen @potter, and Slime Slayer Ismael @Th3King0fChaos.

What had Kaleb reverted to? A barbarian? A savage? No, Kaleb considered himself a go-getter if anything. From his perspective, Arn only presented an obstacle to his goal of slaying a considerable number of slimes. Kaleb felt it suitable to combat the slimes by any means necessary. The dwarf managed to utter “What?” was disregarded as an attempt to save face. A man up to no good never revealed his entire hand, especially if he was caught without tangible proof. And that was the issue. Kaleb lacked the receipts to openly out Arn for what he believed the dwarf truly was.

When Arn apologized, Kaleb narrowed his eyes again but did not face the dwarf. He simply continued with his onslaught against the slimes. He was about to reply to Arn, but the towering appearance of Kharne grabbed his attention. Liam Neeson… The dragonborn was spattered from nose to tail in slime guts. And I thought I looked like a mess…

The demi-human spoke purely of the only objective that mattered to most on the beach. Kaleb was not most. Acquiring amas was great, but fame and notoriety were intangible currency in society. Kaleb stomped on another slime.

“Arn, you heard that? Kharne here is telling you to shut up and focus on killing slimes. You can buy me and my friends some drinks after this if you want to really apologize.” Kaleb would get a little something out of the dwarf for trying to “fool” him.

It was only a few moments later that the incursion of slimes ceased. The amorphous creatures inflicted limited damage this year due to the Slime Day participants and their enthusiasm. As the participants filed to the stands where they could earn amas for their slime slaying, wheeled stalled rolled up and down beside the lines selling memory glasses with images of certain contestants during the event.

Kaleb had wound up next to the Kharne and Ismael in line that would allow them to collect their reward for killing slimes. He found his breaths to be a little heavier than usual. The young actor hadn’t exercised like this in months and was seriously debating a nap after a thorough bath.

“Dragon-dude is popular.” Kaleb motioned towards one of the many rolling carts that were selling memory glasses with a slime-covered Kharne in various attacking poses. It was only natural due to the Kharne’s high kill count. Kaleb had seen his likeness in a memory glass swinging down on a slime with a flaming mallet. It was a bit alarming, but he couldn’t help but smirk at how cool he looked.

His attention eventually found Ismael who he had yet to formally introduce himself to. He appeared as a demi-human but Kaleb had already discovered his true nature due to the Raven’s many admissions

“You’re with us, right?” Of course Kaleb knew this. “My name’s Kaleb if you didn’t catch. I was- Wait wasn’t the sidekick-looking chick out here too? You know. R.B.F, short hair, cat-suit. weird boots…”

It wasn't much longer until the participants received their rewards and were led toward the east side of town. Traditionally, the River Port Spa, Salon, and Bathhouse offered complimentary baths and worked with the laundry service to clean slime off of clothing, armor, and gear. Those who relinquished their items were given a ticket as a receipt while they enjoyed a soothing bath in the company of other slime slayers. Once you were called up by ticket and name, you were meant to leave.

Kaleb, Arn, Kharne, Ismael, and Saoirse walked along the boardwalk in a sloppy formation. They clearly looked to be together amongst the crowd yet they were so misfit. Kaleb strategically placed himself slightly up front and at the center of the pack, head up, and his chest slightly forward.

“So who got the most? 67 over here!” Kaleb whipped his head from left to right at the others, now realizing he was in a weird position to make conversation.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Avian City
Interactions: Yuka @princess, Orias @Helo, Aiko @CitrusArms, Xavier @potter

Refugees from Roshmi had arrived in Avian City by way of the hasty amora port setup since dawn. Roshmi had been conquered, though, subtly, those that knew better knew it was under the control of the forces of Malthemoor. There were citizens that would remain, but the goal of Avian City was to provide a choice to those who did not desire the dominion of the Twin Headed Dragon.

Taking in refugees was not a simple task however. Wolves often used this opportunity to don sheep’s clothing, not all refugees were upstanding citizens, and the logistics alone could be a nightmare for the city that had such limited access. When refugees arrived, they were searched upon entry and all weapons were confiscated to ensure the safety of other refugees and Avian City citizens. The refugees were free to roam about so they could access food and wares across the four sky isles. Unfortunately, despite the refugees being welcomed there is a bit of aversion from the Avian City citizens due to many not being used to having so many outsiders in the place they called home.

Each group that arrived were met with the sight of the Sky Guard tasked with providing security to this avaliatarian operation. As Aiko approached a young Avian City worker hired to ensure the Amora port was cleaned, a swooping sound overhead caught the worker’s attention before he could reply.

An armored silver-haired, black-winged avian gracefully landed before the group. Though he did not appear hostile, his face expressed his discontent with those he laid eyes on. He especially stared holes through the skulls of Orias and Xavier. Not only were they men, but they were elves too. The armored avian man remained silent before locking eyes with the worker who had only been gazing upon his form.

“I believe you have a job you’re meant to be doing, isn’t that right?”

“Y-Yes sir!” The young worker glanced at the new arrivals once more before going over to the furthest end of the amora port.

Caelestis Verencia was now before small group of new arrivals, meant to welcome them despite his unwelcoming disposition.

“Terraneans, greetings. I am Captain Verencia. State your business here. Tell me about each of your backgrounds…” He sighed as he noticed something. “...and hand over the weapons in your possession.” He crossed his arms over his chest with his icy stare shifting between Orias, Xavier, and Aiko as he assumed one of them to be the spokesperson for this group.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Riverport Beach
Interactions:@Potter Rue Bowyn @Helo Eris & Raven @Tae
Equipment:Outfit visible from Disguise Ring,Armor(Not visible); Chest plate is enchanted with Armor of Absorption, Map of Avalia, Water Flask, A bag of elf and demi-human ears and tails, Small book and pen, Ama pouch with 2000 amas on hand, Three large red potions, Wayfinder, Hygiene supplies, Rose-scented Perfume, Location Sender, Shower Tube, Transmission Bracelet, Bedroll, Water Purifier,Axes with returning enchantment,Her backpack

Annya let out a sigh as the sea breeze had blown through her hair. The feeling of laying on a beach and just relaxing was like nothing else. She wanted them all to savor it. Her eyes slid to the men down the beach fighting slimes. They'd all be doing enough of that someday, but with powerful and well-trained dark elves. Her younger self would have been down the beach hacking away at the mindless blobs with a grin, but she just couldn't be bothered anymore.

For a moment, the scenery changed around Annya. She was in a clearing on a cloudy day, but not a drop of grass could be seen. Young elves in heavy army fighting hordes of creatures surrounded her. There wasn't much elbow room. Looking down, Annya saw her own blood-splattered axes. A young elven man collapsed to the ground beneath her feet and stared up at her as the life drained from his eyes. Annya tensed up and shook her head, shaking away the scenery.

How can I tell them that's the world I have to bring them in? How dare I even do such a thing to these young humans?

Eris's voice pulled her attention as if the universe was taunting her for her question. She was unfamiliar with the elven woman, but what she had shown Annya so far had simply been kindness, offering to buy them bathing suits and speaking to all with nothing but respect. She listened intently to her words. She knew they'd probably ask this, despite her wish to try to relax the human girl, but it was only natural they'd be curious to know the answer to such a question. The fairy male, Bowyn, added on as well and she gave them both a smile. "For now, I believe we have maybe a day or two more of safety here, then I will have us proceed our next preplanned location. There, I would like to engage in training the humans to use their magic efficiently. Once they are advanced to the desired point, we will convene and make sure they are ready for the next step. If no peace meetings have been held at this point, we will have to push back. This is where we will work together to position the humans into an advantageous positioning within our army where they will be well protected yet able to vanquish as many of our foes as possible. Our hope is also to have as much of Avalia allied with us. With the humans, the fairies, the dwarves, orcs, maybe even the demihumans if we can change things around, we can outnumber and get the dark elves to back down from their violent disposition."

Her gaze moved to Raven, "It is very important, however, we take this time to find ways to control our emotions in this lovely and relaxing environment. I mean not to offend you my darling, but yesterday I saw you both lose control of them and this can be dangerous. I must remind you that you are not in your world. The laws, the rules, where you even are, are not privy to you. I want to guide you but running off where I or Kharne cannot protect or supervise you..." She continued to explain, "This is not acceptable behavior henceforth. You wield powers here that are tied to your emotions. Getting too upset could mean accidentally setting a house on fire that has children within it. I am responsible for the actions you take here so please understand. Let's communicate henceforth. If anyone needs alone time, please at least let me escort you to our room or our next base."

Annya sat up on her elbows, "I was actually quite a reckless and emotional girl in my youth! It took me decades to become this marvelous!" She winked with a giggle "What helped me was relaxation sessions and talking my feelings out. So let's all lay down on our blanket here and focus on our breathing. Pretend your body is sinking into the sand beneath you. Clear your mind and think of nothing else. Bowyn, Rue, and Eris, you can join in. I am sure this is a stressful situation. Let's all take a few minutes to unwind and loosen up, then maybe we can all talk about how we feel about this."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Interactions:@Alivefalling Alaia @FunnyGuy Vrexen/Astra @13org Myra
Equipment: Crossbow, outfit, Backpack with hygienic supplies, two daggers, flask, skinning knife, trapping wire, rope, small cooking pot, transmission bracelet, water purifier

Maeryn held his ground without expression as the beast sniffed him. Though his eyebrow raised slightly at being referred to as seasoned. The woman started to ramble, perhaps it was her nature to, perhaps it was to distract the demon who looked like he was going to begin to boil. He was grateful for her attempt as Alaia was the target of that fury. The words she was spewing were all the concerns he held and he could respect that she understood the power they held and may thus understood how crucial it was that each and every human be eliminated. His gaze moved to "Vrexen" as she referred to him.

"She will not strike you again."Maeryn gave Alaia a look perhaps worse than Vrexen's.

Maeryn digested her next statements for a moment. They were most certainly no longer in Sun Elf Kingdom. If any were summoned there, they'd be moved. River Port was small and easy enough to get out of. It was possible that she might be on to something, but he had a feeling they had a very short window to find the humans there. However, he hoped he could find more certain leads before going off in a direction. "Thank you, maiden. I find your deliberation of River Port an intelligent one. I am pondering however, if any legitimate word has gotten here and if we can find a certain lead. I may have to do some more talking with the orcs here. If nothing comes about, then River Port might be my best bet."

Alaia started to comfort Vrexen, but it came off rather patronizing in her wording which was a result of her innocence to such things. He gave her a look again and reached up to pinch her ear briefly."It seems to be our best option, Alaia. However, we have a small amount of time to find them there. Please speak to as many orcs as you can in the next few minutes and see if any information can be extracted. Return and let me know your findings." The longer she stayed away from Vrexen, the better. Maeryn turned to the female elf again, "Do our goals perhaps align?"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor Plaza- Summer Harvest Festival
Interactions: Caelan @Alivefalling
Equipment:Clothing,Backpack, Sketchbook with drawings, various drawing supplies, iPhone, a PBJ sandwich, charging cable, strawberry pocky, earphones, and a pouch with two rations of food, water flask, a bar of soap and a few other portable hygienic products.

Sophie's cheeks went red at his statement and she ducked her head as he walked away. Internal panic ravaged her brain for a few moments before she awkwardly hurried to the changing stall. She finished her second drink there, slurping away in her nervousness. Oh heck! What was that? Just a slip of the tongue? Yes... Yes. Just slip of the tongue. Caelan's actions reminded her of her own when she got nervous around people. She supposed being in a different realm would make one nervous, but he had seemed so confident before. Then again, he had grabbed her hand before. She turned to glance at herself in the mirror of the changing room. Nah. Look at me. I'm kind of a dork...But I've always been okay with that. Girl by the water fountain is number 4 in the movie cast.

After she changed and moved back into the light, she realized things seemed to be doubling on her. When she stepped forward, she stumbled. Sophie was realizing she probably should have been less impulsive being she had never even been drunk before. She wasn't really sure where her limit was. She bit her lip to focus. Nobody must know how wasted you are. Sophie determinedly told herself and began to take overly deliberate steps toward Caelan, "I am ready to swiiiim!"She told him then stumbled into the water, falling into it face first.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location:Avian City
Interactions:@Potter Xavier @Helo Orias @CitrusArms Aiko @FunnyGuy Verencia
Equipment: Dress and thigh-high socks(Slits on the inner sides of the sleeves), Black boots, Pouch with amas, Lipstick, Mysterious bag of fun drugs

Yuka had been admiring Aiko's pretty parasol, trying to secretly caress it with interest when Aiko wasn't looking. Her attention was then stolen when Koldar started making a ball of light in his hands. Her head spun to watch as her eyes flashed. Her eyes sparkled and she seem oddly enchanted with the shiny ball. Her gaze followed as it went and there was the almost faint sound of a purr. She just loved big lights and shiny things! "Um! Wow! That was ah-mazing! Are you trying to like blow up the sun because you might need a bigger one?"

She nodded with the grin still on her face as Aiko and Koldar both later suggested allies. "Yes yes! Friends galore!" She gasped overdramatically as a brilliant war plan filled her head, "Hahaha wait! Imagine we gathered a giant army here of hot flying girls with huge bazooms. I think that would be good. The dark elves would be too busy looking up at the sky at the girls to battle and we'd win. Oh I'm so smart!" She applauded her own idea, giggling.

As Aiko started to grab the attention of a worker, a beautiful avian man with black wings came over. I could just eat him up. What a catch! She thought to herself and grinned, nudging Aiko and giving them the look. The silver-haired avian introduced himself as Captain Verencia. The guy didn't even look her way as he gave them orders for their backgrounds and weapons. It must be because I'm so beautiful he won't be able to keep up the stoic big guy act. His knees might unbuckle! Oh my dear Captain the feeling is mutual! Please keep ordering me around!

If he wasn't going to look her in the eye, then she'd make him see her. She moved up in front of the boys and jumped up to make sure he noticed her, her hair bouncing, "Yoohoo! Hi! Me! I will go first. I'm a cute fashion designer from Roshmi. Hanami Designs is my family's store and you'd look absolutely delicious in one of our designs with a physique like that. " She put then put her hands up innocently, "Little ol me would never come armed to your wonderful avian city but if you want to make sure I have nothing hidden from you anywhere I understand!"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Dante & Darius

Location: Outskirts of River Port
Time: Late Morning
Interactions: Ashari @Shard @funnyguy

An entire day… The two had been traveling for an entire day on their path to River Port. Through the brush, over creeks, and in the company of several foreign creatures for part of the way. Of all the humans that had arrived in Avalia, Dante and Darius were arguably the most acquainted to the natural world of Avalia.

“How much longer? We’ve been on this path forever! You sure we aren’t lost or something?”Darius groaned as he attempted to peek at the map Dante currently held up. They’d been traveling without much rest, mostly due to their lives being threatened a few times since their arrival. “Dude, would you stop complaining for two seconds? I almost forgot why I joined the army.” Dante said, patting his brother’s shoulder ending with a laugh. “You want to hold the map?” Dante asked as he handed the map over. Darius swiftly snatched the map with a glare towards his older brother’s previous comments.

“Sure!” He said, purposely delaying the exclamation after he had taken the map in a somewhat rude fashion. “Two seconds…” Darius chuckled, opening the map to the foreign land the two now found themselves in. “Wait…” Darius stopped in his tracks and looked at Dante with an almost troubled expression.

“What’s wrong?” Dante said looking back at him. With a confused look across his face. Darius was shaking his head with his eyes focused on the map again.

“How the hell am I supposed to know where we are? You didn’t even put a marker or anything on here! Look!” Darius flipped the map over to Dante. “Nothin.” Darius had been so used to maps showcased in video games that displayed one’s current position with a reticle of some kind.

”Man are you stupid? We have nothing to mark it with nor do we want to ruin the only map we have of this place. All I know is if we continue on this path we will end up in the place over here.” He replied pointing to River Port on the map for Darius. The younger of the two brothers stared at where the town was for a moment. He was a stranger to things like map reading and navigating the wilderness, so it was hard for him to argue against his brother’s reasoning, even if it did seem kind of off to him.

With a quiet sigh of defeat he started walking again, passing Dante.

“You better be right! Come on, hurry up, why are you just standing there?” Darius obnoxiously called. “And I’m not stupid.” Darius hid a smirk as he currently led the way.
Dante went from standing to running past Darius taking this as a challenge “Yeah I’ll race you! Let’s see you keep up!” He said as he looked back at his brother.

“I’ll do more than just keep up!” Darius sprinted after Dante, nearly forgetting their situation. Perhaps it was the lack of sleep, the weird food they ate from the big green guys they met, or maybe this fever dream had reached the point where there was little care anymore. Darius was gaining, but that’s because he had the luxury of not having to be as careful and deliberate as Dante in the front. Unfortunately, it was the lack of deliberateness and attentiveness that had Darius step right into a noose of a tree spring trap. “WHOA!” One second, Darius was staring at Dante’s back, the next he was suspended above ground by the rope trap. The map and sheathed sword Darius had in his possession fell to the ground below. “Fuck! Dante! Hey! Dante! Stop running! Dante!” Darius shouted as his body swung back and forth. He attempted to reach for the rope around his ankle, but he didn’t have the strength or skill to do anything but touch tap the knot with his fingertips. “Damn it!”

Dante stopped in his tracks looking back at him laughing before realizing where he was. ”Oh,fuck you really are dumb.” He took the sword he had on his side and began walking toward him in a rush, getting about ten feet from his brother and swoop! Dante’s feet came out from under him springing another similar trap making him drop his weapon. “Holy Fuck! God damn this place.” He shouted.

“Hmm… Looks like we’re both dumb, huh?” Darius would cross his arms if it was comfortable to do so. “Dumb and about to be dead. Dumb, dead, Dante and Darius.”

“Dude let’s not fuck around now. We need to think about how to get out of these.” Dante said, struggling to free himself.

“When all else fails… especially your brother… HELP! HELP! WE’RE TRAPPED! PLEASE HELP US!” He screamed without much of a choice.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

🌑 Late Morning.

🌑 Riverport - Deep Forest.

🌑 @funnyguy - Darius.
🌑 @Alivefalling - Dante.

🌑 N/A.


Thoughts encircled the boy’s mind, questions of why he was here, why he had deigned to walk down this particular path. Monster Hunter? As of recent unfolding events, Ashari had rather taken the role of rescuer and guardian than hunter of beasts. ’He’d think you’re pathetic,’ came a thought as the lad’s spectral gaze trailed the forest floor beneath his feet. His father’s words echoed as if a mantra, teachings of strength and pride, a raised sword with singular intent. Halting his advance, the demonic lad took a moment to ponder, memories of a past he had once known parting its lips to breath down a slender neck. What was his role in this? If Ashari was to scrutinize his father’s words, so much had been left unsaid. Why did they ever leave the Abyss? Where were the other Blackguards? What was the purpose of chasing battle in infinite pursuit of primitive bliss?

Exhaling a heavy sigh, the infernal allowed for his eyes to fall shut. Bird songs echoed through the forest, soft padding of furred inhabitants seeking their next meal amongst branches and leaves, and the addition of a warm breeze licking past the lad’s exposed arms, caressing skin gray as ash. In that moment, Ashari was struck by something he had not confronted in some time; serenity. Silence wreathed in warmth, a harmonic beat to an otherwise chaotic existence. Would the boy’s father disapprove of this, as well?

In brief, whispering silence, the flora and fauna serenading a tired soul, Ashari’s respite soon found itself shattered. As if glass crashing onto an unforgiving surface, a scream cut through his moment of peace. He would argue that it was through reflexive action that the demon burst forth at a mere utterance of this echoing sound, his steps bringing him ever closer to that most peculiar point of interest.
’Here I go again, running into battle not for the sake of it, but for others..,’ Ashari shook the notion from his mind. Now wasn’t the time, he would argue. An excuse, for when was it more appropriate to contemplate one’s teachings?

Again, Ashari heard a scream, a screech traveling through the forest. Was this the demi-human he had come in search of? No, that wasn’t a possibility, for those tracks led in the opposite direction. Clenching sharp teeth, Ashari picked up his pace, the boy’s advance weaving past trees, twigs, and stumps as if a flowing wind. ’Every goblin in the forest will hear those screams,’ the demon seethed, his thoughts given life as he witnessed scurrying shapes racing him to their prize.

’Two of them.., and humans no less,’ Ashari frowned beneath his hood, the scene painting itself into a full display before him, traps sprung and goblins on the warpath. Leaping into the clearing where an inevitable battle soon confiscated an onlooker’s gaze, a dark shape manifested itself between his claws, an ornate sword of deepest black, coated in a layer of gold finding home within his grip. The motion was echoed, a shield coming into view mere moments before a loud clang emanated from an emerging goblin’s spear meeting its surface. Ashari stood between an ever-amassing gathering of green-skins and these ’saviors’ of Avalia.

A single glance over his shoulder afforded the boy enough to further question his choices, attention cut short by an arrow whisking forth from behind a bush, its jagged tip clashing against Ashari’s trusty shield before another was met by a deflecting motion of his sword.

’And what do you do, when you fight an enemy in their territory, Ashari? You won’t always have allies, you will be outnumbered, and the enemy will use the environment against you.’

’Cut off the distance between yourself and the furthest enemy, make sure that attacks from range won’t impede you.’ Exhaling a breath, Ashari danced between his enemies, sword and shield alike seeking to prevent bladed wrath from carving a memory into his skin. With a graceful twirl, the demon finally went on the offensive, having ignored his melee opponents, if briefly, before his Infernal Regalia connected with bow-wielding green flesh. Its dark edge sunk through the goblin’s shape, little resistance meeting Ashari’s sword as it proceeded to unseam the beast from shoulder to hip, an attack which allowed for him to spin, shield rising as he felt the weight of enemy strikes clashing onto its ornate surface.

’A Blackguard’s greatest strength isn’t our Regalia, it is our prowess. Others will underestimate us, a pretty face and spindly shape drawing a picture for them. Remind them otherwise with supernatural force, Ashari.’

Swiping the shield against his opponents’ attacks, Ashari managed to stagger them, his overwhelming force causing the two goblins at his front to stumble. It was an opening to allow for a quick swing of his blade, separating head from body.

’When fighting those weaker than you, there will always be a knife at your back. Always.’

Shifting his position, as if yet another choreographed movement of this dance, a display akin to a flowing breeze, Ashari spun and found a sword clashing onto his Regalia.

’If you’re getting overwhelmed, abandon your position and find a better location. Turn the environment into your weapon rather than theirs, if you can.’

And overwhelmed amongst bushes, trees, and leaves the young demon was starting to find himself. Another arrow came flying at him as he was caught up fighting an additional three goblins, the projectile nearly digging into the boy had he not disengaged and gracefully dashed away from a bout commenced with spear and blade.

’Are there soldiers available? Captives, an animal in a cage, a hostage? They, too, are your weapons. Do you find yourself in enemy territory? Create your own army with their resources.’

Another graceful leap, the lad’s feet firmly taking stock of a tree’s shaft before he launched himself skyward, Ashari’s blade leaving a dark, glimmering path in its peerless swing where he cut down the brothers from their prison, all before landing on the forest floor once more. ”If you intend to live, humans, pick up your swords and fight.”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Mole
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

T I M E : M O R N I N G
L O C A T I O N : M Y R I A M O R P L A Z A
I N T E R A C T I O N S : C A E L A N , S O P H I E , L E A F , S L I C K
T A G S : @Princess, @Alivefalling, @FunnyGuy, @Helo
E Q U I P M E N T : W A T E R F L A S K , W A Y F I N D E R , T R A N S M I S S I O N B R A C E L E T

Carefully reviewing Slick's words, Aurora remained quiet for a brief moment. She was perplexed as to why he was throwing insults in order to manipulate the situation. She wanted to quietly portray this as a caution to what he had consumed, but the thickness of his words seemed to be too reasonable with his personality as a whole. All she could do to lighten the mood was continue her smile, as weary as she felt towards him.

She let out a gentle open mouth smile as she decided to take her turn in continuing the conversation. This action had to happen faster than she wished, since he was already caught by a different means of attention, gambling. He was quite garnished for loving monetary means. This took more hold of him than the liquid he was trying to determine worthy of her time.

"They are new to this realm. You humans are so fragile, though," her presence took on a more motherly role, "I do not think it would be wise to let everyone become too distracted with fun and games. Why do we not take turns at investing in different venues than drifting from each other like a broken family?" She had meant to sound a little less controlling, but alas, she was not perfect. Sometimes, she came off as too strict, and obviously, now was a time, especially to someone like Slick, who seemed to not question his whims.

Aurora found herself always questioning herself. It was unwise to trust her natural instincts, as a Spiritual Advisor, she was taught to trust the Otherworld. The Otherworld did not come naturally to most, and being cognizant of this fact was wise. Of course, Slick did not understand, and pushing the burden onto him was unfair. The most she could do was try to keep the group rallied together. She also understood it would be harder to get them altogether due to her blindness. The varying sounds of the foreign place were not helping her keep precise tabs on everyone, and of course, the nightmare she experienced last night was refusing to let her put her guard down.

However, Aurora also hated quarrels. She did not want to verbally joust with Slick. There had to be something she could say or do to convince him to keep the group together. A small idea sprouted in her mind. It blushed across her cheeks. Of course, she was being a stick in the mud!

"Wait," she continued her smile, "You are right. While, I cannot drink," she should be true to herself. "I would love to enjoy swimming, but unfortunately, due to my condition, it's hard to enjoy the water. Perhaps, you could help me. This way we can all have fun together. After we are done having fun swimming, we can go gamble. I am sure the others would not mind enjoying watching you after a refreshing time in the pools." She felt a little shy in saying all of this. It was not like her to uphold something like this to a stranger, but she felt desperate, "I also need help picking out a swimsuit. I have never put one on before and need help finding something modest enough for my appearance. You would be a great help in protecting my appearance?"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 4 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: Aldrakh
Interactions: Astra and Vrexen @FunnyGuy, Alaia @Alivefalling and Maeryn @princess

Myra continued watching the winged girl, Alaia as the dark elf hunter would call her later, with caution. While Myra was not really sure why she was so unnerved by Alaia's presence, she wasn't all that comfortable around her. Eventually, as the conversation continued, Myra became comfortable enough to stop keeping a watchful eye on the fairy, instead only glancing at her from time to time. Despite that weird, unnerving feeling though, both the dark elf hunter and the fairy didn't seem to want to do any bad to them.

While things got a bit tense when the fairy tried to pet Vrexen, someone whom Myra was fairly certain that did not know what headpats were or what they meant, it seemed things wouldn't devolve into violence... Something which Astra seemed to be working hard to try and avoid, judging by how fast and the amount of strange stuff she was speaking... Which despite trying her hardest, made Myra get lost within the first five sentences and after that, when Astra only continued to speak, she just gave up on trying to understand anything other than she was speaking about humans and the dark elf hunter was also looking for them and instead just kept staring at Astra's mouth, amazed by how fast it was moving and how many things she was saying without even stumbling on her own words.

Even though Myra had almost no idea of what Astra was trying to say, she knew what she was trying to do, especially as she put herself between Vrexen and the fairy. Fortunately, it seemed like the male dark elf also realized what was happening and what Astra was trying to do and sent the fairy girl away in a task to try and talk to the orcs, in order to try and avoid a possible conflict.

As the dark elf hunter approached Astra again, asking if their goals aligned, Myra couldn't help but approach both of them, still holding the shiny spheres in each one of her hands, making each one of her steps make a soft chime as she curiously, albeit a little warily, looked at the dark elf hunter, sniffing the air around him and then looking at Astra. If she understood his words correctly, he was basically asking if they would travel together and if that was the case, Myra would have to be sure that he and Alaia could be trusted first.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Barboda Teff

Time: Morning
Location: The Ship
Interactions:@Tae Lizzie @princess Helio @Infinite Cosmos Tesoro @Helo Nym @Potter Tigerlily @FunnyGuy Ardyn's crew

Ping! A bullet had hit the back of his helmet knocking his head forward. It ricocheted off into the air, “You mother fucker if you dented my helmet you are going to die!” He yelled before finishing reloading another bolt into his crossbow. The ship was in chaos with cannons firing and magic going off. Adrenaline pumped through his veins and he grinned under his helmet.

Barboda stood up and turned to aim, retorting to Lizzie and Tigerlily, “I didn’t mean to get you ladies all worked up. Don’t worry I got this.” He braced himself against the crate he was against to steady his shots. He fired repeatedly at ten of the targets missing three.

“I give them about ten minutes before they are on the ground dying!” He yelled to the others on the ship. “Target any fairies or those you see with potions!” He added before going back behind cover to reload.

Caelan Knight

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor
Interactions: @princess Sophie
Equipment: A D&D miniature, a blunt, and the clothes he was given

Caelan excitedly looked over as Sophie left the changing room in her cute bathing suit. He almost missed how weird she was walking as he was too busy looking at her. It became clear she was very drunk as she slurred and then slipped into the water. He burst out laughing and then moved to knelt down by the pool. He grabbed her from under her arms and pulled her up, ”Sophie come on. It’s too early to drown.” He smiled at her. “Maybe you should sit on the edge for a minute and go in gently or better yet I will help you.” He said to her, crawling into the pool. He stood in front of her and reached his arms out.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor Plaza- Summer Harvest Festival
Interactions: Leaf @Helo and Aurora @Mole

“Miss…” Slick uttered, but was too late in stopping her from addressing him as a human. How could he have predicted for the woman to address him as… as what he was. Damn… He eyed Leaf who had the appearance of someone who pondered the divulged information. Double damn. Slick figured he would just have to let things play out. He hadn’t been around Leaf long, but he didn’t peg the cat-man as a threat to his type that were summoned here. Aurora’s “fragile” snuck past Slick as his attention was focused on the sudden vocalized revelation. He wanted to address her swiftly, but…

The lady speaks so dang soft. It’d also be mighty rude to interrupt such a pleasant blind lady. She just don’t stop smilin’. Slick was caught between a rock and a hard place as he wanted to be defiant, but decided to simply hear the woman out. Aurora had hit a soft spot for Slick, which was not an easy feat.
She first stated he was correct about her disposition towards alcohol before expressing her desire to go swimming. Shucks…She does have a point though. Slick raised an eyebrow towards Aurora but quickly remembered she could not see his intimidating expression.

“So give and take then. I help you play in the fine water and you let me gamble to my heart’s content… Hm… You got yourself a deal, Aurora. I’ll even pick out a modest little bathin’ suit for you. If somethin’ like that is available of course.” Slick smirked as he reached for the woman’s hand, grasping it firmly. He turned to Leaf and presented the Champ’s reins. “I know cats and water don’t mix well so you could keep Champ company. And don’t scare my dang horse.” Slick removed his slung crossbow and placed it into Champ’s saddlebag to the best of his ability with just his one free hand. He made sure to be careful in not damaging his merchandise but that it was also secured. With a firm squeeze of Aurora’s hand he started walking towards the swimsuit stall. “Come on.” He said softly as he served as a guide.

The approached the stall with Slick looking quite confused. “These are bathing suits?

“Yessir! We have men’s and women’s!” The elven stall owner spoke with the biggest smile Slick had ever seen. Slick stared at the selection. “Eh… I mean.” Slick had talked Mikazuki into picking out a revealing dress with ease, he had swindled the most gullible of people, and he rarely had pity for anyone. A blind woman asking for his assistance however… It had been the first time in a long time that he was morally challenged. Unfortunately, there wasn’t really a modest choice. The men’s were quite basic, but the women’s looked more like undergarments than anything. He’d have to just go with his gut.

“I think I’ll take one for myself. The black one. And uh… that one for the respectable lady here.” Slick nodded in the direction of the chosen swimsuit. He exchanged 10 amas for both garments before he handed Aurora her swimsuit. “How’s that?”

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Aldrakh
Interactions: Myra @13org, Maeryn @princess

Maeryn’s actions toward his fairy companion appeared to please Vrexen as his gaze finally left her. He was glad this hunter took his threat seriously.

“She will not.” He repeated as if it were fact.

I’m so glad he didn’t snap. Astra momentarily peered down at Myra who was holding her purchase in her hands. For someone so quiet, she bought those? Astra’s eyes returned to the soft featured face of the dark elf in front of her, same as Vrexen.

"Thank you, maiden. I find your deliberation of River Port an intelligent one. I am pondering however, if any legitimate word has gotten here and if we can find a certain lead. I may have to do some more talking with the orcs here. If nothing comes about, then River Port might be my best bet."

River Port… Our original destination.
Maiden? Intelligent? Wow he is really trying to subtly shoot his shot. A detour wouldn’t hurt.

"Do our goals perhaps align?" The question posed garnered a visible response from both Vrexen and Astra. Vrexen narrowed his eyes while Astra grinned. Both were interested for their own reasons. Vrexen would have the chance to hunt humans and even substitute Astra for someone much more capable. Then again, Vrexen had mixed thoughts. The dark elf hunter seemed more suitable, but demonstrated her knowledge of the current landscape was superior.


The two briefly glanced at each other, but their agreement allowed them to just run with the flow of things.

“I wish to hunt these humans… find their worth.”

“And we wish to get to River Kingdom. We had planned to cross the wilderness, but heading due south might be safer for our party. Plus as Lord Vrexen said… humans. They are an enemy we little about outside tales told by the decrepit.”

“An alliance. Temporary perhaps, but it will benefit us all.”


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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Dante & Darius

Location: Outskirts of River Port
Time: Late Morning
Interactions: Ashari @Shard @Alivefalling

Darius was aware there was no guarantee that anyone would come to his and Dante’s aid, so when he heard rustling in the bushes his face perked with a hopeful smile.

“Oh shit… It worked!” Darius could cheer.

Dante looked around and saw small green humanoids armed with their weapons drawn, pushing their way through the bushes. "Those are fucking goblins man if I've ever seen one! I think it worked too well. You better pray we survive.” He looked over to Darius with a worried expression.

“Oh… shit. OK, WE NEED REAL HELP!” Darius shouted as loud as he could once more before the crude sound of metal against metal filled the air. The two looked below, spotting someone wielding both a sword and shield combating the goblins. “Ha! It worked!” Darius could only watch in awe as he and Dante seemed to have dodged death yet again.

"Damn, I sure hope this guy is on our side.” Dante said to Darius, staring intently as the person cleared the path towards them. Their movements were impressive, to say the least. The warrior almost appeared as if he was dancing through his foes.

“Same…” He hadn’t considered that just yet. With the thought now crossing his mind, it was no surprise that terror gripped him when watching the goblin slayer launch himself towards them. It was then that Darius and Dante caught sight of his face. Gray skin and glowing eyes. NO!. Both brothers’ eyes widened.

“No, don’t!”
“No, don’t!”

The two men shouted at once before they were freed from their traps.

Dante watched as they both fell to the ground hitting it with a hard thud knocking the wind out of him but with the adrenaline pumping through him he was able to quickly grab his sword cutting his feet loose before getting up and protecting Darius while he freed himself. A low groan escaped the younger of the two brothers before he rose to his feet and lifted his leg to loosen and remove the noose. Sword! He reminded himself as he grabbed the weapon off the ground holding more like a baseball bat than anything.

“Come on!” Darius inched toward the green creatures but stopped in his tracks as they appeared to be coming from every direction.

Dante stepped toward Darius and turned so they were back to back before slashing at a goblin that jumped towards him. The blade slashed down its body before it fell to the ground. It was only mere seconds before another took its place! “Fuck, how many are there?” He said aloud before reeling back and stabbing the one before him in the chest and kicking it in the head and off the blade. Darius had just slashed a goblin across the face.

“Do you wanna count or keep fighting them so we don’t die?” Darius watched as the goblin reeled back while grabbing his face. With a hesitant step, he stabbed the goblin in the gut. The young man winced in disgust, never having committed such violence on anything in his life. He just didn’t want to die. Neither of them did. The two humans just had to hold their own until their savior finished off the scampering green creatures.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Shard
Avatar of Shard


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

🌑 Late Morning.

🌑 Riverport - Deep Forest.

🌑 @funnyguy - Darius.
🌑 @Alivefalling - Dante.

🌑 N/A.


And fight they did, fingers grasping swords before the two young men rose to the occasion, joining Ashari’s side in combating a green-skinned menace. The Blackguard held a certain distaste for goblins, creatures violating the sanctity of battle with trickery and mischief. Honor among goblins was mere fiction, a fantasy no one in their right mind would dare entertain, and as Ashari’s ornate blade continued to clash with his opponents’, the war demon took full advantage of his newly acquired position. Springing forth, the infernal raised his sword before it flowed into a weave of breezing cuts, a sharpened wind unforgiving and fluid as it moved from one goblin to the next. With his flank covered, the boy was able to narrow his focus, and with it, lean towards a more offensive approach.

Indeed, there was a certain beauty to be found in the echoes of Ashari’s combat. One would be forgiven for mistaking it a choreographed dance, an artform rather than a gruesome, crimson display. His breathing remained at a constant calm, the boy’s heartbeat maintaining itself at a slow, steady pace as air slipped in and out between ashen lips. A moment was spared to gaze towards those he had rescued, the humans. Were these the saviors of Avalia? The warriors of legend prophesied to stand against ever-growing darkness? How intriguing, and how utterly unbelievable. No, Ashari did not deign to entertain this particular notion, this insult.

With his blade vanishing in a mist of black and gold, the boy’s shield soon followed as he now stood motionless amongst a gathering of green-skinned cadavers, eerie eyes settling on the humans. They were spared danger, for now, with goblins having met their fate at the end of sharpened steel, supernatural or otherwise. In silence, the demonic lad took stock of his new presumed allies, a long, slender tail swaying from one side to the next, the glow of Ashari’s spectral orbs illuminating shaded darkness beneath his hood. Where would they go from here? ’Turn around and leave, Ash. You didn’t need to save them, you shouldn’t have.’

Sharp teeth clenched as thoughts began to yet again encircle the demon’s mind, confiscating his attention amongst broken flora and slain beasts. They were caught in a trap, both of them, which allowed the three to fight unhindered by further machinations, once the brothers had been freed from death’s grasp. Events lined up in their favor, despite how the scenario otherwise appeared. Springing a goblin’s trap in the middle of a battle was a death sentence, and it brought Ashari’s focus to the demi-human he had come to find. With this many goblins roaming the forest, rather than guarding their den, a conclusion could be made. There were no prisoners to keep in check. The demi-human was dead.

Allowing his eyes to fall shut, Ashari lamented these circumstances, if only momentarily. Though, it begged a question he would repeatedly ask himself. ’Why do I care?’ Again, the lad looked ahead at his newly acquired companions. If he left them alone in this forest, their safety was not guaranteed. If they were here, it stood to reason that Riverport was their destination, and as it was, the forest held no more development. Ashari had found what he was looking for in a result staining the forest floor. Goblins did not leave their prisoners unattended, and they only hunted in packs of this size if their den was left without the requirement of supervision.

”Let’s go,” the demon spoke, his soft voice accompanied by a turn before he began to walk. Was it because the three were likely heading in the same direction, or because Ashari felt some form of responsibility arise from his actions? He did not want to consider the latter, despite its relevance.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Time: Morning
Location: Avian City
Interactions: Orias @helo, Aiko @CitrusArms, Yuka @princess, @FunnyGuy Caelestis
Xavier’s Equipment: His sword, and

Xavier stared around the city with awe in his eyes, though he remained neutral. It spoke of grandeur and fancier than his own home. He felt his breathing quicken and his hands become clammy. One wrong step and he’d fall off. He swallowed and took a deep breath to calm himself.

His gaze turned as a winged figure approached them and he immediately tensed. After Captain Verencia finished his speech, taking care to note their weapons should be handed over, Xavier scowled. No way would he listen; after all, what was he supposed to do if things turned for the worst?

His heart skipped a beat as Yuka stepped forward and spoke in an unlady-like manner to the gentleman. His scowl intensified. Xavier pulled her behind his back and addressed the man calmly but firmly, ”There will be no need for that. I’m also not interested in handing over my weapon, but I come in peace.” Xavier held a hand over Yuka’s arm to keep her there while he glanced at Aiko and Koldar. ”What about you?”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: On the deck of the Harem
Interactions: @Tae Lizzie @Funnyguy "Boarding party" @Potter Tigerlily @Alivefalling Barboda @Hello Nym
Equipment: The clothing on his back: A unbuttoned dress shirt of the pirate-y variety, leather breeches, matte black in color, leather boots, in surprisingly good shape. Dagger, borrowed from Tigerlily

Well, they're firmly in it now. The other ship has begun fighting back. No one has officially boarded yet nor could Tesoro spot a ranged weapon immediately. With that, Tesoro stayed more or less in the open, being mindful of his footing and what nearby cover he has at his disposal. The sun shining down on his skin felt real nice, it almost had a rejuvenating effect for him he thought to himself. His limbs felt lighter, his movement crisper and even his reaction speed felt quicker.

Then shots rang out.

How did he not spot the guns? Subconsciously, or maybe consciously, as the first shot rang out, he turned to look at Tigerlily, who was uncovered. His body seemingly moved on its own and he dashed back towards Tigerlily, faster than he would usually expect from himself. "Oi! Get behind cov-" He shouted out. His body moving and essentially shielding Tigerlily for a brief moment. His words were cut off as he tumbled forward and collided with Tigerlily, taking the pair to the ground. His arm naturally wrapped behind her waist to brace for the fall. As a natural reflex, he dragged himself and Tigerlily behind some crates as cover. When his thought process returned to normal, the pain kicked in. "Mmm. Dammit." He grunted. With his clothing being rather loose, the blood didn't have anything to soak through. It simply spurted out from the wound. The bullet went clean through him leaving a rather messy exit wound. "Shit." He cursed. From his days in the fighting pits, he was used to spilling some blood every time he got in a fight. He has never been shot before, however. His right shoulder continued to bleed as he pressed his left hand on the front side of the wound as he moved away from Tigerlily. "Well this isn't great." He said as he stabbed the dagger held in his right hand into the deck of The Harem to keep it from going anywhere before he tore off a bit of his shirt and began crudely bandaging up his wound. "I need to get back into the fight...You alright?" He asked Tigerlily, as the pain was starting to subside, the adrenaline his brain was pumping out really dulling it.
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